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Omemee Mirror (1894), 6 Apr 1894, p. 2

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I have just received the third lot of McLaughlin’s Worlds Fair Re- war! Flour. This flour received the Gold Medal and the first prize at the Worlds Fair. All goods, delivered to any par of the town; Remember the place, old Stand. East End. LINDSAY. 9 lbs Rolled Oats. 10 lbs. Standard Oat Meal 100 lbs. Superior Flour I 100 lbs. Royal Baker’s ...... I ‘ This Flour is Guaranteed. Owing to Barrett's Mill being burned down this last Monday, I am selling the Best [hands of How Dundas Flavelle Bros. Insect Powder, Pure Drugs, Jewelry 8:. Watches All Very Cheap for Una Month. R. J. Mulligan. Jus. T. Ham’s Flower Garden Clover Timothy Field STORE, House Cleaning IN COOL WEATHER, Ceiling Decorations. CALL Ill) SEE OUR NEW STOCK OP WALL PAPER Ye? to complete the required sixty for the May Festival ,to be held 111 Omemee on the 24th. Apply to NOW is the time for en hung in your Implements to get. repaired for spnng seeder feet, hut-rows, uolters, c., c. All work done in the best of style, with Special care is taken in shoeing horses that interfere, also with horses that have crooked or flat feet. fiGive me a trial and be\aninced- East Side Bridge, Wood’s Old Stand Do Your Fine, Fresh, Select Prunes. Eva- porated Apples, Green Apples, Canned Corn, Peas and Toma- toes. Fresh Oysters : *1!!!» at. :hv nravlbnrn Hum-m, on the. 1. Monday and 3rd Wu! ever: an North-wast. Corner Sr-ets. L! )1 “any. OMEMEE, ONTARIO. Graduate of the Ont. \‘etorinayy Wzinterod Member or the Ontnno Association. Call», night. or day. promptly am OFFICE : Next. door to Adam’s G Jos. T, Beatty. 'â€" ‘l'his hotel baa been established for over 30 earn, and is tilted up with the very best mprovements. It has good accommodation tnrcmnmervial men with splendid sample P'Oms. The whole house is heated with hot. air anal is in uvcry way a first-class hotel. The hurls supplli'd with n. select brand of wines. liqnom and draw. The dining tables nbling and attenâ€" are unsurpassed. Hood 4 five hustlers in charge. Rates, $1.00 pvr day. I. \V. WILSON. Proprietor. This new hotel is ncuu-u u...,......: hat air and is one obtho best equipped in the Midland Districts. It ii in every way united to the requirements or the public, having splendid sample rooms for the ac- c-uummimion orcommcrcial men. The bar is utockml with the cholcust brands or liquors and cigars. the dining room receives the special a. tention or the proprietor. and an attentive hostler is in charge of the arabléi. which has lately been fitted up for thr Haw-Hing public. Rates 31.00 per day. “1 Cardwx-ll Proprietor. Omemee. .Feb’v 7th. This new hotel is henâ€"ted throughout hm. air and is one obtho best. equippl the Midland Districts. It. 14 in every < 7.:_,.Mnnfu nt‘ the D‘ Just Receiv ed. Give me a call when m need of GROCERIES. J. E. ADAMS. Horsg-Shoeing My Specialty. This hotel baa her] ears. and is fitted mprovements. It h: fur cmnnlert-lal "In-r: FLOUR and FEED Allen S. Macdonell, T. Walden, GEO. W. McKIM, in: Machine Needles on hand. Bradburn House. Dr. S. W. Clarke, BARRISTER. SO ICITOR, «t9. rh-wOst Corner 0: Kent. and York N LINDSAy. ". ' vested. Janey to Lnnn. Money In 54m THAT IS MANUFACTURED BY Money to Cardwell House. G.W. Mulligan, DEXTIST. .\u LLBTV‘OK. BLOCK, OMEMEE. ONT. AND SEEDS Japan Teas, Sugars. : DMEMEE’S BLACKSMITH . Hons“. nmr‘mm‘v 3rd W'cduesdad’ 0° SHOP NEW m1" Foliage. .rio V ewrln- attended to. s Grocer!- with fork g 5 my! AT THE OFFICE, KIVG STREET EAST, IN THE 1‘JORRIS BLOCK Mr. Thompson, of Peterborough, paid as a. visit this week. Mr. Thompson is agent for the Sun Life Assurance 00., and understands his business well. He has everything down fine and is no doubt a successful worker for the com- pan 3'. The average attendance of the Bethel Sunday ' School for the year 1893 was fifty -fiv.e Bethe] is claimed to be the largest country school in the Bay of Quinta Conference. Rebert tells me that he has a notion of choosino a wife. Oh! what achance. Saygirls, don’t let it slip. Miss Reid of Peterboro has been visit- ing this week at her brother's, A, Reid, of this place. Miss Ida Switzer, of Bethel, ape nt‘a few days last week in Peter-borough visiting friends. Jolm Rva of One. occupied the pulpit at Bethel on Sunday morning last. 1 Special to the [in-or. the helm! and the heart in the game of 0V9, Must each play a. difl‘urent part; But we’ll pardon a girl with a. cold in the head If she’ll only be warm in the heart. A wvokly I)€Wsrflp91’.puhllshod in the In- wrest of the \‘i Inge m umcmoe and sur- rounding distrk‘t. All kinds of job printing Jan» in the Jnh mums at the new lowest. lh-lng prices with m-at-nens and dcspatch. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. Local Nocloes acts. a line first insertion. sets. each subsequent. insertion. Following in the footsteps of the tem- perance army of Ontario, the people of Nova. Scotia have become alive to the importance and great need of a prohibi- tory movement to stem the tide of in- temperance which is sweeping over that Province. On Thursdav, the 15th inst, a prohibitory plebiscite was taken at the samé time the general elections for the Province were held. and the result is that the measure carried by a. vote of nearly four to one. Thus are the people of the Dominion clamoring for a. sup- pression of the liquor traffic, while the liquor-loving members of Parliament are evading the responsibility of legis- lating upon the matter. Every Friday Mornifig Mr. Maclean, the conservative mem- ber for East York, has introduced what will prove no doubt a. popular bill. It is one to prevent railway. companies from charging more than two cents a. mile for railway passenger tickets. Many of the American States have such alaw. but in the United States the rates are already, as a rule lower than that, and the limit imposed has little effect. General Booth, of the Salvation Army, will visit Canada. this fall, when he will conduct a. Jubilee Salvation Campaign throughout the Dominion and United States. The Toronto Telegram occasionally says a good thing, as, forinstance. when it observes that Grits of the David Mills school might trade a little wisdom for some much needed common sense. Bill\ 'ye is about to retire from the le‘ture platform, and go to his model farm in North Carolina. He calls it. a model farm because it costs him three times as much to run it as he gets out of it. Here are a. couple of nuts for the blue. ruin fraternity to crack :â€" “ Notwith- standing alleged discontent in Manitoba and the North-West, hundreds think it a. preferable habitation to Dakota and Minnesota, and the country is fast till- ing up." " A special train of twenty -five cars broncht settlers from Kansas City to Edmonton district, N. W. '1‘., on March 28th.” The plebiscite vote in Prince Edward Islandâ€"The returns show the following vote: Totals for the Province for pro- hibition 10,5 85, total against 3,331 ;total majority for prohibition 7,254. One vote was cast for prohibition in St. Agatha, Waterloo county. and 93 against. A bet was made that there would not be a single vote for prohibi- tion there, and one took the bet, to save his money voted the prohibition ticket. That there is a strong feeling stirring in favor of a reduction of the present railway fares is proven by the forward- ing of several bulky petitions to the Do- minion House, praying for in. first-class fare of two cents and a. second-class tare of one cent and a. quarter upon all rail- ways. In the House of Commons, on Friday, in reply to Chas. Fairbairn, M. P., Hon. Mr. Foster said that the Government had;no official information as to the re- moval of the embargo against the im‘ portation of Canadian cattle into Great Britain. ' THE OMEMEE MIRROR. ()MEMEE. FRIDAY. ARPIL 6, 1894. ’3 sflmemee Mir! me! .~ RATES OF ADVERTISING: Fowler’s Corners. OMEMEE, ONTARIO, EDITORIAL NOT 8. At This Season. LANE 6: RICHARDS. PUBLISHERS. l9 PUBLISHED 11 NEW MILCH cow. Apply to W. BRADBURN, Omemee , Kells, Fowler Co. have purchased the vacant lot on King Street, opposite Doak's hardware store, which was form- erly owned by Messrs. Wm. Coombe and the late John Richards. The purchasers intend building a fine brick structure, that will take the place of the magnifi- cent one destroyed by fire a few years since, but as Mrs. Richards did not care to build again, the lot has been idle ever since. There are times when partner- ship runs smooth but there are times when it does not. Scarcely two weeks ago, Richard Fallis of (‘avam was laid to rest in Gardiner-’8 burying ground, and it was only to day that the remains of his wife were laid beside him. She had been ailing for some time, but the death of her husband told heavily upon her and on Monday at noon she breathed her last. Great sym- I athy is felt for the bereaved family in the hour of their sad affliction. .ngfred Crossley, of Peterboro’, was wanting the boys here last week. He went home last Monday to resume his studies. Miss N. McLean, of Mount Pleasant, who has been visiting friends in town, returned home on Thursday. Miss White, of New York, will give a, recital in the town hall under the aus- pices of the firemen on Aprilthe 12th. Thomas Eakins. of Toronto, made his brother Samuel :1 visit last week. The revwal services in the Methodist Church are still in progress. Fred. Cobmbe has been teaching on the Fallis line this week. J. Charles Leach is confined to his home with a severe cold. Special to The Mirror. Richard Howden, of Port Hope, was in town Monday. 0n pension day. might be seen assem- bled, a very small portion of that vast army of brave veterans who had given a good account of themselves at Water- looJCorunna, and Cindad Rodrigo. and ‘ many other places. and there were not wanting two or three representatives of that brave little band, a ho, by their hearty cheering, kept a superior force 01 their gallant enemy from approaching the double lines of Torres Vadras before this stupendous Work had reached its completion. One of these brave men visited our bandronm, his name was James German, 2. Drum-Major in the army; he proved to be a great help to the band. He was the best drummer we had ever seen and understood the proper step in marching. “ Now, gentle- men," said he, “ the evening is but young yet, should it be your pleasure to listen to an adventurous story of one of my dear companions, I am ready to oblige you." “_By all means, go on,” was the answer, and he thus began. “ Not far south of Calcutta near the Delta 01 the Ganges, a small party consisting of three, the mother and her “No loving children. They had left the canton- ment late in the afternoon to take a bo- tanical ramble in the direction ofa small cooling stream whose banks were cover- ed with fragrant flowers of every des- cription of colour and shade, and the ‘ umbrageous trees so Cool and refreshing i are very plentiful on the banks of this l little sacred stream at the foot of one of these trees the little party had taken up its szition, and in a little while the children were lively in picking up the most gorgeous flowers they could get their hands on. On the other side. of the stream as far as the eye could reach was nothing, but a sandy desert except here and there a patch of tawny colored shrubs, which seemed to be moreluxur- iant near the banks of the little stream. Now it happened that Capt. James Hall- port came up tothe little party and after paying respect due their dignity he politely withdrew. He had not gone very far before he began to think that the little party were not in very safe quarters, because he had just heard the distant sound of the wild peacock, a sure sign of an approaching enemy. The Captain had with him a gun of the most improved pattern, and in a very ‘ short time had it ready for the reception of an e emy. Now, about two hundred yards down the stream a large tree had fallen across the stream, which was a ‘good substitute for a bridge, the bark was cut away from the under side of this With periodical floods and the bark of the upper side was quite loose, but yet It was resting on its parentstem ; he now took the bridge and was soon on the other side of the stream. The Cap- tain male his way up the bank ol the stream, and came in sight of the little party who had seen sonwthing that caused them no little surprise and the object of it, we are not very far from w here the Laptai n was stand ing and now he was in full view ofchngalTigerand now it was in the mind of the Captain to break all previous records oftime, in the direction of the bridges. He got there but not a moment too soon. He had only got himself under the end of the bridge, and his gun in hand, when the tiger was on the bridge above his head and refused to go on, when the Captain fired a shot, but it did not take effect. The tiger now was making ready for battle, but the Captain. who sudden- ly seizing the. tiger by the tail, andwith the help the bark gave by turning itself round, the monster was emptied into the stream; the Captain still kept a firm grip on the spinal pendage of his enemy, which, in a few minutes, croaked his last near the shore. EARLY REMINISCENCES. MILLBROOK. For Sale. Your Humble Servant, Durex. McFARLxN. Llnel Written on the Deuh o! Jpfies Padgett, Who Departad rm: Life on Irma 213:, 1394 Oh, faded hopes and withe ed dreams, How dreary life for future seems; No hopes on earth for you now to show, Since death has dealt its dreadful blow. Three years of suffering and of pain, Three years of Worldly loss and gain; The loss of life, gain to the soul, HIS faith has triumphed over all. He trusted Christ when days were drear, Trusted in Him when skies were clear; And now he reaps his bright reward, A mansion with the blessed Lord. Yet how sad to think of parting! From the one we loved so well; All around seems dark and dreary, It’s so lone no tongue can tell. In thy earthly home was sunshine, Lighted by thy presence there; Bqt_to us it does eeem lonely, _ When we see thy vacant éhair. 0, how patiently thou hast waited, For thy Spirit’s upward flight; Till he called ghee with the angels, And to dwell with him in ugm.’ A wife now is le.t to mourn,’ A father from his children torn, ‘ God’ 3 holy willâ€"it must be done. Although it fills our home with gloom Though we xx ish that we could see thee PETE RB OROUGH, ONT. now And Speak to thee as of yore; Yet back to dwell in this world of pain, We could wish thee never more. But now our hop es with him are fled, For he is numbered with the dead; We shall his face no more behold, Until we \\ ulk those streets of gold. libi)i63;§3<5 \Vood'. soft, b'ei' londi .......... 7 7 l 20 to 1 20 Out Chop, per cwt. Pen. chOE “ ..... 1 15 ml 20 Barley c op “ .......... 1 10 to 1 :ln Pollm‘ds “ . . . ..... 81 t0 1 05 Bran, per ton .............. .. .16 00 to 16 oo Fleece wool ........ .. 16 to 17 Southdown wool..l. ....... 20 Veal Cultsklns per 1b.. ..... 5 Deacon Skins each ..... 30 to 3") Hides, per cwt. .............. 2 00 to 3 oo Tallow, rendered per lb. . 3 5 ‘ullow er 1b., rough ........... o oo Sheeps lns ............................. o 00 Beer. by the unrtcr per cw 4 on to 6 oo Mutton perl ......... ' ............ 7 to 8 Lamb per lb .......................... 7 to S Dressed Hogs per 100 lbs ..... 5 15 to 6 2’3 Hogleve weight. ............ 4 50 to 5 oo Lard ....................... ll Ducks, per pair.. 50 to 75 Geese, each ................... 60 to 75 Turkeys,euch .................. 60m 1 ‘25 Chickens per pain... ........ 40 to 60 Potatoes .......................... 40 to 50 Maggie Tweedy Janie Jones . .. . Herbert Jones. . March Report of S. S. No. 1, Town- ship of Gavan. THE EITY PLANIHG NHLLS Albert Jones ...... Ethel Jones ...... Oscar Gardiner... Maggie Poast .. .. Josephine Poast .. Lizzle Jones ...... Maud Jones . . Maria Jones. . . . . Amy 'l‘weedy...... . . . . . Foster Shields .......... . Sydney Connell ........... Annie Jones.. ... . Vincert Jones . . . . . . ........... \Vestin Gardiner ....... . OlaJones Cfover. Alsike Clover, red ......... Apples, per bag .............. Butter, fresh roll, per lb. Butter. crock .................. Butter Firki n.. . Eggs, per doz... Hay, per ton ...... .. St raw, per loud .............. Wooq. ha._xjd,per_lon_d ...... So the old fellow went down to see the judge, found him hoeing in his garden, and said : “ But have I got to pay it, judge?” “ Of course you have.” “ Well, then," said the man, I suppose I must.” and he started ofi‘. “ Hold on!” said the judge; “aren’t \ on going to pay me. ‘P’ “ Pay you. 9 \\ lx.1tf.0r" ” “ l'or legal adv' Ice. ” “ What do you charge ? ” “ Ten dollars.” The result was that. the old fellow had to pay five dollars to the young lawyer and ten dollars to the old one. MARKET REPORTS. A close-fisted old fello“ thinking to get legal ad\ me for nothing, called upon the young man, told him he was very glad he had come into the tow,n as the old judge \\ as getting superannuated, and then Contrived in a sort of neigh- borlv talk to get some legal questions answ.ered Then thanking the \' oung man, he put on his hat and “as about to leans, when the young man asked him if he should charge the advice, for which the fee was five dollars. The old fellow went into a violent passion, and swore he never would pay. The young lawyer told him he would sue him if he didn’t. A young lawyer, just starting in his profession, hung out his sign in 9. Con- necticut. town where there was only one other_lawy_er, gn ygefljudgei _ “That young scamp that’s just come into town! I dropped in to make a neigh- borly (33.” on lmn, and he charges me five dollars for Iega} agvicg._” _ “Served you Fight,” said the judge; “ you had no busmess to have gone to him.” .R.. DQNELL, : PROPRIETOR. Don’t Try to Cheat a Lawyer. IN MEMORIAM.‘ FOURTH CLASS. ON THE DICKSON RACE, I. WILLIAMS, Teacher. ....... ......411 . ............ 388 60 to 40 to 40 to .192 ..191 .163 . 168 . 250 . 1’32 317 238 236 ‘167 118 FOR SALE'AT M ULLIGAN’ S L. O’COEENOR, LINDSAY, Manufacturer of Cutters, Sleighs, Buggies, Wagons, Have you Canaan '1 This remedy in teed to cure you. Price, 600m. Injec urea. Latest styles and improvements in all kinds vehicles, at prices that will compare favorably in the Do- minion, where a good article is re- quired. A call solicited. fire'xifih}! Prdfiagutors of Choice Seed l’ot'a- tons. Rochester. N. Y. AGENTS to sell our choice and hardy nur- sery stock either on Salary or Commission. Wr also give our men the prlvllcgo of selling our new and choice varieties ofsced potatoes. Secure the agency at once. which will hand- somely repay you as now ls the time to 501] such ¥°°d§!°!_“EE1l‘£ Plaqeimo The Rathbun Company Lnnhee, Shingles, Beers, Sash, Mnnlninns, Lath, Cement, Chanson], Nenel Pests, Balnstens. }or sale a steam yacht, capable of 1101i ling seven persons. Has only been running for one season. First-class throughout, good engine. For further infwrnmtion, call a.. the MIRROR office, or erp u lineto Box A., Omemee. A Dmk Grey Woollen Shawl between Ommnee and Mount Pleasant on I‘ridav Man 11 23rd 1894. Findm will oblige owner bv lomingthe same at \V. Bludburn’s ”Groccr), On» mee. OPEN TO BUY Cedar Posts, Ties, Shingle Bolts and Logs of all Descriptions, Delivered at their M111 at Lindsay. 11-3m The Highest Price paid for Rags old Iron, ( upper and Brass. GIVE ME A CALL. John Wilson OMEMEE. High Grade Flours FOR Bakers’ and Family Use Air kinds of Meals and Mill Feeds always on hand. LINDSAY. McCleary. Stove Com’y Havingbougmn Bankrupt Stock of BOOKS and STATIUNERY m. a Low rate on the $1 will give my Customers special Bargains inthisline. - â€": NEW :â€" Flour and Feed Store JOHN WILSON Auctioneer and Valuator l’ROl’Ilii-Z'i‘OR OF The Midland District Supply House of London, Ont. Dealer in all kinds of New and Second- hand Furniture and llousefurnish- ings, Tin and \\ oodenware. STATIONERY Farmels! Attention. ch goods tor spring planting. .\ddre§s_F. N. M_A Y 091V} .I’AN Y... Nurfieljy- Corner Klng and Sturgeon Sts. A Steam Yacht for Sale. 3m Hfsficmmnn 43 and 45 William-St. North LENDSAY, WANTED. Sole agent for the LOST. DEALERS IN KR EMEDYI The Climax: Cllurn: ED. GRANDY, Manager, 01 EAVE TROUGHING DONE:ON SHOR' Having bought the xight for the sale cfthe above Churn in the COunties of V ictoria and Haliburton, I am pre- pared to receive orders at any time for the sale of this churn. It is on exhibition at my House, where inspection is in- vited, and you can j udge for yourself. Which we “ill also offer very Cheap: Best American and Canadlan Oils always on hand. Those m need of any of the above goods will do well to call at This new churn is superior to anything < ' ever put on the market. Before purchasing a churn, it wfll be to your advantage to make an inspectiou of the Climax. Kylie’s : Carriage : Wogks. W. I. McGILL-S, Omemee Beth; Wood Cooks Next 30 Days. The beautiful ABERDEEN CART, the handsomest, best, most dur' able, and the easiest riding two-passenger Cart made on this conti- nent. To say that it has no horse motion might be exaggerating, beeause all two wheel carts have more or less horse motion, but I can say that it has less than any cart made, a fact that can be proven by any man that has ever driven in one. The body is hung on platform springs of the best quality, entirely independent of the shafts. This cut does not do this year’s'make justice, as they are furnished with a closed back and silver dash rail. Buy no cart until you see the Aberdeen Cart, (SEE OUR WINDOW) As Usual our Stock of Family Groceries is Com- plete With New Fresh Goods. Oranges,Lemons, Figs, Prunes, Dates, Apricots, Peaches, Apples, Pumpkins, MinceMeats, (inc. Stoves ANDmeare My offer of reduction in prices up to January Ist, 1894, hav- ing been taken advantage of to the material satisfaction of both buy- ers and seller, I now tender thanks to my patrons for their liberal sup- port, and beg to assure them that in the future as in the past it will give me pleasure to meet their requirements both in quality and style of goods and at prices that will compare to advantage with the trade generally. In addition to my present stock, I have to arrive soon, some very desirable polished Oak and Elm Bedroom Suites, to which I would call the attention of intending purchasers. Also now on hand the World Famed Dominion Spring Bed Bottoms, which only require to be known to meet with the cordial approval of all advanced house- keepers. The following are some of the articles now on hand : CANDIES 85 CONFECTIONERY NEY'I POBT OFFICE BLOCK, GMEMEE. Has on hand this weeka lhrge consignment â€"â€"OF N Ii W Very Beautim Beémm Suites P. S. Undertaking a. Specialty. Peoples’ Again thanking you for your generous support through a trying year, I remain your obedient servant, To the thhc: ALWAYS IN STOCK. OUR MOT'I'O: Fresh Family Groceries. TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. TERMS 01-H- W. BRADBURN. Dining Tables, Sidebogrds, Chairs, Bed- steads, Spring Beds, Mattresses, Centre Tables, Children’s Chairs, c., 853. CANNED FRUITS ME) VEGETABLES. WM. CARDWELL Offer these at COST, in order to make room for Spring Goods; we also keep constantly 0n hand a fine assortment of Lamps, Agateware, and Tinware, Now is the time to buy your Stoves. W'e have a limited number of JGHN REQCREA. on hand. W'e will for the 1:1? And a Full Line of Box Stoves. A. E. BYERS, Agenf, Omemee. Ifylte’s Abel-d een Cart. , Omemee. Itwas only a. questil of time when the read of the Mirror would 13 out that the shortâ€"11 grocers would have take 8. BACK SEAT. With five years of s* cessful business, the pd year's business bed the largest in the hiStOl of the firm, we are ah to undersell others. Here is a price list that can‘t Bogus Ad *eriis era? RAG Sunwsflmg discounted or sponged on .A 2-string broom - 1 A 3-string broom 10 large bars Electric Soap 10 large bars Laundr Windsor Soap 1 1b. Starch Wash Board A 3-hoop Cedar Tub A 2-hoop Pail 2 ms. fancy Christie’s Cakes 5 lbs. Good Ginger Snaps 1 Box Sodas 1 lb. Coffee 1 1b. “ 1 1b. “ 1 dozen Lemons 1 dozen Oranges. 1 lb. Good Chocolate COMPETITO Creams 100mg, flour $1. I: Sara and flall on VIII L win in Peterhumugll. You will a able stall of nhllging clerks. Have Given U Waller C PETEBBH Who Has Caved in ? Near Sproule’s Stu Soap 168 Charlotte St â€" may, THE â€"- THE OUR 01d Brown

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