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Omemee Mirror (1894), 5 May 1898, p. 3

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FATE YOUR MONEY. OPEEI‘: LEE 25:5 AND FRIDAYS heap. nfits. will find it to their all before placing orders complete line of "ALL SUN, EEBflRfl 9; Department. in Militar\‘\\'ork, and we cc cvcn'thing #3211119, Dally. Am Amman Qfih '3‘!‘ SH : f5. 22»: n E STREET, ry Department. 2g us to surply the regu- ver than can he elsewhere Department. Supplied by US. K GROCERIES. a1: Sugars. Crockery Suppies ATION ntal Stme. , Our Cutter, Millinery. . . :Son ‘ s. u m I, and $ ,000.00 of \l U| and Fancy Straw Hats, figs Bxcyclc Hose, Belts, erartment. hczzdv-n nty and contains all the o. and other well known Nuv Msllincr) M34: \Vuisls. \V.‘ L for :z~’\'- made Clothmg, Lu: Onins “c “ill of- “1x91;- neigH orht 0d 1h- I‘irtsidc, by the Is. u LI‘XIX'V. ~t tittmg, from the iLkncM‘n makers. dialing wxll do it l):1\'s........ (R tout llc H liress adics' c tl‘s. 3 car. I! la rumored at Kingston that Mr. George II. Bertram, 31. l’., will purchase the locnmoci .9 works there. E. Gregory. Lindsay,cnrrh-su full line 01' phlulogruphlc supplies. Sand for catalogue. - S-Bm Mrs. (Dr.) Yellaml and son, and Mrs. Blackwell, of l’eterboro, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Brrdburn. The steam lxundry at Stoney Moun- tain Penitentiary was totally destroyed by fire. ' he penitentiary buildxug was saved with much dimcuity. Mr. Wm. Graham Sunday and spent father. The Omemee Bicycle Livery had all its wheels outSunday and could have tanked as many more. The entire town of Nortlxport, Brhish Columbia, was wiped out by fire, but. the Le Roi smelter was unmjured. Joseph Baxley, a. farmer, was killed in a runaway accident. near Walkerton Saturday. If you want a good day‘s outing go to Mlllbrook on the 24th. A rich gold find is reported from the vicinity n Rut Portage. DivisionCOUi-t Sittings nill be held here Muy,17tb 1398. House cleaning is now in full blast: Postpone your calls. Mr. Wm. Petliick, of .‘lillbrook. paid Omemee a visit this Week. Mr. Burton Blackwell, the popular fieacner at. Mt. lloreb, “heeled home A daring attempt on the life ofJudge Houston, Chatlxam, was made by John 'l‘wohey, whom he hud once sentenced Ior fraud. About a score of Lindsay and Peter- bcru bicyclists visited ()memee Sunday. hefierick Leduc, deckhzmd on the stoanwr Persia, was drowned 01'! King- unmsunrday. Mr. John Bakina, of Milibrcmk, “as In this neighborhood last. week buying cattle, for which he pays the highest. market priro. A wedding is reported v.0 take place ' “MW“‘OVKS Wm“- Belt week. Miss Ida Nugent and Miss Ingram Mr. Chas. Wells was a visiior to Mill. [Wale Viatlura to Lindsay last week. brook, Sunday. 1 Mr. (Eco. \V'. Mnliignn, of l’eterhom, Mr. J. W. Irvine, of Janetville, was was in town yesterday on buslntiss. 1" town l'riday. f The ()memce Marble Works have a. DV- Haasard, 0f M'llbrOOk' was in large amount of work to do the ensuing téwn this week. { season. Germany threatens to retaliate le‘ cause ufuteut Britain's donouncemem. at Canada's request, of the .»\ngl(.-Uer- man treaty. John [-3 mm, 9. Kingston pensioner, was found dead in a horse stall Monday. Near Xewmarket on Saturday even- ing, Mrs. Luther Miller, Mrs. Matthew Manson, Wm. H. Peters and Edwin Unusual were killed at a. crossing on the G. '1‘. RV, Northern division. Mr. Weir, the new manager and pro- p'ietor of the Omemee Cheese Factory, has arrival \\ m. his assistant, Mr. Crunk. and they cmnmehced apex-unions on Monday. A good sensun iazmuuiya bud. Bring along your milk. M r. Burl teacher at Sunday. Miss Maya Weir, teacher In Lindsay snublic school, Spent Sunday at the home of Mrs. A. Orr. Mr . Geo. Thorne, nf Millhrook, is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr, W m. .1. Theme, Ops. Mrs. Geo. Kirk was drowned at Burk’s Falls Monday. Mn Justice RobertSnn, uhn “as to have taken the ('uyugz $35193 this \\ ark, aL ~.\ hich Mrs. Stcruauum “iii In: tried fur the murder of lmr husband, will not, preside. L‘lmlwellur Buy! \\ ll. be subsuuucd. The Lriulumnnences (0-day. Shonnand and Typewrizing‘. 'l‘hnsedeaixiu; 1:» Luke :1 murse in shorthandandtypw\\'rni11_may ”Mam Instructions. Terms 5:1.50 per “mm“, in advance. Two lessons ,'_'l\x'u u coin} . Aypl) in 20-0 MASS DAVIDSOH. Lindsay. 30‘0 sfliSS DAVIDSJAJ. Lindsay. Wine [hut the ram”) [Ix-mid v.11 “4+4 Sinful [H(.1|Ir-u.lm5 lluul(’ prel-atmlm 3 ml. a 3... until acme Inf [‘6- puttingall phases m’ the mar between the States and Spain. 'lhose “ho are lucky enough to be subscribers to the Family Herald and Weekly Star must surely feel they are getting their dollar’s “urth many times over. w -(‘ek (apt. \V. J Nail] remn‘ed has A. Lcrthlc‘ttv {rum Uthuzt, ‘A. . >‘.»Q}.‘ vent. m s auburn-.5. .ds '_'n\2 Class “ . , . . "orth- 11cu~iw tic attended Lamb-u Aixkimry Schuul, which is rum-ids ed by military men tu have the highest standard of any school in the Dominion. Capt. Neil! is to be congratulated on his suc- crsl. What might have proved to be a very eariuus accident occurred on Sunday] Mr. Ii XugtnzL and his nephew “3;; driving from Lindsay £3 attend the ‘ 1:1 PM! of the hue Samuel Roddy, and ‘ when they had nearly reached the foot or Shaw’s Hill, the horses became Im- xmumgeable, coliiding With Mr. Robert. Baulmn’s buggy, upsetting the Nugelns, throwing Robert. Nugent into the ditch. FnrtunateXy they escaped with a. few bruises. Rev. Dwight L. Moody, the well- known evangelist, was a business man ‘ before he started to save souls. Speak- ing of many unsuccessful religions githerings he said: One Lining which is wrong 15 the way many meetings are planned. Advertise them. Let folks know what is going to be done. I be- lieve if business men would conduct their sfl'airs,or newspapers were run as our chu’rches are conducted, they would all be bankrupt. in six months. I don’t believe any man need prench to empty pews if he would only use a little cm.- mon sense Afiuertise. Put a notice Vii-Mex. 78W: 1: sign. .. LACON 1C drove to Mlllbronk the day with Ins 9*" h - 101.5 Mm E81 About a dazen bicycles have been disposed of here this season by Messrs. R J. Mulligan and W. \i. English. L-nok out {or Lamb‘s new city bus. which was built by Mr. Wm. Shaw, and is being; painted by Mr. W. G. English. The 24th ofMay Celebratiun at Mill- brOUk this year promises to outstrip all other celebrations of the kind ever held there. The District Agent, “1th Mr. J. D. 'lhoruton. local agent for the London Mutual, secured Several good risks last week. Mr. J. ’1‘. Keatty shipped a car load of potatoes this null; and la looking up auoLl-er car loud for next. “eek. \Vamh for large posters which will be printed in u few days announcing the grund (‘ulebration to be held in Mxllbruuk on the Queen’s Birthday. LAW OFFICE of R. RUDDY, Barrister and Solicitor, of Mill- brook, open in 0 m e m e 9 every M 0 N D A Y afternoonâ€"Over Brad- burn's GI’OCGI’V.â€"ISLf Mrs. (‘anme 'l‘hurston, Miss Ida Thurston, and Master “Highly Thurston, “ere guests at the hume of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Kennedy, Sturgcml Strum-LEM!”- (1113'. Mr. W. H.Kennedy, Omemen’s lmstl ing lumber merchant, was in Lindsay Friday uu business. Mr.'l‘. Hymn, (KER. Agent, Omenmce, :memh‘d the funeral of Ins nnclu,t110 late Molyneux Wilson, at. Par: Hope l)“ Frhhl)’. Messrs. Lawrence Lamb, ("11:13. Slin- sun, Nurmun Holden and Melville (‘ur- m-il “heeled to )iiilbruuk and back Sunday. Subscribe for the Daily 31:in and Empire and the ()memee Mirror, one ycar each for $4.75. The Oratorio " Holy City,” will be rendured this Thursday evenng at Peterboro. This Will ntl‘crd a good op- portunity for our musical loving people to hear something good. Muuntmi c mmiltvd The Toronto Daily News will be sent to any address in (‘unada or the l'tmed States one month for 100. The Mirror gm! News one month 20c. Subscribe to-day, and receive all the latest news of the Spanish-American War. No. 1 Fire Company, Milibmnk, is preparing-4 grand prngmm of sports for the :3th or May There are five citizens here who have reached the advanced ages from 85 to 100 years. Among those from :1 distance who at- tended tlm funeral of the late John Tully, “are Mr. and )lraJolmJunkin, of Fenelnn Falls, Mrs. John Bick, of lulu-aygenn, M r. and Miss Robson, Mr. Frank Smith, \lr. .121.» A. Tully, and Mr. “W ('. 'l'n l_\', of l’morlmro, Mr. and 31:5. .Iulm B-».;le of Fowler‘s (‘nrnersh Uult contemplates purchasing nu “aterworks plant. Spm-iat to tho llirmr. Sm: the Ray Jr. ('mnuru, '50, with one )lutc hullh‘x' u: (il‘vgurya, Drug Store, Lindsu).â€"l\'-3m Mr liurt. Byers “as :1 visitor at. the home u: 1.15 uncie, Mr ( hunes (hum- bers, in»: Week. Our populatiun is increasing. The milk wagons started on their mum I‘Mlllt‘s l0 [lie Missing Link fact- ur_\' on Monday inst. 51L} Messrs. archer ulHl S, Deyell are engaged In 13w s‘uunmng and stoning busnms~ this :(‘urus usual. Anynne “21min; stmn. hug Hunks n-movcd would do “ell to engage them. Mr. G. W. Mulligan, of l‘eterboro, nge us a call on 'l'ucsduy last. Un Nu day In it, the mâ€"mul crowd of \\ heelmzâ€"n 19"‘IIAHIL‘ir hunduy triys be- hu-en 19-19 Lmrw. 0111611198, and Lind~ The Messrs. Jas. and Albprt Franks, of Frank Hill, passed through our vil- lage on Tuesday on [Lair “my to Peter- boro \\ ill: t.\ -) large lumi: at hogs. “u; lalfiin._' sue-111:5 Kn lvv one of the 10:11.1“: matures in farming: at present. To got your presvr:mi¢ms run-urn: My flIh-d take them to Urvgwry'a Drug Stung Lindsay -â€":8-3m Marga (“,5- Drx‘gSture is thronged with custnner‘s mer) (In). Try a {cw ofcmr well tned tux-l never falling cures, such as Morg:m’s("atarrh Cure for 25m, and Australian Pctit Cure, besides numer- ous other Specialites. Kent St. Lindsay. HOW TO PROCURE A WHEEL. Novel Way to Procure a. First Class New $75 High Grade Bicycle. The Times Printing Company, Peter- borough. ofi’ers a firat class Bicycle, best make, 1898 model,all the latesii improvements, for either lady or gentle- mgn, to any man, woman, boy or girl who will send in a. club of 35 paid sub- scribers to the daily Times at $3.00 per year, (or 65 paid subscribers for 6 months at $1.50 or 130 for 3 months at 75c). Or the same wheel for a club of 100 subscribers to the Weekly Times at 850 per year. Club getters have the privelege of sending part Daily and part Weekly subscriptions. It is no trouble to secure subscribers to these papers, as they are equal to any in the country. Sampzas, together with subscription bl mks, sent, un application. \‘.' ilfiulfi v« 111 he shlpped same day list a‘scnbers 18 receivwlmos Office ”mm! Fowlers‘ Corners. .‘I(:\ air of We Nurlhwest 101m: Jubilee Contingent. suv‘nlv at WurdncrTuesday. 3; {(1 "'alll’zéclll-Wg m 51111.6 613. years. The lute Juhu Tully hud heuu n citizen fur the lust 3:3 or 40 years, and Lhe ueus of his death on Monday cast, a ghmm uver the village. The deveusod had previously .ived in l’eterlmruugh County, where a. number of his relu- tious reside. lh-ceused was uquiet, hut industrious citizen, and possessed a greutdcsiru fur k no“ ledge, being 11 read- er of the best books and papers. 114: was a Conservative in politics and he- louged to the l’rushyleriuu (,‘hunch. lJe lezwvs u \\ idnw, three daughters, Mrs. Junkin, Mrs. Mick and Mrs. Jnhn Home, and three sums, Messrs. Edward, William C. and James Tully, to mourn the loss of a kind husband and father, who ulwuys encmxruged indusxry, per- severance and other good habits. Mr. Samuel Roddy. It is our duty this week to chrunicle lhe dealh of Mr. Samuel Ruddy, one 0’ the most. highly respected residents 0' Ops, \\ hich szul eVenL tuoli plum on Friday, April 29th. Deceased was burn in the Township of Gavan, “here he lned till he was past. 30 years of age, when he moved to Einlly, where he rc~ nminell one year; and then to Ups, where he resided until the Limo of his death. M r. Ruddy was a member 01 the EnglishChnrvl-i,unll an industrious citizen, and made for hilnsell and f4lllll)’ a most. comfortable “Ollie The funeral on Sunday lust was very large, there being nearly one hun- dredn‘ehicles present. Rev. Mr. Burg- The funeral yesterday wns amended by A large number 01 friends. The Solemn uud hnpn‘uslw services at the house and grave “em cumiuctcu by the Rev.J U. Tanner. ess, Bethany, cum! ucted the Solemn and li-npressive luneml services. The be- reaved family have the heartfelt sym- putliv of it large circle ul‘l'riends. Mr. John Tully. Another Ulti nml Highly respected citizen has dcpurwdl V ilila‘ lite, Inn'- ing rcm‘lwd the .Llqulll’Uii age 01 TU Don't full m ask us in Field, Garden 311‘ Ormoud 8i Walsh, i'rl men. I’elerlmru.â€"£?-tl‘ The bereaved family have the heart felt sympathy uf thvir many Irlcnus. TIE REPâ€"€332 The M? Cicamé: Burstedg Victory has Perched on the Banner of GOUGH, the Wonderful Cheap Man’s Latest and Greatest Effort. I S DREW ENE EEIEETVâ€"EEME EEE EM STHEKE OBITUARY. Will you have a few 01 the plumsâ€"ifsn, rattle He Bought Big to Sell Bigger, and the Slashing Sale of the us fur havest prices and meor Mathis. Drug-fists :uul Vccds- LINDSAY’S LEADING CLOTHIERp- Buyer of 11m ABMiann NAVT’SANKRUPT gm. ESE'SEEE 330310 Prices Paid. Same of our grunt. svhnlurs Lars taken zLdiUr-rvnt Hun whims snlvjm-l, and he- lim'ulnxnwrm..21: ln- H U prnx t-r mwh', 3n Hm“; g1 . ‘ u Him,- has been ‘l"' m.” m. .1”: MT]. Letlvr used. The Envitvhr \\ lmiu on earth did But bupuzu any Ircrmvll. 'Hse “lunatic l'unl Buys hv()l1i_\'h.|§un7.m\ In 1crsms,( r‘s~ plus and Gains. Imd Hm up $110 tlmuuhl it, of us much imp: Hum-1: :issmn e ut'nnr great men nf un-duy, he wmxhi Law. baptized lnnre Hum mo persons. If they Would rvunl and study the 5111 and 6th chapters «.1‘ (hummus. especiuli) the (3th verso“! ('hnpu-r :3. and “tel-1L1: and 15th urn-m (.1 (-1.;x1~tcr (3, they would cmne tn the :3an conclnsx In that the up she ‘lid. Special to the .\| i rrur. The sermonun Baptism. delivered by the Rev. J. U. Tanner on last Sabbath, at Mt. Pleusu t, shmwd that he had prepared the subject m as to make it plain and lulcre>lil g to his congrega- tion. . lt‘rnm the texts of Scripture road and explained, he Limnght the prnxwr made of humming: \\ us by sprinkling. Why did .imux- my nu the. cross " It is limshcd” and tn the tlwif lesuid, "'l‘u-dn)‘ Hum sImFL he. \\ ith nm in l’ur‘ udisu," lmw ('mxld he be zuhniltw‘ there not, having ! Ut'n bummed. (full on H. J. “(‘Ltéull, and order ya r cinthing. He cnn :ivu marriage hum- Ses tu stc \\ hn may require them. / 7c / 5:, mfi at: r r; 8 :5 2.0:; may!” I: $15536: Fr: 2?. mg JEur E; ”c Eon; ;:v. :53- En. m2; 5:? T7." 2. 7cm::u E me :5: 26 SEE?! Base Ball 85 Foot Ball Matches, Bicycle Races Elors-ze Races, Mix 1 are .\ “A 2435:2821 Filifiv .43 J" - Mount Pleasant. in yap; wagon and lake ynur choice while they Iu In the. village of 0memee,nn Monday, May 2nd, 1395, Mr. John Tully, aged 26 years. AL F0“ ler’s Corners, on Friday, April 2921:, 13:15, to Mr. and MrsJul-m Wright, U. sun. ADMINISTRATRIX’S SALE In the To“ nship u!‘ Ops, on 'I‘hnreduy, April, 2511:, 1538, Samuel R0 dy, aged 3:3 yuan. \igncd up In l‘hurwln-y. Hw‘ifith-duy 01' .\I :y, X.“.-.\,:|1Unrhnul'ul12A)’1:|1)c|_( umm. lot the purl-Muse. of [Mn lullmving village plupm‘l)‘, \ w: A H "ml singular that om‘thin pure” or tract ux' lulu! situate lyingnnd being In Hm \'lllrl‘.{l* ()I Onwnu-e, in the County of Viv- 1(»|“u' luring cuuumsmluf part 0! the SO nth \\'r,~1.!qn:u‘1t:r ul’ Lot 5mm, six,in the 4th L'Irlntrsh‘inn m'uw ’1‘0wn.~hip m Emily in me (‘ounly 01' \‘ivmrm and known me Villugv In“ HllllllJL'I'fi six (w, seven (7) and eight ,5 _ north of English SUV-Plum! “I‘M “forum.“- fiirt-ut (now Alma Sin-r!) in the Vinwu: uf Ulnusnx-v alum-mid mi laid out and n‘lll‘\'0_\':'d ny (‘mm‘w firmly. Esquire, 1’. L. ht. :1 plan nl \vhh‘h is r. gixlt'lt-(l at lhv Registry 0mm: for 1|le t'unnly «)1 Vivmrin; bring the lu-npcrly uwnu-i um! own; iml in his life lee by Chris- topher Mnsnn.«lam-awn. (In mid lands are siluzuc it good Hum: llmme. stable and Wu“. There are also sx-v- «ml I'I'uil Irl-t-s, This properly ls sullnblc 101' n dq-sirulflc x'lllngc l'Chidt'llc‘t‘. 'l‘l<Ill.\l.\'.-â€"'l‘un pvr com ()I' llw purchase- mnnt-y m he paid wlwn truth-r is accepted um] llu- lmlum-c willlin 13 days thereafter willmul in! urt'sl. 'l‘ln- higlwsllor any Lender nut nrcmwrl '3 non-pt: d. ’l‘cndors are to he mh‘rt'» (I In llw nmlvrnlgncd Sollcllor. For rurxln 'Ill-lxizlx>:qu1~ly Lo umlrrslgnud, 10-5“ :n-xt R OTICE T0 CREDITORS. 'l‘l‘INIHEHS will1wx‘(-.‘l-i\-1'«}!))'_tlxe Miller- the macro! the mum of Christopher Mugou, Deccubed. Lindsay Woollen. Mills, W. M. .\Iv(:[.l-:.\I().\‘T, Lint 1571(ng st. \\'.. IEnmilmn,”nt., t Sum-horror Administmtrlx. or a. Valuub‘e VLlage Property BORN DIED Q Extra quality Call and see them, and be cominccd that I am se‘l- ing the best. i Laxe Trouwhing and all kmds ofjob \\ ork attended to on shortest possxble notice. ; Haying Outfits, Farm Scales, Scufiiers, etc. ‘ ..\\'antcd, Calf Skins, Eggs, etc ................ McCormick’s Binders m 2 Mowers 3w I have been favored with the local agency for the McCormick Harvesting Machinery, and invite everyone to call and inspect samv ple machines. The McCormick machinery is acknowledged by lead. ing farmers to be the best in tlicmarkct. For light draft, clean cutting, and simple gearing, the McCormick Binders and Mowers have no equal. Ialso handle HARROWS, CULTIVATORS, SEED DRILLS, c.,made by East of Bridge, : OMEMEE. fimemee Stove 81 Tin Emporium l‘vfiovec‘i 1 Door West of Old Stand. Goulthard, Scott (30., of ()SHAVVA, which I czm sell at Right Prices. [Respectfully soliciting \our patronage, I ”main, yours truly. (1 Away Down Below your Echctzuion. mm mm! in Tinware, Brushes, Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cnttlurs, Stow: Polish, shoe Dressmg OMEMEE, ONTARIO. The peoples’Grroeerry Has to hand this week a Large Consignment of WmBRADBURN . NBWEEFGWE G.W. McKim, W. D. Stinsen. Candies. Biscuits and Confectionery. Horn Brothers, Preprietorsl NEW POST OFFICE {'BLOCK, i‘ Call and see Our Display. ilk Cans, TERMS, CASH. EThe Best. 1:;1 )Ou could

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