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Omemee Mirror (1894), 19 May 1904, p. 3

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:c freshnss. 3“ tray, for u always .m. M”?- illbrook rts, Parasols, 'ear, Corsets b ckwear, , uildings, the com- me, see sampies bug. I! is wind, Pleasant rst class shinglts. ct‘f Boards on m’ Sew in: toria rahmby 8,}3Hafl uelph. “_ Frgm the Daughâ€" .- in the Sckt'tions of 5. With eventhing 1“, we are- Confident high will me"! their :I‘ZS'I‘ VALUES 1m: grub:ch "\Vot‘. in ears. k Town IR CO. this date. B013 0. Hill Or- 'mi uspct! Our his stun.- when)“ Meats"; “ From am. The context in Omt-mcc on U): evening of ’l‘ucsdny. Mzw 24. is certainly an cmcrtuimncm of a high ordcr and pure. Mr. Sam English. of Lukeficld. and Mrs. Finding. of Lindsay, at- tended the {um-ml of their sustcr, the late Mrs. McKinlu’, Monday. Mrs A H Took: spent Thursday and Fnduyof last week with Mrs Rob! Cooyer, Russcll st, Lindsay Mt. J. Englzsh, of Pctcrboro, was in town- attending the funeral of the late Mrs. McKinley. Mr. Ins. Ivory, of Toronto, was in town attending the funeral of the late Mrs. McKinley. Mix; Alice Wand, of l’ctcrbom, is the guest nf the Misses Ella and (let- :rudc McQuudc. The boys are practising cricket for their match hen: and: Lindsay next 'l'ucsday. LOCAL LACONIC I Victoria Day ('elgbration in film mcr next Tucsdav, May24tl1 -. "NJ?! the auspices oftlxe Omcmce 1- nc Co. The following sports on land and watt-r will be held: Cricket Match Lindsay vs. Ome- mcc. Base Bull Mulch l’en-rlxoro vs. Omcmcc. Foot Bull Match Ida vs. Omcmec. Valuable prier will be uwanlul fur: foot rates, comic rams, jumping: cuntcsts, putting sl‘mulqlcr stone. bicycle races, c.umc mic-:5. ml» races, walking greasy pulv. lmn-cutingy contest. ézc. Sec program for priz: list. Free :ulmission to all sports. Come one, come all. A grun‘l time anticiyntwl l’mgmm vom- "mute; at 1.30 o'clock. (Summit- Iceâ€"A. L. Ann‘s, Dr. Omicron and josfl‘. Bc'itty. Grand con- cert at night In the Bradburn Hall. See bills. God Save the King. Mr 135. A. Norris, of Toronto. was the guest of 11:5 mother, Mrs. Grace Norris m'cr Sunday. Mr John Carey was the guest of his parents over Sunday. FOR SALEâ€"A x jersey Cow, 4 yrs. old. Apply to Box 95, Omcmce Mr (Bro Engrish was last chk on business. DR. \VIGHTMAN'S NEXT VISIT TO OMEMEE WILL BE THURSDAY, MAY 26. run. t00~~tlialmonds, pearls, rubies, sabphirts. amethyfl, etc. Our spccml nfl'crings thlswcck in cngagcmcnt rings breast pins. brooches. ear-rings and uthcr articles of fine jewelry an: partic- ularly attractive. 'l'lrcy'rc rare values. Prices the: lowest everâ€"«cut fully 11}. And everything warrantcd. Brmg your rL-paxring to W. EMCEARW’S. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY that shine as bright 115 lzndies’ eyes. We have them in great variety. The right P. S.--I also SELL BEST MAKES of WAGONS and BUGGIES. REXALLWSE'DYES HOLD These Dyes will dye Wool, Cot- ton, Silk, jute or Mixed Goods in one bathâ€"they are the latest and most improved Dye in the world. 'l‘ry a package. All color at R. J. Mulligan’s, Sole Agrnt.â€"-â€" 1y. Call on me and get quotations, 9r drop me a cafd and 1 will call on you. Offiocw-Opposit: \V. Fishers Blacksmnh Shep, on The STRENGTH of the HAMILTON IMPLEMENTS combined with EASE of Running, places them in the FORE- MOST RANK. Umemee and Vicinity. I respcctfully Call the ant-Minn of Farmers to the fact that I Inna: thc AGENCY fur 1hr: Pctt‘r quniitun Farm Implements Humincrv. um! can furnish )on, on short notice, with any imple- ment nr mzchinc made by them. Spatkling Jams [Eda in ANADA: TUPPER ST., MILLBROOK. The Popular Jewelry Store, Mirror and Faglilmrald: anci Weekiy étar {30 january isfi, 1905, for 1.80, Premium Pictures included ROBT. NURSE. in Lindsay Hamilton’s gmaebinefly. It would be hard to c mygcritc the profound rc"t’ct \xi1l1 \shicli 1hc pcuplc ut ()111c111ccaa11d surrounding muutrx l learned, (111 lxidav 11111rri11-',61h 11151. int the death of .‘ilr jam-gs juhnsun. ' T111: rumour had circulated (luring thc lax-ck that he was scriuusly ill \1ith pneumonia ;\ct “hen the 11c\\s ul his; l dcuth came, it “as rewind mlh great surru“ tor all felt that a wood neigh- lmr, :1 “ortln cum-11 and :111 affectiun- 1.11:: 1111:] 11111111 1111111 h 1d passed :1\\:1y .\lr.lul111.~mi hzul lncn .1 lilo lung (onscr1:1ti\c,c\u rc 11h to make :111) 5.11 xiiicc in the 111t1ru1 ul lll.‘ put} :31) 111111111 .1111! «lasted ()l;lll"Clll.lll ol mum 1mm standing. and "with hu- lmul and rmpcctctl by l1i~' hrcthxcn ul 1h: Unlcr : :1: 1d :1 trll~tcc 01 the high school fur many cm15c1: utiu \caxs. llis tum-1:1! took 111:11'1: 011 .\lo111l.1_\, 1 91111114.. 1111-1 his remains “ch: lullmicd 10 their last rcsting place by a largc I Concourse of sorromng 1111:1115. Mr. luhnmn leaves a large and highly respected family who have the dccp sympathy of the cmm: commun- ity in their profound sorrow. lua\\, ULLII untulvuu. All nCKullHy‘ ul‘ iScl‘VICCS of Miss Maud Richardson popular clm'mionist, ()f'l'oronln, win It becomes our Sad duty this Week to chronicle the death on Saturday, may 14th. Of Ann jam: has won the hearts of Young Canada English. beloved wife of Mr. I). in her readings, recitations, persona ll. McKinley. Dru-used had been trons and comic dialect renditions, am :uling for some time, but on Sat- also of Miss Dean, vinlimsr, who ha: urday passed away at the ripe old been greeted in the Cities of the Do MIC of 73 years. She was one of mmmn by large and cnthusxastlc and the Oldest O'IUVCS of Omemec and ; tences, having travelled with the {am was beloved by all who knew her, 1 (ms Jcssfe McLaughlin Company las - . - season. Few entertainers have reCeiv - . . a Sickness I . k" m tum. 0f trouble "d 'a more hbcral mced of praise fron she Spared no pains m llclplngithe public prcss than the Misses Rich Ihme who cauic under het‘ caste. ardson and Dean. Reserved seats 35c MIC was born "1 Ontcmec m I 34 Admisston 25c. Children Isc.’ Re where she lived for Ilcal‘h' 4° yrs. i served scat tickets for sale at the cn and I!) September, 1572, she was ; trance. Doors open at 7.30. Progran married to Mr. McKinley by the i begins at 8. Dr Cameron, Chairman KCV- john White. (Inc! Save the King. Mr W. H. Kennedy dcsxres to thank all who assisted in snvin g lumb", Shingles, etc., at the time his saw mill was burned, and also for the Sympathy shown him by his friends. Mr. Thos. Boyd was 11) town this week. The sermon was an excccding able onc, and at timcs rising into thc tcglut) of cloqut-m-c. ' 'huugh .\l r. 'l'cncy was suffering from hoarx-nns, and there- fore: unable tu speak his Usual pleasing articulatinn, yet his Scrmun made :1 deep imprcninn upon his hearers. and will not S0011 ht: t‘urgottcn by thus: who hcnnl it. In referring to the character ut’ the deceased, the prcnchcr was restraint-d hy thc Well known dis like of himself :tztl family for .thv or laudatiun ; ncvuthclcss Mr. 'l'cncy made his audience feel that a man. worthy ul7ct'cr)' respect in cvcry relaâ€" tion of lilc, had passed to his lung. home. The Toronto Bank has commenced buSiness in the): new premises, which have been most beautifully fitted up, in keeping wnth the hlgh standard of excellence this Bank has attained. Mr. A“D's is the gemal and eflicnent manag- er of the Omemee branch. The dcccasul leaves to {mourn her loss 4 brothers and 4 snsytcrs, viz: Messrs. Robert and Vs. H. English, Garberry, Mam, Samuel at lakeficld, john J. at Maple Creek. A551, Mrs. Jas Balfour and Mrs. W. Clarke, Carberry, Mam; Mrs. J. llardmg. Lindgyay, and Mrs. R. Hodge, Streetsvnllc, also her husband. The funeral on Monday, May 16th. to the Emily Cemetery was largely attended. The bereaved have the heartfelt sympathy: of the entire cammunity m that sad loss. ‘hc tum-ml .scrvicc was conducted bv lhc Rev. J. H. 'l'rnc}, Rmtnr ut' (,hlist ( huuh. and was cxcculixwlx impn s Ht. "lhc bczuzliiul scniLc was conducted \xith "rent dignm and Sul- cnu:ity, and the Singing. In! by xhc surpliccd choir was hearty, \wll rcmlcr- ed and suitable to the ()(‘C niun. Death of Mr. James Johnson All classes of Dcntal operations carefully pcuiormcd. Next visit, Thurs d a y May 26th. CHANGE OF VISIT. Dr. \Vightman, Dentist, of I’ctcrboro, will visit OMEMEE on the LAST THURSDAY of EVERY month. Office in Ivory’s Block. Death of Mrs. Mcxlalay. Dental Notice. 04.50 A grand Concert will he held at the tradbtzm Hall, Ometnee, on 'l‘uesday evening, May 2.;th, under auspices of the Christian lindeamr Society of the Presbyterian (”hurt'h. A rare literary and musical treat. The committee have been fortunate in securing the ServiCes of Miss Maud Richardson, popular elrwutionist, of Toronto, who has won the hearts of Young Canada, in her readings, reeitations, persona- tions and comic dialect renditions, and also of Miss Dean, violinist, who has been greeted in the cities of the Do- minion by large and enthusrastic aud~ tences, having travelled with the fam~ ous Jessfe McLaughlin Company last season. Few entertainers have reCeiv- n more liberal meed of praise from the public press than the Misses Rich ardson and Dean. Reserved seats 35c. Admission 25c. Children 15c. ’ Re served seat tickets for sale at the en- trance. l)oors open at 7.30. Program n”): O 'I‘ I C 15 â€"'I‘hc people of ()memcc and Vicmity will please take notice that I will visxt Omcmcc Studio on Friday, lune 3rd, after which date I will ClOSc up my studio there. I thank those who have: patronized me, mnl Will he [ilcas'cd to have a call at my l‘ctcrboro Studio, Hunter st., from all who require photos, and will give ipL‘Clal attention to all orders r:ccivcd. The news spread and although this was only two years ago the demand prompted Dr. J. S. Lennhardt, 0! Lin- ooln,‘Neb., the diacwerer, to prepare it for general use. Now It is being sent to all parts of the world. Sold for $1.00, with absolute guaran- tee. HOW IT SPREADS. The first package of Ham-Raid (the lnfullfble Pile cum) that was put out went toasmall min: In the State of Nebraska. I: will cure any case of Piles. Then is a month’s treatment in each box. It made the cure or a case of Piles that was considered hopeless. the Mirror :1 call on Saturday. In another column will he found a reproduction of a circular issnwl lorthe ptll'pOSc (:fdruwmg atten- tion to the fact that Sunday, May 29th will he “ llnslntnl Sun- day.” The cit‘unlur lnllycxplulns itSclf, hut We might mid that this grand institution In the County is worthy of (ill the assistance that tlm people of the County may be able to give. We feel sure that Onntmce and litmly will make :1 good showing on May 29th. \Ir. S'um “iiliams rvnrewx. [mg Dr. _I. L. \ycr ( o. ., at Low”, Mum, guc the Mirror a call on Sulunlm‘. To prove what Anti-pill. the Great System Treatment will do for you. Every Reader of this pa.- Der may have A Sample Bottle sent Free by Mall. Derangement of the stomach In re- szmnsible {or much sickness and snfl'wr- ing. kit-cry urgxux at the body depends npnn the stunmch is not working rluht the h100d Curries to the liver, heart nerves and kidney tisme imperfect nu- tritiunâ€"‘l lu-v bet'thll.t' net-k and unable to uurfurm their “‘rukubctmnue clnuued dim-used, and thrnw unt their distress symptoms Nuw you may get stimulzr tire. temporary rellem hy the taking of a htdnoy, llver. nerva or heart Ipoct. flc, hut the cause renuuns â€"'l‘he an m- uch Is at mult, and an lung us It ken-pa loading the blood “ ith Impurity-waste, so lung ml! the hluud trzumpnrt undde- posit disease hru-dh-g rlcn ulna in the “cult plnceu~\\ hen you h-c-l r-lt-k, help the stomach first. A wx-ll stomach means a well body. Anti-Pill, the (in-m System 'l‘lcutlnent, In u new disrmery that has a murwlnns lnfluenee In cur- ret‘ting fitHrttl ailments. Addrnu,\\'il- sonâ€"I“)le('u.. Niatguru Fulls, (hm, {or Irma sample lLo-uulnr 3129, n month'r lieutllltfllt, 5t: rents ut Druguists. Mr. and Mrs. W. l). Stimson and Mr. Albert juncs, of Omcmce, spent Sunday with Monaghau friends. To It in for sale by druggiats. was taken sick v'vith Emboid fever. and wine tlIe fever lei! rue l be such a in in Ty le side I could not bunt 1e w_i hout pa 5. I thought I must die. y wxi'e eat to the drug store and oeured A bottle 0 Dr. Ham‘s Golden Medic: Discovery and a vial of his ‘Pleuant Pellets.’ l discontinued the use of u doctor's medicine and In with the ' ldou Medical Discovery‘ and Pelieu.‘ I a! one: be an to feel better: the pain soon left in tide an I could breathe with ease. In a wee or so I felt to i could not stay in the room. I began to wa k About the streets: I felt better each morning. Aiter a month‘s use ofthe medl- cme I was well. That was over I year ago. Now I weigh :84 pounds And feel better than ever in my lik.” _Dr. Pierce‘a Pleasant Pellets can con- Inpation. J. W. GREEN. I’.S.»â€"â€"\\'c still accept punch cards. '1 than}: God for the good your medicine: have done me." writes Mr. Jane! M. Sizemore. of Mitchdl. Lawrence Co.. Ind.. Box 501. "I was not well for two years. My throat was “wags sore. head ached. and back achcd nearly :11 ‘ c time. My weight was 155 pounds. I was taken sic): wix‘h typhojd fevqr. gad Wye; .L‘I___A . A _ result rheuuxz tated ( err cumin]: increas of the glanfis an me 5?", body-building 1)! eyes cleanses tin The impuritie- nnd poison. which con t the blood, clog the Iver and cloud the skin are removed by the use of Doctor Pierce's Golden Medical Discov- ery. It does more than ehminate the poisons; it increases the activxty of the blood-making glands so that there is an increased supply of re, body-building blood. It brightens he eyes, cleanses the skin, and gives new, physical energy. A -_.._L __ - n “O Acc‘ep't no subsfi’fixte for Dr. Pierce': Golden Medial Discovery. Reveals ltseli in many m 0. Some- times the impurities in the load mark and mar the skin with blotches, pimples. boil: or other eruptions. Sometime: the result of bad blood is rheumatism or : debili- tated condition which is popularly described to “feeling layed out, In 1y able to drag myself around. MB Bl00l) ' All parties appealing are required to take notice and govern themselves ac- cordingly. for the purpose of healing appeals made against the asscsmxcnt roll of xgo4A COURT OF REVISION For the \‘iillagc 'of Onicmc'c, will be hcld in the Monday, May 30,’04. O’CONNELL BULL, Barmtcrs, Solicitors, Notaries. c., 134%,: Hunter Street, Pswgnnonouan,ou'r. Mr. Bull will be at the Bradburn Hnuse, Omcmcc, every 'l‘ucsday. Commercial House. Umemee, at 10 o’clock in the forcnoon of COURT OF REVISION In Omcmcc. on Saturday, May 1411) x904, Ann Jam: English, beloved \vil‘c of Mr. D H. McKinley, aged 73 yrs. For the Township of Emily will be held in the for the purpose of hearing appeals made against the assessment roll of x90+ 'All parties appealing are required to answer when called, failing to do so, the appeal will be dismissed. R. J. (1 RAVIW ’ lcrk of the 'Iowzislnp of Emily. Omemcc, May :2, 1904, ANNUI'Nl'EM l N'l‘vâ€"lluvnvu purchuxod vln- hrug lmulm-ns formal) (‘ul'l’lvdflll un- aic-r lin- ilrln nulm‘ u! \)R.\l()1\' D k WAI B", iwill vumluur it upuim the inane uunw. it will be my rant to maintain Nu.- lilaii repu- milnn so Inn-2 new by the hmlnmn fur re- liable good. and for m-curxwy m Hw prepar- nIlonui mmllcim-u and [much bliunn. The firm-k will be mnluminui M n nigh Mund- ani orrxccilenrw. inviting a l'unliumume or pntroungv. very rcupvctmlly. DlCK SUN DA \‘Xfi!m2\‘.-â€"::m. All numcys colleen-(l should be rc~ mittcd 10].R. Mt-Ncilhr. Secs'l'rcns- urcr, Lindsay, as soon as it may be fm'md practicublc. Yours truly, j. I). Flu-\VlildLE, Chmrmnn. j. R. MCNI'IAIJJE, Sec.-'I‘rcas. DAVIDSONâ€" - MOORE _-, On May noxh, 1604, at All Saints Church Riverside, (73L; by the Rev. Mll- ton (f. Datum, William 1-". David- son, formerly of ()mcnwc, to Beasic (Pcmudc Mucwrc. (bugralulamms. There was received from the Church- as until tlu: close of the Hospital year, September 30 last, the stun of $401.14 and SCVt'rai congregations have sent contributions sim‘e. As the annual re- port was muilcd to you, it seems un- ncct-ssnry that particulars of tln: good work alrcady (lone should be repeated. The “C(‘d {or help is m cu-r urgent. May was then ask volt to ln'in" dt- fin- iu-l) litrlorc )our (on-'rwzttxon tlu- «lutt and pritiltgc ot assisting in this m.) in the Work of caring for and licaling the sick and injurcd, and give your proplc an opportunit) lu “Klkc :m of- fcring on Sunday, May 29th. It was dccldcd last year to ask the (’hurchcs to Sc! apart the last Sunday tn the month of May in each tear us Hospital Sunday. 'l'hr response was .‘0 gem-ml and generous that the (lov- crnors have reason for Cuntrludtng that the Chnstiun Comtnumttcs of the County have aterptctl the: proposal, and that the day may he consult-red as cstuhlishcd Lindsay. April 3011), x904. DEAR SIR :â€"-'l'lic Governors of The Ross Memorial Hospital dcsirc to umkc their annual appeal to the Churches in the County of Victoria, for aid in carrying on the work of tin: Institution committed to their charge. The Boss Memorial 'Hespnal at Ten o'clock inthc forcnoon o! A Full Line of Pure Gold, Chocolatcx, Jelly I’uwdcrs, Prepared Icings Mince Meat, Canned Fruits, and Vegetables. Post Office B fHANGING LAMPS.”‘% = Fresh Groceries -- GEO. A. BALI"OUR, Clerk of the Village of Omemce. Omemec, May 14th. :904. Candies Confectionery ; Monday, May 3011:, 1904, In LAMP GOODS we have a full line. SPECIAL VALUE in Fancy Braflhnrn Hall, flmemee, N 9W Raisin s, Currants, THE PEOPLES’ GROCERY HOSPITAL SUNDAY. Crockery and Fine China Ware Peels, Oranges, Lemons, Cranberries, Malaga Grapes, 81c MARRIED DIED We have them Call and see our Dispiay of has ‘a’full supply of everything in “iWBHADBUBN. ARRIVING DAILY. ’ HAROLD I.., the Standard Bred 'l'rouing Stallion, owned by Mr. J. 1.. l.:mllcy, 15111“st as handsome a home as one would dcslr: to look upon. His pcdigrcc extends a long way back, and there are no flaws in ltâ€"nolhing but good blood all along the line. “15 sire was: Canadian Star, and his dam was Flying Minnie Harold L. will serve the season (at 1904 at his own stable. Lot 6, Con. 5, Emily, one and one half unlcs north of Omemec. Sec cards. M r. Alex. Potts, of Mauvcrs, is the owner of that handsome stallion, “ Young Kczm Rothschild,” one ofthc hcst homes in his class in this district. "Young Kean Rothschild" has a good clean record, and parties desirous of bettering their stock should read the route cards with hIS description, podi- grcr, ctc. Dlzz ? Headache? Pain back your eyes? It’s your liver! Use Ayer’s Pills. Gently laxative; all vegetable. Sold for 60 yeai's. {Sn‘ffifla We sincerely regret that Mr. Green, photographer. has decided to close up his studios in Millbrook and Omcmee. Mr. Green turns out high class work and our rcadcrswvill do well to rememâ€" bertha-L he: will still keep has Pctcrboro Studio open 5 sqe adv. Mr. 1. W. l‘owcs, of Bethany, has two handsome Clydesdale Stallions, “ King Alfred" and “ Bculah, ” both being from noted sires and dams Sec cards for full particulars. Mr. Rxclmrd Hamilton, of Emily, has purchased that noted Clydesdale- Stallion, “ Young )0th Anderson," from Mr. (:olvm. Cards Will be out In a few days, giving full particulars as to route, pedigree, C. MACIN \’E..,]R., 3697, owned by Messrs. Stimson .3; \lcQuade, Omemee, is :1 ricn bay Clydesdale Stallion. In action and appearance lac has few equals, and is of the best blood. Those wishing to improve their stock cannot fail to appreciate the points of merit in Machines, jr. His predecessors have great records as prize winners. Sec: cards for route, pedigree, c. Messrs. Stinson MeQuadc have certainly a right to feel proud of their splendid Clyde. “(ioldcn Mac” No. 3470, one of the best stallions in Canada. Heisa hand- some: 3-yr. old, bright bay, of good weight, style and action. His anecs- tors are all cxlru WC“ bred. Any horse- man can immediately we in “ Golden Mac" a horse of noble bearing. He will be kept at his owner’s stable dur- ing season of 1904 “Golden Mac” has but few equals. See cards. lWant your mfisTache hr heard ‘a beautiful brown or rich black? Us. Mr. II. Bunny, propnetor of the Commercial House, Omemcc, has in BUGKINGHAM’S BYE SomeLeading Stallions '1‘R()'l"l'ING STA LLIONS. Biliousi CLYDES DALES. The undersigned in prepared to luau money on firltocmua farm property in barge amounts M 4; per cent. Small amounts at slightly Increased rates of lutercst. .‘l'erms of re payment to suit borrow. or. I. E. WELDON Dr. F. A. Walters, DESTIS'I', LINDSA Y. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univers- lty and Royal College of Dental Sur- goons. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges modanue. 0 F F I (t E are: Gregory’s: Drug Store, comer Kent and William streeu. We Print Sale Bills Right---and Cheap. At the MIRROR Ofice. lurriater, Snlit-itor,v., Lindsay Out In Omomee first Mon-lav enuth lu__(_mth N lL-llawe several (fiénte “ “Fm desire to 3m) good farm propel-t) at a. bargain. â€" 27-1: Drs.Nee1a.nds 81. Irving, Dentists, Lindsay. T. BRADY, Lindsay' 3 Leading Grocer Kent St hull am- 0! H 8 largest and beat ntuckn in the ('uunly loclmoao (rum, Everything fresh and good. A call solicited. Dr. Irvine, of the aboye firm, a first-class Honor Graduatc ot the University ofToronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sm“. geons, visits Omemee Ist Tues- day of every month, Everything up-to-date in Dentistry. Gas ad- ministered for teeth extraction. Is :he I’iace to Buy Lumber, Lalh 8; Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris 8; Chmroul. Also Headquarters for \Vindsor Salt, “ Dairy Cheese 8: Butter " Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings Agent Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. Bes; qualities Hard and Soft Coal, Cordwood and Millwood. Call and get our prices and examine goods. . . . TELEBHONESâ€"Agent's Office, 77 B ; Tovm Office, 77; M ill Office 78 5% :5 WW £42 E Ex Rathbun â€" ‘*v A. I Co’s The SCHOOL. Tuesday, April 5th. We will be pleased to Show you what we carry in this line. Special valuva in Lace Curtains, Prints and (Iottnns- all bought before the rise in prim-x. Our stock is very complete at present in all lines-quality and prices are righh WBRUSHES OF ALL KINDSQ Boots and Shoes-Stock Fully Assorted. CLOTHING--We have the largest and best stock ever carried by us in Omemee. Subscribe fer the Mirror and net the Nawx of Emma and Millhrnnk. The paint that wears and lookstbest is the Sherwin-Williams. It IS made only of absolutely pure lead, zinc, color and pure linsccd oilâ€"mo shoddy 7n it - Elma-{ore it Will always luok better and wear longer than any adultcn-d paint mil makes friends whc'rcvcr used. We keep cwry number 'listcdâ€"ycu can get Jun: the shade you want, and you will make no mistake in Using 5. W. 1’. Wall Finish. jellstmw, Kalsommc and Alabmtme for walls and ceilings. A WORD ABOUT PAINTS. 4}. PE'R‘CE NT. EASTER TEIQBI Our attendance this year is the Iaxgrst “c hme h: :d. _YOU CANNOT DO bE'I'lER {HAN AT'IEND CUR SILKS--Ask to be Shown Our Stock. G. H. M. BAKER 7â€"HT THE -OMEMEE Don't forget the Sherwin-Williams PAINTS.“ Write for particulars. ..... BEGINS. . . . nmwsflso .Bflflmau all“. oIh°~I¢nH n‘uflOlflfia Graduate of Toronto Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physxcians and Surgeons, of Ontario. TORONTO and surrounding countm and take ord- ers for 1r. Fruit Trees. Small Fruits ( rnamemals, Shrubs. Ros- es,Vines,Seed Potatoes.c Stock true to name and free from San Jose Scale. A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com mission. 25c. Pipes - 35 and 40c.P1pcs 15c Pipes xoc Pipes corn cobs Dr. J. P; Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Trilbys Winks Alabumas Scotch Reel Up-to-date Specml Vcncedora WM. COLYIN’S A man to represent “CANADA’S GREATEST NURSERIL‘S" in the town of OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES Office : Opposite E. jamivson‘s Blacksmith Shop, King St. West. BankruptStock of Pipes Cut in Cigars . PRINGLE, Principal. OMEMEE Pipes - for 15 c ,nd 40c.Plpcs , {or 25 Pipes for 10 Pipes for 5 x cobs 2 {or 5 Tobaccos always fresh at Stone Wellington FONTHILL NURSEBIES Over 800 Acres. WAN TED Lindsay 6 {or 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for (*FTABIO- 25 cents 2 (l 2; .. 25 ' 25 ‘3 IO ‘ 25 (I 15 cents 25 ll 10 ll 6‘

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