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Omemee Mirror (1894), 7 Apr 1904, p. 2

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dot. more than any other market; in crash or trade. You can’t make a mis- gake buying his stocx, as they are all fresh glands. Give him a call. Mr. Rmrc intends to cnlargc his store. He ad a new dark on Saturday ‘1 u. .nâ€"r.. learn or me terrible accment that Carmel 3,0,: iast 'chk Mr. Rowe he met will} on 'l‘ll€:Sd:l§' at.the G. H): genial proprietor, took In about T" R- Stzmqn. “'hfl" hCIPmL' t0 boo doz. C1235- He had to get 5“ loadcars, lhe tram moved while Mazes for this wrek, and he will‘m. "e was m (he act of driving a cow 419mb: 6" them as he gchs a cent, pcrm‘ihe car. and his foot was A mshing business was done at the Mr. Ab. Craig, of Toronto, was here for Easter. Miss M. O'Brien accompanicd her sister. Mrs. Chma. Chas. Leach, as far '3» 'l'omntn, on 'I'ucsday. when Mrs. licach and children left for Dauphin Use ament Roofing. (10ml: slung Ics an: a thing of the; _pllst. 'l‘hc nmchlnc-madc shmglgc; '. to day last 9:va about six year s the-y are made from mfcrior frgxr, and UN. wood fi- bcr is so lm:..;ti or thrown up in saw- ing that it absnrhi moisture and retains it tenacious“, and tnc shingles soon rot, 3â€"3.. 5. (flurry, Agent, Mnllbroox. Mrs. A A. Snmh and children Went up to Oshawa to spend Easter. fricn/r .‘Ir. .-\. “'a'ls-h Spam (100d Friday .a‘iih hxs brambcr. Mr Chas. Walsh, in 'I‘I‘monto. Miss Wyard has been “suing friends in Lindsay. Messrs E. S. Clany, of I’ctcrlmro. ffcdtI.c:I(Th and Burt Nugcnt, of the (Queen (Shy, spent Easter m town. iW-AKELY e 86 FORD, firs. Bradley and Miss Bradley spent {Easter in Marmara. ' The Safe, Satisfactory Store, Esme?“ CASH DEALERS. LINDSAY- ONE OF '1 Mrs. J. R. Eukins spent Easter with 'Tomntoflnds. 25 All this space is given to this one piece of news, for it is . great for a. store to plan economies for hundreds of people for a. store to turn its powers and energies to ten days of bargains. It is almost as though a great railroad said, “We’ll sell on these - TFZN DAYS Tickets to all points for HALF PRICE." If a railroad : did such a. thing it would be with the View of resultant good to J itself. And these TEN DAYS of BARGAINS are so planned by «m» us. We’re lowering the prices, but we’ll sell double the quantity. We furnish pomters on HOW TO SAVE THE PENNIES ._ AND MAKE THEM GROW INTO DOLLARS. ' 95? 535953533 eases I 252525? m“! B I I F l ‘ a I B m Read, Ponder, then come to the Storeueven if you’ve many miles to come--it will pay you and PAY YOU BIG. Our ambition is to double our usual sales day for these ten days. every How qan sage. do it ? Only by lowering the prices to such tempting ano rldlculous figures that you will crowd a. considerable amount of your SPRING BUYING into these TEN SPECIAL DAYS---tha.t’s is all. For one reason. and another the General Dry Goods Trade {3438 nfi>t been what It should have been during February and are . 5 Now, that. the weather is more settled, and shopping will be a pleasure agaln, we've planned A Very Great ’[en Daxr .. .. . .1 my my; firs of a very wide circle A Price Revelation Awaits Shoppels Here Elstrong spent Easter g goods, just ~ pattcrm. ‘3'" ‘lur Cut Price Sale. the: u Of A Sllflflifll Ten Day 811-1 Price $312. caugbf and hornhlv torn. Mr. Tmt was taken to his home, and Dr. Turner found it neressnrv to amputate the foot al‘ovn the ankle. We hope that Mr. Tait will soun 13:3 able to be cu; again. The many friends of M r. John Tait, of Centreville, will regret to learn of the terrible accident that he met With on Tuesday at the G. T'. R. Station. while helping' to load cars, The train moved while 3 was m the act ofrlriving a cow Miss Williamson, Miss R \Vil- liamson, Miss l’crdlw, Miss Dawe. Miss Duncan and Mrs. Wilde, of Collingwood. were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George A. Duncan duringr Easter. Wahlc manner by . . cslcy Fry, ablyassmtcd by the ’astur, Rev. H. B. Kenny, who is al- ways willing to help in this good work. Miss Maud Nugcnt presided at the organ in her usual pleasing manner Quite a number were present and wcrc wrll plcascd thh the meeting, and also with the grand improvement in the nguc room in the way of renovation, matting and seating with chairs. whit'h is much more comfortable than form- crlv. The Premium, MinstEvzt (lxllntt will take the subject at ncxt meg-ting. Messrs Nurman Oh‘cr. B. Georgr, Leon Bum-y and Stan. jack-sun spent (Rood Fliday in town. They “‘ch guests of Mr. J. 11. Roberts. A Branch of the Lord's Day ~\lliancc “as organized on 'l‘ucsdm Welling, in the "lown Ha”, and the follouing ofii- Ccrs wcrc appointed: President- \\ m. Archer. ‘ Vice-Presidents u Local Clergy. Secretary» R W. 'flarke. “Manur- Miss Maud Pom-r returned home on 'I'uusday after a pleasant Visit with hcr Omcmcc friends. Mrs. Samud Roberts, of Port Hope. was a guest at the home uf Mr. and Mb. _I H. Roberts, during Easter. Mrs. J. D. Dcycll is visiting in l’arkdalc, 'l'uronto, ox'cr Easter. Fury McBride, undcrtakcr. thcrs, William and David, :rmcrs, all of Cnbourg. (‘amc (200d Friday to Visit their " V din-r piano, organ but that lOfDlltO ”sec friend, Mr. j. l). 'y i“ at thc (’ity '71) the Executive. ‘ogcthcr with ( hun 13. ( .’.\\:n:‘ n, tic Fresh}- )worth 5 con- Nnysâ€"Bruce-Hiéhon. V Mr 'I‘ A Stacey, COHN‘IOF, returnrd the roll for 1903 to the 'l'reas., and {e- Moved by (Toun. McCartney, sec. by Conn. Mulligan, that Mr. Morton’s Ofi'cr he accepted. 1.0“! on following divismn : Yeasâ€"â€"Md'artncy-Mulligan. Mr. Johnston Mortonvaddrcsscd the Council, ofl'crmg $2 for an old plow, the property of the Corporation, now in his possession. Moved by (Tnun. McCartm-y, sec. by Conn. Mulligan, that the Clark he mstruvtcd lo purchaw a letter book and other supplies required in Ins of- fiCt‘, and also a Dchcnturc chistcr for the 'l‘rcasurcr.-â€"(.‘amcd. has been rcpnrtl‘tl unon by :hc Audit- ors, bu rcccix'cd and accepted this day as finally audltcd, and that the Clerk be instruvtul to hauc loo (Tnpics print- ed for (listrihutiom ~Curricd. Mun-d by (Toun. Mulligan, see. by (qun. Bruce, than the 'l'rcns.’ zu‘counls nfrcccipts and expcndlturcs of (his 'l‘mvnslnp fur the year ending 3lst of December, 1903, now hcl'orc us, whirl) On mom)” report was received and adnptcd. 'I'ce Auditors' Report of Receipts and Expenditure of the Corporation forthc year 1903 was presented and examined. The Rccvc and (Toun. Bruce report- ed that thcy had examined the 'l'ruas'.’ Bond and found :1 satisfiunur)‘. hom (‘mod Roads Macluhcry ( 0., quoting prices. On motion of Coun. McCartney, scc. by Coun. Mulligan, Mr. Hanna was paid $40 on acct. of salary, and Mrs. Margaret Brown has allowed a rebate of $1.27 on taxes of 1903, on account uf terror in assessment. From Dr. _I. 1’. Keith. of Omemcc. account forattcndancc on juncs family in 1903, $137.50. The appiicatiun of the lmhcs‘ Axd Socmty was laid on tic lubic til! next mcc-tmg. From Ladies" Aid Society of the Methodist Church, asking for use of Town ”all on Saturday cwnings dnr- ing thc summer. From j. W. Hanna. Assessor, re- questing a payment on accuunt of salary. Frmix the Clerk 0f Murray and Cramuhc, re. (:mnposilion of (fountics’ (,‘ounczl. From General Supt. of (I. l’. R'y, saying that when thc spring opened lhc Coy}. crussmgs and fences Were 10 1): put in propcr cundilinu. l’rcscm Rccxc I. Hn 1mm, Couns. Bruu‘, \Iulliuan and .\I f(".armc) lhc minutes at the last meeting wcrc read. approval, and. on motiun, signal by the Rear. i'l'hc following communications Wen rec'civcd : Bethany, April 2nd, 1904. The Municipal Council ol'tlic Town ship of Mam‘crs mct this day, pursuant to adjournment, MAN VERS COUNCIL. om: OF 1113 BIG smmcmfi Prove n and you’ll Sc: why the Safe, Satisfactory? Store 1 Keeps on Increasing} \Vc Never (‘flchd I}: SUCH BARGAINS. Eff} Business. Canon Welsh delivered a striking address to women, in Toronto, one (la) recentl). ' “ He ur'Ied mothers to order out ot the societ) ol'theirdaugh- ters, men who were known to be im- moral in their habits. They should demand that the standard of purity should ‘he as hia-h in man as that de- l nianded of women.’ The present standard was a disgrace to ('hristian- ity, and it laid with the women to end it.” It is a well known fact that if a woman goes wrong she is Severely talked of h_\ women. If a man goes wrong the same dear women will look for an ext use for him. I here are young men who are welcomed into refined homes, while they are Ventahle devils. Think of young men who are disgust- ingly immoral being treated with res- pect, while a woman, not half as had, is ostracised from society. As Canon Welch says, “ Mothers are too careless about discovering what kind ofyoung men their daughters associate with."â€" Tavistock Gazette. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Patterson and daughter wcrc guests at the home of Mr. James Hales last Wtck. “We-cl], some ways I’d like to an' some mus] wouldn’t,” said Farmer Remover, when the suave dispenser of encyclopedias hud paused in his snrcn song. “You sev,if1 was to sign for that ’crc (‘3'Clupgdc:C in {arty-seven parts, including the index and appcmlictis. I’m soriur nfrzud I'd hcv to work so hard to [my fer it the! I'd he too tired enjoy rczuhn' it ; Willie if I run] it at my lcisurc, as l or! to, in order to gc'. gum! of it, I wouldn't have time tn urn the price. Sn, all things considered, I'll have to (1‘ ny myself the privilege, as it were Looks sortcr like rain 06' to the sou'cust, don’t it P " prcmmm ............ 47 50 W I C(mltcr in full of claim 37 so On motion the Council adjourucd to meet on SaurJay, April 30th, at one o’clock p. n'. lohn Shoalcr, 1-4 salary . . . . j W Hanna, (m acct of sul'y Mrs Brown, rcbalc of taxes ’0 John Carsuuldcn, Services as Auditor ............. W A Jnkcnum, Audxlor . . . W H McCartney, insurance (:uun Brute reported that he and Cnun Hooper had mtcl’Vchcd Mr W } (fouller, l’umypool, with reference to his accmml tur care of W Yenman and \\'mJir;wllL-yaml had agreed to pay Mr (‘uulter $57.50, payment in full of ail claun.~ ()u mutiun report was rc- ceu'ul and adapted. 'l'he folh wing orders on the 'l‘n-as- urer Were, (m mutiun, signed by the Reeve, vi. : 'l‘ .‘\ Sweey, sul’y as ('ullector $65 00 On motion ('oun. McCartney was rcqllcatcd In imcstigalc and report at next muting of (,‘uuncil as to the ad- visabilxty of huung the said was des- tmycd. Mmcd Ln ( .uun Md artnc), sec by ( oun \lulli": II), that the matter of pouh .l I. U 0. l". Hall at l’ontypool be left in the hands of Coun Hooper. «~(fnrricd. (fnun McCartney reported that the l’utlnnustcr Rt'lrl l'uuon, Esq” had requested autlmrityw cut down the trct-s on road allowance Lots 20 and g), ('nn 5, In order to prevent the road Marking with snow in winter. Mr Wm Hanna informcd the (fuun ml that the <‘x-'{cc¢\'c Preston had in 1903 ugrccd U) purchasa the wire for about 20 rods of fence on West side of diverted mad, Lot 19, (Ion. 7. He had been In .hlc to erect the fence last year, an d now wished to know if the ochr w: s <1ill open. Moved by Coun Mt'Carmcy, sec by (:oun Bruce. 1h I: Rccvc Hickwn, and thc mower be a cunmnucc to rcport :11 next meeting 0me Council upon thz- advisability of H: airing the 'l'mvn Hull and [r hahk test of snmc.â€"-(fumcd. qucstcd the (‘ouncxl to allow him extra pay. qu Audi?" takftn. ' Moved by Coun. McCartney, me by Coun. Bruce, that the Clerk writc the Sawycr Massey (30., asking tor quo- lotions on wheel scrapers, plow and pipe mouldcrs. ~Carricd. Mmcd by Choun .\lc(art.1c), sec 1)) (.oun Mulhpnn, that the account oi Dr. .I 1’. Keith be not cntcrtaincd.â€"- Carried. .\Ir 0 H Mcfiill complained that the hndgc new» l‘igcon Cruk, Lot 21, Cous 9 MM 10, is in a very unsafe comlinun.â€"â€"Rcferrcd to Coun McCar- tnc)’. 'l'hc liccu- and (7mm Mulligan n~- ported that lh y <de not consider it udusublc to dispose ol the timber on road ullmmnua Lots I, 2 and 3, Cum I2 and 13. at the prcsun time. \lmcd by (01111 MtCurtncv, sec by Coun Nglulh 1.11, that $9. be pan! to Mr Hanna “hen U11: fcncc 15‘ completed. â€" Carried. On motion the Treasurer was in« structcd to renew the insurance on [in Town Hall. 3 Weak Nerves Keep the bowéls re Girii’fil'th Avv'i Pills. lust one pll ouch night. Keep U18 DVWUI: Iv Ill-l "nu rw-a- . Pills. Just one p?“ ouch night. “ Fur more thin 50 yuan I have and A or" Sarunnrilln In my family. H h n grunt] mic M 3)! “mm. 1an a wonderful mn-dlclnl [or Im- pnre Illood."â€"D. 0. "our. Won Haven. Calm. 5| 00 a battle. J. 0. A73! 00.. All drunk". for Lowell. Ian. M m Aye rs Sarsaparilla When the nerves are weak everything goes wrong. You are tired all the time, easily discouraged, nervous, and irritable. Your checks are pale and your blood is thin. Your doctor says you are threatened with a nervous breakdown. He orders this grand old family medicine. H uncbllcclcd tam; °3 Next Door East of Mirror Omcc, directly opposit: Town Hall, 5 lbs. Tea. $1.00. arriving daily. TEAS COF FEES A SPECIALTY. flrqans, Pianos, 8m. Best Makes. FOR $21. GUARANTEED H. Richards will do Y_0U_r paper h a n g in g right. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. lidmuuds spent Easter m Port Hope. Miss Helen ('ollins. of Toronto, was here for the Easter holidays. Mr. \V. J. Thorn. 0t Onemcc. Bike lhu Mirror 2: cull Thursday. Mr. J. H. Peel, of ()mcmcc, will come to M illbrook to reside soon. Mr. \Vm. Vance was a visitor to Shelbume last week. FRESH GROCERIES J. McBride, MILLBROOK. ONT For 10 Years. Sewing Machine kfimfiasafiSaSEEa-z‘ n ESâ€"QSEESE’E @LU UETT PEELâ€"u BODY" Shirts and Cellars, fiWThe Store That N ever 15 QPSES'i‘E-L’S 12633:: We have the “KING ” Hat in hard and .soft shapes, the best 1n the trade 32:35: We invite you to call and inspect our New Spring Styles. and I{eiSP r’s Barathea Neckwear fromféj You Nee “Not Buyié Because You Look, :3 flflmflamnl‘v We SELL 25 Centsto $5.00. 5 23 In Our Furnishing Department FOR $2.50. Nor Keep Because You Buy.” :1“ SEN’Gâ€"ER,” 3 lbs. Raisins for 25¢, the best. 3 lbs. Currants for age. the brst. 3 Cans of Tomatoes 3°C.. 3 Cans of Com 3oc., 3 Cam of Samoa 30v... 5 lbs. Tea for $1. 24 lbs. Light Brown Sugar $1, 6 liars of Comfort Soap 250, 6 limes of l’nrlur Matches 25(:., 1 Box of Eddy 'l‘clcphnnc Matches for Il(‘., 6 lbs. 0! (‘mn Men] {Of 25C., 6 lbs. of Rice for 25c , Table Syrup for 46. 1b.. the hrs! Mastuld 9c. Can, 6 Sticks of Red Hand Chewing Gum for 5c., Macdonald 1‘01ma 3 for 25¢. CALL AND GET WORTH OF YOUR MONEY. BARGAIN DAYS, TUESDAY SATURDAY. TI EFBOUGHT FOR CASH, AND SOLI) FOR CASTLE! EMUCH BELO‘N REGULAR PRICES. Don't mistake plucv, “ S I N G E R,” 283 GEO.-ST. Spring Hats, Millinery Ladies' Furnishings, Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, as Well as the SEASONABLE GOODS we handle warriving daily- 283 Geo-St, Peterboro, Opposite J. J. Turner So If you are inter Stu! in Carmel Store. Saving firour Our Attractive Price 8, Fine Clothes for Mennready-Fgl to-wear--are equal to the finestéfi Custom-Tailqred Garments, atg about E Does not mean the paying offi a large sum to a Merchantg Tailor. E T113 ‘an Uln‘ UNE-HALFUFTHEPHIflB§ PRICES AWAY DOWN. 20th Century a “'1 3! we draw )our attuntion to APRIL 5th and 9th. 385 387 g George Street, PETERBORO. SE was m5?) WEE LCPCHFPlfi-IGDGPLTPWEE Cull on me and Call on vuu. Offic CAN 913353: I rrspx-ctfuuv (‘za inn-1: the .\ ZliXCY H .ciuinerx'. am! can neat or m ‘clu'uc um The STR} IMPLEMENTS! ‘ Y 30.: A gem of Runnil MOST RANK. “'c have a supct‘l» pxcciuus stones an i thh artistic bcuuu u‘ and hands nun-st dc s: tucnts for car. 11.:le lrclt.s.1ixt w (is! c‘ \\ uclus. ch...ins c c 1 (id! at! I In: unzfult that “'1“ nmkcu I‘mni bride “ill :amm-ciuh-. P. S.--I also SE NEYY GC ForVJeC V'GIFT Miss Mildred [hm mom, :5 stranding lzcr v: hum: of hcr aunt. 3“.~S I! you “an! gnu l! \01: xx M II 1-1 us yum or '1'! :md 31-1 I he hs».disfa1 ii timc." is not kmmu Yuu ramc hen \uii deliur mm 0111 (lg-1.1:" about n. ‘ \Vc have to Irave new: for want 01 mu [15 (In: found.“ as a}: c\cl}tlllllg tha \Ulcu um hm clumu-s. It i< (In: 1 N0. 4 ( amps m, 45:]; 11 cm. has connmnud summer camp, undgr [ht of pay It Is cspxcted will hm recruitcd to full? hunks class has been 1 clung: of Scrgt. Gcrmam mtcm‘lmc' the Military 2 d c ' n<t umtcr. The nij 3.4;- Mngadny, 'l'hurs‘duy ;‘ Mr. john \Vyfic, of 1 flash 1' wikh (hm-mac am 77 Kent-St 1 Scrubbing B 6 Bars Sunligl 1 Bottle of An EVERY we have made up 31 FOR SPR TICKETS may be \V. Mc‘ Every T fiafiafll: Manitoba gcnt {or Pm kcrs' Umemee and W.f.[\*Ԥc£fi ' maize m Sett TUPPE The Mi 630 THREE The P091 3BR the A Oman Cr

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