The Standard 71 Two Volumes in Full Morocco, Publisher’s Price $24.00 which we will sell for $13.00. Two Volumes in Half Russia Binding, regular ‘ ‘ $20.00 Edition for $11.00. One Volume Halt Russia, regular $17.00 Edi- ’ tion for $9. 00. E5 WRITE US FOR QUOTATIONS ON GENERAL 3; REFERENCE WORKS.‘ T J. Ford 8500., - Toronto. FOLLOW ING BIN DIN GS: We have a. number of copies of the Stand- ard Dictionary in the for Half Price. of this viéinity. Ms. I Richardson b1 ugh: .1 ï¬ne bull Irom .‘1I:._.l Spa: we, last \xcck. which “sigh :d 011:1 a ton,1nd another from Mr. Clancy “cigning over 1700. Mr. Richardson pavs the harbest '11 arket price for cattle and hogs dchvcred in Omemee, and 11 is needless to say, he Is kept busy. He pays on an av crave of about $_2000 weekly to the farmers ERev. E A Langfl Mr, M. A., 3an daughter Miss Dorothy. and Miss Haï¬ev, are guests at the home Rev. and Mr; j. H Tenev. Mr. Langfeidt’s numerous friends hart, were pleusad to meet him ngzun. Miss Thornton and Mr. J. D. Thornton ten'tcr their smccre thanks for the kind and prompt assistance rendérrd bv the miil h mds and 02 her cit'zens for help mg: to quench the ï¬n: On Monday mar 1mg, caused by ac n er blown by the- -trong ct -st w: mi from the s noks-stack of the mill. Had it not- been promptl3 put out, there wouid certa niy have beena Ser- mus confl ngration. Mr. Burt Wifson Went to Alhndalc on Thursday last and took his exami- nation in telegraphy, and passed Very crcditably. We are pleased to learn ha: ms rcCcivcd an excclicnt position as Agent :1. .E'hcrlcy. Burt is a son of our estccmcd lricnd, Mr. M. Wilson, of Emily. Miss Stella Wilson spent Easter with friends in Lindsay. \Ir. (‘. H. Hale. Ed: tor of the Ori. â€" lia Packet, spent Easlcr at me home of Mus. Curr). Messrs. W H. Coombc and (‘. W \IcKim, of Minorook, nttendcd the SpinstcrsConvcmion, Monday even- ing. Mrs. Jas Evans, Master Fru M'Is‘s Irene, are "nests a: the htox Mr. and Mrs. F. C. I‘icldi n" conk. The R. R. (Jamey charges an: bring ‘invt-stigatcd,‘- ..t least to a small 1‘.\Lt‘i.: â€this. week, and it appcars that then: ‘mli be many days pass before a Vcl'ulct will be reached. The investigation l):- gun on Monday, Mr. Camcy licing the ï¬rst man to be put in the “chat’ My, and as we go to prcss he is still buing subjected to cross-examination by Mr. E. F. B. jolmston, CounScl for the dc- fcnsc. but as yet Mr. Gamcy is meeting the questions of Mr. Johnstozi only as 'b' cranes a man who has a wonderful self control. Many of the questions put' wi'l, to the public, be thought unn “sex- 5 ry. but Mr. julmston no doubt has reasons of his own for them. We will endeavor next week to give some intcrâ€" «eating points regarding the case. Th.- CODCeI‘.’, umier auspxces of Mount P! eas;;nt loot Bull Llub, a gland success. A lng' number from Omemee at- twn icd, and xeports a Vcrv enjoy. able eveningam. weak in the Mg! est te: ms ofthes kind atten- tian paid thcm by lb: peeplc of our Sister viiiage. ‘ï¬â€˜ka ‘E‘amey [was wï¬ï¬ï¬ggï¬Ã©Ã©gé Baum 13.3: mm. "rcd and home of Among those who spent Easter m Oun mcc were, Messrs. T. W. L'u‘ilzy, I. E. A-lams, \V. C. Tully, T. R. Kennedy, Mr. and Mrs. w Mccaffrey and daughter, E. Best, and J. j. Lang and son, \Vlllxe. Mr. A. E. Bryson was It) Lind- say. last weck, 0n business. Miss Sarah Lamb visited her Miilbrook and Port Hope friends the past week. That’s what you need; some. thing to cure your bilious- ness and give you a good digesticn. Ayer’s Pills are liver pills. They cure con- stipation and biliousness. Gently laxative. Andi-2:15:28â€. Miss E Ina B.1!f.>ur spent Good Friday, zit the home of Mrs. G. \3’. McKim, Millbzook. Us: only Robertson’s pure ready- mixcd paints. A large stock of the \‘cry richest colors in inside and out- sidc paints, stains and varmshcs. We positively guarantee our floor paints to look better, \war longcr and dry hard- cr zlmn any other In the market. W. l). Stinson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilson, of‘Cam- (Ton, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. 1‘. Mills, over Sunday» On \chncsda‘ evening, April 8th, at 111 c residence of Mr. R. j. \Iullitran, it “as decided to organ; At: a Philbhar- r1101 ic Society. The ofï¬cers appointed :1r - as follows: P11-sz1L-nt.-â€"I)r. Keith. Sc «rm-tan. -.\. E. Bryson. '! ruasurcr.-â€"‘ .‘1' . G. Stephenson: 3111151131 Director. --R. j. Mulligan. \C: on p;1:1ist.â€"~(.-. Norris. ( ommimc ot Managementâ€"Mrs. R. l. .‘I.1.'H1g:m, \‘Iiss Mabel Rowan, Ru . \\. M. Knnnawin and T. C. Stephenson. Mr. W. J. joncs. of Nasey. was a visitor to Omcmcc last wcck. Miss Lena Hayes and Miss Jennie: Boyd are guests umhc home of Mrs. J. \‘C. Mitchcll 'lhe \\ 00.1men COT“. alh Snvxte ex on bodv to their "rand concert next Monday evening. BUflKlNGHAM’S DYEï¬ï¬Ã©â€™L‘zn "ï¬ntzmimoâ€"uz maxeâ€" mâ€" Eoâ€"aï¬i a. b36613 1 brown or net: Mack 1‘ Then use Q "THE CANADIAN EMPIRE†â€mo! W. D. STINSON. Moved by Conn. Wm. Herlihey, sec. by Counfjamcs Courtney, that this Council do now adjourn to meet on Monday, the fourth day of May next, at the hour of one o’clock, p. m.â€"-â€"Carâ€" ried. Moved by (701m. Wm Lowes, I sec. ‘ by Coun. Wm. Herlihey, thatthe Reeve be and is hereby appointed to look in.- to the matter of the request cf John Sanderson et :11 re ];~rnpcrt)' occupied by the Salvatim Army, get legal advice therein and report at next meeting, all expenses to he met by the representa- tives as promised by themâ€"Carried. Moved by Coun. Wm. Lewes, sec. by Coun James Courtney, that the resolution in re wide tires be endorsed to the extent of two and one lmll'inch- es only and that copies as so ï¬lled in be forwarded to j. H. Carnegie, repre- sentative of this di>trict in Legislative Assembly, Toronto, and A. W. Camp- bell, Good Roads Commissioner, Tor- ontoâ€"Carried. Moved by Coun. I. H. Fee, sec. by Coun. Wm. Lowcs, that in the matter of the request of David M. Kennedy, that application be made for the County Stone Crusher for use on road division No. 53, 13th con. line, that said matter be referred to Commissioner Courtney for determination.-â€"Carricd. Moved by Coun. James Courtney, Sec. by Coun. Wm. Herlihey, that the Reeve and Coun. Fee be :1 committee to receive applications for the services of the nCCessary men and teams to operate the Road Grader ordered, to employ such men and teams and to attend to all necessary business in con- ncction with thc starting and operating of said gradur.-â€"â€"Carricd. Carried. $ 83 68 Moved by Coun I. H. Fete, sec. by Coun. Wm. Lon-es, that in the matter of the communication from the Sccrc’ tary of the Home for the Aged, Lind- say, and the accounts of Dr Herriman e flowed therein, that the Reeve be and is hereby imtructcd to investigate the matter and rcport I‘C same before any {urthcr payment be made or liabil ity assumed thereinâ€"Carried. Moved by Coun. Isaac H. Fee, sec. by Coun. James Courtney, that orders be issued on the 'l‘reasurcr as lollows, that is to say :â€"~ John Callaghan for cedar tim- ber for culvert on 15th con. line east of west boundary . . . . james B. Hayes for cutting brush on south boundary west of West quarter line Treasurer of the Home for the Aged, Lindsay, for maintenance of Bridget Connell, julia Sullivan, Peter Waters and Wm. Flynn, during months of January, February and March 1903, ninety days at 20¢. per day each . . $368 8 on 72 oo be operated on the streets of Omemee when testing same, which request was assented to by the Council. Messrs. John Sanderson, Thomas W. Blackwell and Jacob McBrien wait ed on the Council with a request that 1 the title of the property now used by the Salvation Army as a barracks be so vested in the Army or representatives thereof that the said property could be sold by them should they desire so to do. Mr. Jo~iah Mitchell, Agent for the Sawyer 8: Massey Company waited on the Council for instructions re ship- ment of the Steel Road Grader order ed and was requested to have the grader shipped at once. '11]. Parsons, 1 Reeve of Omemee, waited on the 3 Council with a request that the grader Omemee, Emily, April 6th, 1903. Council met at ten o’clock, a. m., pursuant to adjournment. Present all the members the ReeVe in the chair. The minutes of last session were read, approved and on motion conï¬rmed. The following communications were received, perused and ï¬led, that is to say :â€"~From Mayor and Clerk of Town of St Mary’s enclosing copies of reso- lution passed by Councfl of said town recommending use of tires five inches in width on vehicles desrgned to carry loads of one ton or more, requesting the endorsement of the Councxl thereon and the forwarding of one copy to the representative of this electoral district iin the Provincial Legislature, and the other copy to A. W. Campbell, Good Roads CommissionerforOntario. From Secretary of the Home for the Aged. at Lindsay, enclosing account for main- tenance of Bridget Connell, Julia Sul- livan, Peter Waters and William Flynn for the montlts of January, February and March amounting to $72.00 also enclosing accounts from W. 1.. Herri man, M. 1)., Lindsay, in re William Flynn and Bridget Connell amounting to $30.75 and requesting that the Councxl arrange same with Dr. Herri- man and make provision for future necessary medical attendance for the wards'ofthe Municipality in said Home. Emily Council Proceedings. J. R. BOA'I‘E, Reeve. R. J. GRANDY Clerk. I There has never before been? lsuch an Opportunity for the people .of Omemee and snrroundingtown iships to hear this celebrated C0. -of' whom overvone who has heard Ithum. sppaks in the most euiogis Etic harm‘s Bradf‘nrn Haâ€. nex' Mondav, April 20th. Admission only 25c.; children 15c. l “ The excellent concert given last Satmday evening In those noted artists Alice Killin Keo: Igl] Mr. I\eou}'h and “ES E lwar<.,l of New York, was under the putxon age Ofthe ehte ofthis town The hall was ï¬lled to Its full capacitv and Our music lmers had a grand treat. Both Mr. and Mrs. Keough are vocalists of commanding ahil i'v. The former has a true bass vome, while the latter possesses a soprano voice as sweet as the notes ofa hird."â€"-The News. “ Madame Kcough sang ‘Ah, fors' e Iui’ in the original key, unusual as We all know, and rcCcivcd deserved applause."â€" Musical Courier. Press Notices re. Killln-Keough Concert Company. “Shone in music as well as ensumblc."â€"â€"Musical Couxricr. It is no wonder that a Boatd which busies itself with interests so \‘Etally al- t‘ecting eVery portion of the Dr tish Empire, near and remote, has extended the fame ofits town in an tnviable de- gree. We commend the example to other places that have not yet opened their eyes to the fact that the best means of local development is not merely to cultivate your own garden patch, but to look upward and out- ward to see what will help you by ad- vancing the whole community. How ready some Canadians are to blame the people of the Mother Land For no: knowing more of the brightest gem in King Edward’s crown, forgettingr that this Dominion does not always show a much better example. Even on that low ground of “advertising Canada,“ how much Canada did to awaken in- terest in the minds of the. people oi the United Kingdom by comingr to the aid of the Empire at the outbreak of the BOer War, and the fruits have begun to be seen in the immigration of the pres ent season. The development of this spiritâ€"that Britons everywhere are brethren, and the component parts of the Empire throughout the world members one of anotherâ€"an Canada will do more in a decade to remove the evil of irritating neglect so long and un- reasomngly complained of in the past, than the loudest and most persistent complaints of all the faultlinders in the Dominion could accomplish till dooms- day. Don’t wait for the big fel- lows to lead in such work. Orillia, gave shape to the agitation for cheaper Im- perial newspaper postage, and set afoot a movement that has already achieved considerable, and is bound to go for- ward to full success. Remember that a mountain snowbank, that to the eye of the observer appears a practically immovable mass of inertia, may be transformed into the irresistible, rush- ing avalanche by the Weight of a single 4 footstep or even the sound of a voice. 1 “That this Board, having takt’n an active interest in the movement for re- ;duced postage on newspapers between ‘Canada and the Mother Country, both for business reasons and on grounds of public policy, wishes tohcongratulatc the Hon. Sir William Mulock, K. C. M. (3., Postmaster-Central of Canada, on having taken the initiative in the matter, by reducing the postage on newspapers and periodicals passing from Canada to Great Britain; and at the same time wishes to express the hope that he will continue to use his utmost endeavours to have the arrangement made reciprocal, so as to encourage the, circulation of British literature in Can ada, and also to extend it to other} parts of the Empire.†1 Another matter tending m the same direction of L'nli'rhtcncd pxomotion of Imperial un ity and commercial pro- gress m “hich that Board was the pioneer is referred to in thisrcsolution : “ Whereas there is a general feeling in favour of drawing the Empire Closer together commercially; and whereas previous attempts to bring about closer trade relations have failed because the Mother Country was Wedded to Free Trade and the Colonies to Protection: and whereas on the one hand the rapid- ly increasing expenditure of the United Kingdom renders it advisable that a broader basis of taxation should be iadopted, and on t} e other hand the 3growth and prosperity of the Colonies make it possible for them to offer rc- ciprocal trade advantages in return for a preference in the British market; and whereas the ideal to be aimed at is the preservation of the British market throughout the world as a home market for British produce and goods zâ€"Re- solved, therefore, that this Board of Trade of the town of Orillia is of opinâ€" ion that the time has come for the adop- tion ofa system of mutual preference on the basis of Free Trade within the Empire, provided that the Mother Country on her part will grant a rea- sonable customs advantage in her mar- kets to the food products and merchan- dise of the Colonies.’ gartls as within its <phere an intelligent and patriotic interest in whatever may conduce to the prosperity of the Do- minion, or to strengthening the silken bonds which unite the Empire. At its special meeting in response to a request from the London Chamber of Com- merce to submit resolutiOns for considâ€" eration at the approachingr Conference of Chambers of Commerce of the Em- pire in Montreal, the Board re-afï¬rmed its desire for free trade throughout the Empire, and protection against pro- tected foreigncountries, in the following resolution : The Orillia Board of Trade does not conï¬ne its energies to cheloping the picturesque town which gives it “a local habitation and a name,†but wisely re- A Good Example. l’liDIGKEE . Crown's Star. Dark red with Star on forehead, 35.1 by (Imwu's Hair, 2473.‘ ; Dam. Bum-er Pride II. 26027, bv Imrd La'imsowne 23170;dum, Balm Gore 13996 Captain ‘h‘rinemt'd 404; dam, Lilliaulh'nre12233 Pontiac 750-5; dam, Gwendoline Gun, 3141), by British 8( \‘ereign 1-166; dam, Alice Gate 2335. hv Abergohlle (imp ); dam, Certalntv 734. by \\ nlhyn 653; Jan. StrmN-ern' 1546: Prince Prince. 936; dam Primrose ITB, by Valiant H30: dnmJ‘mmda Bell 717. hv Archdukeflm; dam. Hod “nae 1790. bv Y .nu': Brixaun “76; dam Lady Jam (Imp) 1‘81, hv Sir \\'nHPr 9630, hv Sun nf Mr Hon!!! Jun-V 1 4097, by Yunm; Smr 5319, by Rnsvlmry J 567, h\' a San of (“.an 155_ J TERMSâ€"$1, payable March T,1904. EDWARD SHERIDAN, " Omemee P. O. The Thoro’bred Short Horn Durham Bull, â€Crown's Star," will be kept for service on the premisas, lot 10, con. I, Emily, during season of 1903. 4 Percent 1"“ °° De- bentures. Money to Loan on Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours: 9 11.111. to 4.30 pm W. Flavelle, Jams: Low. Per Cent Allowgd on: deposxts May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $I. 00 and upwards. Head Ofï¬ce, 4 Authorized Capizi NO'I‘ICE.â€"â€"All those ou‘ing The “Mirror†from $1.00 up, please (all and settle at once, as we were never in more urgent need of cash than new. We do not wish to sue anyone, if avoidable at all, but if Wt: cannot get our own without this course, we will have to adopt this plan of securing our- | a“! .m- 5-.-“..â€" selves. Victoria Loan and Savings Company T. BRADY. Lindsay's Leading Grocer, Kent. SI , bun one afthe urgent and hem, stocks in [1.0 (‘nunty to choose hum, Everything fresh and good. A ca.“ sulicited. A. B. l'err_v,115 and 117 Kent St. Lindsay. u holeaula and retail dealur in. Oysters, Fnï¬t, Confectionery, I’unuy Wedding (‘akes made to otder. (‘akeo Iced and ornamented on short notice. The Imperial Protestant Federation has favorel the Mirror with a copy of Lt work it has recently issuedma work both valuable and attractive: entitled “ Romi<h Indulgences of’l‘rH‘luy." It is the record and result of :1 real corres- pondence with an English Roman Catholic, ancnt Rome's pI‘CS‘cnt day trafï¬c in Bulls. The Author Spt‘l‘lt a good many years in Syain, and the picture given oi" a phase of Roman Catholicism in that land is drawn from the life. The illustrations, photographs, add to the value of the work, as well as testifying to its authenticity. Into been stopped. Jn the m. '-r n’ the sale of cf'reshments in ice-mum ’tuz'lors and similar plates, it “xx; (lev l: ided to press during the coming .mn- ‘me‘ for the imparrlul enï¬;rvehtent of the Lord’s Day Act. It was (let lthU to remin Mr. E. A. O‘Meura to 'egii'e' sent the Alliance before the I-n u ziul Privy Council in the special appenlutut‘. to decide the powers of the l’roxintse‘n regard to legislation for the p"(;1c<‘.'tm of the day of rest, anti also to obtain an interpretation of disputed clauses of the Lord’s Day Act. As the ordinary revenue of the Alliance would not en. able the Board to carry out this inten- tion, it was decided to raiSe the amount required to send Mr O'Meum by special subscriptions. rump-rs at Port Colbomc Currcspnn- dcn'w: washud wifh several ï¬t'ms in d‘ï¬'CT'cnt manufacturing cent-cs whc c Sunday work was done. with the Huh tlmt much ofthe “()lk (ompin: ncd of lmd been stopped. In the m -r n’ The Prov‘ncial Board of the Lord’s Day Alliancu met in Toronlo 1.1..Lwcck. annour’aging reports wcrc prcsrnicd by ‘hc Organization Committee. New b‘ram'hcs haw: been organized oi 510114"- xi'ie, Bradford, Brighton, Orono, New. castle, Thomhill, Dunduik, Dununs, Eimim, Huwkcsvinc and Linn'Ood. The board was g'utiï¬cd over the success in the action against a Buffalo (rm of iuc' PRESIDENT. MANAGER For Service. Auk your doctor what he thinks of Ayer'l Bum ma. He knows I“ shout thin [and old fqéfy megiiglqo Follow hh 54171003114 ivd Viï¬iié Exifléfled. 'It’s a regular nerve lifter, a perfect blood builder. smut-nah. mamas. if you feel run down, are easily tired, if your nerves are weak and your glued is thin, then begin to take the good old stand- ard family medicine, Ayer’s Sarsaparilla. “I first used Ayeris Sarsapariua in the fa‘! o.’ 1848. Since then I have taken it every spring as a b'uod - purifying and nerve- su'L-ngt‘hcning medicine." mr- ,L!.- EPA“ Per Cent glvTIEï¬eé', Wichita, Kans. '2)". "63'?“ 00.. Lowoll, um. LINDSAY. $300,000.09. 'cmwi of s (11:! Men to 'cgwc' 1-1} H 1M p1)c..l~.n-L‘. "mï¬mzck prmu : '(m to obtain clauses of a ordinary d not cn. his inton- raisw me O'Mcum redcration 1 copy of --‘-a work :: cmillcd flay.†ll cu} corres- 1 Roman :S‘cnt day E5 tag-rage SEEEBES'flE‘éfl‘Eï¬ESESEEI'th- "BEBE-USE; . “1.15.3" Windsor Salt-by Barre} a: Sack. FRANK ADAMS, MANAGER. we handle all the Flavcllc Milling Co’s Brands, which we are Prices. Salt Herrings, Cod Fish and Salmon Trout, Is where to get Value Our Stock of Groccries and Confectioncrx caray a full stock of Crockm) Dinner 54.15,] Mr. '1‘. [LI-190 hnshmlght fr'mn Mr. H. George, of lmmlnn, a. thnxu‘iw-i Chester While ltuar. â€a i - N'vvn montlm’Md and worghs 5‘45 13‘s; hv wnssirm! by Buffalo King, who Mnk ï¬rst prizn at the Pan Amorir‘nn and his dam tot-k sol-nm’ pvtzo at Hm same I".\'- pnsitinn. Kn‘g (:omgp “i1! lm key-t fur survive on lmt 1‘2, Fun. 5. Teruu- $1.00 2" Hum nfsm-vhn. For further particulars and sample copies of papers, wme Mailed to any address in Can-.uFa or U. S. for 1: months for SI 75, including. choice of two IO color Autogravures entithd “’1 he Dcc~ tor†and “Contentment." THE MIRROR AND WEEKLY MAIL M“? Pros‘ehmnnnl ('nms. mm Hwh um! un-h-r, $5 per yvar. $1 for six mom)â€, :1 my Uln- mould). Legal notices Somme 1‘01" ï¬n“ fin-t Inn-r- tinï¬. 2 cvlllh' per Hue our}: mks-«mvm in- orNonâ€"Soxmmifl mcasnri-mcm, 1:: ans the int-h, Aavvrl-isvnu‘nls such aw 71M. strayvd, wanted. Hr... will he lnscrhwi :l-rm: Hmrs mr 81,00." ins-cum: 5r! cents. mun subsmwe-n: ll."£llnn?5mxnts. baths. Deaths. and Marriages are inset-10d free. Advortlmmv-nts W!“ h" continue-d and charged {Or :mu! lnrhhhu-n. Chaugs-N nr mi\'9rH-w~.wm< mm to he in the ofï¬ce nm later than Monday. we are in a pnsition to sell same by the Barrel at prices as low as the lowest. Lflï¬aï¬S-Uï¬Sisz ES? :QELE‘FESEâ€: The Jmemaa?‘ mirmr ("olmnn $50 3Column '25 Cohunn 13 SUGAR BY_ THE CARLOED In published en ry Tnnrxdn‘ 1:}:1'1. Ly: at H. 03109.1(ng "New! A HH'HIec. ESE-E [‘4 tr \5a .3 :cï¬SE‘E-c‘; .135? Special Price Inducements for Saturday Shoppers. Our Improved Stores V‘sfith their New Goods Are Worth a Visit. ‘1E “$352565“ ESESVSEE'EZSLs .' EEAFFH L Y‘S : E quy SBOCKBQ W1 1111 [n [3 ENTEBEM RE?! GGï¬DS. Imms 1]. -11. all. . . _ gunhmlnb{JammrflflmndnvndnflnuauflUI‘. I 1!] . . Iqï¬ .lAIv »B>rzmumm Every Dept. in Both Stores fully stocked with Saturday Next THE MIRROR, Omemee, Ont. STOCK NOTE AII‘J'X'JR'I'YSXNH RATE-2S: lyr. 6m". 3mm. lmn, lwk. SUBS“ ‘RI PT“ .‘N I! ATKS FLOUR AND FEED 8582 87 GEORG E STREE *8 ï¬ï¬‚mï¬Mï¬ï¬aï¬cF¢ï¬ï¬h% Th3 Stare That Never Disappoints. Having bongh ERUEEB‘R’n UMEMEE. Re-Open Tonsortal Parlors. KING STREET. OMEMEE. 25c. Pipes . 35 and 40c.P1pes 15c l’ipvs 10c Pipes corn col 5 L’DSI‘ â€On Saturday IV 21L . a Muck fur mitt, (donv 5'»; :.L mder m†phase lean-s m; s .:'n ohn Sandcxsmz. or ax thls emuc. ’Tj\' l I I l Lâ€"- Trilbys \Vinks Alubamas Scotch Ree Up-tc-date Specxal Vcncedora Bankrupt Stock of Pipes The unde rsigncd has on 3mm: 3 quantitv of clcan seed barécx for sale at 55c. per bashcl. T. B. LAIDLEY. Cut in Cigar- In "nzmuwe ï¬rst . ’ .. b I..- have 3(‘1'6 tn hnv gum! {arm â€"‘.’7-).\' is Fresh and Well Assorted. “1‘ also l'oilct Sets, Fancy Chinawarc, cm. In mmmy on ï¬rst-mass farm proper [nae :umnm‘ns at 4g per rel-t b alumnus at siiuhtiy I..Crenm-d rat inn-rest 'lernm of re payment to horrouq-r. I. E. "ELDON for your Mon uzrrir‘er, S The lilh'f-rsl Sec-351 Barley. on premises, Lot Emlly. 4% PER GEN 1:25;: :ndr‘rslgno'i is prey arm} to hum ou ï¬rst-mass [arm pram-Hy in pes - for I 5 c 40c.P1pes for 25 us for IO vs for 5 Is 2 for 5 mcms always fresh at . COLYIN’S nee ï¬rst Aim: ‘2\ 9344: mm H. :ave htâ€! ra. ( twat: v. hu < ~35: re Md farm;- :mwrt} at a. 9' ‘, Suiiuitnr, dun, Lindsav, Dun 7 CY. .rc seliing at Lindsa- ', Fresh Oysters. Oznem we. P. O 7 for 6 {or 7 {or 7 for 3 for 6 for 6 for I‘Rlot Slur.†asrd rates of 15 ccnté‘. Cents to suit H (t 6‘ ‘b Oou'o Hotel. -â€" 25-13- from Tmomo. :.::.f m . to learn his sight improved. I! I‘ '_ Thisisan early Spr' I am ‘eady for L13 5 Furniture Trade. I 5: up early and am 62925 e did so. Both flocrs are cm; ed and the goods are 21:: opened out yet. Ycu up well to buy early. P’ 71E Library, an insutution (is; of the large attendansc III night. A full report ofthc as program W!†be given next \x' .Dr. Neelands. DENTIST, . uxnsn szits the Omemee Commercial I Opposite the new Post (mice Bloc} ï¬rs! Tuesday of every month. Ad “Cored gas with great sucvess (wt 25 wears. Beautiful teem an! sgxie 5h; Frown and brilge work in“ Um. 0mm “curly oppusile .~ \lr. jas. L122! .. .‘ his run in on T32 rs2zn. with him x50 \u: 222;; c .z; 15' Dane" \\" h 8C 4): up... gomg on a pleasure :11; . The “ Qpinstrr rs held In Brudbum s .1 (m Mondav u'cnmg 112:: .1. â€7 sucmâ€"ss, both ï¬nanc “ 3 1 1 \ OtherwiSc. [he 11:0;511111. v... oflh" most â€Hens: mg; :1: 1.1 . nine ever pr< semcd to " ‘\, ... audience. Ihccmutuzn: underthe ausp:c;. s of the 1‘ COJ‘u‘Ei‘. 0;». ' . You “11: 12: i attend tn: ‘.‘-. Ca) Ik‘adbum‘s Gin-7:2 April 20. SSS. Drs. Wightma n ' Dentists of Peter-2 Omemce ever" " , Ofï¬ce ma Boas T. Ivory ‘~‘- Sens Store. Flour and? POT)â€: ICES; NOTICE T O FARLEE Now is the time secure ï¬rst-ci°ss 3 potatoes. $1. â€C c; 1] Come and see 1.1131111 secure a few bags fore they are 23 so u On Sun‘ix at Christ C! Bust?! 5 -.i! Chais‘t un - Was rai91§ {1: His 16 '51:..- news. ' that “’e lmvo No: a Na??? om tuh;.m=-.s, u.ul~e-.' run 3011., ('urre: ('3' and Fai (â€battens Ida (11- Han-e » Nae commute as {urine also ele-Inkhl Um ti:..e 1 ï¬rm “(Fm ugh“:- euuc 9/ leiwd .,. 1:; Mrs .M her sister. v Division (' uiss am guest at UM- Ivory, Cyclone and 2 fencing, built rig have the hex '.'i-- 'x somest wire f prices to suk. .‘ number of win,- 'ccl frame: wiry ;. pmram c, \t;0 . .-‘ very mud2 . '22 x z shop to suit: 1 our Mr. Harvev, S the Oman-u; Ii‘ Toronto. 11115 w, to be present M ends 3'. Rev. Ger) educational Sunday. W F WA The Papal a: Jewehg 3m 77 Kant-Si, BEE} looks can-n prettier i appmpriatc rings zmt adorn :1. \\ e display and beautiful desigm in fancy ï¬nger ornammxzs must suit you. LOOkin: st0ck :s mexgcnsix'e: pl. from It nut so costh,’ as V think. \Yc h we: the 1:2": ful goods for my! 5m: :7; f i I I A Pretty Finger EVERY WOO} T! l l'.‘ If)! 1‘ 1mm 3) H II .v 8 gm.) congn S {unnerh' J. M. Mc i'alr (A Hz '1 03 H1