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Omemee Mirror (1894), 14 May 1903, p. 3

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smls. a flored ”1'28 Lhed , K'D, 30 IJDYéRâ€"i in Sir M9. ”no”: Jerry {9. by Romain", Frid short Hon Q\\'DS Star,” nice on the work for for for for {or for for .for for for xown‘s Star (3 Sat- Pug [mounts-om carrg‘dou unâ€" -.‘c I) .t W ALE". s'nnye name. ll. Uh" blah repu- nu'nu-a-s For re- ): I» m» pupa“- «amnion». The l a high Hand- 3 Com! nco mun. DELSUN March 1‘. ‘9°4~ SKIDAN, paint? to luau n pang-bay in rim! Sup-’5 used rah-rs n! ment to an“ furehond, 20‘ ; Dam, Beaver M Lansmunao 13996 l‘an-Ia‘n hau- Hurt! 12:33: mmoline Ha-ro I'n Hm; dam, rgehlie (imp ); \ alt-m 683; dam .x'bih: Par!» nmnlh. I ’ - I: n m) dean-o ' at a bargain- e Princu 955: \‘a'ia' ' ”30: v Archdnk'3‘2' \’ v.93 07"‘3II niyfi $5.90. price, each. t. 396- ‘3 Leading gars freshjsfi JD. n! H a- lung»! 1)!" In o'hm .9 no! gum}. A .i no: table Hut 113' of Pines rflEflEE. ice. N NN OU|UIU|U| N H 25 Cents 15 ccnts IO any . Ont. imily, ‘0 i‘ ‘6 ‘t l6 t‘ Our stock of reliable watch can’t be beat. W. EMBEAHTY’S. is a pleasant task at LicCarty’s. The selection of jewelry and orna- ments IS large and Well chosen. and our tune so much at your disposal, that you are certain of meeting your requirements of pleasingr the‘ recipwnt ot y0ur wedding presents. "" .,t~_ ChoosingWeddingGifis FOOTBALL TOURNAMENT IN OMEMEE. MAY 25. The Popfilar Jewelry Store, 77 Kent-St LINDSAY Rhemmaism cuwd at. home Roscoe's Rheumatic Remedy. um .‘hrro Office and secure ; ()nh % (9“ left. Tl (W “n- s. I‘ hit! nukes. I! la highh r ('on Cyclone and coilcd spring steel wire fencing. built right on your posts. We have the heaviest, strongest and hand- somcst wire fences in the Dominion, at prices to suit. Any style, height or I"""" '” ’ . . number of wires you require. Our 31ch frame wir: gates are neat in ap pcaram'c. strongcst on earth, and at very moderate prices, hurlt in our own shop to suit your taste. W. I). Sunson. We have nut wlvanceJ the price of our tobacco», umber am xkim: tuhacco, Bub-I, Currency and Fair Pluv (thewmg tobacco:- are the same 9:2» and wives to the connumer us fn; merly. We have also éx’euded Che “we fur the :exlemp {1' n nf S- t wrhnv 'ucs tn January Is! 1904 THE EMPIRE TOBACI‘O (‘0, I imilmi. First Nyighlxx (savagely); 7W h }' (luxft you stop your cunl‘oundrd dog baking so at night? Secoml Dittoâ€"â€" Why don‘t you go to sleep, then you \tuuldn’t hmr it.~ Millbrook Reporter. Big Celebration in Omemee 25th May. Concert at night. Big pre- parations for a Gala D a y. B 9 sure and visit Omemee on the 25th. A hearty Welcome awaits you. Mcssrs. D. and '1‘. Adams drove mu [0 xhuir old humc in ()nnmmc, on Sunday km. [0 sec some nxcmbcrs of the fumilv who are $31.4 Millbrook Rt:- porter, of'l'hur5duy, May 7. This is an early Spring and I am ready for the Spring- Furniture Trade. 1 stocked up early and am pleased I did so. Both floors are crowd- ed and the goods are not all Opened out yet. You will do well to buy early. “Now, Johnny,” said thc teacher, who had been describing a warship to the class, “how is the dcck divided?” PronJ. NJ» slim-m, opucluu unclear- brunt! rye spat-must. n‘mn urrnmny. will VIM! Oshawa-three limes a ywr, an»? may I” runnnllo-d at the Brudhnrn Hmue Park‘rs, \Vucn Inn-mun. All rnnuunnmms {roe m churn Thusrhavln: weak on hnpcmct. oyon-homa um ran to consult hlm. “A deck is divided,” replied the bright boy, "into spades, hearts, diamonds and clubs."â€"-«Philadclphia Press. Those pretty sets of dishes at W. Bradbum's are a great attraction. Mrs. Bruce Parker and daughter, Muss Gladys, were gucats at the home of her sister, Mrs. J. W. Gillis, last week. Use only Robertson 3 pure ready- mixcd paints. A large stock of the Vcry richest colors in'inside and out- sidc paints, stains and varmshgs. We positively guarantee our floor paints to look better, wear longer and dry hard- er than any other m the market. W. l). Stinson. Mr. Frank Clancy, who has been in Toronto the past wintcr and spring, 15 home on a. visit. Mr. Roneigk, Bandmaster 45th Bav- ahon Band, Lindsay, has opened up an uptoâ€"date Music Store, next to Coad’s Drug Store. Sheet music and all kinds Instruments. Call solicited.â€"â€" I 3-3m The chmec Star Foot Ball Club BORN play their first game of the Midland - . League scrics with Millbrook on the wt}; ‘3 Wallcxner 6R0“, Hm?“ 0'; Ian r'; d. ' .v\ - . e "e M“ ay 19°3’ o "r' am cuss-mu? g’ on Saturda), la) 6 ‘ Mrs. John C. Eaton: a son. ‘ st Cg..." ” Suuxss'to the “ Sum.” Tl 0v 11n- Svlllng lxl-e is high!) ru'ommeuded. J. M. McCREA. able watches by Dr. Can a! bunk. Our A little bird sat on a telegraph wire, And said to lns matcs “I declare, If wireless tclcgraphy comes into vogue, We'll all have KO sit on the air.” Mr. I. \‘v'lntcmnith, practical Watch- makcr and jeweler, 01 Manilla, will be at the Mirror Office, on Friday, May 22. Be sure and see my special line of ludics‘ and gcnt‘s watchcs, and a choice selection of lmlics' and guru‘s chains, clmzms, (kc. They have a \‘cry llnc appearance and are made to last not mcrcly to sell. One day only. Cull curly. All work guaranteed or money refunded “I had scrofifla and erysipelas for eight- een years, until I heard Dr. Pierce’ 5 Golden Medical Dis- covery purifies the blood and en- tirely eradicates the poisons that breed and feed disease. It cures scrofula, eczema, erysipelas, boils, pimples and other .eruptions that inar and sear the skin. Pure blood is essential to good health. The weak, run-down, debilitated con- dition which so many people ex- perience is commonly the efiect of impure blood. Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Medical Discovery not only cleanses the blood of impurities, but it in- creases the activity of the blood- making glands, and it enriches the body with an abundant supply of pure, rich blood. Special valley for your roof, all rcmly to put on, made out of the very best material. Eavctrouglnng, and general jol) work attcndcd to scicntifically and promptly. \‘l'. l). Stimson. Of Dr. Pierce's Gplden Medical Discov- ery,” writes Mr. Hilery Koons. of Queens, W. Va. “ When I commenced to take this medicine I weighed one hundred and thirty pounds. I have taken six bottles of Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery and tyre: vials. of his “Pleas- grit Pellets,‘ and am glad to say I feel like a new man. I now weigh one hun- dred and! seventy-five goupds. Wigen g had used one bottle of the medicine I could feel it was helping me. I realize Dr. Pierce’s Golden Medical Discovery is the best medicine on earth.” An automobile scnicc bctwccn C0 hour}; and Ricc 14ka is talked of. FREE. Dr. Pierce’s Common Sense Medical Adviser is sent free on receipt of stamps to pay expense of customs and mailing (my. Send 3! one-cent stamps for the book in paper covers, or 50 stamps for the cloth-bound volume. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Bufi'alo, N. Y. A candidate fur mayorality of Col- lingwood was (chcutcd by a newspaper man, and thcrcupon dropped ndwms- ing. H: is now advertising his busi- ness for sulc.~ Millbrouk Reporter. A young lady is said to be terribly upset in consequenee of a mistake she ‘ made the other day. Going in a hurry l to a store after flour, she took up what she supposed was a clean pillow slip from the bureau drawer. She skipped into the store smiling l.kc a basket of chips and handed the supposed slip to the grocer, who pmceeded to fill it. The first scoopful went plump through it to the floor. When he raised it up to see what was the matter, and dis- played two outlets at the bottom heav- ily fringed, the lady lit out without say- ing a word. The groca laid the article away to await her return, but up to date she has not appeared in the Vicin l innâ€"Ex. Your Tongue If it’s coated, your stomach is bad, your liver is out of order. Ayer’s Pills will clean your tongue, cure your dys- Eepsia, make your liver right. asy to take, easy to operate. 25:. 2.21 druggbtn. Drs. Wightman Scott, Dentists of Peterboro, visit Omemee every T‘huxgsday. Office two Doors east of '1‘. Ivory Sons’ General Store. Major Jas. Exans came home on Thursday, from ( larksburg. “here he had been employed m the large ma- chine shops. lhe Majors mechanical abilities, as a machinist, are known far and near. In fact it is hard to find an equal in his line. The Major will re main in Omemee during the summer, and has his large Foundry running full blast, and is prepared to attend to all orders entrusted to lnm for repairs. BUCKING' brownb} rich 1- Mr. Green, Phnmgrapher’s next visit, Friday, May 15111. Mr. Sam English, of Keene, gave ‘ his Omemee friends a call on Friday last. The members of L. O. L. 114 were pleased to have a visit from him. Mr. English says there is a probability of his losing his license there, on ac- count of his not being a grit. Mr. English is too staunch a conservative ‘ to change his political views to obtain a license. Right you are, Sam. __ .W- 7 , Want yoqrpyuu' :u-ho nr bet!“ . beandml Mr. I. Gillis, of Fcnelon Falls, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs.‘ J. W. Gillis, last Week. The“ use w 3‘ fo_r the Wnlskers Ill l1 Yr m 1 oval l‘aper.-~'l‘here are many other trays in which readers of 5a newspaper can aid it besides subscrib- ing for it. They can help it by speak- ing well of it, and also by furnishing it with news. The newspapers are col- lectors and distributors of pews, and there are people who are loud in com- plaint if some item of local news is omitted, yet often refuse to furnish one. Reporters are supposed to know every- thing, and yet there are little matters of interest in every community which sometimes escape notice but could be gleaned if subscribers would either hand the information to a reporter of the Office, or give a hint as to where the information could be obtained. There is a large class of this kind, but their number might be augmented with advantage to the local newspaper and to its readers. They are great sellersâ€"41105:: hand- some bedroom sets at W. Bradbum’s. large variety and prices very reason- able. Mr Johnston Murphy and Mr. Davis, of Cavan, gave their ()memec friends a call 'I'ucsday. The annual entertainment of the Mission Band will he held (I).\".), ' the basement of Christ Church, on \\ cdncsclay aching, May 20th, at 7.3 p m. .\ good prowmm will be giicn by the members, after “hich refresh- mcnts will he served. The outfit made by the Band for Indian child, Minnie (.‘rowchild, will be exhibitcd. Every- one Welcome. Admission 10C. The Choral Society held their rc- hearsal on Monday evening, 35 strong; and will meet at Mr. McPherson’s nc.\t Monday evening. Rw Mr. McPherson occupied the l‘reslntcrinn pulpit last Sabbath and “ill onupy the same pulpit nc.\ \t Sab- bath, at 31). m. Omemee, Emily, May 4th, 1903. Council met at one o’clock, p. m., purwant to adjournment. Present all the members the Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last Session were read, approved and on motion confirmed. The following communications wcrc rc- CCthXl, perused and fylcd, that IS to say :~â€" l“mm A. W. (‘zimpIn-ll, Good Roads (‘ommissmnvraml from J. H. Carnegie. .\l. l’. P., both acknmvlmlging rc-(‘cipt of endorsement rc wide tires. From F Knowlson, Secretary Local Board of Health, Lindsay (addrcsmd to W. H. Curry, 'l'rcasurcr) enclosing account for $36 00 said to be for nursing and maintenanCc of Richard Clancry for ‘ thirty-six day.» in Lindsay while suchr- 1 in}; from St'arlct Fever. From Sawyer ‘ Massey Company'cnclosing invoice of Steel Road-Grader and extra blade. The Clcrk rcportcd that the Assessor had duly returned the Ass:ssmcnt Roll. Mr. _I. D. Thornton perionally presen- tcd draft in triplicatc of resolution in re aid to Best Sugar Industry and re- quested the passing of samc and for? warding of one copy each to The Hon. 1 The Finance Minister, Ottawa, the member for this Riding and l). H. PriCc, Sec. Ont. Bcct Sugar Ass'n, Ayl- . mcr. Ont. Moved by Coun Wm. Herlihcy, see. by Coun. Jas. Courtney, that the ac- count as I'CCL'lVCd from I". Knowlson, Secretary Local Board of Health, Lindsay, in re Richard Clanccy be re- ferrcd to Mr. Clancry for settlement in himsclf as this Council understands hc is quite able so to do.â€"Carricd. Moved by Coun. Jas. Courtney. sec. by Coun. Wm. Hcrlihey, that orders he issued on the 'l‘rcasurer as follows, that is to say :â€" ' John Callaghan for timber for . Thomas Middleton for burld< in" culvert on 13th con. lme . Charles \\. Richards on ac- count ofprintingcontrzgct Wm. Clancy for use of room for flu: scssiofis of Coun cil . . . culvert on 13th con. line $7 1 oo 00 0) 59° "560 Carried. 14 Go I Moved by Coun. Wm; Lowes, seal by Coun. \Vm. Herlihey, that the road I grader purchased from the Sawyer 8: Massey Company having,r been properly I tested and proved satisfactory, be ac- cepted and that a copy of this motion } be forwarded by the Clerk to said Gammaâ€"Carried. l Moved by Coun. I. H. Fee, 52c by Conn. \Vilham Lewes, that the resolu- ' tron of recommendanon re aid to Beet Sugar Industry be left over for future j consideration.â€"Carried. I Emily Council Proceedings. Moved by Coun. James Courtney, sec. by Coun William Herlihey, that the Clerk be and is hereby instructed to notify Miss Frances Johns to have her fenCe opposite the north half of lot number seven in the thirteenth con. of this Municipality removed from off the west quarter linenâ€"Carried. Moved by Coun. William Herlihey, see. by Coun. James Courtney, that this Council do now adjourn to meet on Monday, the first day of June next, at 10 o’clock a. m.. as a Court of Re- vision and thereafter for the transaction of general Municipal businessâ€"Car- J. R. BOATE, Reeve. R. J. GRANDY. Clerk. in Fancy Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Chamber Setts, in all shades, Cups 8; Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers, and everything in the Crockery Line. Call and see our stock. W. BRADBURN. THE PEOPLES’ GROCERY Among Ihosc 'who Went to Lindsay, on Friday last, to hcar the lecture. by Mr, F. D. Monk, M. P., were Dr. Cameron. ahd Messrs. \V. B. Harvey, J. J. Lamh, \\'. (LStcphuHon,(;c0.1\. Norris and R. H. Johnson ' This was a suit entered by plaintiff to recover balancc of wages. Adjourn cd to Chambers, Lindsay. C. W. RICHARDS VS. MR5. M. MILLS. This was a suit entered by C. W. Richards against Mrs. Margaret Mills, Execulrix of the estate of tho late Charles Mills, to recover $8.00 for subscription to the Mirror. Mrs. Mills entered :1 contra claim against the plaintiff for $17.55, madc up in the following manner, viz : April, 1898411) %cord wood $2.81 Scpt., Use of horse and buggy to go to h’lillbrook, two days 3.00 Messrs. Joseph. J J and 'l‘ .-\ Mitvh- c1] attcndcd the funeral of their broth- crinlaw, the late Samuel N,\\\'n‘.an, at Fenclon Falls, on Wednesday last. Oct. 1899~3l'o [EL cord wood Nova, 19¢1~7l°o } cord \VOOtl July To services of Annie M i ll 5, Oct., Igoxrrri'l‘o services of Lillian Mills 4 / .j Defendant disputed plaintiff's claim on the grounds that it was out of date. The plaintiff disputed every item in defendant’s claim, alleging the horse referred to was loaned to plaintiff free, and the late Charles Mills had no in- tention of charging for same ;the wood referred to was never ordered or reâ€" ceived by plaintiff. and with reference to the defendant’s daughters, they came to plaintiff’s residence on a visit. It was brought out in the evidence that the late Chas. Mills had no book account against the plaintiff The question is, who planned to put in the contra claim ? Dated 30th April, 1903. His Honor, judge Harding, in sum- ming up the case, suggestrd that the defendant pay plaintiff $3 00, which was paid. Mr. I. Weldon, of Lindsay, Solicitor for plaintiff ' Mr. litlmison, of Pctcrlioro, Solicitor for dcl‘cndant. Lost Hair “ My hair came out by the hand- fu|,. and the gray hairs be an to creep in. I tried Ayer‘s Hair. 'igor, and it stopped the hair from com- ing out and rcsmred the color."â€" Mrs. M. D.Gray, No. Salem, Mass. “Speaking of pulplt jokes,”a church- gocr remarked. “I have yet to hear a better one thén 'that on a reverend gentleman ()Hi l‘small congregation in the city.” Ht: is a fine preacher, a There’s a pleasure in olfering such a pro ara- tion as Ayer’s Hair igor. It gives to all who use it such satisfaction. The hair becomes thicker, longer, softer, and more glossy. - And you feel so secure in using such an old and reliable prepara- tion. 31.00 a mu. m min. If your dru In Guano: In ply you, send us one do r and we wt 1 exprcu you 3 bottle. Be sure md he the name or your nears-t ex vreu o co. Address. J. C. A 00.. Lowell, Mass. man along in years, loved and revered by his flock. His puipit utterances never verge upon levity of any sort. He abhors a resort to humor in church. One Sunday evening he was speak- ing to his congregation about Mrs. Jones, one of the prominentwomen of his church, who had gone south for her health. ‘In his previous remarks he had, with feeling, referred to Mrs. Smith, who had reCently left this world i for a better one. Letter From Warm Climate. He startled his hearers by saying: “I have just received a letter from Mrs. Smith. She says it is very warm where she'is now.” “Shocked at the audible tittcr in the staid congregation,,:he good man paus- ed, looked blank and then- gasped, “I meant from Mrs Jones," and hastily announced the hymn.”-â€"â€"Ncw York Telegram. A. ("v. ERWIN \'S. J. J. NICHOLS. Division Court. as Opened up a large consignment of new and ARRIVING DAILY. I7-55 3.00 1 1.237 1.87 4.00 4.00 OMEMEE9 THE MIRROR AND Mailed to any address in Canada or US. {or 13 months for $175, including choice ot'two IO color Autdgrav‘urcs cntitkd “The Doc- tor" 21ml “Contentment.” For fnnhcr particulars and Sample cupies of papers, wrxte COURT OF REVISION For the Village of Omemee, will be held in the 1903, for the purpose of hearing ap- peals made against the assessment roll of 1903. Wednesday, May 27, All parties appealing are required to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordmgly. GEORGE A. BALFOUR, Clerk of the Village of Omcmee. Omcmcc, May 14, 1903. Pursuant to the Revised Statutes of Ontario, Chapter 129, Section 38, notice is hereby given that persons hav 1 ing claims or demands upon or against the estate of Catherine Hagarty, late of the Township of Emily, in the County of Victoria, widow, who died on or about the twenty-seventh day of April, 190 3, are requested to deliver, or send ,JOst prepaid, to Richard James Grundy lisq., ()memee 1’. 0., the executor of the last Will and 'l‘estament of the said deceased on or before the 4th day of june next, their christian and surnames and addresses with full particulars in writing of their claims a statement of their accounts and the nature of the securities (if any) held by them duly verified. And notice is further given that after the said last mentioned 8date the said executor “ill proceed to distribute the assus of the said deceased amonor the persons entitled thereto haxing regard onlv to the Llaims of \\ h1Lh notice shall have been 1,“ Ln as above required, and the said Lxe( utor “ill not be respons- ible for the aSSets or any part thereof, so distributed to any person of whose claim notice shall not have been re- L‘eived as aforesaid at the time of such distribution. “Datcdht Lindsay this 9th day of May, 1903. MOORE 8L JACKSON, WEEKLY MAIL HMPIRE SELYDES MCQUADE 81 STIN SON. at 10 o’clock in the forcnoon of Notice to Creditors. MCINNES, JR, 3697, Omemce, during season of 1903. See cards for pedigrge and terms. Goodenoughfizx» ‘ Young Juhn Anflersun, the property of W.COLVIN,OMEMEE. SOLICITORS FOR EX ECUTOR. Bradhum Hall, Emeltee, will be kept for service during the season of 19°3- For route, pedim‘ee and terms see cards. THE MIRROR, Omemee, Ont. R. H. Stinsun’s Stable, iEASTER TERM wxll stand for mares at the property of 6 HOW I had nervous indigestion and a general (16' g rangement of the entire system. It had been a ' a continual torture for 12 years. My blooy be- A came very poor and at times my toe and finger “" nails would be diseased. After eating I would ' at in a chair and put my feet on something to 7 keep them from swelling, and at times would 4 take off my shoes for the misery I had. W119!” ever I experience anything to remind â€"meâ€"~:~G" past aches I cannot be too elated to tell What ; ’1 Ripans Tabules have done for me. I still take? one now and then, because I know how bad I“ .5; have been. They were just what I needed. 2 AT DRUBGISI The five- cent packet 18 enough for an ordin- ary occasion. The family boéle, sixty cents contains a supply for a year. The Rathbun ELIMBHYE Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shipglcs, Cemcn ter Paris 8: Charcoal. Also Headquarters for \\ 1ndsor Salt, Cheese Butter ” Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Moulg‘a'r Alwq: s on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. ” Hard and Soft Coal. Cordxxood and Mill“ C 111 and get our prmcs and exannne good TELEPHONEsâ€"Agent‘s Office, 77 B ; Town Ofiice, 77; Agent, Start now and complete one“ courses before the summer vaunon. For further particulars 03W t a College or address ‘fif‘fg «. ‘3. h." PETERBORO 0. BUSINESS COLLEGE \IUI IVbM VI “Hui MD) 3; Wm PRINGLE, hm BEGINS TUESDAY, APRIL nag? Opposite Post Ofliée. " CAN‘IASSER WANTED to Sell PRINTERS INKâ€"a journal f0. advertisersâ€" publish ed Weekly at five dollars a year. It teaches the science and practice 0 Advertising, and is highly esteemed by the most successful adVex‘tISers in this country and Great Britam. Lib e r a l‘ cmnmission allowed.1 Address Printer’s lnk,; 10 Spruce St . New York} AT THE .H. M. BAKE _-‘Graduate ton 7' sity medical‘a (fa/’5; ber of Colleg;of Physicij Surgeons, of Ontarin 3! attention pied to discass andlungfi 7 AL I .>_ Dr. J. P; PHY/swx m OfiicL. ng St, :asxte dry,0n1e11)ee._,;“ a, 1,. Honor GM t" ity and 8.033% goons. ’ :4 All the latest :1 ‘f dexxtxstry .‘Uharges mod Gregon’ s I): 13.; l Wiliiam stre Anypne ’1 cu resume h Dr. F. 1 DENThy" Sim-o, Corner I). Mata '10“

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