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Omemee Mirror (1894), 1 Jun 1899, p. 3

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l-OOJo 2.00. L 1.00, 1.50. b GGS. OI‘O. LN, 1.25. .eader tPrices. 5i: anti) teams of EALVS. Fur Cap goods. is Office 78. ’atronize lled with do busi- 2.59, 1 75. D par pair. 51:. per lb. IANY. SSIA. .‘ALY. nt, Plas- ‘, “ Daixy In qualities ,zmon. ,-. up. ay. General Dry Goods, Fully Assorted. Special Value In All Lines. Hats and Caps, Latest Styles, Close Cut Prices Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Lumber of all kinds, rough and dressed. Shingle of all classes from 60 cents per M. up. Best pine Lath and fresh Lime always in stock. Also Field Tile, Glazed Sew- cr Pipe, all sizes, and the Celebrated Queenston Cement at $r.20 to $1.30 per bbl. Clean Hardwood Charcoal, by the car or bushel. Grate, Egg, Stove and Nut, Fresh Mined Coal, coming direct from Mines, weekly. Blacksmith coal a specialty. Call and get our prices, or write for quotations before buying, “ We \Vill Suit You.” R. Bryans 00., Lindsay. New Bands. Mr. 'lhos. Mchade was in Millbrook on the 24th. \V F. 3|oCarty.the Ieweller. Lindsay, {0' Watches, Clocks, Jewelery. Silver- wara Spectacles. Lowest prices for fine quality g00ds.â€"5â€"tf Office and yard No. 9 Victoria Avenue. hone No. 56. next to Sylvester Bros. P. 8. ml! and see our $3. 0:) am] :3 4. oo pine sheeting Lumber. â€"Iy Miss Na. Brown Spent the 24th in Ml!!!)ruok. )Ir.(‘a1\in MitcLell took in the sports a: Mlllbmok on the 24th. Mrs. Russell and daugh ter, Miss Laura of Lindsay, were guests of Mrs. and Miss Minnie Henderson on the 24th. Miss Eva Fee was a visitor to Mill- l‘rook on the Queen’s Birthday. Miss Muriel Maxnm, of Lindsay. was the guest of the Misses Scott on the Queen’s Birthday. Messrs. Henry Bradley, Henry Cald- we‘l and Wm. Adams were in Lindsay Sunday attending a meeting of engin- eers. firemen and trackmen. New American Organdle Blouses. See them at 84c. It'yon want all the news subsc‘ for the Mirror To new subscribers, to Jan. 131:, 1900. Mr. J. Murphy, of Gavan, was in town this week on business. Dr. A. A. Beatty, of Toronto, was a guest at the home of Mrs. Norris on the 24th. 311'. Jack Barney was a visitcr to .‘Iilli r 01: on the 24th. Dr. Neelands. Dentist Lindsay will be at the Commerdal House op. Post. Office Omemoe, on Tuesday. June 6th. Call In the forenoon if possible and secure an appointment. ’ Mr. Burt Wilson Spent the 24th with Peterboro friends. Mr. Lawrence Lamb, came home h’01?" Echo 89.}: Sunday to be with his father who has been seriously ill the P8at few days. For engagement and wedding rings {to to W. F. McCarty, the Jeweller, 17 Kent St... Lindsay. south side.-5-tf A welcome meeting will be mm in S. A. Borracka oh this Thursday even- inz In honor of the new ofl‘icers. Let all who can turn cat and give them aSOOd reception. fifFor Wedding Presents. Clocks, Silverware. Beam“ :n- ”N. 10493! uric-93.3.: \V. F. 1 Rainy. «Thu. T19 “ideas Sara. and Jessie Lamb Spent the 24th in For: Hope. 4 Mr. Harry .Cameron, of Port Hope: was in town last week. \1 iss Taylor, head milliner for Mefisrs. T. [vcry Sons, Omomee, and Miss Maggie Adams Spent the Queen’s Birth- day with Milibrook friends. Dr. F. W. Ivory, Dentist, has sold out Ms Peterboro practice and will spend a few weeks in Omemee. Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Adams, of Beth- any, Spent the 24th with their Omemee friends. Messrs. Norman Holden. Percy Par- sons and Thomas English wheeled to Lakefield on the 24th and Spent the day, They report having had a. good time. Dr: F. A. Walters, Dentist, Lindsay will visit Omemee on the third Mon- day of each month. See card in another CRESSMAN, Peterbox-o. LOCK L LRCONIC SPECIAL SALE OF FURS AT ARMSTRONG BROS, KENT STPF‘fi‘mTTV“Q"V om OMEMEE. LIND SAY. the news subscribe Presents W niches, Beautiful N e \\ at W. F McL‘arty’ s, New Goods Just received a stock of Biscuits and Confectionery, Oranges, L: m- ons, Bananas, Cheese, La. r d , Breakfast Bacon and Hams. Choice Lemons......15c. doz. Blood Oranges ......35c. doz. Peas, Com or '1 omatocs 5 cans 25c Peaches and‘ I ’culs 2 “ canmd Salmon per can we Large size giass jar baking '..5C Gannfid Goeds. ipowder, reg: price 25c. 20c Still selling our Dishes and Glass- ware at reduced prices, col’d dinner plates Soc. (102. reg. price 1.00. col'd ten cups and saucers Soc. per doz.; red. price 1.00. call and see our goods. J. E. ADAMS, Messrs Kennedy and Nichols are sv-lling best quality of Binder Twine at 12 cents per pound. Experimental spraying, Mr. Joseph Sandy’s Orchard, Emily, on Thursday, June 8th, at 2 p. In. All Interested per- sons should remember the date. Farmers and villagers alike would do well to be on the lookout. for caterpil- lars, and promptly destroy the pests wherever found. The local agency for Martin’s Steam Laundry 18 at. the Mirror Ofllce. Leave your parcels earlv.â€"42 Mr. J. T. Beatty, is attending the Sn- preme Grand Orange Lodge of British North America. in Toronto this week. Mr. Armstrong. of Peterboro, was a guest at the home of the Misses English on the 24th. Miss Tena. Magee was a visitor. to Millbrook on the Queen's Birthday. I... 0 L. 113, regular meeting June 7, at. 7.30 p.m. A full attendance is re- quested. Iuiuation of candidates and 12th of July celebration business will be taken up. A complete range of new Lace Curtains just arrived. The prices are extra low, as the goods are late. Rev. C. M. Carew, of Campbellford, is visiting friends in this locality. Lieut. J. D. Thornton was in Peter- boro on the ?4th. Miss Daisy Stephenson, of Lindsay, Spent the 24th at the home of her fath- er, Reeve Stephenson. Mrs,E Maxom was a. guest at 1:! home of Mr. A. Scott last week. TLe band will furnish a. fine program of music next Saturday evening should Lhe weather be favorable. Special Sale or Remnants begin- ning Thursday, May 25th. The Misses Maud Grundy and Flora. McCrea were guests at the home of Hrs. Thexton‘of Millbrook on the 24th-25th. Mr. W. G. English drove to Peterboro Sunday. He was accompanied home by his sister in-law, Mrs. W. C. Tully. Messrs. Chas. McLanrin. Burt Court- ney and many others from this section wheeled u. Ahllbrook on the 24th and enjoy d the days’ spurts. M r. J. 'l‘. Richards spent. the 24th in ‘Tillbmok. I-llss Annie McCrea, of Toronto, was here visiting lxer parents on the 24th. \liss McCrea is a teacher in one of the largest public schools in the city, and has “on laurels by her splendid teach- ing abilities and discipline. J. E. ADAM’S, Our values in Summer Hose are Interesting. Heavy ribbed Cotton Stockings, fast dye, sizes 41: to 91‘, for only 10c. Capt. Culbert {arewe'lled to the people ef this community on Sanday last. She will take a rest for a short time before resuming her responsibilities in a new field of labor. The Captain made many warm friends while here, who will all join in wishing her success wherever she may go. CRESSMAN, Peterbéro. CRESSMAN, Peterboro. FRESH ' GROCERIES, AT RIGHT PRICES. CRESSMAN. Peter-boro- Omemee. '~> («w-- M‘P'fim 50%..- 1 y. .. . “-4“. egg." v Miss Annie Thompson, of Kinmount, spent a. few days of last week with her Ouxemee friends. She was accompani- ed on her return by her sister, Elva. Get your Repairing done at W. F. McCarty's Jeixellery Store. be high prices. " Live and Let Live," our motto. All Work warranted. Come and see us. 77 Kent-St" Lindsuy.â€"5-tf The following persons spent the 24th at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. A. Mac- Pherson : The Misses L. Henderson, M. Henderson,J. Henderson, E. McDermot ol Lindsay,L. Hall of Peterboro, and Messrs. J. Ilendersm, '1‘. Dowe, A. \Vaile, B. Galbraith of Lindsay, and George MacPherson of Hamilton. Mr. Robert Casey, of Mluden, father of Mr. R. H. Casey,of Emily, is visiting his friends in this neighborhood this week. We are pleased to learn he has recovered from his recent. illness and is now hale and hearty: . Mr. Burt. Blackwell is somewhat im- ‘proved in health and strong hopes are now entertained for his Complete re- covery. Miss Sarah Evans spent the past week with Mr. and MrSrF. H. Fielding at Coboconk. Rev. E. Roberta, Rév. R. M. Pope, and Mr. John McCrea left. yesterday morn- ing to attend the Bay of Quinta Confer ence. Rev. E. A. Langfeldfi will conduct um services in Christ Church next Sunday morning at 10.30 o’clock. Miss Janet Robinson. of Chicago, is visiting her Omemee friends. Miss Tenn. Magee and Miss Fee were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Z. Webster. of Lakefield, last week. Mr. Percy and Miss E. ThOrnton spent the 24th with Lakefield frxends. Miss Stella. Sandy was a. visitor to Peterboro last week. The many friends of Mr. Sam. Lamb will regret to learn he is seriously I“ Would it not be worth the trouble to take some steps for making known abroad the advantages afforded by Omemee as a summer resort. Beauti- fully situated, within easy reach of lake and river fishlng, quiet and possessing the conveniences of civilization, we be- lieve that Omemee would attract ma y to spend the season, If they but. knew what. a. delightful place it is. The Town Council should at once I give Mr. West, father-in-law of Dr. G. S- 5 Cameron, some encouragement to start I a hub factory here. It \xould be inak- I ing along stride toward helping on the I to“ n ’s interests as \\ ell as the commu- l nitie's at large. About a dozen men I would be employed in the factory and I this alone would be a great boon to the town as laboring men and mechanics spend their money in the town where they make it, and the more men of this class that can get steady employment I will be for the town’s interests. Let I ainove be made in the right direction. I I the home of Messrs. Wm. and James | Fowler,sons of Mr. James Fowler, Sr.,i of Smith, on the Queen's Birthday. E About forty relatives were present and I the event proved a big success. Mrs l Wm. Fowler had prepared a bounteous repast for the occasion, and all were loud in their praises of her ability in this line, and after having done ample 1 justice to the many delicacies, a most pleasant time was Spent in conversa- tion, games, etc. The National Anthem was then sung and three rousing cheers were given for Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria, and after thanking the host and hostess for their kind hosipal- ity, all repaired to their different homes at an early hour, having enjoyed the outing immensely. It will be well to mention that Messrs. Win. and James Fowler purchased the farm on which they live about ten years ago, and have since paid for it by their industry and strict attention to their labors. They also own the Trewern Cheese Factory, situated on the premises and have it rented to a Mr. Uhittick. The Mirror joins in wishing that they may long live to enjoy their comfortable home. A most pleasant time was spent at The Fireman’s Demonstration at Mill- brook on the 24th, was, as usual a big success. The weather was all that could be desired and a large number took ad- vantage of it and went to the above town to enjoy the day’s sports. In the morning a baseball match took place between Mount Pleasant and the local nine, resulting in victory for the visit- ors by a score of 15 to 10. Both clubs put up a good game. In the start it looked as though the home team were 1 going to be easy victors, but after the third innings the Mt. Pleasant team did some oxcellent playing and soon had the score in their favor, which they kept to the close of the game. Mlll- brook nine, with a little more practice, will make it interesting tor their oppon- ‘nts in the reutrn match. The \iount Pleasant boys, hottever, are to be con- gratulated on winning, the first game of the season and on their skilful playing. In the afternoon the princxpa! rm. ure was. the horse races. which proved exciting and very interestlng. The bi- cycle races were not as good as on inr- mcr occasions, there being only boys to p’articipate in them, who won their prizes wlthout much effort. The con- cert. in the evening was very largely at- tended and the program was excellent. The stars of the evening were Fred. W. Wray, of Toronto, (.‘omic Singer, and Ben Holloway, Toronto, (foster Singer. The Citizen’s Band enlivened the days’ proceedings with several selec- tions of choice music. The Firemen are to be congratulated on the success- ful termination of their celebration. spring wants of the p60p1e as it is at this season. and best in Our first floor, devoted almost exclusively to Ladies’ Wear, abounds in unrivalled modes of Ready-to-Wear Suits, and Separate Dress Skirts, Jackets and Capes, Silk \Vaists and White Wear, in- cluding Pique and Linen Crash Skirts ; Pique Blouses, Muslin Blous- es, Corsets, Gloves and Singerie. H. B. ALLAN 81 El] LIND SAY eminent for style, for newness, for variety and for value. Spring Wants where everything that is new and stylish pertaining to ladies’ head Wear is to be found. Pretty sailors from 25c. up. Trimmed hats at closest prices, also a splendid range of Children’s Head \Vear. MILLINEBY DEPARTMENT %% THE STORE § BARGAINS In Lindsay. IT PAYS TO BUY THE BEST. on every Tag. See that you get it. This Trade M ark is BEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL. DOES QUALITY COUNT WITH YOU ? Silks, Laces and Dress Fabrics. A meeting of the‘ Layai Orange Dis- trict Lodge will be held in the Orange Hall, Omemee, on June’ 3:13, a't‘, 7.39 p. m, A full atteiiduiwe o! M] the officers of the ditferent. lojues are“ r‘équ'eSted to be present, as 12th Jilly’celebrutioii will be taken up. By order, W. R. COTTINGIIAM; District W.M JOSFPH 'I‘. BEATTY, District Sec'y‘ Corporation 0f the County of Victoria; NH I"!". is her-eh) given that the | Municipal 'C-uurcil of the Corporation 5 of the ( ounty of Victoria “'ili meet 1n the Councxl Chamber in the l Court House, Lindsay Tuesday, June 13th, County Clerk’s Office, Lindsay. May 29th, 1899. 1999.21: 2 a’nluck in the afi‘ernmm. fl r :- metal business ' PLYMOUTH TW? ’ B I N D E R “ ‘ T W I N E This Store was never so thoroughly prepared to supply the The gathering of Spring Goods here this season stands pre- A SPECIAL FEATURE of Our business, is our Right and left as you enter you are greeted with the newest .B. ALLAN 8500; ....0N ...... (JOU N'l Y CLERK. 3%“ If your dealer (lees not handle our Twine, { write Plymouth Binder Twine Agency, 54 Bay i Street, Torcntc. IS PUREST IS STRONGEST IS EVENEST IS LONGEST l “'0 are svl'ihg out at rmllu't‘.(1pl'lccs a nex. htOCk 01' Huts, oompnsinu humor. Walking and Dress ‘lms m‘nll descriptions. Wings, i USI’I'ONN Ul‘llulnl'h‘s and Feathers or every sort. 513:”ch Dresxund Mantle Goodnnnd I’l‘rhnnfings Ora.” kinda wxll be_sold at ro- | «Need pri'ccs. Cull and saw our Stock. Dr. Arthur Day, DENTIST, LINDSAY. (Succesmr to the late Dr. Hart.) Member of Royal (‘ollege of Dental Surgeons, and Toronto University. Also Grmlmte of American Dental College. Most modern painless dentistry prag- tised in most scientific manner. Charges moderate. OFFICEâ€"Hart’s 01d Stand. (over Armstrong’s Fur Store.)-â€"S-3m Thirty Days’ Salegagg We hax e Private and Company Funds to loan on good farm security ats oper cent per annum. Terms to suit bor- TOWEL Barristers, Solicitors, c., Lindsay. Ont. â€"27-ly Bradbnrn House, Omemee, every Monday. I'VE PER CENT. Kent-st, LINDSAY. Kenny 8c Weldon, Money to Loan. ...... AT...... MISS MITCHELL’S. Mixed Paints, best Qualityâ€"lasts longestâ€"least waste. Brooms, Brushes, Woodenware. Fruit and Vegetable Sprayers at reduced prices. Extra Quality. Dairy Supplies, Best Value. Eave Troughing, Galvanized Iron Zinc, C utter b‘; . ~ , m; ,1; General Jobbing Tinsmitning. Buy the Artie Wall Finish. Does not rub off. 25c. will brighten - _ your home. ,__A--__AAA‘AA“ Calf Skins, Sheep Skins, and Eggs W A N T E D. The Peoples’ Grvoeeriy A Call Solicited. In order to make room for anoth- er line of Goods, I Will Offer Special BARGAINS ll] GRUEEHIES W. BRADBURN. Omemee mm m “Mum” THE TWU LEADINE PIANUS D.W. KARN, Evans’ Enge? .31. Both Pianos are widclg. known and favoraij Loving Public, and aré highly recommendu . TheSe goods can be bought from j. D. THOR 342 Water Street, PETERBORO. Have returned from the market with a New Stock and at Prices to suit the Customer. The :goods are very stylish in Clocks, Watches, J ew- ellery, Fancy Combs for Ladies’ Hairdressing; New and Stylish Purses, Fancy Writing Paper and Envelopes. Prayer Books and Hymnals. A New Assortment of Musical Instruments. A fresh stock of Timothy Seed, Mangle Turnip, «Era. New Stock of patent medicine' at out prices. We ;intend closing our store earlier in the evening. lPlease call and examlne our new goods. LAMPS, LAMP GOODS. R. J. Mulligan, DRUGGIST, OMEMEE CHEESE FACTORY CANS, - S A L E Still Continues. W. D. Stinson. Dealer in and Importer of all hig' for the next 10 Days. Dealer in Good BicyCles. OF TO=DAY Woodstock, OMEMEE. ...... AND THE CELEBRATED... ............... ARE THE............... Opposite the Market z a MUSXC' pow them. Cane lee, or

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