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Omemee Mirror (1894), 12 Mar 1903, p. 2

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3“]. I“ c..- I’"" -V, ,, “v -.--.- '5'" applied, "“d it would k“! "_0 even ifyoiiido not now and never “3°"? PeOPlc than these; but ll {3 will, smoking them in moderation all me more dangerous. because it garganslv hurts (L bol' _r h e does not do its fatal mischief m a Christizin Guardian. day or week. but insidiously, by ___________ inches. painlesSl‘)’. and even Plefis- Y. P. S C. E. Social at Prery :‘ antly’ yet none the “'55 certainly. tenan Church. Friday Eveni‘iw .- We can imagine a boy saying = §.7.;n P. M. Mr llurvev, Teach; - "leat! _One of those itinoqcnt 3 will give description ofnnd exper ‘5 looking things have harm in ‘t " I iencé in "New Zealand”. Vocal " lull me? Why_, I can MIC“ 21 ' and instrumenml music, refresh dozen of them m an hour? I hava ! ments c., c. Silver collection . . 5 done It, and It did me good. 1‘“: door. Allareoordiallyinvited, McPhetsuns General Sims and Bakew. The: building of Mr. T. A. Md‘ son is a massive 3 story structure, 1 in thc most approved and archita any solid style, which. howcv cr, ( not detract from the beauty of its tenor, especiall) that part forming store from. 'l‘hc building proper is So feat in length by over 40 fact in Width, kuh continuous additions from street to street consisting of a bake bonsc 20 x On cast side of a spacious passage way in the store are large counters and show uses almost hiddcn and filled with a variety of saleable goods, :1 part of which, only, can bc enumerated below. 40 led, stabling. Back of the counters, c., are wide aisles separating the above named counters and showcases from chests of drawers, surmounted by repeated shelvâ€" ing, containing a choice assortment of various goods suitable for display. M just a 5 really a s a pistol, although it may be slower, Mr. G. W. Stevens draws a picture of the boy and this death weapon. He says: Boy; the biggest deveIOp. ing possibihty known to men. Cigarette : a boy-kl‘lcr by a more M l“: m nid nrncess. It it did it ulna-u..- . w or less rapid process. Ii it did it straithVay, as arsenic or strvch- nine does us work, it would be better. for the preventive would $24. 00 which‘we will sell for $13.00. Two Volumes in Half Russia Binding, regular $20. 00 Edition for $11. 00. One Volume Halt Russia, regular $17. 00 Edi- tion for $9. 00. WRITE US FOR QUOTATIONS ON GENERAL REFERENCE WORKS. We have a. number of copies of the Stand- ard Dictionary in the The Standard Dictionary for Half Price. Two Volumés in Full Morocco, Publisher’s Price T. J. Ford 8600., Toronto. FOLLOWING BINDINGS: fcct, commodious sheds and 1‘“ so». ;, THEY KILL. of Mr. T. A. McPherâ€" * 3 story structure, buih mvcd and architectur- which. however, does Ithc beauty of its ex- -rhnt mrt forming the M-MM Among the goods for sale in the store: proper are Dry Goods, Rcady» Made Clothing. Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Groceries, Glass< ware, Carpets, Oilcloth, C\'c. This house makes a specialty of Men’s Fur- nishings and Ready-Nude: Clothing. 'l‘hc lmk: house contains a massive brick bake oven, counters, cupboards, and all the usual utensils, employed in well fitted baking establishments. The dwelling part consists of all of the first and second stories adjoining the store and all of the second story over thé store. All conveniences are to be found in both dwelling and store, and include lighting and heating. The store front is of plate glass and ‘nll windows throughout are brilliantly lighted with large panes. There is a large Foresters’ Hall in the third story, where meetings are hcld free from disturbance and without fear of annoyance to the residents in the vicinity. ne\ er feel so “ell as when l have oncin rm mouth, and Plenty of them in my poektt. and I am perfectl) niiScmble when 1am out and can t "et any. Anl, besides, I have tried to quit, and failed " Neveitheless, they'llkill, andtliat in a very few vears unless. indeed you have an iron constitution, which is not probable in these da3s of ph) sical degeneration; ccitainly not if you smoke to excessâ€"and nine out of ten b0}s do that “ho smoke at all And even ifvon do not now and never will, smoking them m moderation seriously hurts a boy .â€"T h e Christian Guardian. WWrWI-‘vaâ€" w. v-- wa- A quiet, but very beautiful wedding took place on Wednesday, Fab. 2 5th._ 1903, at “ Ccdarhurst,”1nc residuum; 0t Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Graham, Mount l’lcasant, when their’ daughter, Victoria 12., was united in thu holy bonds of matrimony to Mr. j. M. Shield, of Drayton, North Dakota. A14 o‘clock, to the strains of the wedding march, played by Mrs. C. H. Shield, sister of the bride, rhe bridal party entered the parlor. The bride was givur away by her father. The ceremony was performed by Rev. 1‘1. V Moufitcer, of Cavnnville, 'assistcd by Rev. H. B. Kenny, of Millbfook. The bride was handsomely gowncd in Cream Duchvsse Satin, with Train and Chiffon 'l‘rimmings, Wearing the customary Veil and Orange 13105501115, carrying a lovely bouquet of white carnations. The bridcsmaid, Miss.~\nnie(§raham, Sifitcl’ of the hrlde, wore a vcr) becom- ing goxm 0f whxtc oruandie, trimmed with vallcnclenms inscrfion and 13cc Oxer pink Roman and carried a bou- quet of pmk carnations. 7 The groom was ably supported by hisAcgousin, Mr. joseph Shield. After congratulations, Rev. M r. Mountccr, on behalf of the Methodist church, Mt. Plcasant. with a fcw well chosen words, presented the bride with a handsome and costly silver tea service. The guests then repaired to the din- ing room, Where a nicely preparcd and decorated dinner awaitcd them. Mrs. Shield recuhvd very many beautiful presents. A number of friends accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Shield to the Omemcc Station, what they left by the 10 p.111. train for their future home in North Dakota. Mrs. Shield was one of the most highly respected young lajics of Mount Pleasant, an able worker in the church and sunday school, in which the want of her amiable personality will be great- ly regretted. Guests were invited from the follow- ing placefi: St. 'l'homas, Bowcsmont, Grafton, North Dakota: Clurcmont, New Hampshire; San Francisco, Cali fornia ; (Iarbcrry, Manitoba ; l’ort Ar- thur, Barry’s Bay, 'l‘iisonburg, Hamil- ton, Woodstock, Port Hops, Corrie, Peterboro and local places. The Mirror joins {vith the numerous friends of the bride and groom in wish- ing them all happiness and prosperity. Tribute by Bethe! Circuit to Ser- vices or Mr. W. C. Swnzer. The following resolution was passed at a recent meetmg of the Official Board of Bcthcl Circuxt of the Methodist Church. Mr. Switzer has smce left his ioxmex‘ home in Emily and has taken up his residmce m the Town of Hterborough. What has been Bethcl’s loss will be Peterborough's gain. Moved by Bro S. W. Mitchell and seconded by Bro. T. M .‘Cald- well and resolved, that we. the members of the Quarterly Ofiicial Board of Bethel Circuit, now assembled, do place on record our seHSe of the exceeding loss We have sustained through the recent removal from our midst of Bro. W. C. SwitZer, a loss we cannot very well repair. Regularity efi attendance at the meetings of the ‘ Board, punctuality. business abil- ‘ ity, deep interest in the work of the church and loyalty to all just and righteous demands, faithful service as recording steWard for a long term of years, the genial smile and invariable happy ways â€"â€"all these features and more have combined to make him an invalu- able me‘mher t 0 us, and his deimvture a matter of sincere regret. Our best wishes follow him. however, whither he has gone ‘zmd we declare it to hethe earnest desn‘e of our hearts that wherever his lot may be cast, the hand of our Master may be upon him for gool. and when the day of life and labor is done, may he, with his estimable companion enjoy a full entrance in at our Father's right hand and receive an ahun- dant reWnrd for loving and pains- taking toil during life here upon earth. Signed on heha‘ifof the Board. Bad Manners, as a rule do not find their expression in neglecting the formal, ceremonious mles of etiquette, but in want ofcomsider- ation for others, in f‘act, in the unnecessary demonstrat ion ofpuz e selfishness. \ Now that is a condescension as viEe and bad as it is fullofegotlsm and 1‘s worse than a break in effete politeness. Hackev Chm Cmicm. Bast anal am] Fnreign Talent pm- cm‘ahla. 1.1212111th Prrgranime. The dominant idea is as though the inconsiderate pchOn were. saying: “Now, look at me;I am a great deal {win-r than )011 and could make \. on 100k small If I wanted to 51.0w you how well I can speak and round off my scntcxiCe-s. 1.12! 353ml are ignor- ant. I xvii! boar with )ou and only Show part of my superiority so as to st“! ovuxxhclm you with my fitness. HYMENEAL. MOSES RUTH, Rec-Sec. A RECOGNITION. BAD MANNERS. Omemee, Emily, March 2nd, 1903. 'Coum‘il met at ten b’clock, a. m., pursuant to adjournment. Present all the members, thL- Reeve in the chair. '1 he minutes of last scsswn were read appromu and on motion conhrmcd. lhc toi'xm\i1g Communimlions “are ft'CLi\Cd, pczuscd and fyicd, that is to say :â€" nu , . From W. 1.. Herriman, ‘M. 1)., Lind- say, in re William Flynn account ren- dered and requesting {nil payment of same. From 5. K. :mnsrrong, scum 'l‘reasurcrol‘the “’l‘rent Valley Water-T way Association” enclosing memorial in re 'l‘rent Valley \\’aterway and re questing the consideration, passing and forwarding of same to the lion. Minister of Railvays and Canals, 0t -tawa. From the Sawyer C\' Masse) Company, Hamilton, in re Steel Road Grader and concrete moulds. l-‘rom the “Good Roads Machinery Co., Hamilton, in re Steel Road Grader and concrete moulds. From the Austin M’fg Company, Chicago, in re steel road grader. â€"- - - n "v 1: Moved by Coun. Wm. Herlihey sec. by Court. james Courtney. that the several persons hereinafter named be appointed the pathmasters and fence- viewers in this Municipality for the cur- rent year for the several road divisions .as set forth in By-law No. 260, each person naimd being the pathmaster for the‘Division the number of which is set opposite his name and that each of j said named pathmasttrs be alsoafence- ; viewer, thai is to say 2â€"â€" Messrs. W. B. Anderson and W. R. Scott appeared repnsent ng respective- ly the Sawyer Massey Co. and the Good Roads Machinery Co. Moved by Coun. \V111.',Hcr1ihey sec. by Coun. James Ccurméy, that the memorial in re 'l‘rent Valley Waterway be read a first timeâ€"‘Carricd. Richard Poust I, Robt. J. Hayes 2, Wm. J. Findlay 3, Joseph .-\ Ruther- ford 4, John Barman 5, (.‘lmrlcs Fee 6. Walter J. Boyd 7, Wm. J. Jackson 8, Joseph‘Bmdlc‘y 9, Francis Fee 10, Samuel B. Carcu‘ n, Evans Storey 12, William Batman 13, \Vm. Couinghnn. 14, Thomas Mitcliclrfis, Wm McCar- re” 16, T1105. B. Bradley 17, (Eco. A. McQuadc 18, Wm. Dcycl! IQ, Josey-h Sanderson 20, Henry McQuade 21, Robert McElwnin 22, john '1‘. Switzcr 2 3, john O’Donnell 24', joscph Davis 25 26, Adam Spence 27, John W Gillis 23, Isaac Moore 29 CV 30, john Garvey 31, Michasl Croulcy 3 , Fran- cis Kcarns 33, Daniel Curmudy 34 L'\ 35, 'l‘honlagi31'0\\'lcy 36, M ichhcf Fitz patrick 37, Edmund liivkcygS, (”m-o. Connell 39, Edward Clancy 40, Ed- mund Herlihcy 41, Wm l’iggott 42, Ncil Murray 43, John Winn 44, 'l‘hos. Harrington 45, Charles Mechan 46, Timothy hrlon‘i'isscy 47, Ruben I’crdUc 48, Albert J. Ryan 49,‘ Timothy C111- Iaghan 50, Martin J. llorgan 51, Robt. Purdue Jr. 52, ' George Kennedy 53, Wm. J. Patrick 5‘4, Mic‘hnel (laery 55, John Corlzctt 56, John Graham 57, Richard Padgct 58, Chas. Millage 59, (Eco. A. Brown 60, Matthew Wilson 61, Chas. Corncil 62,! (:lcor're, Winn 63, John Murr'ay 64, Win. J. WVhite 65, Samuel Connell 66,1(Ecorgc B. Fee 67, Robert . Wilson :68, Gauge Renders-cu Emily Council Proceedings. 69, Michael ].4Clancy 70, Joseph Lucas 71, Martin Harringten 72, Robeit White 73, Wni; Moriéiijé, Thos. H. Fee 75, David Vannatto 76, Dennis Fitzpatrick 77, J35. I): (YBrit-n 7S, jamcs Jackson 79, Benjamin McCar- rcll 80, Walter Monoriéf 81, 'l‘homas 'I‘wcmcy 82, Jas. 'l‘oomcy S3, ’l‘lzomas O’Neill 84, james Blackwell 35, T1105. Fry 86, Wm. Barrett 87, john Travis 88, Daniel O’Neill 89, Robt. j. New- man 90, Francis bcuily 91, Arthur Franks, (icorgc Franks 93. That the duties of such patlxmastcrs be extended to include ' the keeping open of the public roads in this Muni- cipality during the sleigli‘ing season and further that Lh: following named per- sons be the {onnd-kccpcrs in this Mu- nicipality for the current ycar, that is to Gay :â€"â€" George B. Fee 1, ”Sui II. Best Henn lack on 3, John; I‘radley llancis Kca ns 5, John 1 ‘zm dcrson 'l‘hog. Lowe y 7, jacobi McBricn Damcl W Inn 9, Eugene Shine Michael 13:1 nn H, Robert Perdue 1:15 C Ieaxl 13,135 1*‘. Kennedy Damcl Winn 9, Eugene Shine 10, Michael Flgnn 11, Robert Perdue 12, 1:15. C. Lenny I3, jas. F. Kennedy I4. And that the Clerk do now draft the usual By-Law confirming these appoint- ments.â€"â€"(‘arried. Moved by Coun. Jas. Courtney, sec. by Coun. Isaac H. Fee, that orders be issued on the 'I‘reasurer as follows, that is to say 2»â€" W m. O’Neil for gravel used on road divisions 40 and 43 in 1902 ‘ . . . ~.$ 2 48 Wm. Hel‘lil‘lt‘y for repairing bridge on road indieu of Middle Line, in 1902 . . . I oo Chas. \V. Richards on EICEBunt'- of printing contract -,.-,r. . 5 oo Carried a $ 8 48 Moved by coun. \v. Low-cs, see. by coun. Isaac H. Fritt, that the memorial in re: Trent valley waterway be read a sccnntl and a third time and finally passed and that the. Rec-ye and clerk do sign and affix the corporate seal thereto and that the same be forwarded to the Minister of Railways and canals, Ottawa, by the Clez'k.~~carried. Moved by com. Isaac H. Fee, sec. by coun. wm. Loans, that By-mw N0. 318 for the purpose of confirming the ap- pointment of pathmasters, fence-view- ers and pound-keepers in this Munici- pality for‘the current year be now in- troduced and read afirsttfimg.â€"Carricd. Moved by coun. Wm. limes, sec. by coun. wm. Herlihey, that, in the matter of the account of w. L. Herriman, M 1)., in re William Flynn,_wheregs this coun- cil is desirious of ai'b'idhfg‘tfhe'establish- ment of a precedent and- whereas an order has already been-paSSed for pay- ment of the liability assumed therein that no further payment be made and that the Clerk be and is hereby instruc- ted to forward a copy of this motion to ur. nerriman Pâ€"v carried. moved by coun. Jvarnes Courtngy, sec by coun. wm. Hurlihey, that the Reeve and clerk be and are hereby authorised to Sign a “Trial order contract” for one “New wantcm RCVCTSIDIC Road Machme manufactured by the Sawyer MasscyCo. Limited, including one extra blade therefor, the price (providing said maâ€" chine docs work as per guarantee), to be $235.00, (I. 0. 12., at omemce station, payable 151 November, 1903, without interest." carricd. MOth by mun. Wm. Lowcs, sec. by coun. Isaac H. Fee, tlmtny-mw N0. 318 be now read a second and a third time and finally passed and that the. Reeve and clerk do sign and affix the corpor- ate seal tlxcrcto.â€"â€" carried. moved by com. Wm. Hcrhhcy, see. by coun. 5:15. courtncy, that this counâ€" cil do now adjourn to meet on monday the sixth day of April next at the hour of ten o’clock. a. m.â€"»carricd. R J (BRANDY, 'l‘ownship (‘lcrk J R BOAT E, Reeve. hi i Ayer’s Chcrry Pectorzl certainly cures many cases of asthma. ‘ ’And it Cures bronchitis, i hoarseness, weak lungs, 3 whooping-cough, croup, winter coughs, night was held, at the home of Mr. R. ]. Mulligan. on Friday evening last, and was in every rcspcct :1 most sncccssn‘ul affair. The spacious rooms were bril- liantly lighted; and this brilliant-y was highly suggestive of the (‘hccrfulncss and social ability which characterizes the proceedings of the evening. ‘ A social, Under the auspices of the Imhcs’ Aid of thc Mcthodist Church, l he guests “at: as numerous as the house could “ell accommodate and :aL‘h seemed ton in: at makinv all tlu o: hers enjoy themselws; while Mi. amJ .1: rs. Mulligan 11L-rL- untiring 1n their ef- lorts to make their friends feel at home. The guests spent a delightful. e1Ln1nL in pl:1)i11g the 11511 :11 names, in §0( 1'1l (hat and in llStCflll‘." to the exquisite piano playinu of m. George xorris anL' Miss MCPllcl‘son. About: ten 0 LloLk refreshments of delicious coffee and cakes were served; after whirh the "nests departed feclinrrthat thLy had thn at a function 11.11 ch “as :1 MW in] in reality as M” as in name. “One of my daughters 1m! 3 terribl: case of asthma. .We med aimost everythin'gnbft when: re- -.--’- pkg-.9“ eleven Holidrs. FOOT BALL NOTES. Kenn“- vâ€"_- _ , almost everything, but without re- licl'. We then tried Aycr’s Cherry Pectoral and three and one-half bottles cured her.”â€"â€"Emma Jane Eutsmingcr, Langsville, 0. A meeting of the Omemee Star Foot- ball Club was held in the llradbum House, Tuesday evening, to discuss the business of the club. President Dr Keith, was in the chair and delivered an address to the boys in regard to how the team was to he put in shape to win the Championship. The minutes of last meeting were read and adopted. The 'l‘reasurer's report was read and showed a fairly good sum on hand. lllue and white was chosen by the large meeting to be the colors of the club. A com- mittee composed of the Hon’ry Presi- dent, Vice-President and Secretary was appointed to look aftera field and re- port at next meeting. The meeting closed with the singing of the National Anthem. Nuptials of Miss Mary A. Boyd and Mr. George MeCague. A very pretty wedding Was cele- brated at the residence of Mrs. P. Boyd, North Monaghan, on \Ved- nesday, February 18th, when her eldest daughter, Mary Alberta, was united in marriage to Mr. George McCague of Emily. The nuptial knot was tied by Rev. Mr. Yule, of Bethany. The brides- maid was Miss Eflie Boyd, sister of the bride. while the groom was supported by Mr. B. Jones, of Manitoba. ' The bride looked charming in a dress of white organdie trimmed with chiffon. The bridesmaid’s dress was of white org :mdie with blue lining. The wedding presents were numerous and handsome and included :1 beautiful gold watch from Mr. N. VanNorman, uncle ofthc bride.â€"â€"Peferl-'oro Review of Friday March 6, 1903. “published every Thursday Morning at "A Office. King Street, ' )memee. (“oilimu $50 $2.? $1.; $8 $2 l‘niumn ‘25 1:) B 3 l Comm“ 15 8 5 2 66¢. Professionm Cams. one um); and under. $5 per‘yuur, $3 for six mnnuxs, $1 101‘ on. n? m ). .cgu‘ nouces 800nm per ”no first xusor. Hon. 2 cvmn per line. out-h mmm-qnunt In- ”ughâ€"Normand measurement. 1: duos r0 um half“. .v "I" Alvefi-Iéfi'ments such as lost s ' wwwnchuavul g: Insertrd threw; Hut-:13 as; 5 one nsn «In cents. cue ‘ . ' Inkruloufict‘lltfl- h subheqnhllt ' mm“... [)n-nule, and Mammy-s are inst-fled .FFP. Advornsc'Y‘t'm‘ wm be c6) ‘ 1‘13???“ {0" an“: forbidden. l “"1"“! and haHEVB of a: verflsunmum fir“ me omcunm man than Monday. to be in sunsq‘RlP’l‘IUN HATES 'rnrmg' 31,50 per your. or SM , . . palujnwvquggy. _ I per ,uar U ‘. W. RICHARIWS. The proceeds amounted to The Omemee Mirror WEDDING BELLS ADVERTISING RATES: lyr. 43an. Sum. lmn. lwk‘ ‘. 25"..Hmugh for an crdmsry 1. right for bronchitis. honrue. rlds. 8%.: $1. luau: neuuirxniual mus und to kw . on mum. If; AYER Cu.. “sun. 33w. A SOCIAL. Editor and Publisher. nearly ‘ ’l'lm unfimlumde fire (If three weeks and left “8 with a mirage stuck n. In (lispom 0/: 7'1”) positimm preprnted {llama/an. l-‘IlfS'l' to incl-c L" 1311 1)] CA I; It‘EIJI'CTIOXS on all 1109‘!“ 'g" 3100/: (”"1 3”” ”mu as rapid- ‘Pfi (3/ as russiblu, I'd/wing ymr/mps a Hum/II or sun fur/m lo 1/0 x0. ’17,: SEC- 1}! OZVD wax to make (In: reductimis not rm]; 13111)] (IL, (ml SENS}:â€" TI 0334 L and put the ylrza's u'fifl'f'fi ("50 weir/:5 “Tm", "I’ll” 71/: l/w xtuvku. fir/tiny all pain/s q]. My .vi/mtlion mlo comulfratwu 'Il"r Writ/ml on Me [alter ram-st, mu] («j-(lay, l/w contractors (UV: 171 [XIX-""55”!" ’1’ ”OM Storm, _. and will.“ be able to glue m! the [)I'cmiscx m Tammie/{ell x/m/m iu Iime jbr r ‘1‘: Mr Easmme m Friends Mammwm figm Emmiâ€"mm @w i." a The MONTREAL, TORONTO and NEW York markets wxll be visited I€:I‘E‘C‘I’8§3§ 3:, by our department hands, during the next three weeks, and we have confidence in I“ asking our customers to await the arrival aand opening up of our NEW STOCKS. We regretted much during the rush of Crour clearing out sale, our inability to ban- fi‘idle the daily crowds more satisfectorily. We ”adopted the only means possib}y under the I{jcircurr.r:=r.’rances and done the Very best we chould to distribute the stock to as many as Epossible. . . .. . _ u {U H d «:4me our custom-”rs umljr-wmfs I]: -I no gym-l In.” 1v warm! m (d % ,w..s-fr;:-/.-mg (m4! ru-furms/(my our storm to INK/11’ tum; 1:”; m ion} and m- Ln THIN“. 2 a a g; S! '13] A70 TIE/1 DE. Is when: to gct Value for your Money. Our Stu]: nf(.ro« cries and (onfectiom-ry xs 1 res}! and \\ c1] win: a “e 81‘!) caray a full stock of Crockcr}. Dinner Scxs, loilct Sets; fang: x; Hummus. x". . In MEEAHREY'S : wchmullcullthc V'mdchiHin" (‘o’s Blah 1s “high W a «- at Lindsay Prices. Salt Henrinns, Cod Fish and Salmon 1mm, 1 u .«h (haters. Having bought"...w_r WW.“ _._ Our Millinery work-room is already in shape to work in and our stafi‘ will be at work this week. Our old country purchas- es for our new stock have been completed and will be rushed forwald. [lute] National, Peterlmru, be“ m:- cummudalimm Ln“ 91,1 mum to Farm. ers. A call Bulicited. If you require anything in spectacles uyeglasses «Vac. ('all and ham \‘uur eyes tested free. Satisfncnun guaranteed. P. H COM), Drug-,zist. and Optxcian, Lindsayâ€"1f. Windsor Salt by Barrel Sack. FRANK ADAMS, MANAGER. Din Neelands. D ICVTIST, - MN USA ‘1'. Visits the Omemee Commercial Hotel, opposite the new l’ust Office Bleak, the first Tuesday of every month. Admin- istered gas “in: great success for over ‘25 years. Beautiful teeth and splendid 51s. (‘rnw n and bridge work inserted. Lindsay 0mm: nearly opposite Simp- son's IIotel.-2S-ly The Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath 8; Shingh s, {anew-h ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for \Vindsv-x b; u " Cheese Butter ” Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldirgs Co’s Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasomd. Res. qualities Hard and Soft Coal; Cordwood and Milkwod. ‘ Call and gut our pnces and exannne goods. .. .- iII Cflice 7 TELEPIxONEsâ€"Agent’s Office, 77 B; Town Cffice, 7;; ‘M Agent, 087 (at Ufibb blfihbi W PETLRBOROE .r ’WWEPSE’SP5EEâ€"35252 25253519532525? 535 we are in a pmition to sell same by the Rural at prius as low .15 the lowcst. SUGAR BY THE CARLOAD 385 887 GEORGE STREET, FLOUR AND FEED fillieSm‘rs That Nevpgljjsapynjnts. M . BAKER BRUCEHY. : UMEMEE. to Sell PM 31‘}: RS] INKâ€"a jozzs'nci fofl advcx‘tist‘s'sv- uubfish ed \vcckl)’ :1: fiv dollars a yeur. teaches inc scicnc‘ and practice of; Advenlsing, and is highly esteemed by! the most succcssfu advertisers in (In country and Great Britain. L i h e 1' 31 commission allowed. Address Primcr's Ink 10 Spruce St, New York.‘ I canvassm WMTE‘D‘ 7| Lindsay ngn‘nf, P139. looks even prcuxcr x: appropriate rings and adorn it. We disphv and beautiful designs in fmcy finger ornament must suit you. Lookin stock is meansivc; p from xt not so cogth as think. \Ve have 1h: uv ful goods for ch'ling g A Pretty Finger Sick {151;2‘222. MEMBEARI ; The P092113 Jewelry Sb 77 Kent-St, LIN you: (1:1.5’65330 '- f..- Take no 9‘. ~ mingong at}: _d::.... . Luminous are dar. xiv-rout I’rll-r :- 1; Na. 3, 35 éczrwr s'mnzv-r. :2 :4 1 or tanned on receipt «.3 1.71:» azl‘ “unpe- ‘l‘he poo: Company \x; afloat} one 2 sold :26: 91:02:21. mm: Dragging in gnu. “'0 have no! u ’v:.- re? {‘1' 1 our to‘uraw an: Err 8!." AU": ‘ Bob- Current} am! lai: I‘I; tuba-coo an: 19.0 Fame :7, a ._ the rmu‘umer as in: nmri}. 1100 «1' :..!cd the- tin .. 1v? 2‘ ~ flat: to! but \u-hlw tum: 1n .2“ s Dry Goods. ‘m Till: I’: ‘11). ‘4‘: Llunilmi. Mr. and 11:5 ter, of Toto to Uxbridge. \Vcrc vE-fiuw Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. A. .\I Fonmre drugs at o e-t ‘ r'. c P H (OH), P: un. 1'. I‘m 'gis “run, Links: â€"t.‘. Food doesnt d1 'csg ‘ Appetizer; cor? L; constipated? Tongue c: It’ 5 your liver! ‘~ 32": s are liver pills pepsin, bilim. 5r: 5:. Ij‘ ' 'V \u. A‘. I The Cuumv of Viva. School (omutm n \-.: 31 a} m the I’rcsb3tcn" and 18. 1: program“ Drs. 'Wightman 5 Dentists of Peterboro, Omemee every hum Office two Doors era '1‘. Ivory Sons’ 652 Store. A. B. Terry, 113 an.“ NT ‘a‘IIJOIIS’, “ lmleszdt' and rch 01m“, Fruin, ("whim-Hunt) woddlu: Cakes made- u on lest! and oruauzexmn‘; m: 2:. x Mr. and Mrs. _’;‘Ll‘.‘.c> Commercial Hoax. \ l’dcrboro 1th weak. curesamc bvapp! \ m: :u 1R. \ >1..‘-.\ - 0:22 “on In! a, Fm}. n. Ups Or on Lat 2, Con. n. T- BRADY. Lindsay '5 Le Gmer, Kr“! E“ , “KI- “hr“: 12 C ”d be“ stacks In the (hum)- 2‘ "“‘u. Everything frval' an“! 1.!“ all colicked. Mr. T. Boyd li.‘ 7; . u' Bu .mcss Colicac“ pen: 8:: Eucxmeums mg “fiftwflw.° F," “30} km or net: 111101? 111»: g moustache or be Come In and See My Sic Oil Paintings. Chromos. 018. Photo and Picture Fr: finals. Fancy Tables. C} Writing Desks. Booksh' and many other articles able for New Year's Gift: Mafitcr Ex'ct'L-I Al! partxes \xighing to tra‘ C. P R" toall p01 .ztsm Man North \Vest. Hriush Colu “'ashmgtcn State. G c secure tickets at {Oxxest a caditzg at C. 1’. "R. Tel: , Ann. I I ' ’_ c, ~W A: p‘r '7 1 N/ ‘_ u; R " LY \£‘°~M An ' ' ' son; wammg LOCAL LZCON! Seed Barn:- Is sneer-Mm. y csi-d men; swank-s. Sate. s- fleet-.8; : for Ont s L. 25:. Al: rank“. A. Si‘cCafl'rexj, Age: 111;: SC “vii -UJ J. I. I0 (u uldf “ETC V3‘ innerv )Cza rice

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