\ay Lpropefly in Foul. Small If Pipes same wnth his ofï¬ce. at!» month. w ho 30.10 m bargain. Con. 14. 15 cents 25 ll 10 “ r, M arch vit- Lb at d ruins of rat to suit We also N’S to 1mm cents 6| Cl inc. Rev. Mr. Kannawin gave an able address, on the "civilizmg Effects of Christianity,†and Rev. T. Broxvn also gave an address on the“Bencï¬ts of Good Reading.†Altogether the programme and refreshments were number one. “r. 101. Murphy, of Smflmty, i4 spending a couple of “en-ks visiting his mother, Mrs. j. Murp‘n', :md‘ï¬o .lcf fricnds. \\’c wish him a p? c xsant time. Just to hand a large and fresh stock of Ready Mixed Paints, guaranteed ab- solutely pure. Largc stock of lamp and lamp goods, plain and fancy lamp chimneys, woodcnware, washing ma chines, chums, clothes wringers. A full line of granite-ware, cutlery, etc. W. I). Stinson. Your Ton gaze Mr. Harvey gave an excellent address, entitled “Life in the Sandwich Islands," at the “At Home" held in the basement of the Methodist church last inday (Vcn Drs.'Wightman Scott. Dentists of Peterboro, isif Omemee every Chursday. Ofï¬ce two Doors east of '1‘. Ivory Sons’ General Store. All partxes wishing to travel by C. P. K., to all points in Manitoba, North \\'est. British Columbia, Washmgton State. c. 8:0. can secure tickets at lowest rates bY calling at C. P. R. Telegraph Ofï¬ce. A. McCaFfrey, Agent. Thlsls an early Spring and I am ready for the Spring Furniture Trade. 1 stocked up early and am pleased \ did so. Both floors are crowd- ed and the goods are not all opened out yet. You will do well to buy early. Prof. J H DCSilberg, Op ticalS ialist, will be at the Bradbum House Parlors Umemce, from \Iondax after- noon April 1 3, until W- sdnesdm, \pril 15.1)01n fail to consult him if )011 require his sanices. LOCK L LACONIC We have not advanced the price of our town-om, amber suwking tobacco, Bvb'. Currency and Fair [’1sz chewing tobacco. are the same 312» and price to the consumer no formerly. We have 8100 ox'onded the thaw for the re-iemp "on of Sm wolmo tags to Jmmary m 1904 THE EMPIRE T08). (TO ('0 . nun-d. “ THE CANADIAN EMPIRE †If it’s coated, your stomach ls bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer’s Pills win clean your tongue, cure your dys- gs ia, ma ke your liver right. y to take, easy to cpcmze. 23¢. All druggbu. Dry Goods. The Popuiar Jewelr yS tore, 77 Kent -,St LINDSAY looks even prettier if tasteful, appmpriatc rings and braCclet adorn it. We display so many and beautiful designs in plain and fancy ï¬nger ornaments that We must suit you. Looking over our stock is inexpensive; purchasing from It not so costly as you mlght think. \Ve have the most beauti in! goods for wedding gifts. at A Pretty Finger BUSKING‘ “i ï¬-"fv‘iï¬gi “Ir-M 10,!"- ov 09-9"; Awm Wr-.__r __, , Was your monnzacho or board a mum in“ or rich bL-n‘: ? Then u.» BWKING‘ â€3’85 â€â€˜ -"':€3F.s§i%n W. EMBEABTY’S. l 1!. new“. R PETERBORO The Mirror from now to j an. Ist, 1904, for only 750. Subscribe now and get all the News. 'l‘he Woodmen’s Concert on April 20, will be one of the greatest events m Concert history i n Omemee. The Killin-Keough Concert Co., of New York City will give the entire program; which will be a great treat. The Killin- Keough Concert Co. gave a concert in Millbrook last week and made a great hit. Before completing arrangements with the Company, we took the liberty of telephoning to one of the leading citizens there and asked about this cele- brated troop. We were told that the Killin-Keough Concert was the best he ever attended, and said The Woodmen would do well to secure them. Brad- } burn’s Opera House, Omemee, on above date. Admission 2 50., Children 15c. Every Woodman is request d to be present next Monday evening at their regular meeting. as business of import- ance is to be transacted. Don’t fail to attend. It may be the last chance to meet with our Consul Commandd for some time, as we understand va. W. M. Kannawin, B, 1)., has had an invi- tation from the Presbyterian congrega- tion at Woodvxlle, to become their A grand foot-bull entertainment under the auspices of the Mount Pleasant Foot-Ball Association, will be held in the Mt. Pleasant Temperance Hall, on \Vetlnestlay, April 8th, 1903. An excdlent program will be given consisrmg of vocal and Instr umental music, dialogms. readings. rt-citations, dramas and many laughable farCes Program will be given by best foreign and local talent. Doors open at 7; curtain at 8 p. m. Atl- mission, Adults, 25c., Children 15c. God Save the King. jos. Fee. President; \V. H. Graham, Secretary. Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘hos. Page and chil- dren, lcf t Tuesday morning for Gains- bow, N. \\. T. , “here he) intend rc- siding m future. “e wish them suc- cess. Dr Ncclands, Dentist, Lindsm, “ill be at the Commercial Houa, (opposite Post Ofï¬ce), on Tues day, April 7th. Call in the morn- ing if pessible. Keep the date in mind. Pastor. Mr. Jos. Hadden. of Bethany, gave the Mirror a friendly call, Thursday. Mr. Walter Hall was in Lindsay, Monday, on business. You will miss a treat if you do not attend the Woodmen‘s Concert in Bmdburn’s Opera House, Omemer, on April 20. Mr. M. J. Clancy paid the County Town :1 visit, Monday. M r. \V. Flancowc, of Ncwmarkct, was a guest of Lt. Williams this week. ()0 to ]. Huddcn’s, Bgthany, for Millincry. Everyone cordially invited to our Spring Openings, April 3rd and 4th. Everything new and prices low. Miss Salindcrson, Milliner. hardly get about the house. I was tired out all the time. Then I tried Ayer’s Sarsaparilla, and it only took two homes to make me feel perfectly well.â€â€"-â€"- Mrs. N. S. Swin- E “I was very poorly and could g ney, Princeton, Mo. General! the res- ion is, “Iï¬on't l'eec’l:p half Well,†though sometimes people any, "I feel In]! suck." But there in n0 .such thing as being half / Sick. The man who feels 111:1“ sick is all sick. A: a nutrition an consquently tn hysical weakness. tor Pieree's Golden Medical Discoven' Cures diseases of the ‘ . stomach and other or- : gans of digestion and r nutrition. It restores strength by enabling the perfect digestion and as- similation of food. It makes half sick people all well. “I suffered for four years with pain in my stomach so that at times I couldn't work nor cm." writes Mr. Frank Smith. of Granite. Chafl't': 420.. g: a. :2 Colo. "I wrote to you about my sickness and was told to use your medicines. which I did with Roodffsgllï¬ 1‘)an Used lnur han... A: .._.__ . n ACO Ask your doctor vb“ he think: of Ayor’l sArsnporillst He know- ." uboutthhgnnd old. In rally medicine. rum: NI “his. and we will be nth-fled. J. 0. Am 00.. Ian“. nu. Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get v , tired all the time. \‘ghy? .Your blood is im- pure, that’s the reason. You are living 'on the border line of nerve ex- haustion. Take Ayer’s Sarsaparilla and be quickly cured. _ ï¬lm“ Woodmen’s Meeting. nus nna waning only. ‘ Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y. tor Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery cures diseases of the stomach and other or- gans of digestion and nutrition. It restores strength by enabling the perfect digestion and aa- similation of food. It makes half sick people all well. "I suffered for four years with pain~ in my stomach so that at times I couldn‘t work nor eat." writes Mr. I sick." B11: there in no .such thing as being half ack. The man who feels ha‘lf sis]: is all sick. As a: __ 'ired Out Frank. Smith. 01'“. Omaha Chafl'v: (20., Colo. "I wrote to you \ about my sickness k:- nnd was told to use ma. which I did with results. :nur homes of vour ‘ an a... mum“! created in this entertainment by the fact that the well known play the “Spin- ster’s Convention†will be given by eigh- teen of our young ladies. The sketch of the work at this convention of theSe “old†maids in their fearful and won- derful costumes and their rejuvenation by Prof. Presto and his assistant, is CL râ€" tainly the most laughable thing,r aver attempted here in Omemee. Another promising feature on the program is the grand chorus of 25 voices in Selec- tiom from Gounods’ beautiful opera “Faust". For further particulars see posters and programs. We hope that every citizen will Celebrate the holiday season by attending this entertainment not only to enjoy a pleasant evening but also to encourage such a worthy and deserving an institution as the Pub lic Library. Di". Neelands. mm'nsr, - LINDSAY, Visits the Omemee Cmmnerciul Hotel, opposite the new Pust Oflice Block, (he ï¬rst Tuesday of every month. Admin- istered gas with great success for over 25 years. Beautiful teeth and splendid ï¬ts. ("Iowa and bridge work inserted. Lindsay omce nearly oppusite Simp- son’s Hotel.-â€"28-ly EASTER TERM PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE Start now and complete one of the courses before the summer vacation. For further particulars call at the College or address A grand concert will be given in Bradburns Opera House, on Monday, April I3, under the auspices of the Omemee Public Library, and promises even to surpass that given ayear ago in variety, beauty of costu mes which artistic effect. Widespread interest has been BEGINS TUESDAY, APRIL 14th. A most convenient time to enter the school. On Monday evening, a pleasant gathering was held at the Manse, un- der the auspices of the Woman’s For- eign Missionary Society of the Presby- terian Church. The function took the 1 form of a parlor social and not onl) the Presbyterian congregation but sister denominations were “ell represented. An impromptu programme was render- ed consisting of pianoforte music by Miss Mabel Rowan and others, violin selections by Mr. J. I). Thornton, vocal selections by a quartette of young,r ladies. A solo by Mrs. '1‘. C. Ivory was sweet- ly rendered and well reCeived, Miss A. Ivory acting as accompanist. Special mention should be made of the comet playing of Master jimmie 'l‘winn, who shows marked ability in this line and pleased his listeners very much. Var- ious games were indulged in and re- freshments were served by the ladies of the Auxiliary. The proceeds of the entertainment amounted to ten dollars, which makes a neat addition to the missionary funds. The occasion seem- ed to be thoroughly enjoyed by all present and should serve to give new inspiration in the laudable work of the 1 Society. Wm. PRINGLE, Principal. Opposite Post Ofï¬ce. Second Sight Morgan Bros., Miss Ida Nugent returned on Tuesday from a pleasant visit with campbellford friends. She was accompanied by her cousin. Mr. john Wanless, of Toronto, is a guest at the home of his daughter, Mrs. (01.) Rodgers. Mr. E. C. Williamson returned Monday from a delightful trip to St. Marys, London and Detroit. We have a full stock of all makes, shapes, kinds and qualities of dairy pails. All sizes of pieced milk pans, dish pans, bread rising pans, covered pails, dinner pails, creamery cans, coal oil cans, our own make being a guarnn tee of their superior quality. W. I). Stinson. soap?" Victim, “Bést I ever tasted.†Druggists and Opticians, Nearly opposue Post Ofï¬ce, B.‘:RABE7Ri.V“HOW do you 1i_kethat To those whose natural Vision‘has failed, second sight will come with the use of pro- porly ï¬tted glasses. There's Only one way to get the right sort of glassu: to us and have your eyes exam- ined and tested. We make no charge for this service. LIN DSAY; AT THE It sets them cold. It does the work in a few minutss time. It keeps the dish of wheelsjust right. It does the work perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work, but tires are reset accuratclv and quickly. Without any chance of giving too much (1151') to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. V Having one of these Tire Setters in practical operation. the patronage of the public is solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. ,A OMEMEE girl was seen onling the hinges of the front gate. -â€"A Sign of an early spring. A MAN 15 never to high up but that his wife can call him down. T. BRADY. Lindsay's Leading Grocer, Kent St , has onooftre Ian-gen sud been stocks h: the (‘nnnty tuchnnae from. Everything fresh and good. A call solicited. Every body who has a Buggy or Vehicle of any kind, get tires xeSct on one of Henderson's 4 Per Cent Victoria Loan and Savings Company. Authorized Capital 1 Allowed 0n 82 Per Gent deposits : May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1.00 and upwards. Head Ofï¬ce, - - LINDSAY. Dominion Carriage Works. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours: 9 21.111. to 4,30 p m W. Flavelle, James Low, DENTIST, Ll N DSA Y. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- 800118. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully purformed. Charges moderme 0 F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. We will be glad (3f a msi! from our CASH or PROAII’T PA YINC CUSTOMERS. We will oï¬'rï¬m goods at rig/ll prices. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physxcians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of heart and lungs. Oï¬icé; King St., opposite foun- dry, Omemcc, flur Spring Goods Are AM Here! W. BRADBURN. = Fresll Groceries = in Fancy Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Chamber Setts, in all shades Cups Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers, and everything in the Crockery Line. Call and see our stock. THE PEOPLES’ GROCERY Manufactured by the Standard Tire Setter 00., Keokuk. Iowa PRESIDENT. Dr. F. A. Walters, Tire Setting Machines. W'ill open up this week a large consignment of new and GEO. ENGLISH, OMEMEE -to-Date Crockery L. Curry Co. OMEMIEE Paid on De- bentures. $300,000.00. ARRIVING DAILY. ‘OMEMEE, who comes highly recon:memlm’from ï¬lclx'emvlry’s, one of T won/0’s lary; est Retail flï¬/linery Stores. LADIES’ TAILORING' AZVD DRESSJIAKIA’G' DEPARTJIENT in charge of MISS W}! 'DDOJV, who coma from [lolliday d’: Co’s large Departmental Store, of C 1163183], Ontario, where she was employed for Three Seasons, and GA I'E ENTIRE SA TIE/"ACTION Grzand Millinerty Opening Jlill'imry Display will Eclipse all former eï¬brts, and contains the most advanced styles, copied by our own Desig'lwrs, from the latest imported patterns. Our Stock of Lallies’ Outing and Remly~toâ€" W ear Hats, and Children‘; inllz'nery are the Latex! on the JIar/cet. You can have exclusive style in all our best Pattern Hats and Good Ready-to- W ear Hats. M’illimry Stock Iieplenislzed lVeekly wit/z all tlze Latest .J'ovelties. Our Stock of New Spring and Summer Dress Goods are all the Newest \Veaves and Colorlngs~ One of the Largest Stocks of Dress Goods in the County. Web Goods by the yard from 15c. to $1.50. Dress Lengths and Costume Lengths (exclusive patterns) at all prices, ranging in price from $3 00 to $10.00. New waï¬stings in Silks and all the latest washable Fabrics. . . . _ New Drag Tnmmmgs In all the Newest Noveltxes. * All kinds of Ladies‘ Garments» Ladies‘ Costumes. Dresses, Silk W'aists, Tub VVaists, Tub Suits, Dress Skll‘lS, jackets, c. Our Prices are fully 40 percent. cheaper than you can have them made up in same style in any of the surrounding towns (by skilled labor). Try me for your Spring and Sum- mer Suit, or any Garment you want made and you will be delighted with Style, Fit and Value. I can get you up a Suit, Dress. Waist or Jacket, as cheap.“ you can huv a ready made at the .m- quality cloth. Stock complete in every Department. Ladies’ New Shirt \Vaisls, Dress Skirts, Un. derskirts, Collars in Silk and Linen, Ties, Belts, Gloves, Hose, Corsets. and all the latest novelties in Fancy Dry Goods. New Stock of Boots Shoes -â€"Empress and The J. D. King CO'S Makes. Ready-made Clothing, from the best makers in Canada. New Spang- Styles in Men’s Hats. Shirts. Collars, Ties and Cuffs. Special values in Staple Dry Goods, New Prints. Ginghams. Shirtlngs, Colo tonadcs, Table Linens, Cretons. Grev and White Cottons. Art Mnslins, Lace Curtains, Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, c. I am prepared to sell you goods at the closest prices, Dressmaking done for parties having their own goods at moderate prices. Thanking you for the liberal patronage of the past, I remain yours very sincerely, CHARLES IVQ RYm/ WWW}: MAKE TO onnxangggggg â€a -... aw,‘ â€at... “*MM $~$§§§§Dress Goods Departmentgggm Thursday, Friday and Saturday, April 2nd, 3rd and 41h. All those i'lgdebted to us on Notes or Book Account are rrqvthcd 1'0 call and settle at once, otherwise 3 mom/1’s interest will be ad- ded on, 181 April next, Save Your Interest by paying at once. DEBTUHS TAKE NOTICE LADIES WILL RECEIVE A IIEARTY WELCOAIE. your Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, Plu- tcr Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for Windsor Salt, “ Dairy Cheese Butter †Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. Bus. qualities Hard and Soft Ceal. Cordwood and Milluood. Call and get our prices and examine goods. .. TELEPHONESâ€"Agent’s Ofï¬ce, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Oflicc 78 The 42mm Bathbun é Lmflsav F." Co’s Agent, I have been taking Ripans Tabules for the dyspepsia, and they have helped me wonder- fully. I do not know any particular way they eï¬â€˜ect me, but they seem to give vigor to .the entire system. I had a sort of languid feeling. but since taking the Tabules Ifeel spirited and have not that melancholy way about me. I think they are good for a general build-up of the system, as they seem to act like a. tonic. M DRUGGIS’IS ary occasion. The family contains a supply for a. yea The ï¬yg-cent packet is enough for an ordin- SUCCESSOR T0 T. IVORY d: SONS. 1903 Spring and Summer Styles 1903 Fashmn’s Latest Creations 111311111113†and Dressmamzn. (I EJII’LOY TUE YER Y BEST SKILLED LABOR.) JI_1LL1;\'E_12{ZOE/awn jEM' biticilfurgie pf MISS CAMMELL, Charles Ivory, Gr. H. M. BAKER, Lindsay