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Omemee Mirror (1894), 9 Mar 1905, p. 3

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news fland, ering :enes, 300115 I“) fear; 'nxcs. ‘rpection, HAVE ECOK. SAY E Fact 1C!) the one se, IO EEG. 1911‘ YOU the to And so we find, my friends, that ' 30d can’always be trusted. He is the same yesterdav, toâ€"day and to the gas His thoughts are not our thoughts 4 is ways are not our ways, but we *may, if we trust m Him, conform our thoughts to Histh mghts and our ways to His ways. God vs honored most by those who trust Him most; and this 5 And has not God been loving and faithful? Where in all history, in the great tidal march of human affairs can you point to one completed event that did not give a stimulus to the emanci- pation of the human race. In myster- ious ways it is true and oftimes hy unexpected agencies have “the wilder- neas and the solitarv plice been made glad,” and that, too, in spite of the obstinacy and the impatience of man. Elijah, panic stricken at the threat of Jezebel. flees into the arid desert. pray- ing {or death to intervene. But the prcgénce of the Angel, the cruse of waver. and the cake baked on the coals, sates! God’s goodnes; to His fearful and erring child. But how few, indeed, are the instanc- es among the many that might be ob- tained In the story of mankind, in which man has been a co worker with God, whether actiVely or passively, in which he has, by his impatience, not only exhibited a lack of faith in (End. but adopted some ill advised course which has procrantinated the bestmval of some blessing. realized only after much unnecesmry suffering and toii and sin. Rebekah, (eating failure of the Lord's promise to bless her lavorite son, resorts to a guilty subterfuge to force the hand offlod. Sarah, impa- tient for an heir to the promlae. resorts to an offence against morality that ad- mits of no justification. But the lone- ly banishment of jacnb, and the undy- ing hatred of Ishmael attest to God‘s refusal to sanction even the slightest appearance of injustice and unright- eousness to carry out His plans. It is only in the “ fulness of the time,” and by means approved of Him that God brings His plans to perfection. “Go forward” is Israci's command when the divided waters of the Rc'l Sea invited their advance. “ (30 in this thy might, have I not sent thuc," was God’s word to om: of the grcutcst judges of Israel, when He commission ed him to save ”is pcoplc in (m:- of the darkest pcriods of their histur}. And God’s word reveals the triumph of faith in action. “ sun among his fur (\ncs lcunncss and kindlcd undcr th' glory :l burning fire." To asccrzam the divine xvi”, and to "list divine duvdoiznzcnts and divine prolccxion, cw: mil (firth the suprmn cat effort 0! faith. Not in action 50 much as; in waiting (10:5 God ‘ tcsl our confidcmrc in him. And wt in action too, Ruth 0 ‘u n at- talus a nch and rare dcyclopmcnt. st." and See the Sahatinn of (Eoi Again in a Ian-r cg; when MM '11 the mighty Scxxxmchcnh, lhc strength ‘ mel was to "sit st'li'.’ whiie the Lor How oftcn hits man found himwli that extranm' in \\ high H: co u] It 6- , .. I. " ‘ sund and “.1. . Impazicizt, n truc. and unlwlimhg and rcthIio )c! unable to tum Lizhur :o the rig hand or :0 the Mt. A: [11c show the Red Sea, Ismci is hidd: n 10"51: But man’s shurc in Kill-‘3 truc pm- poscs is oftcn a \‘cry urnmxthy onc bu cause of 1GC short aigmcdm» 0f hi- poliq, the nmmwm-ss uf hi; Visiun, m the unbclicf of his hcart. M m‘s 2131s” grunt lesson in becoming a suit .hic am mutiny partner in divine lmrpuu-s is :- learn to ham: ab olutc (mil: in (ind To I): WSSL‘SSCd of this is with”) mu} pcucc ; In ic dcrliluzc Hf it, uzz-gczmn 13' and unrcat. His true, that fur the fulthxmnt of His purlxnes, (30d has mk‘gn 1mm into partnership with Himself, and gut-n him the Command, " (lo forth and re plenish the earth and subdue it." To share with (ind the blessings ufcrealinn. to he join-h ~irs ~.\":h the intern] Sun of the glories of Rude-imprint), In such great ends was man areal-31 Ami no conception «4' that great wnzk, into which (Pod hns' takm nun as “35 p.1rtner, is worthy uf his high milimr that is not as (Ixthoh : :1» hummitv. it is (lanl‘s dairc (in: 3!! 13):: mumps of the can.) he Muse l. U But the: factor that frgqucmly stands in the way of the early accomiflislnncnt of God's purposes, and the readjust- ment of inequalities. is tln: iznpuicncc of man ’l'hc mills ol (incl oftizncs grind slowly, and man by cndcnvoriw to furcc GoJ’s hand delays the fulfil- ment of all riglxtcousncss and tha- c o m p l c t c CSKdl)ll\llanlll of (lod‘n kingdom. 0-. The words of our text must be taken in their broadest possible application. To say that they refer to matters com- monly called religious, is to reduCe the: government of God to a very narrow circle. If even the very hairs of our had are numbered, if not even a sparrow falleth to the ground without our Heavenly Father‘s notice, then how minute and far-reaching in its (le- tails must be that control. that is guid- ing the destiny of the human race. God’s ey: sees all things, and though the tares may be permitted to grow with the wheat, though the sun shines on the evil as well as on the good. though the rain falls upon the unjust and Just alike. yet no circumstance dmunaling readjustment escapes divine obs. nation. 11.4 T T. X Y. I->’.â€"But He answered and will, “ Every plant 10]: Eula my Ilsacculy Fat/(er hath not planted slut/l be rooted at}: " Sermon Preachad m Chris, 151m 62 flmemes, on Sunday, Bell 2611], 1905, by the Renter, Rev. J. H. Tansy. Separate Schools 131E332 North West. 1 The Mirror and Family Herald and Weekly Star to J a‘nu‘ar'y let, 1906, for 1.60, Premium Picture included MN. It is true we are taltl that the de ire to establish Separate School.» has its root in a huly and ttttsclfirlt zeal for the t‘cligiuus Welfare of the Country :11 large, and for the generations yet uh born. Wuttltl that we could believe It were true. ll‘ by religion 15 nit-ant a spirit of \uhserxiem'y to :1 system that dwarfs the intellectual powu. a aystem that gives reason no place in the solu tron of Heavenly things, a system that fails to liberate the mind from :n‘nur- zmce and superstition and fear, a system that tends to make clear and distinct a line of cleavage in the na tronal life, then’no true Canacllan can have any other attitude towards this measure than that of uncompromising hostility. But if or." the other hnml by religion is meant an elevation of the whole nature to :1 condition of manly independencu of reasuning revcrche, ml “ hands (‘ff Manitoba" thmt‘ brilliant Frcm‘h (fan-adult swér‘t I'mm [)owt'r 'thu gowrnmczzz that h. t! txthcrtd tlzc Rczncdml Bill‘ But what do wcsx- today? ()Id men wipe thcn‘ gluxscs ..ml rc-ttd :tgmn crc thcy can lmhtvt; thtir cyrs, :1 stury of political di~hunnr, a Slur)” of nation- al buttnwl. Young m -n stand nghml at ' the hunnliatmg spvt‘tat'lc of (film than Statcsmc: ahantloning the lift) gressn‘c for the re Llctiumi‘y. Mixed fcclings of indignation, shame, Wound ed pride, and contempt takcpmscssion of us when we remember the quarter whence the dcnmnd for this legislation came. ' ' tz-xfcrmg :n :m cduca mnul prohkm of u snnilar naturc, dunamlinér sululmn at the hands of Kim smzcsmcn of :1 25.22.." 222:8? 5.x: 2 91,56; ccruv. c”. 2513:3253 9:92. .:r_,‘.3_:v :1. S.ic:1nz 5...: :6. 723a n3, 2 3 v #75:“: 3:: oooboo 125.5 1:. 3:5: 7.: )0?! )lit uncnarge ()l lites duties, or in [inn-4e q'tiet retreats into \VlllClL lur our (lim‘i lpnne, we are sometimes milled LU “ stand and wait." But what We may rest assured of in the moral gnvernment of the would is this,â€"â€"â€"that (iod will never give His sanction to any came, or any institution, nm alluw it to he a perennial Circumstance that will not bear the awful search light ol‘rtghteoua- ness and truth. In a word, the declar- ation of our Blessed Lord, “ Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath n )t planted shall be rooted up," should form the eternal buttress of a faith capable 0i removing every mountain of sin and casting it into a sea of endless oblivion, and if realizing that day when (Zod's will shall he done on earth as it is in Hem‘cn. rust and this confornnty to God‘s Will must be cxcrctscd m chry sphere of human cxistcucc, whqthcr in (h;- mrntc (Ih‘Chat‘gz? of life's duties, or m lhm‘c q'nct rcm'uls mm Winch. tur our (lim‘i Phil's. Wu arc snmz-timrx- pull”! m ltniun‘lit‘ul non not. \‘ this nwasurc, szbus is :1 pro L) outrage [hr and :1 British Emir crcdibxlity. H'cx‘vnt prcmicr .1 party Ic-(l by «hing dx fcut to mnncnt, {m in ma] Irmhkm of mlin;r solutum 1m: n..: .mml Catholic but my or nearly possessing all upuHc “I. sup garcons-co of 0: H1! Miss Hepburn, Mr. C. Ivorv’s head milliner. is making prepara- tions for their grand Spring open- ing. Watch for announcement of this pleasing event, which will be the grandest in thc history of tllIS big store. Orange Concert in Bradbnrn’s Opera House, Omrmee, Friday, March Ioth. Sec bit: adv. page 2. But let us he cautious. Let us do nothing that would retard the moveâ€" ment. Yea, let us do something, let us he something that will hasten that great and glorious day. Let us he earnest ; let us he self-denying; let us he faithful. Let us do our part and (30d will His. But unle-s we are in earnest, unless we really lne what we profess, (10d \"lll not take us “119 partnership in this great work. That the desired end will he accom- plished admits of no doubt. “ The Lord (90d Omnipotent reigneth.” And Time that greatest of all solvents, that greatest of all tests, beneath whose influence the most pretentious schemes the most promising structures fade away if built upon the sand,â€"»'l'ime alone will reveal those agencies yetto be employed by God, to establish the words of our text,~â€"“ Every plant which my Heavenly Father hath not planted shall be rooted up.” And in llHS grmt work what splendid :tllvs “'L- have in thc CVL‘T'éIqullCng hirltlUS ofhnmnn intelllgcm'c and tilt: lihcmhzing tctitlL‘m-ies ofthc ago. With C\CI“lliCl'L‘.’l3lll_" t'znlurncc the sand) light of win tilit: ll‘d‘crllgfltltm is illuminating the pathway of man, groping H] the darkness after trtnh, \ p l 0 (l l n g old‘tnnc thcorics and L-xnancrpntnrg the mind from Ignorancc and four. B: l)h(:al scholarship and l'L‘SCRlCll an; (lL-zmng anav the mists of superstrtmn, :md northiL-r t‘oncL-ptions ol (led dam! of religion erc taknu: possession of the human mind. And all these circumstanCL-s, my friends, potnt to the same: conclusion, “ ivcry plant which my llcavcnly l’ather hath not plantL-Ll shall be rootL-Ll up.” All th-csc things are our alhesrn making tlns country that Wt: lave, the garden of the Lord. and in banishing forcvur from our shores everything ininncnl to the best interests of our pccplc. Jung-s. 1h:- latth. l'n Iw a Protestant mcnns to lELlYC axial to 13w :1 (trcctl of positive trutli. Am! tlicrc is no otlitrr [)UWt‘X' lzut tlu- pun-tr llllh Mu tiiipzu'ts that will lug-p in L'li-;k cVL‘l'Y national .LiHl religious dungri‘. \Vliilc', ”it”, in: ”ivy not mm l): (llllz' to IH'L'VCHI tli: pissing, of tli: pmpmul Etgislution We are by nu IllL‘fllls «limi'm ml. \\'liilc it is our px'ixilt-gt: tn us:- c‘vci‘y (‘()H.~Ullltl()t‘.:\l mums {lV‘nll‘dltlL‘ to try [0 pi‘cvuiit this national calamity, WC hm": anotlicr mmns tlmt Cannot fail,» tlic rvgcncratmn (if those whom.- unl)’ religiun is hatred of Rumc. Then, and nut till then, will our Rmimn ('ntliolic l’cllow t‘itizcns fccl tlic gran dt-tir (if that rcligimi, tn whose claims they will not now listen. and the glory of that fret-(loin l0\\l1lCl) tlicy have not )1! attained. ttafl‘Fau-tuin Patterson of the Salva- tion Army Immigration Deparmiem, who is making a tour in the inwresls of Immigmliun work, called at [he oiiice or The Mirrorou Friday. The Salvation Army are brluglngnut at large number of Immigrants this Spring fur manufacturing and furm work They \\ ill be coming at the rate of 100 I. \\ eek from the Inner end of March up (0 ”re 9511: of April, and on the lultci date the S. S \ ancouwr which has been chartered bi' the Sul- Vutmn Army and is bringing ontabuui 15W desirable people from England, lrelund and Scotland, composed of married and single men. It is sufficiently sntisfnctory to Mr. Sherwumt tn knuw that though denied in Toronto that mend of n-uugnitmn which his thnnghla merlted that He “ Renew of Reviews” “as most trunk in Its mamwr nfmmlyqis and the Liter- ary Digest dm‘uted more thnn three pages to the extracts from the article â€"l‘ur}:du1e0nce u \\ eek. - It seems like I! e inny of f.-te that! any one \\ hn roulnn-s us Mr. Shvrwood did into this unexplored (ieH of thonghl,slmu1~3 have passed uunmir- ed in (‘nnzula ur nurse than that to he fittlngly cmulunm! hy Hm memhers at his own pruhssmn, and that the hum r Shduld have heun uninu-ntimmlly acknmfludged in the nm-runces of Lieutenant-(invert or Mark, and in the institution \\ here it “as so heurtxly opposed. TLe reason the Suh‘ullon,Army is bringing these people to this Country is on ing to the great distress and [MN- erty in Ihe old land at lhc presenl time andaroanxioua in place them uizh manufacturers and lurn.ers Those deslring goorl help this incoming spring, cannot do heller than apply to R, J. Grundy l’, {\l , ()Inenwe. or \V. V’ariée 1’. 31., Millbrouk, for particulars and Applicatlon forms which will he sent. promptly to Uunnnxssimxer (bombs. of the Salvation Army.’l‘oron- to. and the Immigrants “l“ he sent free 0! charge to the applicants a-ldress_ In filling out the forms kindlv write the date you want tl.e help sent out, 'lhere \\ lll also be a. number of domes- tlcs 01' Axxius, mm!» a striking purullrl in In M“ zuIVm-m-y of(‘anu«llun Art to the original theury first udeatml by Mr W. A. Sherwood in the ('uuadian Ma- gazine smna hteh‘e wars nun, um] 1n the linoychq mliu of (‘.m:ldu son 8 five Q yearsuuo. 01';\11iz~!s,mm openhxg 5;” m {1:23 U ’ Smecmfi @Urmg gazmm: ngefleg Post BfficeB The lento-lrnnt“(worm-r m Pfifllllflégfilflflfll‘v â€"â€"â€"I New VVONDERFUL CHEAP liOMiKlil) HY INFEIUCNCIC .EE‘iET-EJEP cf Gm All New and Fresh for the Holiday! Trade. Ht rmm“ {(im-onwr, in his u Onturiu Sum. ty Raisins, Currants, L IN D SAY. .‘ g ,: n. mic ‘3 am.» fiat-a3: “~- 46%?‘\._J pun N3 V , ggmayers The funeral of the late \\"m A. Sutllmlzmd was largely attcmlcd. l‘lxe deceased \‘zls born about llucc miles west of Omcmce, and livul hcu: until a couple of yams })1‘Lf\‘lOUSt()g0ll‘gl()’l‘OXOHIO, and was much :csPcctL-d and un- j0'\C\l the confidence of all who knuw him. He was :1 consxstent m. mbcr 0F I’l‘c>.b\t:,-1'iz111 Church, amlnn Independent in politics, lncfl'nmg in \‘me lor the man instead uf party. He leaves 21 widow to muum his loss. 13111132111111 Elizabeth 1111111:11'1‘1e(1 who 11:11”: :111 preceded 111111 to the <1111'1l\\1)111,:111d1511en \x1101sll1e ,111\ 011e1eft of the f;1mily, and "11 “110111 he 11\e11 2111 his life. 11L 1.L\L‘1 111::1111x1 211111111 1e11210n \1'11511 A1t’t11011151, 111111 in pohtics was :1 Conservative He could tezl many interesting anecdotes 01' the 0111 pioneer 11;1\s “hen pt 0111: nae-11 [u t 1111: then wheat 10 P011 1111110 on their backs and curry 1111111; their flour. 'l 11c funeral to lhc Emily Cem- clry on Saturday. i“el).251h, was Lnrgcly attended. The dczith of Mr. john IIitne), which took place on lhnisdn}, ht!) qrd, rtnious one of the t-nthtst sctthIs of tho loxxnship 0t r‘.IIIi!I.. Hc, “it it his niothc., one hIothcr and font SlSttX‘S,Ciultt‘ to thisrxnmti} horn the County CA ltiillilnnl"h Ireland, in the fxcni I\.iI and Settled On what is now known as the Orange Line of Emily. lznt It! that time was only ti than! mark in the forest. Ht: rvszdud [ilt'fc continuously until th; timcof his death. Hts brother was Adam Bunny. who died about ‘50 yams ago, and his sisters were .irs. ‘.\‘ni. Spence, Mrs. John An rcxcdlunt pmgxum m“ Le ren- dered. Admission 15c. Proceeds for public school library. 'l‘hor‘r who buy baskets m“ have their admission fee rcfumicd. Comm. â€"J. Shm‘in, (3. (brew. 11. Ruth, 5. SWxtzcr. G. Fowlc'r. C. Mills, and A“ . McCurrvll. ‘ZE 35:51:.0. :5 8535:. m3. 2 $353; 3 Kim 5:53... Iicmumber the Basket Social in 13:11::‘1 School on I‘Hiday ex‘ening, March 17th. Gents bring you: India-s, and ladies bring baskets Mrs. Cameron, of Port Hepe, IS a guest at the home of Mr. J. j. szmb. The dose is one, just one pill at bedtime. Sugar-coated, mild, certain. They cure constipgtLoqL _i.$.m yitdicate of Peels, Spices, IS :1 g: m and a treasure to the recipient. And it wiil be all that it seems if purchased at our store. We have a not-abivfine assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. lx’ure bargains in jewrlry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article fi'lly Warrantcd. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of Com-gt: of I‘hysxcians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Office : Opposite E jamieson's Blacksmith Shop, King St. West. 77 Kefit-St LINDSAY Honor Graduate uf 'l‘uronto Univers- fly and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. WATCHES, CLOCKS, _[IS\V- liLRY, SILVERWARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON All the latest. and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. OFFICE over Gregory’s Drug Store. Comer Kent and William streets. manship in the form of hand-run trucks, shirring, fzigoting. piping, etc.” Yokes. cut round or square are to he used a great deal, and the “tlmp yoke." as well as herthas and epaulcts, will keep the broad shouldered (‘ft'cct still prominent. The skirts are to he still full, according with the pre- valent ‘ 1830' ideas in cloths. Eventhing that can he done to a sleeve will he in fashion, and puffs. shirrings and ruffles will hinder the very rapid :ii‘rivalof the leg-d-mutton, which is again COIDlng to view. Drs. Neelands Irvine. Dentists, I indsay‘ Dr. Irvine, of the aboye firm, a first-class Honor Graduate of the University ofToronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. visits Omcmee Ist Tues- day of every month. Everything up todate in Dentistry Gas ad- ministered l’or teeth extraction. According to Marian Kent, who writes on fashions for young girls, in the March New Idea Magazine the dainty dresses for this Spring and summet are to he made of silkrfinishcd mohair. lanedowno, batistie and collcnnemcsidm the soft silks and the shccrfubx‘ics. Hand-wmk in its churning: sim- plicity still supersedes ciubora‘c tiimmings, and “ very many duintv frecks are made: entirely of ma‘eriai, utterly devoid ofmm- mint: and depending soldy for decoration on the exquisite work- WHAT THE GIRLS WILL WEAR CLOTHINGnWe have the largest and best stock ever carried by us in Omemee. SILKS--Ask to be Shown Our Stock. Why not select your Hollday Gifts from our stocks--Nothing better or more serviceable. of our business career when the‘ Stocks were SO large and Well assorted as now. They com- prise Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Hardware, etc. There never was a time in the history WRMEUEHWS. Dr. F. A. Walters DENTIST, LINDSA Y The Popumr Jewelry Store, 8575’ YOU R‘fi‘a OMEMEE «. u'lnGuY Millbrook, where he will always be found, and by close attention to busi- ness, hope to merit a continuance of .your cstccmcd patronage. Takes this ()ppmlumty of thanking his numerous patrons for thcir many favoxs during the past four years and wishes to intimate that he has moved his TAILOR SHOP J. M. KNOX Opp. Queen’s Hotel, Mr. B. J. McQundc has swurcd the local agency for the Patric Mfg. ('0 , of Hamilton, mfgs. of Magnet Cram Separators and l)air)‘SUpplics. These are the best that arc pmduccd Your orders are respcctfully solicitcd. For prices and terms apply to Burton J. McQuadc, Omcmce, ()nt. Any man out of employment or with idle time on his hands can make money rcprcswting (‘anada‘s National Nur- Scl‘ltS, whtch pay cash Weekly, furnish the handmmest sanllflcfi free, and oficr thc grcalcst selection of hardy acclim- mated stock. Season now commencâ€" ing. Write t<>day.»-(TAl’l'l‘AI. NUR- SliRY COMPANY. Ottawa. Ont. l".-\R.\I FOR SALE (IR T0 RENT â€" llcing Lots 8. 9, no. Cons. 4 and 5, 'l‘ownship of Emily. consistmg of over 300 acres, 80 acres plowed, the balance hung in pasture and wood land. The property is well watered and lb onc ol‘thc best farms in the 'l'ownship. There is a large brick dwelling and up-to-datc outbuildings. Situated 1 mile north east of Omco nice. it is \‘c:‘\' com-cnicm. Omemce has high and public schools, with cfiicicnt tcachcrs, 3 Churches, and : branch of the Bank of Toronto. Im- mediate possm‘iun. For further particulars and terms apply to BURTON l. MCQUADE. Omemee. AGENTS WANTEI ). Trilbys \Vinks Alabamas Scotch Rec] U p~t0-date Specml Vcncedora Advertisements nut-h as lost. any“, wunu-d. etc" will lu- lnsertzâ€"d ”INN: times to: $1.0"? lnselLinn 50 cents. vuoh uubuequeut innvrliun ‘2." cents. :irlhn, Deaths, and Marrlaxen are Inserted (rev. Advernsnmentn will be confirmed mad (-lmruml {or until forbidden. ('hangm or advertisements are to be I. lllc 0mm- not later than Monday. Terms, $1.541 per year, or 5|.00 per your J paid in advance. C. W. RICHARDS, Ednor and I’ubllubov 25c. Pipes - 35 and 4oc-Pxpcs 15c Pipes IOC'PipeS corn cobs stain-.30 .Bufluwkfl 07:: “3.10qfi‘h u‘uouOI-IOB Cut in Cigars Is published every Thursday Morning In “4 Office. King Street, Mlllbrook. Bankruptsmck er Pipes WM. COLYIN’S Millbrook and Omemee FOR [JP-'I‘O-IM'J‘E JEWELRY. Issuer of Marriage Licenses, MILLBROOK. to the BA'I‘I‘ZSON BUILDING, NUTIEE! Pipes - for 15 c nd 40C-Plpcs for 25 Pipes for to Pipes for 5 Icobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at kMIRROR J. STEELE'S, AIIVER'I'INING HATES: lyr. 61:10. 31nd». lmo. lwk. SX'BW'RH'TION [LATER 6 for 7 {or 6 {or 7 {or 7 for 3 for 6 for 15 cent! 25 u 10 l. cents OI

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