. Ti’iAiH, will be at the Mirror Ofï¬ce, on Friday, May 22. One Day Only. ' l M“â€" WWW WAKELY 8r FORD. iï¬ Arr Extraordinary Assemblage cf ValucSy FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY; Every Item a Business Bringer for Us. Why are prices so low? Because of our large Syndicate accounts with the makers. Because we deal direct with them. Because we have our ï¬nger on the pulse of trade al- ways--know when to buy; know that we can sell any quantity of the merchandise right; are ready to seize an opportunity,and because ‘ i TS - The best Paint on earth is the Sherwin â€"-\\'illiams. Those who have used it say so. Those who have not used it should. and be convinCcd that what we say about it is true. Fills better, covers more surface and lasts longer than any other Paint. Everything in :stock for house cleaning. .A CAR LOAD of Nails. Fence Wire, and Builder's Supplitsjust to hand. we are STRICTLY CASH DEALERS. Anyway, we are very proud of the good fortune that brings the distribution of such bargains to this store. Shouldn’t we be? Don’t miss reading about these, then come and inspect them. Purses. Ehalclaincs A Bclls Reduced. A big lot ofnew Purses, Chatelaines and Belts. all bought under price, and as OUR MOTTO IS, “ Underbouglit, Under- _.. â€"â€"-__â€"â€"â€"â€". _.-â€" ...A...._â€"- ': Dominion Carriage Works. : ,Everybody who has a Buggy or Vehicle of any kind, get your tires reset on one of Henderson’s ‘: Tire Setting Machines. : :Manufactumd by the Standard Tire Setter (30., Keokuk. Iowa. sold,†these go out at big reductions like this : The PURSES are the best bargainsâ€"$3.50 kinds $2.25; 2.00 for 1.29; I 00 for 690.; One. for 390., and 30c. for 19c. CIlA’l‘ELAINES, $2.00 kinds 1.25; 1.50 for 98c. BELTS. The $1.50 styles 1.19; 1.25 styles 98c.; 75c. styles 59c., and 50c. styles 29c. Gloves, Hosiery Underwear. 3 2 doz. pair \Vomen‘s blk. Mocha Gloves, perfect ï¬tting, the regular dollar quality, but because ofa slight discolor on the in- side, we reduce to clear 49c. 25 doz. or black Cotton Stockings; the lot comprises an extra heavy ribbed stocking for boys, a lighter weight in ribbed or plain; for women, all fast black, guaranteed to give good wear, regular 20 and 25c. kinds, while they last,ouly 15c. 15 doz. \Vomen’s Cotton Undervests, warm weight, fine elastic rib, long sleeve, ribbon on neck, good wearers, would cas- ‘3 . It sets them cold. .It does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps ily sell for more money, Friday, 2 for 250. t: the dish of wheelsyust right. It does the work perfectly. It is a 2_ doz \Vomen's-CIO' d S'lk I M' t 1. wonderful iinprOvement over the old method. 3 ' ’ ‘C5 an ‘ ' -ace E ‘1 s, a "g assort- mrnt to choose from, Lisle ilirt- d, Silk Taffeita, pure Silk or No more guess work, but tires are reset accuratclv and quickly. ’3; Without any chanCe of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having one of these Tire Setters in practical operation, the patronage of the public 15 solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. u. § GEO. ENGLISH, OMEMEE. Silkette. in all the [M St and fashionable shades, as greys, tans, black or white, with or without dome fasteners, Friday's price, a pair 25c- 25 doz. white Linen Handkerchiefs, for Girls or \Vomen, narrow hem stitch, medium size, reg. 5c. each, Friday 10 for 25c. 18 doz. Cotton (‘orsct Covers. made of nice quality white cotton, With tucks and insertion, trimmed with or without em- I broidery, reg. 351'. value, Friday 25c. *- . ., - 25 Writer’s licir Tailor-Marie Sriis, or Sale Fiiiai, about a HALF PRICE : ‘1' The Standard REGULAR FOR A t ' $13.50w ((7'â€" "i ~' 15.00 $9 83 r .. 18.00_¢._/;\ b - - v ‘ You may not credit this statement for the truth. but if you will glanCe at the showing of thz-se new garments in our show windows you willsoou be convinced that our statement is correct. The lot includes several new and exclusive styles all made for this season‘s Sellingâ€"not one suit in the lot that is not worth $3 to $10 more than the price we ask, but because they were shown as samples we bought thtm about half price. Dictionary -This is the Opportunity of the Season, and if you wish to save dollars you’ll be wise to make an early selection. for Half Price. Wekely Ford,- 3.: ' The Safe, Satisfactory Store, L‘ , . LINDSAY.\ VON: oi the Bi Sndicate. i, We have a. number of copies of tne Stand- {W gimw‘j Ef‘ = {ard Dictionary in the -_._~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ---â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 3.»: ' '. TOWH Fathers Meet. Lockup 1.25; 1 lock for â€". FOLLOWING BINDINGS: -â€"-â€"-â€" D 3°° , ‘ Council Chamber, Omemee, ' ' y, I ‘ «,5; .' April 1 1903. Morton, for March . . 6 00 . ‘ . ’ \rioved ly Coun. S'kuce sec. 1) K -, u . . s.‘ s .Q . o, A t l , y f ‘ -.Two Volumes in Full Morocco, Publisher’s Prlce CgfmC†m tr“ 10°11“; WT; Com, Cam, ma, BHWJO, the g _ . to a Journmcn . resen eeve, - - .. fb r f , . _ ' _ purpose 0 orromng a sum 0 money ‘ l, . , . $24-00 WhICh W6 W111 SSH for $13 00 Parsons, in the chair, and Couns. S. for school purposes, be now readaï¬rst is“ _ - - - ° Skuce and R. Carey. The minutes of timeâ€"Carried. . ., . 118813. Blndin re ular , is TWO Volumes In Half R g, g last meeting were read, approved of and Moved by (,oun. Carey, 53C- by ' $20.00 Edition for $11.00. conï¬rmed. Coun. Skuce, that By Law, No. 339, i A . " ' ' be now read a " - M..ved by Coun. Skuce, sec. by for borrowing money,- Oné VOIUIDO Halt Russm, rEgUIar $1700 Edl' Coun.(Iarey, that the 'l‘reasurer’s bonds second time in committee of the whole be accepted.“ ~Carried. . and blanks tilled in. Coun. Skuce in 1 n for 9.00. . . .‘ t 0 $ Moved by Coun. Skuce, see. by Chim- (,arricd. A i . . .- .. ' . ' Moved by Coun. Carey, sec. by . TI NS ON GENERAL (,oui.. (.arey, that having examined the ‘ . WRITE Us FOR QUOTA 0 following accounts, and the same hav- Coun. Skuce, that Bylaw, NO- 339, “ ' REFERENCE WORKS. inn been found con-pct, that the Reeve be now read, a third time, signed, seal- {3 issue his check on the Treasurer for Cd and engrossed ~Oartied. the suer"l amounts “z ._ Moved by Coun. Skuce, that where- ‘ ' at s - y ' G it Balfour y Salary . as James Evans and jas. E. Adams Alf‘f‘lemmeti due month’s were elected to the otiices of Council- . . , salar _ . 1015 in the Village of Omemee, for 1903, Keep 3 â€in“; $1 5°' 2 locks and having absented themselves from I , n y i“: . . i . for Cells 50c . _ . . 2 00 the Council meetings for a period of .1 - . v. . . . ., I i . three months, we therefore declare their - ~ . . , halsominmg Lockup . . . 2 co , d d 1 ct' ' fl . U ' Nails and repairs for side- seats vacant, an or eranew cc 1011 -- ~. TOI’OIItO. ‘ - , ~. walks...... 285 .$15c0 300 to ï¬ll said vacancies.â€"â€"Lost for want 0' a Seconder. " . t tfshd 110‘00 ,, .l- .l- N‘Lhdg’ con me O c Moved by Coun. Skuce, see. by Rep. fence $1.2 5; 1 lock for to wait on the 'l‘ow - . 1'6“:le to grader, and see if this Coun- ' ' .â€"â€"Carried. grading on the streets WAKELY FORD ! cil could hire the grader for to do some ._. VA (dc-nu. Carey; that the Eeeve be asked I - 6i iiship Council with b The Council then adjourned. '1‘. J. PARSONS, Reeve. (EEO. A. BALFOUR, Clerk. â€"'â€"'â€"â€"'_â€"_= VOIOODVILLE. The induction of the Rev. Mr. Kan- nawin, of Omemee, to the Presbyterian congregation here, took place on April 28th. The day being all that could be desired a number of our young men and older ones as well, went to Black- water junction to meet the reverend gentleman and welcome him here. In ilie afternoon a large number of people assembled in the church, and about three o’clock the induction servrces were proceeded with, Mr. Fraser, of Uxbridge, preaching the sermon. Mr. Wishart, of Beaverto’n, addressed the minister, and Mr Tower, of Kirkfield, the people. This being over. the peo- ple were invited to a large dining hall in the basement. where lunch was pro- vided by the ladies, and a very enjoy- able time spent. In the evening the choir gave some excellent Selections, intermingled with short addresses by the resident ministers, which was much enjoyed by the people. The church was suitably decorated for the occasion- l â€"Watchman-Wardcr Correspondence. Special valley for your roof, all ready to put'on, made out of the very best material. Eavetroughing, and general job work attended to scientifically and promptly. W. I). Stinson. FUNNY ADVERTISEMENTS. Somebody has been collecting qiieer advertisements from the papers; here are a few specimens :â€" “Anuual sale now on. Don’t go elsewhereto be cheatedâ€"come in here.†“A lady wants to sell her piano, as she is going abroad in a strong iron frame.†“For salt-HA pianoforte, the proper- ty of a musician with carved legs." "Wantedâ€"eA room by two gentle- men about thirty feet long and twenty feet broad.†“Lost-â€A collie dog by a man on Saturday evening answering to jim wrth brass collar round his neck and a muzzle." “Mr. Brown, furrier, begs to announce that he will make up gowns, caps, ctc., ior ladies out of their own skins.†“Bulldog tor sale; will eat anything; very fond of children.†bIOw the same." “Wantedâ€"For the summer a cottage for a small family with good drainage.†“Lostw Near Highgate archway, an umbrella belonging to a gentleman with a bent rib and a bone handle.†“Widow in comfortable circumstan- ces wishes to marry her two sons.†FOOT BALL NOTES. At a meeting of the Midland Foot- ball Association, which was held in the Y. M. C. A. parlours, l‘etcrboro, on Saturday afternoon, April 25111, at 2 o’clock, it was resolved that the con stitution of the Western Football Assoc iation, with amendments suitable to local conditions, should be adopted. A sub-committee consisting of l)rs.- Morgan and Keith, president and vice- president respectively, was elected to deal with the issuing of permits, certifi- cates, and any other business matters that might come out. Three groups were formed as fol- ' lows :â€" No. 1~Cordova, Warsaw, Havelock and Norwood. No. 2â€"Chemong, Bridgcnorth, Pet- erhoro and lakeficld. N0. 3â€"--Omernee, Millbrook, Beth- any and Peterboro. The following schedule was drawn up :â€"â€" GROUP I. May tzâ€"Cordova at \\"arsaw. 13â€"Norwood at Havelock. 22-â€"Havelock at Cordova. 22â€"â€"â€"\\’arsaw at Norwood. 29â€"Warsaw at Havelock. 29â€"Cordova at Norwood. June 3â€"â€"Warsaw at Cordova. 3â€"â€" Havelock at Norwood. 8 â€"Cordova at Have-lock. 8â€"â€"N0rwood at Warsaw. 1 9 7â€" Havelock at Warsaw. 19â€"Norwood at Cordova. GROUP 2. May 16~Chemong at Bridgenorth 16 â€"Pcterbor0 at Lakeï¬eld. 2 3â€"Bridgenorth at Peterboro 2 3â€"lakeï¬eld at Chemong. 3oâ€"Bridgenorth at l akefield 30â€"Chemong at l’eterboro. June 6â€"Bridgenorth at Chcmong 6â€"lnkeï¬eld at Pcterbcro. 13â€"Peterboro at Bridgenorth 13â€"Chemong at Lakcï¬eld. zoâ€"Iakefield at Bridgenorth zoâ€"Petedioro at Chemong. 013.011? 3. V- As given in o‘iii' last. issue. (lil' Ii ' , . . n. .. . . .i...‘.n., M @52 SE Riemasabï¬ï¬csaasaaca The Store That Never DiiaBIilllirii. 5; gï¬ggaï¬asï¬isasasasasmastï¬ï¬aby . mmasESBEBSEESEP-Sasmsasaï¬samasa IF YOU WANT TO KNOW liwhac SMARTLY DRESSED MEN are wear- ing, ask our Salesmen to show you itil/liiiilliii irrri Brand Clothing-it’s Correct Clothing. prove satisfactory. i Are innumerable, when your suit or top coat dets not fit or You can avord these annoMmCS 1" 11m mg the WHOLESALE TAILORED, Rig.iiii'-'r‘ri.\\-i.;AR “ Climax" and “20th Centuryn. EVERY GAR MEXT l’lilx‘l‘ECT x.\' FIT before it leaves our store. . livery garment carries our Guar- A germ TWO STORES ARE woaun AVISIT q AND INSPECTION. antee. EVERYTHING NEW. ‘-.‘.1 (W. “13‘ “Elm: . are. SEE-Tr? ‘5 25295-9...“ ES 11.? use I s SEBSEEE‘IE’.“ a 5‘2 “SWIM“. A 2561471995 35135858535 2! RESESEBHEEBSES ages 9:25 a? 25 E5 iii-H r T. BRADY, Lindsay‘s Leading r Grocer, Kent St , lini- orient tile large»! “\i'antedâ€"An organist and a boy to and iwut fltni'kfl in tire (minty int-house . from, Everything fresh and g0od. A l call solicited. def )hc lil‘ln II .mu- 0] J" .\l UN 1) \V A LSH, lwill cunt‘nuc It uy'iu the stunt) mime. It. wMI be my rare in umitliniu 'hu man repu- atlnn oi medicines and prmcriptimrs. Stock wil‘ be maintained a! a high stand- ard oi‘excellenro. inviting a conductance or patrrulnflv, very respectfully. DXCKSUN DA V it‘ll! iN.â€"§im. STRAYED Into the premises of the undersigned Lot 13, Con. 2, Emily, on or about April 291b, 1903. 2 year old Steers. 1.5 property, paying charges and taking them away. 1. H. FEE, ()incuiee P.(). The limcrncc Mirrcrr is pnbllstwd every Thursday Morning at it. onlce, King Street,mnemcc. ADVERTISING RATES: lyr. Omo. 3m". lmo. lwk. (‘oiuimi $50 $25 $15 $6 $2 it‘oluinn '25 if) b‘ 3 1 Column 15 it 5 2 me. Professional Cams. one inch and undcr, su'ipcr year. $3 for six months, :5! iur one month. Legal notices Ron-Ms per line ï¬rst inser- tion. 2 cents per line em-h subsequent in- «artlonâ€"Nonpnriel measurement. 12 lines to the inch. Advertisements ranch as lost. strayed, wanted. etc., will be inserted tlireu mm; for *1 one ins-r tion 50 cents. each subsequent. In artlori'zï¬ceuts. f urths, Dcatlwnuid Marriages are inserted rec. Advertisements will be continued and charged for until iorhidiien. Changes of advertisements are to be in the office not. later than Monday. 817 BSt‘RlI‘TION RATES Terms. Slï¬i r ~ear, or I. - paidintuit-numb):3 5 3 00per 3883' it C. W. RICHARDS, I Edilor and Publisher k“â€". â€"_.ï¬ Victoria Loan and Sarirgsllompary. littioii so In: 1; MPH! b_\ the business :or re- . liable gorwlsnnd ‘nr accuracy in the preamr- i ‘no The tiiulorsigiwi i~ prepared in loan money on ï¬rst-mass iirni property in i large amount:- a'. éé ier rent. Small ‘ amounts at H)i',;llli\ i creased ram of ANNUI'Nl‘HMl-NT.â€"‘liti\'lng hutch.“ y interest... 'lernisni re pa)tilrlll to suit the» Drug Business torntvrlycarri‘ d on 1111- l borrower. I. E. WELDON Barrister, Solicitor, 1km, Lindsav, Out. In Unit‘uiee ï¬rst 31.41:“) each month. y ~‘ ‘ ' , l b l$.â€"uuve F9V978i1llrlrlr fru- desire to buy good farm property at a bargain. â€"‘.’7-lx Seed Barley. The undersigned has on hand i l . Ia quantity of cit-an seed barley . , e. . . - s - v . ,r . ' 10mm can l'LLO\Ll’ same 1y prmm ! for sale at 55¢. per bushel. l T. B. LAIDIJiY. Oriieriiee P. 0. Or 0" bremises, Lot 2, Con. 4, Emily. Cut in Cigars v4._‘.â€"â€"_r Trilbys - 6 for 25 cents \Vinks 7 for 25 “ Alabamas - t» for 25 “ Scotch Reel 7 for £5 ‘: Up-to-date - 7 for :5 “ Specral 3 for 10 L Vencedora 6 for 25 Bankrupt Stock of Bins for 15 ccnts AA 25c. Pipes - 35 and 40c.Pipcs for 25 ‘6 15c Pipes for 10 “ 10c Pipes for 5 a corn cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fi'csll at w M. c o LY I_ .N’5 ion-orig! Pal-Ion. KING STREET. OIEKEEO For Service- The 'l‘horo‘bred Short HOâ€). Durham Bull, "Crown's Star. will be kept for service on the Head Ofï¬ce, - - LINDSAyflpremises, lot 10, con. i, 1‘3"“.‘3 Allowed 0n 8% Per Gen May be deposited or withdrawn any day in sums of $1.00 and upwards. 4 Per Get Money to Loan on Real Estate. Ofï¬ce Hours : 9 am. to 4.30 pm Paid on De- bent ures. [Authorized Capital - $300,000.00. W. Fliielle, James Lriir. PRESIDENT. MANAGER. . . ..»....-.J;,.‘Aw\ ..... i during season of 1905. _ PEDIGREE . Crown's 5ҠDark red uitn Star on forehead. “‘1 by cm. 11': Hair, 24715 ; Dam. â€w" Pride â€_ 26027, tw hm} [,guminwne 2317"; am, â€Olin “are raw l'fl‘jf": Grit-ennui 404; darn, Lillian “9"" "73‘ ' Pnllllac 7505; (lulu, Gnendollm’ ("m 3H", by British Sovereign â€â€œ6; dam: Alice 6an 29.33 by Abergel-“t‘ (inlt’ )' dam, Certainty 734, h" Walli'" 5533?": Strawlerry 11'4“: Princi- Prim†936'. dam Prinirm IT‘- hv V1'iflhi â€30.: dameunada Bell 7â€, by Archdukeilh. dam. Red 12- so VIM. '\v Y in"! fulfil." ma: dam Lady 1.... (two) cm A" 5" warm 20m, bv 8.... of Mr. nun"! 3'"! 4' 97. by Ynnn: Star 5319. by Bu‘d’nr’ 567. by a Son of Comet 155. TERMSâ€"f1, payable March 1‘, 1904' EDWARD SHERIDAN. Oniemce P. 0‘ FOOT 1N M: (iii lilt' iilS TU! at ii . Callie i2-Lt I: itioriiizi (\r'i.‘ fencing. have {or homes: ii prirw 1. mainly!" slt‘t‘i 2:2! {iglfaf‘n ; yen ‘ 5111.4; :4: All cil recent.) ‘ by on r l wonicr‘ I iu-r iihfli‘ ticx'. I‘.‘.itl latiot‘. wizcr‘. . c in“: : «Kin-.16 :1 1:132 ‘ We Kai our to‘ :16 [ u inhumani- tlie cm.“ giro ox a tlot‘. « i S, 1904 TI kindledâ€; Shoe chi no." Slit) sir 3‘" Th! 1 am Earn up e did 3 6d a open well Mr. one of amts i the ' his 0 .1. _ A \‘ct who receiv while