l3 :1 {4 H D ' ea namsemsasngas esrasacas asayesas asesam asasas 251919555352 2'. 2.9952515 a.“ as â€.35 ival of a an- the W3 ?e. 35.3 , ":1! in. m} in- dS’rl‘: 5'6 ‘5 cl wuasmstsa EWWMSE‘EES 25.95 as; t. Mil. (i. We also are. etc. In 3: Lindsay ystcrs. __,_~.â€" .A': ent, PB:- t, “ Dairy g5 qualities .. cocoa-coo... ll Oï¬ce 78 isay The looks even prettier if tasteful, appropriate rings and bracelet adorn it. \l’e di5play so many and beautiful designs in plain and fancy ï¬nger ornaments that We must suit you. Looking over our stock is inexpensive; purchasing from it not so costly as you might think. We have the most beauti ful goods for wedding giits. at W. EMCEARW’S. The Popular Jewelry Store, 77 Kelli-St. LINDSAY cook’s Cotton Root Compound I: successfully used monthly by over 0.000 Ladies. Sate, effectual. Ladies ask out {or Cook's Coco. M (on- oke no 0 r. as All Mixtures. pills and missions are dangerous. Prloo.No. I. 81 r box: No. I, 10 degrees stronger.†per box. Rec. 1 or annulled onrecelpt or price and two been: can The Cook Comm, Windsor Out. ,- oo. 1 and zeoldoud recommendedb: all WHO 93388182 in Canada. PETEBBGBO Dry Goods, LOC‘I.‘ LACOHIC The ‘ robins apparently have came to stay. -‘- a ' The strongest castle could be re~ duced by siege if the garrison could be starved out. The strongest body has to give up the ï¬ght ' when starvation weakens ' it. There are more deaths from starvation than the world dreams of. When the stomach is dis- eased and. the food eaten is not digested and assmnlatcd, then the strength of the body begins to fail because of lack of nutrition, and the weak body falls on easy Victim to the microbes of disease. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other organs .of digestion and nutrition. It restores physical strength in the onlv possible way, by enabling the assimila- tion or the nutrition contained in food. {'I was sick for over three years with a com- plication of stomach troubles,†writes My. john Hutastona. residing at 2942 Arch St. Chicago. Illinois. "Had tried every good phvsican I knew of, as well as many patent medicines. but received only temporary relief. One (lav a friend recommended your ‘(3ulilen Medical Dis- covery.‘ I immediately rocnrcd some and be- gan its use. Commence: to gain the ï¬rst week, and after I had taken only one bottle I could eat as well as any one without ex 'eucing ill effects. I took ï¬ve bottles. and t y am happy to announce that I am as well and healthy as any one could be. i owe it all to Dr. Pici’ce‘a Golden Medical Discovery." The sole motive for substitution is to permit the dealer to make the little more proï¬t paid b the sale of less meritorious medrctnes. e gains. You lose. There- fore accept no substitute for “Golden Medical Discovery.†FREE. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay ex use of customs and mailing only. Sen 3! one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or so stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address “â€150", aged 7I years. Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buï¬nlo, N. Y. Funeral on Friday, from Lot 9, Mr. Lang, of Manvers, is here house at 1,30, on a visit. Place your order for one of our extra heavy, steel clad, samson cheese factory milk cans, so that we can put your name on can as we make it ,' all 30 gal- lon cans Ordered before 1st of April Will .cost. you only $4.85, after rst of April price will be higher. Consult your own interests by ordcring one of the heaviest, best made and strongest cans in the market. W. I). Stinson. Sign of Springâ€"A full leafed horieysuckle Was left in our ofï¬ce on the 12th inst. Messrs. W'. Lang: and Zannah Hunter Were in town this week on busmess. Miss Grace Corneil has return ed after a pleasant visit with We have not whence-l the price oi Lindsay fnends' o-n tolmcuun, amber any king tubaccn. In our briefreport of the Ladies 1 Bubs, Currency and Fair l'lzi)‘ chewing Aid Social held at Mr. Mullivun's tubncco- are the same uzr and price to the consumer no formerly. We have also exvemled the tin-e fur the IC'IQIIIII tier: 0 l S rain-v tugs to January In! I994. 'l‘lili rilll’lllli 'l'OB.\L‘i'O (it) , Limited. Mrs. P. Fielding and son, of Coboconk, are visiting Oineniee friends. EYRNTED. .-\l".':1\\’ ISRIGHT B 0 vs, from I; to 2! years of age to learn trade. The Gurney Foundry Company, [LIMITED], KING ST, TORONTO. Mr. T. Boyd, of l’etcrborough, attended the hockey concert here Tuesday. that one pleasing feature of the evening's entertainment was a piano solo by Miss Annie Ivory. We unwittingly omitted to stutcl This is all the more regrettable, MPH C Owing to the exceedingly clever playing of that amiable young lady. All parties wishing to travel by C. P. R., to all pointsin Manitoba, North \Vcst, British Columbia,| \Vashington State. c. c., can secure tickets at lowest rates by l calling: at C. P. R. Telegraph l Ofï¬ce. A. McCaffrev', Agent. Mrs. T. Z. \Vebster and daugh- ter, Miss Marguerite, of Lakeficld, spent the past week with friends in Emily and Mt. Pleasant. This is an early Spring and Just to hand a large and fresh stock . I am ready for the Spring of Ready Mixed Paints, guaranteed ab- 3 solutely pure. large stock of lamp and l lamp goods, plain and fancy lamp 3 chimneys, woodenware, washing ma chines, churns, clothes wringers. A full line of graniteware, cutlery, etc. W. I). Stinson. i Mr. Lowery Johnson, of Rat Portage, is visiting his Omemee friends. A Bad Breath A bad breath means a bad stomach, a bad digestion, a bad liver. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation, biliousness, dys- pepsia, sick headache. 23c. Al! demise. _â€"______’______________ your macho or beard a handful Walt“ mm? Then mo Williams DY your: “numHI-EW‘“ '2ԠSergt. Major and Mrs.. Martin anal daughter, Miss Maria, Were at Otonabee last Thursday attend ing the wedding of Mrs. Martin 5 son. Mr. W. H. Trotter. For D“ ,6 drugs at lowest prices, go to P ll. LOAD, Plim. B Druggist and Op- tician. Lin lsa.â€"tf. Drs. 'Wightman 85 Scott, Dentists of Peterboro, Visit Omemee every 'lhursday. Ofï¬ce two Doors east of T. Ivory Sons’ General Store. Mrs. A. H. Toole and Mrsfl‘. Z. \Vebster spent Thursday With friends in Lindsay. A. 8.10157, 115 and ll? Kent St . Lindon, wholesale and retail dealer in (hours, Fruit. Confectionorv. Poetry. Wedding Cakes and. to order. Cakes lead sud ornamented on short notice. Mr. Jas. Cunningham, Omemee East, left yesterday for Toronto to undergo an operation UPOD his eyes. The Provincial Revivalists have left Omeinee for Fenelon Falls. Their last meeting was in the opera house when Brigadier Pickering delivered his lec- ture to an appreciative audience. Miss Flossie Casey, of Bethel, l is visiting her Omemee friends. Furniture Trade. I stocked up early and am pleased I did so. Both floors are crowd- ed and the goods are not all opened out yet. well to buy early. J. M. McCREA. A special feature of the Public Library Concert will be "The supplied‘ Spinster's Convention." \Vatch Do You Want A Position. for date. Messrs. R. H. and \Vm.Casey, were in Lindsay, Friday, on busi- mess. The Hockey Concert on Tuesday evening was a decided success, as far as program was concerned, but the at tendance was very slim, owing to the inclement weather and bad roads. The hockey boys will be losers by $15 or $20. A full report will be given next. week. Rev. J. M. Garbutt, of Fenelon Falls, attended the S. 8. Convention here this Peterbnrmgh, Ont. week. BETHEL. â€"_... On Friday evening, March 6th, some 30 or 40 guests were invited to the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'I‘. M. Caldwell, it being the ioth anniversary of their wedding day. A most enjoyable even- ing was spent in singing, music, games and social intercourse, together with an up-toâ€"date wedding supper. The pres- ous and many useful and ornimental articles in the tinware line were on ex- hibition. We join with the many guests in wishing Mr. and Mrs. Caldwell many more such anniversaries. friends near Millbrook. Mirror from now to .I an. lst, 1904:, for only 750. Apply to, Or on premises, Lot 4, Con. 14. You will do ‘ BUSINESS COLLEGE cuts to the worthy couple were numer~ ' 1 The Misses Ella Howden and Emma Switzer have returned home after spending acouple of weeks visiting » "iflï¬wva-ml â€" . ~ ~ .. ..-.~- . . ,. ~ . g , .. . val. mum .“1 M" ', y < «,,.,.‘.y.W:-;f,.. “.“i â€nary. We havea full stock of all makes, shapes, kinds and qualities of dairy ‘ pails. All sizes of pieced milk pans, I dish pans, bread rising pans, covered " pails, dinner pails, crcamtrv cans, coal , oil cans, our own make being a guaran tee of their superior quality. W. I). HAS FOR Stinson. ' Mrs. Kannawin. the President The Lenton Season: of the Woman's Foreign Mission ary Soc1ety, Wishes us to state Fresh Fish, Finnan Haddic, Ciscocs, Bloa/crs, Sca Herring, Quail on Toast that out of deference to the mem Orv of the late Thomas \\7j150n_ a Boneless Codfish, Oysters, Labrador Honing, Fresh Trout, Pike, C., and all beloved elder of the Presbyiterian Church, the social announced to be held on Friday evening next, will be postpOncd, as that IS the = day of Mr, ‘vVilson‘s burial. ANNOUNCE.“ ENT.â€"llnvmg pnrchnsod lhe Dru: Business l'm-merlycarri‘i d on uri- (ll‘l‘ the ï¬rm name 01 i) it MUN ll Jr W A LSII, i will continue It under the same nnnie. it. will be my care. to mnlutnln tho} h-Ich repu- ’ I \ A 8" ‘ ration so long held by the business for ru- K all kinds of Canned Fish, Strictly Fresh, Fresh Groceries . = ’ARRIVING DAILY. llnble goods and for accuracy in tho prepar- ntionui mudlclm-s «ml pi‘vs’cl‘nillrvnh‘. 'l‘iic- Stork will be maintained at a high standâ€" ard ofexcellem-e. Inviting a continuance of patronage, very respectfully. DICK HUN DA VlSDUN.-â€"3in. Mr. R. \V. Clarke, Supermtend ent ofthe MillbrookS. 8., was here attending the County Convention. ' ' NOTICEâ€"The public will please keep as quiet as possible while in the vicinity of Mn] Ii. Peel‘s, Sturgeon St., as his wife hasjust gone under an operation. A SPECIALTY. DIED In the Township of Emily. on Wednesday, March 18th, Thom s we have thlS week recelved BASES [ll NEW G FOOT . BALL NOTES. consisting of Dress Goods, Prints, Ducks, Drills. Table Linens, Sheetmgs, Pillow Cottons, c. 03.11 in and see them. Burying Ground. Service at the At a meeting of the Omemee Star Foot Ball Club it was unan- imously decrd e d t o celebrate Empire Day, 25th May, by hold 0 C ingafoot ball tournament, for vv m. urry 0. ary occasion. The family which a valuable trophy will be offered. A grand concert and entertainment in the Bradburn Hall in the evening. \Vatch for bills announcing the greatest event ever held in Omemee. OMEMEE MILK \VAGGON FOR SALE. câ€"n†â€"A good milk waggon. (capacity ' ""â€"“'â€"_‘â€"‘â€"â€"â€"'_“‘ We have it full stock of axes at great- , l)‘ reduc- (l prices. Axu handled the IOIIN POND]: vcri le:~i (-lmicr- picked set-mill yrmith, O 0 Cut 111 C1gar 0â€,“,le {no white llil-ki~r}',liirue stock to choose 8 from at (in l y 250.. Brooms a; eciul Trilbys be my at 251' Moi-s l0 .nn-Ll l5c. Royal Ir. cans) will be sold at a bargain. l - 6 for 25 cents " . l. ‘ (.an Canadian Clothes Wrinuern $2.50. Cut- \Vlm‘s 7 for 25 “ A i i “7*, H†___ ion :1 good ammrtment and everything Alabamas ' 6 {OF 25 ‘ in lmurwlmld utensils all holiday prices. Scotch Reel 7 for 25 “ E AXE-pl ‘21:, ElflFIRE l: \l I) Simeon. Up-to-date . 7 for 25 n 1.: Us; .. S . l u pecua 3 for IO . Vencedora 6 for 25 “ 42; PERCENT. B k tSt k . The undersigned is prepared to loan an rup 00 0f Pipes money on ï¬rst-clans farm property in _ large amounts at 4} per cent. Small 25C. Pipes - for 15 cents amounts at. slightly i;.creneed rates of - and OC.I)1 e u interest. ‘lerms of re payment. to suit 32 I). i, P S gor 25 u borrow-r. 13C 1",} L3 for IO “ ' ' 10c ipes or 5 MoSweyn Weldon, com 901,5 2 {Or 5 .. Barristers, Solicitors ML, l.indsu_v,()iit. Tobactos alwavs fresh at WM. COLYIN’S Tensor-la]. Parlori. KING STREET. OMEMEE. In Oine‘mee lirst Monday each month N. B.-â€"llave several clients who desire to buv griml‘ farm property at a bargain. n- . --I-l) liclorla Loan and Strings Granny. Head Ofï¬ce, - - W. PETERBORO D. STINSN. Has received more applications for Bookkeepers and Sleimgraphers dur- LI N D8 AY. in: the last fen months than could be Authorized Capital - $300,000.00. 31 Pp]; Gent Allowed on 2 ‘J deposits : Then “by imt atteml nscbcnl “here 7 . 7‘ you villi le reasiuiallly snreof nbinin- MM be dFPOSItEd or withdrawn ing a. position, Il\\lll oust you less any day m sums 0f $I-00 and upwards. 4. ' Per Gen Money to Loan on Real Estate. New Tami Billilli Mflflflay Jaï¬‚ï¬ OfliCe Hours: 9 run. to 4.30 pm J anus Lur, MANAG ER. ._._..___â€"-â€" than at most St linuls. What Better lndueements Can Be Offered? 881 d for our circular, it will cost you only a. post card, Paid on De- bentures. 1903 Wm. FRINGLE, Principal. W- Flfllllll. PRESIDENT. Dr. F. A. Walters, DENTIST, LINDSA Y. ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. Charges moderate O F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. J. P. Keith. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Vision hasfailed,second sight Surgeons, of Ontario. Special Will come Withihe use ofpro- attention paid to diseases of heart porly ï¬tted glasses. and lungs. There's only one way to get Ofï¬ce, King St., opposite foun- FOR o'm- .imauw.»wlua.m..ww.w..wmw NM M.«.¢m....1m.m.m will...“ w. ~ Home» mum, .m- ago-Aw my“..- w‘umrumnuxwm Subscribe now and get; all the News. “1]ng nrurrrsrs CHARLES IVORY, Successor to Thomas Ivory ' Sons.- Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- Large Shipment of New Spring Goods to Randi-i .‘A2.:1:.::;r:::22.;:;:::zrigrzrssgr POPULAR STORE FOR MILLINERY» Dress Goods and Fashionable Dressmaking. / _ . .- - g . ' . Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- TO those whose natural ber of College of Physicians and ( I w 137% “(M 4;. W : -’1‘W“‘Mm~mm mw‘wm‘wï¬rï¬â€˜dï¬wï¬r @1er ._ Wham...“ “a“... W . . ,. . 1 .. .. . to i . - ,w.. 2, ,, ‘3‘ . \ \ <“‘..'\J“ . ‘. xxx .\ ‘ - . \ \NNï¬AVQ'.‘ I have been taking Ripans Tab-tiles for the dyspepsia, and they haxe helped me wonder- fully. I do not know any particular way they eï¬'ectvme,.but they seem to give vigor to the entire system. I had a. sort of languid feeling. but since taking the Tabules Ifeel spirited and have not that melancholy way about me. I think they are good for a. general build-up Of the system, as they seem to act like a tonic. The ï¬ve-cent packet is enough for an ordin , bottle, sixty cents contains a. supply for a. year. LOST. Rheumatism cured at home by ;Dr. Roscoe's Rheumatic Remedy. Call a! I O h - f the Mirror Ofï¬ce and secure a bottle. it memee,0nt c evening 0 Ouiyafew left. They are selling like the 26th ofjan. last, a fox terrier \liot cakes. It is highly recommended. 9 1‘ bitch. Any person harboring her "953 J'H'D“ â€um" ° “d“ “aw“ eye specialist. fro Germany. will _ _ after this notice Will be prosecu- “’3“ 0'“""â€â€œ"°“ “m“ " yin" " m†" ted. be? “1mm. the Bradburn (ruse arié‘i‘ g lglli {oracles All consultations tree 0 HARRY BRADLEY, Oniemee. _rge. ' hG§e nai‘l'iig weak or impefloot, eS‘es cbo d not ran to coï¬sult him. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE THE MIRROR AND WEEKLY lllIL EMPIRE Mailed to any address in Canada or U. S. for Iz’. months for $1.75, including choice of two IO color Autogravurcs entitled “The Doc- tor†and “Contentment." For further particulars and sample c0pies oi papers, Write THE MIRROR, Omemee, Ont. I TRADE MARKS 'mNT‘s Demons Commons die. Anyone sending a sketch and desert inn my quickly ascertain our opinion free it ether an invention is probably atentablo. Communion,- tions strictlyoonfldent ul. Handbook on Patents sent tree. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken t ‘rounh Munn a Cu. receive sprain! notice. without charge. in the Scientiï¬c lineman. A handsomely illustrated weekly. Lament q!!- culnrlnn of any sclentlnc our-nut. Terms. in your: tour months. 81. So a by all newsde an O â€" - Mllllll c,_........., New ,1 l . Branch Otï¬ce. 625 F St. Wuhinzton. New Spring llllllirery : and Dress Goods - Spring Announcement. - 1 9 0 3 . -/. ii 1. M SPRING TRADE, it,“ Mr. and Mrs. James McCarrell spent last week visiting friends in Penetang and while there had the pleasure of at- tending the wedding of Mr. S. Deyell and Miss Etta Flack Mr. and Mrs. Deyell left on the evening of their marriage March 11th, for their future Morgan Broso, i home in Alameda, N. W. T. We wish * Druggists and Opticians 2 them happiness and prosperity Mr John McCarrell Jr. sold 1132‘ Nearly °PP°SPte P0“ Ofï¬ce, beautiful grey driver for a handsome LINDSAY SUl'nt us and have your eyes exam- ined and tested. \Ve make no charge for this service. the right sort of glasSes: to . dry, Omemee. STOCK NOTE. Mr. T. H. Fee has bought from Mr. H; George, of London, a tlinru’bred Chester White Boar. He i a seven montlie’ old and weighs 245 lbs; he was sired by Bnfl‘iilo King, who 'took ï¬rst prize at the Pan American and his dam took second prize at the Sumo Ex- position. King George, will be kept for service on Lot 1'2, Gun. 5. Terms $l.00 l at time of service. ~ . .....--, c-‘c.----.-~ - -' First-Class Dressmaker and Milliner in Charge. ,‘o ,‘1 -.