THE PALM or VIGTOBYLI " : TO THIS VETERAN PHYSIGIAN Waterwwn, NYC, May 14.-â€"Sa.les of cheese ’on board :SaLnrdayBï¬OO boxes at. 1013c to». loggcvfor large white, 97;“: to 10¢ for large colored; about/1.500 boxes for Montreal. - can-stun - Cornwall Ont†‘Jax 14. -- 874 boxes boarded an Smurdav' s -Boa.rd 662 Canadian “bites and 11.9 co! ed, 3 93 American whites‘ bro from 10c to â€313‘, The followmg prices were r-°‘ized: Canadian white 19;“, colored 10c. 1 Straw, sheaf, per ton 8 U1) 9 00 Straw. 10059. gm:- hum -l 00 5'00 . Dan-y Produceâ€"v V ~ ‘ Butter. lb. tons? «..,.30.16 to 30 13 Eggs, new we .. “um-012%; “0‘14 you-3n- - 2 ~. 5 ‘ a" » Chickens, per pair ...... so so to $1 00 Turkey; per lb. ......... 0 13 0 15 Fruit and \‘ezetnbhlâ€" v‘ maaï¬ubï¬grrz'21 g ‘-’ 5%.?» nun angryiggggrflr I'LL†nuns 9m,- ‘East Buï¬alo. May 14. -â€" Cattle on Saturdayâ€" Calves good demand; choice to extra. $6.75 to 87, good m'choiw86.50 to $6.75., Sheep and MWDemaxm- élowfsbadé lower; lambs, ‘ c to extra, $6.75 to 56.85; J‘- no choice. $6.50 to $6.75; shécp: mixed $5 to"$5?25; Wethers $5.35 to $5.60; Yorkers. $5.60 to $5.90. ‘ ~ - “'1‘“ vu 1n- .1 Mirrluaru ca, 6; 3d :01 '55:; 1d; 1m: 1 North- ern spring, 53 301:. to 131141; No. 2 red winter, no stu'c’ fm'ur res steady; July, 55 7‘4d; SP"[. 5s 731d.- 10303710 9:. fix w :zrxc: \lAKKE'l' Gramâ€" Wheat, whiten hm!) ..." 31 [o 80 T" “ red. bush W. D 70 .... “ rile. owl: 3) 1'4). ..r. ‘ 0m bush 03:4 > 034‘ Barley, bust ...........0+:: Bye, bush ....... .N 0 .30 ‘.... Peas, bush 058 .... Buckwheat. bush 0 58 .... Hay and Straw-â€" Bay, per ton .......$10 0010:2150 Chicago .. .. New Xotk, .. Milwaukeer .. Sta-Louis . Toledo . Detroit red . Detroit. white Duluth. .\o. 1 Northern .. Minneapolis \‘0. - 1 Northern . 015-} I) 6315 0 (H54 0 64%. Minneapolis No. > . lhard ..... 066 I ;verpool, \1.xy 1' ~â€" ’Saturday's close: Spot; who": (15:13: “8.119., 53 10W tof53 13.1 cf: N0 1 912211de Whose Famous Recipe Book and ï¬reat Family Rem- edies haVe made him Loved and Admired to the Uttermost Parts of the Earth. A Record of Marvellous (lures. Whoa! Dropped In Liverpool and Chlo- ï¬go. But Linu- Rocovored ‘fin tho Later Market on Saturday. Chicago, May H. â€"â€" Wheat, after dqclining early, recovered and closed at previous ï¬nal ï¬gures on Saturday. txvalxn Win at“ M “mum‘s. ‘. Following were the closing price at. im‘pomm‘. wheat centres on sat- urday; Duluth. No. 1 Liverpool, May 14 -â€" Wheat fu- ture- on Saturdm declined 31d to #4 per cent31.~ Ogdensburg, 3311, May 11L - Ono Hay. inked THE MARKETS. 7 Cash. may. . . . 0 641,: 3D ....SIO 00mm 50 um , Juuy. â€pt; ‘ m5 Experience. 7 "Woman," said the social philoso- 'phar, bitterly, "is 'uncertain, vari- - 011 In Blawt \Fnrna cee. Excellent results; have been obtain- ed with the ï¬senf oil in blast fur. naces. It is"inie1rpmed bet‘Ween the hot-.air- stoves and use tnyerars of the blast flurnace. The ,oil is drawn by the blast into the Erin-me. where it pauses the tempe‘ ture and A130 Mutated the red gct' n .of gig on ‘ ,fl Wh will you allow a. cough to lacemne 3:091: roan and 1mm and: run the risk of 211119; a consum. .t.i\'c’s grave. when. bv the timely use of ickle‘s Anti-Consump- tive Syrup the pain can be allayed and. the dangeravojded. This syru is pleasant to the taste. and unsurpasseé) for relieving, hoahng and curing all affections of the throat. and lungs, colds, mughs, bron- chitis. etc. etc. ' my tamed '{or colds, etc; It is the best “ailment have ever used. : "Oh, I don’t know,†replied the practical man. “If I express my views on a question I can tell to a cer- tainty which side of it my wife will â€0f coursel can. It; will be 17110 other side.†' . Port Mnlgrava, J 11119 5, 1897. C. C. RICHARDS 8: CO. ' Dear sm,me4RD’S ngILIEN: is “Seems to me,†said the Savage Bachelor, “that that sort of thing would be more appropriate for mar- ried women. The husband is the bone that raises the wind.†London, 0nt., May 14. â€"â€" 229 boxes May cheese‘ were oï¬ered on Saturday 80 whiteé and 149 colored; no sales; bids sage. The Savage Baohalpr“ ‘ ’ “I notice,†said .the Swéet 'Yonng Thing, “that the girls are now wear- ing their sweethearts’ photographs on their fans. †thousand anu tortyf-four" boxes cheese offered on Saturday; 101/36 bid; no; sales. . . .. ’5, Belleville, 0nt., May 14. â€"â€" Saturâ€" day 18 factories ofl'ered 777 white and 28 colored cheese. May make; 10c offered for the whole lot and re- fused: on the street the bull; W333 sold at 10256. « .- Miller'- Compound Iron Pill: ham such virtue tint every one should try than. Why will yoq gllow a cq ugh t9 lageratt: “You â€m n Mrs. DJV. Cronsberry, :68 Richmond St, Toronto, Ont, states: “ My daughter, who sews in a white goods factory, got completely run down by the steady conï¬nement and close EXHAUST!†attention required at her work. Her nerves were so exhausted and she was so weak and NERVES’ ' debilitated that she had to give up work entirely for some weeks. . “She then began to use Dr. ghase’s nerve food and found it excellent in restoring her to health and strength. She is now greatly improved andat work again. Dr. Chase’s Nerve Food also helped her through a very severe attack of la grippe. I can recommend it as an excellent remedy.†Mr. Alex. Marshall, 59 Essex St., Toronto, Ont., says.â€" “ Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills are a splendid medicine and certainly do all that is claimed for them. Both myself and KIDNEY wife have been greatly beneï¬ted by their use. I had kidney disease and pains in the back for over DISEASE. two years and at times the pains were so acute that I was totally unï¬t for work. Among the remedies I tried were English pills supposed to be good, but they did not ï¬t my case. “ I heard Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills highly praised, and used them. I now feel like a new man. The pains and aches have entirely disappeared and I can now work with comfort. My wife is much improved in health and we both endorse Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills most heartily." DR. GHASE’S , KIDNEY-LIVER PILLS DR. BHASE’S NERVE FOOD Mr, O,__P. St. John, the Dominion inspector of steam- boats, residinga't; 246 Shaw Street, Toronto, in the following voluntary le‘gtgr t_e_lls o_f_lnis efl‘orts_ to rid himself of the misgry of Itching Piles and of his ï¬nal success by using FILES. , Dr..Chase’s Ointment :â€"“ I suffered for nine years from itching piles, at times being unable to sleep on account of the annoyance caused by them. After trying nimost all remedies in vain, I began the use of Dr. Chase’s Ointment, which entirely cured me. I cannot speak too high- ly of it. I have recommended it to several of my friends, nil of when have been cured by its use.†DB. GHASE’S OINTM‘ENT MRS. JOSIAH HEART. Mn .- . our. for cold in the head and aunt. Dr. Chad. t sale of say may {or coughs, colds, crap. bronchi“: .34 m HAS NEVER FAILED T0 CURE FILES. yerezs of thei Burnsâ€"That is because a. widow is is drawn by . content to regard men as pretty much ce. where it" all alike, ,‘while a. single woman are and also wantea her: time trying to ï¬nd one .01 flw‘ore. ‘ .1 .Jvho ugifljerent from all others._ ONE PILL A DOSE, 250. A BOX. THE GREAT BLOOD BUILDER. The, time wasted in standing around waiting in the kitchen would amount to many hours in the course of a year, and u relaxation from manual labor would re- 'tresh the system and make the endless toil more enjoyable. It is knowing how to economize time and strength as much as it is knowing how to go to work at anything that brings success. This is an age when we must look to the nerves and save them all the work we can, and 'A desk for the kitchen is an article of necessity just as much as it; is for an of- ï¬ce. It should be a large spreading at‘ fair with 1 flat top and plenty of draw- ers. This desk can be obtained second- hand and ï¬tted up for account bonds, recipe books and thousands of little things that are continually getting mis- placed. A good chair and a few papers or magazines may tempt one to implove the shining moments in readiu- while waiting .for something to boil 0; cook. .“Avoidï¬pustry,†writép the doctor, thinking†"of- “the conï¬rmed dyspeptic who left his consulting room, half an hour ago. and thereupon a hundred folk who were never :1 whit the Worso for their tartsnvoid pastry conscientiously and take to unending sage puddings, when monotony their wary“ palates loathe. If we Were to renounce all that we see or hear condemned as oval-strain- h: or misusing our digestive apparatus. we should probably take nothing but pepsin, with perhaps a little milk to ex- orcise it on. a comfortable armchair, a desk and a pile of papers or magazines M11 go a long way toward accomplishing this re- sult. In other ways little labor sauna could he invented and put in the kitchen to ease the burdens of lifeâ€"New \ oico. “Well, you see, the French have been making an exhibition of themselves for so long that folks are beginning to pine for a novelty â€-Philadelpbxa North American. We ate: One Hundred Dollars reward for my case of Comm-h that cannot Le cured by Hall's Catanh Cure. F. J. CHENEY 8; C0.. Toledo, 0. We, the undersigned. have known F. J. Cheney tor the ins-t 15 years. and believe him perfectly honorable in all busmess trunaactlons angl flnanqslly aple‘ to cum Nothing How. “It begins to look asthough the Paris exposition would fall flat.†out any obligations made bv their mm ' WEST TRAUX. Wholesale D‘ru _‘ Toledo, 0. WALDING, KINNAN R- V’IN, WbOIesale Druggists, Toledo,go. ‘ Ball's Catarrh Cure is taken iutm'uauy; acting directly upOn the blood and mucous surfaces 01 pm system? l‘gsgiguunmb >sont The Difference. Grimes-The chances are in favor of a widow marrying again against a single woman getting a husband. ' r. £5155 756 pér bong}. Sold by album:- Dyspept [cl and Pantry. A. Kitchen Desk. How‘s This! A Bright Little am. When walking in a. hayï¬eld one afternoon with her husbnmd Lady Warwick noticed abrightboy of. fen or so helping his father load the hay “Does not your boy attend school?†was Lady Warwick’s pertinent ques- tion. “No, ma‘am, he don’t go oftener than I can help. You see. John's a real smart boy. and I don’ t want to have him spoiled with book learning I mean to make a. farmer of him. Now. his eldest bu ther went regular to school, and he got above loadinzr 21 hay cart, and, of course, he’s made nothing out. ’ ’ ‘ “What; has become of him?†asked Lady Warwick, in concern. "Why, he went out to South Africa. and got a. secretaryship,†was the scornfnl reply, “but John here is a smart 1adâ€"-he’ 11 be of some use on the farm, he will "’ Miller’s Worm Powders for restlessness and peevishness. Cockle in Wheat Screenings. It will perhaps not be out of place to warn poultry raiser: against feed- ing wheat screenings that contain too much cockle seed. The fowls will eat the cockle seed if it is fed them, and if they eat a considerable quantity they will die from the effects of it. Cockle is a. poisonous plant and its seeds contain poison. A little of this poison is not fatal in its effects, but. a comparatively large amount is. They Are Nob Violent in Actionâ€"Some persons. when they wish to cleanse the stomach, resort. to Epsom and otiwi‘purg- ntive salts: These are speedy in their ac- tion, but serve no permnnem good. Their use produces incipient chills, and if per- sisted in they injure the stomach. Nor do they act 11 on the intestines in :1, bene- ï¬cial wa. . armciec‘s Vegetable Pills answer aif purposes in this X'L‘spccc. and have nosupcrior. The Missionary‘s Bram-on. “I knew a missiOnary party in the West who had a pair of broncos. one of which could only be started in one way; the other, of course, was in en- tire sympathy with and regulated his movements by his companion, †writes Rev. Cyrus Townsend Brady in the Ladies’ Home Journal. “Two disin- terested people who were not going with the party would pass the bight of a stout rope around the hind fet- locks of the recalcitrant animal, and each take an end and saw away until you could almost smell the burning hair, when, without one word of warning, the beasts would bolt. am: from that time would 2'0 all day cheerfully at the liveliest kind oi trot, provided they were not halted for anything. If they were stopped the same process would have 'm be gone over with again. Moral suzxsion Were Never Called Slaves. In southern homes before the war it was never the fashion .to speak of slaves as slaves; they were called ne- groes or servants. Gen. Washington called his slaves “My People."’ In his household there were 49 of his people 111.1760, 89 in 1770 and . 136 in 1774. He hired white servants also and a. number of European stewards and laborers, who came over under contract. was absolutely and entirey lost on those broncos,’yet you could not help liking them; they were so mean they were actually charming. " An End to Bilions Hcmlnche.â€"Biiious- mess, which is czmsul my excessive bile in the stumach.has a. marked etl'ecr. upon thenerves, and often manifests itself 1w severe headache. This is the most dis:â€" mwsdnglmadnche(nm can hava Thaw are headaches from onld. from fever. and irom other muses, but the moss excruci- ating of all is Llie hili'ms headache. Pan-- melee's Vegemhie Pills will cure inâ€"cure it almost inunetliutcly. It will. le‘WpD‘JIIl' m soon as the Pills operate. There is nonhiu" surer in the treatment of bilious headac e. Changed Hi! Ming. Brownâ€"I saw you on the street with Smith this morning. I thought he was an old enemy of yours. The never [ailing medicine. Hollowny’s Com Gm'e, removes all kinds of coma. warts, etc. ; even the most difï¬cult. to re~ move cannot withstand this wonderful remedy. « Getting Back at Her. “For the‘ inst Mme. I ask you." be hissed. “will you give up the uut‘on that you can recite melodramatic D09- try?" “Never!“ replied the woman. hls wlfo, pale but resolute. His face grew terrible to behold. “Then,†he cried in a voice vibrating with passion. “I shall assume that I can tell Irish dialect stories!†Greenâ€"So he was, but I discovered that I had misjudged him. Brownâ€"In what way? Greenâ€"I thought I could lick him. Are undoubtedly THE BEST. Testimonials from 4 chemists, 10 means. 1! diploma. The most wholesome of beveragel. Recommended by Physician. For uh every- whore. Now she grovels at his feet and 1m- Dlores mm to b» merciful. but in vain. AlemPorter JOHN LABATT, london, THE W Mai/2w? OF HOUSEHOLD WORRIES They Are the Fruitful Source of Head; aches, Nervous Disorders. Pains in the Buck and Loins. and the Feeling of Constant Wearlneu That Amlcts Make So Many "Women Look Pramaturely Old.= Almost every woman meets daily with innumerable little worries in her household affairs. Perhaps they are too small to notice an hour afterward, but these constant little worries have their effect upon the nervous system. Indeed, it is these little worries that make many women look prematurely old. Their effect may also be notice- able in other ways, such as sick or nervous headache, ï¬ckle appetite, pains in the back or loins, palpitation of the heart, and a. feeling of constant wearinese. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms it is a sign that the blood and nerves need atten- tion, and for this pnrpoe Dr. Wil- liams’ Pink Pills for Pale People are woman’s best friend. They are par- ticularly adapted as a regulator of the ailments that afflict women. and through the blood and nerves act upon the whole system, bringing bright- ness to the eye. and a. glow of health to the cheeks. Thousands of grateful women have testiï¬ed to the beneï¬t derived from the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. Among those who freely acknowl- edge the beneï¬t derived from this street medicine is Mrs. Jas. Hughes. of Drdmore, P.E.I.. a lady who pos- sesses the respect and esteem of all who know her. Mrs. Hughes speaks of her illness and cure as follows: “Until about four years ago I had always enjoyed good health, and was looked upon as one who possessed a. robust constitution. Then I began to grow weak, was troubled with severe headaches, and frequently with vio- lent pains in the region of my heart, from which I would only ï¬nd ease through hot applications. My stom- ach also gave me much trouble, and did not appear to perform its custom- ary functions. I was treated by a. skilful doctor, but although under his care for several months. I grew grad- ually weaker and weaker, until ï¬nal- ly I was not able to leave my bed. Then I called in another doctor, whose treatment, although continued for some eight months. was equally fruit- less. I was scarcely able to hold my head up, and was so nervous that I was crying half the time. My con- dition can best be described as piti- ahle. At this time a friend brought me a. newspaper in which was the story of a cure of a. woman whose case was in many respects similar to mine, through the use of Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills. I then decided that I would give the pills a fair trial. When I began the use of the pills I was in such a. condition that the doc- tor told me I would always be an in- valid. I used four boxes of the pills before I noticed any beneï¬t. and then as I didâ€"give Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills a fair trial. †A medicine that is not right is worse than no medicine at allâ€"much worse. Substitutes are not right: more than that, they are generally dangerous. When you buy Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills for Pale People he sure that the full name is on the wrapper around every box. If your dealer does not keep them they willbe sent post paid at; 50 cents a box. or six boxes for $2. 50, bv addressing the Dr. Williams’ Medicine 00., Brockville. I could see they were helping me. I used twelve boxes in all. covering a treatment of nearly six months, when I was as well as I had ever been in my life, and I have ever since enjoyed the best of health. I believe there would be fewer ' suffering women throughout the world if they would do Pretty Japanese Custom. In many countries the custom of planting trees to mark special events is well known, and in J upon the birth of a. child is thus commemorated. The sapling is carefully tended until it is fully grown; and when the child is grown up and about to be married, it in cut down and made into furniâ€" ture for the home of the young couple. Antiquity of the Top. w Probably the oldest toy in the world is the top. It has been used all over the world for thousands of years, and in some savage tribes is used in the performance of religious ‘ritel. A Coming Politician. “Charlie, dear, said young Mrs. Torkins, “the baby is trying to talk again. It is wonderful how he takes after you!" “What is he talking about?†“I think it must have been politics. He started very calmly, but in a. few minutes he was as angry and red in the face as he could. be. " llinard’s Liniment Is used by Physicians. Health for the childrenâ€"Miller’s Worm Powders. So Many Women. By and by is the path that leads to never. J One man's faults may be another man’s virtues. Many an idle rumor has been work- ed beyond the limit. One wav to judge a man’s character is by what: he doesn’t say. An egotist is a person who thinks it a waste of time to listen to what oth- ers have to say of themselves. Even a fool gets credit 'for wisdom he doesn’t possess when he apprcei- ates the bright things you say. Many a. men while awaiting an op- portunity to pose as a. hero makes his wife get up every morning and light the ï¬re. There is one good thing about the man with trouble on his mind. He never breaks into your ofï¬ce humming selections from a ragtime opera. Messrs. Northrop Lyman Co. are the proprietors of Dr. 'l‘homas’ Eclecbrie Oil. which is now being sold in immense quantities throughout the Dominion. It. is welcomed by the sulfering invalid everywhere with emotions of delight, because it, banishes {Lin and gives instant. relief. This valuab e speciï¬c for almost “every ill that flesh is neir no,†is valued by the suï¬erer as more precious than gold. In is the elixir of life to manya wasted frame. To the farmer it. is indis- pensable. and it. should be in every The Passion Play. . The devout peasants of Obereinmer- gun are preparing for the decennial performance of “The Passion Play," which will be given at frequent in- tervals during the spring and sum- mer. The greater part of the cast has been changed since the last pres- entations. The Christ of this year’s play is the son of a stove makerâ€"a stove maker himself; the Magdalene is a daughter of an innkeeper, who helps care for {her father’s hostelry, and the Mary is the daughter of the Burgomaster, a pretty girl of eight- een. A most interesting and profuse- ly illustrated article on the play and the players will appear in the ‘June Ladies’ Home J carnal. Every person suffering from general dcbility should take Miller’s Compound Iron Pills. When Baby Hus Convulalonu. ‘ There is little to be done when a child has convulsions except to put it, as quickly as possible, into a. warm bath. Moisten a tnblespoonful of dry mustard, rub it smooth and add it to the water in the bath after the child is in it; do not wait to do it before. The doctor will order one or two tablespooufuls of sirup ipecac, until vomiting is produced, if the convulsions has been caused by undi- gested food. If from nervous irrita- tion, as in teething, ï¬ve or ten grams of bromide of ads» dissolved in water may be given. Proï¬t From Refuse. Cliuker from the refuse destructors at Bradford. England, which in 1894 cost nearly $5,000 for carting and dumping, is now turned to proï¬table purpose in mortar and concrete mak- ing. Ground and mixed with cement, it has been found to give excellent re- sults for the formation of reservoirs and inverts. During the winter months screened clinker has found favor for Sprinkling on roads made slippery by the frost. ‘ Ask for Minard’s and mice no Other. Miller’s Worm Powders are the best laxative medicine for children; as nice as sugar. : A Story of Dean Dickinson. An English weekly tells the follow- ing story regarding the Dean of the Chapel Royal. Some shop in Dublin was in the habit of supplying its cuS- tomers with liquid refreshment and charging it in the bill under the head- ing of "trimmings.†Dean Dicken- son, having investigated the matter and remonstrated with the vendors, suggested that in future such items should be entered as “delirium trimâ€" mings." “Becausv I rather liked the and wanted thgï¬eld to myself Taking a Mean Advantage. “Why did you permit Razzleton to do all the talking when you and he happened to call on Miss Billions an the same time?†Advantage of Route. “‘Why is it,†asked Miss Birdie, “that the nearest way to a. man’s heart, is through his stomach?†Told Rim Why. Mr. Nicefello (cautiously)â€"Why are you so cold and distant? ‘ New life for a quarter. Miller’s Go pound Iron Pills. m- Consolation . Mr. Stockjobberâ€" Darling, I am completely ruined, I have Only $200 left out of my fortune. “Because,†said Miss Flyppe, with that; cold illusion-destroying knowl- edge of mankind that comes sooner or later to us all, “that is the inside Keep llnard’s'Liniment 1n the House. 0 Mrs. Stockjobber â€"- Don't worry, dear heart! That will be enough for me to‘get a divorce with. Where is it? ‘ Sweet Girl (quietly)â€"The ï¬re has gone out, and this sofa 15 too heavy for me to move up to your chair. Use the safe, pleasant and e1!- warm killer, Mother Graves’ WorIQCtE: terminator; not-.1111: r equals it. Procur. nbottlo and taken one. A new back for 50 cents. Mfller‘l Kidney Pills and Plasta. The pimples have disappeared. Miller’s Compound Iron Pills did it. Contracts Made by 'Phono. A contract made over the telephone is legal and binding, according to a decision recently rendered in a Penn- .ylvania lawsuit. 01150. A WORD TO THE WISE. Dodd’s Kidney Pills are now proved ‘ to be infallible in the cure of Kidney ; Disease of absolutely every nature. ; Bright’s Disease. that terror of phys- L icians; Diabetes, which used to be cwâ€" r ed incurable; Rheumatism» the aflec- tion‘ which renders the lives of so ‘many‘. otherwise strong and robust men‘ and women of Quebec miserable, and which is the accompaniment of old age nine times out of ten through- I out the Lower Provinees; Heart Dis- Miss Anna. Mongrel). of Grand. Moth. Volt-en the Universal Verdictâ€"$878 She Feel- Obllgcd to Tell Her Friends or Dold'e Runny Pillsâ€"She Herself Was Absolutely Cured. t . Grand Metis, Que., May 72â€"1!!ng Anna. Mongren, of the village of Grand Metis, Quebec, has~bcen cured of her kidney trouble 'of yeai's standâ€" ing by Dodd’s Kidney Pills. Through- out this country it is becoming more and more common to hear of cures this famous medicine is making. The people of French Canada are not a class who are taken in by imitations or worthless preparer ions of any kind. They are a conservative people, and the reputation of a medicine has to be thoroughly established before they pin their faith to it. It is therefore a most convincing sign that Bod-‘1’}; Kidney Pills are 'n sterling remedy when French Canadians inroug‘souc Quebec speak of it in the â€highest terms of praise. and that moreover from a. knowledge based on their own experience. " No Division of Opinion in Regard to Dodd’s Kidney Pills Whatever. ease, not generally known to be the re- sult of Kidne yDisease. but which is so nevertheless; Dropsy, Urinary and Bladder Complaints, Woman's Weak- ness and blood disorders of all kinds yield freely and promptly to Dodd’s Kidney Pills. ‘11 was suï¬ering from a great pain in my side, which caused me much pain and uneasiness. ,I had taken three boxes of Dodd’s Kidney Pills and I felt a wonderful relief. I con- tinued to take them and‘ now I am perfeclly cured. Consldering it only fair and honest to let the facts be known, I feel obliged to tell my friends of the virtues of Dcdd’s Kid- ney Pills and to thank that medicine for the great beneï¬t I have received.†Miss Anna Mpnzren, well known in Grand Metis, writes as follows con- cerning her ‘cure: People are right or left gym just as they are right or left handed, and just as the right hand is usually the more powerful, so ie the right eye. Only one person in ten is left sighted. It is very probable an the use of map. 0115 during countless area has had something to do with the right eye 5 extra power. Miller’s Worm Powders ('Ill'c fever in children. Unmninbzc. “I see those frie: ds of yours, the Rustlers, have their names in the pa- per again,†‘said the lady who is in- terested in social topics. “Have they, indeed?†responded Miss Cavenne. languidly. “I didn't know the delinquent tax list had been published again!†Pott 0mce Health Elwyn-(“202%. Post Oï¬oe servants in L:,m:10:1 are requiredto report to 17.: superior officers any case of mam-z fever, smallpox, typhus fever. v‘m-lum. dink theria, measles or typhoid Me: oc- curing in their homes. mm m m um Minard’s Linimem szmberman‘s fr: . RELIEF . FROM STOUTNESS Minhnll's Obesity Ttblfls form the me tmtment. The tuMms are prqmr» formula. of A Knowned plum-man to Court of AW. and gre mmrunwed w :1. relief. Heart a: PM“. numb-9‘ .szwr dungvr . are dm‘m ' 5 1y too ... much xiv»; m rzd no body 0! (n 'Mfw‘mg 1m. nndc‘nmw“ enim: ~~ « ‘1 ., vrvngthâ€" t'~~‘1‘u hr. v31} w 1.0111â€? " "."Z‘uicr in MM: 12m] ‘ my" um? qf Ylnfltrr‘ ‘ LII-H15; 7‘. "(WWW ~ “137‘" at nun-kw: may? '3 ‘19an: ' lrodumu 009i“ 0! testimonials and $11 5an I" mailed (no nvon uppï¬cmion. Au cm treamd in strictest conï¬dence and nu \..~( 3 , public. Thousands hue been beneï¬ted by the tics:- ment. um every box is guaranteed. Full course of tréatment main-d in plain packs“. securely salad. on receipt, 0! 32.00. m DB. ,MIXHALL COMPANY. BOX 35 I. :L’n-u. 0m. for :1“ x0!'\' ‘IIS 1‘.~|':t~‘v‘. ileplv. Spnsms and Sr. Y2; 'Ftaor Nervousness nftor ï¬z'q (aux .~ .2 . Prentiss and 8:: trial lmtlzc s-mt through Canadian Agoncy PKHâ€"I t , Fit "Ii :.‘ theyDaylnsexpreasvhargvsonlv\ A, nrvwm-u. Send to Dr Kl:ne.1431 Ax-cn 51.. I'm :1 hrwnml‘ STUI‘I’ED FREE. X'vwnzmvnh 1y Cured. mz. 11mm,- “1:221 . NERVE RES'I‘URER. 1'-:~11:\‘u 2-: E ~‘ 1's '1'â€. cATHoLIc PRAYER 1301;.k-~‘. Ilr-Jli‘U‘ Religious Pictures. StammEraTHE ‘ i '1‘: menu! Educational \Vm‘k: M‘ I» ‘- Promptnttention. o. .1. ~;.'u'1.'}l}f .\ : .. Agents muted everywhere QUEBEC UNITED. ‘ Importer and mm Raw Furs and Skin; signmcms Solit'va i. est; prices paid TN: 111' H. JOHNS"? EEST FENCE MACE‘HNE MADE. FREE. :mnrim. ( luci- s nulzu - ramble. ampleâ€, and many other [A :cilnrvnt-s m mum-d by too ash. To rid the mmnflwring in nu- it into “manh- nsculur tissue. Dr. 11y safe and eï¬ec- Impare'd from the to rcbc‘ lmpgrinl mrc‘u .39- . l! ‘L‘J- re