not resist the contrast between your quul‘ies in that paradise of marbles and mosaic, and this rueful howl. How- ever, I rejoice to find in you lhc vig- our of mind fh’tt ltolongs to the true philosopher; and if the Grand Secret shall ever he intruslwl to mortal man, you may rely on it that it will be im trusted only to the vigorous and the wise. to the powerful minds that de- spise the chances of the world, or to the bold hearts that know how to force them to their own advantage. But. what is to he done next ?" “Next 1" exclaimed the indignant Count. “What but. to shoot the insol- ent tool of office who has dared to in- s“?! _“ “Oblemun of Pndua ?" ll X’ou “'ill “7". Â¥ â€" -.‘V7.«‘ ' 0 .get nolhmg by that, ' Saul its" -I‘,11‘f,ug‘{§â€"‘= " but the bud bargain in K «3 Me 01' a man of sense for thnl of al. fool : sengung a bullet. through the brains of :1 31m . “Nor. and lawn the neck of a man nf tulénts and ENE our on the scaffoh," ‘ " Appeal to his Honm Cara m. 3' then," said “ Count." said he, observing his look of surprise. at this um-xpouled mirth. "I must beg ynur allowance for the odd way in which thu simplest things sometimes appear before an arid be- ing. such as I 11:1th acknowledg- that I am. But- the truth is. that, lt-nuld 'l‘hv Count. uelighlml with his liher- ty. wnultl not suffer his friend to utter a. syllable in depreciation of either himself or his sviem‘e; and proceeded to express his regret that. under the present circumstances, he h'ul nothing to offer but thunkn; The- Hungarian laughed long and lou'd. a governor. Philosophy seems not to be in fashion among your men of mac- aroni; and it would have been better for In“ Count. Cumra to have taken :1 crocodile into his palace than an un- lucky strangvr, who know nolllinghut a. little chemistry." "I owed you some compensation." said the Hungarian. “ for bringing you wuhin the fangs of your blockbmd of ,__ ._ ,V.._, ._-\-â€"5-â€" a dozen obscure streets and at, last; reached. an inn. A low “his-1h! un- uuumed ‘heir (oming: a “itket was opened, a hénfl thrust out to rmommi- tre; half :1 door unlu‘unld, and the Count caught hv the arm and suddenly drug; ggd in. C:ua'1‘a was buld. and his in Yb» hands of the 01d tzmiturn 'l‘x‘gst- evvrin. the dooropem-d again, the jailer swod In, his side. shuw‘d him a soldier‘s cup a'nd cloak. and liade hizii put. than 0n and follow hiJn without a word. :l'he Count eagerly follnwed his direcuun. But in .1 111011th after. the Singular- ity 01' Secrecy in a jailer awoke his Suspiï¬iuns. He started hack. “ If [am to die. let me die in the face of my countrymen. by no has?» and. clandes- tine and." The jailer made no I‘lely. but by Opening the dour and poinung 10 that} (1661') st'lir of the lower. A gush of fresh air 1h:x_,t sprung up from thv hmurm struvk across the Count's Sens/(‘3 With a feeling of freedom. He hesitutml no longer; but step for stepi silemly follow-d his grim guide). The! gush Hf :xir had told {he ix'uih. The door] at the food; of thy-x tower was open. The :wntinel wuskithvr drunk. asleep. or bribed. They passed as urn-hullengâ€" ed as ghosts. Wound their wuy through to see phantoms. and hold dialogues with the creatures of the brain: when om: evening. as Lhe jailer paid his last visit for the night, he suddenly touch- ed the (‘nunt's hand. The twilight was too deep to allow. of his discerning the features of the man who stood before him; hul his voice lowvred to :1 whisper Suspense and solitude like this have driven many a. man mad. and they were last driving the quick brain of Carara. and at last; whist lo. (1 n- wicket was to rm'ommi- meeting once moreneven under their culnmiiios. was a source of happiness; and when Caram 100ka on the love- lint‘SS. nf his lovely and nuble wife. and the fin:- Pounlonzmzte of the child, a buy just «mugging from infrim-y. he felt. Wh‘lL his 11f» of luxury had fail- “d to tell him, that there were enjoy- m-enls in [he “arid which the high» “fit rank and wealth onuld neither 3"“: nor lake away. meet ing The Hungarian was active In the emergency; he hastenml to one of the many founlnins which threw its sil- w-r Sheets of water high in lhe moon- lighl; and at once brought back a. draught whivh revived him, and the yet more reviving intelligence that his Countess and his child “ere safe, and w‘sre. even under the same roof with him. The. linings~ were soon realized.‘ A pavilion in the ample gardens, which had escaped the sight ot the spoilers. had been their place of refuge. 'l‘hvir successful. His friend attempted to soothe, to stop. to reason with him; all was in vain. Ho raved. he called vengeance on thv head of the gover- nor. on the Emperor, on mankind. But, his frame. exhausted by the minglod force of confinement. fatigue. and fev- er. did what no human appeal could have doneâ€"checked his furious career, and probably suvwl him from some dnsmrnle defiance of authority, which must haw speedily ended in ruin. He fell feehly rm the flour, and lay in a. state of insensihility. .L-vw ling rhanges of dress enabled the (‘ount :to pass through 1h:- dim streets with- out being recognised. (‘arara's heart ‘ I beat with an unusual pulsr as he. reach- ed thu mzu‘hle portals of his palace. All on the outside was as when ho had last; given it his anxious. departing look. 'l‘hn massive gates (Imhlazoned with the proud. heraldry of his forefathers: the .t bronze lions that had sat for genera- tions, the guards of a nohle- house mis- .4 ed by lion daring. in times of Italian valuur and hazard; the wholq magni- fivenm‘ that so splendidly prepares the weave in the great mansions for thv more than tuagnifirenrt- within. for the matvhlrss expenditure of taste, wealth and skill. that brings the- miud to 111"; ages of Italian power and princedonu‘ â€"-all we‘re [her-c still. But tho look of ‘thr- dotnvstiv “ho admitted lhnm hy 'a sideâ€"door. and his e-vidvnt trepidation. ‘ told at once th2- history of the. palazzo. , ‘ (‘arara sprang forward with a pang of; gheftrt. All was spoil. The walls were] tstrimwd of their pictures; tapestryd St-ulptura. vvcrything was gone Mona mutants of th“ most exquisite art had ‘heen broken into fragments in the ;rough attempt to tear thmn down.‘ !\\'hrro were his \‘IISE‘S. the nor-I I traits of his antwstors, the Pl]t‘f§-d'- ‘oe‘uvre ot' Raphael. tlw ('orrezg‘io Gal- leryâ€"the library of manusrripts that had my the grout (‘ount franrosm nmt rest the grout (‘uunl lv‘mnvesm thu revenue at†n prinr-ipnlity? All “we sxwpt away. Hull :1 (lozu‘vr interest nmv made all their loss (‘mnpnrativvly light. \Vh‘ll was hvcnme of th9 Count- mm and his Child? The Single (lmnns- tic had l'lml. probably in terror :1! sec- in!“r the pulnzzo entered by his. master. whom. hp muqt have taken for :1 uhnsl 01' u lunatic, Cumm rushml (in from hall to hull. from corridor to (-m‘ridor, from clmmlmr to chamber. his anxi- ety growing wilder at every step, his brain burning. his voice raised until it. sturllwl him with its own violence. until lw had hurried through the whole svene of spoilu‘Lion, â€ml was yet un- o... -...r_.v v" I {(‘arara “ There is but one objection.‘ gobserved his friend. "The winter has :Sct in roughly even here; what must lit be among the mountains? I escapâ€"s fed a tempest. with some difficulty.but gtllreqe days ago, which [saw covering .the Wh'llt: of the l’uisterthal. [ should ! nut be surprised to hear that the Bren-l invr is by this time totally impassable. As for thi- paxsvs to the west, the- trav- ellers from the Splugen and the HelVia have reported them filled up with snow I for the last fortnight." . ‘ i | This horrors of any attempt to cross} the Brenner mountains forty years: Isince. were sufficient to shake the stout l hearts Ewen of the carriers and rontran‘ ;handists of the Alpine regions; and‘ 'Carara acknowledged the little probâ€"l :ahility which h» (-ould have of est'apin‘g‘ T the. complicated trials of hunger. house-i zlessm-ss. and those terrihle tempests ' Whit‘h often swa-pt ‘away \\ hole villages .and even huge portions of the xuoun-g 'tains themselves. " But let. what willi happen."said hv, " I must see theCounâ€" gtesa di Carara: see in what state thel ityranny of our wretched government has left my house and property, and; try what can he done to obtain justice; ion the spot." "Day is breaking,“ wasf t the reply. “ Your escape from. your cell lWill be known immediately. and. 0f icourse. vigilance will have all its eyesl :upnu your travk. In short, you mustm’ [wait till nightfall." This was undeni- table ; and (‘urara passed another! Wretched (layâ€"a (lay of fear. watt-hing Band “'Q‘tll‘l'ne‘SS. in which the step of evâ€"' 011v lx‘ggar that. passed the little innl twas a source of alarm; vvery chance word from the wild and halt.'~nakml re- prihatvs who lingered out the hour. till night sent thmn out again to starve ’ or to plunder. sounded like (tetortionz' and r-vory moment St‘t‘lllt‘tl lengthened for th»: more purpose of putting him to torture. At, last the shadows hogan to Spread from the cathe-dral towers; the even- ing: (-himos announced "that the uionks' Wen- going to their suppers. and all‘ the World going ll) rest; the Count. re- 3 vim-d with the thickening twilight. and a low knock at the. door announced the Hungarian. He was prepared for their movement. and n cloak and a few trif- ling vhangeq of dress enabled the (‘onnt to pass through th»: dim streets with-‘ out being remuniwnl n..........u. RIMâ€"L .__.A._Aa u. _v...» w...u.° uvu muku “DVt‘* than a conspiracy against Austrian churvh and state. How likely he is to succeed. far be it. from me to doubt- Hmvever, you have struck upon the. only point in our tuvour. Francis is 11011031 by nuturv. very much afraid 9f â€11' French by huhilv, and very anx- 10113 10 he popular in Italy by polity." "To the Emperor,‘ then!" exclaimed n , queuce or his presence Is to persuade the Tyrolese that goat-shooting is .u crime against nature, that a rifle lS rebellion. and that u cook's-feather in lg»? but is something not much heLtPr I'g‘ing‘ frnm inf'nnvy. he \ iifu of luxury hrul fail- }. Ih:I1 thnru worn enjoy- “urhi uhivh tin: high. “93!!!) (‘Anuid noilhm' 5 away 011- nnw not Iikn lhe â€Hf his wanted (My; . was (1)!) Shurl for a Lilo uhivh the. 1. HF hvr pt'rlurâ€" zlrful interval of unrl rurossvs 01' n dolcrxmnu- 1 hold redress might: or {or experienced glitter n For the purpose of convenience and .[discripline the day on shipboard begins Llat noon. and is divided thus: After- ‘Inoou watch, 12 noon to 4 p.m.; first dog watch. 4 pan. to 6 p.m.; second dog , watch. 6 pm. to S p.n1.; first watch, 8 259,111.. to 12 midnight; middle watch, jg}: midnight to 4 :i.m.; morning: watch, ’ ‘rum. to 8 u.m.; forenoon watch. 8 :un. r - 12 noon. i“ cerluin "life." Should the. lonlhgr Show any (viva-L it is returned to the f‘ unlucky glmer. will) :i pw‘mnplory (le- imtIn/l [or ill] explanation. ; When n suit is ordered. woe to the iLuilor should it. not [11; like a glove. though a “try on " is never permit- ted. Directly a suit. bus been taken off, [it is returned to the wardrobe, and I Lhcrc subjected to the closest scrutiny. " ‘he orders and decorations are kept in I iron safe. and represent in value hour 1,500,000 marks. The. Kaiso'r’s vurdrolzes Occupy :1 suite of five rooms in the old uustlu in, Ber- iliu. They are massive and of oak. [n i (he midillu of cm: of the rooms is :1 large itublu [or slim-ailing out, tho. uniforms. i'l‘hncrc i5 :1 sixth room. in which small Srcpziirs. are undertaken, Here aluilur gis permanently employed, for Kaiser lWillwlm does. uoL thmw :quy clothes iunLil they are well worn. He keeps .almuL lb‘ pair.» of while military gloves Fin use. Those are cleaned and repair- ch from time: to Lime. 'l'he glovur re- iccivcs :L suull yearly sum for his svr- lvices. l'Im-h pair is supposml lo have liq-ls N111 Worn-[HI Alum! "(111111.211 For 11 Mule 01‘1‘1ul1u1. 1111- Kaiser is 111n1ilit1'11‘y man from furnwn to {001.His numerous \v1‘1111r01ws 11-11111 1111 111111 five suits of mufti, 1110s?- :15 1111111116 in \ 111111111. Like 11111111 German 111111111115, 111‘. 111,181 Inuks \1‘111 in 11111111. lH 1111s 11 p11rli1111111 \hnnigung against 1111.: s\\1'1111)\1t11il,1\1111‘h 1‘1‘111111115 111111 of 111111 somber surroundings of 1111111111211. This 11nc1111quv91‘r11hiv 1111J81‘ti11n is 111:. 6.011111111111- for 1111 imperial regulation ordaining thtt 1111 Fever possible cour- 1L'1-ers and guests shall wear the fxock [coat :1. l‘Angluise. otherwise the newly ‘introduced court; dress is de riguer "1111*. black swullmvmil is lbus [11st 1111- ‘ ing forced out of (11111111111 court circles. Umbrellas are his pet aversionâ€"he never possessed one in his life. 111111. 11s to sticks. they are. usually the cheap- est he. can buy. IIis rifles are under the special 111111! of the Leibjugcr. and are kept in 11 special cuyhnar1LA re- 1111111“ 111111: feature of 1111:; 10110011011 is]r the hunting sticks, “1.11011 His Majesty 1111s cut with his own hand while out hunting or recuived us presents dur- ing his expeditions. from gentry 111111 peasantry alike. n"rveu; by {'he n‘ltiunui habits, for 111:: high duties of life. You are nnw a phil(,:313pl1r-r; 21mg." he added with a fuin! smile, "us it is im-‘uliarly pain- ful: to part with :1 [luv and mum-able acquaintance, Imust L0 suffered to coniinuv' the intercourse that has heâ€" gun with?!) those five minutes, \\'ith- ou‘ a Inflaphm'. yo". must let me go ulna; with you," l'sc‘alchi of Fermm. His ~frivndship for mu. will suffer nu decay by my full; and his rwluiionship t0 the (‘nun- iytesz-i will insure hnr protecliun under his roof unlil [eithe-r accomplish my purpose, or um luid when- humun purposvs disturb nu one. l":u‘om-ll." His: bearer caught him by lhe cloak as h“ was rushing out. and grasped his hindâ€""Count Carma." said he, in a. gums tone, "I believe we have nut knoun (-m-h other until now. I mm- rwmgnize you as lhe dvm'vmlant 01' (he illustriéus founder of this pular‘e in “high I~xtumL I confess that. I too long loqked on you as totally un- . ,"The Countess." _s:ii:1 Carara, with emotion, "is :1 woman of a spirit that deserved a nobler icompuniunship than mine. I must retrieve myself in lwr eyes and in my own. Let us say no mom on the subject. I wish to spare her the ub‘elvss pain of parting. In half an hour I shall ht‘, on the road to the mountzlinx. In the meantime, I have provided for 1101‘ safety." He hero wrote a few lines. “I must. leave this part of tha business to you. De- liver this note to thv old Marquis Adrt- 3 â€W1 more necesaity 1’01 mo 11) try." ,mid.(‘:1rur11 r11solu1el3',“if 1 can find i110 other henna of my (193111113111 'llJe plain {11.01 is, that 11.111112111111551 like mino :cannot be in1ruste1l 10 a l<111<1r, n01 ;oven‘ the latter 10 the negligence of a :courier. “ll1<1~l1‘111[x1,1"(11 must roveive :1 hundred 111111111115 11- day of the 111111111 kind whi<l1 he 1111mm 10 his 5431:111- 1z1ry, who 1111111111 11111111 into the fire 'l 110' read may he (lifl'itull; 11u1.z1. man (1mm in 'eurnesl can make his way lthrou'rh mmc 111:111 the. Brenner. I am. in ournést and 1 must :11 all ev.ents Etry [f l 19:10 1.110 1'2'111110101 in 1111181111, ‘I muv succeed â€:1lf-11- dozen words ‘spoken 11311111. injuzcd party himself, are. often “01111 :1 volume coldly laid 'hefore his (1y11.i<"1.'11111.~1 lis 11 1111111, 11nd ‘111' “ill underst and 1111111111gu1g11, 111' a ‘mnn: and by all 111111 is 1111111131 or hold in n1:1n.ho1. 8111†he 1r it from 11111. [f’ I perish by the \3"113, [ï¬nish and that is all lhme is 1111 and of one “11031 life is 11 9111111111111 repx'ozu-h 19 him. Apathy “i111 1111- i4 111 an end. †"But ihq :(‘nlintessV ‘exIKIS‘tVuiI-i‘t;;(l his friendâ€""What, will she say to this desperate experiment. '?‘ was but lust week that a train of twenty mu. es. coming from Biiuen, “are carried away, ixmleteeis unit it]! to 'tho. bottom of- 0110 of the lakes, und- er a mountain of snow, whivh “ill keep thv'ui them till doomsday. “ "What you?" said the Hungarian. with a look of douhlv porpluxity. “You, know nothing of the route, of hardâ€" ship, of (h:- nzrturo of [he mouniuin siorms? You will be swept. away like 1.4: r. V. ‘rr .......J .uu; a. butterfly, or huriwl under some snow-drift before you hum gone a league up the pass. This, too, is the Mason of the avgilum-hes; every blast. loosens some of them down. and the very lmtdgst ofé‘tziic mountaineers will not stir a foot from the firesides. until at least the equinox is over. It lxxon more a blank in life, if l had been flung out of my vrudle into the Adigu." 'J‘h-u bearer stared. "What. is the pur- port of all this?" was in his lunk of pcrplexity. “I had hupml,“ continued the Count. "lo have escaped all ques- tion upon 1.11» subject, to have kept my UWn counme until 1 could show my good and manly-minded friend its fruits. I am determined to go on this mission myself." "N6. no,†xi'as"‘t7he reply. "Yeah-râ€" day I might have Been mad enough [0 use them against him. or against, my- self, or against any one; for [ had begum .10 look upon mankind as a wild boast. which It was a "kind at duty to (it-stray. But the last. twelve hours have; ('hnngéd my mind on that. point. and many others. 1 have-boon a num- bvrer of the earth. 1 have last thirty yearst m existunne. T, thutd not. have sleep. Taking dovm a. dagger and pistol; which hung in a private recess. he began sharpening the one and load- ing' the other. The Hungnriuu's quick eye was instantly upon him; Sprint.- ‘ing .from‘ the much. he asked him who- ther he could be ‘mud enough to think .of aging thump ugzyxi‘ns'. lhu governor. HOURS 0N SHIPBOARD‘ To 139. Continued. KAISER‘S TOGS. pebplu ' in trade First Swellâ€"Here comes Lunncut. the tailor. He looks as if he intended to speak to us. 7 Second Swell, nervously â€"Let's turn into this sideâ€"street and hide in this al~ ley-wrly, I don't like tonssociate with It is sure to give you the most perfect satisfaction. LEAD PACKAGES. 25. 40‘ [n the place of gOill the fashionable dmilists; are now using a. white metal that burdens very quickly and when hll‘d looks precisely like the tooth it- self. A 600d Investmcnt It. is not promsed that where gold is already in place it, shall he takvn out. but the "orders" are to use the 0! her n‘mterials from now on‘ especial» ly in the case of the upcoming genera- tion. IL is still aflownhle to use gold where there is no possibility of its showing. but in any othercase the new rule of fashion is. exceedingly positive. N0 LONG ER FASHIONABLIC. Fashion's new fiat is that there shall he no more gold in teeth. Gold in the midst of a "row of. pearls." the leaders say. is horribly conspicuous, and it is very bud form. None of the yellow metal should show when one laughs. and sucha thing as hulfn frnut. tooth oligpld must no more he seen. ll “’11 s unuhln to 11111.1(: 1m l)1\1l.l 89“- ured medic: 11 11e1111111nt 11nd ll11‘ 111111015 told m“: I would nover be able 10 11.111; again. I tuck medicine they proscrib- ed hut it failed 1.0 1:110 21nv 11-lief l tOOk patent 111edicin1a~1hut Hwy did not, help me Hm 111g noliced 1111 ad- vertisement in a, paper [or Dr. “il- lmms' Pink Pills ] concluded to 8â€" them a 11in] (1111! they gave m1- relief from the time I commoncvd using them 11.! :30111. 111a f'ust of 1:1.nu11ry last. I have taken ten boxes I 11111 no“ able to go around \11lhout. :Lwistance and do all my 110u5mv01k.â€'.l)r “illiums' Pink l‘ill. 1311113. by going to the 11101 of disease.'lh11v renew and build up the blood. and strengthen the nones.thus driving: disense from the sy stem . Avoid < 1111111110111 by insisting that e1e1y boxl you purchase is enclosed 1n1111rz1pp1-ri hearing the full trade mark. Dr. \Vil- liams' Pink Pills for Dale People. I mus: [111' (‘hunge was due. Mrs 'l‘hsw thle. not courting publivily. (‘nnsvnlvd to give a hriu-f statement. of hnr ms» in 11’113‘3 â€ML some other sufferer might he benefited. Sh»: suidzâ€"“My joints \VQI‘P all swnllen up three ti‘mvs mm puturul size and for a. year and :I hilf Mrs. Wm. Threw. who is. wcll known in (11:9 town 01' Wizu‘ton. was :Lsufl‘vx‘ex‘ from 11mm trouble unvl ariiculur rheu- mzuisul [at :1 period of fifteen yz‘ul's- Liltki’i'j hnr umdiliun 1115 so mm'h imâ€" pmved 1.11111. 2L J‘vporter of â€1» ï¬rm) cull-ed upon bur to ascertain to what [3115111115 â€1,. 11111'11 within Ihn 111115, thaw 11m Slll'l“ [1"11'110113 just outside, (21111-1! the- Marina and P110111 111’ Tim‘- r:1, ('1111‘1rniz1111g 2.111111 111‘ 3.00†inhabit- :11115‘ 1111111. 'I'hvro (111) also 1110 s11! urhs 111111. S1111 â€'1111'11-_ â€11111011111111 h_1 11111111111 rmd loading 11111 01' 1h:- r‘ity and 11111 Mb r (31111111,;111111‘51h11h:1_1',1‘1‘ 1'1' 11- ed 111' fvr11'.â€J1111 31111111 11111] 111:- 111.1 suburbs .1111 situatiwl 1111 5:111111' 11111115 01' $111 [>1. 131111 1119 1111111‘ are surf-mun. :91 by 11311151111» 511:1111113. 1111' 11111111? population of the 1111' 11nd suburbs. av- 1‘41rding l1) H10 ('1'11Rus 11f ISFT. 11:15 27,- 000. I: is 111111'eH11111:1h-nl :11 311,111"). 0111-- 11-1†of 1111' :‘1’1111113121111 Consists HI 1114,:- rm‘s and mixed raves. From 3.11» Evho. \Viartou. Ont Join“ and Limln “'vx-u swolh-n "hree ‘l'lmvs Tin-Ir Mum-u! Mmâ€"Tln- Sum-re:- ln lied for :1 Your and a Ilalt‘. The strcets an: wider Hun in the older purl of Havana and will admit, two curring-es abreast. The sidewalks are narrow. and in rim-vs will uccomoâ€" (12m: only one person. 'l‘lli‘ pavements-i are 01' n (‘mnpOs'iIion manufat'turcil in England [rum slag. pleasant. and even and (lumbla when 11') heavy slmin is bmnglli to hear uyun them, but ezisily broken and unfit, for hwivy traffic. The slim-ls are swam, 1)“C(‘ :1 day by hanl and. strange Lo sin. an: kept \ery clean. 1mm its [0110'lnlllhllill si‘uaticn the town should be heillhy, hut. it is nut. The soil under ills: (it) is clay mixed wilh limo. S) but as to he 31- most like rock. It is (‘onqunently 1mâ€" perviuus L0 waiter unli furnishes u. gooil nzuurul drainage. Th»- n‘mlo wind blows Strong and fresh and through the har- lanr runs a stream of 54% quPI‘ :11 a speed of not 1035 lhm tlm-n miles an hour “ilh 111-85 9 (auditions 11‘) Con. Laginus dismeises. if I‘ropmly lakun (1119‘ of, (‘onl l exiqL: “illmut Ilwm (110 place wnulil he in writable pluguc- synf. The ground floors of the whole town reek with filth, and conditions are most; unsanitary. In a tmpicnl country, where. disousc readily prevails, the enn- sequcnces of such harming may in). 0:13- ily inferred. There is no running wa- ter in thi-‘town. The entire population depends on rain water caught on the flat roofs of the buildings and run- ducted to LUV. cistern. which occupies the greater part of the? courtyard that is an essential part 0! Spanish houses this world over, but thit here, on ac- count of the crowded Conditimis. is small. There is no svweragc. except for surface water and sinks, while vaults are in evm’v h'iuse and Wimpy whatever remaining space there may L:- in the patios not when up by the cisterns. 'J‘h“ risk 01 contaminating the wutvr is great. and in dry seasons the supply is (entirely exhuusteul. Epi- (lemics, ur‘r: fruquunt, and the town is ulive with vermin, mosquitoes, and dogs. tut: [PUUI'UI' CUISSCS, “ HO CI‘O\V(1 (DIMl up- on another in the most appalling man- ner. The population within the walls is estimated at 20,000, and must of it lives on the ground floors. In one small mom with a flimsy partition 8. whule family will reside. The. l-‘lm SIN'I'IIIN‘H or u Walk-d Town 'l‘lml Ilm llnllwl Mules “'lll llawe. San Juan in a perfect specimen of a wallwl tuwn, with portcullis, moat. 8‘â€ch and haltlouwnts. Built over 2.50 years ago, it is still in good condition anJ repair. The walls are picturesque, and represent a stupendous work and mat in themselves. Inside the walls, tlm city is laid; off in regulan squares, six parallel streets running in the di- rection of Him length of the island and seven at right angles. The houses are clomly and compactly built of brick, usually of two stories. stuccoml on the outside and painted in a variety of colors. Tim upper floors are ()(‘cupiml by the more respectable people. while‘ the gmund floors, almost without cx-l Caption, ill‘t‘ given Up ‘0 119810†and the poorer classes, \t ho crowd one up-, SUFFERED FOR YEARS. HE HAD A BILL. QUEER OLD SAN JUAN. LuflELLA Geylon Tea. ' STATE or OHIO. CITY or Tom-.00. h. LUCAS COUNTY. ' FRANK I. Cmvmzy makes oath that he is the senior partner of the ï¬rm of F. .l. Grammy 8: 00.. doing bu-zinexa in the City of Toledo,County and. State aforesaid. and letsaid ï¬rm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh that cannot. be cured by the use of HALL'B Cnumu ('URE. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence. this 6th day of December, A. D.. 1856. A A. W. GLEASON. {3:3 } Notary Public. l Hall‘aCamrx-h Cure is taken internally and act: . directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Sand for testimonials free. F. .J. Cl_i_ENEY 00.. Toledo. 0. 5-1: L_ n_,,, , 'Scarlai. is the mourning color for unmarried women 111 Brazil. Inhale Quic kcure for Hay fence: 150; 250 50c. Not much: I'm the slum} of a man who won’t let me follow the fashions at all. ANOTHER. VARIETY. Pauline. are you one of l“a.~:hion'< slaves? J: is said 111 Al, in some of the farming districts 0f (‘llinn pigs are. lnrnossed to small Wagons and ma-le [.0 draw thmu. Inhale Quickuure for Ca!:1rrh.15c 250 500. Cooking uivnails of :nfuxxxiuum. in- stead of tin. :1 re Coming mtu vogu» in the Frenx-h army. Sold birDmg “late. 75c. Hall's smily Pills are the bean. ngtford Vim Tires A good iistenor possesses amost, sub- Lle power of Huttery. The Idlerâ€"Whn Leanne of {hu 9:11» He cur yuu invented! The Inventorâ€"i couldn't 1:"! the railroads to take any stock in it. -.....' ..- VI'I4 unn. Tske Laxative Bron“; Leninim- T x‘ï¬eu All Drug- (“Ch refund thu mom-y if it [mild to“ u ' 21¢ Were it a mere fad of fashion affect- ing: a woman's appearance 01113: it might. 1w aiiuwod 10 pass without Hm)- mvm: but whun the hygivnivs of hip pa'Hing‘ are 0v n~iderenl all svnsihlc v.0- men should oprsly denounée it. Aflcr :1 man propo'es Lu a woman and she ncvepts him she triv's tn nuke him fix her idm‘ls. {or it rarely: hap- pens th'lt he comes anywhere nwu‘ he- iug the sort of nun she expcvleri to marry. Too much can not be said against it.. It gives extra. Weight. vxtm pressure and 0mm wurmlh. when all these are to be avoided. 1L deprives :1 “OXH'ID of grace an-i :wiivil.y. and is, in {:u-x. the hustilv mun? {Lines multiplied in ugli- nnss and uuwhtdvsomeuese. PADDED HIPS. It, is incredible that women of this time should for a. moment consider the rcLum to such inconvenient and ugly dress accesso'i'ies us the 1100p skirt. the hustle. the trailing skirt; in the street. Yet one can never be sure. for here is fashion demanding a "new figurg," anal asking that. the hips be padded. Leave the qunslion of beauty as entire- ly out of ‘lhe argument as it is lefL out of the "new {i rum," and there are still graver reasons against the pudding of the hips, tor. us some one says, “if the bcuuiy of hip pudding is comparative, depending solely upon Instr), its discow- fort is pOsiLive and its unhealthfulness superlaLive." AN IINAPPRECLX'I‘ED INVENTION ll IN-rurred In Egypt. and Was About the Food Supply. The earliest strike occurred about; I 14:30 B. C.. or upwards of 33 centuries 1ago. Pharaoh was building a new g'l‘emple of Thebes. The masons re- ceived very little cash, but a. quantity of provisions which the contractor thought sufficient was handed to them ;on the first of each month. Suffi- cient. or not. they mostly atejtg before i the time had elapsed. On one ocezi ion sunny of them had nothing left quite jearly in the month, so they marched to the contractor's house. before which §they squatted and refused to budge 1 until justice was done. The contrac- ;tor persuaded them to lay their dis- itress before Pharaoh, who was about; I'to visit the works, and he gave them; in handsome. supply of corn, ond so all went on well for that month. But the some state of things recurred by the middle of the next, and for some ;duys the men struck Work. Various 'oonl‘erences took place, but the men declined to do .1 st rake until they were igiven another supply of food. The)" . declared the clerks cheated them. used false weights, and so forth. familiar enough complaints in this: country unâ€". der the trot-k system. . ’i'he t-ontractor not complying with their ’demunds. they marched to the Governor of the City to lay their grievances before him, and he tried to get them to return; to work by smooth words, but that was i n) use. and they insisted on having. food. At last, to get rid of them, hei drew up an order for corn on the pub- lic granary, undthe strike was at an! end. should always please. Try a package of Quickcure fur Corns. 15c. 25C, 500 Head 02160â€"- - 9 Ldulsido St. W.. Toronto PIGS AS HEARTS OF IN'RDEN’ 51mm; iHood’s Sarsaparilla Salt Rheum and Sick Headaches Cured by Hood’s Saraaparllla. Great multitudes buy and take Hood's Sarsaparilla. nwith the utmost confidence that it. will do them good Mrs. Robext; McAffee of Deerhurst Ont†says: “I was troubled with sick headaches, and as my hubband had beer jcured of salt rheum by Hood's Sar- Iseparilla. he urged me to take it. I did so and it relieved me. In Canada' 4 GreuLest Medicine. 31; six tors.) BRAZIL MOURNING COLORS i ood's P1115 câ€"Grc uli Liver Il Prompt Relief T9 CURB A COLD IN ONE on 25. 40. 50 and 606. MOST S l ' BTLIL‘ FLA ’i‘TEH Y IDEAS AND 1% EALITIICS THE EARLIEST STRIKE. is. 25 cent; building;. 7 L’m-d 2‘.‘ ye.xr.~‘. WU) a pad IipYJyrI' yau can \uim n hum in half a «lay. Write us for rirv‘lihrs und Infxu'nmni-m about, painting. Thv Fil-ch Wao i l‘rmnu- Live 3 Paint, Campauy. 57’.) Queen \"cï¬t. To:u\.‘.u. PAINT so SHEA? a,:.,‘.'.l‘;1‘, .0u Bi I 0“ 55!] wheel forszs. Indi e~' G)“: 65" v wma. \\ il be «wt 10: in- W; Chen on 11% < in: n: $1,whiuh will be HHOW'Od if wheel i< ro‘:'in«-:i. >31"an on 'aoubl ' tuboiirw ‘. I: mix: clapp Cycle 00.. 45 3 Yonge St. Toronto. LAW FARMS 35°. it! iféERALS TESTED ' 1n compilingthh boox care has lean taken to omit none of these common word» whose syn-Hing or exact. u-‘e occasions at times a. momentary diï¬iculty, even :0 well educated new 19. The main uimhm bden to give asmur-h use ul inforanion an pos<iblo in a “mired spwc. With time in View, when: noun. adjev- In"; and verb are all ohvioxhu' comm-cred in meaning. uqully one only In» 1108:. inserted. The voiume will thua he found in v-ontain the meaning of wry many uni-re words than it: prgfei-seu to mm; in. To thong who already have M (‘livtiomu'J . bhi-s book will command i'rzclf. bcvause it is (3011]. partligh!:Irdw'.)nvunm'1t: to Lhose who have no dicnonmy wzmw‘er. i: will be invaluable. One may be man-ed by writing; to the above concern memioxmg thh papcr. ami cnmoainz I. three-cent ammp. 9:6. †'li.’ hfsz:\xPâ€""OR'."RC. ‘xnaucial Agent, MonzreaL Que A dicLionary con' ï¬ning the deï¬nition; of 10,003 of Lhe most u-cful and xmp'xru‘u: words in the Englieh Int-grunge. i1 publir-hcd by the Dr. Willimm Medicine ('0.. Brockvxlie. Ont. \Yhile it comuim wme 11d\’81‘lisiug. 2", in; com- pigw dicxignm‘yz concise and CGH'ECI. WORST SI'FFEHLV} OF ALL. Johnnyâ€"Whn‘s u hypochun'iriac? Papaâ€"He's a mun who suffvrs Ler- rible from things thzxt dun'L :in him. The. improvemvnl in (he :wcommtiria- iion furnished ocean passengers 120- ing by 1h? (‘zmmliun Steamship Lines, via Montreal and Quebec during the past, two yours has been wry murde and; has plar'od â€in! part abow un an equality with Ns-w York. Thu im- provemeni is Lurgvly due to the new fast steamships “hwh have bean put on the“ Dominion Line, and 1119 Ire- mizlmlnua int-ream: in xiwir first and second cabin husinoss has shziwu lhut the Canadian people are ready and willing to pun‘uniz» ziieir own lint-s, all things hving equal. In no particu- lar is 1119 improvemvm. more no! irwabie than in the Mmcmgv apartments, which‘i an- nmv :Iil lhut, nun he desired. being we†ii-‘rhfvrl and wutilulcd, and having mndorn irnn bedsh-ads. We can rommmemi our friends [0 make enquiries from {he Dominion Line agent in town with regard. lo the Can- adian service, ih‘furn making up 1heir mind.»- us to the route {ht-y intend to take. AWFUL DEPTH. The depth of the A1 lunth: between Ihe Canary Islands and the West Indies is something awful. A pretty level hot- Lom runs right away from the Afriz-un island510 the American ones gradually deepening to nearly 19000 feeL. m MONEY MAKE K N ITT I N g G R meme 1 ___M [a C A shoemaker says we. wear away quite two inchvs of 81100 leather in a year. A pair of boots that would "last a lifelimv," would ('omequently have to be provided with soles from eight to nine feet thick. Should adorn the, brow of the inventor of the great corn cure. Putnam's Pain- less Corn Extractor. It works quick- ly, never makes u sore spoil. and isjust the thing you WanL See that you get Putham's Painless Corn Extractor. the sure. safe and painless cure for cows. Eicycie Tires $4.00 Authorities say that crinoline is again. coming into favor. This asser- tion is made so frequently that: those who dislike the idea of the fashion be- coming really established feel that it is; only a call 9! “wolf." and do not fear the estubhslunout of so ugly a mode. InhaEe Quickcure for Asthma. 15¢ Removes Dandruff in One Week. Cures Itching of the,Scaip. i’revents Breaking of Hair. Stops Falling Out. â€SITIVELY GROWS HAIK A Good Dictionary for Three Cents Whypay $10.0â€? 1.00“ [min new tires Write quick ELLSWURTH a MUNHHN, Tomuw. -.u.n 'u xv MILT- )\'L. HERSEY 13.1. 3c†16 5t. gnommem 5211011 real. Qne‘ IS CRINOLINE COMING? TheVicto r's Crown ‘1‘ AND ESTATES h0n"hb Fold It (Xv hanggdz T"Y‘-'llr' mailed 01... pa Bougo‘frgn [Pl-unis“. 0! an SHOE ““159. n fur-'05s. Rm; Elna, and Barriétom.etc.. rrmovi to Weilc‘vflldga. Rich mend 8t. .. Toronto. Mlllo. Mme 8: Halo. 300 an in!" It In Hamilton. 1000 by Toronto and London. “3 P. (7. 825. You csn an it. 0:) 01d nzi years or Mic-s of for Gold. um Fr}: 50: mice: CBEELMAN 8308.. Georgetown, Out. '03 TYPE‘IIITESS WRITE US. TI“ ll FOR YOU- mu mmomu sun m. pnonuonnz Clothe your many from hood to foot with our â€â€™ MONEY MAr’ ‘53 Prices only SIS, $20 $30. PER PAIR. Steamers wail from Montreal @cr; '1‘ morning on arrival of trains from '1‘: - the West about 9 o‘clock. RATES OF PASSAGE £7- EHARLES, ALLAN LINE 20373! Mail Steamshiio 0: JAMES B. REILLY. Owner Sun parlor 800 foot long overroo'rdng ocean and beach osplanade Vacuum steam heating system. Elavamr :0 street level. Hot and cold, frwsh and salt water in all baths. Rooms en suite, baths attached. . MACHINES; Rubber Stampa and Sdmying {was 5 plied. Correnpondence invited. PAID UP CAPITAL, - ~ - $30,900. Cor. West Market a; Colborne St. Toronm. The WILSON PUBLISHiNG 80., The DAWSON COMMISSION 00 , Limitea Rogue-.1 and Quebec to Liverpool in mama. and {at Ewan screw maxim 'IAer. 2; couver.‘ ‘Dominkm.’ ‘Scotaman.’ ‘ Yorkkhzrej Su rior accommodation xor Firs: Chum. a» on Cabin and Steer-age ouwnsem. lute. passageâ€"First Cabin. $52.50; 30mm Cabin, :34 ; Steerage 822.50 and upwards a’t’mdingn summer and berth. For all informantâ€; “pm, to Local Agents, or iuvm Taxman: 5; Co, Gen‘! Agents. I! Be. Bun-amen: 6:... Mon 3‘ L .v: 8H1? Youn-n‘ Fruit. Buttor, 1:35... And oL‘r or Provium: to Montreal to Liverpool. nginion Line Steamship; For Sale Ween at your 12% Fence, Fenceflwcount in hut W» Zen. we have the bmt and moutprncuca! hmâ€. enrth. Four m5! -n of in m ml. at, the Fixw mental Farm. Guelph Ont. Send for my}; Addr‘eï¬u Toronto Picket Wit-o Pena. 00., 221 River St. Toronto. Ont. I vrnduoemcnts to I£01an me fares": ou. is taking up Cunning. rticuk rs an cation. usY YONGE $11, paTOROI'GTQ *ï¬pl), lNDO-CEYLON TEA ‘ ' is put up in lead packets only. Drop m. card {- r a ample puke... THE monsoon 7“ 00., 1 Wellington 8t. "08!. TONI.0. 1‘0RON'l‘0 CUTTING SCHOOL 0 a war inducement! to young mm? Bal'nu. [m doliclous fluvor and hea‘thuypme. makes every user an Advertiser of x: a mum; makes every uuer an navel-user or x: g um,“- MON SOON vl'l\/\ 1-1:“: ru- ’1‘.» . Iron Turning Lathe. sixteen inch cw six foot bed. rod and gear fuii. mu: shaft compiete, good as new, YE CHEAP. Apply, ATLAHTEC cm. u. OPEN ALL THE YEAR FINEST HOTEL ON THE LIMITED. 13 to 81 Adelaide 8t. VL, Toronto. TAMMERI 93. OLD AND RELIABLE ADJUSTABLE STOVE PIPES, Easy put up and taken down. Cam be cleaned. new-d. and put away m t small same. AM: your dealer: {or them. Manufactured by c. a. uncuv. I68 Adolnlde St. W.. Toronto. THE TRIUMPH~ Annun- CHURCHS AL 1'0 vocn INST! T. 11 O Pembroke EL, Toronto. Canada, CURE GUARANTEED. l)0.\"‘r BF: HUMBI)<;(;}:D _by agents. DU 70'1“ o" winkmg. We sell up Kudzu math-armed aewguz mmmu at not rioea 18.5.! to - deliveflg‘ee with n â€wig: of Montreal. Send for spec“ catalogue and henna. THE BAILEY [Kn u I . (0.. Maulrrnt. M! N THE 005.51.. and Prop. Cm, VERY n3