:c. In Me Ily A. B.‘!'erry, 115 and “7 Kent 8' . Lludauy, \\ lmlesule and retail dealur in Oysters, Fruit, Cunfectionerv, l’un'ry Come in and See My Stock of Oil Paintings, Chromos, Past- els. Photo and Picture Frames. I5118018. Fancy Tables, Chairs, Writing Desks. Bookshelves, tnd many other articles suit- able for New Year's Gifts J. l. lcCBEA. Wedding (‘akes made tn order. (‘nknu Iced and ornamented on short "0'in. Al! partxes wishing to travel by C. P. R., to all points in Manitoba, North West. British Columbia, \Vashngton State, 526. C-, can Secure tickets at lowest rates by cazliug at c. P.’ R. Telegraph Ofï¬ce‘ . A. McCaffrey. A830“ Mr. and Mrs. jamcs Graham. of the Commercial House, were vxs‘xtors m l’ctcrboro thxs week. cure same by applying to IRA SHAW, Oxllénlee P. 0. Or on Lot 2, Con. 1 I, Ops. Mr. T. Boyd Esq., of the Pcterboro Bu ancss College, spent Sunday in town. '1'. BRADY. Lindsay’ 5 Leading Grocer Koâ€"nl SI, has um- M t! e larger! "id heat aha-ks m t}. a“ numy In clmose “um. l-h ery thing fresh and goml. A «M solicited. The County of V icmria Sabbath School Convention will (I). \ .) be: held in the l’rcsbï¬crinn Church Omcmec, on lucsday and \\ cdmsday. Man .1 I7 and 18, 1903. For full particulars sec program‘~ Drs.‘Wightman Scott, Dentists of Peterboro, visit Omemee every ‘jhursday. Ofï¬ce two Doors east of T. Ivory Sons’ General Store. For pure drugs at lowest prices, go lo P H LOAD, th. B Druggist and Op- tician, â€an; .â€"cf. Master Even-t 'l‘isdalc and mater. of Uxbridgc. were visitors at the home of M r. and Mrs. '1'. A. Mitchell, last wcck_ Mr. ..nd “:5. ] Enyï¬>h1nd dang h ter, of Toronto, arc \isiti Pg tri ndsb i: Omeme. “'0 have not a Hum-e! the price of our whu-upa, am her ï¬rm akin: tuhuccn, Hobo. Currency and Fni: mar chem-m.- Inluu'coc an- Iho tun-e 9'er and price U. the mmmmer as {m nut-r1}; We haw also ex' ruled the lime fur the re lt'mgu “m: M 5m \uahnv tugs tn January In 3904 THE EMPIRE '1'013 ~(‘( 0 ( U leilml. Food doesn’t digest weii Z- Appctite goat? Bswels. constipated. Ton ue coat; 1? It’s your liver! -yer’s IKE? are liver pills; they cute 3;:- pepsia, biliousncss. ~ \ Dry Seeds, sum '3. The Cook "Cong-buy “'mdséf, 5n}: W on. 1 and 2 sold azm recommended by all responsible Druggmta in Canadc. Is successluny med monthly by our ' 0.W31.adics. Satc.vflectual. Ladies ask your dmgg‘xs: 2o: Cook‘s Lance Boo! Can- Take no other. us all Mixtures. pills and immanons are dangerous. Price, No. 1. $1 or z : No. 3.10 degrees s’.rom:er.$3 per box. to. 1 o: awed on receipt 0! price and two seem sum 5. the Cook Calypany “1an1', on: __vA_-,As;, ‘. 77 Kent-St, LINDSAY looks even prettier if tastcfu‘, appropriate rings and bracelet adorn it. “’2: dispr so many and beautiful designs in plain and imcy ï¬nger ornaments that We must suit you. Looking over our stock is inexpensive; purchasing from it not so costly as you mtflht think. “it: haveihe most beauti in! goods tor wedding gifts. at Am one wanting sea d barley can se- BUGKINGHAM’S DYE $535.†loan. 0- Damn. on a. P. mm. .5 Co†Nunm. ’ a; bl’Wuat your moustache or beardâ€" 3 Mann! .1 hour: or nch blur! Then an: BUCKINGHAM’S DYE {gï¬g‘fm A Pretty Finger Seed Barley. W. EMEEAHTY’S. LOCAL LKCONXC .Ogok’s Coï¬ï¬pn Root Coupons} The Popular Jewelry Store, 256. All drunk“. Go $\‘ PETEBB3RC ANNDUNl'EM l-‘NT.â€"‘l!m-mg purchnmd the Drug Bushies§ formerly carried on un- derthe arm nnmo m JRMUND WALSH, I will continue I! under {hp ““018 mime. U wli! be my care 50 maintain the Mg]. repu- tation so long hPYd by the business for re- liable goods and for accuracy In His pnepar. atlon m medlclnus and pl‘ngr,p‘ions. The stock wit“ be inalnrnhipd at a high stand- ard orexcallenoe. Invnlng a, CO‘YNHOanl-e or patronage. very respectfully. DXCKSON DA VISDON.â€"3m. Mr. E. H. English was in Lindsay, Friday, on buiiness. Among those from Omemee who at- tended the ï¬nal game of the Series, in the Trent Valley League, between '1‘. A. S. of Peterboro and Norwood, which resulted in a victory for the former to lthe tune of 6 to 5, were :â€"Messrs. T. Boyd, Joseph Sherwood, Robert J. (lrandy, Edmund Morgan, Percf Shaw, Havclock Fee, Edward Keeps, George Glenney, Bert Wilson, Mossom Ger- ;main and j. S. Mills. . ‘ The Mirror f'r BORN On Thursday, March 5, 1903, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bland, a son. Good Tinsmith, steady indoor work throughout year. The Gurney Foundry Company, A grand concert and entertainment will be held in Bradburn Opera House, Omemec, under the auspices of the ()memee Hockey Club, on Tuesday. March 17, 1903. The Cast wall be composed of the Best Foreign and Local 'lalent, “hose performance in \ owl and Instrumental Music, Elocu- tion and Declamation has never been produced before an Omemee Audience in su< h excellence and profusion. Ad- mission, Adults 25 cents, children, 15 cents. Doors open at 7.30 pm; Cur- tain at 8 pm. See Programs. m. Harry Bland was avisitor to Ome- mce, axonday. just to hand a large and fresh stock of Ready Mixed Paints, guaranteed ab- solutely pure. large stock of lamp and lamp goods, plain and fancy lamp chimneys, woodcnwar’e, washing ma chines, chums, clothes wringcrs. A full line of granitcware, cutlery, etc: W. I). Stinson. Miss Maye Needham, of Millbrook, is visiting friends in Lindsay. Mr. Alexander MCKay, Inspector of customs, of Hamilton, ont., attcndcd the \Vcdding of his nicca, Miss Victoria 1:. Graham. Tim unders :mul lvns a limited suppty of Ne“ («-ntun‘ Sen! huts fur an": at 5°C pflr bushel, 0r Lat 16, (fun 4, Emil) Mr. Alt-x m. dar Harsh-.11] and h i 5 (Iauuhtcr. Miss Milly marshnll. of Ham- iiton, have been :11 the home of .\Ir. w. s. Graham at the marriage (.l'his daugh~ tcr Tox-v. While her relatives and friends hcxe lose lzcr company, (how: in Toronto will be gamers by her return. We lmvca full stack of all makes, shapes, Linds and qualities of dairy pails. All slag-5 I'l‘picm-d milk pans, dish pans, bread rising pans, covcrcu pailx', (linncr pails, cn-uuury cans, coal oil vans, our own makc being a guaran (cc ofthcir superinr quality. W. l). Stimson. your own interests [worth-ring one of (he ha-ax‘icst, cht made and strongest cans in the maxkct. W. I). Stimson. Miss Ettic Lee of Toronto, who was here on 3 visit to her grandmother, Mrs. ]. Murphy and fricnds, for up- wards ofa month, 1qu for her home on 'l'uuse‘ay last. “v. .v- vuw VA vul CALI hcavy, steel clad, samscn cheese factory milk cans, so that we can put your name on can as we make it ; all 30 gal- lon cans ordered before 15: of April will cast you only $4.85, aftc-r rst of April pxi :3 will be higher. Consult your 0“." intL'l’CSIS l)\'nrtl.-r;nrr AHA A“ Mr. Mn;.er, who is departing for the city of MC'NK‘Rl-IAL, wishes the MIRROR to convey his thanks to all those who have accorded him their support in bus- iness matters and their geniality in soc~ ial imergoursc. “Favorite Pr¢scription†makes weak women strong. sick women well. Ac- cept no substitute for the medicine which works wonders for weak women. Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are a lady’s laxative. Nothing equals them for gentleness and thoroughness. ,_-‘-.â€". wun tallure of the womanly health. They do not un-Ierstnml the close rela- tion of the general hysical health to the health of the dei ganism, until after bei anly diseases by the use of Dr. Pierce’s Favorite Prescription they ï¬nd the color returning to the cheek and the flush to the bodv. “Favorite PreSCï¬nï¬nn†...-u:-.A RUBI‘IR l‘ H, CASEY, Omemee, P. The burnished plum- age of the peacock owes its brilliancy and splendor to a. health- ï¬ï¬‚ condition. Let the bird be sickly, and the plumage droops and grows dull. There is no exception in un- omanly health. They do not un-lerstnml nu nI-w- ~ '7 Place your Order for One of our extra SEED OATS. WANTED. sing cured of wom- use of Dr. Pierce’s they ï¬nd the color :1: and the flush to TORON TO. [LndiEn], From now to fan. isï¬, 1904; for only 750. Subscribe now and get all the News. Morgan Bros., What Better Inducements Can Be Offered? Semi for our vlrmflnr, ll w ill cost you only a rust. mud. New Term Begins Monday Jan 5 Wm. PRINGLE, Principal. Tlu-n )xhy m-t HUI-Ind nscI-(ml where pun will he n-asmmldy sure of “Main- ing a pusition, It will cunt. you fess than at must a. hnnlï¬, “as received more uniï¬cation: for BnnLke-opc rs and Stem-grapheru dur- ing the [ant hm months than ea-uid be supplied. l’eterburungh. QM. Do You Want A Position. PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE T h 6 beautiful reshlunce on Sturm on Stu-ct, Ozmmcc, (at present being used as the Bethe] Muhodzst l’axsmmgc) is for sale Good stable and hen house in con- nection. Splmdid garden also good \\ all and cistexn Fortcflrms and further puxtirnlzus apply to DA \ ll) REA, Brick House for Sale. "THE CANADIAN EMPIRE " The new building for storing the ï¬re agpara'tus, c., is nearing complcnon. 17111 March. Rcmt‘mbcr the Hockey Concert, on Tuesday next, 17th of march. Or oh premises, Lot 2, Con. 4, Emily. Mr. A. Lang sold to_ the Lytle BIOS. one pair of matched bay colts, -coming three years, tor the handsome sum of 320.00. Druggists and Opticians, Nearly opposne Post Ofï¬ce, Grand Bunsen. The undersigned has on hand a quantity of clean seed barley for sale at 55¢. per bushel. T. B. LAIDLEY, 0n the evening of the zxst of Feb- ruary, the infant class of the mount Pleasant Methodist sunday school met their Teacher, Miss Victoria E. Graham, a few days before her marriage to Mr shield of Dakota, at the home of Mr and Mrs Brown of cavan. A nice ad- dress signed by Stanley Brown and Bruce Lowes, on behalf of the class, was read to Miss Graham, accompanied by the presentation of a pretty silver pickle cruet. Mr and Mrs Brown very kindly brought the scholars and other friends to their home and also provided a supper for all present, and a very pleasant evening was spent. W. D. STINSGN. County Convention, March 17111 and 18th, in Unnnnn. .Bradbum Hall To these whose natural Vision has failed, second sight will come with the use ofpro- porly ï¬tted glaSSes. There’s Only One way to get the right sort of glaSSes: to us and have your eyes exam. incd and tested. \Ve make no charge for this service. Seed Barley. OMEMEE LINDSAY. I 903 Omcmee, P. O. Omemee P. O. Ofï¬cé. King St., opposite foun- dtjv, Omemee. Mr. T. H. Fee has bought from Mr. H. George, nf London, t thoru'bted Clwater While Boar. He i a seven montlm’ old and “mm 2-15 lbs; he wnn sired by Buï¬'ulo King, who took ï¬rst prize at the Pan American and his dam took second ptlze at the same Ex- position. Kim: (image will be key»! fur service on [mi 1?. Cm». 5. Tenn. $1 00 at time of service. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of PhySicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of heart and lungs. ' Dr. F. A. Walters, DEN'I‘IS'I‘, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate nf ’l‘urontn Univerao it: and Royal (Tullege 01' Dental Sur- goons. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges mndcrafe O F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug StBre, corner Kc'nt and William streets. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. 3% Per Gen Allowed on deposits : May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1.00 and upwards. 4 Per Cent "“L‘gzzmï¬e' W. Flavelle, James Law. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours: 9 21.111. to 4.30 pm Authorized Capital N B. â€"nu\e :averal clicuta u ho desire to bm‘ good farm prom-rm at a bargain. ‘27- 'l) Head Ofï¬ce, - Victoria Loan and Savings Company. The umlermgno-l is prr‘parml to luau money on ï¬ruhcmn lam: property in large ammmtu at 44 per cent Small amuunts at slightly x..creuued rates of interest. l'erms of re paynwnt to suit borrow er. Barristers, Suliciturs «in, Lindsay, Out In Omguee ï¬rst Monday each month We have a mu stuck of axes at great- ly rednc d pflceï¬. Axe handle-8 the \‘en‘ Has-l rLuix-e picked second yrtm’lh, “him Hirkur), huge ntork tn choose trum m o n l y 230.. Brunms 31 win! :.n‘\'_\ u! :50. Maps 10 um! i5". Royal Canadian (‘mlhen “'riuuerb $2.50. Cut- len 11 Wind )usurtmelll and everything in househuld utensils at huliday prices. W I) Stlmmu. MoSweyn 8c Weldon, consisting of Dress Goods, Prints, Ducks, Drills Table Linens, Sheetlngs, Pillow Cottons, c. Call in and see them. 4 BASES UF NEW GUIDS W. BRADBURN. PRESIDENT. MANAG ER. TEAS and SUGARS Fresh Grocer 19S The Lenton Season: Fresh Fish, Finnan Haddie, Ciscoes, Bloatcrs, Sea Herring, Quail on Tortst Boneless Codï¬sh, Oysters, Labrador Herring, Fresh Trout, Pike, c., and all kinds of Canned Fish, Strictly Fresh, 4; PER CENT. STOCK NOTE. THE PEOPLES’ GROCERY ocvâ€"uu- .. c..- '- OMEMEE have this week received LINDSAY. $300,000.00. SPECIALTY. ARRIVING DAILY. HAS FOR Successor to Thomas Ivory Sons; Large Shipment of N eWSpring Goods to Hand. enable Dress sam ki 1.ng ennennn] enennnnn flnen POPULAR STORE FOR MILLINERY WWWQ-éé CHARLES IVO RY. Tonsorial Parlo'r-s. KING STREET. OMEMEE. 25c. Pipes - for 15 c 35 and .1oc.Pxpes for 25 15c' Pipes for IO 10c Pipes for 5 corn cpbs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at Trilhys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-dute Sperm} Vcnccdox'a Bankrupt Stock of Pipes First-Class Dressmaker and Milliner in Charge. Cut in Cigars CSHOPH mï¬dmï¬mc . COLYIN’S 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for FOR SPRING TRADE, 25 cents 25 25 25 25 IO N ‘( l. l‘ 3‘ H 15 cents 2 (I 1(5) (t 6‘ H Mailed to any address in Canada or U. S. for 1: months {or $1.75, including choice of two 10 color Autogravuxe-s enthlui “The Doc- tor" and “Contvnnmmt.†I-"ur f'n‘thm' particulars and sample copies of papers, write THE MIRROR AND In Omemee, on the evening of the. 26111 of jam. last, a fox terrier bitch. Any person harboring her after this IJOIICC will be pr'05ccu- ted. HARRY BRADLEY. Omemee‘ ary occasion. The family bdtcï¬lâ€"ersixvt-z} cents contains a supply for a year. The simplest remedy for indigestion, con- stipation, biliousness and the many ailments arising from a disordered stomach, liver or bowels is Ripans Tabules. They have accomv plished Wonders, and their timely aid removes the necessity of calling a physician for the many little ills that beset mankind. They go straight to the seat of the trouble. relieve the distress, cleanse and cure the aï¬ected parts, and give the system a general toning up. WEEKLY MAIL UMPIRE The ï¬ve- cent packet 1_s enough for an ordin- HE MIRROR, Omemee, Ont New Spring Mill Hinery ; ' and Dress GOOdSa - Spring Anmuncemeni LOST. {A D LEY, Omemee. 1903. dim-729$ " h.a;gas;naiï¬g“‘eee§é“;?1‘t.;a eyes 5110 d not ran to consult. Mm. Rheumatism cured at home by Dt. Roscoe’s Rheumatic Remedy. (full at the Mirror Ofï¬ce and secure as bank. Only .11 law left. They are selling lute hot cakes. It is highly recommeuduJ. Pro; J. H. De Sllberg. Optician and erm- orMéd eye specialist. from Germany. wen v'lall Umemee three “men a year, a. (I may be cgnst‘xlfl'l'lut the Bradburn Home urié‘r‘s $11545]: rérdzgtea. é.†consuluuons {Re â€C A handsomely Illustrated weekiy. Largest ii!- cululnn of my scientiï¬c ournal. Terms.“ l your: four months. $1. So (1 bynleewIngu-g. â€v‘. vqu can“- NIUNN Ci 36'8er New York ‘ Branch omce 625 F St... Washington. D. C. Anyone sending I sketch and doc-Igua- as! quickly ucemtn our opinion free I! m :- invenuon is probably able. Communal“ non: strictlyoonndent Handbook on PM sent free. Oldest army for securing panama. Patents taken t rouxh Mann a; (‘0. need" apecAtal notice, wltyout. charge. In the Sciéï¬tiï¬Ã©' Hï¬ï¬ï¬can. {.-