ming Qtys that M‘lllbrook’s armorics - age in excellent conditxon, whxch re- Coloncl Hamming, of Ottawa, was here this week tmnsfcrring the armorics 2‘me Major Sycr to Major Hall, of aPcterqu. The armorics are now in JMr R ]_-‘Doak’s ï¬ne block. Col. Hem- .: i-‘tsrpredit upon the able caretakcr, 'Mr. 6. McCun)‘. Rt. )Vorshipful D. G. M. Wood and ï¬ve others. from Peterborougb Lodge, were here in atrendance at a meeting of the Masonic Order on Thursday evening. After the business meeting a dainty lunch was sened, and an en- jo ab]; time was spent hum]. Barkwell returned to Port (me on Tuesday, after three week’s it wi'h Millbrook friends. 33335252 WAKELY Mr. C. M. Scott, one of the leading tuners for the Domimon Organ,and anno C0., of Bowmanville, was in town this week tuning pianos fo'r Mr John McBride, Millbrook’s leadlmg Agent for pianos, organs, sewing machines, c. 'Mr jas Foster, of Cavanvxlle, was a vitae! in town Sunday. i The Safe, Satisfactory Store, swam CASH DEALERS, LINDSAY. our; 01"] Reguiar price S35 00 $23 00 22 oo 16 50 20 oo 14 oo 19 oo 13 oo 18 50 12 50 18 oo 12 oo 17 oo 11 50 16 50 11 so Irjas H Jenkins, representing the § Dun C0. Mercantilc Agency, onto, was in town last week i‘ social, under ~the auspices of the ’ V'Class of the Mcthodnat S. S, _ 0k, WI†be held in the Base- A lucky purchase for us, a great opportunity for you to save money. It is’nt a 10ng storyâ€"a certain cloak manufacturer in Mantreal made an assignment. The bank, being the largest creditor, wound up the estate, and you know how quick- ly banks clean up estates. \Vell this ï¬rm had all their New Spring Samples in the hand of their travelling men on the road and they also had a considerable stock on ham-l ready to ship when they became insolvent. All these samples and stock Were sold at big price concessions. \Ve secured our share cf the plunder and now offer thlS lucky purchase to you at As most of them are samples and only one or two of a kind you will feel all the happier that the bargain can't be duplicated many times in similar styles. There are too many styles to attempt any description here. but will ask you to come to the store and see for‘SI‘ourself. The following list of prices will give you an idea of how much you can save by coming here to buy : The lot consists of New Sample \Vaists. Costumes. Raincoats, and Light Weighs Top Coats. They are all in this season’s most up-to-date styles, and as clean ; cnsp and new as can be had anywhgre. 7’} K :5 V efoflowing are the delegates ding Conference at Peter- ‘tLis week: Messrs D W the}. T \V Robinson, J L 25, h M VDavey, Peterboro ; ‘ (flake. Mil!brqu. W H 93, CaVamVK‘R Walsh, Mill- g2 D3wsqn.‘ \Bajlieboro; L m..- of Women’s Sample 0 0-815 u m e s, ; 0n hid Mrs S Blakely, of South ghan, spent a few days the past {siting in Omemee and Emily. A Third to Half Less Than Regular Prices. Srs‘TG'Ftu, I Fisher and F ,. bf‘Qamnville, were in town Costumes. Frrday, june 10. A good and refreshments. ,Admlssnon we. Donneâ€); {unsurial artist, was no this Me}: on busmcss. Ht: Mac mw mirror in his ii is bound to kccp upâ€"to-datc. u can now get a sham: Rod as barber ewr gave.†ers} M Knox and chil- guests arm“ m1; of Mr 9. Chambers; Be: lsfott, Sun Waists, Rain Coats and Light Weight Jackets at Manu- facturers’ Cost. Sale Price n 50 n 50 IO 00 650 . of \Vcsley, )5 Rev ..\l \V Iolifl'e ‘- F), \..,f B" Manning. ministr): *, \Varsaw ; T 50 plOsp ton" and J \V m a pro: [artisan Halls _ The I lilieboro; L 5' Manning. \Varsaw; T w, and] W rrison Halls Saving Effected $12 00 55° 35° ministry the work bf the Church has ‘ so pnospercd, that every department is m a prosperous condition.†The Misses A and M Hutchinson 1 were visitors to Omemee last week. Rev Mr Bunncr will preach in the Methodist Church next Sunday. Remember Nasmith’s Bread, fresh every day at Hill's Restaurp 3‘33. ‘ Mr. Chas. Walsh has a good position With Dr. Turner. Messrs Stanley and Harry Pick- I up are home on a visxt. We understand that Mr. Joseph Thorndyke, of the Reporter staff, . has secured a good position in one of the large printing houses in Chatham, and leaves for there next week. Success, Joe. The following resolution was unani~ mously carried at a meeting of the Quarterly Board of the Methodist Church : "Moved by R. W. Clarke, see. by John Fallis, and resolved, “that this Quarterly Board hereby express its appreciation of the services of Rev H B Kenny, who has been our Pastor ,for the past three years, under WhOSc Dr. Bruce White has passed an examinatiOn with ï¬rst class hon- ors. Millbrook boys do thgir na- tn'e town credit wherever théy go. Congratulations, Doctor. Mr. Fred Leach is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Leach. Fred hasjnst completed his ï¬nal exam. at 'l‘rinitv Medical College, “and we hope that he will pass ’with honors. Revs H B Kenny,] N Clarry, and Mr R W Clarke are attending Conference at Peterboro. Rain Goats3-4 Length Regular Pnce Mr and Mrs W W Gll'ott and Mas ter Wilfred Gillott were Visitors to Port Hope last wecK Messrs Morgan Carry and Alfred Walsh, were guests of Mrs Caxry at Port Hope last week. Mr D Chambers of Bensfort, was in town yesterday. IO 00 12 so gasâ€"m 495 , _â€"w-- -.'u' V'Vl Is it true you wanrto look on]? Then keep your gray hair. If not, then use Hall’s Hair Renewer, and have all the dark, rich color of early life restored to your hair. “meme?- Sale Price 3;“Sale Saving Effected EOE m E £25 35 m 51'. $2 45 2 50 3 25 2 75 $400 $2 50 5 0° 3 75 6 oo 4 oo 8 50 6 50 10 oo 7 50 15 00 II 50 \\ omens Summer Coats. IO 00 7 50 7_ 50 5 90 b 75 4 75 5 0° 3 7S 4 oo 2 ' RAIN COATS Full Length. Regular Sale Saving Price Price Effected $ 4 00 $2 50 $1 50 5 0° 3 75 I 25 6 oo 4 oo 2 oo 8 50 6 50 2 oo 10 oo 7 50 2 50 NOTICE-The people of Millbrook and vicinity will please take notice that I will visit Millbrook studio on Friday, June 10th next, from nine :1. m. to 3.30 pm , after which date I W!“ close up my studio there. I thank those who have patronized me and will be pleased to have a call at my Peterboro Studio, Hunter st , from all who require photos and Will give spec- Ial attention to all orders received. J. w. GREEN. How long it is gom" to take Jack to buy a horse, or “ill he haxe to “wait till I see. †If Fred A isn’t old enough to go alone yet. What] P let his horses run away for. What the blacksmith went north on Sunday night for. Look out, now, Theodore. If] C has gone into dog raising or not. How Wilflikes to help the female sex to learn to ride: the wheel. How Nm‘m succeedcd at the Lilac Valley Sunday night. What luck Jim and Tom had at Bensfort on Sunday night. Mr Fred l’cndry. the Misses ()rcy, I. BradL-v and Mrs While attcndud the S O E entertainment here Monday m‘cning. What (Eco went south SundJy night for. We notice Mr Sid Sloan and friend, of Millbrook, passed lhrour'h hgrc on Sunday. The S. O. E. marched to the Bug- lish Church on Sunday afternoon, and listened to a very able sumon by the Rev. \V. C. Allen. spent a couple of days with friends 111 Havelock. Miss Ada Gould, of Port Hope, spent a few days with her friend, Miss C Perrin. Mr 'l‘hos McBride Was in Cobourg on Saturday on business. Special to the Mirror. Mr Mat Lang spent Sunday in Port Hope. mm or THE BIG smmcmï¬ â€™. S.-.â€"I sti! accept punch mtds. Things we would like to know Miss C Pcrrin and Miss A Gould BAILIEBORO. m 3 50B Weight “‘01) Trustworthy lady or gentleman to manage business m this county and adjoining territory fcr well and favor- ably known house of solid ï¬nancial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenr-cs paid each Monday by check direct from hmdqum‘tcrs, £2: pensc monc) ad\'ar.c.:d. Position per- manent. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, Iiï¬nois. Mr James Mclndoo, :1 Well to do farmct of North Monaghan, committed suicide by drowning himself in a well last night. He had been melancholy smce the death recently of his wife and daughter. He was an estimable cxtizen owning a good farm and some proper- l)’ in Toronto. The Mirror has just complehd the priming of the “Annual Report ’ for the Millbrook Methodist Clnrrch, and they are now in the hands of h'r. R. W. Clarke. The Church is In a most flourishing condition, thanks to the able management and the good “ill of its large membership, and the pubic generally. Mr. and Mrs. joe Craig Mt today for 'l‘oronto, where they will lesidc in future. Mr. Fred Burton is Visiting his mother in town. His many friends will regret to learn that he has becn ill for the past two months. We are glad to rcport that he Is now fast gain- ing his former gi 0d healh. He will remain hm: scvcral wvcks. Mr] Leach. of Toronto, was the "nest of Mlss Margaret Henry on Monday. "l\\o or three times more, Jim, and you won ’t hate so far to come. What young couple want to Mill- brook on Monday lacking bright and happy. You’re all [1ng, Jim and so is she. Mr I) H is getting ready to put up his new barn. The next thing will be to repair the house, and the next to capture the bird. She is all right, Dave. What has happened W (7. He don't come to church now. (Ihccr up, \Vxllie, It will be all right, now. How does Miss S like driving out in the country? We notice that Ruby ch n’t Visit the depot no“. chxsy “ill Le lonesome. “Hurry, Fletcher, or you will be lat: for school. 0, but you are a bad boy." After all that has been said, Olive continues to wave her hand. “So mote it be.†Cheer up. Norm, it will be your turn soon. Mr G] was the guest of a young lady in Millbmok Sunday wening. He drove out with his fast drhcr and new top buggy. ' Hurry looks bcttcuhis week. Cheer up, Harry, the boarder will come back some time. Mr R (2 went west on Monday-â€" what for P Mr J H mndc Lis round trip on Sunday last. Wu wish him better suc- ccss next time. Special to the Mirror. night. The talk of the day is of the pic-nic and concert at the Pine Grove School on Friday, June 3rd. Big preparations have been made fora good time Foot ball and base ball matches. (lancmg, and other amusements will make up a most interesting program. Mr Sam Rowe is engaged to supply refresh- ments. Come one, come all to Miss McCallum’s pIc-nic. This school has never failed to put up something to suxt the people. Mr. S Rowe “1-â€: out With :1] ad of potatoes this week. What we would like to kn- w. What happcncd Noblc on 'J hursday? How the boys felt after Ike 24th P Cheer up, Boys, it wzll coxm again. Mr. J. Grey is drawing out his wheat this wee-1:. Mr. Frcd Challicc is druving out his pcusc. Mr R Shaw 11:33 sold the house near the Church curner to Mr. Charlie Gar- diner ; He is going to move it south to Mr. Hilliard (lardincr’s. We wish him the best of luck. We notice that the store keeper ship- ped a large load of eggs on Monday. \Vc wish him every success in his business. Mr. Burt Porter left the ncighbor- hood rc-Ccntly. Hair Vigorl Leg; All 4mm" Graxflfl: Why is it that Ayer’s Hair Vigor does so many remark- able tbings? Because it is a hair food. It feeds the hair, puts new life into it. The hair cannot keep from growing. And gradually all the dark, rich color of early life comes back to gray hair. “Whoa I on: used Ay of- mu- Vigor my hair was shout tug? gr“. But now It In I nice rlch buck. and u ‘ ck u I could wish." inâ€. â€an! Entrust-xxx. rmumbh. How Burt liked his drive on Sunday MANAGER WANTED. Carmel Items. for J. O. AYIII C0" jaws". In Next Door East of Mine: Oflice, directly opposite Town Hall, TEAS COFFEES A SI’E(,‘.I‘\I.'I‘Y. 5 lbs. Tea $1.00. Organs, Pianos, 8m. Best Makes. FOR $221. GUARANTEED For 10 Years. H. Richards will do your paper ha. ng in g right [EA-V10 HURSEMEN ! We have the facilities for turnmg out handsome ROUTE CARDS. (fall at the Mirror Oï¬icr, opp. Town Hall, Millbrook, and get prices. Use Cement Rooï¬ng. Good shing Ies are a thing of the past. The machine-made shingles of to day last only about six ycars, as they are made from inferior timber, and the wood ï¬- ber is so burrcd or thrown up in saw- ing that it absorb: moisture and retains it tenaciously, and tnc shingles snon mt, â€"l.. S. Clarry, Agent, Millbroox. CALL at the Mirror Ofï¬ce and see the very handscme SAM P LE S of WALL PAPERS. _ H. RICHARDS. J. McBride, FRESH GROCERIES .-\. LEACH, 'J'own Agent. J. M. BYGO'I'T, Depot Ticket Agent. For'l‘ickcts, Illustrated Literature, regarding World’s Fmr, and further Information, apply to 1’0 R ROL'N l) TRIP. Stop mu also allowed at Canadian Stations and Detroit. To see the World's Fair while every- thing is fresh and cxhibns are at thcfr best, now is the lime. Call at Hill's for you chonce confections, bananas, pine apples, oranges and lemons A to“ 1.11: of fancy and plain biscuits just alrivcd. Pragram ï¬ned-Ali Band Cmt Friday Even’g, June 3‘ Dr. Norman Allen. of Toronto, is visiting his parents, the Vcn. Archdea con and Mrs. Allen, and other friends In town. GOD SAVE THE KING. The concert last Friday was enjO) cd very much by all who heard the sweet music. MILLBROOK. ONT. l)rs. H A. Turner and Wilson Montgomery are in Toronto this Week on a professional visit. ~- Hill's Restaurant, Corner King and Tupper Sts. Jersey Ice Cream kept constantly on hand. Visit ymr fr‘cmls in Chicago cnroute to [he . 'l'he Lectures, given under the auspices of the East Durham Women’s Institute, at Mt Pleasant on May 26th, Millbrook on Max, 27th, and at Garden Hill on Max 28th, were all fairly well atxten led. Mrs. jean Joy, Toronto, and Miss Evans, Guelph, gave interesting lectures, which were full of useful information. The subjects taken up were “ 1:001] and Its Relation to the Holly": “ Vegetables": “ \Vork in the Laundryâ€; †l'lu Foundation of Sewing": “ Diges- Iion ~17ootl in Health and Dis- ease" : " Meats" ; “ From lllt Daughter '5 Standpoint"; “\Vater. Milkâ€"Beverages.†The lecturers have both clear enunciation, and have the happy faculty of holding. the attention of their audience The discussions were interesting and proï¬table. GRAND TRUNK Brea thld’s Fail attS Louis Sewing Machine $21.51] Clo’ Johnston’s Cake Walk. Sealey Rifles, Two Step. Idyl Wyld Waltz. Cascade Overture. 0. K. TM) Step. ladyls Delight, Schottisch'e. Songs of Scotland. (.ood By: My Lover, March. arriving daily. We SELL RAILWAY SYSTEM. Those contemplating putting.y roofs on their buildings, the C( m- ing season, mll ï¬nd it to their advantage to call on me, see samplcs and get prices before buyingzmy other kind of roofing. It is wind, dust, rain and ï¬re proof, and comes cheaper than ï¬rst class shinglts. Cement Rooï¬ng will last as long as the Roof Boards (‘n which it is applied. Prices on application to L. S. CLARRY, Cement Rooï¬ng. . THE DIS'l'lNCTlVE FEATURE of this Store is the selections of High Class Lndtes’ READY-TO WEAR GARMENTS. With everything NEW throughout the storeâ€"drawn from the best markets, we are conï¬dent we can give to the Ladies the satisfaction and servrce which will mem their patronage. Mantles. Costumes, Separate Skirts, Shi rt- Waists,Raincoats, Underskirts, Parasols, Children’s Wear, Infant's Wear, Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery, Ribbons, N eckwear, Vou will ï¬nd m the following departments the BEST VALUES that it is possible for you to obtain :â€" When in Town don’t fail to visit this NEW STORE, and inspect our stock and compare pnecs. You mil always be welcome at this store whether you want to buy or not. FORMERLY WITH ROBT. FAIR CO. 393 GEO. ST., PETERBORO. WWW“ Sir Wm. R. Meredith, Kt, or Mr. W. and “knowledge any contributions made. I have \iritcen to a numb": of mv friends, to try axâ€! get, them intmr-ct . d in this good work. I hope to be able to send \ou funhcr dunntions l lune written my friends a personal letter, somethin‘r siuizhzr to the foilowing. - “ Last week I paid a visit to the Free Homiml for Consumm- tives at limvenhumc. I met some of the management there, arid promised to try and interest Sumo of my 11' Us in this work. I have much pleasure in Luck-sing here-“54}: x balm.- for (‘nc I’undred Dollars ($100.00) from the 'J'udhnpc Carriage Company of (ridin, a donation to the Free Hospital for Consumptivcs at Crm'nnhzu'sb. Plume acknowledge this to the Tudhope Carriage 4 nmpany in the usual way. My Dear Mr. C Guaranteed for 10 Years The ~rLadies’ New Store, T1135 ,3 11m} it.n!s 1.1“.“ “3 from me puns;- eyo. A 11" however who do visit them, are unittd in them can xm 111.."‘t 11 of the splendid appointments of the plum, and, iu-st of n.1, of the real joy and hope that is being brought to many gruff. ling ones. \Ve are glad to have the opportunity of publiahing the following letter from Mr. “'11). TLMIISCH, of Oriiliu, mm of Canada’s Lt-bc known lumbermen, which tens \\ but he has 5. ru himself. It reads : \V. J. Cum, F514" Chairman Executive Commitb c National S.u1it:u~ium A: Toronto, Ont. CAREYS MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE There can be little doubt that the National Sanitarium Association is handicapped in its grcm. work for Consmnptiw-s in tl.e fact. that its two institutions in Musizolm are far away fzom any large centre of population. F cw pmple lume an (.ivportuuiiy to see for themsciws the magniï¬cent \voik than is Lain; dour. GREATLY IMPRESSED VIITH WORK BEING DONE. Personally aises Several Hundred Dollars to Help Lassen the Load of Debt. Agent, Box 315, Mihbrcok “ I might mention. to show that I have conï¬dence in the work, I have already given a donation of $300.00 and two row boats to the Free Hospital this year, and intend to give another 8100.00 before the end of the year.†“I understand the expenses lately have been double the income, and unless the mamwement meet with more encourage- ment, I am afraid the work will have to he curtailed. I know you have many calls. but I do wish you would give this matter a. thought, and. if possible. assist. I have written to two or three conï¬dentially. and hope to be able to collect some more for this work. Should you not feel like contributing a donation. remem- ber this request, and your reply is just betxmen you and me, and strictly conï¬dential. "I might say there were 49 patients there last. week, all poor ple, most. of them without a dollar in the world. and suffering from the dreadful dismise. Comumption. '1 here are many sad stories, and I know I have thought, a great deal about; the Work of the institution ever since my visit there. I do believe it is worthy of assistance, and we who have health and the necessaries of life should encourage this work along. Thomson, Esq., of Drillia, Vice-President Standard Chemical Company of Toronto, Tells of a Visit to the Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives. Wrappers, Veilings- A BUSINESS MAN’S LETTER. Elderly people who once use Dr. Leonhardt's Ami- 'Pm €1an that it has marvel- ous power to relieve them of the troublesthat nothing To those well ulong in years there comes. act-unl- ing to the condixitm of the system. their measure of ms and sutcring. Smnc are your): at 7:). while others are old at 40. Sincerely yours, AT LIFE’S EVEN IN G. ANTI-PILL. Cum“, C::t., Not-ember 2, £303. In]: else will shake off. especi- al I y backache. constipa- tion‘ bladder lroublc, mu- 121-: appetite, and inflict-#â€" ti-m. l! Asn- l’xu. ls uch. l upuu lukinzml-l the who: and ":15 :1: than maul.) {vl- lo-x “ill be molded. ’10 prove this. send to Wu.- ans-Fun Co., Niagara Falls. Out . for a free sam- ple. Axrl-l’lu. is sold by druggisu a: :10 cen" : box. The 0:21an plC-nic on S .‘u of the cx-iml spent a \‘cn' ex Mr .-\ Ii ila'fu l’ctcrlwm LN au- Th; 1i. nih‘ {tn the loads' md 1» them. “'cdncsduy 10 ConfcrchC. M} (icorgc St (‘ 11:: Mr Wm in town 51: Mr Ro‘ui Hum was in 1mm 1:51 11 77 Kent-S hrs. Necdhm this. Lindsmu will bc at Om: [m c 3rd Off? Closmx Fu 1 d: Io l’xs! (‘fftcu Mr. T R [L um a gm 4 at 13k In: Thus Kcnncdv L1 Mr E H En last wuck on b FOR S.\l.l yrs. old. Aâ€)! On Friday « has of L. (D. l. "and “an: \[r. u v a Iricndh’ s: cnjuyablc cvcnu now thanking th lent mux‘iv. .m Sexual, the \'i~iX( homes, all pLux‘c Ccption given 1‘ that shin..- as bug ham- 11mm in gm sort, tou~ diam salmhircs. ameth} offerings this wed brcast pins, bro othcr articles of f ulnrly aztradix'e. Prim-s the lure. And c-Jcrnhing I Omcmcc and \'i< notice that I will; on Friday, lune { I will closc up ‘ thank those u‘lKl and Will be plcai my l’ctcrboro 811‘ all who require ‘ special attcmiom Major Evans in a chopper at Ca ran \‘il 1e, .. MIE H Engli ments on his 10:1 Call on call on Von- I respect hav: lhc AGi Machinery. I! went or mag Court; c L‘mentee GANA Hun Q‘XO'I‘I These Dyes ton, Silk, jmc one bathâ€"[ha most improx m In a package Mum ran’ 5. Su REXAL 3021(in PS. â€"We sti! Made The ‘ Jewe Th ‘mur re: McIk clnu "1:35 l‘lzon no