meP.O.‘ tores Ida)" M311?!) (do! 3km). Lindsay, ‘eaeh month. I! II ho desire at a bargain. used ram 0! man: to suit s on hand 'cd barley :h at “Bug? r 006. ’isit. 15 cent: 2 66 12 ‘4 “’c also . etc. In 1- Same with thxs cï¬ice. pel. property in to») Small 'ley. Juan. H; ‘I to loan Lake, Man, on Tuesday. .We join, The Woodmen’s Concert on April With their many friends in “ï¬lling them 20, will be one of the greatest eVents in every success. Concert history in ()memee. The This IS an early Spring and i Killin~Keough Concert (20., of New I am ready for the Spring York City will give the entire program; Furniture Trade. I stocked which will beagreat treat. The Killin. up early and am pleased x Keough Concert Co. gaveaconcert in did 30. Both floors are crowd- Millbrook last week and made a great ed and the goods are not all Ihit. Before completing arrangements opened out yet. You will do with the Company, we took the liberty well to buy early. of telephoning to one of the leading J. H. MCCREA. citizens there and nsked about this cele: brated troop. We were told that the f a. distance who ,. . â€$32333 hilgzeméq"; f the late T. H. hillxnâ€"Keough Concert was the best he E. jones, were : Mr. and Mrs. Samuel ever attended, and said The Woodmen Blakely, Mrs. D. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. would do well to secure them. Brad- m “wzz r3“ m: wm'sopmmmom .ODCS,I. Bones; -..dt.,Ad-- . . Mrs. BurtLang. . > a e ““590“ 25C, Children 15; Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham and daughter, Miss Clara, 1th for Clear Lake, Man, on 'l‘uesday. We join with their many friends in wishing them every success. Thlsls an early Spring and I am ready for the Spring Furniture Trade. I stocked up early and am pleased x did 30. Both floors are crowd- ed and the goods are not all opened out yet. You will do well to buy early. All partxes \xishing to trax el by C. P. R., toallpointsin Manitoba, North \Vest Britlsh Columbia, Washmgton State, c. c., can secure tickets at lowest rates by calling at C. P. R. Telegraph Ofï¬ce. A. McCaï¬'rey, Agent. Mrs. 3. Lamb, Mrs. H Murray, and Master Archie and Miss Phillis Engâ€" lish were visitors to Peterboro last \W'ck. Drs. ‘Wightman Scott, Dentists of Peterboro, visit Gmemee every Thursday. Ofï¬ce two Doors east of T. Ivory Sons’ General Store. Mr. “’m. Lang, of Millbrook, was a gucst at the home of Mr. J. H. Peel Over Sunday. CRICKET â€".-\ meeting to organize a cricket club will he held m the read- ing room of the Public Library, on Good Friday aftefnoon, at three o’clock. All interested win kindly attend. You will miss a treat if you do not attend the Woodmen’s Concert in Bradbum’s Opcra House, Omcmec, on April 20. 15. an’t fail to consult him if you require his services. Prof. ]. H: IkSilberg, Optical Spec- ialist, will be at the Bradbum House Parlors, Omcmce, from Monday after- noon, April :3, until \‘i'cdncsday, April Mr. F.â€"Tcll the: doctor to come to my house iuuncdiatclv. M. wife dOcsn't quite like the: baby's looks. Norahâ€"\Hc's out. sure, but don't yez worryâ€"stile homlicst babies sometimes grows up good looking. We lure not advance! (he price 0! 0-" tobaunn number can king tolmcco, In!» Currency mu! Pair Plan clavwinz I bum.» are the same 93:» and price to the con-muse.- as funnel-l}. We lune 8180 ex ended the “we fur the rehemp um: ul 5:. «welme tags tn Jammn 15: I904 THEEMPHU‘I XOBACU.) (‘,0 â€mitt-d. pnces to surf. Any style, height or number of «frcs you require. Our steel frame wir: gates are neat in ap pearancc, strongest on earth, and at very moderate prices, buzlt in our own shop to suit your taszc. W. I). Stmson. Division Court Sittings, May 8th. Mrs. A. Spence and daughter, Miss Bella, were gucsb‘ of Mrs. W. Earle, Saturuay. LOCK L LACON 1c j. 'l‘. Bentty has a car load of ï¬rst class potatoes for sole: $1.23 a bag off the car ; $1.30 (l:l3\-'E.'fcd. Capt. Baird, the popular Ofï¬cer or the Salvation Army here, fare-Wells on Sunday evening next. The barracks will no doubt be crowded. Be sure and attend this laut meeting conducted by Capt. Baird, in Omemee, where he has made many warm friends by hlS‘ genial and obliging manner. Cyclone and coiled spring steel wire fencing, built right on your posts. W e l have the heaviest, strongest and hand- somest wire fences in the Dominion, at prices to suit. Any style, height or number of wires you rttlnirn, nm Dry Goods. The Popular Jewelry Store, 77 Kent-St. LINDSA‘! looks even prettier if t: appropriate rings and L adorn it. We display so and beautiful designs in pla fancy ï¬nger ornaments ti must suit you. Looking 0‘ stock is inexpensive; purc from it not so costly as you think. we have the most {ul goods tor wedding gifts. A Pretty Finger W. [, MCCARTY’S. xpensn'e; purchasina so costly as you might ornaments that We . Looking over Our and braCcIet R “J Ru R nub BN4 most bed: rgifts. at Iti tasteful, 3 many am and the tax becomes nominal, being reduc ed to two pounds a year. After eighty a man can remain single without pay me? anything. There is a paragraph re Lting to widowers, who are given three years in which to mourn and pick a successor. A man who can prove that he has proposed and been refused three times in one year, is also considered to have earned immunity from taxation. 35 and 50 the bachelor xs mulcted to the tune of .our pounds a month. 1‘ rom his ï¬ftieth year to 75, six pounds a month is the tax ; but having reached the 75th year relief ï¬nally comes, and A LAW AGAINST B.-\CHELORS.-â€"A stringent law against bachelors, has recently been promulgated in one of the states forming the Argentine Republic. A man is marriageable in Argentine when he is 20. If, from that date, and tili he passes his thirtieth birthday, he wishes to remain single, he must pay one pound a month to the state. For the next ï¬ve years his taxes increase one hundred per cent, i. e. Between B. D. Consul Commander, S. Mills, Banker; C. Richards, clerk. Kcough Concert Company, of New York Citv, who are [â€2an greeted w i t h crowded houses wherever they appear. It is sei- (iom that the music loving people of Omcmce and surrounding coun- try have opportunity of hearing One ofthc bust C0ncert Compan}, ’s, at such a small cost. i Admission 25c; Chiidren 15c. Curtain at 8 1). m. Committee of' Management :â€"Archie E r Win , I Robt. W. Wilson, R. H. William»: son, “7. K. Robinson. 1. I). Thornton B. I. Courtney \‘V. Hail, R, Toolc \V. \Vetherup and I G. Carey. Rev: “1. M Kannawin, l A grand conCert under the aus- pices of Camp Omemee, Canad- ian Order of Woodmcn of the “'orld, will be gwcn in the Brad- lmm Opera House, Omcmee, on Monday. April 20. 1903. The \Voodmtn have bccn fortunate in securing the eulchratcd KiHm. Mr. David ch, ranchman, has just ï¬nished branding two hundred head of cattle for his ranches up north. As soon as the grass comes, the drove will he moved north thirty eight miles. The Millbrook Reporter has recent- ly added a new power press to their ï¬ne plant, which prints the paper beautifully. We congratulate B re r Given on his enterprise. We hope his patrons will be prompt to pay up, as power presses cost a pile of money. Rheumatism cured at how Roscoe’s Rheumatic Remedy the Mirror (mice mu! secure Only a few tuft. TLey at? m- hur cakes. It Is highlv r- cm urug Store. Sheet music and all kinds Instruments. Call solicited.â€" 133m Miss E. Porter, Cf Janctville, was a guest at the home of Miss M. Laidlcy , v z“. . Mr. Rowcigk, Bundmxster 45th Butt ahon Banv', Lindsay, has opened up an up-toâ€"datc L {usic Store, next to (Toads Drug Store. Sheet music and all kinds Instruments. Call solicitedâ€" r it?!" ‘zzst “'ch Mr. G. Adams was in I’ctcrboroug} Saturday on busiress. ..... A .xlk‘.’ .‘ . mm 1;: rrcscnptiox: as it has don: me so much good." writes Mrs. Henry Harrell. of Turhurn. N. C.. Box 109. "I “'35 5‘ -oncn so I coum hurdiy walk when I began ta'uuz the 'Fm‘nrite l‘rlr- chimlou.‘ I aka had uteri“: twuhle and could nqzlltr eat um- slecp only as I look morphin :. Tried four diï¬â€™crcu: doctors and they all faikd to do at: :my good. so on: of my f ï¬ends mum. mended your ' ifdvurizc Pres ‘riptiun ‘ tu me and I took only three battles and am now we" and handy. Can do almost any kind of work." Dr. Pierce’s Pleasant Pellets are the most desirable laxative for delxcate women. "I cannot say enough in 1 avarizc Prescription us it } good." writes Mrs. chry N. C.. Box 109. ulc Ullllu an" tor gets her toil and wearmess. Then a sudden movement‘senrls a thrill of pain through her and she realizes that plough loye may lighten labor it cannot lighten pam. Thousands of women who have suf- fered from backache. hszuluclle. and otner consequences of womanly disease, have been made well women by the use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescri tion. It esLablishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration and cures female weakness. the touch of the soft hands too well to need to guess, and For the moment sheentersintothe playful spirit of the child and for- r toil and weariuess. hen a movement-sends a thrill of pain her and she realizes that though V liglltflh lckn- :L ........ 1- . Mirror from now to fan. Ist, 1904, for only 750 ntlc Remedy. Cull 31 max! necnre a. bu‘ll". They at? m-Hlng like highly r- counneudee] at home In- Dr‘ who have suf. hzszu] Che and disease, women _by 1;“; not iighfe’n Pierce’s Dr. Neelands. DENTIST, - LIN 08A Y, Visits the Omemae Commercial Hotel. oppoaite the new Post Ofï¬ce Block, the ï¬rst 'l‘uesday of every month. Admin- istered gas with great success for over 25 years. Beautiful teeth and splendid ï¬ts. Crown and bridge work inserted. Lindsay ofï¬ce nearly opposite Simp- son’s Hotel.-2s.!y ily. Another was presented by his uncles, which was a marvel of beauty, and still another beautiful (me by the Brethren of L. O. L. 646. His Pastor, Rev. Mr. Brown, preSented a very pretty bouquet, all pure white. 'l‘hc floral tributes were many, and especially worthy of mention was a wreath prc_sented by the bereaved fam- 0‘ gm..." null“! 'lhe deceased “as the son of Mr. jas. Jones, whose homestead 15 Lot 6, Con. 14, Cavan, a man well knoxm and respected throughout both of the Town- ships of Emily and Cavan. It IS need- less to say that Mr. Jones and his fam- ily ban: the profound sympathy of the entire community in their irreparable 1055. . †" ' J ' ‘ There were over one hundred carriages in the procession; and this shows the high respect in which he was held by all who knew him. His funeral was conducted by Lebanon Lodge,No.646, of which he was a member; and the deep solemnity with which they paid their last respects to their deceased brother, spoke louder than words, how great was their affection for him. The Orange service was conducted by Bro. 'l‘hos. Newman, W. M. 646, assisted by County Master, Bro. \V. R. Cottingham, and District Master, Bro. W. l). Stinson. The services of the Church, was under the charge of Rev. Geo. Brown, who spoke in enlogistic terms of the deceas- ed. He lies asleep in the Emily‘Ceme- tery, there to await the great awakening. ’I‘L†,1._-_-,,1 ,. _ His {Gneml took place on Tuesday afternoon, and was one of the largest ever seen in this part of the country. II‘L_‘_A ___ Â¥__ , _ . ’ 7,- - .-..- w............). ' Mr. jones was a young man of the imost amiable disposition and of un- ‘ blemished character consequently be- loved and respected by all who knew him. He wasa most consistent Orange- man, ever faithful to its high principles and ever ready to make any sacriï¬ce to promote and extend its usefulness. The high esteem m which he was held by his brethren was shown by the great numbers of them who, in spite of the bad rt ads, turned out to attend his fut eral. These “'ch not only the numbers of his own lodge, who turned our n2arly to a man, but also represen- ‘ tativ;s from lodges from all the sur- rounding country. It becomes our melancholy duty this Week to record the death of Mr. 'I‘. H. E joncs of the Township of Cat-an, which sad event took place at his fath- er’s residence, on Sunday afternoon. at 2 o’clock. It would be hard to describe the feeling of profound sorrow “hich thrilled the community when they ltarn‘ ed that the end had at last come. He had hem ill so long and had passed through such painful operations, all of whit h he had borne with such manly fortitu 'e, that he had won the deepest syml a. by of the entire community. 1‘. I- grand conCert will be given in Bradburns Opera House, on Monday, April 13, under the auspices of the Omemee Public Library, and promises CVCI] to surpass that given a year ago in variety, beauty of costumes which artistic effect. Widespread interest has been created in this entertainment by the fact that the well known play the “Spin- ster’s Convention†will be given by eigh- teen of our young ladies. The sketch of the work at this convention of these “old†maids in their fearful and won- derful costumes and their rejuvenation by Prof. Presto and his assistant, is Cer- tainly the most laughable thing aver ‘attempted here in Omemee. Another promising feature on the program is the grand chorus of 25 voices in selec- tions from Gounods’ beautiful opera “Faustâ€. For further particulars see posters and programs. We hope that every citizen will celebrate the holiday season by attending this entertainment not only to enjoy a pleasant evening but also to encourage such a worthy and deserving aninstitution as the Pubâ€" lic Library. clearer. 'Iests that prove the surpris- in" toughness of this glass are . Boiling water in a lamp Chimney made of it, and using such a chimney to drive nails. If the chimney is first cooled in ice water and then suddenly held inaflmne it does not crack. Death of Mr. T H. E.Jonos i TOUGH Gi..iss.-â€"â€"One ofthe so-called “lost arts†appears to have been re-dis- covered, partially, at least by Louis Kauffrrld, of Matthews, Indiana. It is a process of making glass of extraordin- ary toughness, so that it will withstand rough usage and violent changes in temperature without breaking. The composition of the new "lass is the secret of the inventor. 'lhe product is said to be quite as transpaicnt as or dinar) glass, and perhaps exen a little clearer. 'Iests that prove the surpris- in" toughness of this glass are: Boiling water in a lamp Chimney made of it, Don’t fail to attend the Public Lib- rary Concert on Easter Monday in Bradburn’s Opera House, Bradburn House Parlors, from 1 3th to 15th Apnl. ProLJ. H. De snow-g, opuqlgn and cele- bpmsd eye spaciallst. from Germany. will vxsn Omemuc three Mme-s a year. all“ may be conï¬ned M. We Bumburu Home I-arlo Watch forthten. All cnl'wltkltlflo‘fll “(39 0‘: omn- . 'Ul Ohafln we: or Inpo! c . oyflï¬omd‘ï¬on {an t‘o commit. him. NEXT TUESDAY LAUNDRY DAY. MISS Nellie Diamond, of Campbell- ford, is a guest at the home of MISS Ida N ugcnt. B Oflice'; King St., opposite founâ€" dry, Omemee. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of heart and lungs. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully parfurnmd. Charges modemle 0 F F I (I E uver Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. F. A. Walters, xmx'nsr, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate uf ’l‘uronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours : 9 21.111. to 4.30 p.111 W. Flavalle, James Low. 3% Per (1th Aflowed on deposits : May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1.00 and upwards. 4 Per Cent 1"“ °" â€6' benturcs. Authorized Capital Head Ofï¬ce, - T. BRADY, Lindsay's Leading Grocer, lie-11:15:, has uneo! the largest 1nd heal stacks in the (‘nunty to choose from. Everything fresh and good. A call solicited: Victoria Loan and ‘ Savings Company. Next Tuesday is Laundry D a y. Hiwingvone of these Tire Se patronage ofthe public is solicited -. ".3 we... uuu. 1t noes the work in a few the dish of wheels just right. wonderful improvcn minutes time. It keeps It does the work perfectly. It is a 1ent over the old method. No more guess work, but Without any chance way injuring it. ‘ tires are reset accuratclv and quickly. 0! ngmg too much dxsh to the wheel, or in any PRESIDENT. MANAGER. It sets them cold. It does the work in H". A- -L -‘---' ' Dominion Carriage verybody who Manufactured by the Standard Tire Setter Co in Fancy Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Chamber Setts , in all shades Cups Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers , and everythingin the Crockery Linc. Ca]! and see our stock. GEO. ENGLISH, OMEMEE Will open up this week a Tire Setting Machines. -to- has a Buggy or Vehicle of tires reset on one of Hem! LINDSAY. $300,090.00. \Vire, and Buildsr’ Date Crockery good. A Tire Setters 1n practical Operation. the solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. ARRIVING DAILY Morgan Bros. Second Sight 3r Vehicle of any kind, get one of Henderson's ____-- -v v-Iï¬yl tun. school. Start now and complete one of the courses before the summer vacation. For further particulars call at the College or address Wm. PRINGLE, Principal. PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE EASTER TERM Druggists and Opticiané, Nearly opposnte Post Ofï¬ce â€Nauru. nan nunâ€"Hgvmg purchased thu Drug Buuhmss formerly carrl‘rd on un- der Hne ï¬rm numdn! ORMUNI) “HUSH. I win cunflhue H "punr thv Envy: nnme. IL \ym be my mro m mulmalu ihe hum repu- n'mon so lung lmrd’by Hm hushmr-s For re.â€" liubh- gomlx and {or accuracy In lhb prepar- mlon m medicine-s und prmcrmlhi-us ’l'iw Sim-k will be nmin'alneul (no high shun!- urd orcxcellexwe. Inviting a cmnhujunc: or patronage. very respectfully. DICKb‘UN DA \’Ih‘DUN.-3m. BEGINS TUESDAY, APRIL 14th Opposite Post Ofï¬ce AISNOIKNPEM EN'X’. There's only one way to get the right sort of glasses: to us and have your eyes exam- ined and tested. We make no charge for this service. To those whose natural wsion has failed, second sight will come with the use ofpro- porly ï¬tted glasses. most convenient time to enter the large consignment of new and LINDSAY s Supplicsjust to hand. Subscribe now and get all the News. AT THE Works. ., Keokuk. Iowa .â€"H§vmg purchased T. 0.1310315 Pres. T. c, STEPHENSON â€x“ Grand Operatic Chmusâ€"-25 Voices. SPINSTEH’S EUNVBNTIUM: P1111111: Library Annual Concert Admission 15c ., 25c. and 350. Agent, Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement ter Paris Charcoal.. Also Headquarters for “’iudsor Salt, “ Cheese :3: Butter " Brands. Co’s The ï¬ve-cent pa; My occasion. The contains a. Slipply f I have been taking Ripaus Tabules for the dyspepsia, and they hate helped me wonder- fully. I do not know any particular way they ‘eï¬â€˜ect me, but they seem to give vigor to' the entire system. I had a. sort of languid feeling. but since taking the Tabules Ifeel spirited and have not that melancholy Way about me. I think they are good for a general build-up of the system, as they seem to act like a tonic. hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. 1305‘ qualities Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and Millwood. Call and get our pnces and examme goods. . cent packet IS enough for mini. 1‘ u AND SEE THE COME TO THE pauses 1s enough for an ordin- ?he family bottle, sixty cents ‘y for a. year. . mu 80 E: n R .850 56h m m R . W WWS Q?“ '. “ Daisy