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Omemee Mirror (1894), 17 Mar 1904, p. 3

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1:. on Wednes- j. James Walâ€" Ds. Houghlon/ Ion, both of Imcd to ' the did the 00 a sumptuiSus ys dnd ample its 15 puttir. g smess grow. rear by of a" kind; inc tafl'y pun ukcn in remain sanl and happy lhcr. Hoping :mbcr us with com. sc Providence dc, direct, and ,all you under- rbcn you are time, may you right hand of | sawing bce lucky man. . and the: cut boys worficd SSGSBS with a hand. Ind Mr. and Ir. and Mn. I tub a ban- cm I). made a wry ddrcss aflu . Brown made IBER- ‘RNTON -â€" were Friends. to do ETION ID 9T0 HORSEMEN ! We have the farifitics for turmng out handsome ROUTE CARDS. Call at the Mirror Offire. opp: Town Hall, . Millbrook, .3341 get price-s, ' ' Dogs Poisonedâ€"Air. Wm. Brad- bum had two poisoned, and Mr. B. J. McQuade had om: dic fsom the same: cause. It is too bad that \‘2 have anyone so vicious as to poison harm- less dogs. If such persons would pay heed to the tollowmg quotation, “ Do unto others as ye would that they should do to you," there would be no such ncfanous work. Mrs. AIhn H. Toolc and son have returned from a pleasant visit with Lakcfiuld fiienus. Rcad Mr. McCafi'rcy's new adv. All cizasscs 9f Dcnt :1 operations carcfullv pentormed. CHANGE OF VISIT. Dr. \Vightman, Dentist, of Pctcrl-oro,will Visit OMEMEE on the LAST THURSDAY of EVERY month. Oflice in Ivory’s Block. WAN'I'ED -l°‘.-\I'l'l-l FL’LPERSON to call on retail tmdc and agents fur manufacturing house having Wcll estab- Ii~l|cd business: local territory; straight salary $20 paid weekly and cxlmnse money advanccd' previous cxxmricncc unncCcssary; position permanent; busi- new suCCCssful Enclosed sulfmldrcssâ€" cd cnvdupc. Supcnntcmlcnt 'l‘mvcl- eras, 605 Munon Bldg., Chicago. Next visit, Thurs d a y, March Elst. I I; Tim “\cs will dye: Wool, (:m‘ : gum) Silk, jut: or Mxxul Goods in one bath â€" [hm arc the latest and; “most imprmul lhc m the: “arid. Fr} :1 pack. me. All color at R. _.I Mulligan 5, Sole \gcnz. â€" I). Miss Sara Evans. of \ictoria Roan, was vis: tins: her parents, Conn. and Mrs. Bums this “cck. If it’s coated, your stomach ls bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys- Epsia, make your liver right. sy to take, easy to operate. commandable unJertakmg. “ United we stand, Divided we fall," and this is no less truc in Church Organization. The: young mcn of Christ Church, Ouicmcc, have banded themselves togctlur in a Guild. which they have dedicated tothc incznory of S. John, the Evangzhst. They have taken this step With such enthusiasm and loyalty to their Church, as to have no deuht In our mind that lhcyinzcnd their Church to be thiCl‘ilitib' a progressch bodyQ \‘Ihrncvcr we pick up a paper,§ i-iatirc t0 the work of thesei Guilds, we cannot help rcahzing “but a benefit they are. both Spirituaiiy and from a physical standpoint. “it: understand that {retention clubs are being organ. inn! for the coming suxmm:r,‘and for the long winter evenings a finding class will be cummched. ()5 this, as intellsctual recreation. “it: cannot speak too highiy, and we take this Opportunitv of con- gratuiuting the mcmb-xrs of the GniM and its cuthusiastic oflicers, viz: Rev J. H. 'l‘cncy. President; Mr. Herbert G. Forster, ViCeo Prcsnient; Sec.-'l‘rcas., M r. Hiram Calaughcr; Wardens, Mzssrs. T. C._Stephcnson and F. Bent, and wish them chrv success in their REXALL There is an old saying used very frequently in party pumics to the effect that DR. \VIGH‘I‘MAN'S NEXT ViSI'l‘ TO OMEMEE \VILL BB THURSDAY, MARCH 3!. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY \\’e have a superb collection 01 preciuus stones and gems. set with artistic beauty in thc newest and hanxlsumest designs. Orna- ments for car. neck, hair. arm. belt, shirt w list, Chiltcl ai n e, wuchcs. clnins, (:20, We have in rich :unl beautiful combinultons, that will makea royalgxft that the‘ bride will appscciate. l Your Tongue Umemee and Vicinity. LOCAL LACONIC W. EMCEARW’S. Dental Notice. rWedding VGIFTS.\\» The Popular Jewelry Store, Pu HOUSE- L" -’“.‘ ‘ “" 5“ error and'rFamfly DYES Ever)‘body are rcspcctfully invited to attend Prince Mongo’s funeral on Friday. Service at the CM fair "rounds. N0 tears will be allowed. Shed them hem-W 3““ tome-m if you must. Don’t 4: 'vxlurh the dead 1)) an} sobbing 1'“ Mouse rest in peace. Do not forget that we have In stock -â€"â€"rcady for youâ€"«anything you may want in hot blast. air-tight cozy] or wood heating stoves for your parlor, hall or dining room, at priCcs which are com- I’Clilion breakers. This IS no Idle boast. We have the goods to back up What we say. W. I). Stimson. Quite a number went to I.mdsay to hear Mr R. R. Gamey, M. P. P. Miss Edythe Glenney has returned from a pleasant visit wrth her fncnds in Toronto. 'l‘hosc umm'xg m this address and tcstimomal, wish you and Mr. Amp, and your children, many happy years of usefulness and prospcrity, wherever you go, and hupc you will find in tlm address and tcstimonial, some small thing to recall to you in future years. those who sinCcrcly dcsxrc to bc re- membered by you. Signed (m'buhalf of the Choir, by Mmgurct Elizabeth Peplcr. Organist ; Hank! M. Colman, ]. Gertrude Purs- IOW. Seth S. Smith, R H. Hoilandi St. Johns w’ill'suffcr an equal 1058; m your departure, after your long and useful connection with it; and the congregation can only hope. that you will prove as Welcome and valuable an acqunsition to the new flock you are about to join, in Omcmce, as YOU proved to be: when you bccamc a member of St. Johns. ics of such association, clouded, how- ever, by a sense of loss, that cannot be ovucomc. ’l‘hcy, howcwr, recognize that you and Mr. Amys arc now Secur- ing a We" earned prolnotxon, and that their regrets must. therefore, give pl; cc to heartfelt congratulations. ~ v...“ u ...-u “1"!" -y...-.v... The members of the Choir, With whom you have so long [mm assocxatcd, m“ have only the pleasantcst memor- 'l‘hc fullomng is tne address: To Mrs. Arthur Lolius Amys, l’ort H ope. Dear Madamâ€"â€"'l‘he members of St. John’s Church Choir, and a few ul'your many friends in the umgngatir-n de- sire on the approaching ()CI‘flSl(.-l'l of your removal from Port Hope, to teatify their high regard for you, and their appreciation of )uur devotion to Church and Choir. by uniting in a farewell addressnnd testimonial to you, howeVer inadequate [lithe may he to express their regard and appreciation. ;..- On behalf of th'e congregation. bY “Idwm Daniel, Rector, john Mulligan, K H. Hclm. Mrs. Amy-s dusircs to express to her many fvicnds in Port Hope: her warm- c¢t thanks for the handsenc remem- Lrancc ; and also for the many kind- messes she has cxpcricnccd since she came to reside in Port Hope. on: a Members of St. John's Church Bid Farewell to Mrs. Amys â€"Gifts and Address. On \Vednesday of last week there took place: at the residc-ncc of Mr. John Mulligan, a vary pleasing and intcrcst- ing event, when at. john‘s choir and friends in the congrugatiun, presented to Mrs. Arthur Loftus Amys a lht‘cwdl address and testimonial, (m the «urn» ion or her rcmoval from Port Hupc to Omcmcc, where Mr. Amy's has latcl) been appuintcd Manager of the Bank lnf'l‘oruzitu 'l'hc prcscntution was it Very mo lc~t ccrcmuny, only the com- mittcc having the maitcr in chargcand the‘ Rector, Rev. If. Dunk-l, licing prcwnt ; but good will and hairline-5.5 :xtonctl for the: >tnitxlicity of the pro cccding. 'l‘hc addrch, which is given licluw in full,'was‘ tend by Mr. Scth S. Smith. ;\ vary handsome St-t of two cntrcc and a beautiful (:ut glms water bottle \i-crc prL‘Srnltd t0 Mrs. Amys. Short addresses, befitting the ot‘casion. were madu by Mr. Smith and Rev. E. Iklmcl, to which Mrs Amys replied in {cw ht.t effectix'c words of gratitude and | zippr: cmtton. 1’0 rt H 0 pc . F cl). 1’9 1 90 4. 'l" m 1!. -s INTERESTING Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of sum to pay expense of mailing only, Send I one-c::nt stamps for ngr covered £001“ or 50 stamps for clot 1- und. Ad. dress Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. "the praise I would like to give your ‘colde. Medical Discover)" I cannot uncr in words or describe with peq.”.wmea James B. Ambrose. I-Bq" of 120554 311mm fitreet. Huntiu don. Pa. "1 wa< taken down With what our fiysicians aid was indigestion. I doctored. witg the best around here and found qo relief. I wrote to you and vou sent me a (Luesuon plank to fill out and us! think. cured. I have an symptoms of gay tric unable or mdxguitxoa now." I ”"3 0|! Miles 1 PRESENTATIDN or 31d and Weekly Star 640 Jatu‘é ry let, 1905 Dated at Omcmce thxs Second Day of March, 1904. RICHARD J. GRKNDY, Clerk of the said Municipality of ‘thc Towmhxp of Emily-J The lon'cst: or any tender not nec- essarily accupted. TENDERS for the operating, and for teams for the working of the Road- Grader In the Municipality of the Township of Emily during the season of 1904, will be received by the un- dersigned up to the Fifth Day of April next Our saw and planing mills are domg a rushing business, Mr. 'l‘hos. Boyd was in town Satur- day an important business. Is there a tremendous pressure con- stantly urging us to evil P In our large cities especially is the power of iniquity almoat despotic? 'l'rue enough, but surely men are not intended to be ef- femlnate weaklings. For every entice- ment to evil there is a stronger allure- ment to good, for one argument in favor of immorality. ten may be ad- vanced on behalf of virtue, and where sm abounds, grace doth much more abound. People are indeed tempted, and we, who aspire alter a far higher ideal than that of interested innocence, believe, that nothing is gained by speaking of them as if they wrre chil- dren incapable of decision, of whom It can only be expected that they will fail. By the Spirit cf God all moral victories are trained, and because men do not breathe deeply of that Spirit, they complain that their hearts do not beat with the strength of holy courage, and with the thrill of high resolve." “ ’l‘he ready excuses that many make for themselves. when they yield to temptation, are signs of a fechlentss of will, when vigorous honor and chastity should assert themselves. How often, alas, is moral Weakness and unfaithful- ncss to duty, encouraged by exaggerat- ing the force of evil influence. Many a drunkard 15 made by prating about heredity, and the giant grasp of demon drink. Why should it be con- sidered a feat to live “ soherly, right- eouslyand godly in this present world.” 'l‘enderness to the Weak is certainly a ‘ christian duty, but is there no danger that young and old alike, bearing much of the seductions of sin, and little of the ready help of the Almighty, submit easily when they ought to fight, yes, and conquer too, and reckon Divine forbearance. when they ought to expect only contempt and reproach P Our age and generation need to hear again the words of St. Paul, “ 'l‘here hath no temptation taken you, but such asman can bear, but God is faithful, Who will not suffer you to be tempted ahoVe what ye are able." The morning Sermon was based upon the first successful temptation of Samson, the text being taken trom the Book of Judges XIV; 3. " Isthcrc ncvcra woman among the daughters of thy brethren, or among all thy pco. pic that thou gecst to take a wife of the uncircumcised l’nilistincs." Aftt-r drawing various lessons from this par- ticular part of Samson’s his:0ry, the Rector saiJ in conclusion :~- ‘ Two services, morning and evening, were held In Christ Church on Sunday last, the Rector’s assrsmnt taking the SCI‘VICCS 111 St. James’ and St. john’s, Emily. Holy Communion was Cele- lnated at the morning serviCe, many partaking of thc pledges of Eternal Life. The Friday evening servxces consist of the l.itany,'and an address by the Rectorr The various petitions of the Lord's Prayer, their spiritual applica- tion and interpretation, have been the themes at this evening service. Offer- tones are taken up at each weeknight service during Lent, the sum total to he devoted to the cause of nrissxons. Choir practice follows each Week- night :erviCe. The choir, under the able leadership of Mr. Wm. G. Steph- enson, is making every effort to prepare 1 the beautiful Choral Service of the Church for Easter Sunday evening, when the memlnrs appear for the first | time, in their vestments, with proces sional and reeessinnal hymn. SUNDAY SERVICES, MARCH 6. LEI-rm): nanvxcng'a. 'l‘he Lenter Services, held in Christ Church this year, are 9het‘ler attended than ever before. On Wednesday evenmga shortened form of Evening Prayer is used, after which the address is dthered. 'l‘he Rector’s assistant, ‘Mr. Herbert (l. Forster, gives the Wednesday evening address, and hasr taken “ Faith ” and its various expres- xions, as his subject, all through. , 'l'hese addresses have been most interesting and instructive, and those who attend have been much pleased and edified. 'l‘he Rector feel.»~ grateful for so able an assistant, and predicts a bright future for Mr. Forester’s lnirmtry. Church Notes, Omemee. NOTICE. CHRIST CHURCH 1 Scrubbing Brush, 6 Bars Sunlight Soap, 1 Bottle of Ammonia, ' ~ t f the “ Necessarivs” at we have made up a Specml Asaortmen o If you want gioceries, lish,vegd111cs etc. . 111 a hum. If )ou want them (l1li1t1ul, 11nd dchvcmd “ rigl1tawa1,’leave us )0111' order and \(111 ll m-t 1110111 “ 1igl1t fl\\'21_\ . lhe dissatisfaction in not having 10111 11,21111dzisc delivered “ 111 " is not knrmn to our custouicrs. You come hexe. make your pinchases and “hen “e 511} w-c will deliver 3011; order, W L “/11 L, and mike no 111istukc,â€"nu delay about it. FOR SPRING H6383 SLEANINQ time. \Vc have It on good authority that the price of Sugar is likely to go up. This wcuk we are Scliiug Rcdputh’s Gizxnulutcd at TICKETS may Every Tuesday during March and April. BuyYeurSunge {Emma}: PM Haggai Manitoba and Canadian N. West Dealer in Crockery, Groceries, Fruits, Meats, FLOUR AND FEED, flit? ' €33? OMEMEE. YOU CANNOT DO SCHOOL. Tue @dazv, April 5th. figmflfi @fimw. mmm. wmfifimfi mmmm. @NNNA "Mo W “13% 20.453. myamngzan wa MW gmmxmx. SHHZUNEWW. mm A Full Line of Pure Gold Pastfifiicefilnck. Settier’s Trains NEW YEARS PRESENTS. New Yearzs,‘1904. F R U I T 63 CANDIES In LAMP GOODS we Our attendance this Year is the Cruckery and HI: EA§TEEQ TERM .............. ‘I'IZRMS MODERA’I‘E. . . . . . . ........ WWILL DUNDAS, Peterboro, Ont THE PEomIviE 3’ GR! has a full supply 4"” everything in Refincdh \Iuskal and 311;")!ng Ak‘t. I‘rsscmin‘r {Insiml (ilass(himc.~;,'l1ick Bunjoist,l'lutist, 8a., and Light- ning Baton juggling \ pleasirb U ftmurcâ€" ( 0m: n e and Setlilws. Opcn {pr (omul lsl‘gwg‘ 1141.15. A SPECIAL PRICE. may be purchnsrd, or any informJtion obtained at \V. MCCAFFKEY’S STORE, OMEMEE. Peels; Oranges, Lemons, Cranl ARRIVING DAILY Pure Gold, (lmcolntes, Iclly 1 Mime \Ical, (.anncd l‘xuits. and ALL 3901? 980. We have them Cull . McCafi‘rey, $4.60 Per th. Raisin s, Currants, Write for parti have a full line. SPECIAL VALU BETTE L BuyYnmSugaanw! 1)}: I JINS.. se Ehina Wm for ranL ,JC”) 1"(mdL-rs,lrcpared Icings. units, and \cgetablL-s. and see our Display of culars. largest we have had. R THAN ATTEND OUR PRINGLE, Principal. 1 Pkge. Soap Chips, 2 lbs. Whitening, 1 Broom, GROCERY III-C11,. Qed All the latest and inmmved branches of dentistry successfully pvrfurmed. Charges moderate. O F I“ I (7 E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. Irvine, of the above firm, a first-class Honor Graduate ot the University ofToronto, Member of the Royal Collegc of Dental Sur- geons, visits ()memee Ist Tues. day of every month. EVcrvrhing up-to-(iatc In Dentistry (ins ad- ministered (or lcclil extraction. Drs.Nee1ands Irvine. Dr. F. A. Walters, DICN'l‘lS'l', LINDSAY. Honor Graduate 0f 'l‘uronto Univers- it) and lh‘uul (‘ollege of Dental Sur- :eons. Barrister, Sulicitur, v., lindmw, Out. In C’memee first anjux each month N l’ .â€"Ha\e several (“Filth “ [no desire to hm good farm 1 rnperty at u lmrguin. 0- - â€"_I-h 'llxe nndersxgno! is preyarvd to 1mm monev on Iirsl- «mass farm pmpefly in Inge amnnn-fi at 4» per (em. Small amounts .n sliglxth Increased rates of interest. . Terms of re 1m) went to suit borrower. I. E. WELDON We Print Sale Bills Right---ar;d Cheap. At the MIRROR Office. Grocer, Kt-n‘. Si , has nlwc-l t: e- Inrgnrt .wd Inesl. Mnclm in (Le (‘unntg tunlumse frmu, Everything fresh mu! gnud, A l'fl“ Mniiuin. Agent TELEPHONEsâ€"Agent's Office, 77 13;10\\n Office, ,7 ; Mill Office 78 Is the l’lacc to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for \\ incisor Salt, “ Dairy Cheese Butter ” Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Always on hand. Pcrfectly Dried and Seasoned. Best qualities Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and Miliwood. Call and get our prices and examine. goods. Ont-010.000.... Co’s; Those contemplating putting roofs on tlici; buildings, the com- ing‘' season, Wlll find it to Illcll‘ adx-mnzge to call on me, see samples and get pi‘iCcs bdorc lining any oil L‘! kind oi I'LOllIlg. it is mud, (lust, rain and fire proof, and comes cheaper than first class shingles. Cement Roofing will last as loug as the Roof Boards on which it is applied. I Prices on application to L. S. CLARRY, Submits in he Min‘cr and get Ike NE EWS cf Umemee and 1:1 illthk K. T. BRADY,“ Lindsay’s , Leading Cement Roofing. Sporting Goods, Guns, Ammunition 01’ all Kinds, Axes. Cross Cut Saws, Cow Chains, Lanterns, Skates, Horn: Covers, Bru>brs (\- (‘urry (‘c-n Ls Rogers 12 dwt Kniws, Forks, Spoons (‘arvirg Sets, I’m-kn knivrs 29-1 Razors, and lflw'grylhing L'mally Kept m :1 First-Class Hardware Store What we rccmmm-ud you may rely on If you owe us a balance from last )cur or for a mic, past due, '2} and settle. .31.;tu £5 03. OM E M E E .ucns,150\'s and \ouths Suits and Oxcrmats, Shins and Drawers. 'I'(p Shins and Cardigan jackass. ladics’ SkIrts, Blouses Vests, 511111»:R(I.(S,L'I('Uk{,5 Hosicn, 80. Pint. lIish lublc LIIIcIIs luwlcls,' llu‘lC l\':I:1k-II2~;, and H; m kchl Ids lama ~ Vuluus III l.III(\ SIILS, loots 8: Show, Rubber SOLkS Oxcrslmec 4; PER CENT. Men’s, Bovs and Youths S We offer the following lines at lowest livirg prices. Dentists, Lindsay. G. H M. BAKER H’s Mum Fifi Want? Agent, BOX 315, HARDWARE. Miiibmok. é‘c Overshocs Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, aISU mem- ber of College of lesrcians and Surgeons, of Ontario. dusmso .Bmmmfivm "Vanni vluuhvmidaau «awardOIacnvyuu Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office : OpDosilc E. jamieson's Blacksmith Shop, king bt. \\ est. "THE 0mm EMPIRE" 25c. l’ipes - 35 and 40C.Plpcs 15C I‘iprs xoc I’ipt-s com col:s 3mm. co LY I N’s Trilbys \V'inks Alzlbu mas Scotch Keel Up-l o-(lutc Sperm} Vcnccdora Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Cut in Cigars W. D. STINSCI‘J. l’ipes - for 15 ccnts mi 406.1’1pcs for :5 “ I‘ipc-s for 10 “ I’ipt-s {or 5 “ mobs 2 {or 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at 325% amais Lindsay 6 for 7 {or 6 {or 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for 25 Cents .. (I 23 nl H

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