q P“. ,‘__..___._.. _ OGK'SlMRMG COMPOUND. Araceli: discovery by unoid mm: by thousands of "z m 13 the only perfectly ’ - ' safeandrcllablemedlcine dis- W. Beware of unprinclpled druzgists who 0123 Malt: mediums in place of this. Ask for Cook’- Cocton Boo: Compound. take unsubsti- tutgor lndosetlnnds contain postage; in letter 1nd â€Wilhelm, scaled, by rctum mall. Fuliscaled particulan in plain envelope, to ladies only. 2 stumps. Address The Cool: Ccmpuny, Viral: $613.. (Jinan SOLD m' ALL 1);:i' .riisrs. Dr. Fred. W. Ivory, DENTIxT. Once hours 9 .‘t.m. '0 ii pun. 'Dmce ; Ro-sldcncc, lung 5"... (uni-moo, lint. T. Walden, V. S., OMFlliiCl-I, UNTAIUU. Gmdnatcol‘ the (int. Vl-lcrinury f'ollcgc. chisicrcd Member ul'ihc Unllu‘io Vctcrin- Association. ails, night or 1l4l\'. promptly flil“illl.'il to. OFFICE: XQ-xi. door in Adam's (iruccry. J. H. Sootheran, HANKERdtfliiOKEll. ill Kent, .lIIDSAY. Money to Loan on )iortgag '1! lowest i‘flit‘s 'of interest. _ _ Approved lndorscd ,‘qntc'S llst‘nunlcd lor nv term not cxcccdlng l‘.’ months. Robert Ruddy. MILLBRUOK. ox‘rx luo. .‘llllbrook office. ovcr now l’osl nfl‘icc. Umemee ofl'icc. OVt‘l' Brndb l1: n‘.~ rcccry. OMEMEE EVERY HONDA Y. Barrister, Solicilor, Notary l’ublic, .90.. Mom-z.- to Loan. 9-13' :Kerr, Gladman 86 Kerr, BARRisrcxs, Smucxrom, .tc. MONEY Tl) LOAN. 'OTFICBS: Peter-borough. 1:“ 1-": Hun-‘cr Rn, Omenn-c. First. door west of J. E. Adiims’. Omemcc omcc 0pc!) Fridays. WM. KERR, Q. (1.; F. I). KERR, B. .\.; l". ‘V.'(.‘l..\1).\IAN. "I'he Rathbun Company PETERBOROUGH. Branch officeâ€"Cor. Murray and Bethune his Lumber. Shinglcs. Sash. hours. Blinds. \i'in. (low and Door Frames: Ncwul l'osts, Stair Rails. Rnlusters, Moriidcrs .U'. Scranton i'onl iii I-‘rw Slovc and Nut Sizes ‘5:- v ‘lriur Hill for (lriitcs; Smitliiug and Steaming (‘0:tl: also (Toke nun Lchigh Lumn lor Foundries. i$- H C. E. HERBS, Agent A Goon INVESTMENT Young people who wish lo be inde- pendent. \\ ill liod it to their advantage to taken course in our Institution. We 'do not guarantee to give diplomas in :i 'certain time, but we do guarantee to Z'fre a thorough training in both the .‘ iness and Shorthand departmentsâ€" in short to give students u but thcy pay for. Our Graduates have no trouble in 'doing Office Work. Write us for particulars. PlililiiLE 8 litilllEi Business College, Pa terborough CHANGED HA NDS i’eterhnro Puma and Windmill Factory, (Formerly Carried on bv Geo. hit-Williams; DICKSON’S RACE. I take great pleasure in annmincmg "vs the people of Peterborough and sur- rounding country that I have bought out the entire Plant, Patterns, Mall-hin- cry and Agencies oi tie above well- known Factory on Dickson’s Rail-e. I have also made arrangements to continue the lease and to carry on the manufacture of Iron and Wooden Force and Lift Pumps, Cistcrns, Steel \ 'indmills, 'l‘zinks, Fanning Mills, I1 and Seeders, (‘hurus, Washing Machines and every otlicr line formerly manu- factured in the Above premises. I have also removed the temporary (Pump Shop which I opened on Char~ ll tt slrcct a short time agoâ€"and will now be found at u y Factory on Dick- son’s Race. With the long, practical oxperience I have had in this business, and with the splendid facilities which I now have for turning out good work, I am Conï¬dent that I will be able to guaran- tee perfect satisfaction to all who muv favor me with their orders. ' My Milllirook Pump and Windmill business will still be continued in the Old Stand, on Tapper Street, Blillbrook. physician. Successfully sud E OMEMEE, ()XTARIU, IS PUBLISHED Every Thursday Morning AT THE Ul-‘FCK, Kl NC Sl‘l'i-Ii-IT EAST, lNORRIS BLOCK ' Subscription, $1.00 a Year. l . ................ l A \vcekly iicwspnpcr, publisiicd ili liic inâ€" tci‘e-sl ol the Village oi Him-mm: nud shr- rol:mlingdislrlcr. All kinds. oi Job pl‘illllll! [dun-- in tlic Job runn’h :ll :‘lic vci'y luwcsi living pi'lccs with lll'illlu'SS :lziddcs] (Itch. itA'l‘l‘ib‘ (,ll’ .\1’l\'l~3lt'l‘lSl.\'G: l YFAK 6 “HS. 3 MUS. Double (‘olumn .. 57.") (H) 5.31) in) $2."; (In .34) 1H) 5:†in) if: on 25 m) 1:": no in m) Sin-41c ('olumu In no 2.1m» if; no “ “ 2.7 (m 1.3m) In on “ “ 1.": (m 100‘) 5' no u n l i .‘ l l 4 Professional and lluslucss (‘urds $3.00. “End .\dvcl‘lisI-inclilsfmcls. first inscrllon, 25cm. czu-h subscqucnl iuscrllon. Spcclnl ruins lur longcr 1Wl'l1HlS. Local Nutlci's .‘i‘h .l llll~' lii'st luscrllou. 31'!» inch Slillh'l‘ijli'dll inscrliliii. 'i‘runslcul :llivcrllscnicuts inc. pcrliiic iirsl lil<t‘l‘lilin, 5c. pcr [inc cinch subwqucnl inscr- troll. CHAS. \V. Itll'liA itllb‘, Publisher and i’ropric or WANTS A good girl for gcncrul housework. Good wiigcs. For particulars apply to MRS. GEO. SOO’l‘IllCIlAN, 16-3: )1n.i.isi:ook. Oxr. WILLlll'l Rlllill’S llllCEllBll KILLER. A FRESH SUPPLY Jill In Hand ill Hiliiilllan’l -- D DRUG STEEL, LIN D S ll. THE oiling inn-anon. OMEMEE. 'l‘l'lUltSDAY. .-\ PRâ€. :33. 1896. l HEllll Ul‘ Tallinn Visits the City to Be Present at the Funeral of a Daughter. He Tells the Story of the Immortal Six Hundred at Balaklava. There has been in the city for the past few days one of the heroes of the " (‘hitrge of the Light Brigade†ut Balu- klnvu. on the Crimea in the person if John Martin of Lindsay, Ontario, and he is one of the live living survivors of that heroic exploit, which will go down in history for all time as one of the most during :ind heroic actions of the world. Mr. Martin has been in the city with his estimable wife on a. sad mis- lihe linemen Mill 1 l l punch of a bayonet. in the right cheek illil: it minnic hall in the right leg, but he did not givc in until the battle was ovcr no.1 lhc llussiiuis driven from the field. lic rcmuiucd iii the field ill Spiml until able for duty and did not leave the Crimea until ili l856 the regiment, the Scullisn Fusileers was ordered home on :i furlough. ’1Ԡhour the old hero and veteran of 39 vetlrs~ service ill thc armies of hcr maj- csly, one is transported into the Crimea, on» can hcur the shouls of ti o bravo uicu who rode “into the jaws of death, r into the moulh of hell â€; one cam hear the rcvcrlxcrulious of the cannon before Lhc doomed city of Scbustonol and one. can look prospectively into the yours that folluwcd null cslimule somcthlug of the change thutthc llcroic conduct of thc soldiers ofthc English army iuthut lcrriblc campaign made ill thc subsc- qncnt cvculs o" the world’s history, While liciiriug the old vetcrun describe the hardships of that campaign, one culchcs the murliul spiril of lhc, nations that spurrcd up ll.c \rilr-likc cvcits «f tlusc \ curs of the middlc of th- uiuc- lr‘l‘lllll ccntury, cvcu Ii:lll_v culminating,' in thc grcztt civil our of the Amcricnn republic. and hilcr i'wlllhl :lll ccl:o in tho :rcu.’ Francu-l’rnssiun \\:=r. cll sing the grcllt “ill'I)Cl"l1illl'fil.lt‘"i‘lrtilry. Mr. Martin wcur- \\ sill llccoming pii-lc two hundsruivc ulcdzlfs. nHw prcsculcd by Quccn Vii-ti ri:l :lll'l ll.li' ollicr gium bv the Sultan of l‘urkcy in lulxi‘ll nl' hcurly :wprccliltioli of the Ilcruic \:llur lliul o -k lhc ($00 into lhc light. nli the plums f llllluklnvu. liotli um of Solid silvm and are vcry valuable for the lllSl'l'li- lions. The Victorian mcdul bus {on lewves of lnurcl in silvcr on till! ribbon suspending lllc. lncdul prnpcr, oil which are inscril col tllc words that lulvc :t vol- uinc oi' inclining to thc sludcut of his- tory,:Lud has :1 wcullli ol :tli'w'iinlllllc and glorious mcmorics ti lhc. survivors of the (‘rimcun war. The words ilrc, "Alma, Sclulstopol, lillllllx'lllYil, lukcr mun.†The iucdill prapci‘ s-f hull: lllc gifts are appropriately inscribl‘d. Mr. Martin now lives in pcilcc and coulculncut in his holuc in funds ly, in! it is highly proinlblc lhul if thereslmuld be uscrimmugc hc thinks it. could bc but it scrimmage in which tlic lrmps r f hcr majesty Would \le e tllu Ami-rial: s ofl'thc fut-c. of the cnrl h, tin-old voter; 13 would hiirncss up :tllll go into tlic thick oflhc light with tho Billilllbitlill of il.c youth of 17. The old Soldier icilvcs tilâ€"(lily for his Canadian homo, couvlnccd lliul. .‘lmc - icu is a good country to read about, bu. not 11. good country for-.1 loyal subjcct of her inujcsly to tarry iu.â€"()hio Stalc Journal of March. 10 LEFT. 0flhe ‘33 'l oilcl. Sets put in the window at $3.50 for an Easter bargain wc huvc 10 left. 'l'hcso we will dispose of at the same low pricc, only €3.30, but cannot repent thunkâ€"China. llnli and Silver lilzuur, 300 (icorgc slrcet. Two Views 0'? Tv- l is. I never nus So mortified in all ill} lile, shc cxcl; ilncd. What was the mullcr? asked her dearest fricnd. My maid told me that my liuuce was in the reception-room. Yes. And Ithrew my arms around him and kissed him twicc before I discnvl-r- r‘ll that it was his twin brother. Tukc my illiVll’C‘Llllil izcvl-r bcconlc lugzigcll to a. twin (hi the coiilrury.l think I rillill look for oim. it just doubles the fun. A i‘c-opculng of the Salvation Arruv will be held on next Mon- day evening, April 27th. Revs. Garbutt, 'l‘uuiici', and lilCCllllll. will deliver addresses. Ens. \V'at- son, of Lindsay, will also be pres- siou,thzltofattending the funeral ofone ent. Pie and COfft‘C Will i": served of his daughters who was the esteemed wile of M r. Edward Minor, (ix-telephone operator at police headquarters. Mrs. during the evening. liolli vocal and instrumental music will be Minor was married to her husband rendered. Admlss‘on 15“ 01' 9-50- :ibnut :1 year and :1 half ago and was buried Wednesday afternoon from the family home, 524 Franklin avenue, in a quiet way with all the respect that could be shown by u. grief~strickeu hus- band and a father and mother who dearly loved her. Mr. Marlin isatypicul Irish grenadier, is one of the most patriotic of the sub- jects of Queen Victoria, He has no use {1113' Mr5- DCWM Stimson, for anything under the sun that is not set to “ Rule Britannia †or “ (lull. Save the Queen.†lie is ii. ï¬ne specimen of manhood, has a. true Irish heart in his bosom, and is vested with the warm ulood of the (‘eltic race with it fund of humor that has preserved him ill all the calamities of his life and that has a couple. April Weddings. On \Vedncsdziy cvcnil g, Ap‘il 15th, 1896, u vcry happy cvlznl took place at tho rcsillcucc of Mr. vhcn their (lauglilci‘, Miss Lcnu St?n<on, was united in marriage to Mr. David Graham. Rov. .‘x'cwtou Hill officiating. After till: nuptials had been sccurcly tlt‘il, the lzlrgc num- lscr of friends prcs‘cnt sat down to contributed more to his luileund hearty a sumptuous rcpllst that had lll'L‘ll old age than anything else. lie has not much use for the “ bioomiu’ blokes †who would set America against his country and he is not an admirer-0f Pres- ident Cleveland or Secretary Olney. Mr. Marlin was born in County Down, Ireland, Aug. ‘29, 1837, in thc same year prepared for tho occasion. 'l‘hl- bride received it number of beauti- ful and costly pl‘cscnts, showing: 1' th: liigli estccm in which she is hold by her frleuds. The Mirror that Queen Victoria ascended the Brit- jOlnS 1“ the {ICUd “'lShCS to tilt?" ish throne. lie entered the service of the queen .3: Dublin, .ipril20,1854,join- ing the Scottish Fusdecrs. lie went to the Crimea. with that celebrated regi- ment which started on the voyage that bride and groom for their future happiness. On VVcdncsdziy last, at the rosi- NOTICE is hereby given that the part- nership heretofore existing between [\‘huw Skuce, as Manufacturers of lum- ber, c., in the Village of Umeuiee. has been dissolved, its now and from the 10th of Feb’y, 1896. All debts owing to the firm will be paid to and collected by Samuel Skucc, who will also pay all debts owing by the said firm and who will also curry on the business as man- ul'iiclurl-r ol'lloors, Sash, Frame, Mould- ing, und :1†kinds of Lumber Dressed. Dated this 28th day of March, 1896. 18-31: SAMUEL SKUCE. Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us iuthc sulc of our Choice Nursery Stock. Specialties controlled by us. Highest Salary or Commission puid wcckly. Stcudy cmplovmeut the year round. ('liliiil frcc;cxclusn'c territory ;l cxpcricucc not ncccssiiry; big pay us- s-urcd workcrs: sp~ l'lzlf inducements to z to 1,. licgnliicrs. Write at once for particu- hlrs to Allen’s Nursery 00., ill-4 m LOST. (in i-‘ridilv, March 13, 1896, between CARLESS, PhOtO Studio :lw rcsidcncc of David Cornell, Sn, Ops, a mud ()mcmce Village, ‘ .33. Ladies? Hand. Bag, containing 3 Sum of money and other, articles. l l-‘ludcr will be suilunlv rcwarded by lcziving it :it tho error ollicc. VHLNTED ’ A good, roliziblc girl as help in general liousc work lugc from fourteen to tweu-l ly-livc). Must have good references. 3" r further iiifornnltiou and lcrms, all», zily to l M 11.9. W. H. SA l‘.(llt7.\"l‘, , lllcviais'l'okl-i S'l'vl'lox, l iii-L" liiu'rlsu ('ol.l'ili;iA. ‘ l Scientï¬c American Agency for CAVEATS' TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIOHTS. etc. For information and free Handbook write to )lL‘NN .v 00.. 361 lilmAbWAi'. NEW YORK. Oldest. burcuu for securing patents in America, livery bin-nit tukcn out by us is brought. before the pu‘u'ic byanoticc given tree of charge in the slimliiin git-1mm Lax-cost circulation of any scientiï¬c pnncr in the world. Stvlcntlidly illustrated. No intelligent 1min slim ‘d be without it. “'eckly. $3.00 a "VHF: #1.; six months. Address MITNN oz. (30.. l’cuusu nus, $51 In-oauwuy. ..\ew York City. 'WOOD’Q PIiUSPEIODINE. The Great English Remedy. .0 ,7 ‘ “it Sin: 1 ackagrs Guaranteed to . ' ‘ ., ' , promptly and permanently ' cure all forms or Nervous Ti’cakm‘ss, Emissions,Spcrm- atorrhea, Impotcncy and all ,, affects of Abuse or Excessca, “9:4“ Mental Worry, excessive use .. ' ,_ of Tobacco, Qiium or Stimu- Before and 1 fit?) ' lants, which soon lead to In.- I flrmity, Insanity, Consumption. and an early grave. '; Has been prescribed over 35 years in thousands or cases; is the only Reliable and Honest Medicine ‘ known. Askdrugglst for \Vood’s Phosphodine; it 11003ch some worthless medicine in place or this, lncloso price in letter, and we will send by return mail. Price, one package, $1; six. $5. One will please. can will cure. Pamphlets free to any address, The “'00:! Company, icun Oats for Siilc, which I purchased :lzlst year from that well-known seed ficsledgiud yielded no bush. to the acre ,0†b acres, not wllhsluiidlug llic pustd r) fscusuu. l'ricc, tlâ€"lc. per bushel. ill)(,‘llliSl‘Elt, N. Y. , 13"“ MILLBROOK. :Vcwly Equipped for the year I896. :Iu lzict, everything is in the bcsl 29 PHOTOGRAPEâ€"IER. SEEDS FARMERS, ATTENTION ! SEMESSE‘PSEEEESEEEEEE â€L“- 'SPRI NG On the corner of Peel and Wm. . streets 1 during the Winter months, a practical Fur- l‘iU'l' who gives cutlrc sutlslucliou or money ‘ rclundcd when rcpulriug or making to ordcr furs 01 every description and stylc. It saves ' money and tur to dcal with a. practical cutlc 1'. Raw l‘urs bought. (3. P. M ULLET’I‘. 40-3in . Li ndsny. Reader, do you owe this olllce any- thing on your subscription? Dollars will be particularly acceptable to us for Say Where are you doing ? I am gOing Straight to the next couple of weeks. ’ D Call at Thos. Brady’s, \Yliolesule and Rctnll Dcnler in Groceries†Hour, Feed. Bacon Hum, Lard, Soil. and Hay Allkliids ol‘Gurdcn and Field Secds. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in ex- change. Old Post Ollicc, ill; Brock‘st. and illn‘i'SEWli‘vf‘a.‘IEEl’R‘i’n.ï¬ltrlf‘li‘pl’lilll‘i to BUY MY SEED. He has the ï¬nest and best mcc. (.‘liicl‘Sulcsmim. ill-2m seeds I have seen in Omemee. See his red clover, and his dandy Alsyke ; also his Timothy Seed from $2.00 per bushel up; also Saw Log Mangolds and those Short White C rrot Seed which give such enormous yield. Tiirnip Seed ; he has every kmd that is sold; the Seed Oats for SE16. 1 have a quantity of Improved Amen man, John Miller. Markham. and provcn the best milling out of 4 varieties 1).â€. CORNEIL, ()mcu Pe. Is the farmers’ friend. â€" - - - Seed Barley, Seed Pease, Mummy and Prince Albert. All kmds of Garden Seeds in Bulk or in Papers. "n1 y , ...-’4 L’ NOW is the time to call and get Prices for your Spring Stock. I sell in any quantity; reduc- tion made by ordering 500 pounds and up. BEATTY will sell you 100 lbs. of flour at 50. ad- vance on the cost. I have cut down all prices to the smallest possible margin; for Why? Because I sell for CASH only, for I have ~ A. QUIT TTEE CREDIT BUSINESS. Bran, Shorts, Fease, Oats, Buckwheat, and Bird. “ecu. Barrel Salt. and the famous Her- bageum Cattle Spice. Perms, Strictly cash. Goods delivcred to any Part of the town. i- - . .. . mu». m. 3‘ . 7‘ S YEUP :5" - f3 ,3. W a 4}, TIE-EZ- __.1701:__ w 3: offers a dancing M 4- I COLDS and Sore Throat. O The Best Remedy. - - KING STREET, New Bank lil‘lllllllll l‘illll Accessories lion Slilel runningr order. llcst work only and rcusonublc pi‘icc: only. 08.11 when in town. F. J. CARLESS, Teaching ii if; in All it is Worth! Covering bigger and l=cllcr \‘:lillL~.\ lh.lu ever in ii? :iniiills (.1 ll:c ('l..lhing Trade \J’ Cure Guaranteed. 7 , V ofthc c<.liiilry. \\ him up and wulk up. Ilcrc we me o] cniilg ll:c Full '1 rum: in ‘ I ‘ ' i a v .‘I i' u ‘ n .‘ '4 v \ s ' a - “'indsor Ont. Canada. l (.loilliiig, Imols and #1.. is, linls .i‘lltl ( .l,r.~. “‘1. am lcil )l-urs on «ll-ck ni-d Hue - - . sccn many :1 sill" go mm u on ll c lrilSllll‘rn‘ l «nun. \\ c are now oi: ocrelm'clilli ~ '_ *' 2..-... 7- ' ‘ ,____’"" ’_ I . 3 annual trip l cllcr lllzll‘ cicr ' it"‘ilï¬ d to l rii: ‘ For Einrsganns lu lll‘é‘s‘x‘ (mods, liosicry, lilovcs. Until r-‘ \vi-ur, (‘t’ul'.~l’*is. :lnd Slupic llry (mods. cull ;.. “’I‘iii: PEOPLE'S N'rozz'ri." opposite Murkcl. lil'urge Hi“ lâ€l,'l('l'llf)l‘ll, 17 D. O. LEGENDRE, Prop. ()mcmce Visitors to Lindsay Sec Miss Niitclxell‘s Grand Mil. liner-3' otjening‘ 1422 Hunter Slrccl,ou your way to thc slorcs lllc known and xvi-cg . . l l ,L' ‘1â€; Hills in _\'4~l:l “ours, in ('lnllie lhc poor mun will: llm rich Illiillf‘ll71'55.illi(l(illzlfl‘ situlc l of yorc. 1-'orlcn _\c.nl.~' \xx- lnvc n-infc it'll )t‘ili'S l'l prl grws. (vlir knowledge :1 inc lrmlc has grown lli d our ublllly t". supply your wants. .\.'ol only are (-i.!‘ . . initial ilrnmprurlcrs in r ll.c (lolhing irudc of lire country, but mm of illt‘ distinguished lillrnl‘llnlls o: llec town. Fur and near our ‘l'unlc. has spread unlil our nnlucs us lrndcrs is us familiar in the homes of the County us at red nuggou on the low ushlp concession lines. I MEN’S OVERCOATS. , ow l-cd rock prices as Chemist and Di‘uggist. Post ()llice. 31E IKE: C It 0 ’ I (}\‘€r('0hls.. ....... 4 5° .. 7 50 .._~_____. 137:" \. ' Hill's Bap (her- i I chstock jnstnpeucd out. Gmudcsl display Mm; _ 180 fine NHvacrconls 53 {lo \\ are S 7 .‘o ('1 “:5 .. ......3 50 u 5 50 â€films, Flowers. Ribbons. clc., lira-S‘- and 150 line Ji(,.,\.,,,. r. r, 5) u ( ,, . ‘. . _ , “ .‘llzlnlll- i;um1.<,l.'l(ivcs and Funcylioï¬ds (*vur 1-3.- f' -. \i' r ] n K. -' ,, 1; 7.01310 \ mill. ~ 1.1“?“ ""0 00 1° 00 shown in Lindsay, City slylcs. luau. um! â€09 [M ‘ (ll-’1‘“ '1 ' ‘l L "0 ~ la-u \oHil; s (u; 3 (Her- .\l:uillcinnkingduncin thv Iiilcst stylus. Wc 120 line ( orkscrcw “ o {lo “ ]2 {mt (-(ult‘c... ...... â€â€œ5 00 u S 50 :unz'umvc satisfaction. in surl- and come. 15o ï¬ne Wool \lcllmi “ s on “ l“ in. ‘ “.7 ' ‘ 7- i . ulss Mi’l‘LlliCl.l., Sliopoycr Mr. A. Cump- ,g All \., . p ,, . .. l, .. .9 l “'0 3 "“1Ҡl,‘ “1’3“! bull’s (.‘roccry. Kunt #1., l.indsuy.â€"~l7-:‘.ni L9 - 'â€" \oo. Adler . on 1.) on ‘ (lvcrcoilis, o (tiller- ‘ ,. R. ’12:.) 'Allâ€"wool 1‘ riczc , (.H shades mg, 00 u S 50 53‘1“â€â€œPt 0‘03“ Of Llslcrs..... . 4 90 “ S .‘m ‘ :50 Y. mp}- 0‘ trrlnls Gnocnnxms ' lluvin.‘r pul‘chnscd tlic arm-cry Slock ol‘ Mmsi‘lel'hhMlti llros. .l- (‘0. at half-prim, i ll:l\‘t'()|n;lil‘ll out in the samc sluud \vhcrc ,‘(i‘nt‘l‘ili gi'occrics ol' nil kinds will be round it: u gi‘cut bargain. com: curly. Ii. Pz-ixnemu. Opposite Benson Ilousc, Lindsay. L. O‘Connor, established ’78 Unnufuclui'ci‘ of (‘.ii‘riiiges, Sloiglls and “Higgins. ltcpulrszit :tll llmcsi romplly ut- lcudcd to. My spcciitllics including Nunol ('ilrl. villicl' for llic truck or i'oiuis. (lvcrlllm) lcslimoulnls. i'utcnt :lnd lilxlcns‘lou lop curring-‘5' and bugglcs (if liic lilicsl design and ï¬nish. My \\':l::(lii\‘ :li'c pronounced the cusp-st running \vuggou on llicmurkcl. All Work guili'uulccd. ’l‘crms Libci'lll. (‘ull so- l‘lcltcd. LINDSAY. l).\"1‘.--17-.'lni ,200 All-u ool 'l \vcl‘ll l'l~ in in :U to 58, now 3 jslcrs .....1. ..........5 50 “ lo on selling firm...†3 oo 1- ‘ :50 mp viii" "ll 21- i'l- , CAVEATSu l ï¬lers, iii'iour‘dilll-r- BOY S 0V ERCOAIS TRADE MARKS, DESIGN PATENTS- ; cut shiulcs . . ..il 50 “ 1.": ("o __ _ .. - ' 1h.) ‘s 'l‘wccd (‘asc Over- 10 Men :5 Lupe U'L‘ouis -.i on “ In on '3, n (atlada. . I D. THORNTON, Agent. G. WALTER GREEN. Fire lllilliles °i.i1‘::::§.“£;3is Hughan Co., at 52 Kent St., ' . ‘\ . Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Novelties for Xmas. Pre- sents ever shown in Lindsay. ' -"ll 'is't our store CPOWGS “(:very day during the next three weeks. You will be â€wise to come early and make your selections before the great rush of the last week. For Special Bar- gains examine our Gold \Vatches, Celluloid Albums,.l’ewel Cases, etc Our dis- plnyol‘ To 's and oils is simply lairy land for the litt cones. Bring them along and let them sec. Nutca few of our prices: Albums roc.-, regular 2 5c; China Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 90c., regular $I-25; Dolls 1c., 2c , 3c., 5c., Ioc., 23c., 49c. up; Pocket Books from 5c. up; Mouth Organs, in evefy key, from 5c. up; 'iolins from $1.75; Ban- §os, Mandolins, 82c. Hughan Co. Headquarters for Xmas. and “fed- ding Presents. ‘ CHEAP MONEY, To be had on ï¬rst mortgage from Private Parties, with a prive- lege of reducing principle as you wish. Insure in the “canada Life†this month and get full benzï¬t of one year’s proï¬ts from the best and strongest institution was eventually to demonstrate that the dcucc of M1; and Mrs, john Mills, ‘ Paths of glory lead but to the grave,†- , , - , ' 3 ‘ , i on July 3i. embarking from Dublin for Lmds‘ly’ m the pI‘Lschc Of d num' Cork andlatcrcontendingto the Crimea. but 0f friends, \llSS C(llllCI‘lnC M- stopping on the way at Gibraltar and 'Wilson of Omcmcc, was united in llillill. .', 0. x \ if m) ' k . ' He first set foot in the Crimea. at man‘m"L to]: lr. \V' H I't’nm‘tt Of Vania. on the Black sea. it few days after chmcâ€˜ï¬ ij‘V- 14- ‘5‘ Hlli‘lhb'om lie was 17, the youngest soldier or tl.e l). A., oiliCIating. 'l he bride and line in the Fus'leers The smiadrou a ‘ ‘ . - , . room returned home on ‘I‘l ï¬ll that had brought the regiment to the h 1 d " scene of the WM was jomed by the regi. laSt’ “him a rcccptiou “'33 held at merits of French, English and Turkish tllc homo oi the :fténpsotlfililï¬zkgd b??? Milli?! ll'ere “in†The Mirror uuitcs with the friends iin'i iono llellle(r0L)Sl1‘. ,_ , ~‘ , \- been accomphshedmnd when joiii'ed by Of. th" howl} umrl‘lcfl conplc l.†them, all proceeded up the sea. to the “15111133“ them (1 long llfC 0f happi- Crimea, slur-ting in time to arrive at the mess. point ofdisembarkation Sept. 14, 18.54. The allied armies left this point on " ' ' ‘ ‘ the morning of the 19th at 3 o’clock in R E the morning for the dreary march . Eg i i i I through a. hostile country that was to . end at Inkeruizm, through the bluntly ï¬elds of Alma, through the Siege of Sa~ bastapol, down into the glorious, illi- luortal plains of Bulaklava, and through the great battleï¬eld in front of Inker- man. The terrific bombardment cf the city of Sebastopol, until that time the most terriï¬c can nonading that had ever reverberated in the mountains or over the vales of any part of the world, was witnessed by this 17-year-old soldier with the delight that ever attaches to q the battleï¬eld by the ï¬ery, untamed I have “Ole CODtI'Ol for temper of youth. When the 150 huge cannons of the allied armies belched the county VICtOI'Ia. Of forth death and destruction to the de- the Roller Back Buggy voted city on that calm and beautiful October morning at the signal of the Curtain, ShOWD at the simultaneous raising of the British en- sign and the tri-color of France, the “7 ’ , i - youthful soldier threw up his shakol OI'ld S Fax, and ac with the rest of the English grenadiers I and shouted with the loudest; When, kDOWIedged by an WhO M.A.xt'i=.\cri'm-:n or Carriages all lilting, SLEIGHS A1511: CUTTERB, LINDSAY. ...-o........-. ’afler asiege that resulted in the over- see it the most complete throw of a. city and disheartened the foe to the extent that all the other but- device on earth. Please ties of the allied forces were victories that changed the history of the world, can and examine for the young Irishman “no at the front taking his turn at duty in the trenches with the veterans of many warS. When yourself- the battle of Inl-‘erman was fought in the early days of the next month Mr. R [g Y I I E Martin was temporarily disai; 61 by a . ' . _ , _ w .-.. . ...; groom‘s mother. l For Sale. A plircton, in good condition, will he said clicun. Also it set ofsiugle harness. For particulars apply to \l’ M. LOWES, 7-3t Frank Hill I’. O. The Temperance Aid General Life Assurance Company 'â€"OFl-‘El\‘S'â€"- Absolute Security. Insurance on all the best plans. The ACTUAL BENEFIT ofthcir Superior Longevity to Total l’ibstuincrs. Classiï¬cation with recently and carefully Selected Lives. A Choice of the soundest and best Plans and Methods of Insur- ance known. Its safety is unquestioned, Its plans are equitable, Its policies most liberal, ‘ It is Carefully and Economically- Managed. Insure in it News: HEAD OFFICE, Globe Building, Tamils, Hill. C. W. RICHARDS, AG E N T. 0 M E M E E . ONT- Kept \ by all Leading Hotels. . ' j ,. ,I‘I. . , g. , m h ’ ‘AW‘AAâ€"A ' L4-;’A2HA‘) COPYRIGHTS. etc. ,1 1‘ Flt-us†.(..... .. ......SI 75 were S2 90 Forlnfnrmationand free Handbook write to , 3 - - »O\"s - :l l u :e Liv r. MUNN 00.. 361 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Gent S FUTHIShlngS. ' . Wis} X e 0 ... , Oldest bureau for securing patents in Ami-rich. ‘ .. " ll .. .. . . . . . . . . ......... _ ..o ' 4 00 Ehvcrypï¬tcgit taken Olltlliynullllil bgogghteblgfgg Men’s 3‘, lllOrll-zln 312),: “(A 's .: ll-u (ml '1 need L i) v) rt ‘ b . . . , â€"â€" t "D“. c ya.â€â€œ.“’3 L L 0 L “:8 . Ilolms,cuibrmdcrcd . f,l\(‘rl'(l1tlS-‘...... 2 n) “ 4 50 gpzsutgï¬ï¬g mergsau ‘ ironls. . .. . . . . . . ...5] (:0 were S I 50 LONE Irish them ['1- Men’s hcuvy w ill (‘ot- _ slurs 4 00 “ 7 (,0 Larï¬gstclrciulntilgp o‘fllany scloptll‘f pppcruin tho: ton Sight lloilcs (iii 3 our ; ick of {mo ('ape “'ur . .‘ )Cilli y ustrat/el. i'o utc lizcn . - . . . ._ . . » . . . . . . ‘ mun shou dlllc without it. Wes-Hy. 33.00:: l Me†‘5 S 1‘“ .lild lbdl'â€, Sni-n‘dl“ “will“? vexinslxulsxmomhs. .\ddress...lU.'.\' .v C0. ‘~' - ; '~ ' i‘l .. ' 'r R Q‘ 9 1’UBusnEns.3Cllifuadwacxb'cw YorkClty. . -' “i I 1?.â€le \I'Mb' 0 n- ‘ PH“ â€0 n ‘4 10 ‘l' for ' 9° . worth -uc. Ouch“ _ for -o YOUTH’S SUIT __,__,_ W'm ‘ Men's Fancy Illngâ€" S : wood (llovcs .. ‘25 were 40 ' All-wool (‘unndiun '1 weed s“ ’-' r?‘ , 1 . . ' ‘ ‘ ............0 40 TO .L. HE Mucus luucn llmirlkcr- \‘~ cst. lungluud 'i need, 14 diï¬erem, m‘“ , chiefs, hcm sli:cl.cd ]5 patterns .. ...... ..... ...“ 4 50 . ' V . . . ' i u u- ' V . ~ BE}? ‘1 OP}? lien s hcluy liiocrweiu- 10 _,. \ enmiau and ( orkscrcw 311 wool It - - ’ ’ H 1“! ’Meu’s hcuvy All-\iool him or price 511. ....... .. 7 00 l Underwear 3.3 " 50 ()l lot-ed ones suitable Monumenls ‘ Men‘s hcnvy U 1\' I'll- should be erected. At our show EOY’S SUITS .‘ derwcur............ 4o “ (lo llluc Cerue .-\ll~wm .. ,' . q , Q on room and vnrd you can choose .__ 1,, p , g. ,1, l‘ f. t , - “'1‘" 1 ““9 ‘v'mw ~- 90 : ~ 00 («-zcu angle .-l . 1Ln\.\ (rdndlliun 1‘“.ng 311mm,] the bcst (annuiuu or Inioortcd. , , , -‘ ., , . ., = (- . 'l ,. . n 1 M‘U‘blt“ \ll‘l'in 1Q, llundlvcrl lll(.ir, ll(lll .. pccc ...... .. ..... ........ 3 50 1mm ('5 A ( ‘ ‘ a'. In ' -' ‘ l Milchcd.... 35 Fancy :colch Tweed, extra heavv of work done and saljsfuclinnm, 1 , H ~,, 7. 1,- :i. ‘. ll 1 , l - r . .. lccd Monmnenls Tomb-l ..., ( 0/: \ â€1.1 1 (lil‘ mu lr- . ' ".0" vc- :red‘SIg ...... ...... o no ghar' TI .17: , ' . l \‘(1 Silk" Ilillluht‘ll'lllt‘is {:0 an“ I)][,(- Scrgc 511113, 2-1)iepp' it?\'\' 98 stones, (oping, Iosls and (Ollie-1 ,. .,, , . l .. . _ l _ 1 ,_._ y , .. , _ .. , . 7 _ , _ rough s Morin mill r, .il -\\00 non pooled All-wool (““3de lery “â€rk of an" and o‘er} l‘md' ' Si cits rib'licd ion 10 'l"\\c()" 1 05 I ‘3 sip S 1' '1', " ‘7 . [A""..."' “- d foiol‘l anon-o ....1. ...... ., Aim?" d9 .’"" and 1“ m.â€l1CHH~Z--=‘3vn‘sall-“ml rim-M «nullm Scotch and Lnghsh faithfully exccutod and cuncd . (.qrdhpm ,kas 80 were Q 1 L,‘ "‘vecd - .1 o 0- ‘ " ‘ ‘-‘ “ - vi ...-a...-.-......-'.... --‘ out. (all and get prices. (live; " U 0. us your address and we’ll satisfy 1' MEN’S SUITS EOOTS AND SHOES vou. .. ,. . .. - .7 -. . .. ' Goo All-wooH :muuiun 1\\’ed boils 5.» 9o “ (â€l-"n 5 ll‘r‘hm’ld but- lloo line new English Twccd Suits -1 :lo _ Ionian-la...†"~31 10 were 51 50 350 luncy Yorkshire Tweed Suits 4 75 “â€1““15 A '1'â€- D01" NLOORE ,Sl o bcotch 'l'wccd Suils.... 6 Q() .. L'UI'A. 141119.“ Boots 1 75 “ 2 75 Dionumental works, , Trio All~wool Worsted Suits . ..... 7 .30 \‘ ‘-" "“ S (lxiords and ‘550 Worslcd Suits. lilllili check 5 9o ï¬lll‘l'QY'Fc-ur 65 " 90 Men's luff Baimoral CAPS AND FURS ‘ , and (‘oivgress...... 1 25 “ 1 60 Men’s Ki ) l’almmal.... 19 ,l 25 Wombat. Fur ('ouls, l ) ] Ylvulh’s Kip Balmoral 75 - j $14 50 were $152 1501;“)?8 Kip Buinmrals.. 69 530 Black (rout (,oillS 1'.) 90 “ ll 00 . Mpn‘s line (“0“),an _ 50 u 4 00 ' 25 doz Sculctle (ups, jockey 50 “mars Boots 39,." 25c., 2m) doz Imitation (lips, from 19 to So 35,... north double. Dublin Porter i Corner of Charlotte and George Streets! Pctcrborough. i 5 23 doz l’crs. Lamb Cups 2 90 \\ ere 5 oo Janis Felt Boots, loose Youth’s Overcoat-s. 8““ "'"°'“““ 50 " 1 on . So cases Ladics’ croquet Rubbers 23 A specialitv, warranted to fatten i 100 Youth’s Tweed j So doz Mackinaw Socks 50 " . ‘1.... ...... Q†\‘ Q? 1’) 1"“ "I ' Q‘. the leancst of people, Recom- 000 (alSilETl’ggliezu'Ot‘ " 0° 'ere ‘ ’ 00'1“) 18' b I an“) linbrmdered “hp pcrs 75c. and $1. mended by the Medical faculty, for all weak people who are run down in health. CALCUTT’S ENGLISH H op A 1 9' GOUGH BROS. great tonic and Appetizer, The Wonderful Cheap Men, A Only $1.00 per Dozen. , send orders to Calcutt’s Brewery, l GEORGE ST", PETERBOROUGH. PETERBORO. . ‘ 1d Llndsay. Come to the Big Push ! Come to the Big Riddance! Come to the Hustlers! Come and Buy! M W ', mums-rum - M. ..“ . 7‘3â€Â» HGR :: E S: ‘55 £7.33 USU :IIL':¢:--I..l ' TION l’ llOl‘:€L.>’ t Still Selling Oil Cake Very; :CZ (UV-.1... .. 7.1;“ .. SPELTACI M It l";1 '_ All kinds of 2: 5. r lowest prints. COAL OI P. S.â€"â€"â€"l' mcnts \vilr; :. i . any watch 5 j 11:11,. I" THE Ol'si 'E-_E_ ' OMEM iii-I. '1'73 '1;- David Sill s 1. “ ;.~ it. : Belloville from is: liccvcs r .t f i 7" '~ ï¬nest mightyâ€":3 ... . . Wilbert list, '3’ ,‘I. Spending a {v ~- ,~ 1. Omemee. \Vni. 13cc, . f' c in iov'n, tin: g c»: “ripe Guide. Miss Spark. 3"“ Edrnlt‘l{9llln‘l1 * ' lJOI’LI till Slitiir‘llnj'. A lump r1f¢li§..' ~ : than illginb a" ; 'r.'~ ‘2 A. ill:l!ll)(ll..‘l2:. ?~::' TA. Mcl‘icrc ' '~ ~-. week lolllc be {xiv seriously :1: ;.‘. = ;. ,‘ ltis ul-l'. 3" 72" r~ to knou liar“. ,.. r U.‘ of seeds in A '. f? _' -' Store, 1.?i, _~ __,~ '1'! c r: Tasty 11-51. '.~ . "i " ~ lcurn nil}: 5:." ' J ' ' ~ " from an link. . . lungs, 1-1.1 :z: 3~" Thompson, ..3 I “ ' ,1 it. l2=:(i ". ' ..r lily ff j':\ 7~ t") it‘ilil 1"; " ~_ '~ ' ». illicrvst. X c :..:: «~ .1 hit») i illli'i‘ "\‘i‘.’ i - ~ ". ‘1': ‘1 Monday ..lflcrzz- - t..â€"I~ »': lie\‘..l. 31.0.1." :‘1's v" .24 ()menm“ 319th “21¢ . ,f', l :~ , , tourniogatid“xv-:1»Hip-ï¬r‘2. . , 4 tillillglllï¬. "d", (T 'T' ' ‘~ ‘" most t-Icvcr '1: 1 ': and ifs p r I.» : ' ..-.~ .~ 7 1 Luv" v.. ,- l7 1: ._ - i and u. 211‘ . r r . ens} ‘. c \ -. ,\ - â€" 3 dlili: " c y . ~4' Send rial; '.rw-'.;:-.;.ix.-1.l- Ur! eilce lilil’..‘\l.‘..\'.\' J. Sli‘ffxi‘ ll; 1 , , . Soul l: Sixth 5361",, A gold story is jzts‘. in from I'r"::1 which is wort}, rrgw. '.:g. i: 2.; :e there was :1 rib-'61} r~c~ 1' Law r- ~11 and Very poor prices were alumni, the aiifnzi. :. 5. ins. cr 2. ,liZ'Zi‘!‘ :y‘ l-arg.li i g. is? j‘..' '..~,-.Z .; ~';.,. i2,;.sked :ln: who: 352.0 " turn bin is citsrtcr f '5' : r . :. L., ‘, Weller refllsi- i. l.i‘. nil :« :Tâ€"â€"-" 2: l won’t ‘be Lari it; you: :nkc i horse." 1 We l.;ivc Izvci In: ~ ':,1 world to llnr u 124.: l I;‘.':.:.. '..;i1..- 1 the {rice kf Sl‘C‘lt‘S< 5:: 1.5:, than who would RUFF"; 21.15. early and lu'm xiii f. against the will-s 1". S~‘l.‘.‘:;.;2.; And even when his diligence niz-i ll be vigilant: for {bore no: Fl...rL.s 1‘. 3' 36'5"." c'. v :1.’ who would itot 1:055:3th f . fruits «if his hard work ;:' .2 ' presented itself. The . ..l 5.31:; “ one llalfof the world LEW-s l v " half" is not far from 1.1.9 a. '. Our incandescent n‘ewrin tem mav now plete and ii iii r‘:‘.:.'“: l The dynamo was so: 1:, i: ' ‘ ï¬rst time on Monday :.2 ï¬rst electric spur}; v ;;. arc.- . .. Tuesday afternoon 3:13. :23; i ' in“ V5: '. '..‘ ( I/ :itiou oftiie tour. oz‘. \‘Cwi' -* l‘ ' ~ Nearly 33'. the i‘llSiILl’}.\§ :rngr. introduced the inmaiw l-t'. . -;: 1» their places of businc» :::.i zinc r. der are graliliiily l.i.‘.i.::_' .:1: 4 ;; are also being pial‘cd '2: . Lu :r residences and we won; 3 3 In...» see our cliurciics '1‘."':. The installation 0: the 3-..122: n;..~ under the supervisint; ’ Greer, elei.:l:l'll‘."., .‘v: inside wiring l. 'z-eczi a: l’arkiii, of 312.... very faithful and limp-"g": ll‘. it‘ll 2 1‘. . rook, V. .‘ which has been done 7.112. izesl: w despatch. \Vc UxilS'. C(‘ligrliiliidtï¬ Parkin upon the very lLC'ZI'. :illl‘. manner in which 1.9 has CXl‘l‘lliO. duties in this respect. Tie outs? E- nections have i't‘l‘i‘. made print“ liv our oil townsman, Mr. \i'. r' late ofllie li'ell 'I'cicphmic (Ru, ‘ fl boro, \\ hose ful-e we are 3 'csscd ‘ amongst us again. “'0 31:51:13.! w~ have our street 521.1: again vary 5; and also that .iie ncw systcln v. ;1; satisfactory in «wry respect and flute by V. lrld: g .‘ll’. ll. iiil‘hb’,i : cw ii prietor, «Very success i.: - ' “ - b . “king-Borax: burlnnd AndiLX"): III \