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Omemee Mirror (1894), 7 May 1903, p. 5

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l l rag Know I are wear- W you lTllllY # Clothing. “W. does not fit or antes by buving mow EAR bntury . :mg Save You :> t2>v llENT PERFECT leaves our store. arrics our Guar- H A VISIT ‘ 1N0 saw. m R0. - ' mw- gel _.*_ B CENT. on»! is prepared to loan «was: )arm ptw-crty in at 4i j-or cunt finial! glitlv l creased rat-m u! I. of to payment to suit LDON citur, r., Lindsay, Ont. VV .3“ Slim-lay each month. vent; l Ilrlite :III) IlI'SIPO . in property at a bargmn. Barley. signed has on hand f clean seed barley ,c. per bushel. i. LAIDLEY. Otneinee P. O. ses, Lot 2, Con. 4. 11 Cigars - 6 for 25 cents 7 for 25 “ - 6 for 25 “ 7 for 25 “ - 7 for 25 “ 3 for 10 “ 6 for 25 " mm of Pines - for 15 cents ipcs for 25 u for l0 " for 5 " 2 for 5 “ os always fresh at ro'lired Short I-Iorri ull, "Crown's Star, pt for service on the 0! 10, con. 1, firmly. on of 1903. ‘ 'EE . Crown's star Us Star on forehand. 2" air 2718; Dun), Bonus? :7 .I)' Lard Lamuum'no ~ella Hat. 1399‘ l'aptuiu ‘4; din», Lillian ”0'” I223": «lulu, Guulcdoline bi". ish Soveni n ”‘25: ‘hm' as. by Maggot-Ho "m" )i n 734. by Walton mm": I46: mince Prim” 9‘ : i7- 3 in- \‘s’iuvv' ”3° ' Boll 7i'7, bv Ami-duhi’m so ‘7'“. kv‘Yv-nRC Bing; 3 Jane (Inn) ’9'. M l by 8.... nl Mafia-am 1"" in: Star 5819, by M'bn" t of Comet 155. TI, Payable W 7’ “)0" ARD sat-nun. . ‘ W P' 0 '3.» u 'â€"â€"â€" . A woman worn-out, who never has to lift a hand for herself, who does not Hnow the meaning of the word “ worry" I blow can it be possible? That it is possi- e is proved by the experience of many a woman who, because of sleeplessness, Egyogislnessfietcmckache and other wom- l Wreck. s, omes an utter physmal Dr. Pieree‘s Favorite Prescri tiou 'ves new life and new strength to wgak, \Ebrn. out, run-down women. It establishes regularity, dries unhealthy drains, heals inflammation and ulceration, and cures female weakness. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. I “I suffered for five vears with inflammation is a pleasant task at McCarty-'5. T ic selection ofjewelry and Olfllil~ merits is large and Well CllOScll. and Our time so much at your disposal, that you are certain of l I meeting your requirements of ,of ladics‘ and gcnt’s watches, and a IC’irrcr from now to .I an. lst, 1904, for only 50c. Subscribe now and get all the News. l P , ~ . II I .- ' THE PEOPLES’ Mr. W. la g. of M illbrook, was in tiwn Tuesday, on business. Mr. I. \\"hitesmith, practical Watch- maker and jeweler, ot Manilla, will be .it the Mirror Office, on Friday, May 22. Be sure and see my special line c.0‘Cc selection of ladies’ and gent’s (h tins, charms, c. They haven very fine appcarance and are made to last : o: merely to sell. One day only. Call early. All work guaranteed or money refunded. The editor of the Cainpbcllford Ile- spatch met with an accident two years :ig) by falling through a large window pane in the front of his office. A num- ber of pieces of glass penetrated his back near the right lung, and scvtmll Up-to-D ate Crockery Line. cf them were removed at the time by a physician. A sharp pain was felt I'L~ cently about six inches below the old wOund, and a physician who made an OMEMEE, Has opened up a large consignment of new and Call and see our stock. Fresh Groceries ARRIVING DAILY. GROCERY I had nervous indigestion and a general de- rangement of the entire system. It had been a continual torture for 12 years. My blooy be- came very poor and at times my toe and fiat-3"?r nails would be diseased. After eating I would s1t 1n a chair and put my feet on 'something to Crockery in Fancy Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Chamber Setts, in all shades, Cups Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers, and everything in the pleasing the recipient 0t your Wedding pres- nts. Our stock of reliable watches can’t be beat. W. l. McElRll’S. . The Popular Jewelry Store, 77 Kent-St, Liiisii Locnl. LACONIC FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT IN OMEMIZE, MAY 23. Mr. I) Rea. ranchman, takes all the cattle East of Umemce. for his ranch, next Monday, May II. at thy Bradlaiin House. All the cattle \VcSl ()I Quit Hire an- to be talun to Mr. Rea's on Tuesday inoruin". Cyclone and coiled spring steel wire fencing, built right on your posts. We have the heaviest, strongest and hand- somcst wire fences in the Dominion, at prices to suit. Any style, height or number of wires you require. Our steel frame,- wire gates are neat in up pcarancc, strongcst on earth, and at very moderate prices, built in our own shop to suit your tastc. W. l). Stinson. An editor of a small American paper recently stated that he had been kissed by on: of the most beautiful married women in town. He promised to tell bcr name in the first issUc of his paper works wonders for weak women. ngeh caused Violent pain and often torture so to “at tpiies that I could not be about to attend of Blith‘ .iily duties.” writes Mrs. julius C. Bell, mi' 1 road. Kingston. Ont. "Lite was simply “user; to me aud I did not know which way to then- do; relief. Had tried doctors but found to _\ i not‘help me. Mydmegifl advised me . li'y Dr: I‘icrcc‘s Favorite Prescriptionâ€"eulo- 3!!ng it in glowing terms. I decided to give it ;\ lt’j-il and brought a bottle home. I am happv _ .” say that a tcr the use of the first bottle I left ; or; much improved I decided to take another and j purer that a third bottle. I have good reasons to ‘1‘: pleased. for I am toâ€"day a well woman. work :3":sz and the world looks bright. I have per- tct health. thanks to your medicine." _Sick women are invited to consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y “Favorite Prescription” makes weak women strong. sick women well. Ac- cept no substitute for the medicine which Dr. Ifierce's Pleasant Pellets should be uSed with " Favorite Prescription ” when- ever a. laxative is required. Risssing in a 'l'unncl. r~.\distinguish~ ed novelist. whose works arc cxtrcnicly popular with the fair sex, recently found himself travelling in a railway curring c H: v ing recognich him from his published portraits, thcy both opened fire upr n with two vcry talkative women. him in rcgard to his novels, which llicy praised in a manner that was unciidur able to the sensitive author. l’rcscut ly the train cnto-rcd a tuuncl, and in ‘ the darkness the novelist, who und. 1' stood worm-u, liftcd the back of his hand to his lips and kisscd it sounding- ly. two women regarding one another in When light returned he found the. icy Silence. and addressing them with great suavity, he said :7 “Ah. ladies, tl.c rcgrct of my life will licrcuftcr be that I shall never know which one of you it was that kissed inc.” examination found a piece ofglass 2 5-8 inches long and 5-8 of an inch thick, lying on the rib. 'l‘hc adjourned Vestry meeting of Christ Church Omcinec was held on \l'cdncsday evening, April 29th. The Rector, the Rev. j. ’H. Tcncy, occu pied the chair. The people’s Warden. Mr. W. H Curry, presented a very encouraging financial rcport. Ncarly fourtccn hundred dollars had been raised for the various purposes of the Church, during the year ending liastcr i903. of five hundred dollars by which the Every This sum included the amount church dcbt reduced. financial department showed an in- crease over the protruding ycar, main- tenance fund, extra parochial contribu- \VIIS . tions and all. Committees were ap- pointed for the more even distribution of the church's work by which it is hoped that the wardens may be rclicv- cd of some of minor anxieties of their office and by which encouragement may be given for the future prosecution The Restor of the church's work. again rc-appointcd llr. Cornwall to be clcrgymau's warden, and Mr. Curry was rcâ€"clcctcd people‘s warden, for the ensuing year. The good people of Christ Church are to be congratulated ll. BRADBURN. Tired 051$. . ~ ‘ i hardly get about the house. I was . tired out all Ill: time. Then I tried . Ayer's Sarsaparilla, and it only took two bottles to make me feel perfectly well.”â€" Mrs. N. S. Swin- lj ncy, Princeton, Mo. 9 i i l E “I was very poorly and could Tired when you go to bed, tired when you get ? .up, tired all the time. ’ Why? Your blood is im- ; pure, that’s the reason. 5 You are living on the border line of nerve ex- 1 haustion. Take Ayer’s “5 .f Sarsaparilla and be -:* . quickly cured. ill°léle§l§z Ask your doctor what he think: of Ayer'n - Sirqapa rilla. He knows all aboutthln grand . tr: old family modlclno. Follow bl- advico and _ .- wa will be satisfied. J. 0. Anna 00., Lowell, mu. ’. . j; rvis. It comprised about thirty cars, an d it was while coming down t'ic grade c:i.-t of the Fcnclou crmsing at a pretty good speed that the accident occurred. upon the result of the ycarjust closed. A broken axle cn one of the cars caus- A ,A ”1"- IN MEMORIAM. ()f lidvar loncs who dc noted this 3 J ed the truck to leave the track, and be fore the crew knew what had happened tcn cars had been derailed and piled high in the air. Two cars were thrown completely across the truck and the keep them from swelling. and at times would take off my shoes for the misery I bad. When' lilil Catapult at Frank. A Former Omemee Citizen There. Sends Telegram to her Parents, Major and Mrs. James Evans. Frank, N. \V. T., April 3o.â€" . This place was visited yesterday morningr by the w0rst disaster that has ever been witnessed in any community in western Cana- da, possibly in the entire Domin- i0u. What was either a slip of land or rock of such gigantic magnitude as to be utterly incon- ceiveable lo the mind of any whose eye has not beheld it, or a slide induced by a seismic uphea- val, killed 83 persons, destroyed the plant of the Canadian-Ameri- can COal and Coke Company, did a vast amount of damage to the mine, and completely devastated about ten square miles of the fin- est and most picturesque section of the Crow's Nest Passâ€"«Globe. An Official Report to the Dep- uty Minister ofthe Interior says in part : 83 killed,of whom about 15 are women and 15 children... It is thought there will be no trouble inm daniming of the river....Rock slide about 4000 it. long‘ extending from the highest point of Ti rtlc: Mountain; wester- ly end of side 33, ft. west ofmouth of tunic‘, extruding across the valley and up the oppOSite bank The ‘ .ever I experience anything to remind me of past aches I cannot be too elated to tell what R1pans Tabules have done for me. I still take. one now and then, because I know how bad have been. They were just what I needed. it DRUGBIS'IS _ The five-cent packet is enough for an ordin- ary o'ccasmn. The family bottle, sixty cents contains a. supply for a year. «SEE-Q5? semis? If you are going to invest in aC‘reani Scparator, let us next month. In two weeks the circu- lation of his newspaper doubled. but whcn he gave the name of his wife, he (iiiurantccd ' ’ l as we positively guarantee the National 3 put a National at your place, for a frcc trial had to leave town. ““15”,, Court Smlngg, May 8th. to be easy to opcritc and to be :1 [cr- fcct worker in every rcsptct and costs The varvin" emotions that rcvudc _ _ ' h p “. l). Stimson. , . . no more than others. a newspaper mans breast may be truly - - - . . . . . . H , , I ' _ _ judged from a recent issue ol one of 0‘“ (l-l.‘ “(â€" “NT J” ulster UNIâ€"l» The next a dust;r thin: All of which denotes that spring, our contemporaries. In that ORCIS>UC he is glad, is pained, is delighted, has r grct, has htartfclt sorrow. With such Conflicting and varying emotions it is no wonder that editors are either grey or bald headed at forty. The wonder is that they are alive. We havenut n-lvancel the price of our toliacu-is, amber sin-king tobacco, B. bl, Currency and l’air l‘lai chewing tubarcos are the same size and price to the consumer as fornwrly. We have also ex'eiule-l the time for the renleiiip tlon of Sm “.the Inns in January Int I904 THE EM 1’] Elli TOBACCO (‘0 , Limited. By a recent change in the postal regulations, news letters addressed to Is beginning to begin. alion lland. Lindsay. has ()pcncd up an up-to~(latc Music Store, next to (‘oad’s Drug Store. Sheet music and all kinds Instruments. (Tull solicited.~-â€" i3 3m Mr. Edward llanccy, returned from his trip to the West, Monday, and rc- ports having had a good time and things booming in that \vcstcrn country. Use only Robertson 5 pure ready- niixcd paints. A large stock of the very richest colors in inside and out- side paints, stains and varnishes. look better, wear lougcr and dry hard- cr than any other in the market. W. l). Slinson. Rev. Mr. McPherson, lately of Haliâ€" fax, a notcd preacher, will occupy the an pulpit, at 2.30 p. m., on a newspaper, when marked “Printers Copy” and left unsealed, will pass through the mails at the rate of one cent per two ounces. Correspondents of the Mirror will please take note of PTCSl))'tC“ Sunday next. Constipation Does your head ache ? Pair back of your eyes? Bu: Big Celebration ‘ in Omemee 25th taste in your mouth?' is . our liver! Ayer s Pills are May' concert at hverpills. Theycure consti- night. Blg pre- pation, ljsecadfilc‘lyfgggyspcpsm. . ______.._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€" parat1ons for a. atmazrmwamr “ a“... a Gala D a Y- .39 BucKiiieHAiii’sniEss.°...: sure and Yls1t Omemee on the 25th. A hearty welcome awaits this, and only use a one cent stamp on unsealed correspondence, unless the weight exceeds two ounces. Mr. Robt. Brown, of Mt. Pleasant, was in town 'l‘u:sday, on business Drs. Wightman Scott, Omemee every '.-‘hursday. Mr. Roncigk, Bandinastcr 45th llutt. llc has left this world below, \‘i'c j positively guarantee our floor paints to If we are faithful in the fight, Dentists of Peterboro, visit m“.- AW“ Sill, 1903‘ aged 36 3‘51““: 1 others were pitched to both sides. The track for about one hundred yards was completely torn up. Fortunately the brukcsuian did not happen to be near lthc cars involved, and so cscapcd in- jury. Thc tcn cars wrcckcd were situatcd about the centre of the train. "hcy carried nearly i00,coo bushels ofwhcat, but with the exception of a couple of thousand bushels the balance can be saved Several of the cars had thcir trucks rcmovcd from under, but were nct broken open. The auxiliary train and crew were] dcsputchcd to the sccnc about half an i hour :lllcl‘ the accidsnt, and at ‘) o’clock I the gang at work was joined by thcl l’ctcrborO and Cuicnicc scclioii men in charge of Forcincn (ico. Clark, l’ct- crboro, and Robt. Graham, ()nicmec. The work of clear ing the track occupied ncarly all day, and the wie kcd cars will probably not be rcmovcd until to- morrow, 'l he train from Coboconk and frciglits from Midland rcachcd town via Bl;ickwiikci:..eâ€"l’ost of'l'ucsday. May Number of the New Idea Woman's Magazine. In consouance with its name, the New Idea \l'onian‘s Magazine for May presents many llOVcl features in dress I making and in every department of do- mestic intcrcst. It opens with a charm- iugpapcr by Constance Fuller Mcln- month and 30 days. The dtur one we loved so well Is with us now, no more, llc's gone to praise his God L'poii that happy shore. How we miss him, none can tell While with us, he did stay, For over twt nty-six years, And then he went away. Though we miss him, yet we know Our loss is heaven’s gain, Ilut in heaven he will reign, iyc and Bye when life is o‘er, And our journey is complete We shall reach that shining shore, Thtn our loved one we shall inset. May our lives down here be pure, And our hearts be free from sin 'l‘hcn our hope will be secure, For the mansions bright within; If dcuth finds us living right, And our work has been well done, Christ will bid us welcome home. Our circle is sa.l without thee, How lonely is each heart, Oh could we hear thy voice again, What joy, it would impart, ’Twas hard to givethec up, "l‘was hard to sec thee go, But ’twas harder still to see, Thee suffer here, below, Again, we hope to meet thee, But not before life's journey is o’er, Oh, yes, we hope to meet thee, 0n Heaven’s eternal shore. tyre upon “The Marriagcablc Age” Emma A. Osborne writes about New York’s Chinatown dclightfully; Kather- ine Louise Smith tells of the new fad, “Cat Shows and Catteries”: Nancy Hull has “The Livingâ€"room” for her H. 1. theme; and Eben chford pi'cscnts “(iardcn Gossip” in his authoritative In addition to these special RM IV CARDS. GOOD F0 ‘ manner. Visiting cards .15. well as those for features, the several departments are .' attractively set forth, and in short stor- othcr social uses must conform to ac- . . . ics and verse thcrc is unusual variety (:61)th ideas 0f good form. lhc pro- and superior quality. The New Idea per Visiting card for a lady is large and . almost square; a man’s card is oblong The paper is unglazcd and There is a choice of itics to the home dressmakcr. in shape. - of fine texture. _ Notes for Busy Farmers. several styles of engraving, shaded old - .__ .. A man is always more of a man just patterns offer many tempting opportun-' for 1} miles from front of Turtle Mountain, and spread out fan- sliaped, so that at extreme end of slide it was nearly two miles wide....l\'o trace of river for One mile, but water now going thru lO‘lx' as fast as coming down.... Not probable there will be fur- ther slide of anv conchuence. Frank N. W. T., May 1.â€"sThe list of dead and injured in \Ved- ncsday’s dis .ster is not complete _ Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldi a gs as yet, as some of the families lost had visitors staying With them, Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. firs. qualities but IS given as 3% killed, includ- ' Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and Millwood. in: two unknown \Velshmen and Call and get our priCes and examine goods. ............... andalotteni 'n v *in .â€" . . . . . ) u ml‘ 0“” 1‘ ns '1 ELEPHONIZSâ€"Agcnt 5 Office, 77 B ; 'Ion'n Ofiice, 77; Mill thcc 78 oroulo cws. G H. M BAKER, Rathbun l, _' ii Co’s m... 15 the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris 8: Charcoal. Also Headquarters for \Vindsor halt, “ Dairy Cheese Butter " Brands. MRS. EVANS GETS 'l‘ElJEGRAM. Mrs. C. Reid. nee Miss jennie Evans, of Oinemec, but at pres- ent located at Frank, where her husband has a large Drug store, wired her parents, Major and Mrs. Jas. Evans, statingthe accident had occured, but they need have no uneasiness aborit them personally, as the peOple in the town. themselves included, were mot injured. Mr. Green, Philltiapliai’i llBIl iiilt, Fillai, Mai 15111. Next Tuesday is Laundry D a y‘. Lindsay | Agent, : : Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physicians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of heart and lungs. OFHCe. King St., opposite foun- dry, Omemce. CANYASSER WANTED to Sell PRINTERS INKâ€"a journal {0L ad vertiSersâ€" publish ed weekly at five dollars a year. It teaches the science and practice 0 Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most successful advertisers in this country and Great Britain. Liberal commission allowed. .__._.â€" Dr. F. A_. Walters, DENT] S'l‘, LIN DSA Y. , Honor Graduate of Toronto Univ-ro- Address I’rintcr's Ink, " llty “d my“ Gone” Oi Dim“! 5"" If) Spruce St, New York. ~ goons. All the latest. and improved branches ' of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate O F I" I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store. corner Kent and William streets. Dr. Neelands, DENTIST, . LIN USA Y, Visits the Omemeo Commercial Hotel, Seed Barley Anyone wanting seed barley mu se- opposita the new Post Office llloek, the cure same by applying to first Tuesday of every month. Admin- 3‘ Office two Doors east of T. Ivory Sons’ General Store. Mr. G. Cornell, of Lindsay, spent you. Shoeblackâ€"“I’olish your boots sir?” Swell, (in bad tempcrjâ€"“Hang you, no. Shocthk““P0l‘5h your manners Sunday at the home of his uncle, Mr. sir ?” I). H. Cornell. r'mLJ. “.09 SUM-re. Optician unucoi. . mated eye specialist. n’mn uemmny. will visit urnemee thrcv (Inn‘s a. war, nil-1 may oi: consulted at the nrmlburn lmuse Parlors, “'Mcti for dates. All rnnsiilmtions rrnc or charge. V‘nm hurl": weak or Impeih-ci. eye- slioulu‘not. mil to consult him. This Is an early Spring and I am ready for the Spring- Furniture Trade. I stocked up early and am pleased I did so. Both floors are crowd- ed and the goods are not all opened out yet. You will do well to buy early. J. I. HcCREA. Mr. R. G. Johnston of Spiingvillc, one of the brave young men who took arms in defence of the Empire during the South Afrimn campaign, called on his Omemee friends Friday. The pic is mightier than the sword. A veteran of the South African war, who had recovered from three wounds received in action, waschokcd to death while-”eating a prune pie. Miss Mitchell, of Lindsay, was the guest of her friend, Miss Corneil, over Sunday. Mr. I. Richardson, the popular hog buyer, may be consulted at the Brac- burn House, Omemec, On Monday of each week. Highest Market Price paid for hogs and cattle delivered in Ome- mee. Delivery every Tuesdayâ€"1 Mr. 'l‘hos. Graham, of Mt. Pleasant, gave the Mirror a friendly call, Tues- day. Mr. G. W. McKim, was in town Tuesday, on business. " “' ‘ \ English, black old English, Roman, block or script, each being correct, though the first is perhaps most favored Odd or ornate effects are at present. Tiii: l,)l£l.INI£ATOR for not allowable. May contains a fine display of fashion- | able cards which may be consulted with entire confidence as to correctness. Ten Cars of Wheat Wrecked This Morning. As the result of a broken axle caused by an overheated tire box, a serious ac- cident occurred about 3.30 o’clock this morning on the Midland division of the (E. T. R, about a quarter of a mile northern boundary of the town, causmg several thousand dollars’ worth of damage. The train was a double-header extra freight earring Manitoba wheat en route from Midland to Belleville, and was in charge of Conductor Edward Harding and Engineers (Eco. Peacock and I‘red as soon as he acquires a home of his own. i i If a dog is suspxtcd of killing. sheep, it is best to execute him first and try him afterward. The USclcss dogs of the community conipOSc one of the biggest nuisances connected with our modern cmlization, We have removed all the five-year-old raspberry bushes from the garden this . spring. They have outlived their use- ’ fulncss. The man who can’t rest until he has got some sort of job for the hired man to do on a rainy summer afternoon is not built right to enjoy life. The plow is the most ancient of all - of the Canadian farmer. l cows of any other breed. 1y colored to look well. “- -~ u. 1-...“ ...~ .â€" , m4. ' “is t ' ' _. r" ~ '....i." -» , -~../. ,. in ~ , , - w . ~ W - "'~7*'-“â€"‘â€" a. __ . ‘ ,f ~>~v AV -..., nâ€"u W t .. a _ -4..,. - t"!173:’*m , . ‘ agricultural implements. It is a far west Of Mr. Dunoon s residence on the stretch from the crooked stick of the l orient to the modern sulky gang plow The jeaseys and Guernsey's will put more color into their butter than the We have had jersey cows whose butter was too high- istered gas with great success for over 25 years. Beautiful teeth and splendid fits. Lindsay office nearly opposite Simpâ€" son's Hotel. ~28-ly (‘rown and bridge work inserted. Mciiiifii. 3697, the property of MCQUADE STINSON. wtll stand for mares at B. H. Stiiili’i Stable, EEASTER TERM AT THE PETERBORO BUSINESS COLLEGE BEGINS TUESDAY, APRIL i4th. _â€"- Omemee, during season of 1903. See cards for pedigree and terms. Goodenougli Yuri John Anderson, s the property of W.COLVIN,OMEMEE, will be kept for service during the season of 1903. chooL courses before the summer vacation. College or address For route, pediaree and terms see cards. Opposite Post Office. A most convenient time to enter the Start now and complete one of the For further particu‘ars all at the Wm. PRINGLE, Principal. IRA SHAW, Omemee P. 0 Or on Lot 2 Con. it. Ops. j‘lHE ennui EMPIRE". a

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