HAVE YOU TASTED ,- - canola TEA. - , ls soil it “SOUS. Cs'y in Last: â€302523 I 111 23953333 Copper. Brass, Lead. zinc. iron fl'l "ASH 72’". ~lzin .G. HARRIS, '2 5.1:] “ling" u, unmannoll . V -. \ '-“ ,...... ..-.¢. oronto. Can. Amolnmg New Union Stztlol CA? \ . ‘1- R 5‘4an .ONBOY‘S uncï¬ ID ‘“ dim? TOP. ,. v.4 -h~ .gnes'. l "1': -r you .1 “3; -. was fillhb'cH / or - DUTHIE 8:. SOAIS . te. Sheet-Moral. Tile a: Gravel Roofers TORONTO. . ~ 0“.“ “®‘ 0 W '1, Mournmrnl Ira-Doctor - "EXTIFICATE 0'!" QUAL- l’l‘Y attached so Railway 30- m reipz. ir-IV†uh: 3:13 sum-3n. Wnlo for price: and pirticslus :o 0’ 0 s. c. Duncan-cums. 3 Ocrosz'z‘x erulzs s HOTEL. TOSONTO. ‘. Rafcreuor: DOMINION 3.251;. ’3 mosusco'“l FOR TWENTYéIX YEA RS. DUNN’S BAKING POWDER THECOOK’S BEST FRIEND LARGEST SALE: m CANADA. in quadâ€: medic nel- Y’)L‘ DO BELLEVI Ihatyou m we“ and . ill. DO YOU KNOW 'hosyou can any roâ€" net-h. tr: 3th COMPOUND its.-. ' " mus' (6am) VEGETABLE COMPOUNJ and liies' Sanative Wash for «in.» Ll Druufxz. a: 7.1- 111’; 21c. 2mg": vlzuufy and cacfzy, mil mun ’Sc . fi- .1: :ha I that R's: vm'": ..V~ng. Explanatory p «5:21 " \Vaman « Triumph." â€III free on App :1 â€Ortkm dllcd nomptly from the taunt 4y“ i "A. M. C." MEZ)iCIN;-. 00.. 578 St. Paul St. .‘lontrenl. . l l f i] _ ii r "The Yellow Fallow†5;; Is the title bcs‘ owed on I? the teams by the ad- V mirers of its orange rims. In constructing the '96 Steam; we have siriven to make the best bicycle producible, and if best materials, super- ior workmanship, un- surpassed fa cilirics and bones: effort count for anything, we have sure- ly succeeded. Our handsome new at:- 10110. 'bich we will mail on request. is no: more artistic than the whee-l itself. ABERICAN IATTAII :0. mm. GIT. l i, .. I, __. .. J ' ‘ .4‘ . LADI ES' FRA ME. ,lnents. covered by patents yhecl. They are :â€"- lThoy are all filled with Messing» laddlcs. the moat ctpcnsivc and N39 a'idle ever plrici-d on thc market, They .ra worth Two of any whccl. They a!" :carcd to St) and till? as may as other? .1 63. Son". 3â€"ccnt slump for can» ogue. MANUFACTURED BY l. (Ltd) Windsor, 011i. _,,‘*â€". ‘s «\9 % 1-WlfC.W'nO use lsaidF-i‘l‘hg mouse .lsd'Tryilfand keep Lil grocers keep il:- a house are necessary to insure i he can’t ï¬nd it at home, he will sewives know that SAPOLlO wright. Happiness always dwells want cleanliness, comfort and you will be surprised at you" Hannah’s. ,\'I)Tl':S -i .\'I) (10.†.VEA‘ TS. 'I‘lll' lialiiv-s I‘ixcisc bill :ltlopicll by the Now York lcgisltlllirc li'is arousl-d bit- lcr opposition in many quarters, both ln‘l‘llliht‘ o!‘ liic manner of ils passage.; and of III" qucslionziblc cffccl of soincl of its“ pim'isions. l‘ndz-r the bill, saloon lll'z'llS†furs :iic grzit cll according to pop- ulation, Lii‘.‘ rah-s for Ncw York (‘ity Icing $800 for cvvry placl- \‘.ll{‘.i't’ liquor is sold to bc drunk on thi- pi‘cliiiscs, and 35300 for cvcry placc, “llt'l‘t’. it is simply sold. li'or Brooklyn tlic l'illt'S' :ii‘c $050 and Slim; for Buffalo. $500 and S300. and so on down. in $100 for rural colli- iiilllilllv‘s‘. oilc-lllird of lhc nci rcvcnue from licl-nsc fws in cach casc bciiig paid into the‘ sl‘llv' lrcasliry, and Ian- lhirds into that of lllc coiiliiiunily from which it is dcrivcd. Any one myingthc l:l.\f and obcying thc law may scll liquor; bill saloons cannot. bc ()IK‘nt‘d within 200 fro-l of a church or school in any casc, iior within lhc sainc distance of lhc ill-:lrcsl dwclling, unless lhc coiiscnt of lwoâ€"thirds of tllc owncrs of all such buildings is obtained. All-night lic- o-nsrs arc prohibitml. and also the sale of liquor on Sunday, cxccpt in hotcls with locals, or in rooms occupicd by inn-sis. clubs being thus barred from Sulc; and all cxisling liccnst-s are ter- iiiiilille‘ll on Junc 30, the holder being given lll‘.‘ right to rccovcr from the. city lilo iiioncy paid for Lhc unexpired lcriii of liis‘ lil'cilsc. All c.\'cisc lxiltl‘lls Zii‘c :i'i-olislleil. and in llicir sic-ad a slalcl o-xcisc cmniiiissioilcr is crcatcd at a sal- arv of $5,000, with deputies, secretary. financial clcrk, clc... and sixty “confid- rnlial" agents at liberal salarics. 'l‘ho pcnallies for violation of lhl- law arc. for soiling without a liccnsc, a. fine of twice. the cost of a license for one year, or imprisonment for one year. or both; for falsc statements in applying for a Iiccnsc, a fine of not. more than 8500, or imprisonment for not illorc than a year, and forfeiture of licenses and de- prival of renewal for five years. â€-â€" While it is admitted cvcn by its op- ponents that thc bill has some cxcellent provisions, and that if all were wisely :ldiiiinistcrcd, it might cffz-clivcly rc- sirict and rcgulatc lhc liquor traffic. it is urgcd that it lcnds lo producc cvils worsc than those which it is dcsigncd to mitigate. It. is contondcd for c);- :iiilplc, that the divcrsion lo the slate[ of one-third of the revenue from licciisc fol-s is incquilablc, that the result , would bc a profligalc expenditure of ill-A iiioncys rcturncd lo lhc. stale. and that. thc \vholc amount should l» used for thc O‘.\It'lll\‘l\v't’ benefit of the coiiimuiiâ€" ilv from which it is dcrivvd. It is urged also that the abolition of all cx- (-ise boa rds Would, by taking away loral suporvidon over thc granting of licenses, 1 leave citizens without the power of suc-l cessful protest against issuing liccnscs in their neighborhood. Tlil‘ cllicf objec: tion is, however. that it puts control of the liquor traffic of the state into t'hflv hands of a singlc :lulc (‘XClSt‘ commis- sioncr. in be appointed by ihc governor, and with power to selcct. a largc nliinâ€", bcr of subordinatcs, and so Lends lo create a strong political inachinc. ln- lived, it is charged that tho measure was framed and pushcd through the Icgis- lliturc with this object in viuw, and lhal. ils first. and mosl imporlzinl «ffccl. will he in put the saloons into politics morc complclcly than they arc now, and lo kcep them in, in order through lhem to fasten t'hc hold of lh~~ party lxisscs upon tbc statc. Should this charge lic truc, any goml wrought by the bill might. bc overlmlzlnccd by tho degrada- tion of politics, and in any l-vcill mill sugpicion that it is illus tainted Will be strengthened l‘y llic inclhods ndoplcd .m ; secure its passage, and must lcnd lo dis- credit it. 4-. TERRIBLE ACCIDENT. An Explosion of leo-illycci-lnc Scar Nar- nlmo -0m- )lnn :md Ills ’I‘cuin Itlowi: lo Ammo. A dcspaLch from Victoria. ll.(','. says;__. lillciisc cxcilciilenl. was causcd through- out Nanziimo district on 'l‘hursllzly by a. terrific cxplosion plainly heard and fell for a distance lpf thirty lililcs. I‘Ivcryonc believed that sonic, one of the large. collic'ri:s was tllc scene of the. frightful disaster. Investigation provcd this to be fortunately incorrccl. ll.» l-vpolsion took placc ncai‘ thc works of i ' ‘ . ‘ . lhc Hamilton Powdci' Company, on Ix- parlurc Bay road. a thousand pounds of ‘ iiitro glycerinc exploding while being. convcvcd in a. \vuggon from the war»â€" housvi to the mill. Austin Stevenson. lhc lcaiilster, and his waggon and team were blown to atoms. while lrcc..~;_wcrcl uprooted «verywhcrc within :1 radius ol lwo hundred yards, and windows wci‘c shattered and frail buildings.(IQ’HHHL-lll‘ ed as far as Nanainlo, ten miles allay. \s far as at prescnl. known only Nev» enson's lifc was lost. M.â€" TI'li‘.‘ OLDES'I' TREE. The. oldest tree in England is. the vowâ€"tree at Braburn, in Kent. which is said to be 3,000 years old; whilc atFor~ tingal. in Perthshirc. is one ncarlyas old. At Ankerwyke House. near Slain- 93 is a. yew tree which was famous at. the date of the signing of Magus. Chan tn. 1215, and later was the trystlng :[éce of Henry VIII. and Anne Boleyn. ii‘he three yews at Fountain Abbcy are t least 1.230 years old. and beneath ilhem the founders of the abbey sat in 1'13;_ There are no famous oaks that rival any yew in age. 2,000 years he- - - tut a e attained. Damorey's ing the gmiomhige, which was blown oak. 1.3 3,603 had this distinction. Cow~ their graves shall come forth. fï¬xgamoa. near Wetherby, Yorkshire, is said. to be 1.600 seam old. line hemispheres and fills it with the ‘-’ 011, WAD 5'0.le POWER TIIE GIFTIE GI]: US,T.'IE SEE DORSELS AS ITI/EIBS SEE US.†OMEMEE. ONT. THlll THIS GLORIOUS MORNING. iii-ilrlcil v(‘lirist Illl‘ First Fruits. “'ashing'ton. April on come to me this. morning and l :‘llii incompetent to answer; but there minus a model equals a perfect. man- .lic. a grout many things you believe I Dr. Tailnmgc l’rv-aciu-s on lhc "NINTH“ lllilt J'OU are not; able to explain You lion. and Fashions a sun. (‘00! Billllhlal‘ “"mld ll“ 3' "01W [OOHSh mall 10 335' “I out or l-Ialslcr Flinn-rs for the Krokcn- ““m'C ltvlicvc anything I can't under~ son whv i believe it. It would nm. be. stand." Why, pulling down another mcnsc :iuilicnccs, and the music brc- flowcr 599d “(“1105 “1““? UI) it flower or sagcll in ils brilliantly glorious strains this color?- Ono flower white. anothcr llmvct' yellow. another flower crimson. tho cloqucnl. sermon in coiilincmoralion Why llic diffcrcncc. when the seed looks of liastcr. atcly dccoralcll with flowers pcculiarly zipproprialc to the day. I)i'. 'l'allullgc's [he oak-loaf is diffct‘c lc.‘.l was I. (‘oi‘,, 15, :30: “Now is Christ riscii from the dcad and becomc tlic firsl fruits of lliciii lllzit. slcpt.†()n this glorious liaslcr iiloriliilg, amid thc music and thc flowers, Igive you Christian sululalioii. This morning lussian "feeling Russian in the slrccls of St. I’clcrsburg hails him with the sillulalion, “Christ. is riscn !" and is an- swcrcd by his friendiilsalulalion. “llc is risen iiidccd.†In some parts of England and Ircland. to this vcry day, lhcrc is llic superstition that. on I‘Iaslcr morning lhc sun danccs in lhc, licavciis; tillzl well may we forgive such a. supcr- stilioil which illustrates tllc fact that the iialural world sccms lo syiilpltlllimI with lhc spiritual. i Ilaill [Castor morning. I‘lowcrsl Flow- ;crs! All of lht‘lll :l-Vuil'l’, :ill of lbcni l :i-longuc. all of lhciii full of spcccli to- day. I bcnd over one of the lilies and 1 limit it. say: “Consider lllc lilics of tlic fie-Id, how llicy grow; lllcy toil lint. ncilllvr do lhcy spin, yet Solomon in all his glory was not nri‘ziycd likc unc of tllcsc." I bcnll ovcr :L l‘os-, and it sccnls‘ lo whispcr: Sharon." And thcli I stand and lis’cil. Fi‘olii all sidcs thcrc comes lhc chorus of llowcrs, saying: "If (illll so cli till-:1 thc grass of the fields, which today is. and lo-morrow is cast into the own. shall Ilc. not much more clolhc you, 0 Fe of lilllc faith? l‘loxvcrs.’ l-‘lowcrsl Braid them into the bride's hair. I-‘low- eras! ll‘lowcrs! Strcw lliciil over the gravcs of tho dcad, swcci pi‘opliccy of rcsui‘i‘ccliou. l~‘lo\\'ci's! Flowers! ’l'wisl thuiu into a garland for my Lord .lwsus on l-Illslcr morning. "lllory l'l' lo lh-.: bathe-r, and to tho Son, and lo lllr‘ Illyly Ghost; as iL was ill the lwziiiiling. is now lillll over shall bc." Oh, how bright. and how l~-':il‘.iflil llic Ill)\\'cl‘s‘, :iii-l how much lllcj: lizzakc. inc think of Christ, and his roligion. that brighlcns our lilo, brightcns our char-trims, briglilcns snz'icl)’. bi'iglllcils thc church. brighlciis (l'.t’i'_\'lilll‘.;;l \ on who go With gloolily colitilciiailcz- prc-. toilding that you or.- bctlci‘ than I am bccausc. of your lllgubrlousncss, you cannot cllcat inc. I’m-My case you are for a man that. profcsscs. to be more than a conqucror. It is. npt. rcligloii that. makes you gloomy, it. is lhcdack of it. ’l'hcro is just: as much rcligion in a wedding {is in :rblirlul, Just. as much l'clig‘lt)“ in a smile as in a lcar. Those gloomy Christians we sonicllincs sce are the people to whom [like to lend money, for I noter seclheniagain! The. women came to flu: Saviour’s tomb and flu-y dropped spices all around the tomb. and those spices were the seed that began to grow. and from lhcin came all the flowers of this Easter Morn. The two angels rolled in while took hold of the stone at the Savlulir's tomb and_ they hurlcd it \\'ll,ll such force that it crushed in the door of llic world's scpulcllrc. and the stark and Lllc dcad nlilsl. conic. forth. . I care. not; how labyrinthine the iiiausolcuiil, or how costly lho saris-pha- gus. or however, beautifully plirlcrl‘cd til.» family grounds, we. want lll(‘lll all brokcil up by thc. Lord of the rcsllrl‘cc- lion. ’I‘llcy iiiusl. come out. ll‘athcr and llll)ll’li‘l'~jllll‘)’ must conic. out. lllls- band and wileâ€"Tlhcy must come out. lii‘olhci‘ and sisterâ€"llicy must. come out. Our darling childrenâ€"they must. conic out. 'l‘llc cycs that: we close with such lt’t'illllllnL’,‘ tlngcrsmust opcn again ' in tho radiance of that; morn. 'I'hcariils \Vo folded ill dust must. join ours :n on ('flllll‘flt‘vl of reunion. The voice that; has hushed in our dwelling must be rl-Llirncd. Oh. how long some of you sci-in to be \vailiiigâ€"Wliiling for the rcsurrcction, wailing! And for these brokcn hclirts‘ lo~day I make a soft, cool bandagc out of Easter flowers. My fricndsl find iii the riscn Christ n. prophccy of our own resurrection. my lcxl‘. sctliiig forth lhc idca. that. as (‘hrist has riscn. so Ilia people will rise. Ilc. “the first fruits of them that Slt'pi.†Bcfoi‘elgct. through this iron]- 3 ing. 1 will walk, lhrough all the coinc- , tcrlcs of the dcaddllrough all the coun- try graveyards, where your loved ones arc, buricd. and lwill pluck off these flowcisnnd I will drop a swcet promise of tho gospelâ€"a. rosc. of hope, ulily of joy on every tomb, the wife's. tomb, llit‘ father’s grave, the mother's grave. andavhdc we celebrate tho. resurrection of all the good. “Christ. the first-fruils of them that slept." if I should come to you this morning and ask you for the names of the great conquerors of the world you would say Alexander. Caesar. Philip, Napoleon I. All! my friends you have forgotten lo mention -llic name. of a greater con~ queror than all theseâ€"~11 cruel, a ghastly conqueror. lie rode on a. black horse ' across \l'alcrloo and Atlanta and Cha- ’lons‘. lhc; bloody hoofs crushing the Shearts of. nations. It. is the conqueror Dcalh. . Ilc. carries a black flagand he takes no prisoners. 110.5 (11:33 a trench across carcasses of nations. Fifty times would the. world have been depopulated had not God kept making new geuei" - tlons. Fiftyaimcs the world would. have swung lifeless through the air- no man on the mountain. no man on the sea. an abandoned ship ploughing through immcnSity. Again and again has He done; this work with all genera- tions. He is a monarch as well as a. conqueror†His palace a. sepulchre.l His fountains the falling tears of an world. Blessed be God, in the light of ! this Easter morning Isee the prophecy ' that His sceptre shall be broken. and His palace shall be demolished. The hour is coming when all who are in . Christ l‘lSPi’l, we shall rise. Jesus â€the first. ‘ fruits of them that slept." Now, around ' "1 am [1“. Ros»: 0; Will bcautify the ccmcterics! 'l‘hu roslruiil was i-labor- l†l)“- very much alikeâ€"are very much allle l‘lxblainlhcw things. Explain that “'M'l- on the finger. Explain why , _ ill. from the b-af 01 lllc hickory. Tell me how the Lord Aliillghly can turn the chariot. of ills oinillpolciico on arose-leaf. You ask inc. qlicsllons about the resurrection I can- not aliswcr. l will ask you a thousand qucsllons about every-day life you cannot answer. At this Easter service lask and an- swcr. what may seem a. novcl question. bill. il will be found. before I gct through. a. practical and useful and tremendous question: What will re. .Sflrrcclion day do for the centuries? first. I _rciimrk.,it will be their super- ilal lxlautioalioli. At certain seasons if. ‘F‘ cUslomzlry in all lands to slrcw llowcm over the mounds of the depart.- cil. It may have been suggested by the fact that Christ's tomb was in a gardlul. And whcn I say garden I do not Lllt'llll a garden of thesis latiluilcs. lilo late frosls of spring and lllc early frosts of autumn are so ncar cuch otlicr that there are only afcw months of flowers in the ficld..-\ll the: flowcrs We see lo-day haul L0 be pctlcd aiitl cmxcd and put under shelter, or lllcy Would ilot’_ haw: bloomed at all. They an: the childrcn of the conservatories. But at. this season and through the most of tho ycar. the Iloly land is all ablusll with floral onuicncc. "Ht-ll, llicii." you say, "how can you iiiakc out that the. Resurrection llay Will it not. lcavo tliciii u. plowed up ground! On that. (lay there. will be all cartil- qilllkc and “ill not this split the polished Alx’rdccil granite, as well as the plain slab that can afford but. two words), ‘()ur Mar)". or “Our Charley 5’†Well, I.\\lll lcll you how Resurrection llay' will litrll'dllfy the ccnlcteries. It will bc as bringing up the faces that \vcro to us once, and in our memories arc to us now, more lwautiful than any t'élll‘d- lily. and the forms Lliat arc Ll) us more graceful than any willow ll)†the wiltcrs. Can you think of any- llllnp,~ morc beautiful than the reap- pclli'cilcu of those from whom we have bccn [lill‘lt‘tl ‘: I do not: care. which way lllc li‘cc.~l falls in the blasts of the, Judgment. hurricane, or if the plowâ€"' share that day shall tui'il llnflt‘l‘ the last. lose lczif and the last china as- lcr. il' bill. out of the lit‘uKCll sod shall conic. the bodics of our loved. ones not. damaged, bill. irradiated. 'l'lic. lllt‘il. of tile rcsuri‘ection gets casicr l.o uildci‘sllind us I hear the l’lll)llllgl‘llllll unroll some voice that llilkt'll into it. a year ago, just. bcforc our friend‘s dcccasc. loll touch the lcvci'. and lllcil CUqu‘S forth the very loncs. the vci'y song of the person that breathed into it once but is now dcplirlcd. If a man can do that, can- not, Almighty God. without. half try- ing. rclurn the voice of our departed! And if Ilc can rcLurn tho voice, why not the. lips, and the tongue. and the lliroai; that. fashioncd the voicc.’ And if tho lips and the tongue and the throat, why not. the brain that sug- gested the words‘.’ And if the brain, why not. the nerves. of which the brain is the headquarters? And if He can return the nerves. why not. the muscles. which are less ingenious l And if the muscles, why not the bonus that. are less wonderful! And if the voice and the. brain and the muscles and the bone, why not the cntirc body? If man can do the phono- graph, God can do the Resurrection. , I lind my strength in this passage: | "All who are in their graves shall come forth." I do not. pretend to make llic. cxplanalion. You can go on and say: “Suppose a. returned missionary die-s iii Brooklyn; when he was ill China his fool; was amputated; hc liv~ cd years after in England. and there he had an arm amputated; he is buri- cd lo-day in Greenwood; iii the resur~ rcclion will the foot. come from China, will the arm come from England. and will the different parts of the body he rcconstructcd iii the resurrection? How is that possible f" Will it. be the same body that in the last day shall be reaniulatcdl’ Yes, but infinitely improved. Our bodics change every seven years, and yet in one, Sense. it; is the same body. On my wrist and the second fing‘r of my right hand there is a scar that l made at l’welvc years of agc, when disgusted at; the pi'cscncn of two warts. I Look a. red hot: iron and burned them off and burncd them out. Since then my body has changcd at; least a half dozen times, bur. lhosc. scars prove it. is lllc same body. We never lose our identity. If God can and does sometimes rebuild a man tivc, six, ten times iii this_\l'orld, is it mysterious that He can rebuild him oncc. morc. and that; in the resurrection? If He can do it tcn Limos. I think He can do it clcvcn times. Then look at: the seventeen year locusts. li‘or seven- loci) years gone; at. the end of seven- teen ycars they appear. and by rub- bing the hind leg against the wmg make that; rattle at; which all the husbandmen and vine dressers tremble as the insectilc. host; takes up the march of devastation. Resurrection cvcry seventeen years, a. wonderful fact! You say that "the human body changes every seven years. and by seventy years of age a man has had ten bodies; in the resurrection which will come up?" You say, "A man will die and his body crumble into the dust. and that. dust be taken up into the life of the vegci.u.bie; an animal may eat the vegetable, men eat; the animal; in the resurrection, that. body distributed in so many directions, how shall it: be galhcrcd up ?" Have you any more questions of this style to ask? Come on, and ask them, I fall back upon the announcement of God's Word: “All who are in their graves shall come forth." _ Another consideration makes the idea. of resurrection caSier. God made Adam. He was not fashioned after any modél. ’l‘here had never been a human organism. and so_ there was nothing to copy. At the first attempt God made a. perfect man. He made him out of the dust. of the earth. If out. of ordinary dust of the earth, and without a. model God could make a perfect man, surely out of the extra- 5 its pi'cs‘cnl. cxislence. ‘Upl‘ll, or your foot. walks‘l or 1 surrccl ion that. lSDAY. APRIL ll“. ISQG undertaking pulling the fuel than the first l'lii'i' ' ' v s . . '. 7‘ ' ‘ y. ‘11“ l I" And you ask me a thousand questions bid! the I'miml itlflelll‘i : ordinary dust; h†lci'ics.’ Oh, you; but. no more about. the lal, No malari: i'csurrcclion of your body than about. no ncllralgic living.- . lilolncill. All doubts clcar from my Imlild. I say that tlic cciiicli'ics, how~ lcycr bcautiful now, will be more bcalb Liful wllcil the bodies of our loved ones come it“ in the morning of the resur- rot-lion. You liavc noticed. I suppose. in rcad-' ing the story of the rcsurreclion, that almost. cvcry account of the Bible givcs tho idca. that. the characteristic. of that. day will be a great sound, I do not. know that it will be vcry loud, but 1 know it. will be very pcnclral: has rcigncd a thousand cave of lhcdecp that yoice nilisl. pone-- ' lrale. Millions of spirlls will come gates of eternity, and (â€Ill “71“ it‘llll'nccll by Mr. Juslil-c Ala llmum. m b9 mugâ€, H†â€w 29th “1.4mâ€,- [out lbw pzlyiiicnl of custom 'lliilics‘. I through the lllcy will come; to the inlllllï¬rtif the, carlh. and tlicy Will cry: "Give us back our bodics; we gave lllciii lo you . in corruption, surrender them now in incoi'ruption. Hundreds of burg. for lhcre the bodies are buried. ll llllndrcd thousand spirils coming to brocnwowl,‘ for tllcre the bodics‘ are llUl‘lt‘ll, wailingr the reunion of body and Soul. . "But," you. say. “ if this doctrine. of the rljsurrecliou is truc. as prcfigurcd by llils Easter morning, Christ, ’lllc. first fruits of. them that. slcpt,’ Christ; rising a promise and a prophecy of llit‘. rising of all his pcople. can you loll us something about; the rcsurrcctioll body 'I" Ican. There are iilyslcric: about. this. but; I shall lcll you lllrl-c or four things in regard lo the resur- rected body that are beyond gucssiili.r and beyond mistake. A In the first: place, I remark iii regard ‘ spirits hovcriilg about the cragn of (lcltysu ing. In the mausoleum, \‘v’lll'i‘l‘ silence , ycars, than lli‘ciiilziii was on l"riilav iiighl VOIl't! iiilisl: penetrate. In llil! l'oi'al . ' -..__.__ _ __ out. 'I‘hc blood :lnlbulancb, no dispcii speciiclwi lo ililpi‘ol'c llii- dim Vision but llcallh iiiiinorllil llt‘Hlllll illi)!‘iiiii:.‘,'~-l) yc who are llt‘Vlfl' wcllâ€"l ll yolroflllc rosuri'uclcr :lll discusc. lilliiiui'lal MAY 29 ‘ ' body has'said as soon as we begin l to live \vc begin to die. liiilvss we kccp into lhe furnace lhc. . ., ‘ . . vosscls .iil canils taking llin broad-stuffs to all . .. , - hurls 0f the s's‘ciil. w" . . cstiaoidinary dust and plus a modcl lconslrliclwl liUfIi‘illV houi‘ must. be m- cquals :l resurrection body Myslcricsl . Sick ~ ‘ . _ . . . . . . ncss and (l1: : ‘ about it! Oh, yes; but that; is one "ca- ‘ Iâ€! “9 day .by day. . r ‘ all lllc. llilil‘ try- iiii‘ii†{re-ti. llll‘ll' pro)!" uildoi‘ lllcir tene- ‘ . , 01 or .0 mm . ~ - . \y’l . ll‘ . ‘ . much of a (sod who could do things of tho gravlE llllllllll‘:Ҥf'(3l‘l“l Pmm‘nkmmt .â€" .~ p. , i). bu. inf-7 down one kluu of flow~ . only as far as I can understand. Mvs- ' M†i _ .).â€"â€"lhe ..lslcr crsccll, comes [hero up a flower of this . serviccs to-llzl)’ \vcrc allz‘ndcd by im- mm†‘ ‘ _ . c (ind, in the icsuiiucllon We will get. a body immor- t in lllc air, no 0011211,: no rlicumal ic pains. . . no fluttering of llc ' ‘ ‘ ‘ 1 will cxiilaln to )ou the llisl. mys- mass of brcalh no 1 hm“. no Mmâ€- *lq-ry of tilt! rcslu'i'cctioil. and inrlkc. it. sarv no liospil-il i ' . ,as plain to you as that. two and two N i 1 ' m â€n iiiaku four, if you will lt-ll im- how your mind. which is cnlircly ilillcpcii- dcnt. of your body can act. upon your body s.» that. at. your will your cycs'yc who arc launrMpd “ your pumps . . . ,liand is cxlcndcd. So I find nothing in birlv rial-if i'lgl-inii lllll- Iliblc slatcmciil. concerning lllc. rcâ€" llmiiimul! Maggi-rs mo for :l lilid's chair. no 0 yo \vlio hrivc :ll'lil‘s and pains Ilidt‘sci‘iliulill‘ ibis ) illl physical dis- l 1 MICHAEL BRENNAN WILL HANG 0N silo! ,iir. John A. f‘lrililiyr ’l'lic I'criliri Juslllii-il by llic l-Zi‘i'liciilc. .-\ dcspllclifi‘oiil llai‘i‘ic saysz-Miclizicl ,c‘liilly of ill“ lillll‘tll'i' of Mr. John A. lb'liiillly oil Ill“ liltli of ll‘cbl'uarv lasl. .-\'flci' lill lllc cvidciicc liltil bccii rcccivl- : ('ll :iild llic tidili'cssus of counsel and llil‘. Jililu‘c's i-lltlrgc ilclivcrml, it look just :10 illinuics for lhc jury 'lo arriv;x at Ilicii‘ finding. It was 8.40 o'clock when .llic jurors filed into llic court with llicii‘ vci'llicl. 'l'hc room was dcilsclv pickcd, and, although lllzt result wifs t-xpaclcrl, llll‘ crowd awnilcd with lll‘.~ .\icl_v ‘lill lb:- lloom hid bccn pronounc» i-d. 'llic prisoner rccxivcrl it Ellilllll't‘llll' ly unumvcdnnd hardly raised his cy'cs ilillll liskcd by ll!» .‘ludgc if b:- had anything: to say. Mr. Louill asked fl‘l‘ :l I"‘\:*l'Vl‘ casc. on lllc ground of oll~ ,. . lJl-clloils lo lh" Judgc's cli‘il‘g‘u, lill llliis was i'cfuscd. .»‘. \\'ll.|) SPICICL'II. ‘ When :lskcd if 1,. bid anything: to to Spur rcsurrection body; it; will bc a' 535' “'11-" semmf'i‘ should â€"l l“ l""" $101.10,“ body. The “0.1,. we havc now lil)uill'o;‘(l upon him, Brennan rosc, and, is a more. skeleton of what. it would have boon if sm had not. marred and cffaccd it. Take the most qullisilc statue that was over madc by :lllilriml' in :l clcar. steady voice, saillzâ€"“Mv ‘I.ord, l (lo sinccrcly ask for Jilllllll".l‘ ill‘lill, for l have not lwcn propcrlv I will pi‘oy'c that I am lilil‘ artist, and chip it. bore and chip 1L :h’l‘lillg.‘ .1 ask you lit-chl'il God and man :for a fairer trial. 1 will prove my lhcrc with a chisel. and ballcr :iiiil lil‘lllSl‘. it here and t.lici'c. and lhcil stand it out. in the. Storms of a bulb drcd ycars‘. and the beauty Would be gonc. \Vcll, the human body has bccii chipped, and battered and bruise-d. wifc's infidclily. ll si Sullil‘lllilil: lili- fiil lhc way lll’lVi' l‘ccll lrculcll bv that woman. Shc has loi'iurcil me It; yoiid all rcason. l liavc nol ln-cn a bad man, and llirlvc not bad a llrttpi‘i' and damagcd with the storing of thou~ trial. All I ask is for my Sliilllll' chil~ sands of yoursâ€"the physical (lcfccls‘ of other generations coming down from generation to geucratioii wc ill- hcrlling the iilfelicities of past. gcns cratious; but in the morning of the resurrection the body will lxa'adorllcd and beautiful according to the ori~ glnal model. And there is no such dif» fcrence between a. gymnast and all cnlacialcd \vrctch in a lazarctlc, as lhcre will be a. difference between our bodics as they are now and our res surrcclion forms. â€All who no iii lhcir graves shall come forth.†_’.l‘liey will come in improved condi~ lion. Thcy will come up rested. The most of them lay down at tho last; very lircd. How oflcn you have hoard them say, "I am so fired!" The fact. is, it is a tin-d world. If. I should go through this audience. and go around the world, I could not find a person in any style of life ignorant of the sensation of fatigue. 1 do nor. believe drcn, for. whose sakc I did not call plopzw “lllli-‘BSOS. I :issllrc you llial I did what was right, and I ask you as lit. man to givc mu it fair lrizll. I ask you us an lioncsl and jlw man. l thought lcolild havc got through with my li‘lills‘ \vilhoui hivulg disgraced my H‘liillll‘l‘il. (iivc inc all lioncst trial. and, l l , I i lhcrc. are fifty persons in this audi~1 cilcc. who are not tired. Your head is tired, or your back is tired, or your foot. is tired, or your brain is tired. or your nerves are fired. Long journey- ings, or busincss application, or bc~ i'cavomcnl. or sickness, has put on you heavy weight. 50 the vast majority of those who went out of this World wont out fatigued About; the poorest place to rest; is this world. Its atmos- phere, its surroundings. and even its hilarilics are exhausting. So (loll slopR our earthly life and mercifully closcs the eyes, and more especially gives quiescence to the lung and heart, that have not had ten minutcs' rest from the first respiration and the first bait. Under file healthful chemistry of the soil all lhc. wear and tear of nerve and muscle and bone will be subtracted and that. bath of good, fresh, clean soil will wash off the last ache, and then sonic. of the same style of dust out of which the body of Adam was constructed may be infused into the resurrection body. How can the bodies of the human race which have had no replenishment from the dust since the time of Adam in Par- adise, get any recu oration from tho slorchouse from whit: l he was construct- ed without going back into the dust? il‘hal; original, lifeâ€"giving material having been added to the body as it once was and all the defects loll; behind, whal. a body will be the resurrection body! And will not hundreds of thousands of such appearing above the Gowzmus heights make Greenwood app-lac more beautiful than any June morn- ing after a shower? The dust. of llll‘. earth being the original material for the fashioning of the first human bc- ing, we have to go back lo the. same place to get a perfect human body. There you will see the perfect cyc after the waters of death have washed out the stains of tears and study. There you will see the perfect hand, after the knots of toil have been un- tied from the knuckles. There you will soc. the form erect and classic, after the burdens have gone all llie Eggulderâ€"lhe very life of God in the .Y- In this world the most impressive thing), the moat expressive thing. .18 the uman face but that face is vell- but in the resurrection morn that veil ed with the griefs of a. thousand years; will be taken away from the face, and the noon-day sun is dull and dim and stupid conpared with the outflaming glories of the countenances of . the saved. When those faces of the right- eous. those resurrected faces turn to- ward the gate, or look up toward the throne, it will be like the dawning of a. new morning on the bosom of ever-r lasting day! 0 glorious, resurrected body! But I remark also in. regard to that body, which you. are to get in the re- surrection. ll Will be an immortal l l l l l bclwccli find and ill’lll. I will salisfv i‘oll.' ‘ 'l‘lll‘I SENTENCE. llis‘ lordship lhcii dclivcrcd sciilcncc. Ilt‘ saithâ€""You have had a fair trial, and ll'l\'\' bccii nobly dcfcndcd. ()f the cvillciicc adduced 1 llivc no doubt and heartily concur iii the finding of lllc jury. The sculcnco of this court lslll’li you shall bc taken fr'm wllcllcc voll cnmc. and rcmain lhci. “ li‘ridav, the ‘29th day of May iicxt. n. ii viiu will be tlikcn to :1 place of cxccul‘ion. and banged by the neck until you :li‘“ dcad, and may God liiivc iiicrcy on your soul.†The court sat at 9 o'clock in llic morning, and tho room. as on the pro- vious day, was filled with smclalors, a number of ladies and clcrgyiiicn be- ing among lhl-ni. - DONGOLA EXPEDITION. â€" 'l‘iu- Aliumcc (lulu-1i Salli to in- )icuncml by lhc Dcrvlulics. 2 A dcsplilcli from (‘airo saysrâ€"liacli additional budget of news from the from illcrcasca the anxiety here in unâ€" official circlcs as lo lhc falc of the vanguard of lllc. Anglo-Egyptian forces Operating up llic Nile as ll preliminary to the advuncc in force upon Doiigolli, for which troops :ti'c being rapidly concciiti‘ulcd ill \\'.-ldy-lI-¢ilf:l, The news of this iilovcincnl soiilhwards of ill?! troops has spl'cild with that Wondcrful rapidity which has fre- quently been noticed as mic of the hitherto unexplained features of cam- paigning in tho Solidan. “'hilc thc British lnlclligcnco Department ox- pci'icncc the greatest. difficulty ill ob- lzlining iilforiilillioll regarding lllc movvincnl of ihc dcrvishcs, lhe bitter. apparently haying spicsdii all quar- (ci‘s, succeed iii li'anslullling import- ant news with lightning-like rapidity from any part of thc counlcry lo the otlicr. Thus in sonic mysterious man- ner llle news of the Anglo-Egypillin advance has been communicated to the most distant qiuirlcrs of llic. Mohamâ€" iiicdaii world, and the departure of pilgrims: tor Mecca has been suspend- cd, which moans thal ihc hiialifa is calling upon his warriors in muster lo llic standard, and thc :lchad (lloly \\':ir) he recently proclaimed against Egypt is to be pushcd wulrall lhc. dcspci'alc energy of the deersll lead- crs. 'l'ho Kiialil'a. has decreed that the lribos immedialely collecl and forward to ()iudurnian a heavy war tax. that thc pick of the \\‘:li‘l‘i()l‘\‘ be burned in that camp, and all prcparatlons be made for along campaign. The cx- pccls, it is currcnlly reported, lo muster an army of 50,000 men, com- WSOtl of the best. fighting men of the Soudaii. at Umdurmarr by September, when the Angloâ€"’Egyplian advancc Will be mot by the hllillifa in person. ’Iihe latter has recalled the dervuih armies l l l I l l l l from Fashoda. and Darfur, and it. is believed that the seige of'Kasslala will shortly be raised, even if it. has not lil- readv been raised. in order that the dervishes now before that place may be utilized at Khartoum and Don- gola. l‘ll" tilX‘lrin.g 0f llll- i'c'urrccli) ‘ - l ‘ - i H i " ‘ ’ " ' k .- . s . ..n, than: ordinary dust of lllOI'l'Ll body and \"illi bo‘l' " ' l GLAD EASTER MURN, J nilya guilt many mystuics. : iillllloils‘ of models, God can make each ‘ Slll‘ilv h‘ m “muâ€. ‘1†“listing away. _ . ‘ .. .. . (mo of a lorfuct being ll t' ‘0"- iha). it ill" bodies of the dead are to lion. I h I he rcsurx V THE CHRISTIAN SALUTATION on: in» raised. how is lhls and how is that? would 3353b,» liming?“ ' WSlll THE VERY LATEST FROM ALL THE WORLD OVER. .._._. interesting items About Our Own Country. Great Britain. the United States. and All Parts of the Globe. Condensed and Assorted for Easy Reading. CANADA . .\ Ilunl (‘lub is bcing formed in Hana ill (on. Mr. Jami-s McDonald’s iiifiiiii dulilrl' lI‘I' was biirllcd to death at London. l . VSf‘Vl'lllt‘l‘ii nradllatr-s of lilivvrsity i‘cccivl-«l ill" .\‘I. I). 'I‘lié‘ lawns of tho town. The Iloiiiiiiioil Arlillci’y Shoo l iui'y ilt‘s‘s‘. .~\i‘i'aii,l.rciiicilts have 'l‘lil‘ Controller of At a gcnci‘al iiiccling of lhc Board of 'l‘mdl- in 'I‘oronlo. lil‘ld oil ’l'liursilay iiiizhl. a i‘csolulion was passcd adm- t'alllill‘ closvr lrlidc rclziiioils with lllc illol llci‘ (‘olinl-i‘)’. Mr. J. Mr. Quick's headquarters will 'J‘oront 0. liobci‘l )l’ori'an was arrested at Hols land. Manitoba, oil achargc of mill!- . llal ion. The prh‘llil“? workcd on HIV farm of lhc deri ilg Miss Hannah young: lady’s llilclc. II is :lililouiiccd Ill ()lluwu that the coiiiiiiln'! oi lllc llislcy lcain will go to l.iclll.-(‘ol. Stark, and that Blajot‘ lrucc, of lhc ll'u'al (irl'iiullicrs'. 0f ’l‘i,‘.. it......, nill be al’ljuliml of ll.» loam. .\li-. Louis I‘d‘l’ï¬'lll‘llt‘, illl‘ Canadian poi-l llillrcalc is writing, by sliccial lor~ dcl‘. a play for Miilc. licrnhardl. Il llt‘ulx .ll'lll llzilian lil'w iii lhc scvcnlcen’ ill cniltui'y. and is (u lc finished on May 2331‘il. 'l'hc Ilowriiilicnl of (‘aiiailu cabled to Air. Chamberlain offering a mili‘» lizi i‘cginr-iil for sz-rviczl in the Sou- duii. 'I‘hc offer ci‘ciltcd a good im- lil‘t‘\\'ll>ll, bill will Ill'l probably be ac- copied. Sill).‘l‘illll‘llll:liil Whylc of lb» (11’. ll. csliiililvs that 9,000,000 blisllcls of wlical is in Manitoba and weslcrii clc: valors wailing llli- (illi‘iliilg of navi- ilulioii. A good doal of ii is slill held by tho fai'liivrs. .-\l lllt‘ nil-cling of lllc Augmcntaâ€" lion (‘oiniliillw of III? Picsbylcrian (‘liurcll in Canada, held at Toronto, on \‘l'cllnl-S'ily. llll" llcv. llr. ('ainpbcll, o: chfrcw, was appointed chairman of Ilic coiilillillw- llillil lhc minding of lhc (icncral Assciiibly. wllcii :i succcsmr to ll)“ llilc llcv. l). J. Mncllonilcll will be appointed. GREAT BRITAIN. Lady :lIO‘tliils‘lcpllé‘ii is scriously ill in London. A labor coiifcrxiii'c is in session at Nottingham. ll is rumoured in financial circles in London lhal (lrcal llriiain has conclud- ed a treaty of alliance with Spain. 'I'hc British Board of 'I'i‘adc returns for llic first quaint-r of lbc ycar show a substantial llll‘l‘v‘.l\t‘ iil both cxporls and imports. The Duchess of Filo is said to have a knowlcdgc of cooking such as “Lllld :isloiiish a. good many luiddIc-class liollSckccpers. Mr. Chamberlain Silllcll iii llic Bril- isll llousc of Commons lllal l’rcsidcnl Kruger had no: rcpliml ll) his iilvilaâ€" lioil lo visil England. One of tho mosl coinplclc and valuable collections of liyillii books in existence is said lo bc Ilia-t which Mr. Gladstone has :iccuinulalcd :ll llawardcn. Sir Julian (ililll<illl(l, who 1ch about $1,000,000 to his daughters, has donc so on llic fooling.r lhal if any of iliciii inur- i‘ics :i (lcnlilc tllc. slllirc is lip bc rc- ililcml to half. Ainccliilg Ufllll“(ii‘.‘lilll 'l‘rllnk shareâ€" holdcrs was hold in London at which I’i'csidciil Sir (‘llarli-s Rivers-\Vilson cxpl‘cssml llic llopc lilal lhc raic ciliâ€" ling which liazl donc so much injury to tho company had been stopped. In the clcclion on Monday for a momâ€" bcr of Parliamcill. lo succccd Dr. J. Edward Kcil'iy, I’arncllilc, who rcccnl~ ly l‘csigncd, iii the College. ()rcen di- vision of Dublin, Mr. J. I.. (‘Jll‘(‘\'.', Parâ€" nellilc. was. rclurncd \\'iill:illl opposi’ lion. Lloyd's silvcr modal has bean award- cd lo (‘ziplaiil Nutinzin. of tho slcamâ€" ship Aidar, who, when his ship found.- crcll, rcfused to be lakcn off. iii order nol lo lcaw an iiijurcd man. “0 went down with llic ship, lllll managed to hold on, and lo gl‘l on the bolioiii of an uplurncd boat, from which he was afterwards i‘cscucd. ll is lcnrncd in London that line re- cent incl-ling bclwccii Balliiigton Booth and his. sister. Mrs. Boolh-‘l'uckci‘, rc- sullcd iii a. comproniisc, by which lhe Volunlccrs will continue as a, distinct body for spccizil work among lllc rich, with Gcncrnl Booth nominally in Su- prciiic command. and wilh Ballinglon Iloalli lhc. pci‘niancnl local head of the new forcc. I'Nl'l‘lil.) S'I‘ATICS. Ohio has adopted capital punislliilcnl by clct‘lrit'il)‘. 'l‘hc Stale l.cgislalurc of Ohio has passnl :iii anti-lynching bill. The (‘ulnii resolutions have passcd both llulis‘cs‘ of lli“ l‘iliicd Slates (‘ongrcs‘a Graduntcs of McGill lYnchrsily in Now York hold lhcir first annual dinâ€" her. The A. P. A. ll:ivc dcclarcd war on Mr. McKinley in his candidalurc for the Presidency. Senator Sherman lilinks that. the stronger Democrat as a Presidential candidalc would be ex-Govcrnnr Camp- bell. ' Mn iiil o! :a (lrgi‘l-c of . i-Isscx. Aiiilicitslbilrl: and â€arrow w'ill bc sllpplicd with “3‘ illUllll GUILTY 0F MURDER l ’l'lll‘ Mayor of (lab has offcrl-d a rm ward of 35)!) for â€10 (-oiiviclion of 1] [Mil- Mill who is assaulting: young lllllltâ€˜ï¬ in South I':\,\l‘\ pas \l l l Associul ion . incl at . oiili'c-l iiill coiisid-rc'l a ll- . ‘ .-. . . . 1' . . ~i . hill l rislnil. lull in i: “as :i (ruiic “ hcli [to l for sciidiiig a lcliiil lo (‘llliipl‘ll‘ at ’ liccil lilatlc ll\' which all llic (.‘I‘t‘l‘ Indians. lllo wardis . lol (‘zinada will be dcporled from .\loil~ lltllllll ‘liillil to tho Norlli-Wcsl 'l’wri'ilorics. Cusloms has ap- provcd of aplan to allow l'iiilcll Slatcs lll('_\'l.‘ll‘ lidcrs lo tour iii (‘aiiadn willi- l‘I. Quick has bccil appointed (il‘iif‘i‘ill llaggagc Agent of lhc Grand Trunk iii place of Mr. SaiiiUcl Syilions. be in Scott Lord Dininlick were iiiarricd at hew york. ‘ ‘A startling story comes from San Francisco of_ a conspiracy to hold up the \anderbilt special train and kidnap Mr. Cornelius Vanderbill. 'At Ogden, I'lah, :m PXplOslon of giant powder occurred :il a quarry in which seven men 1051 their lives and llli‘cc more badly injured. In lhc elections :11 Chicago for lawn officcrs and Aldermen lllo- Republicans car-ricd :ill of the seven towns bv ma- Jorilics ranging from 1 to 4,000. i ‘ 'l'llc Ncw York Scnalc has passed a resolution in favor of co-opernlinr with Canada for tho protection of fish 1till!" Niagara llivcr and Lake (Jil- lurio. .COI, Pelrr (ilcn, (if Nrw York, the highest office-r m-xl lo Commander Bal- llngloii Booth, has dcsurtcd llw Volun- teers and rrturilod lo the Salvation Army. 'lfl llic Allflll)’ ('ollrl of Appeals on ‘-.\ cdilcsday :1 decision was givml iii the idvlplli (,‘lub case, to the effect that a club is practically :i man's homo, and is not suijcl lo a lifl‘iiS.‘ l'e-c. Al Now York a iilnnslcr \\'0‘l('l|ull‘ (ll‘illonsli‘fllinil was given by tho Salva- lion Army to ('oiiliiiissioncr Booth- 'l‘uckcr and his wife at (‘arncgic Music Hall. l’lllly (5.000 pfl‘sflls \\'crc [li‘c“~'.t‘!ll. Mrs. Daub-Tucker and Mr. flailing- loii lloolh had a long and codial inlrr- vie-w on Sunday night. After the con- fen-litre.(‘ln’llulfllillc‘l‘ Booth expressed his (ll‘lt‘i’Ullilllllnn to adhere to ill? policv hc had outlined. ' (‘onililaildcr Boollill‘ucker. of ilic Sal- vnllon Army, :ippooarud on 'l‘liursdav be- for» â€.1“ Naturalization Bureau of lin- .\ew Bork Supreme Court, and dwlar- cd his llill‘iillon of ls‘coming a citizen of llll’ l'niled Slates. . Ail cxhibition of clerlrical :ipplianms is to lâ€. held in New York in May when wlccli'icily generated a! Niagara Falls \leI lie uscd to operate some of the max-binary. 'I‘llc distance of the trails- mission is 462 miles. The New York Slate Assembly has ilassed 1119 Andrews Mercantile l-Islab- lisliiiicn: bill. which limits the lalnur of women and children to sixiv hours par week, and pills all establishnlcnls undci‘ control of the Board of Health. In the 5900an Baptist church in (‘lii- cago, wliilc lllP Rev. Dr. Lawrence was prcaclilnr. a burning brand fell from In: 1‘“"lill‘.,'. and created a panic. In the Wild rush of the ctngregalion for the (1001: cum-ml pcrsons were iniiir- ed. ' Suinucl P, Langdon, ill» weallliy comb": Opermor of Philadelphia, who was licl N“ on a charge of havini.r caused the dea‘ of Annie AllGi‘alh, lllc girl \\'ith\vli(:\.Li. ll“ was livmg. has been discharged 1 want of evidence» connecting him in lho- criilic. ‘ lil lllï¬ linilorl Slates House of l’ - scnlaliws on Thursday'a bill “.01). 55‘5- erllUCt‘tl, providing that yachl iii: to a regularly organiz- :lub of any foreign nation \ :xlcnd like privileges to c ’- btalcs shall have lllc pri‘ ï¬g tcl‘ing or leaving l'iiilcd .vilhoul cnlei‘ing or clean a _ r Cusloindlouscs or paying lon‘itgl‘ ‘Or GENERAL. '1i6 p; . . 3 . . . Outâ€".6 Ill. islolloff, lrlinc )Ilnisler ()L .m. 'I:i.l‘i'l, is only four feel six incth in liraglit. ‘ .l)l‘iil"l* Hollcnlulif‘, lllc (:crman ImpE- l‘lill Chancellor, is al prescnl in Paris ncognilo, and “’111 procclzd to Vienna. 'l‘hlli'c was a lcrriblc firv recently at Manila, capital of lhc Philippine Islands, ‘Vlk‘i‘l‘lly four thousand horses were dr- sl roycd. . . The young King Alcxandvr of Sci‘via is In Allicns, and is said to b.‘ paying nia- rriinonial court to Princess Marie of (iri‘t‘l‘l’. The. rumour is gaining ground in Madrid lllul Captain-General \Veylcr 1:. lo bc i‘ctvllied from Cuba, and that Marshal Campos is to be reinstated. ’I'hc Paris Temps asserts that the. idea of lllc Dongola expedition cmnnated from King Humbert, who simultaneous- ly :ultll‘i‘SSPd England and (lermanvon tlic slibjclll. - 'l'lic latest Corcan intelligence is of a very disquieting nature. The fighibc- lwccn the Russian and Japanese factions :ll Seoul still continues, and murders lakc placc almost daily. King \Villiam of M'urtcmbcrg is :1 howl-kccpcr iii one of the bcsi capaci- tie-s, owning two howls :ii Stuttgarl. This, liowcvet', docs not worry him or any of his Royal friends in llie least. . Advices from (‘hina slate that there is :l. slrong anti-foreign feeling existing zill‘blilg-‘I‘u. Several pclly acts of has- lillly against the Canadian Missions in thc Ku-(‘hcng disli‘l’d are reported. The Khalifa says lhai he was always ready lo submit lo the authority ofllic‘ Klimlive of Egypt, but hc will resist lo lli . dealli of any cxpcdiiion from Egypt so long as lllc British occupy tllccoiiii- lrv. Til-J daughter of Grand Duke Michacl, son of the Grand Dukc Michael-Nicolai- vitcli. was baptised in the linssiaii Church at (.‘annvs- on Thursdav morn- :iig. lhc Prince of Wales and ilie Grand Duchess of Mocklcnburg-Schwerin be- ing llcr sponsors. ’ A boy who scrwd as model for Mme. Mari-k. a sculptor, in Paris. took his death of cold. as he was exposed nude. and had wet plaster put on him, for the purpos‘? of making moulds. The sculp- tor was first charged with manslaugh- ter, but after acquittal on that score lhc boy's father began a suit for 84,000 damn gas. m TESTED. Smart Wifeâ€"Don't worry, George. 1 wrong an article for the paper bo-dav, showing how to get; up a family diii- ner for one; dollar. and I took it around and the editor gave me a dollar. 1 lLusbangâ€"t'l‘hat's a rare piece of good uc . ‘ a are on oin " til? dollar? 3 g g to do “I“: 'm gomg to try that; red and see if it will work. pe myself. .. I“ Gen. ilcnj. Harrison. cx-Prcsidenl of the United Slates. and Mrs. Marv I THOROUGHLY POSTED. Cigar Dealerâ€"~Yes. I want a boy here. Have you_had any experience? gout): ful IAntilpllcan tâ€"Lots. uppose s ould mix 11 the r' marksan these boxes. could gnu cell3 ti: good cigars from the bad ones 7 Easy ’nough. How? _ The wust cigars is in the boxes wolf: got the purliest pictur's.