‘ Cut in Cigars DENTIST. -~ MSDSAY, Visit: the Omemge Commercial Hotel. bmife the new Post. Ofï¬ce Block, the [inï¬rm-day of «my mouth. Admin- istered gap with great success for over 2'0 years. Besntiful mm and splendid flu. Crown and bridge work insened. Lindsay ofï¬ce nearly opposite Simp- m’a Kata-€284! DEXTIST, Ll N DSAY‘. Honor Graduate of {Toronto Univers- ity and Royal College 0! Dental Sur- geous. All the latest and improved branches «6 donmtry succoumlly performed. flharxel moderate. O F F l C I"- over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William: streets. Brsdburn House, OMEN EB, third flepday of each momlpâ€"fl-ly . The undersigned has a thor- 'ough bred Tamworth Boar, which The will keep {or service on the prem ises, Lot 11, Con. 5, Emily, dur- ing the ensuing Season. Terms $1.00 at tune of scrvnce. Ur. D. A. Shaw. smut. Will no an un- Peterbovo Studio dating the second and in: weak of each month to Instruct. stu- dents in the an of painting in Oil. and Watercolors. Special “(cation given 'to students from 3 dietanoo 3nd Por- mit work. Studio 87 Walter It. Mlllbnok once. PETEBBOROUGH. Cunt oraeorgo nnd Humy snub. Omen now: 910115.13; “05me 7:08p... 256. Pipes 535 am! 40c- 55c Bays Juno transit 3Y3. BAR. Trilbys \Vinks Alabamas Scotch Reel U p-toodate Speczal ’chncedora ‘I'. H. FEE, Proprietor BankruptStock of Pipes 16¢ Pipes tor 5 Com Cubs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at WM. COLY I N’S -u “-vâ€"v _ (mm-muons 92. hunch at LINDSAY. in; chute of , During the put. wintor l wanna-ess- Inl in securing a great quantity 0! un- usually ï¬ne pump timber. This will be 03 beneï¬t to allmy gustomon, and will â€no to msmtain the high standard (if [quality tlmt my good. have enjoyed in" Aangtjahctmn guaranteed The “Ideal,†for 17, k by all odds Qhe but in the mnket. Ito fin: cost is ur )ow, vital: you rimember that it In (â€idly A High Grader. snd the “mug! cod for msinunsnco and regain is low- or still. 1 Into undid um mill: for Q: 3'03" and have and yet. nude : P.0.BOX$ ‘ r on account oi dam in Intern! or poor workmanship ' -.,‘ “for pannmanuc my other lines. mum; ACBJX as. m. E. WALTER GREEN. Dr. T. Foam leCIllnnm Dr. F. A. Walters, Tamworth Bar for Service. Steel Widmills Dr. W, Kenny. Pm: for Even service Dr. Neelands, Robert Buddv- Peterboro,’ Ontario solicitor. NOV-37y . v Mono! t0 PAINTING. TEBOAT um NOSE. over new You once. WHIBWINf m Pavlova. ONTA RIO. 6 for 7 for 6 foc for will he at his for 15 Cents for 25 “ 25 25 IO In every cents (0 9-1! Lenten Dlscourse G i H) n i n give the conï¬dvnces of their souls Christ Church on Friday, “0 dwmpfarame S‘mngels who I O t 1 larch 30“» by Rev, 5e om 1 exer speak on my deep inmucrs of personal rchgion to E. A. Langt’eldt. their pnrents or ‘0 their own _. | brothers and sxslers. “ Although my hause be not so with God."â€"â€"z. Samuel XXIII -. 5. Thus the thought of the short- comings of family religion entered into the last words of David, the son of jaw, and laid a shadow across his dying peace. ‘ And I do not wonder, if, to any man, in the retrospect of life, the recollection of what his home might have been, and what his home certainly was not, will be one of the b1tterest regrets. For of all the Images under which another world has been reveal d to us the best and happitst 351 think, by far, is “ \Iy Father‘ 5 house." V Everything Else should be sub- servient, and minister to a man’s i home, for it is after all the sanctuary of lifeâ€"â€"there, the man is the most real; there, the char- acter is the most formed; there, everyone is most truly deveIOped ; there, he is in the highest and holiest relations, there is the cen- tre at his present existence, and thence, in all probability, he is to l set out some day for his last long I journey. . But, in proportion as the antic- ipation of that Father’s house is clear, and beautiful, and distinct, so will the contrast of the earthly home grow every day more and more intolerable. For what a reflection of all its gatherings, and all its affectwns, and all its services, am all us delights, might eVery man's OWu house be, if only we lived up, each in our own family, to the :méasure of Our pziv'ilcges, and to the standard of our Christian grace. “And if it be asked: Why is it not' so? ' Why are most of ouf homes. as respects the reality of a true andr‘hn'imai-ti'flg religion so vcry_negative‘?r. I would send you for thcggeneral answer to that quest 19h 40' two places: First, you should go to the home of Martha mid Mary in' Bethany, and learn there, that there is a pxeSence which may mingle with, and snnctifv the loves of the fam- ilies of life; and you shall see, because that presence is not felt, and isvnqthonoured, and is not sought, as"xt ought to be, in your own home, therefore because of that grand omissionâ€"the home- piety and the home peace are so very small. And next, you should go to Shechem, and from joshua’s high resolve “As for me, and my house, we will serve the Lord," you shall learn, again, that there is a ï¬xed- ness of purpose, an earnestness of determination, and a singleness of motive, which show the Chris- tian, and command the blessing, and which if they be not in any home, then the religion of that house must wane away intoa vain and shadowy thing. ' But when we come to enter more into the dethihoflour home omisswns, the ï¬rst great evil which méets us is this, that the home itself does not occupy in men's minds, the place which It ought to do In the manv ciréles of which, life is composed, every one’s home ought to be the nearest, the dear- est and the largest. I tar it must he confessed, that it is a very rare thing, to ï¬nd chh freedém of intercourse on spiritual. snbiécts between the members of the .same family ; so that many Many visit, many teach, many real] and pray for God among His children. But of that large com- pany, who go forth'to their works of charity, how. small a portion is it that apply their works of charity aml‘ love to the wants of their ownhomes? And may we not say, brethren. that through this contempt of home, all home is become one grand omission? nnd‘that there must be something exceedingly wrong, in our mode of education. in our habitof thought. so long as persdns 'go elsewhere to ï¬nd the stimulus and the interest of life; ind-a man‘s home Is not regarded in its dignity and in its endearment and power to satisfy as far above the whole world besides to him. And this connects itSclf with another sin of the same ch tracter, which appears to me to prevail v¢ry much amongst us.- \et the fault 15 not only con- ï¬ned to the people. of the world. '1 his IS :1 day of large undertakings to do good to Our fellowicreatures. “ How: INFLUENCE.†- Whatever the cause of this may be, the fact is too certain: the tone of the conversation on relig- ious subjectsâ€"Wen in Christian familiesâ€"is miserably low; and very few really open thEir heartsL about the things that belong to their peace to their own nearest relations. And with such a strange omission as this, allowed every day, can your religion be in a healthy condition, even if it be alive at all ? Another omission, and one of a very grave nature, is the absence ofrelégious training of the children by their parents - .I II Ifthe parental element be small ‘ in the culture of the child's char- acter and the child‘ s kncmledge of its duties to God; if \ on leave oth-. ers to do that which \ou ought to do yourself; if you do not eaxlv get your child 5 heart , and especially if you lame to others the moat impnrt ant and sacred. because eternal part of the child‘s education, than, Isay, In It any wander If you, because of this omission, reapln aftet ,years the fruit of this carelessness and indifference? Why Is it. um so many young men are skepttcd, - why are the tnndorer 3nd holier frames so (uded ? 'Is not thi- parental training the missing lhxk. 9 - Reverenco is a graé'e which has sadly fallen out {tom almost all our home duties. There are manir children who 'afl'ec- tioneteiy love their father and mother; but who are breaking every day the 5th Commandment. for it is a much harder thing to honour than it is to love. But am I wrong in saying, that. veneration for age and position and relationship-â€" that feeling which God so enjoins. and which is such a beautiful trait~ in. the Christian characterâ€" are we 1 l-u i g h gone ? And because more is not the respect- fulnou which more ought to be betweon the mombon o! the umo household. one to snow-r; mentor. many of those lmle negiectu como‘m which lower the atandunl 3nd 539cc. “10 mm 0! every 'day life. What is sli politeness, but respect {or the feeling of others ? And how grestly would the moral character of the inter. comes of many households be raised. if only they maintained to one anott er, st home. the seals courtesy of speech snd action, which they themselves practice in other circles; if" only ugly tempers and dispositions would be‘sub- dued and every .ons would earnestly strive to bring the sunshine of love every where. But in conclusion let, me any. um prob-bly the chic! xenon of molt of those things which I mentioned, 9nd many omen. which we all feel and Vregnt, is, that there 1; IO 11m. may" m a house. But. you say, ’ I have family preyer.’ That in wellâ€"though, perhaps, there are eome lad omiutone even there. Perhaps they ere often omitted for vefy trivial roe-one ; perhaps you set them altogether aside. when you have com- pany. We want more of the spit-B of payer beneath out roof. We want me Ark in the house, we Slxechinah, to ï¬ll the rooms and make them all little Sanctu- aries. ‘ Oh, when we thlnk how many things are wanting in our homes,' to make them tho homes they ought to b»; we may well la! : " Although my house be not so with, God I " ‘. . But. thank God. though we feel ii, and because we feel it indeed, we um y (0 on. "-Yet" and oh what. a wondrous ‘word. "Although my house be not so with God , ‘gei’ He ninth made with me an everla’eting covenant. ordered in ail fliinnje ehd lure let this is all my Iai- vuion. and ell my desire, although L'e mike it not to grow." A very huiet-evom took plsoo an par- l-nage of Rev Mr.’ Manning Methodist Munster, Cambridge St... Lindsay. bo~ in: the marriage of Mr.Jobn A Thayer to Mrs. Katie McCarrell both of Lind- say. The Dude wu very pretmy attir- ed in a costume of_fa.wn0uhunero with salmon colured nun wirh ribbon and chifl-‘un trimmings and was supported by her niece Miss Marietta. McCarreH of Emily who was aimlllarly nun-ed. The groom was supported by Mr. Geo. Linttck brother of the bride. FILESâ€"Pl LES-PILES. Itching Piles instantly relieved nnd positively cured. Putin's All Healing Ointment nllnyl nll iriution nnd hula ovary kind of son from n common pun- plo to the most mnlignuu ulcer.-. 01d IOIOI, Barbet’ a Itch, San Rheum, Ecu- ma. Ring Worm and an skin diseases A Spééi‘ï¬c {012.1%}; Worms 25¢. pox box PERKINS DRUG STORE, LINDSAY. A number of guests were present and shot the ceromony zboy returned to home of her aunt Mrs. George Limirk of Lindsay and all sat down to an ex- cellent tapas! prepared for the occasion. The Mirror extends m best wishes to the happy couple. Special to the Mirror. The new cheeee below which in to be known 0 Eat Emily eltueted non]: of Beebe] will noon be erected. Mr. T. J. Moore of Pehtboto bu the contract of building It end will commence right away. Mr. Geo Wetde le engaged Io nuke the cheeee. The Bethe] people are not behind the tlmee end Iliey gm the; they can enppon e eheeeefector: with e um. onulde help. The young couple wxll lure on Wed- nesdny for theirï¬xtutoijn: in King. A Llndsay Wedding. BETHEL. p Agood story is told at the ex pense of a caretaker of ‘one of the Winnipeg schools who worried because he‘wasasked to ï¬nd so many lost articles: resxgned his job because one morning he found written on the blackboard; " Find the common multiple,†and the next day.†Find the greatest com mon divisor-3†Both them darned things are lost now, he said, and ’11 get blamed for swiping them, so I'll quit.†' The advertising rate of the Ladies Home Journal is $84 an inch, or $6 an agate line. each in lsertron. Merchants who think they are testing the value of ad yertismg by putting a quarter col umn ad.at holiday time In the local paper at a cost of ï¬fty cents would probably have heart tail ure'il a Ladies’ Home journal ad vertlsing man called on them. A newspaper reports- that It receiyed the tollowung com- munication from one of its pa- tronszâ€"Send me a {cw copies of the paper which had. the obituo my about the death of my child a month or‘ tw0* ago. YCU will please publish the enclosed dip ping about my niece’s mn‘riage. I wish you woykl eigengion. in our local columns (fit does ' nor. cost ahyt‘iiiiig tli'a't 1"‘am“g6iï¬g ‘to have a public salc‘and willfreut part of my.tfzu‘m diso'tligtl have a few ex- tra calves to’sell otLpiuMic auction. Send me a few copies of the paper this week, but as my‘ time is run but you may stop my paper as times are 'too hard to waste money on newspaper. NOTICEâ€"The public gener- ally are hereby notiï¬ed that Cow- an's Bridge. in Emily Township will.. be taken down forthwith You are requested to govern your- selves accordingly. \Vm. Adams, Reeve; R, I. Grundy, Clerk. speck.) to the rumor. .M:. \V. illic OBline and N Hon. ry spent :unday in Putt 1101c with fr; ends. Mr.‘ Cul) xttcrson, who has con‘ ducted 21 Bakery business in ‘mm for some time lcft rather unex- pectedly on 'lhmsdny night for pill'ts unknéwn' Vlgaving a number ofcreditoré'ip'moix'r'n his depart- ure. . . . On'Frldav mdrnvng Mr. Hilay- ard Sutton left for Rochcsh r and on Tuesday Mr. Delbert Sander- son went to Michigan both havirg secured good situatnlon \Ve are sor‘rv to lose our mung men but wish them success in U ncle Sam’ 5 domain. unu. Miss M: :ggicn :1an1 1mm Kim oun are visiting 1.m Cavumillc With their sister Mrs. Geo Fletcher. On Tuesday evening laet Mr. John Buliiedflti r. N", Mn‘Brien. end Mr. Gel. Iriin and a. like number of our esteem ed young iadieepttended' the hell which was‘ heid'i'n the Parisian Hotel at Fraz- ers‘ilie and after trwping the light {un- testic until the nee ema' home they proceeded to make, preparation“ for the return journey end as M r. Buliied was taking his departure he was surprised to ï¬nd that hle 'two' friends were not ready to accompany him and after a. diligent eenrci. he at last found George Irwin who said: if you we “ Our Burn- eyr" “ ‘down In Poverty Row " “ jun break the news to mother †and “ Tell her that you on w me " and Norton McBnan dewn at “ A Georgi: camp meeting " with " Two little girls In Blue ’ picking a “Sweet bunch Quittin- ies " “ Under the .pines †" 0n - ti.e banks of the stush †_" J‘net all the Inn went down." "H Mr. Fred Hornet-'5 smiling conntem ance was greatly missed on Saturday st the Station, lye-being conï¬ned to the home will: a very slight attack of La Gripps' llo lmwes‘er In on duty again and his m.my friends are pleased as the Station ls not complels-withqut his pre- sence. At. least Jack llowgsd can so. Mr. Olver, 0! Port Hope, in viaiflng 3° the Cunmbe Bros: " M r. R. E. Stantonyho-hu'.cuud|1ct- ed a Grocgry Store hero to: the last 10 yoqrs has sold on: to Mn B ‘llowell ‘of Toronto. \\ o are awry '10. [mm M r. Suntan who ï¬g 3 pructicglkbusiuesg man but we welcome Mr. HJwell back again into our mldut. “ 'l he Lila 0! D, L. Moody." The b0nk ie attractive, and - is‘ well printed on good white paper. Thirty-three page- oi’ iiluetretioue embellieh its pageemor- ertng the outetendmg features in Mr. Moody'e career home'l‘i‘fe dud religious experience. It: circlnletion will probab- ly be very large, me Mr.‘ Moody had n powerful influence imgCannda. was known her-equine n Well ae eoroee the line, end his was e potent. name in thousands ‘ ot‘ ' Chrietlan’" héuneimlde. The bookie published 31 ?5 cents in heevy paper cover. or 50 cents bound in cloth. ie‘i'oi'x eele at all bookstore; or iii" be sent poetpiid by the pubiiebere on receipt of price. Everyone will want to reed the story own life work of thie romerireble’men. FU RUKLLIS E. If you don't know what it is ask for Dr. Gray’s Remedy ï¬fï¬o‘ihg A posi- tive and permanent [has f~Bbils, Pim- ple: and Bad Blood. 250. per box. Pmmm's DRLLG SPORE, 1.1 NDSA Y. We nuve received a book of much im penance at the present time, from The Poole Publishing Cnlnpnuy. Toronto, HOODY'S REIARKABLE LIFE. MILLBROOK. p a "v.9! Nun-I Tatnwnrlln pigs from six to eight “eek' a old of the must apprmeul ups and Inn-ding. Hard dreceuded from prize “inning stack. Splendid appur- unit) to purchase the right kind of stock at the right price. All stock eligible fur registration. Call and m- spect or “rim to R. J. BALFOUR, .975 .3253 53.3 .n .55 .2. q LINDSAY BICYCLE AND GENERAL REPAIR “’URKS. All kl ndu 0r Turning. Screw-cuttlnz. Farg- inu, Blazing, Suldcrmg, Cementing. and \‘ulvunixlnan Immune“ Brass. Compouâ€" “lull. Wood and Rubber. Icvcle repairing in all us branches. Tire \‘ulcnxnzlng u Spawn" w WFBBTFR â€"24 um The mulprmgned is prepared to loan money on ï¬rst-class farm property in large anmnnm at 4'; per cent Small amounts at nlightlv ":0erde rates of interest 'lerms of re-paymom to suit borrower. Barristers. Solicitors Jun, Lindsay, Out. In ()luemee every Monday. N. R.â€"Have several clients who desire to lmV good farm property at a bargain. â€"‘?7-l.\' ‘ Dr. Arthur Day, DEXTXS'P, LINDSAY. (Successor to ï¬ne late Dr. Hart.) Member of Rnyal (‘nllegé of Dania" Surgeons, and Toronto University. A Ian Graduate of A merioan Dental (‘olleum Most. modern painless dentistry prac- tised in most sciemiï¬c manner. (‘harzea mndersm. OFFICEâ€"Hart’s ‘ Old Stand, (over Armstrong’s Pur Store.)â€"8-3m Xl man and women could have all the" need: supplied as anally all they can get nut-clan Luindry work done hero; but in not. pounlblo. We have reduced prlceI nu- t‘erlnlly fdlloivlng the purchase or new In:- chlnery, and you can Add to your happiness and mu‘ sullsfnuon any llme by sending an an extra bundle 01' Laundry work. Remember. we do not dry clothes by steamâ€"H's hurtml to any Inbrlc. The pure air of heaven In our agmt. VICTORIA‘ STEAM LAUNDRY Get your Repairing done at W. F. MM‘nrty’fl Jewellery Store. No high prices, " Live and Let Live," our motto. “I work v arrnmed. Come and see us. 77 Kent-51.. [Andean-4M LIFE WOULD BE HEAVENLY INDEED Sergt. Major Martin, Prqprietor. OMEMEE :: AGENCY, Mirror Oflce: MoSweyn 8c Weldon, â€C8“ and (at. Priee LlsLâ€"tf m Tam: Manx: Dumas Comments tc. Anyone sending a notch und dour! Ion may quick†ascertain our oplnlon tree w other an invent on Is probably table. Communlmn lions scrlcuy oonadon Emdbook on Fuent- unc tree. Oldest nï¬ency for securing nu. Patents men 3. roach Mann 3 0. receive mega! gecko. ï¬ll-gut charge. In the_ A indwmeli Museum weekly. largest cir- culnuon of my scientiï¬c um}. Terms. 83 . {oil-51991- 901mm. 8!. 80 d by uLpewsdglm-f ï¬ifli‘iï¬ï¬â€˜iz@§fl§ï¬"fo‘rk __hn Séiéiitiï¬c limerican, 4; PER GENT. Brunch Ofï¬ce. as F St... Wuhu'ï¬t'oi'. ï¬fe: z-S‘h 25 William St. N. THOS. IVORY April 10, 11, 8012’ J. D. KING CO’S Boots Shoes. Sons Omemee and;Bethany, J EWELER, and Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSE, Has removed to Handsome New Premises, at No. 1 William Street, Lindsay, ...Leaders in Stylish Millinery ,.and Handsorne Dress Goody... Fur Capes, Fur Cape rines, Fur Coats, Fur Buffs, All Selling Below Costs. Having purchased the business carried on itor so many years by) Messrs A; Mercer Co., as High-Class Merchant Tailors andGentic m < n’s Outï¬tters, we solicit a continuance of the .\ aiucd patronage of the numerous customers of the late ï¬rm, and of fashionable dressers generally. ; Special Spring Opening. We respectfully invite you to our First spr- ing Opening ofImported Suitings, Overcoatinge, Trouserings, Vestir: s and Fine Gentlement's zFurnishings on Marc lst and following days. The excellence of our stock justiï¬es your most careful. attention. ~ H. E. Bradley 8100, 355 George-st, Peterborof Melleville Co’s PETERBORO. Efflflfl MHHHBTY [11131111133 .‘ E. BRADLEY lst Door North of the NEW ONTARIO BANK. . Ivory ~86 Sons TUESDAY. WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, Omemee Bethany. .‘J ‘t Our new Spring Millinery and Dress Goods. ' Suwcssors to A. MERCER 6' C0. WWW LINE ALL . INVITED. .0! Close Cut Pl The locthcency {or Mnrti laundry 104: the Mirror 0111. you parcel: calmâ€"t3 During the [1on Week the a pod“ sonic“ in Chm. Cl cide- tho molt: unnee- on A“ and Friday a 7 30, o: “1;.."m nu Int 25 mini lath‘fdd‘ will give short add: the “ Passion 0! the Saviour.’ W. F. Katrina‘s Jeweuer (or Wanton, mocha. Jeweller um. SW60. Laurent prio quality goody-7541’ ' It iota»: {roof Hm. mu “we your-1mm, then‘ a not ton shot: days In“ know: my born- Iue nun who tubers h the tuna who plant: 3111-.) nun who Ito-pa a “ lmmpiu "i who nuke! it 93!. The ma: venue- with a sudden sort the imam who blames the n can“ It didn’t uork. The cote the lmsinm has a hug a pull and keeps Um 10¢ a} 3 weeks quite fail. He plans l daemon“ m a tlcrmghtmLear 3nd keeps {aware-r M :1 «mi! 1 it p11. Ila has him in am fa can “had I. in Men Bh-zc‘x‘, an nun in scnpmre has Iii: 'uuei ruck. “For Waning Presents, Hacks, Silverware. Bvanm' g4. uh. tau-est mines. at. W. 1". 3 Malinaâ€"541'. “or. E. Babe": Win New Goo at Methodist. Church, next Sunday. For enticement and “odd go to W. F. Mdhns, the 19 Kent 6!... Lindsay. south sidu Ht. T. R. Kennedy, son 0 teamed towmmnn, Mr. 'l‘hos. in remitting fur the Mirrors other good ï¬xings " it is qni to got the Mirror every vi eek no united in ï¬ll the git-sing c In the oh! town and neighbo around IL I “ï¬sh you every Mr. Kenneth, we nre very ban. has 3n excellent poslti Queen City. Rev. 8. J. Slnorev. the Path George-0t. Methodist (‘hutc bore. will preicii morning um (I! the Hotliodisk Church, On Btbblth non. The Collectiq Mot (In Educational inst tho Chart-h. All are lm in this oloqoou! um] asbie Mini: 41'!“ Truman of the Omem‘ Btnd Ruhr: Unit the in: chh at. Village property. piano. 1nd ‘2 drums, u hid. n- Iopuirlt The amoum of ban lust yarn-at $35.0", spent I will to instrument, and u ‘0? union. Funds u in be n â€he desire of the public that Ihonld worg‘ulze. Messrs Stophuuou sud 80m. John a mange". Trusteesâ€" W. T. C.§fephonson, sud J. 0. Another Pinneer of the To“ Emily, in the person of Willi: In... been vomoved by d‘ ka0 ha! “‘96“ poorly in h h 3“ Inch a sudden death 1 udpfltcd. On Wednesday, .\ be Is“ thhome to c111 on hi \In. W. Kat-Se. who “"95 mile from hll home. h through the "amp sud wa Mr. Albert Frank lositdom to at. a. re“. When Hr. A Funk. went ‘0 food hll csttle he hand 1: in: on the now. {am down no m. in him. A he": hill on his Ilfo. Locum. Lucas Mr. Funk: was 79 yet leave. 3 widow sud seven danghurl. Only 3 week :1 ed his form to his son Gem been living with his {other that the (arm for the hunt I Two of the dmmd'o so! Nartbl‘a‘ had be.“ h." since {not {all and ha! only day “(on their {other'o d1 '1‘th news can tour to x! 09.059" those they a non â€rind on Eddy ma Tho tonal took mm OMEMEE. Thu rad t" 1‘