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Omemee Mirror (1894), 9 Mar 1905, p. 2

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5663! Ayeâ€"E's Pin? af bodtlmé wfli mm mm- 990"] ”@3113... Nat. [ohn Hamilton, of Zion, Tspcnt a few days of thxs w: ek at 111:: homes of Messrs, Jas. Porter .and Thos. Pritchard. Miss Maud Mitchel}, Omcmec, is a guest of Miss Ada Pontcr, of -thc 4th line. Mr. I. M. Knox has rcmm ed his *mxlor shop to the store on Iupper 5L, which he hxs fitted up In ciu gxrylt‘. and m future it Will be known as ‘The City Tailor Shop.’ Mr. Knox will be glad to make new aan.i:1ta1ces with those who are in need of suits. c. and hopes for a continuance of the Jarge p Atronagc he has enjoved. MLT. C. Ivory, of Omcmee, \was in t0wn on Monday. Backing Pain in the Joints. Also every form, of rheumatism, neuralgia and sciatica are: best cured by Nflvilme lhc qmckcst relief for muscular pain yet discovered. It’s be cause Nzrvilinc smkes in and penc- tratcs right to the con: of the pain that it gives such unbmxndsd saziafaxcuon. “I caught cold in my shoulders while driving and sufl'crt-(l great pain, writes G E. Dcmpcay of Berlin. I used Nerviline freely. and was soon qmtt: Well. I found Nervilinc. an cxcdlcnt remedy for rheumatism and neuralgia as well as for cold on the Chest. I recommend Nervilme lnghly and )vouldn’t bt; without 1t. Pncc 25c. In Cavan, on Friday, March 3. ‘Hnrrv T. Boyd onlv son 0t Robt T. Bay}, aged 7 mos. and 10d gs. In Lakefield, on \\ edmsdm, March 8th Alex Rose-borough a brother of Mrs '1. Hunter of t' I! s The funeral Will take piuce from the G. T. R. Station, Millbrook, on Fridax, on arrival of noon train and praceed to Gardinels Ceme- try for interment. Mrs.T Hunter and son Hsrold left today to intend the Sun 1‘11 01' her brother, [ht late Alexander Roseborough, which takes plac: on Friday afternoon. town. In Toronto, on \Vednesdav. March 8th. 1905. \K'iiiium Ilcury Wilcox. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. T. Boyd. of Mt. Plcasant, have the heartfelt sympathy of their many friends in the great loss sustained by the death of their only son. Harry '1‘. Boyd, a bright little fellow of 7 months and I0 days. For seven wezks all th.t medical skill and loving friends COizld do was done it , save his life, but he had not the strength to throw off that dreaded disaase, pleura pneumOnia, and he :passed away on Friday, March 3 'l he funeral on Sunday, to 5:. _lohn’s Cemctry, Cavan, was large- lv attendcd. Mr and Mrs Geo Hum r, of Keene arc guests of Mr. and Mrs. McBrxdc. Mr. Elias Jones. ofGardcn Hill was in town Saturday on busmes=. H'A share of your patronage is re- spectfully solicxtcd. MILLBROOK. Miss Ha: tie Courtney, Omemee was a guest at the hOme of Mr and 31115.]. McBride, Monday. )YSTERS ALWAYS ON “AND IN SEASON. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT \LL KINDS OF 'I‘EMPERANCE DRINKS, HOT COLD. flardCoughs In Cd. murmur-val . Watthklthmbatm A . our Influx-Riot unloads.” ”mot. you how it quiets the tickling throat, heals the inflamed lungs, and controls the hardest of coughs. We know what all good doc- tors think of Ayer’s Cherry Pectoral.‘ Ask your own doc- mand find out. Hewmtcll MRS. C. M. KNOX, LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS. W~Wm.â€"..C_.>U.U. m2m>c >2: m...wZO< whisk? STOCK NEW AND FRESH. Cherry Pectoral [BUSINESS nd Restamant for DIED .v. 0. Am co.. Lon". In”. 20 3 The Doug VJe will sell Thursday afterrrxn :ny pair of Men’s and Ladies’ $5 00 Boots at $8.00. Come Early and Avoid the Rush. The names of Internal, External}. Blccdmg, Blind, Itching, Suppuratmg, ctc., are simply names of the different stages through which every case will pass if it continues, long enough. Piles are caused by congestion or stagnation of blood in thc lowcr bmx cll, and it takes an mtcma] remedy to rc- mow: the: tau c. Mr. T. Marshman has returned. His mother was somewhat better whsn he left her bedside, but is not yet out of danger. The Verdict of Public Opinion. 15 with thc best article every time. That's why I’utham’s Cum I‘Ixtmvtor has [men in the lead for the last half Century. It cures corn [)ainlcsdy in twcmy-fuur hours and never fails. Use only Putnam's for corns and warts. 736. 10 pis‘ gxri’s b01315 and 11:5, reg 85c. to $1 40, now 50C. 12 pr) 110111- ! \ I c115 boots and [1:5, were 851:. g\' $1.50 now 60c. 5 prs men's boots Wen: $1 and $1.75 now See. 6 pairs bab'wa’ bgots and sl1ppcrs 501:. In 73c now 25c. l‘or cash only. 5:111: now 111 prugrcss. A cut on all boots anc shoes. W. H. Byam and 5011, King st , M1!!brook, first store: cast of thc (L '1‘. R. station, on the sputh side: of strccl. It is a pcrmanein cure and no case «1' Piles has chr been found it failed to one. Money back )f it Jocs. Mr. H. j. McLean, merchant tailor of Mt. Pleasant. was m town last week, and gave a traveler for a Toronto House a big order for sprin" suitinor g,s gcnt’s furnishings c. He invihs @3011 to can and see his up to date stock. No Dm’erenee Ifthe men can’t- come, they must send the women, for it will never do tolet a chance like this slip by. The ladies will be generously en- tertained: as the special for thembelow sug- gests,‘ No distinction 1.4; mad;- as to thc kind of Piles Dr. Leonhardt’s Hem Roid cures. Dr. Leonhardt’s Hcm-Ruid )S a tab lct takcn imcmnlly. A guarantc: With every package. Price $1.00 at any druggists, or The \‘v’xlsunl’ylc Co., Limited, Niagara Falls, Ont. The station st an uptovdutc‘ one, and th: citizaxs felt proul of It. Mr Harry Bland, of Mt. Pleas?- am, gave the Minor n fx‘iuxdly cull SJIUI‘JZH'. \\‘c cannot as yet obtain intor- [nation regarding the loss. Lut it is estimated at ovel $2000. 'l‘hc origin of the fire; is [nought to haw: bcun from :1 live wire com in: in (‘Ollihcl \xixh moo-J woxk above the bay window on 1£.ist side. The officials of tbc G.T.R. are doing all may can to adjust the lossw, and me fixmg up a few comfortable coaches to Serve as a temporary station, until a new on: 15 built. Mr. Fred Burton, the efficient Operator here, under the severe strain, and excitement. attended to hlS dunes promptly us far as possible. V The books and tickets were destroyed. and also a sum” sum in silver. This is the second time in 8 years that the station was burnt. The Fire Brigade Under Capt. Edmunds, Did. Good Work. On Tuesday night, a short time after the express from Town- to had left Millbmok station for Port “we, and the station clos d lor the night. ewdently quite safe, the fire Bell gave out an alarm ol fire. Mr. Jas. Armstrong, birber, was the first to see fire, and rang bell and otherwise made known the danger. TI e fircmm, under command of Capt. Edmunds, wcxe soon at th: :cene of fire,aml although not 211 time to save the station or its cementsâ€"which could Only have been accomplished by a miracle al‘tcrthe alarm had bccn gixenâ€" tlny were mstrumemal in again Saving the elevator, which was thought could hardly witlmtangl the terrible heat. They also pro tectcd a .carloud of fancy puasc, that was on 11'): siding. PREVENT GRIP by keeping your feet warm with a New pair of Show. I 1 pairs boys’ boots regular $1.00 nuw flab [mm Tu Tim Hm £as Shag. SimmPetmbom, i: The folluwingx are the ofl‘wers offimr! Primrosn. Kn. 23H, C.U.l"., for 1905, Mount Pleasant. J P. C. k,â€"’Bro.los. Best. C R. -â€"Bm. H. Bhtnd. V. (J. R.â€"Bro. W. Brown. R. Samâ€"A. Vance. ' Fin. Secâ€"J. V. Shanon. 'l‘reus.-C. IL ('Onrtlmy. (Z‘bap.â€"-Josq)h Fve. S. \V â€"J. Tippitt. J. \\'.-â€" R B. Blul'hersun. S. B.-~C. Murder: J. B wS. Touchburn. The Port Hope (mile contains the following “ith reference to a fake scheme which may possibly he at tempted here :â€"~We are inlurnwd by anumher of citizens that they have been "taken in” by a couple of picture zxguits lately. It is alleged by them that some time ago the :igentscnlled m the house and made It very clear thu they were enlarging yintures free oil charge simply "a a matter of advertis-F ing. A largennmherol‘letdies jfimpell at the opportunity and at few days later another gent culled will: the prodmul a sample of lrumes which he wished to tliqmae of Ufrnnrsetlw picture was no use without the frame and these were offered at reduved prices at $6 to $4 To bind the lung-Mn half the price of the rrzune haul to be paid down. A few «lays Inter, agent No. I returned xi ill, the picture in the frame and. according: to the Ptorles of the‘ stories of the purclmsers,tlle trainee were very different from the samples offered. One huly refused to accept the picture and so was obliged to lose her mot By. A gentleman informed us this morning that he felt sure he could purchase a frame from a local dealer for £00,. equally as good as the one offered him by the agent for $4 ()0. If such Bhbnld he the case, citizens should use more preemitlons before entering into such deals. nml in a short time lt \\ ould do away with such work. Persu'vrfince and wrllâ€"pOWL-r ln: must haw, bur wlrcrhcr he has .sll‘cllglll and Vigor is unurlrcr cunsidcralion. Hard working men usually ham: irritnblt ncrws and should lbr‘tify llrcir .sptcm with :1 courac uf 1‘1 rmzouc, a tonic that rcbuilds and rcvitz-rlizcs beyond all "tclling. It’s just wonderful the strength that Fen-“zone imparts to brnkm-(lown men. It forms ncw blood, supplies the system with abundant nourishment, and what: formerly ilrcrc was tircdncss and lassirudc Fcr rozunc: cstulrlislrcsa rcscrvc of energy “Fur many nwntl s I hive been troubled with (ballerina, dizziness in my head, cold clnllamud suffered most nf the time frum constipation, and was nnabla to do my housework. I (tied every kind ui pill and medicine that either the dm'turs nr mynnlfvonld think of, and finally trim! Ami-Pill. This lreatmout has przu-tirally made a. new woman of me. lam able to do all my own work. 'I he dizziness has all gone, my stomach {Mia much better, and I am no lungar troubled is ill: constipa- tion‘ I cannot praise Anti~Piu too highly.”â€"Mw. 'I‘lws Tabb, 287 Emer- ald Street North. Iiamilmn, Ont. Ann-Pill ls suld by all drugglsls at 500., or The Wilsnn-Fvle (‘o , Limit- ed, Kingnm Falls. Out. Sole agent" for ('aulmlzl. 102 and vim. 'l‘ry Ferrozoxmâ€"prxcc 50c lurx‘ bux. To prove what Dr. Leonhar-ll’s Anti“ PHI will doâ€"chr name and ad- dress on a post card will bring itâ€"unaa cured thousands already. When Dr. Leonhardt, of Lincoln, Neb ,gave Anti-Pill to the work! he had unbounded faith In the :reahnonfi, but he did nut furesea the \\ arid-wide and wonderful reenlta it is now achieving in the cure of disease Here is the story ufanoflernti- Pl“ victory : 81232331138 m The Man Who Work: Hard. FREE TRIAL BOTTLE. 00 1 75 go 50 Ul Ferrnznne, me‘n‘ns the urpat fund tonic. coszs 50v, per box,’ or six fnr $2.50, at all (iezflors. nr by mail from N C‘. l’olsnn (E (“o., Kingsh u, Ont ,nud Hartford, Conn” U.S,A. Whether “oak from worry, nvcr- work, Huh: Mum] rr iii-nourished nerves, Ferrnzone “3H quit-Hy mate you we”. It. is safe and harmless. undoubtsdly the best tunic and re- hullding medicine :: avie. We Noam. mend you to use Fern Zune if in poor health. Give up the 1 mm! tonic lwfun- ynn hemmu its Slave. '1 he (rue nwdivine for tho run-(1mm), depressed and new vans is Ferrnzmm. It is nothing but enmenumvd cure in table'lfnrm. It. siimnlutes the uppeiile. aids diges- tinn. fiHs the Hand with iron, hnnldn npiu nMurc’s way. Never knmvn to fail :01“. u u‘." The test nfn tnnt‘c is the permanency of its 0an To he-mmm Mn 14:3,)‘011 must build up ”18 Mum! â€"-:lh'nhnl weakens it You must Increase \nnr nerve furce â€" alcnhnl stendi‘y devuurs it once. Think of it! The Danger You Run~~ijink Habit is Easily Acqulred. but Hard to Cure. (‘arefulzmahs sth msz an mHed’ Ionics contain little vibe but u" iskvy -the runkestmnurest kind of \\ hiskuy. You mar mmmwvinnslv be “2in am alculmlicliqnld roauetly, Sumo mem- ber of your lumily may be doing 30. Your duty is plain; slop it at Mitrhm'lcs Thormh'kf‘, Meir Chont Tailor, has mm'ui into tln fine large prémiSrs mrxt domhvest of Turners [7'er Store, which 11.1? bevn fivtcd twin e'og'unt stv'c IV D". Tumor. Mr, 'l‘lmrndyluc has asp’eudid stock to choose (mm, and he soiivits :1 (‘ontimzzzmw of your (steam-d [mfrmmgm ”L‘ guarantees chin-vsnivfwixrxn. Mrjuhn I\:liL:_"L!‘ {uh l'k' Camphclh‘md. Mrs. vam' Ktivgfl Mr. FIN] Kfitg‘ur, (‘l Ky Drar Agni X421; Flrmm-n's lmnmgr until Tuvsdnv. Maw}! officers Wm M: vhu‘h‘l. The Lindsay Pnst P“) R7 Hm! .\'r (‘. Hartley, of East 0mm, Lns x‘. clock that can be traced back fur 27') sv-ars, and was than snppnswl tn beam «M (me. after a stnppnue oi 31.! wars, Mr Webs. lanol Lindsav, fixmi it up,am1 it is new on exhibition in his shop and i" keeping: perfw! xiuw. There is about fifteen pounds of iron in each of its weights. Medicines Loaded With Alcohol. 'I must tell you the good news. Right after receiving your letter, the day before New Year’s I started in with new resolu- tiuns on the first of the year. I wrote to Dr. R. V. Pierce. at Buffalo. N. Y., as you requested me to do. I gave him all my syumtolns, which were that I was tiredâ€"â€" so “It‘d-'3“ tlu- time: and did not cure to go anywhere, depressed and 5nd, and all ambition gone. backache and :1 dl':l';,‘.‘,‘t'<lâ€"('}ut feeling. could not sleep. limbs fettllli?’ sure and aching. 1 followed the doctor's advice. which he went to considerable pains to make plain to metâ€"to rest every day~xt nap after lunchâ€"complete relaxation~â€"cultiv.i1c repose of mind. try not to worry. L-‘t-t itt-l much outdoor air as pos.v-ihle, and prac- tice long, dccp breathing“, expanding: the lungs. Thou fora uterine tonic.1)r. I’ic-rco’s Favorite: Prescription. coupled with .’l wash ht: told me: of. I must say that aftt r follow- ing his advice for four months I {rel per- fectly cured and like a new woman. Yours aEcctionally. Jli‘vVl-ZL. Letters like the above are not nnuwul. Mrs. Komnan. ong: (‘vrmit Aux, Schcucctmly. N. \'.. says: "I continuud with [ht nu-dicizic until I hurl \ukz‘n fivr bottles. also twr) vials of the ‘l‘lcusunt l'cllc-ts,‘ and I was CUl'Ctl. I ul» ways mommneml Dr. Picnic-‘5 nunliciiiw to my ffitlld" when thcy are not wull." . “My dullghtcr is in quite good health. thanks to Dr. Pierce-'5 lllt'n i-u-<. Mv widws mm t‘mt all who :n‘c nfllictcul will try tlimn .‘lllzl sâ€"uv what Howl can be done for the sick." writes. Mrs. Elizabeth McConcll. of Ruclicstcr. Ind. Send so one-cvnt staums to Dr. R. V. Pierce. llufihlo. N. Y, {or his Common 83x15: Medical Advimr, 1008 pages. Rm I \l’wlxhrs :1 {curnxer MM: 1'. will mc-mh m tlw MIHlH-uni; Muhmlâ€" ist (Thuu'h m-xl Sundvv. Mr. l‘H‘ll bung: r (‘f AIM 1W1 N. \‘J T, mitt-r .l in KS?! xt Usi! with Mr. :1sz 11:3 “1;: I’mdrv, Ielt on Tmsdnv tn \‘lFIt \vflh Mr. am! Mrs john Adana. TM‘V in- tendvd \‘isitm: flu-i:- r;M fric‘nv's at ClmH-nm. lwfim- firming \'l.l. Chi- cago for their home. WHAT GAME 05-" AS LETTER. Ninety per cent. of Mad- aches we the din c1 n sun of eyestraEm 'Druy: yv‘py perlv N’rrtcd can own. S'on dnms‘irg “1“" your fight ma-‘e perfect. . A. TURNER Your thm-hes w"?! (‘racr‘ rt Yrvo. DTO‘ £12590: alone hm winmu! (mm [brook postlton L]; I An event of more than usual interest and which created quite an excitement in Bulliehoro and vicinitv, took place 2 at the residence of Mr, and Mrs Janice ‘ Byers, on the afternoon of March 8th. ' “ Maple Farm” the home of the Bride. 1 was the centre to which all eyes turn- ‘ ed and which attracted such a gather- ing of relatives and friends as tested the capacity ofthe hospitable dwelling where the contracting parties, M r. Robert Frederick Wood. and Miss Gertrude Uleniina Fair, were united in Matrimonial bonds, “ 'l‘ill death us do part,” The weather was bright and the air balmy, and barring the pitch- holes, reminders to all, the Happy couple included, of the Ups and llorvn’s of life. the sleighlng n as excellent and altogether the day was most genial for the usuallv nncongeniul mouth oi March. At the hour appointed the groom took tip his position beneath u Bower of Evergreene and \\' trite ribbon, supported by his brother, Mr. 1‘», J Wood. 'lhere he was man Joined by the bride elect, who leaning on the arm of her father. M r. James Byersmml :tt- tired In cream Cnshmere \\ ith Chitl'on trimmings wearing a wreath of Ornnge blossoms and 'l‘ulle Veil, carrying a shower Bouquet of white Roses. and preceded by her Bridesmaid. Miss Olive Fisher, who \\ as dressed in white Lawn nith Insertion and Luce trim. minus, nnd carried a ehoner Bouquet of White Carnations, advanced to the strains of the Wedding March, played by Mrs. Wm. 0. Allen. 'l‘he marriage ceremony was perform- ed by the Rev‘ W. C. Allen ; the choir of Christ Church, Baillehorn, hf \xlnch the Bride Was a Inernher, singing the Hymn, “ 'l‘he Voice that wreathod o’er Edan.” The Guests \wne nhunt (.30 in number and included the (icingenuriun Gmndl’uthers hf Groom and Urhle rei- pectivcly, Mr Richard Duwsun and 51 r. James Fair, xx hum all wore pleased to see leaking so hale and lit-arty. 'l'he presents were nu menus and handsome included $5010 in gull], the gill of the Bride’s (ix-4.1 lf.t‘li¢r, Mr James Fair, and n uuhl smith and chain the (iromn’s gift to the Bride The RAH)!“ whme (he cheumer “as :orvml- was tzlbtuful‘y (lvc. rated n ith ever- grvm s nml ti‘e \‘imr 5 [provided “are, oi‘ll.e hpstuml mos: 1”“stquarrang- wl " Brief after Dinner” sheet'hefl ware made; by the New. “In, ('. Allen' 01-. Montgomery, Mr. Ii .1. Wood. (lromnsnmn and Dr J._ W. Fisher. uncle of the Brhh: .~\1nung~tthvunfi!$ {rum a disiunws “ere noticull Mr. an] Mrs. Jnhn )lch-il and daughters, Cnmn| and Mr. and Mrs. ll. Sesl‘it, Pelerboro. The [in p\' (‘unple lett on the (i.'l‘.l{, 9.40 train, :uhidbt at shower of rice, and with lhre hast wishes nfthe whole Community for u trip to 'i'urontn, London, and other places. (A1131 hr sznypml m :11c\\‘n:nn::v.~ and permanently (urulm 0301mm 1)). Inhuhng flagrant LKQIHH; ('uuux'lzumuc Nu) wnmdy cmni‘nns \\i1h(';:‘..xni.u mm: for (‘uM in 13mlwmlnn<i nasal (‘alarrly It mo!st um] hunk 111:» in flamed mums nu-mhmm-s, )‘IH‘\'K‘HI\ sneezing and roughing. than a“ 11}' thv “stuffed up" {CL-1mg m (In: {urdu-ml. If ymx hzwn't usvd ('umrrlmyunu ELK i: today and try it an your nut mm. Yuu'll he‘sua'prin‘cd at thud-{imam} of this duhglzti'ul Inhaler U'czmncm whirl: Mala-s (-n'ryuw lmtmsc 1! cures so qtm'kly. (‘omplctvm.t1'1ts$x.oo trial six: zqv. ' '1 in ‘nau 11d .3 iTslinga l v S) 0Q WEDDING AT BA ILXEBORO‘ I\' I'ZW I’R a“: M ISICS, ()ng ‘ DOOR WEST OF l'H’ NF, RS 13ka (} STORE NOW OPEN. under auspines of Come and See the Grand Views of Englandjreland and Scotland, Lift Locks raising and lowering €35 ft, New York Fire Scenes, Erish Mike and Soldiers on the BUR SPECIALTY : Scotch TWEEG Suits $18 guaranteed TWO ()R THREE DOLLARS 3th at PRICES 'I‘IIA'I‘ BID FOR YOUR ORDE for lhc best place to procure a nun: consixiing of SCU'I‘CH 'I‘WICEDS, ENGLISH During 1.1-6 next 111011111 We will (firm 33901 21.1 1111C1ucements to the 0111 6113 cf 111111.11c1: and $111- rou1101111g 0011 111137 to buy their G“ocer1€~s at this Sic-re butcr ablc business and striving to give you butler value for ON ”AND .\ SELECI'I‘ZI) STOCK OF »\I\' I) COMPARE \'.\1.U ES brash» Call 3126!. see our display. Aftcx being so associated with the All" ”and 1‘ THIS SEASON of the \‘car _\ [A 35.. :1 .61 by; PCSITE TOVC D; O hag. ’l‘horndykea Merchant Tailor, Millbrook. a: 41. 9E. Come 0119 3 Come A11 ! to $11.11” you. than he who I solicit yOur ordc tun X? E MEMBER . 13.3. by buying yo", :N HA LL, MILLBRCOK. Opera House, and fa.~l:ionnblc you nmural‘n' lailox-mg trade your money than devmcs his WOOLENS {or EXAMINE THE JILAS for your inspection. W0 RSTIS I )S, PANT] NOS. suit from me. Cl. rt “.1 for the past ten suit, and no whole timc 0n can SAVE c V6 r. Satisfactic n GOODS [0 the one is Separate Sens North 85: Semun Prnac‘ned 1:1: flnemee, an Sunfia 1905, h? the Be: H. Tansy. MATT. XV. I.i.â€"~) and will, “ livery 1 ”manly ['Idill'l' [with l", roolrd "1’ w The words of our tax in their broadcs: pom To say that they rcfcr 1 manly called religious, govamncm of God u circle. If cven the \‘c head are numbcrca, sparrow {allcth w the our Hens-cniy Putin how minute and far-n tails must hc that con ing the destiny of I God’s cy: Secs :1“ zlni: the tarts may be pc With the «heat, than; on the cvii as “cii ; though the rain falls and just alike. yct dsnuuzling rczr Unfit” obwn'ation. But the: hum:- iu the way u! 11): of God’s purgu ~ meat (flint-'41:;- of man Tin: : grind slnuly. an to (arc: 0:) i3 men! of mi? 2"} complex: c» kingdom. It is tx‘u-x, 1‘11: His yum-mu». (' panncrmm “1:51 him the Comm ‘ plcnish the «7-; z 2 sh .Arc vn'xh (mu .. to h: joiILâ€"la its of thc giurio sud] gram cud.» n0 COHCCPQUH .- u'hich (20d 22;:- plrtllcf, is WUH.1 lint is not a»; <,' i5 (z-flfi d Ifiil": tin: can: b: .9 But man‘s 53:..1 poses i< (){tcn a u cans: of 1hc 4:” polim fizz-1mm.“ (be unbeliu a: 1.; gnu: lesson in fir; ~ mm!“ parmcz: ham: to haxc a To 1):: poszs‘cssu‘ pcucc : In 5 c dc u' and warez. How aim: h KS n that (xtrmzin in u “stand and wit. true. and unlwiic: \‘cl unnblc to Ian; (and or 10 1h:- lhc Rcd Sea, 1 51 ll .‘uxd set: Avniu in a 1:: 1m: might) 5:: had was In ‘ " scm among Nadia} under To ast‘cnam trust divine d pron-C1102), cut: ‘ Cat (Ken 0! him much as in waiti: confidence in his And yet in ac wins a rich an " Go forward " when the dividc Sea invited Um:- ama- thy might. haw I :m: God’s word in mm judges of 131’3c7.‘~\':1;*:‘ ed him In 511V: 2!» in flu: darkcfl 1w:‘im‘.> ‘ And God‘s word :‘ch of faith in action. But how fc“ im‘nxfi. cs among '.‘. ' ::;.x::§. :" tamed In zhc gory ‘ which man has ham: ; God, whclhcr :1: {Zn A which hc has. in. ; 3\ only exhibited : ' ,. L but adopted am: y i'. uhicil has pun z 2423.; of 5mm: 1) '\>11_.; 3 IIIUCIIUIll1ucs<.’.X} ~: and sin. Rub: kit. the I ‘er-s pmnxiw in: Mm, rcsons to :1 :33. force: tlw hand u: (‘m ticm for an hci 1 1‘ to an offence 33.1.:14 mits of no justifi ~31! 1y banishment of fun in: hatred of I>h2nag refusal to xamzinz. v appcaranCc of L ' cousncss to carry on: only in the “ fzzlm \\ by means amamuxl . brings His piam 1.: ; And has not (‘I )1 faithful? “ amc ‘ :x ; great tidal march o. you point to um- (or: did not gwac 1mm: pinion of the humm ious ways it 15 mg uncxpcctcd agencics ness and the ~‘ulziarv pl: ” and t}: 2 ma ohstinm \ and: ‘Ic i: Elijah, plnic sxric kc: The Mi lmbc] flees imo‘ ing for drazh to presence of the “remand the mk “X65! God‘s 5'ch and «ring child. And :0 We find, mv God can always be mMu same yesterdav, 1041M es H '2: thoughts are no: is ways are not out w \as‘. if we trust in Him. thoughts to Histh wughts to His «an-s. (10d IS imr thJse who trust Him m‘ licfic and res into the :1er lath to interve the t d watt TC on HI]

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