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Omemee Mirror (1894), 30 May 1895, p. 2

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5c. up; Violins from $1.75; Ban- jos, Mandolins, c. Hughan Co. Headquarters for Xmas.and Wed- }dilwg Presents, Albums 100., regular 25c. ; China Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 90c, regular $125; Dolls tc.-, 2c, 3c., 5c., 10c., 23c., 49c. Pocket Books from 5c. up; Mouth Organs, m eVery key, from 'kir’br‘Tb‘f-é Side"; is itixfibl'y mri'iiriii’ :- the nu oouen. Bring than 3.1011; and let them see. the a. few orour prices: .,, I f _ . , Fm Mmutes $21123in Hughan Co., at 52 Kent St., Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Novelties for Xmas. Pre- sents ever shown in Lindsay. Crowd will visit our store every day during the next three ’weeks. You will be wise to come early and make your selections before the great rush of the last week. For Special Bar- ins examine our Gold Watches, A Jlulqtgi‘Mbunggwel erases, etg._ qu aga- LINDSAY, ONT., 'aTuea WBIL Junezi 5 Only. And at _I. D. TULLY’S DRUG ;STORE, PETER'BORO’, ONT., Tum: WBIL June 11 12 Only. Fred. W. Ivory, D.D.S., L.D.S. "OMB“ of the Penn. College Dental Surgery, Rudolph“. tho of the Royal Condo mm Bur‘oons, Toronto. Having opened a. dental once in Ome- .mve. upeclal care will be ngen to the "preservation or the natural teeth by the final". Improved methods offllllng. Artlflclal teeth inserted by the mast. approved system. ‘No paunl will be spaved in the perfecting or .mlaputlon.com!ort, durability and muscle «ppearancv. The Rathbun Company OMEMEI-Z. ONTARIO. Graduate of the Out. Veterinary College. {Registered Member or the Ontario Veterin- Association. ’ntls. nlrm or day. promptly attended to. OFFX’CE: Next door to Adam’s Grocery. Lumber, Shingles, Roars, Sash, Mouldings, Lam, N manual, Newsl Posts, Balusters. PETERBOROUGH. Branch officeâ€"Cor. Murray and Bethune Ms 7Lumber, Shinglen. Saab. Doors. minds, Win. do. and Door Frames: Newal rests, stair Rammmslusters. Mouldcrs 62c. Scranton Coal in Egg. stove and Nut Sizes ‘ Briar Hill for Grates: Smithlng and Steaming Coal: also Coke and Lehigh lamp [or Foundries. He has fitted more Spectacles :than any man in Canada. He makes a specialty of Defective Eyes others have failed to benefit. Cedar Posts, Ties, Shingle Bolts and Logs of all Descriptions, Delivered at thezr Hill at lThe Rathbun Company Call and Get Paper on the Eye, Free. Will be at A. HIGGINBOTH- AM'S DRUG STORE, Lam hmonlypenecfiy mammnmmw wand. m at marinaded drawn: who ‘Nl’er aura-Io: m in place otthh. utter Cook’- Couunoot Command. Macaw Mamuwomummmm ww'filmmwmm Mailed W a: mm b ladle: only. 3 stamp. m TM Cook Company, Windsor.0nt..m ()MEMEE. ONTARIO. The undersigned. having purchased the above popular hotel. and mmle great im- provements In the interior. besides thorâ€" oughly renovating the rooms. respectfully nuts a liberal patronage of the travelling public. The house is titled with electric bells and the beaten): le rooms oi any hotel in the district. which g ves good accommodation to commercialmen. X0 trouble or expense will hes red to make this house one or the best #1.” 3 day houses in the Midland District. dining room receives the strictest atten- tion. and the tables are supplied with the Most of everything in season. The bar is ntx chad will: the choicest brands or fine liq- uors. wines and cigars. Good stabling and careful hostlers. BANKERk BROKER, 91 Kent, LINDSAY. Sales attended to inail parts or the Count 3!, very reasonable rates. l-‘rom long exper - ence in this ”he othusinesa. the undersigned {eel-l warranted in guaranteeing satisfaction, and farmers Wuld do well to give him a. call. Apply at. the Mike in the Cut-dwell House, mnemee.0nt. '1‘. E. NINGS 20 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Money to Loan on Mortgage at lowest rates of interest. Approved Indomed hows discounted to:- any term not. exceeding 12 months. 29â€" hr P r0 f. Chamberlain, Licensed Auctioneer for the County of Victoria. Air Administered for Punks: Extraction. CHICK : 1: Residence. King Street. Omemee. The Cardwell House. T. Weldon, V. 8., COMING ! SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. J. H. Sootheran, LINDSAY. ‘I'. E. J ennmgs, T. E. JENNINGS. Propriitor. 5‘ TO BUY U. E. HUBBS. Agent om King s:., East, fr 0 R ONTO, SPECIALIST, 3-3m At a dinner given at Spencerwood on her Majesty’s birthday, Lieutenant- Governor Chaplean, in proposing the toast of the evening, made 9. Speech of morathan usual eloquence. His con- cluding words were as followrâ€""To the health of the admirable woman whose feast we celebrate to-nizht, the honor of her sex. the glory of her peo- : ple, and the example for Royaltyâ€"to our gracious Sovereign. who has accord- ed to us the fullest religious freedom, freedom of association, liberty of the press, and political liberty in its broad- est sense, and kept but one thing for herselfâ€"the right of requiring from he! subjects their affection and loyalty, and we tender these to her as freely as she has given Canada the liberties which it has enjoyed under her region. May: the Almighty long save her to the love of her subjects and to the admiration of the universe ofwhich she is one of the greatest personalities. To her gracious blades“ Queen Victoria»? T. W. Horn, who )8 solicitor for the brothers, was also present. .Mr. Horn says the defence is quite ready for a. new trial, and will insist on the case being disposed of at the Autumn As- sizes. He speaks hopefully of the pror pects of the second trial. The Hyams brothers, now in 230‘: awaiting their second trial on the charge of murdering William C. Wells; are both in very good health, consider- ing the mental strain they underwent during the progress of the trial. Yes- terday afternoon Mrs. Dallas T. Hyams, who is staying for the present at the Queen’s hotel. visited the gaol, and had an interview with her husband. Mr. The flmemee Mirrm The Ottawa Citizens says that there is very little hope of a compromise in the Manitoba school question as the result of the Governor-Ueneral’s inter- vention. Premier Greenway declines togo further than to promise to intro- duce an act in the Provincial Legisla- ture prOViding for the complete secular ism of the schools. Every Thursday Morning A weekly news nper.pupiished in the in- 1 tel-est. of the \‘i [age of Omemee and sur-J rounding district. All kinds of Job printing ‘ done in the job rooms at the very lowest. living prices with neatness and dcspuich. The recent trial ofthe Hyams brothers -the greatest ever known in Canada-â€" has been productive of surprises, in- cluding in that category the excessive license of counsel. [1: pained fair-mind- ed men to read the language used in abusing witnesses. Nothing so bad would have been allowed in any of the Superior Courts in England. It is often the painful duty of lawyers to expose the contradictions and worse of witnes- ses, but when 2. Witness, for the protec- tion of society, does his plain and often painfulduty in stating the facts, it is highly improper to denounce him as learned counsel did in more than one instance. It may be assumed as a fact that in almost all cases of murder the prisoner’s lawyer knows the truth, either from actual confession or from a close scrutiny of the facts. It is very necessary that such should be the case, because when he learns that his client is guilty he knows what rocks and hidden dangers there are to be avorded. We believe the strict etiquette ot the Eng- hsh bar to_ be that the prisoner’s ad- vocate should not personally pledge himself for the innocency of his client. His duty is to do his best for him, but he should avoid downright fasehood which would very commonly be the case if he made it a practice to person- ally vouch for his client. Many years ago Lord Willian Russell was murdered by (.‘ourvoisier, his Swiss valet. A Mr. Phillips, an eminent Irish lawyer, de- fended the prisoner. Although the latter haxl confessed to Phillips, yet counsel actually tried to put the crime upon one of the maid servants. He was severely blamed for it at the time, and it is reasonably certain if such a thing occurred again that the ofl‘ender would be disbarred. We trust that the bench- ers will take some notice of the matter- The public must be protected, u hich will not be the case if it is to be under- stood that witnesses are to be so dealt with.â€"â€"Mail and Empire. The United States Supreme Court on Monday denied the application of Eugene V. Debs, the strike leader for a writ of habeas corpus, and he will have to serve out his sentence. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. R T ES OF AD\ ERTISING: If “ “ 15 oo 10 no 3 00 Professional and Business Cards $5.00. \VantAdch-t‘isements aocts. first insertion. 25¢“. each subsequent, insertion. Special rates for longer periods. Local Notices acts. a. une first insertion, acts. each subsequent insertion. The Prince of Wales held a levee Monday. There was a large attendance and the function was a. brilliant one. Transient. advertisements l0c. perllne first. gyrsertlon, 5c. per line each subsequent inscr- 1 Double Column $35 or) i 50 oo 1 Single Column Lion. OMEMEE. THURSDAY. MAY 30. THE OMEMEE MIRROR. ABUSING WITNESSES. OMEMEE, ONTARIO, IS PUBLISHED EDITORIAL NOTES. CHAS. W. RICH ARDS, Publisher and Proprietor. 1 YEAR. 6 M08. 3 MOS. 2500 15 oo 10 oo 25 on 15 oo 15 no 10 on 10 no 3 oo The F or‘esters of Omemee, will attend devine servicein the P.res~ byterian, church, Omemee, on Sunday, 1511) June. Lovers are sometimes apt to be for- gettul of their en\'.ironments 'lhe old practice of getting between the lamp and the window is still repeated at stated intervals. although most of the boys are getting or the racket and learn that it is always best to pull do .1 n 1l1e blind while sharing: the sneet compan- ionship ofa. lady friend. But there are times when the blind won ’t come down and when the heart grows weary with repeated attempts to make the curtain rforu1 the great drop act. This must 12v. been the case with the young man who paid his belt respects to :1. certain young l;'1"" 'iis place, the other S1111- day even a. 1118 blind “asnot pulled, but the act of oscnlation “as pertormed just the same as ifit was. Like tender lilies of the valley tossed by the gentle Zeph) rs of a. quiet Sabbath evening, two heads bowed too and fro amid the soft light of a dimly burning lamp and all nature seemed given up to “tho hearts with but a. single thonght,t1\o l hearts that beat as one. ” O. Y. B., meet next Wednes- day evening. The- District Mas- ter from Bobcayqeon will ‘de- liver an address. Full attendance requested. The annual district meeting will be held in the Orahge Hall, Ome- mee, on VVednesday,‘June 12. All officers of the district lodges are requested to appear in regalia at 8 o'clOck sharp. Inv1tations have been received from Toronto, Fen- elon Falls, Ottawa, M illbrook, Belleville and Sunderland. Dr. Robt. Buchanan, the convicted wife murderer, was brought before the court of Appeals in Albany Monday, and was rel-sentenced for the third time to the electric chmr. It is be- lieved that legal ingenuity has been new exhausted, and that the man will be executed the first week in July. Before the Prison Labour Committee of the British Board of “Mr. Thornton, L. C. 0., who for fifteen years had car. ried on the Old Kent road the business ofa. brush manufacturer, informed the committee that that industry, so far as England was concerned, had been near. ly put an end to by foreign competition, which had resulted in brushes being placed on the market at prices with which manulacturers who had to em- ploy free labour could not possibly com- plete." 'Will free trade make you rich? Twelfth July at Toronto. Regular meeting of L. O. L., No. n3, next \Vednesday even- ing. Full attendance requested. The Omemee Council met as a. Cnurt of Rexisionon Tuesday, 28th inst. Pres- eat the Reme, Dr V. C. Cornwall and CouncillorsJ. B. Adams, Geo. H. Elw- lish, Jos. NaylorandR. K. Goodfellqw. “On motion nf Adams, sec. by English, that Mr. Goodfellow take the chair pro tamâ€"Carried. 7 Moved by haylor, sec by Adams, that the Kama I: ow take the chair. â€"â€"C:Irried. On motion of Adams, see. by Nuylor, that. the assessment of Wm. Neill on personal! proper-2,, be struck 0111â€" Car- ried. On motion of English, sec. by. Gmdâ€" fellow. that. A R. J. Mulligun’s dug tax be struck ofi'and that personal pru- perty be gtruclf ofl'. - .. . \v 5 On motion of Goodfellow,sec. by Sny- Ior,-that the assessment ofJohn McCrcn, on personal property, be reduced $10”, and assessment on real estate be con- firmed. On motion of -.\dams sec. by\ ; 21y lor that. the assesament of one do: be. struck off as to Thomas Kennedy.â€"_-(Ia§_rled. On motion ot‘Adums, sec. by English, that lot No. 1, south east, corner of King and Sturgeon Sts. in the village of Unne- mee, Le taken ofl'resident roll, assessed to T1106. Stephenson, as ownex, be trans- ferred to non-resident. Roll.-â€"-Carried. What can you expect to get in the way of business without asking f‘ r it? All customers appreciate advantages and hump around to find them. If you have none tn offer, if your goods are mediocre, your prices high, your service slow, keep mum. and die a. natural death; but keep one eye on )our com- petitor, \\ ho has advantages to otl'er, and who humps himself in search of :l-mse who are humping themselves to find him; The girl that gives \\ any to a desire to gad the streets, to cultit ate the acquaint- ance of _\ onng men and act simpL-rmglr, is laying the loundutien for :1 useless after life, and when married she will develop into a. slatteruly gossip, if no greater misfortune befalls her. It is the girl who loves home and helps her mother that wins the model man and becomes an ornament to wonmnhoud. The girl who does this and dewtes some of her times to reading and strives for the graces of human culture commands the respect and esteem of everybody. Ou motion of Goodfellow, sec. by Adams, that. at the request of Mr. Wil- liamson, his name be Inserted in place of Arthur L. Williamson’s, as owner of groperty disputed in roll. and lune A. J. Williamson put down as M. F. (.an- On motion of Goodfellmv, sec. Naylor, that lot east; 10, North King st. assess- ed to E O Williamson for $60, be struck off. as he is not. oyuey.â€"Carried. tied. 0n motxon of English, sec. Adams, that the personal property assessed to A. L. Williamson be struck ofl‘.-â€"Carried. On motion of Naylor, sec. by Good- fellow, that Dr. Bradd’s assessment on personal property be struck 013‘, $300.â€" Carried. On motion of Adams, see. by English, that the assessment of Mr. Willi.unsmx, on income, be struck otf, because he was not. properly assessed, and for the reason he assigns that he has no 1n- comaâ€"Carried. The council then adjourned, to meet for the transaction ot general busmess on Tuesday next, Juneb 4th. On motion of) N'aflor, sec. by Adams, that the assessmant on real estate at Dr. Cornwall be reduced $100.â€"Carried. On motion nt‘Naylor, sec. by Adams, that the assessment of Dr. Cornwall, on income, be struck off, amount $500.â€" Carried. On motion of Adams, see. by Naylor, that the assessment roll, as amended, be confirmedwâ€"burried. Pull Down the Blinds. TOWN COUNCIL. Hump Yourself. Lodge Notes. Man Says. GEO. A. BALI“OUR, Clerk. A Grand Celebrationâ€"Laerosse and Foot Ball Matches, Etc. MILLBROOK, MAY 27TH.-â€"The- Queen’s birthday celebration, which took place here under the. auspices of the fire company, prov- ed to be a grand success in every way. All day the town was Crowded with people from the neighbouring towns and villages and everyone went home well ‘ pleased with the day’s programme. ‘ At one o’clock a procession com- lposed of Lacrosse and Foot ball ‘teams, headed by the Citizen’s , band, marched to the Agricultural Park and soon the principal event of the day was in progress,~name1y the lacrosse match between the Millbrooks and the‘ Checkers of Beaverton, in which the former won by two games to nothing, as for weight the two teams were pretty evenly matched. The visi- tors were one man short and the game wasvplayed with eleven men a side. At two o‘clock the teams lined up as follows .' MILLBROOK. BE.§V’ERTON. ‘J. Riclmrds.....goal ......... J. Keycs ‘ T. McMahon point H. McKinnon i S. Carveth...c.l‘point A. Hamiltoa l \V. Strain....Ist‘def. R. Keyes l ]. Bateson.‘..2ml def. 'W. Murry With bitter sence of loss ! I’m worn and wan and haggard With brboding o’er my crossâ€" I grieve for what I never gotâ€" Ah, me, there is no knowing \Vhat might be now, if you’d but not. 0, Love, been such a laggard ! Come, Cupid! Best be packing! Youth 8 fires long since were cold And Care has leftb no care. sir, For} ou, 0 Boy, so bold 4. The board is bare, And) on dare V To stand there still a- smacking _ :Y‘Bur longing lips like that? ‘LVell , there ! Came in, then, if you must, sip If you don’t know the reason why My heart is barred and bolted ! Come, Come, now, stop that knocking- So hard at my heart’s gate! 0 Cup id, oft have I told you You’d come at last to late ! I told you soâ€" You’d come, you knowâ€" Too late for it’s unlocking ; And now, 0 Love, but you're to goâ€" My heart’s too full to hold you I AY’VBQY', itis overflowing 3rd def...]. Carmeron Geo. Leach centre ....... A. \Vest F. Coombe 3rd home \V. Coombe 2nd home E. Cameron C. Leach... Isthome...Rutherford ]. Nattrass out. borne E. \Vescott G. Carveth in. home Patterson R. McMahon...capt. \V. D. Leach umpire A. T. Elliott Referee ................ R. H. Hunter Beaverton secured the ball at the face and down it came in the vicinity of the Millbrook goal, McMahon soon returned it and the Beaverton defence were made to hustle owing to the clever playing of the two Coombes and Leaches. Once more it came down on the Millbrook defence and Strain se- cured it and after about ten minutes plax Geo. Carveth scored for Mill- brook. Play was resumed and it could be seen that the visitors were playing a defence game. Nay, nay, now, Master Cupid, No use ! You can’t come in! Against you Pride’s revolted. Nay, may, now, don’t begin To kick and cry ...:\nd damp your eye! 0 Boy, you must be stupid, Meetings of the Travelling Dairy sent out Irom the Ontario Agricul- tural College, will be held under the auspices of the East Victoria Farmers’ Institute, in Cambray, on Friday, june 7th; Omemee, Monday, june 10th; Downeyyille, Tuesday, june IIth; Dunsford, \Vednesday, june 12th; Bobcay- geon, Thursday, June 13th; Fen- elon Falls, Friday, June 14th; Coboconk, Monday, june 17th; Kinmount, Tuesday, June 18th; Haliburton, \Vednesday, June Igth; Minden, Thursday, june 20th, 1895. Finally Fred Coombe scored for Millbrook, the second and last game. Once more the ball was faced and play was resumed until four o'clock when time was called 5 allow the visitors to get home on the four forty train. Millbrook showed up well and will, no doubt, make a strong team. McMahon at point played his usual steady game and jack Richards ‘between the flags made every Millbrook backer“ c0nfident that the visitors would not score. The visitors are a strong team and.play good 13.- crosse. - After the lacrosse match a foot ball match was played between the the Long Swamp Indians and the Ceday Valley Rangers. It. result- ed in a draw after one hours play. In the evening the races around the block were very cxcitinw. A grand concert was given in the evening at which James Fax and Fred Carless we're the chief at- tractions. NEVER TO LATE FOR LOVE. M:]OHNS, President. WM. T HURSTON, Secretary. Butter Making. MILLBROOK. Any person desiring to adopt a little boy from 2 to 6 or 8 years old can, by applyinglto Rev. C. W. Watch, Brighton, Ont., hear of some very bright little ( anatdian boy, suitable for adoption. MILLBROOK, : ONTARIO. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public, c., Money to Loan. (My THE FINEST Tq IN THE WORLD "Monsoon” Taxis put up by the Indian Tea rowers as a sample of the best qualities of Indian 'eas. Therefore they use the grates: we in lhe selection of the Tea and its blend. that is why they put}: up diam-gives nag-3e}! it ogly in 51:: oxjginal told if: bul'k'. WM. COLYIN’S Tonsorial Parlors, KING STREET, OMEMEE. A keen razor and a cléan towel for every cus- tomer and ;â€" If you should want an easyslmv , As good as barber ever gave, J ust. call. and at my parlor find A razor's edge to suit. your mind; I’ll cut and dress your hair with taste, To suit the contour oi'ymn' face. My room is m-ai mv tom-l:- vi: an, Scissors sharp and razors km‘ll. Andtevt-ryihingl think. you’ll find To suit H] mm- and plvnsn the mind; And all iri'imvurmnulskill0:111 do, “you will call I’ll do for you. I'll shave you ail, thu young the gay, I’ll «have you all for ready pay; Shaving I do at any timw, And for shaving I fll‘t :l dime; But do not mean :1. dimA in trust. For that would make :1 burner “bust." ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. if your grocer does not keep it. tell him to w'=te to STEEL, HAYTER a. 00. ° 1! and 13 Front Street East. Toronto. t-hntwe send The Mirror xnr une year. The Illustrated Hnmv Guest for one year, and the book. “ Twenty Complete Novelet-tes by Pop ular Authors." all past paid by mull upon recelpt. 01' only $1.20. This ofl'er applies both to new subscribers and renewals. livery lover or bright and fascinating Lcraturu; slmuid take advantage of“. Sump I: copier or The Illustrated Home ‘ruest and (M llu. nromium hunk may be seen at this office. Address all letters to CHAS. 'W'. RICHARDS, SPEEIM [EFFEH FOR $1. 20 The Omemee Mirror Call on mu and 1 will gunnmtw satisfaction. OMEMEE, - ONTARIO. WOMEN "LDOUBT wicksgiédfieraavyr Saaéfig’iu puritS' and excelk-mce. P15; gpjnj‘ 1b., x lb. and 5 lb. paduga. and never New Lumbef Yad. DEALER IN Lumber, Shingles, Lath, and Building Material of all kinds. Also agent for all kinds of Farm Implements. Office and Yard : The late Cop- lin Laidley's Old Stand, Stur- geon St., Ian [um and handsome 164m page. GI-coiumn mus. Wed literary and ramilv paper. ubliahed monthly. Ind containing Serial and Short mrlen bv the moht §pnlu autbo Sketnben. Poems. Useful Minoailzmv usehold Chi dren’s and Humoroufi Derartmonta. TWENTY COMPLETE NOVELETTES Household. Children's and llumoroufi Derartmontfi. and everythincto amuse. entertain and instruct. each member or the family circle. Among the writers whose smrlea constantly appear in m Ilms'rmrzn Hour: 0mm- are Mrs. Emma D. E N. Southworth, Mrs. Mary J. Holmes. Charlotte M. Rmme. Mn. Ann S. Steehens, Mrs. May Amos Fleming. Etta. W. Pierce. Mrs. . we 0. Austin. Emma Garrison Janos. Mary Kyle Doll". Sylvanus Cobb. Jr" Emerson Bennett. A. Conan Dofylo. 5nd many others. It in I. high-clans pub. lication or the mmily circle. handsomely printed, beautifully Illustrated. and while it in nigmya interest- h... -_; _____ AL,“ .. L 7",, . , in? 3m! never dull. l: is pure ln mom! tone. not an ob ocnomble word or lino being allowed to emu its columns. You will be delighmd with thla charming paper. and eagerly welcome its monthly vlllts. a: Popular Author: is e lento end handsome k of 192 lento doublwolumn octavo pages. nicely printed in clear, bold. ”MEMO type on good paper. and handsomely bound in colored vapor covers. It contains. as its title indication twenty complete modem: b; twenty well-known and popular authors. each one c which leinmnsely lBMI’QIUnL'. It mmnrimuwimla season’s delightful readinc. and is by far the lowest and finest collection or complem popular nnvolelms ever published in e einzle volume. The titles of the z%%oomplete novelottes contained in this book are we : Under the Holly Ben-lee. 3! Clarion. )1- Breeme. The Phantom Weddlng. By urn. name n. I. N. Scull-worth. The Gymy’l Warning. By Mn. Henry Wood. chllwluognmhlno and Mnrnerltei. By “The Do- 5:11” Henchman of Antwerp. B! In. Am: s. all OI'II. 'l'hn sun-v of n Llfb. By Mm. May Arnu l'lemlnr. old nuddorrord Ila". Ry Mlu n. r. nmaon. Blanche of Benullou. By Air-under bum-l. A Tale of Three Lions. By H. Rider Bug-rd. A Drama In tho Air. By Juice Verne. i'l'ho Story of Helen. Bv Amanda M. Donia. page Captain of the PoleJur. By A. Canon 'l'he finilor'n Sou-0t. By Mn. Jana G. Ala-tin. The Duel In Home Wood. By Willie com". The Holmes 0! Whiteon Grange. Byl. 'r. Wdor. Mom Far-I. Br Marv Kyle mum. 'l'he Blncksmlth’n Daughter. By Etta “7.le 'l‘he sculptor of Momma. liy Srlv-nul Cobb. Jr. fl'he ll‘nlee Diamonds. m In. Mary L. Deni-on. Alhcrol't "all. By Emme Garrison Janet. ’ We have arranged wit!) the publisher of the npnlnr Illustrated literary and manly montlll , The um..- lruted Home Gila-t, to furnls thln excllam rubllcatlon ln club with our paper upon the upwinny iboral terms quoted above. and we are alan onahlcd to alter to each subset-mar, Fro-e. 3 large 3nd lmndmme remlum book. eutltled. “ Twmnt Complete ovelettas bv Populnr Ant org." Thus our subscrlbers. by mkxpx mlvqnmgu of me above liberal offer. may oecuro. m adgluun to tbelr favorite homo newspaper, a. yonr’n sulmcrlntlon to one of the heat. and most popular literary and finally papers pub- lllbod. 3nd also an attractive and entertalnlnc hook contalnlm: twenty complete novelomes hv twenty of the most. famous authors of Amer-lea. England and Franco-la fact. a. large amour}: ofthe most fascinating reading mm: at the moat. tuning cost. 20 Complete Noveletfies By POPULAR AUTHORS. THE ILLUSTRATED _ HOME GUEST FOR om YEAR. AND THE ILLUSTRATED HUME GUEST Pipes, Tobacco: and Cigars. of the Best Brands, In Stock. 'PLEASE REMEMBER FROM THE TEA PLANT TO THE TEA CUP IN ITS NATIVE PURI‘I’Y. Boys Fér Adoption. Robert Ruddy. leuJo‘uLu rindn'. Aukftir'l'hobévmn hand. All marm- nu than aux my box. ”Wmodytotwonuahcm A PERFECT TEA Box A. MIRROR OFFICE. OMEMEE. OxrAmo keep the org-mun hunky oondl‘lon. no “human "ufo Swen" wyoung women, sld gnu-am! development. pmv‘ldn m. lean. {ocularparlodn Au! (at The barn“: :l‘o fog-mar Ineguyrig 73ml yang-u. SHOULD TAKE 'Psnuvnom wmns F033 Oil) YEAR. SATISFIED : CROWHS The great crowd that attended our sale the first day will testify to the genuiness of the bargains offered :1an we have been encouraged to still go on so that each day new reductlons W111 be made on odd lots that we'must clear out. The standard uality of all the goods we sell xf'ill in 'it‘self dgaw many people who kgow what we are noted for. THI; M 0k hY ML ST BE RAISED. ‘ ”HALL, BILEHRIST Efl’S Great ‘REALIZATION SALE Syndicate Purchase of Dress Goods and Silks. MY MOTTO : Prompt Delivery of ' all goods. Small profits and quick returns. Call and see prioes and goods. itoba Wâ€"heat. Royal, Best Family Flour. Superior, at $1.70 per hundred. 100 Black and Colored Dress Goods were 400 to 75c, sale price 25c. This is the best. \'_alu~e wg hfly‘e ever [ytzfplias§(]. 100 _\ ards Surah Silk, worth 500 price 35¢. IS WHERE TO GO AND BUY YOUR Flower, Field and Garden Seeds. Bakers’ King, made from all Man- 100 yards Rluck Surah Silk, worth 76c sub: price 50c. Wheat, Pease, Oats, Buckwheat, Barle ”Rye Bran Shorts, Chop, and Meals of all kin s, and always fresh and good. A beautiful collection to choose from. Ihave every kind you want in flour and feed, field and garden seeds, also Land Plaster. 2:3 Print Wrappers, were $1.35 to $1.50 salt; price $1.19; 7 . 106 yards White Lawn, Worth 150', sugerprice 10c: * M. T. HEATTY’S Flour, Feed and Seed Store Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy, Alsike Mixed. CARROTT SEEDS, improved Short White‘ and Long Oran e. Turnip Seeds of all kinds. Sweet Corn. and anadian Yellow for Gardens; Horse Tooth, Southern Sweet, Ensilage, White and Yel- low. Garden Seeds, four different growers’ Seeds 10 select from. Mammoth Long Red Mangels. 130, 132 134 SIMCOE STREET, PETERBORO. 1,000 yards printed Silks, dark ground, were 45c,sale price 20v. 200 pair L‘rompton ( uralizw ('nrsets, epeual purchase “ere $1.00, sale prim, 70c. 25 Children’ s Kiltgd Serge Sluts, sale price, 75c 51. 00, S1” .-5,$:. ’00 < Flower -:- Seeds 1,000 yards \‘ew Embroidery, came in 1m; I’arasols Black and ( ‘olored handl- es $1.00, sale prite 75c 10 dnz: Lace‘Collarcttes lL -Jeur at 45 and 50c. Prices in every case made special for this sale. 'We guarantee this a Bom-Fide Sale, as we must raise the money and prefer to slaughter the goods rather than have our buyer short of funds. Time, FRIDAY, MAY 17th, Place, 100 doz. F zlst'l’lack' ('(m on Hose worth 200, s'aje price 12%. lOUvds Veilmu were 20 to 30c, 34‘ e price 33c. 15 doz. Silk Txes for ladies and chi}â€" drpp, were 35c, sale 1 rice 20c. lo‘doz. snk Ties for ladies and children,_ wggligcfflale [ rice 25c. 1000 yds. Syndicate purchase Laces, \\ are‘ ’50. to_ 45c, s algprire 109.7 1'00 dozf Dueâ€"1:7 olored I isle (jlgves 18c, sale pr_i(-_,e 12A. 100 I’arésnls Black or Colored handles 755:: sale price 500,. IOO duz. 1’! :ick -Colored Silk Gloves worth 350, sale price 25(- 1000 vds Silk Ribbon “orth Sc, sale pri(e5c. 10 doz. Ladies Collar and Cuff Sum, mere 250, gale priqe 15c. SEEDS SEEDS Hosiery, Gloves, Parasols, Laces. Print Wrappers, Corsets, Lawns. ' J. T. BEATTY. FhOUR FEED HALT DON’T MISS THE BARGAINS p7,”; . -3”.- l 100 doz. Linen Knee Dusters; were 75c. sale price 50¢. 500 His. Art Muslims 12; c.' sale price Be. 1000 yds. Flannslettes were Sc; sale WE? 53'» sale pric e: 12‘(' 100 yds. ,72 inclgSheeting 150. Men’s Furnishings and Tailoring. 10doz. Men’s Balbriggan 'J ests were 7591, gale Nice; 50_(:. __ _ 10 doz. 'Men’s Balbriggan Vesta were $1.00,}:th prlf‘ejg'm. 5 ('upes were said at $3.50, sale price $2.50. 5 Capes were sold at $8.50, sale price 7.50. 10 (Tapes were sold at $12.00, sale price 9.75. 5 ("apes were sold at $15.50, sale price $12.5”. v‘l‘i fl) )luntles 0v er and they must. go, asthm are marked 1:1 plain figures. Everyone can see the original priceand the reduc- ed prim». MUJJNI‘IRY, HATS and BONNETS 2050.7..11-(311’5 Washing Ties worth 15c, sale ynce 10c. str‘rrs '11; ORDER at spam [Irit‘rs during: this sale. fiantles and Millinery. 10 Jackets, {verb from $3.00 10 $3.00, Sal c price 51.00 in $13.00. 3 Capes were sold at $1.00, sale price 3 Capes were sold at $1.75, sale price $1.25. at ('lezlring prices. All this season’s goods. ‘ Carpets, Window Shades, Poles. 5 (Tapes were sold at $2.50, sale price “2.00. 75v. 1000 yds. Prints to clear at 5v. 1000 yds. Prints “ere ll’fic. sale price 0U}: FIXED RULE is to carry_ no ?O'«11'.z.}l‘(_+n’s Silk Ties worth 2.5a, 100 ends Remnants at clearing prices. Staple Department. L = w»: MEI-fin” x, From Toronm.0r1 um Uxbnidge. Lindsay t a.“ points north and “tun“. 8.35am. Siill we have some [ {er in all kinds of Boot: If you need any of the don’t put ofi” visiting Come with the crowd : certainly save from 2 Prom Peterbomugh. flillbmk, Pun Hope Cobourx. Renault.- and allpoim: mm a south. ._..M...9.00 aun‘ From Tornmo, I'Xv bridge. Lindsa und all points nor ”1.3m! west... ..-..._._... _ . A! the district meeting at Lindsay, Messrs G A l McCrea, sr. and G Switzer, ed delegates to amnd tl this year. Dr Thompson ‘ the missionary commiuet ARRIVAL 8a CLOSURE M Peterbomugh 1nd Portfiopfu... Dr. Thompson has been Iner of Marrizge Licenses f of Victoria pro (mmâ€"+311: LOCAL uco: Old newspapers for sale a Mrs Spence, of the Omem the Bell'l'ekphone, is haw deuce greatly improved. The value we are git and Shoes in the face advance in price 0: simply clearing out thI McPHERSflN Look om to: large bills‘ xv and Presbyterian excurs 15th, via Pderbcrough M and return. The turner: in this part well pleased with the prd awe of the crops, and wi continuum of the uuldl abundant huvest is .11 price of grain is steadily it better times may be exact Check Mush 12h. Prints at 15c. 33â€"inch '2 English Flea ette - 100. Flannelette J. D. Thornton is prepare loans on good rem eszuu companies or privam part1 the best insurance compam her of good farms to rem Omemee every Monday, a. Davis'ofiice, Pemboro‘, ev 50 25 10 Check Mus] 100. Beautiful E 15c. Beautiful It is with regret we lea nets of Capt. Huxtable of corps ofthe Salvation Ara lain has been an earn.“ 1 his stay here and a great has been accomplished by efi'orts in the work of bin trust. he will soon be on 1 that we mean BUSIN determined to carry 0 ter what we advcrtiSc 75:. Dress Hands g0 We have been bus] looking through the marking goods at pric keep our cashier m pe tion for the next two 1 fits are out 0‘ the qu us, our stock has to be are prepared to make will convince everv r The numerous friends1 Shepard will learn with ‘ has tendered his resig position as assistant Omemee High School. ard has come among Omemee. be has won lot l place in the hearts of al aoqnainmd with him. A school he was very succd scholars will become nod the fact that he is about I tor their sorrow. Mr. She himself useful in the wor odutlchurcb and scented the Epwonh League of donor meetings. shoal leavetown the very best offriendl will go with hi venue. and will go on until e cleared ou‘ Bankrup GOING MchHE 0H EKEE. THURSDAY. JUST THINK THE OMEMEE Shoes, Hats a Ready-made ¢ Crockery, c . oi: your purchase ARRIVAL. ll. ('ng 6.13 pan. ‘- 1": H01 Gabon and all andend bridge. a! pom west. . . To )5.“le Cohen! and all and we: To T< X'xbrid a" pm west...

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