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Omemee Mirror (1894), 15 May 1902, p. 2

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. 2 ‘;l.‘. v , - 3 fl ”i f: ‘ '9‘; i 1’ . A?“ 4,, : 4-,. ‘ l o l l t is l, 5 ’ - I: , .5 l, I K 3% 33:13"? : r w 5r..____. Sick Headache P Food doesn’ t digest well? Appetite poor? Bowels constipated? Ton e coated? It’s your liver! y’er s Pills are liver pills; theyy cure dys- pepsia, biliousness. 25:. All drama. Want your moustache or board a beautiful brown or rich bhex? Then use BUGKINSHAM’S DYE li’kllifm eomo-me-n.r.moeo.,mn.n. Six Good Reasons. Six reasons why the Electors of East Victoria should support ]. H. Carnegie, and allow Louis Heyd to persue the practice of his Cl’lOSCn profession: I Mr. Carnegie is a resident of the County : Mr. Heyd is a tem- dent of Toronto. 2 Mr. Carnegie is a large land owner and tax payer of the County ;,.\lr. Heyd’s posseSSIons are on Toronto St. 3 Mr. CarnegIe is a pracigcal farmer and dairyman; Mr. eyd as a lawyer. 4 Mr. Carnegie is a man with eight year '5 experience In the Legislature; Mr. He3d as a legis- him is an unknown quantity. 5 Mr. Heyd is a supporter of the Ross-Stratton Government and all the political iniquity that It represents; Mr. Carnegie stands out for clean, honest and econ- -o:I-IIc-.Il administration of our ,public affairs. 6 Mr. Carnegie would be in the confidence of the Whitney Gov- ernment; Mr. Hevd would be shivering in the cool shades of Opposition. Whitney, F 0y and C amegie. No machine politician for East ‘Victoria. A vote for Lewis Heyd is a Irecognition of the boss rule of the -Ontario machine. Is the Strattou nominee in this -gridin the Mr. Heyd that figured in the defen e of the ballot box eotufi'ers in chst Elgm and North ,Watcrloo. James Stratton is the candidate -'for \Vest Petr-rboro then let him seek the sufi'rage of the electors of :that riding and not the vote of E. 'V Ictona. Canada for Canadians has been and is the battle cry of the Liberal v'Conservativo party for over a .quarter of a century, and let us :add to this Victoria for Victorians. Where is the battle cry of the Globe of four years ago, “We will whack \Vhitney.” Even here We See a change and now Mr. Whit- nev will do any whacking that is required. FIRST-CLASS FARM FENCING l Ol‘ILY l 30 cents per ROD. | FOR SALE BY THE Oili‘. YllRE fEllClllG (10., Limited. ROTON, cm. Elections only 2 Wills Honoo. Vote for in J. H. Carnegie Mr. l\lnr.er, from leii g It man wl cm the Liberal papers have all along de- clarml to be of no achIurIt, is now stat-i ed to be it patriot. of the first water. The Lindsa3 Post with Its usual in accuracy and mud slinging pro- pensities, st3 les the Opposition leaders as fourth rate men. Never mind, Mr. Post, whether they are fourth rate or twenty- fourth, the3 are fast enough to number you and the Ross-Str4310n people among the “also ran,’ 'on the zgth of May next It is amusing to see the way the governmentoflicials in this section arejumping around these da3s. It Is noticeable that they are the chief campai.I neIs which Mr. Heyd has. \\'e do not believe in’ the motto, “To the victors belong the spoils," but when: a govern- ment official makes himselfa partI- san at election time let him take warning. A new feature has developed in the local campaign. Mr. lleyd, thinking that he might influence some of the temperance people in this sermon, is sending them special temperance liter- :tIirc,IIIIIl :Ilso personal letters, asking the recipient to attend his meeting here in the near future. 'l‘l.e people of this Community are not accustomed to sucl. political trickery, and ne'fcelsure that they Will treat Mr iloyd’s insinuating advances with the contempt \tlilcl: they deserve. Many oftlxe Reform papers are be- ginning to norrv themselves over the trouble Mr. Whitney will have in form- lIIg IICIIbiIIot. We are pleased to see that the fact that the Opposition Lond- er wlll l-e culled upon tonameul ubiret in the near future is beginning to dawn upon our opponents. ’I‘lmt hi Itself is a mild confession of weakness, Never mind. friends, .I. P. Whitney will have material to form half a dozen Mini:- trles equal to the aggregation that no“ professes to :0\ cm tlils Province. He came! He saw! He con- quered. ' Such appears, in short, the history of Mr. Whitney' s tour in New Ontario. From Hunts- ville to the $00 was one series of ovations, the like of which had never been tendered to a political leader in that new country before. It was In striking contrast to the iIosty reception tendcied to the Cabinet Ministers a few days before. “W'hitney wdl win," Is the watchword in New as well as All things come to an end, and 01d Ontario. the thirty year Government of Ontario will prOve no exception to the rule when the electors of this province pronounce on it at the ballot-boxes on polling day. -The success of Mr. Carnegie’s campaign in the north of the riding beats all previous records. The enthusiastic reception given to their old member augurs well for histriumphant election on the 29th of May. 80 the despised shoemaker is givinzthat great political mogul, twm'. Sec'y. an interesting More strength to rour arm, ajdgand when the ballots are , â€"- r :1 on the night of May 29th, ‘ .ou be inst far enough ahead - ’- kat his calamity. ., , ‘ Machine thinks it is time angein E. Victoria, so it i It"; o'luces a skilled politician to ”do the trick. Beware, machine! our ‘éood, sturdy, yeomanary of Lthis'County w ll put you so effect- uallv out of business on the 29th 7' ,, Math-that you will not reach headqfirters to report on the experiment. 1 W3 on remember how our Refrf-é friends raised the cry of time'vgr a change against the Cons ’ tive Government In ’,96 who '6 been In power some 18 years. If they were right then, how: touch more most they be right-now when the Government ofOntario has been In power for 30 cars ? It' s a poor rule that ' i" 't work both ways. ,pression appears to be e ground that East {does not require a for- represent it In the “Provincial Parliamén t. M r. W”: 19. a tried and trusted n- 3635 an experienced , cultured gentleman and ‘ 556d of several years of islative ining, and we think. ' ‘ Igt qualifications, as the Electors .of major 1W- the) have collecttd llundreda of Phones Can Mr. Heyd advance One good substantial reason wyh he should supercede the late member in this riding? The only reason with any shadOw of fact about It is that he wishes to assist his old friend, Stratton. W'ell, if he wishes to do that. let him go some place eISe, and not expect the electors of East Victoria to pa3 his political debt to the Provincial Secretary. \Vhat has Mr. Stratton ever done for us that we should elect his nominee? \Ve owe Hon. James nothing, and we will bring it very forcible before him when he resurrects his candidate, here, from the avalanche of ballots which will be cast against him on polling day. The followmg letter to the )llndeo Echo, throws some light upon ,the methods used by the Grits to gain votes but the people oftlIe north country are not so ignorant, as the healers of the (irit machine, would make them out, as tl.e follow tug letter will prove. DEAR 813,â€"‘Ylll you klndly allow me 8p “'0 to ccntrndlcba rumor sent broad- cast over this Township, that my sons and myself intended to vote for the Re- form Candidate, at the approaching e'ection, III lIlclI ls absolutely false, and intended to firm ire‘ the Electors o! StunlIoI-e. A mun calling himself Met- rali, who is a. canvassing agent for Ile3'd, come to my house to ask per~ mission for the use of the School House for Mr. lleyd to hold a polltlcal meet- ing in, and also asked for lodging for the night, both of which requests II ere granted, as I make no difference in such matters Letwecu parties. During the evening he told me that his home was in the neighborhood of Brautford, near where 1 II as raised and be mentioned the names ofseveral per- sons who had been my playmates In childhood, so we had quite a pleasant chat about persons, and localities, that I knew long ago, but not It word about politics, beyond the fact that I told this man I was a supporter of Mr! Carnegie who to an upright gentleman,ponoiial- if interested in and a r'oeident’of the Riding, whom he can depend open; It hlle his opponent is It'I‘oronto lawyer. without any interest in the Riding, a more nominee of Mr Stratton, and not of the people. What we want to a» ban- on! government that will dead fairly wIIlI every section of the I-mIn r3, ' It. is gods of Dollars III Timber Dues from , this Riding, and give it nothing back; we are sick and tired of such wrongdo- fug, arid the whole Province is crying out for honest administration of our Ptovinclul affairs, which con only be - done by a change at Government We have no use for party back! or adven- turars in this Riding. who by false rep. resentation and wiloy promises seek to mislcnd the people and would so p at nothing to accomplish tlIeireIIds. limi- est fair minded men of East Victoria, 33 hp are interested in the Banner Prov- ‘lIIce of this great Dominioushould vote on the 29th for Mr Carnegie and bou- esl Government, and do“ I) the Inn- chino politicians. W. (i. ll 1': “'I'l‘l‘, ltcevo of Sinuhopc Whitoo Carnegie. ‘ and Vllllllll! h County, under the skilful management, of .\lr. Shaw and others. The present tunnery has been run by the Lanib'family for over fifty years, and during this period, both building ‘ :Ind businessliuve been greatly increas- ed. This village was firstcitlled Williams- ,buru in honor of Mr \Vltluun CotIing. E‘l"e"0‘lk'l'l"i~' l3 1‘ SEW-lull." withus llInIII, afterwards Merit-till, but on th‘ All work done to Satisfy you. prices are low. litll‘f uork, clIiIIIIIeys canned and flushed. Special valley. .c3lindcrs, tlIiIIIblee and all require. wants for building. and j.Ib nork. W. Stimson, c. E. cOLUIIN. Tonic for May 2tst : Pract secretion. teal Con- WlIat happens VI lIeII II piece of Int-tut has Stumped upon It the Impression of II. nation’s king? A minute before it It“ s more metal, gold or silver or copper But. now it has become it put of the government, and the entire force oftlIc IIntiIIII, if necessary, is back If it b- maintain its purity and protect it from linury. So it is With asnul that In consecrated to the service of God. A drugs minute. before, it was on ordinary St-lll, randy for any cmplo3 Inent. Now it has been taken up into the life of the kingdom of God, and all the pew r of that king doin is buck ofit, Before the metal received the impress it might housed for many purpOSI 8_ Its destiny mlgbt have been to form II wire cup, or the settlug for some rich jewel Now it has become dedicated to II single service. It represents wwltlx. lt IrIInI-fers value. So the Christian, as emu as be is con. serrated to tl.e kingdom of God, Itdopts pfllciit'nlly only a single service. All his tasks are subsrdlary to this one tankâ€"to transmit the (‘hriot llfe. the value oflt, the royal worth of itâ€"from man to man. If the newly made coin is injured or defaced, Ifn place is taken out of it and used for some 0. her purpose, its value, as II eoiu is dostro3 ed, lt w ill no longer “puss. " So it is \\ ith the consecrated llfe, when part of it is used for the ser- vice of the world. We cannot serve to o masters, God and IIIIIIIIIIIon. The very word "con-secreted” means wholly-ac crnted. There are counterfeit coins, of course â€"coiua that. neIglI as much as the oth- ers and have the some ring, perhaps, and theenmo appearance; but they do not contain the same am out of metal, or, at any rate, they were not stamped by the government. They are worth- less, and it is It crime to use them. And so, of course, there are counter- feit oonflecrutlona, and sometimes they deceive even the conIItcrfeitI-rs them- selves. But they l-th'l’ dccehe God. THE HISTORY OF OMEMEE. The following I: an essay by Charles Coobrane, II pupil of Room 1, of Ome- niee Public School. If we turn to the map of Ontario, \39 will find marked in the County of We- loriu and Township of Emily, It place called OIIIeIIIco Th 5 pleasant little village, beautiful- ly situated among the hills with a stream honing through it, is what 1 III- tend to try and relate the history of. The first settlers that came to Dine- meo were Morris Ifottlnglmm and his sons, “'llllum and Samuel, who built a shanty. in the year18l8, on or near the place, where the )letholist t‘lIurclI now stands. rm; first white man that ever crossed Pigeon River was Samuel Cottlughein, who did So by felling a tree across and walking on It till he reached the other side. The English and Luidley fnmtliea came to settle here about the same year. These pioneers had no place to get provisions poorer than l’ort llope, so Morris Cotttngluim went up to Mt. Nebo, and with it hammer and chisel bowed out two rough mill-stones, n ltli which to grind his grain. Next 3e.Ir he built and opened, the first grtut mill north of Port Hope. lie and lllt! sons \\ ere zIppoiIIIel b3 the Government to erect lortv shantieu for otl er settlers, n he each received It grant of fifty acres and provisions em, for two years. The first store was erected in 1820 by Mr. C. Knowlsou. Amonu the next settlers were Mr. Richard Davidson, Mr Thus Crow ford, Mr. Parker, Messrs 'llIos. and William Matcliet, Mr 'l “08. Stephenson (Sr. ) Mr. W III Beatly III: d Robt. Grundy ,the father ofthe present Post Muster, who held that ofiice for over titty years. In 1842, Mr. liughes came to Common, opened It store and also the first brew- ery a n d distillery, II little beyond where the cheese factory now rotunda. The first hotel was erected by “for. Cottingham, in the neighborhood oftlie preront foundry. but nus burned down In 1847. Mr. Cottinghnm lost three children and two servants in this fire. The first school house was erected and opened in 1857 and 3h. Woods was the first teacher. He was followed by Mr. Shaw and others. The sebOol prev- out to this, was held in the house now Owned by Mrs. Nelson. The high school also has been very successful, many young men having prorured an education, which enabled them to go to the cities ‘tnd earn large the 3 resent government has not. done: 33'8”“ FM 3’98” the 0"" “199 “lil- ........ ...“... u;\a."-‘ a School, has taken the lead of all in the ' ..., u a. . I...“ a 1-H J: The I count of there being; Itiiutltcr Motlcnlf, It u as iluully decided in lsofitocnlllhe village Omemec, \\lllCll nouns in lo- diIIII Pigeon. The first newspaper was established in 1857, under the name of “The Mod- cull Warder,” but the paper was remov- ed to Lindsay III lSU5. Soon afterwards unotlzor II us published. A paper has been kept up over since. The three IleIIoIII IttlllUlIS English. l‘rosb3tI-IIIIII and Methodist, ull erec- ted churches in We early blstI-ry of Dmcmee, and stnce then have improv- ed and enlarged them. The Salvation Army has also It barracks l.e:e, and Is doing L'Outl Work. St. Pier re Disaster. I Fully 30.000 Lost Their Lives. Fort de France, Island IIfMIIrliIqunI I May 13 â€"1I now seems to lo Irene-ally admitted that about 30 ,UUU persons lost ti: -eir lives as It rosIIIt ( f the out‘ Ir.o Iii of the Mont lelee v ole-tint), III S . I’lerrI , on Thursday lust. Briefly put. lust lhnrsday morning the CH3 ol St. IIerre disappeared with- in it! minutes III a. w him“; or clone oI tire vomited from MI III l'eelc 8, mini thousand Persons were instantly and horribly l.Il|ed,IuId llItI I'I.lcnno, \I hobo at cieIII cra' or had been noon; led by a on .1» I lake in \\ lIicleII IIlcpurtiz-II birth- ed, sudIieIil3 dim-bumcd 4 torrent of fiery mud, which rolled towards the red en gultingovhcnthir .3; before it Then the luatofcuhlo comIIIurIicntIOIII was broken and the doomed cit3 was isula- led from the world. Mr. Editor. Slr, -â€"lf you I'Iuld kind I} grant me II it: tln space in your outer] rising paper, loro llS IIIIIII3 road ms, 11: .II b: 8 teen 8 jlllOl’ll III the flesh fI r In me time to our HO! sltlvo p bllc. \‘I' e lIIIIe been both- ered considers! 10 by numerous :e tlo. men (of the very cheap I-rder) hailing front Lindsay, 33 lm iIrII mnkln: ”.I.-In- selves cminplI-uoua in the public, espec- Ially at our church door stops after the service and staring at real I~cteblo per. sons coming therefrom. Now, air, if they ui's'r come to Ome- mpe to spend their Inpcrfloul cash, no will “it them not: to make them- selves such a nuisance, and perhaps in time on may begin to tolerate them, Thanking _\ou, Mr Editor, for your indulgent-e, I will Izot take Iip any more of your Valuable Spal't‘, and sign myself A (‘l'l‘lZEN P. S.-SlIoulIl any of Ibex-e persons desire the writer' a name the} \Hli be accommodated at the Mirror 'Ofiice. Raise Chickens for Export. “'9 want delivered alivent your neur- est G. 'l‘. R. Slntlon every chicken you can raise. Larger lIrcI-ds l-lll‘ll us Or- phiugtons, Wynudottcs. Rocks, ludlan Games, and Dorkings, are most Iicccp- table. Scrub and black legged birds are not suitable, l‘rices according to weight and pluIIIptnosII, good chickens bring from Ill) to no cta per pair. We cnII supply settings of good Rock and \l'yandotte epgs. Where a number or- der togctlII-r the cost is from 20 to 25cls. 3 Setting. For pitrtlc Ilairs write our bu) er, A 1*), Silver“ nod, b..x I34. DUNDAS It l-‘l.A\'l-)l.l.l'2 llros, Lindsay K CAIlllSSER WAHTED to sell PRINTERS INKâ€"a journal for adveI'tiSeI sâ€" publish- ed weekly at five dollars a year. It teaches the science and practice of .viiéfW‘ifiIiuki' "v «..., ’9" I . A . \Iampw AdvertIsing, and is highly esteemed by the most suCCessful advertisers in tlIIs country and Great 'iiifilflfégi Britain. Libera l' c0mmiss10n allowed. Address Printer's Ink, l0 Spruce St., New York. 4; PER CENT. The undermgnesl is prepared to loan money on first-class lIIrIII property in large amounts at 4.3 per cent. Small amounts at slightly Increased rates of interest. Terms of re payment to suit borrower. McSweyn dc Weldon, Barristers, Solicitors c., l.iIIdsa3',Ont. III Oinemee every Monday. N. B. â€"llave several clients who desire to buy good farm property at a bargain. -27-ls Dr. J. 1?. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber.of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of heart and lungs. Office. King St., opposite foun- dry, Omemec. . a 5.55! I I mm... It. VICTORIA STEAM LAUNDRY I would like to bring: ll litt‘ e mit' er bo- OLIEMEE i 2 AGENCY: g6MEMMM$ Q; The Store That Nilll‘ Disappoints o GOODllllll’S Canadian an d The drawing power of our MODERATE PRICESis be coming more evident eachweek. Business here never lags Bright. New Goods Courteous Attention, and our “ Money back if not satisfied” proposition are trade build- ers. For E nglish, American WALL PAPERS Mouldings and Picture Frames at lowest rates, and best quality. Next to Simpson House, Kent Street Lindsay. ll .3. , .,,I ill Have You a. Millinery= Want ? Perhaps the best stocked Millin- ury 1)ept.iu town is llLlL‘. \Ve‘ will have many specials fOIt till 5 Fancy white DIIssu' Covers Worth 25:. each. Our Price 2 for 25c. .veck's slIoppeIs, here are ‘2 I12 Only I Idics' (loth Capts 'braided or plai,u worth up 2350. 1. ,to $2.75 Table of 3o trimmed hats worth J UP ’0 $3 75, WMWMEM S'ébESI‘iEE‘L-I‘ESEEIEE 55259.53 Er Clearing Price 980. Very Special $248. 130013 .\c‘." $21k lIlLI'rIF, lll IIluc, ‘.',\llll~ bzuk and mauve we: I}; 5;. or, Next Friday is Laundry D a. y. Leave Pare e 1 8 early. Our Piice ‘~2.£ 8. 200 white Sailors with black or124 {10(qu ”a“, , l'Isirc skirts, white bands, fine quality straw 'lIIIeIl tlll().,t 1.0m, tea 1 ly extra value, worth $-50 For only $1.48. gnuâ€"... J 1 N0. 2: J l At 25c . 48c. and 75¢. each. Maud 5 doz. (60 only) Ladies' l’I'int \Vrappers, in light at 7 a ‘ dIrk Coloriugs. made to @% LEVER ‘3}, e}- sell at $1 on. but :I foxtun- ate 'urcliu:c "nubl‘s I' to Chance g p l” ‘ fl ‘ ‘° ut them on sue at 01113.7 890. Each. Seigt. Major Martin, Proprietor. i EWWWWWWWWW WWEPWEWQWWWEEEWBS EESESES Mirror Office: Willi” nIIIl got. l'Ilce l.l.~Il.â€"tf l l l mama ERNST-352.5%? FEELS]: BEESâ€"flak? .3: 480. to $2. 75. At prices fiom 48c. to $-. , we havealargc Iange of children's Our Extw 0“” l.‘ Shlc 0‘ dresses both colored and white. wash 300‘“ “”5 ”1° re. mThe prICcs rcpiescnt 3 in die over presents a very 1”?“ 53””: the bare test ofinatcrial as well 3’ “1 echp'Ional I wish to inform the eltizens of Ome- range. SEE THEM Ineenndsurrounding country that I See our table of new wash will l‘ccep constantly on hand, at large {:SEE 0U R l Fabrics, WOIIJI tip to 25C. Bm’yo, .. DRESS Goons SPECIILS. l ROUGH LUMBER, .._.. em .. .. FOR 10c- All kinds of Dressed Lumber, Sash, Doors, BlIuds, Moulding: (kc. Also Latli Shingles, do. it Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. NEW Lon It 'Don’t Forget A call is most respectfully 80 ll lied. J. J lllEHlllS O MED/BEE. 385 GEORGE STREET, PETERBORO. L5: EE'SEESEP SF£- 56â€"53â€"52â€"535 Eli {ELEESE 2525251 SEC :7 fif‘u‘ inLSESESEE‘EEb‘ES‘EEPSESEfi Dr. Neelands, DlCNl‘IS’l‘, - LINDSAY, Visits the Omemce Commercial Hotel, The Peoples Grocery QREERKEEa 915 full up Will} :Illkinds of NDIES, [3’ Confectionery, Biscuits, l‘ruits, Almonds, Oranges, Lemons lx‘ IisIns, c. opposite the new Post Office Block, the Admin- istered gas with great success for over Beautiful teeth and splendid fits. (‘rmvn and bridge work inserted. first Tuesday of every month. 25 years. Lindsay ollice nearly opposite Simp- son’s llotel.â€"28-ly Dr. F. A. Walters, l)lI‘..\"l‘lS'l‘, LINDSAY. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- gens. ’ ~ -- Call and See Our Display. All the latest and improved branches W. E D B URN. of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. O F F l C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent. and William streets. Bradburn House, OM EMEE, third Monday of each morItlI.â€"-l7-l.v The Rathlounl gamms Cut in Cigars Trilbys - 6 for 25 cents Winks 7 for 25 “ Alabamas - 6 for 25‘ “ -’ Scotch Reel 7 for 25 " O S Up-to-date - 7 for 25 “ , ’ SpeCIal ‘ 3 for IO “ 1 Is the Place to Buy I umber, Lath Shingles, Cement, 1 las- Vencedora 6 {Or 25 "‘ ter Paris Charcoal. Also iltauquarters for Vi indsor Salt, “ Daily Bankrupt Stock of Pines 25c. Pipes - for 15 cents' 35 and 40c.Pipes for 25 “ 15c Pipes for IO “‘ toe Pipes for 5 “ corn cobs -2 for :5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at WM. CQLYI'N’S 'ronnorinl. Parlorâ€"n. KING 's'rnaa'r. CHEMBE- Bn-' .. r’. ,- ?. f f: '. -.5 Cheese Butter ” Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Alwa3s on hand. Perfecth Dried and Seasoned. Best qualifies Hard and Soft Co:.Il Cordwood and Millw.ood L.. ... Call and get our prIccs and examine goods. ... TELEPHONEsâ€"Agent' s Ofiicc, 77 B; Town Office,7 77 Mill Office7 G. H. M. BAKER, Agent, ; Lindsay " “m."MVMâ€"V“_1w-,3_va, ...... . . . . . The Best and l in jeWelry Can be seen I)" 5 state, and w hen 3 the goods and prices 3 lize what Splendid given. Everything attraciive. Kings III with stones that we ca: \Velding Rings 14k, watch repairing. pl'ICL‘ IIJJlltEl The Pooo Jewelry 77 Kent-St, L Cook's Cotton Be: is successfully uso-d . ODOOMdIes. safe. .4: ~ our (Ir "' Is: for Coot" kenOoL. (133.3311 ‘ . reactions are da ngc mes. Pri box;h'o.2.10 degrees I: .ror. w: tor trialled 0.: receipt. of pr. c “an 3- The Cook Comp an 06.1 and 2 sc.d n M: reeo mponslbienraggtsts- '. c" - â€".___ ___.___.__..____i , 4 LOCAL LRCO If you feqlllr-q ait3lliltlg Cyo‘lnuve (to. (‘all and :I.I Bolted free. HALlUlaCll-Ilt '. I! Cut), llni‘giet an “Idea.].â€"b{. A junior foot brill team aunts-rd tn Ouicuicc, tI.I h‘lIIclI have decided to LI no.“ the cheese factor} ..II “rim-III of Suturing , .‘-l .13. body cI-IIIe. t'upt. M. iii Billet", 'l'reas , W Lang. llmuuu Braid), ler. t 5, keep: in on . c. It huge at: d of granular .It pr: .Iei- its d III. GHQ! us a. call \\ l «I .ll PreLJ. 13.1w hllkei". uptii 5â€"H eye spools-lint, {lulu 4; chicane-u are. tin»: a 3 be Mounds!» tle ”radium: I 'lrbéll {nor «Mice. All consult charge. ruuu- having; wmtk‘ eye-mould hu‘. lull to equal Mr W ll stimuli Legs J to the fem « rs ll at Le LIIIJ u-mhtur lur “em lug lilgii ota-el Cl?!) farm and mi uhicli he intends t.- Imam erect A! Lil. laurel III-65th! (out. can be ll-lldt- IIII3 iII: ‘I'ado --f VI in- to run! ..M .ill moms, and in guaranteu changes! lei-cc node. k grit-re. Maud lleiittle ~I-., of H. “see hen-e11 lo “ :m- on.) noes-maker III the L'I.I:c.l Turuiztu Shir §a3 s elm III: bridle tour at any time Month: To ”.6 l'lllxlch-YI-l.r Lurch) nutlurized to ten Cline price (In II. twenty cent lmttle of Greene'I Byrupof Tar,” it {axis . rough of cold. (Signed) The Lester l A than was swept tl:r II: New Y rk seine-s inr titre 5 mile. It must 1;;IvcbcI-I on his coiistiiuti. II. RAMSAY PA!.\'TS.â€"'f paints to pal .t right 5 ture adv; outside pug by T J. Parsons, Omeni Mcl’ltersm: (Q (‘o., 4'32 \: burn, are able at :tli_\ tum,- ‘ltli a new of occult: f:_: at: 3 Iuako ,. r lIIId, I supplies liq. mt: 1:; Drs. Wightmau Dentists of Peterl Omemee every - Office two Door '1‘. Ivory Sons Store. 84 sure :Ini keep a but» A crying youngster irigl burglars away from a ll ling last week Should not the law :4. “our! (senses ahpl“ to _: ANNUL'N('F.M f-._\"l‘.â€"â€" VII the Drug Ruslut- -55 f-. Im r durum llt‘ln n .Imc ..i Ill .\I l“ Unmrruuc ll Izu II I II. V“ be my core to Iiiiilntnl tulmi so love held by ”It- lhbleméds and fior occur“ guano! medlclum and pro 8“qu \rlfl be tnolnmtiicd adolescent-nee. lIIvIIIII or "trounce. very respect DA VIHDUS.-3m. Prof. Do Silberg's nex nee will be in August. l The Family Herald, um». and the Coronet King Ede arc! and Q: for 75¢. The above pit; to new subscribers for I! cum, to Jun. lot, 1903, eluded. We can so: d It old to our present subs ht next. including :1 pictures. for only 50c, the greatest value set. in! to accept our offer

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