--.-...,~-. .. »_qâ€"§â€"‘.,.. --,., A, . 4-9. » a.-. TTliSlll TH,W actical Watchmaker. 850., will be at the Mirror Ofï¬ce, on Friday, May 22. One Day Only. gWAKELY 81 FORD. TS we have our ï¬nger on Those who Those who have not used it should. and be I'ills better, covers Everything in The best Paint on earth is the Sherwin â€"\\ illiams. have uSed it say so. convinCed that what we say about it is true. )- more surface and lasts longer than any other Iaiut. :stock for house cleaning. A CAR LOAD of Nails. Fence Wire, and Builder’s Supplitsjust to hand. 'Wm. Curry 81: Co. OMEMEE bargains to this store. and inspect them. Purses. Ehaielaiues ': Dominion Carriage Works. : .Everybody who has a Brigg} or \ ehicle of any kind, get your tires reset on one of Henderson’ 5 styles 59c., and 50c. styles 29c. ': Tire Setting Machines. : Elanufactumd by the Standard Tire Setter Co., Keokuk, Iowa. It sets them cold. It does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps W Ctl COUld hire “1:323: (2:33.110 some Why are prices so low? Because of our‘ 1 to wait on the 'low reg: 111] to grader, an grading on the s An [xiraurdinary Assemblage of Values FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Every Item a Business Bringer for Us. 7’ A Money Saver for You. W large Syndicate accounts with the makers. Because we deal direct with them. Because the pulse of trade al- ways--know when to buy ; know that we can sell any quantity of the merchandise right; are ready to seize an opportunity,and because we are STRICTLY CASH DEALERS. Anyway, we are very proud of the good fortune that brings the distribution of such Shouldn’t we be? Don’t miss reading about these, then come dBelis Reduced. A big lot of new Purses, Chatelaines and Belts all bought under price, and as OUR MOTTO IS,“ Underbought, Under- sold," these go out at big reductions like this: The PURSES are the best bargainsâ€"$3. 50 kinds $1. 25', 2.00 for 1.29; 1 00 for 69c 60C. for 390., and 30c. for 19¢. CHAIELAIVES, $2. 00 kinds 1. .25 ; 1.50 for 98c. BELIS. The $1. 50 styles 1.19; 1.2 5 styles 98c. ; 75c. Gloves, Hosierydz Underwear. 2 doz. pair \Vomen‘ s blk.Moch.'1 Gloves, pe1fect fitting, the regular dollar quality, but because ofa slight discolor on the 111 25 doz. or black Cotton Stockings; the lot comprises an extra heavy ribbed stocking for 11035, a lighter weight in ribbed or plain; for women, all fast black, guaranteed to 1:111.- good wear, regular 20 and 25c. kinds, \11hilethe3 last, only 15c. 15 doz. \Vormn' 5 Cotton Undervests, warm weight, fine elastic 11b, l0ng sleeve, ribbon on neck, good 11',ea1ers would cas- 11. Silk laff1tta, pure Silk or T1,; the dish of wheelsjust right. It does the work perfectly. It is a â€T 58†f3†{Tate 11101161611 Tick»; $11256 ‘1. wonderful improvement over the old method. 25 OZ omen s mes an 1 Lace Mitts, a big assort- . F nirnt to choose from, I isle thrt {g No more guess work, but tires are reset accurately and quickly. Silkette in all th‘ l)1 Si and flSlIIUmlble shades as {1105, tans, g 1' Without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any black or “bite, “itll or “ltllOUt dome detench 1 riday 5 mice, way injuring it. Having one of these Tire Setters in practical Operation, the patronage of the public is solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. â€a . GEO. ENGLISH, OMEMEE. a pair 25c narrow in n1 stitch, medium size, cotton, wrth tucks and insertion, 251102. white Linen Handkerchiefs, for Girls or \Vomen, reg. 5c. each, Friday 10 for 25c. 18 doz. Cotton ( orsct Covers. made of nice quality white '-."' _- -__a..*L.--- “v-4.---c--._,._~__-__,,_,w belder), re". 35c. value, I‘riday 25c. 1. 25 Weuen’siieu'lailur-Made8111111 Sale Friday, airuui T ’5 . HALF PRICE. : The Standard REGULAR TT " 15 OO Dictionary : r r r r r l r r r r r r r r r l r A. *- T Wakely $13.50w ‘- $9 89 18.00 g: 5. 2: I; ' ' You may not credit this statement for the truth, but if you will glance at the showing of th se new garments in our show 11'indo11's3ou will soori beb conv inced that our statement is correct. The lot includes several new and exclusive styles all made for this season 5 Sellingâ€"not one suit in the lot that is not worth $3 to $10 more than the priCe we ask, but because they were shown as samples we bought than about half price. trimmed \Vlth 01' without 601-; This is the Opportunity of the Season, and if you wish to save dollars you’ll be wise to make an early selection. 81 Ford, 5., ; ' The Safe, Satisfactory Store, ' . .N f ' . -3; We have a number of copies of the Stand- {EINDSAY One of the Blg TT‘TTTT "' - ,ard Dictionary in the -_._wâ€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"-â€"»~ ---â€"â€"--â€"â€" 3.1T ' 1 Town Fathers Meet. 1 .ockup 1.25; r lock for FOLLOWING BINDINGS: , â€" ,â€" '§,,. ‘ (.ouncrl Chamber, Omemee, 1 .. _ \prilr, 1903. i ' i I Two Volumes in Full Morocco, Publisher's Price Council met at 7-10 p m. pursuant ‘ _ i . .11 11 f $13 00 to adjournment. l‘resent Reeve, 'l.J. T" T T- T $24.00 WhICh W3 W1 SB 01‘ T . Parsons, in the chair, and Coulis. S. vs" The minutes of Two Volumes in Half Russia Binding, regular 5111166111111 k (MY- 1 00 Eth. f $11 00 last meeting were read, approved ofand $20. 1 ion or . . conï¬rmed. ‘ 'I' - M1,ved by Coun. Skuce, sec. by one VOlume Halt RUSSla, regular $1700 Edl- Coun.(2arcy, that the 'l‘reasurer’s bonds be accepted.-~Car ried. tion for $9. 00. ‘ Moved by Coun. Skuce, sec. by1 WRITE US FOR QUOTATIONS ON GENERAL tf.pluri:.(3are3', that: biggiifï¬gï¬lccmf REFERENCE WORKS 0 011111,, . .. ., . . ing been found correct, that the Reeve issue his check 011 the Treasurer for the several amounts, viz :â€" G. A. Balfour, % Salary . . $ 15 co Alf. Clemmett, one month’s salary . . . 3 00 Keep 3 tramps, $1.50; 2 locks " ‘ i for Cells, soc. . . . . 2 _oo ‘ T . ' .‘ or O . , Kalsomining Lockup . . . 2 co' ‘ , a _ I ' ' . Nails and repairs for Side- walks . . . . 2 85 J. J. Nichols, contractof shed no '00 Rep. fence $1. 25; 1 lock for shed 501'. . . . . 3 oo 1). H. McKinley, keep of M Morton, for March . . 6 00 Moved ly Coun. E'kucc, sec. by Coun. Carey, that By-lawâ€"for the purpose of borrowing a sum of money for school purposes, be now read a ï¬rst timeâ€"Carried. Moved by Coun. Carey, sec. by Coun. Skuce, that By Law, No. 339, for borrowing money, be now read a second time in committee of the whole and blanks filled in. Coun. Skuce in Moved by Coun. Carey, sec. by Coun. Skuce, that Bylaw, No. 339. be now read, a third time, signed, scal- cd and engrossed â€"Carried.‘ Moved by Coun. Skuce, that where- as James Evans and Jas. E. Adams were elected to the ofï¬ces of Council- lors in the Village of Omemee, for 1903, and having absented themselves from the Council meetings for a period of three months, we therefore declare their seats vacant, and order a new election to ï¬ll said vacanciesâ€"Lost for want 0" a Seconder. Moved by Coun. Skuce, see. by 1 C1 un. Carey; that the Reeve be asked I nawin, riship Council with d see if this Coun- 'lhe Council then adjourned. PARSONS, Reeve. (1; E0. A. BAI.FOU,R Clerk. -. .__. #:â€" â€WOODVILLE. 'lhc induction of the Re1. Mr. Kan- of Omemee, to the Presbyterian congregation here,t took place 011 April 28th. lhe day being all that could be desired a number of our young men and older ones as well, went to Blackâ€" 11 atcr Junction to meet the reverend gentlunan and welcome him here. In the afternoon a large number of people assembledin the church, and about the indu1tion services were proceeded with, Mr. lrascr, of Uxbridge, preaching the sermon. Mr. \\ ishart, of Beavcrton, addrcSSed the minister, and Mr 'lurner, ofKirkfreld, the people. lhis being over the peo- ple were invit1d to a large dining hall in the basement. 11' here lunch was pro- 1ided by the ladies, and a very enjoy- able time spent. In the evening the choir gave some excellent selection , intermingled with short addresses by the resident ministers, which was muc l1 enjo3 ed by the people. The church was suitably decorated for the oc 1asion â€"â€"â€"\\ atchinanâ€" \\ aider (.ori espond1 nce. three o’clock Special valley for your roof, all ready to put 011, made out of the very best material. I‘a11tioughing, and general job work attended to scientificall3 and promptly \\. l). Stinson. FUNNY ADVERTISEMENTS. Somebody has been collecting queer advertisements from the papers; here are a few specimens :â€" “Annual sale now 011. Don’t go elsewhereto be cheatedâ€"come in here.†“A lady wants to sell her piano, as she is going abroad in a strong iron frame.†“For salan pianoforte, the properâ€" ty of a musician with carved legs.†"\\'antedâ€"-~.-\ room by two gentle- men about thirty feet long and twenty feet broad.†“Lostâ€"~A collie dog by :1 man on Saturday evening answering to Jim with brass collar round his neck and a muulc. that he will make up gowns, 1aps,1t1., lor ladies out of their own skins." “Bulldog tor sale; 11 ill eat anything; very fond of children.†“\\:1ntedâ€"â€"â€" \n orginist and a boy to . and lwut moi-kn iii tl e ( urn-11 1111111111319 f blow the same.’ “\\ antedâ€"l or t 1e wound a cott .-1g1 for a small family with good drainage.†“1 ost - Near Highgate archway, an umbrella belonging to :1 gentleman with :1 bent rib and a bone handle." “Widow in comfortable circumstan- ces wishes to marry her two sons.†FOOT BALL NOTES. At a meeting of the Midland Foot- ball Association, which was held 111 the Y. M. I. A. parlours, l‘etcrboro, on Saturday afternoon, April 251h, at 2 o’clock, it was resolved that the con |__..__ -. __ --._ stitution of the Western Football A ssoc l. iation, with amendments suitable to local conditions, should be adopted. A subcommittee consisting of Mrs. Morgan and Keith, president and vice president respectiVely, was elected to deal with the issuing of permits, certiï¬- cates, and any other business matters that might come out. Three groups were formed as fol- lows :â€" No. 1~Cordova, Warsaw, Havelock and Norwood. No. 2â€"â€"Chemong, Bridgcnorth, l’et- erboro and lakeï¬eld. No. 3â€"~Omcmee, Millbrook, Beth- any and l’eterboro. The following schedule was drawn up :â€" GROUP 1. May 12â€"Cordova at Warsaw. 13â€"Norwood at Havclock. 22-â€"Havelock at Cordova. 22â€"â€"â€"\\'arsaw at Norwood. zgâ€"Warsaw at Havelock. 29â€"Cordova at Norwood. June 3 --~\\'arsaw at Cordova. 3â€"- Havelock at Norwood. 8 â€"(‘,ordova at Havelock. 8â€"Norwood at Warsaw. 19â€" Havelock at Warsaw. 19â€"Norwood at Cordova. GROUP 2. May 16â€"Chemong at Bridgenorth. 16 â€"Peterboro at Laketield. 2 3â€"Bridgenorth at Peterboro. 2 3â€"1.:1l1eï¬eld at Chemong. 3oâ€"Bridgenorth at l akcï¬cld. 3o- Chemong at l’eterboro. .June 6â€" â€"Bridgcnorth at Chemong. 6â€"1.:1kcï¬eld at I’eterboro. 13â€"Peterboro at Bridgenorth. 13â€"Chemong at Iakeï¬cld. zoâ€"lnkeï¬eld at Bridgenorth. 20--â€"-Peterboro at C hemong. (‘1va? 3. As given in 011); last issue f .. .. . '. .I...‘.ti.. [31553555252 IF YOU WANT TO KNOW iiiwhae SMARTLY DRESSED MEN are wear- ing, ask our Salesmen to show You SESEEï¬sasaflsai-Iabwcsï¬asam% f The Stars That Never Disaflptlrrlt :3 Ti%agï¬a:dsagasagasasaiï¬adsdsgahay 5.2ï¬sasasasaaa-EESESEBSESEEESESEES: 35353 saris-summers? 252535?! 'T ï¬g Areinnurnerable, when your sort or top (0111 dus not ï¬t or proye satisfactory 3'0" can avoid {lit-St: Zilll103'illt CS ll\ 111133;“ the \VHOI ESALI‘. TAU OKED, KLAIW- 10- \\l'. \R EVERY GARMENT mantra I.\' FIT before it leaves Our store. ~ livery garment carries our Guar- I antee. 5 Tours TWO STORES ARE woaun AVIsrr [4“; AND INSPECTION. Museum... "2..., ‘ m 352.5735? 1.- 3352515, 1. â€253132898525in†mamas asasawsas 35358.5?! 385 81 387 GEORGE STREET, “Mr. Brow,n furrici', bugs to announce [g E E E : i E RB 0R0 . ugaaï¬sâ€"asasaasesasaasasas ESâ€..Sl'§7‘aSESEr 2553:? 5? -zrramlma 4. PER CENT. The "1111915111101. '15 prepared to loan A money on ï¬rst- m in: turn rruprrty in ilacrge 11111111111111 :12 ":61' can! >Inall i amounts at ali; 2111 1 r â€eased ram .1! ANVU! NI )-..\H NT. â€"Unvrng nun-hand g “"979“ lerms “i "3 M“ ““‘m ‘0 “l" the liru: Business fornn rly e: irri‘ don un- borrower. derflu thin 11 m1 M tltMUNlht \V mil-“18' I, E. WELDON [with-211111111111 It rip-1.111111 flame 11.11119. 11. 1114101111115! rare 'P‘illninlnil‘l- -11£ high rcpu- l ration soloâ€. ' hr-i 1111!". nulue-E or re- Bar - g, i i r h. Lindsav, 011‘ II llubl1 gm dutml For sterliram in 11mm- unr- l Hater, ‘ '1 T t“ ‘ T. BRADY, Lindsay's Leadingr Grocer Kent St, imsmwmtieinrgnt from F1er1thlng fresh and goud I call ar-licitehl 81111110! 11- «Heine-u 11an pre-crtpilm1s.‘iie l , .1 1" 1n. , 3, 11:01 Hi. Stock wil be main 111119119111 high â€and- l I" 0"â€;1‘93 ï¬' '4' l' '.'.“ 'l i an! or excellence. Inviting a 111111111111 me» N B .-11a1'e v-e-1er11111ri-fr 711111 who or putrnnnm , ver) rcupe‘clfnll}, DICKSUN lu bnv good farm 3 rm, wrty: '13 bar; *i I- DA \'ISI)UI\'.â€"3m. _27 ly Into the pre mises of the undersigned 0 2 year pld Steers. aquantity of C, 51 seed barley \ V ) ) 'V 1 111er can reco er same 1 Inning {U or sale at 55c per pnqhel property, palyin1H' 1har111s and takin' ll'l1:()1nemec P. O. l- B- LAIDI LT' Uzriernee P. 0- Or on premises, Lot 2, C0“- 4' Emily. Cut 1n Cigars lot 13 (on. 2. Emil), on or aloutI The undersi1'n11l h s on 11.1 nd i l them '111 :13 The flmemee Mirror [11 publlsmd every Thursdav Morning 11: it. __.___' (mice, King Str1~1t,um1mee. '1 flleS . 6 {or 25 cents â€"â€"â€"â€" ,. ' h _ 6‘ MN rzit'rrsmr. turns: “ inks 4 {0T 33 .1 1 yr 61110. 311111. 1 mo. lwk. Alabamas - b 1111’ 25 (‘oinmn $31) $25 $15 $6 $2 Scotch Reel 7 for .25 . 1‘olutn1123 l5 8 3 r ,3 ,- H Column 15 s 5 2 nine. L p-to-date ' 7 Mr -J ‘ Proteus: onul (‘arus 11119111011 and 111 lo - ‘ 1' 10 ‘ $5p1:1 3'1ar. $3 for six 11101111111, :51 ternonre Specâ€! 9 {r0 - H month Vencedora t1 W -’3 Let. in! noilcos 801 nts per line flrut inser- 11011.2 131- My per line «111 h subs-111111011 in- wrtlonâ€"Vonpurh-l measurement, 1’ Hunt to we inch. Aflvertlsoments such as lost, ï¬rm-ed 11'nnt1d.1tc., will he Insert: 11 1111111: tlm. s for Bankrupt Stock of Pipes *1 one lnsu tion 56 1:,e11t11 e111 e - ' ' nts m r-ctlonL'wcents h sub cannot 23C. PIPCS - for 13 CC“ fregatta, Death-1,111“! \iarilngesurelnserted 35 and 40C-Plpc5 {or 25 _ ‘( Advertisements will be continued and ‘SC PTPL‘S {or 10 charged for until torbldden. P . f I' ' u (‘ human or whet-“sermons are to be to 10C "‘83 O D u the onice not later ‘1): in Monday corn c0135 2 for 5 SI 1381' RIPT ION R ATES Terms, $1 '1" :- ear, or I. ' paidinadvu'iici;e y 8 00per “in†l C. W. RICBIARIR, Tobaccos 2.111: :11 s {11511 at WM. COLYI__N’5 Ton-orig! Pal-[om KING STREET. OKEMEE' â€W...â€" Edltor and l‘ubitsher _â€"‘ For Service- The Thorobred short HOT" Victoria Loan and savings Company. Dililrhlamkl'lullf “Crouns 5‘32" “'1 K: ept or ser1i1'1: 011 t 6 Head 0mm, - - LINDSAY.lpremiscs, lot 10, con ,l-inil_1', during season of 190 ,. PE DlGh’lï¬L Crowns Star: Dark "‘1 “I“: Star on foreiienl. K"! bv (man's Hair 247â€; 1111111 5"" Pride 11 2602’, by 1....1 drown-rue 93""1'TM“ "all: hare 1.111211; 11111111" 1 82 Per cell depOS i t S Hriheuuld 4N; dam 1.11....1-1W'2'33 May be deposrted or Withdrawn 3mm", 7595. an," 'G\1rmjolittc (11" any day in sums of $1.00 and 314‘“)! "rim" 50""i1‘" â€'6 “£31; upwards. Alice Horn 2335 hv Abergeiile ( ' dam Certain" 734 by \\ nib-116 653; dun 4 Per Gen 05 . ' Straw-Deny 1‘46: Prince Prince 1 ' Paul on De- Mm Prim-m†,7,“ , wmi â€3:12; Money to Loan on Real Estate. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to .1 30 p n1 dam (‘anula 81-" 717 In Archduke-'1 W. Fiaueile, J 11111 Luu. clam Rod 7:. :9 i-nn 11‘ Y .1111 DIN“? PRESIDENT. MANAGER. * Authorized Capital - $300,000.00. Allowed on bentures. H76: dam Lady Juno (until 08" thins; \antor 21:19 In 1.1.... n! 11:. B1 i" a. 41117 hv Young 8111:5319. by 3m“ 567.!131 a Son of Comm 155 l FERhI°â€" f1, payable March T. 19°41 EDWARD SHERIDAN 0 Ornctnec P‘ Chou is :1 pic '1‘ 11' Sci lllt'nls l and ()1: (“$31091 itim‘lliz', pleatsir‘.1 IN Mr I all llic 1’ his rain at llrt i (11er V 1:11.111 1 1120111112, (-31‘izli‘. fencing. : have Zl'x': somcsi prim“ '.1 number . SYL‘Q‘i itch ;11:.â€.r;i:11 1 Y?!) fun. she}; :11 .» An air recently ' by on - 110111121 it her 111111.1- ricxt 11111:: 13.111111 1.31 when 3..- , bid '1 ' it'd l l)1\"..\1'.‘l 'l‘iic 1"11 11111s‘1'i :1 jtn aged frtl (1"1'113213l l g... z, r 31".. 31:11 0 1:13:11 11:11 no 11'11111111‘ or bald 311 that 2111": “'8 llfl\'i our tubm'd B. be, for hubflfvt-F 1 the cor-srz' ï¬ll“ ex ex “Ct! (.l 5'1 WM '1‘“ Lllniir-l. Iiy :1 Tc Tc'__".1i;‘1'.hrti a llc‘\\$;‘1;i| Com" ;‘.I through 2 Cent 11171 0f {ltc .\i2i this. 11111. 1 unsealed l Big in O May nigl Dari Gala sur1 Omr‘ 25t wel 351111511}. chli. no." Shoehl sir ?" This I am Furnit up ear dta soj ed an opene well 1 Mr. one of ti am1s in the Sou- his Om - The A Vctc who ha 0 received while ea