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Omemee Mirror (1894), 31 Mar 1898, p. 2

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During the past \\ inter I was success- ful in securing a. great. qlmntitv of un- usually fine pump timber. This \\ ill be or benefit to all my cnstmncrs, and u m avrve to maintain the high standard 01 quality that my goods have eujuyed in the past. P1121118 far Even: Sewing "he " Ideal,” for 1897, is by an adds the best in the market. Its first coat is ver an, when you remember that it Is atria-t1) A High Grader, and the annual ("gist for maintenance and repairs is low. er still. I have handled those mills for six years and have never yet made a. repair on account of defect in material or poor workmanship. TELEPHONE 92. Branch at LINDSAY, in charge of Ami satisfactnm guaranteed In every Send fur particulars of my other lines WASHING ACHINICS, etc. G. WALTER GREEN. Fur engagement. and wedding Rings, \wdding pn-sauts and (Ihristmau gnmls, see W.F.cL':>rty, the Juwkn, Kent 'iL.,Lindsay, about it; he ran please pm with dainty goods at. Low g‘tiocs.â€" ~473m. " Auld Acquaintance " ‘A Fresh Start (men Win: The Race." 3-1. H. Susson begs to announce to his ends urn! normer patrons Hm! he hm: rv- nno-d business In the promises next to . ;;»r’s Bouksmro. Kent-st.. ”minty, and n.“- «m- :qulls a “unintumou of their .‘ :n.‘ Our Stock mm New. and was pu-r- w "vy svh‘c‘ed from Hm snmpl s m’ xhe ‘1 umnnmcturers. A r!“ Jmeurthe new- K {n0d\ In flue {notvwnr g'lwms (m hand. v k.» a .mnvpletc Mod: 01’ School Boots. 1 ~ :kn' Ru mun-s Evening :hoos. Walk“). ' E. » ;,(n-m’:. Rl‘lbbcrs, U xlld’s Rubbers. . iii name. Dcntlst. 420} Geo Dr F. A. Walters. Dentist. Mndsn’. Honor Grmluah- m lurrmtn Unh'crdty mu] Knvur Colin".- nf Dental Surgeons. lntrmh visiting Om. mm px-rimnvunv{opurhm all branch- 9-01 l’x-nnntry on xm- hues! and most im braved mmhnds. l‘rt‘s?T\':llh)n or the natur- 31 teeth a upeciauy. Look out for small l mu fake native-that thv mar-Mun House, Ifmd- my, has vhunged hand.» «um-u)- OPY‘N“. the maria-c, wlmrt- yuu mm have amp 9me tavnmomnm au-vnmmmmunn for yuan-elf um . .v. Ix our horse. ’1 no bar I _\ supplied wish ; best brands ofuquor and figure. Atten- e bowler BJWIP)» on hum!" Holmes at 11:3", Proprietors. Call solicited. Terms ‘rzmmlnblca-Jzo 3m 1‘: . ‘1. P9911312 McCullough, ':', If A it, THROAT A N I) NOSE. DR. YELLAND'S OLD STAND. TLY ()(‘i‘lil‘IED 1’3Y DR. KEM PT. Nu Con THECQOK’S BESI F RIEND Gnae-mee and Emily Citizens Steel Widmi o . Woo rUWUneuu! LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. 51c ml} Fz'nxmd door gnilvrs' in town » 2' 'oi. uu-i yum)" ; no slzurs tnclhnb. 3-. :nado hy the l 3105! procCSfi, Saus- gd'u‘nutcc-‘l. Gallery foot. (”Kent M... pp‘rsHa Erma" Bros , Lindsay, 0m. Eur-Sun. :‘bouzzrapher. I. o ’n Peterboro, Ontario. :‘J’ of Gt-org” and Murray Streets. “ Op‘ncu Helms: a.m.; ltoip. m. 7toSp.m mix min-e, o'fl‘r new Post Office, ( .7 -. un-r Bmclburn's Urvoery. Paul-1*: RH EVERY MONDAY. :0: Sulufimr. Notary Public, ac" Money to Loan. 9-11; ii {Herbal-o. ”Up-stuns. lhave :0 cunlhleuce hf m) patrons _ w Kw." - '. years: callsdicited .. Duxisâ€"m'dm Robert Buddy. ‘* Iikf)0!', SISSON ’00. Kent SL. Lindsay. or 28 Years PETERBOROUGH. 362. COMING 3 W. H. IRWIN. BET, OMEN! BE. h) for U! ON'I'A IUO. ed, “Raisin games, eh?" “liaising what?‘ asked the humane gentleman. "Why. game fowls," returned the other. “Game fowls? What can you be talking uhoul?" said the gentleman, getting a little net- tlcd. “Why. I never thought of such a thingl” “Well, them’s game chickens. just the same,” said the trmlesnmn. A light dawned on the humane gentleman's mind. The proclivities o! the men of the household from which he had purchased the sitting of eggs had indeed led them to u pnrtiullty for game fowls, and by inno- cently buying a baker's dozen of eggs from the wonmnof the house and putting them under a hen he had unconsciously em- barked ln the business of keeping fighting cocks. He sacrificed the chickens as soon as they were big enough to broil and found them most excellent eatlng. but it is doubtful if he will ever be able to get up a reputation In that town as n prevent" of cruelty to “finaleâ€"Boston ’l‘ranScx-ipt. Dealers in English and Foreign Drugs, Patent Medicines, Oils, also, Garden, Field and Flmwr Seeds, corner Simone and George St, l'eterbornngh ; nearly '1 century established, and still enjnying the same Confidence of numerous put- tonsâ€"3m Strange to say, anothcrkind of hen that makes a good mother is the game hen. She seems to be engaged in an attempt to prove that a certain amount of amazo- niunlsm is not in nslatent with a proper regard {or the do es of motherhood. A very peaceful gentleman. not unconnected with the work of the Humane society, moved into the country three or {our years ago. Having occasion to purchase two or three settings of eggs, he bought one of a good working woman, who lived on the outskirts of the town. and who happened to have male relatives of sporting proclivi- ties, though tho gentleman did not know that, and would hardly have cared if he had known. The sporting proclivitics of those persons could hardly afl‘ect the hens' eggs raised on the place. The setting of eggs turned out beautifully. and in due time some exquisite little red chickens were running about with the old gray hen who had been their foster mother The chickens were so pretty that they were ed- mired above all others on the place They grow apnea. and before long their owner discovered that they were engagrd in war- fare most of the tlme. either with one an- other or with other little chickens lie- doubtable fighters they Were. too, and while any one of them would easily whip any chicken of any other brood. w hen they fought with one another it seemed to he a fight to the death. The peaeca ble gentle man deprecated these contests very much, but he was powerless to prevent them What could make them fight 50? By and by a village trndcsnmn who hap‘ pened to be at the plncu one day noticed the chickens. looked at the gentleman who owned them, winked broadly and remark- Mr. David Corneil has for service on Lnt 9, Con. 11, Ups, 8. Thoroughbred Tamworth Boar. See curds. Mmmmctu ring Furrier. Highest price for raw fur. Kent. Show». Duly House, Linda. y Not n [It Maxim For film. “My friend,” said the kindiy om gentle- man who likes to make acquaintances while traveling, “you should follow my example. I strive to loam something now every day." “No," was the answer of the quiet young man. “That may do in your line of busi- ness. But if you ware doing a vaudeville turn with me you'd realize that audiences seem disappointed if they don'a get, what they have been taught to expect. "â€"Wash- lnnton Star. icEen that is born on or before the y ot‘Mm-oh is worth dozens born in >Méy-H'June, when all the hens want to 42"!" The trouble is to find the hen who is inclined to incubation in the month of ‘e ‘ ary. Generally speaking. she must glare!) chicken herself. Therefore to ' ve March chickens you must ilrst have Mnrch’thickens. It is like the great eco- nomic proposition: To make money you fist have money to make it with. How- ewr, it is not necessary to inherit March pullets. They can be acquired at reason- abl‘o'rstoa, and every practical hon keeper .â€"--;..£b-from thosu wholesale gentlemen who can devote all their time and atten- tion to tho monumental task of making incubators incubate. and who are conso- quontly indoponilunt of the natural means of incubationâ€"will tell you that the early born pullet. who is under a sort of natural wmpulsinn to lay early lwrsolf. is, even when of no brood at all, of more value than the high bred fowl who declines to lay any eggs until the balmy springtime has come and eggs can be bought for 15 cunts a dozen. The eccentricitles of the sxttlng hen are beyond all account. No power on earth or heaven can prevent curtain hens from sit- ting half their lives. They will sit on good eggs. on bad eggs, on china eggs. on stones. on sticks, on nothing ut all. Turned out of one place. they will sit in any oth- er. By actual experiment a certain Plym- outh Rock (of whose breed one of the many noble qualities is broodiness) per- sisted in sitting for six Weeks running, though she was given no eggs at all and was treated with the greatest contumely, being moved from pillar to post and nillict- ed with sharp cornered cobblestones and daily driven away with violence from her pathetic attempt to convert these igno- mlnous rocks into the noble onesof Plym- outh. At the end of the six weeks she did give up further sitting. but she ap- peared to entertain no grudge on account or her treatment and would on occasion come and cat out of the hands of her late tux-mentors. It was in the autumn when she made this quixotic attempt, and she had already in this same year brought ofl' twu fine broods of chickensâ€"one in early March and the other in June. Other hens will never sit at all. The white blinorcnsâ€"those hens with great combs. which look exactly like roosters and are called “Cutalans” by the Spanish --will lay perhaps more eggs in a year than any other sort of hen, but they will not lay them in cold weather, and it is un- likely that any one of them was ever known to hatch a brood of chickens. The Minorcns will, indeed, sometimes begin to sit, but they seem to be under the impres- sion that three days ought to be, in all conscience, u long enough time in which to hatch out an egg. and at the expiration of about that time they will abandon the attempt with a great iluttcr and much do- nuncintory oratory. If they are fastened down on the nest with a board placed above their backs. they will stand up as high as they can under the board and let the cold air addlo their eggs. It is doubt- ful it ever any human being. male or fe- male, wicked or pious, Christian or pagan, ever got through without profanity an at- tumpt to make a Minorcn hen sit. There are other breeds of nonsitters, which are not merely too numerous but also too eon- toznptible to mention. The Plymouth Rock will not lay so many eggs in a year as the Minorca, but (she will lay what she does lay when you want them. and she will perpetunto her kind. Finn Sh. wm She wm. and When She #n’t flit Settles It â€" The Impatient In zorca_.nd other Nonuttonâ€"A Peaco- Ormond Walsh, EVEB THINK WHAT A MY8~ RY OF MYSTERIES SHE IS? G. P. MULLETT; 1’3 Broilers. ‘T’ING HEN. Mrs. John Magee. It is our duh’ this week tn (2‘ ronivle. 2‘ e «loath of Mrs. Jnhn Muses, ut‘ Julu‘b \“lle, dunern f Mr. Samuel lmxx‘us, “1‘ Run];- , \\ bid. and ew-nt monk Have nu Swurda) morning Inst. POCHisrd v. a» a \‘iciim uf LL grippc during tin-e \Hmm resultingin pneunmnia. The muliuai usaiatuuce l fDrs. Nasmilh «f Jnm-tvilic and White M Lindsay, mu! the goo! nursing 01 kind friends could notzu'uil Tl.» deceased was higMy respvcted by a?! of her acquaintanm-s us slum n by the large nmnluer who attended the funeral \\ hit-h took plan: on Monday tn the Emily (‘onwtergm The funeral cor- tege rem-hm! Omemee about I p m., and “as juined by qni e a number 01 citizens. The Solemn and impressive servix-es \s ere Condllt'led by the Rev. C. H ('«(m,p1wtur of the Janetville Meth- ndisn hutch. Miss Eliza E. Lang. 'Hw smHun death of Miss I‘Iiiza E. [mu-P, danglm'r of Mr. A‘ Lang, of Blu- ily, -.: ‘uturllay “101'“ng lust, “as :1 slim-l; 1.. our citizens. Altm-mgh Hm Jamar.) lady was (filing: for the Last year from the efl'euts nf at sewn: CUM}, 3‘20 was “HF. to go nl-«nt “Nil :1 Tu“ (“IVS prex hunt to her ”path. Mn» Lang: was un m-tive worker m the [mbmmn Church, and was :1 uenw'ul 2' \A-rxlr among her awqtmnnmm ~ S]; C It" [‘85 I (‘r All“. "-.;Y{ -: ed in _\vurs,une. xsmr Mm. my... three. hrothws tn lu- urn her um 'l'hn funernlon Mhnduy, In t Hum: d ing the unfuvuvastzuc (If; he -- v.4! h: r “as largely amended by and-rm .,,._, (riouds and zu'qnauunuu'es. 31.: h":- \'it~es at the house and Emil; (‘mm-zwr‘ “are vomim'lcd by Revs. 1‘}. 1:.«1'61'15 and R M. l‘nle. The bereaved relatives have Hm m-urt felt sympathy n! the pengle of km: en. tire. community. The sympathies of a. large Circle of friends are extended to M r. Magus and other rehuix es of drummed. Mrs. William White. The :.;.d he\\5 utha death uf .L'rs. ”J Large Stock of Ladies’ Capes, Ladies’ Virappers, Ladies’ EElouses and all kinds of material for makirg the same. QAGENTS FOR BUTTERICK’S PATTERNS. E I T ‘V 3" I t W, . :1... ._.- m .: 4%an fig E S .,,.._._ ”an ' 4 3 i; 4: :; ”v.3 45:45:5241-v "v. i ” ..- q- . - .‘I Evr v3 :2- ‘-. i; . i; 3;; 1132:; . 2..) 1': U u 1.5.; 41- z:â€" TUESDAY, WEDNESEAY mp -. . PEEL Ea, SUPEE’IETENE’ ELK 43.13? MISS COUCHENCT" ' Omemgef MISS YO UN G- at: Metilanyf; C marmmasafi: The People Who Make Most of Their Money Buy from Us. Everything the very latest in Mill‘nery. Designed after the very latest Imported London, Paris and Naw York Patterns, Including many choice productions from our own workrooms. Magnificent Display of Dress Goods and Dress Trimmmgs, gcluding Briggs, Priestly Sons’ High Glassed Black Dress abrics. Beautiful Stock of Ribbons Laces, Vsiii Hesiery, Corsets, and all the Latest Noij g9Si1ks Gloves' VV in Dry Goods. E-GEEL‘ Lovely line of Organdie and Plain Muslims, Prints and all kinds of Washing Fabrics. Wanted-400,000 Doz. Eggs, 50,000 lbs V7001, $75,000 in Cash. Eggs and W001 taken as Cash. N0 Butter tukcn on l-ku‘guin Days. Everybody invited to Our Grand MILLII'ERY and DRESS GOODS OPENINGS. TESS. 1V 0.25?qu 13 SONS. CBI’I‘UARY. New Spring Millinery and Dress Goods. Full line of Corticelli Balding Paul’s Silks 113 Stock. GREAT BARGAINS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT. BARGAIN DAYS TUESDAYS ADD FRIDAYS. OMEMEE and BETHAN Y. iv MILLINERY MILLINERY J A at, m l Z SESPSEEEEESES-i‘SESE 5cm ”1;; his U/ant' h-p journm'man’s kit, xut ms nu.» duds grew to thousands and thcs‘v Ionmkd a lull miliion as you; ltics for his pan nts pmnm! in. >1sz; LLzzg Utlh: ..,z;.;i‘.1 rotiw \"\ili'1‘- uur) Lxlxnb'lvmuc. ilxc vast f0;- tum- of thc Rum}; has vanished am] the unfOVtunutc mmum {unis befudf {Muzak-1:5 am; ilUHlL‘mah at the early: age of .27. Wm White, of Limluly, dmuhtor of Mr and Mrs '1' A “fiche”, Hftlxis ‘.O\\ h, A. B. \\'nson, the sewing 111:1- C11i11eirn‘elnm, started in Mrs!- ness here and lntcr v. 513111511: .1 ' He built :1 palatial n-sidcnvc on West Hi“, \Vnterhnry, overlook- ing the Naugntuck valley. He died in 1888, with his fortune fast melting away because of lnckluss business ventures in which he cm- barked during Ins last years. His costly home was soon Sold to satis- fy his debtors. It was turncd into the \Vaterbury Hospital. zxus nweivvd lwre 'l‘ucsduy exeninu. Mrs Whiu- Ins bern nilim: the past few weeks. but until a few «1133 :l',‘() no such swims rvsnlls “are llmnum nf. ail-“Min .‘u‘: Md \ivs ,‘vHJ'IH‘H Imu- His children, excé} )t his second dang‘uft‘r. Ethel, Vs: rc dc: 1d. Shc an. ‘ her mmhm \\ M to 1w :1: \Terwin's Point, In Mmmd Hp n Ethel marrieJ Henry Mcmiu, \5r\\.‘|m-. ,‘dr and H15 .‘dm'ln-H Izmv e :vnrflm’ .\'_\ m] :x‘ uHH-ir mun} friev ds inlhtr' \‘iciml: in their lwzeuvcâ€" ment. I‘o:,rltpu;:a. \Vatcrbllty, (20:111., 3mm}; _' Subbinu and nlniu-rmg mm Izthcl I\ft,.\\‘s;‘.. (1:11: \Viiyon. E1" durinzrz I . .V .. ,1 \l‘lkl (u . (I) (7' 3. From Luxury :0 P5 {6: L; ;;( am on MILLIN LIE} Y A) k; ' l (A) Mr. and Mrs. M Ruth attended the funeral of the late Mrs. jolzn Mngee, of janctvillc, on Monday last. The floating bndge on Chemong Lake at Bridgenorth, has had its annual break up last Week, and in consequence we had a number of L‘lmnsmore folks passing through o‘ur village on Saturday last. LLSI. Miss Emzh Guthrie: hxs arriyc.‘ home from her visn m the Mm land district. Rev. C. M. Carcw stopped off at Best station on Monday morning, with the intention of visiting the home of his childhood, before going on to Toronto to resume his studies. Mr. Nurse has an addition to his stuff of workmen, m the person of \11 James mecrs. of l’cgerboro She has passed the last three months in New York with friends, alums: her adritt a week ago. Mic returned to \Yuterbury and has liuni with a woman who was a servant in her father's family for years. Now in a crty where her father paid $200,000taxes during his bus- iness Ethel Mervin fmds herselfa pauper. ME. 8. Dickson,-of Mmden, was visiting at the home of Mr. \Vm. Tully on Monday and Tuesday I: St. proprietor of the Merwin Point llouse. He deserted her in a few months and she obtained adivorce. Her mother died, and, ayear ago, sln: was left alone. She has done housework in families who were formerly employed by her father, and other other father’s employ cs hz-en uiven her sumsto keep her ulixe. She was afflicted “ltll a ncryons trouble and subject to epi- leptic tits. The sale of farm stock and im- 11.: mcms iclongmgto Mr. A. Reid ; Vans. mc‘cessful on \Vednesday Fowlers' Corners. «man-us «mu-r: ”I â€"‘.l~w f.1§..wk.. «.zu Alt _ 4 ‘ “(.69 1:13:55» .... Eng-S.“ l 1nd...- u-huiw “HI. 9;... 3:} (m Infill...» I r... g4“. . I’mrwv n I have been favored with the local agency for the McCormick :lar‘vesting Machinery, and invite everyone to call and limped sun- ple machines. The McCormick machinery is acknowledged by lead- ing farmers to he the best in themarket. For light draft, clear. cutting, and simple gearing, the McCormick Binders and Mowers haw no equal. Kcspectfully soliciting your patronage, I remain. yours truly, E318? Of 1311(1ng ”‘flfifm? Officers requlring Outfits, will find it to their advantage to give us a call before placing orders as we carry in stock a complete line of Imported Direct, enabling us to supply the regu- lation goods lower than can be purchased elsewhere LlEUTgAMES, Our Cutter, \‘Vooden \‘Curc, Lamps, Lamp Goodsâ€"Right Prices. Brooms, Brushes, Mops, \leisks, Cuttlery, Lanterns, Hay Forks, Farm Scales, Mixed Paint, Stove Polish, Boot Biacking, etc. Eggs, Calf Skins, Sheep Skins, etc., wanted. Military Has had several \cv rs (‘XICritnCC in Militan \\ ork, and “e can safclx guarantte exenthing Petemnm's Depanmenta ’ arv Tinware. Buy a Bargain lot for $I.oo. Best vglue ever off Granite \Yare, full line, cheap REG’rULATION W. D. Stimson. .W. .McKim, Mufti Outfits also Supplied L}- US. 130-134 SIMCOE ST- Suppies wa ”IL ivy? Stare. ’2 “I 22mm 1 ny’ watch n as I buy d3 meats the above Mr. R. 110th! Snud‘g' I'ith Ja Tue Trappe! tuar vest this 34:: Mr. B 5. (i Sound‘s-on bu Eh. I. F. Dix. the Slit“: act! .“t. WauGlas'. c: is building a 11:. I. n. Tk' vme on buaina Dr. Seeimxi man here Ive. viuit. days with bet u Omemee. Mt. Butt Mall‘ ms diner Miss last week. Before buying, ‘1 Sum stock of but styles, and Mt. Louxs Be! spending the an: uncle. Mr. Isaial Lorne Lodge, 4 contempinion a evening of the 21 Mm Janet HUD Omomee. after u. h» father, a: E‘k‘ Mr. J. D. Thorax ht: I barguu m a. township of Mam Ht. 3. McGra boon appoinud (Accuses. Cong: mu you receive : Ont Cituene 1 direction 0: frof‘ furnish choice m‘ entertainment on ocean with 3 put 10 to 16, for whom are desired. Ap; mom Home, Beale Mt. J. W. E indany Tut-ad LAW 0 F F I Cl Barrister and 1 brook. open In I 0 I D A Y we: burn's Grocery. -Tnecday. ._ Wed nesdsj ._And Then â€"Apru 5M1, ' â€"THOS. I“ __\HLLISE -â€"C‘ll und 3: Accident lat w making a. deep gas‘ der the able :ream Wo hope Sh. Come to one his hund. Mr. D. H. Corn? Berlin, March ‘2 in now in 1 most I4 “is insomnia. hue uppoute nnd hum he smokes ten u with gusto.â€"- Toto On Tuondny he: the “miners- 0p: Sous. mllutnct I ladies of Emily 1 “minor: shun I pitv of the man tho prion no out: We can Mr. David Ree but week and pm e'd thoroughbrec ball from MCEB‘ '0?! extensive 1 bred Duthsm cam Iwino. '1‘! have one of the l: wonient barn: lu

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