In Millbroéx, on Thursday, Iune 9, so Mr and Mrs T homas Murahmanba Magma. file. "a The Safe, Satisfactory Store, gig-swam CASH DEALERS, LINDSAY. ONE OF 1 Mr. Eliis L03d was in town last week on business. Mr. Burt Winslow, of Omcmee was here Suturdav on a. visit. a â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"_ 8 §WAKELY 85 FORD 8 3:5 m‘LAC‘IA â€nemee. \Ionday. "of" “Q 45%: Charles \Valsh h {fig q; rst year c am. at! x? $35 ©°p< icalCollege. Congra. ‘9 #8? #155 Maud Stewart spenttmx’s v with her parents at FraZer- Messrs W H Coombc and M Carey spent. Sunday in Port Hopc. “V C. Allen juttcndin: HOUSL KEFPER “ANTED â€"â€" Good wages. Part3culars at the Mirror ofï¬ce. Organdies in pure, White, black and colored in shades of yellow, sky blue, plnk and White, prices range from 450 down to 10¢ Cotton Foulards, a range of beautiful patterns in stripes and floral designs 25c and 200 .. ~_“v w‘wvax SLU.Y) ngl-IU grey and champagne, especial]; suita‘bfe for S’hirt Waist Suits and separate skirts 200 Chambreys and Ginghams 1n plam colors and fancy stripes all the new shades 14c ' White Vestings. Dresden designs, mercerizcd ships, vance patterns, espec1a11y suitable fcr sepalete veists, "c- .311 to 180 Flaked Voiles in all the new and desirable shades in effects of grey and White, champagne and white, pink and White, green and white, light blue and White dashed with dark blue knopps, dark grey and White dashed With black at 25C and 15c. Muslims, a lot of very beautiful patterns, a good range hem and very special values at the prices, 85c down to 100 cadet blue 5nd cream, 'Very éfl‘é‘étiveï¬r aï¬dv pi‘eiz-tg; f2)? dress 45c. French Voiles in grey, cream and black Ior dresses and separate waists 290. That are New; Fashionable, and Moderately Priced. Linen Crash, solid BORE! Kensington Vofles, fancy open weave in champagne, green 4- 1‘1..A Avâ€: A--- --_.._.- -m-_L:__ WASH GOODS in \vas \ .é, t FraZer- f“. “_ r50 :5“ “~me mammarm Millbrook and Omemee’s Leading Newspaper. ' Subscribe now and get all the News. colors, green and blue,‘b.1a,cg__grey, Alight ~“nA:‘1‘â€"â€" ____‘L_'I ‘l, D A: â€sentation and address was given to Mr. 'l‘horndyKe on Mon“ mg, to which he ably replied. A pleasant time was spent, after which lg closed by singmg " He’s a jolly good fellow.†address was neatly printed on Satin at the J] irror Oï¬ice‘ Emaâ€"z"; Tine 6114, 1.904. Joseph A. Thorndyke. cat; U DRESS got as the measure of uur 5U H) “our LOflCD. the future of the 'XC'J . ', Live/[mu MENU Ylflz', Sa'rcz’m'y W. T. WOOD, Trmcsm'u)‘. GEO. 13'. [if/{JV [1:1 J]. (IEO. W. .7{(.‘/C[JI'. ‘ DA 41/3. . COOJIIKE. ll. 6'. Dl/X‘XS'I'DIL’D. 3'. I) [IVS/"0 1H). J. 15731517513. J. .l)’ YA J]. I". BUNCH-1 3'. 11’. $779.4 [3". W. DONE/l L Y. CEO. 5:! 32051350.". 1 New '1 LR], which 7‘ ONE OF THE BIG SHYDICATEE vvvvv -----v- v m an ornamenthmuco‘ of Milllxook, desire 'ustcliurin jfl'll‘ rcmo u] from A) can mth us, \cur eï¬w have ymd harmony of the Rm. highly, and to appreciate in 1 go to make up thc true Kéép them in the house. Take one when Â¥ou feel bil- ious or dizzy. hag act dI-‘ rcctly on the liverizw'u 33! dupmture for the West and ask "2525mm .. MWEflM‘Iv-WWJen coniplete .‘siillhrook Band that you will :spcct for you, up lhc true to express "WI-I of we, 'l'i'ustworthy lady or gentlcman to manage business in this county and adjoining territory for well and favor- ahly known house of solid ï¬nancial standing. $20.00 straight cash salary and expenses paid each Monday by check direct from hcudquartcrs, Ex pcnsc money advancad. Position per- manént. Address Manager, 810 Como Block, Chicago, Illinois. How Charlie likes riding the pacer. Mr R Gardiner is laid up with a sore hand. \Vhal we would like to know. How Mildred likes her piano. How Hurry feels after the rain. Cheer up, Harry, It will not be long till the boarder will be back again. Mr T1105 Bell has moved west of the quarter line. Mr. Fred Brown has engaged men for stumping. Ellie Is Still on the war path. Look out {or the bridge. Mr. R. Gz-udincr’ sheep are glazin†hundxcd. Sum Miss I cnu B_\<xs Was {he grucst of Mr. and 3115.];111125 llzlnccy. Tel) sto.cL'-c')<1 is (IOiDj' u rueh- »A ing business. \\hc1'cistl.eclcrk, There was a large croml out to Church on Sunday afternoon Mr. \V. joncs and Mr. Robut Walsh conducted the scz'viCcs. Special to the Mnror. Saturday and Sunday with Mill brook friends. Mr. jumcs Foster, one. of our prosperous young humcm, simzl Mr. and Mrs. Louis Parnell have taken up their rcsidcnce in Cavanvillc. They are good citi- zens, and wc wish them a long and happy lzfc. an excellent instructor, and her pupils an: all domg well. Mrs. A. Fowim‘, of Toronto. was :1 gnu-st of her brothu‘, Mr. '1‘ G. Tully, lust Week. Mr. l<oht~ Hutchinson keeps a ï¬rst-class hotel, am] everything is kept right up-to-dutc. Messrs Kit 'l‘wamley and \V. II. \Vcixâ€: dam is bcmg Impaired, Miss Cathcax't. of Sprmgvillc, pianist, h s a class of ‘18 pupils here, and comes on \Vcdnusdays and Saturdays. h‘liss(.3:1thcurtis Special to the Minor NO'l‘lCle'l‘lw people of Millbrook and vicinity will plcasc tukc l‘.()il(.‘c that I will visit Mllll)rook studio on Friday, junc mth ncxt’, from nine :1. m. to 3.30 p.m , after which date I Wlll ClOSC up my scmlib than). I tlmnl; those who have patronized inc and “-3.1 l>c plcnsL-(l to ham: a call at my l’ctcrboro Studio, Hunter st. from all who require photos and \E'lll give spec- lLll attention to all orders rcvcivul. We are \cr), pleased indeed to notice that \lcssrs Alf Russell and A j. Lwch have passed their ï¬nal <x11nlnnti0n at 1 Hum Mul- icul Coll: go, and are now cutitlL-tl to npmntl the letters ‘M. I).’ to then [1112.]LS. We also notice in the list ofsucccsslul stutlL-nts at I{t110x("oll:-Ue the 111111193 of Messrs tnnley and Harry Pickup, the for mu 1111\1111‘y 1ccci1ml tln- degree of 13 :\,1t bL-inghis hunth teen. and the 2nd war for tln.ltttL1 \\ L-juin in hL-zntiest of (0:."1'nt1i- lations to our 3011111: citiz s,:1mll sons of “(nthy tztthcis. and we wish them continucd sum-15:5. \Vhen a man gets so oh] that he dOesn’t turn his head to look after a pretty woman he has outlived lns usefulness. Among those from a distance who attcnclcd the funeral of the late Mrs S (: Pcthitrk, at Ncwtonrillc, “‘(TCI Mr Charles jucqucs. Rmrhcstcr,‘ Mrs 'l'hos jacqucs, Saginaw, Mid), Mrs jnmcs Brock; Mr Walter Brock, Miss Emma Brocx, Mr (l‘homns Olrcr, Mr Martyn l’cthiCK, Mr and Mrs Mantyn Brock, Mr and Mrs \\'m Mullcn, Mr and Mrs R ll Hubbard, Mr Sam Martin, Mr \‘t’na 'l‘rcnouth, Mr Wesley llrown, and Miss May Brown, of Millhroox, and many others. fr. Geo. A. Balfour, Clerk of Omcmce. was here last week in the mtcscsts of that Corporation. gâ€"W‘mlv- o gyom‘ Han MANAGEï¬WANTED. “M" $100 a bottle. _Al_l d_r_mr-. 4835. ‘ mi? Vigor 'Mh. (nwwhwwrn"W~~:.nuL-WIMNWMWMM .34. vgz-nm. “ My hnlr was coming out torrlb1y. Iwas almost afraid to comb it. But Ayer'a H31! Vigor prmnptly sto pad the talliug,a.nd also restoredgne nutum color.†A, hair food. It feeds, nourishes. The hair stops falling, grows long and heavy, and. all dan- druff disappears.- Sometimes the hair is not properly nourished. It suffers for food, starves. Then it falls out, turns prematurely gray. Ayer’s Hair Vigor is a Carmel Items. 1. \\'.< I m} accept punch (' CAVANVILLE. Mks.E E. (LIE. \\'ABD,Land.1ng,N. J. for s cattle and on the long J. O. AYER 00.. Lowell. m'ds I' I»ILLBROOK. ONT. NextDoox East of Mixrox Ofï¬ce directly 0; posit: 'onm Hall, 5 lbs. Tam arriving daily. TEAS COFI’EES A SPECIALTY. Organs, Pianos, c., Best Makes FOR $21. GUARANTEED For 10 Years. your paper h a. n g inwg u. ~1..L right Use (Icmc: 1t Rooï¬ng. (Rood shm†lcs are :1 thingr of the past lhc 111ach111c111adu x11111v" cs of to (1111 List onh' about 51\ \(I1)S,(15thcyfll‘C 1113(1c 110111 mfg-riot t1111l1c1, and the “nod 11- hcr is so hun'cd or 111101111 L111 111 snu- 1115Y that it 311511111. moisture :111d1cta111s 1t tct1a<10usly.m1dt11e shinflcs soon rot, â€"L. S. ( lam“ Arrent Mxllbmox. Z‘TO HORSEMEN ‘ “e have the ftcilitics {01 turnm}r out handsomei {\OU I 1" CARDS. (.311 at the Mir1or1 Ofï¬ce 011.11 [01111 Hull, Millbrook,’ and pct pIiCCS FRESH GROCERIES CALL at the Mirror Oï¬ce and see the very handscme 9AM PLE S of WALL PAPERS. H. RICHARDS. lcnclcls 10: building School Houm for Sthcxl Section No. 7, (man, \\ ll be I‘t‘C(cl\L'(l until lune ISLl). 1701 Hans and \Ihtll'hillhlh apply to or (all on TENDERS WANTED The foibwing are those 1111111 cross Hicks with P111! H0111: 1(- 11101'2011» 31:551.; 811:; in 1 15111-1, AX'IDSU'OHf' ;, li1'11i11,111r.<1tht, Reynoh's D11111H1. (112111111. \‘1 Clarke, Russell, Ix‘1cl1z1111s 11111] O‘Brien. “11111-55 to you, 11015. Rerm~n:brr {rush every «3. ant. Mr'l' I} last wccl;. Sewing Machine What H 13 goes East {or on Sunday night for. Don’t go too far Harry. If It Is nut lime Sid was thinking about getting :1 imusckcqmr. .'\Ix john M<Bridc was [Ins “ka on busincss. Ior [1115 Is lczlp year. Who thc company was in the buggy that the coach dog followed on Tues- day night. What has; happened Fred at the hill. (lot the (l. 13., ch P Now, Mr Blacksmith, you take ï¬nr warning, or you look out for fun. H. Richards will do Miss C Putin has taken in the trip to (S uclph. Mz‘Jcri‘y Greer raised his burn on Monday. Mr. Wm Harmer has been mnlg» inggreut improvement around his home. V Quite a number attended the English Church excursion Tucsv day. Good lime reportc l. 'J‘hings wu would like to know. What took the two cousins to Mill- hmok this \vccu. Now, Jim, look out for this is Imp yumâ€. . McBride; Dr. Mon'gomexy is away to Toronto on business. Dr Marshall of'l‘oronto taking his place. Mr Fred Dawson has returned {mm Belcville College to spend his lxolida} s with his old friends. 1\1rs (D1) Iislzcr,of10ronto is \isxtix: gf: icnds 12 em: MIS “’17) \Velts and chrldxcn, 0! Sand“ 1ch Islands, me visiting her sistu, Mrs Wm (“1“)pr l Special to the Mirror Program Hush-Air Band Concirt Thursday, Even’g, Jï¬llt 9, I Marchâ€"Yorktown. 2 \\/"ullzâ€"â€"Cuilie. 3 111511 Selection. 4 March-~Winnzu‘. Serenadeâ€"Norma. Colored 4ooâ€"Cake Walk. Overtuxeâ€"Montebel‘q SWell Coonsâ€"Cake Walk. (BOD SAVE THE KING. O‘J‘x‘l CVJI . RICHARDSON, Sccrctar ‘-'l‘rcasu:cr ) , 1.01 6, Coh. S, G. A. DUNCAN, Leade We SELL BAILIEBORp. t l I S W q . in Port â€0;; Insmith's Blend, at Hill’s Rcsmur- CAVAN 1’. in Clinton (wan Those contemplating putting: roofs on their buil ing season, “'1“ ï¬nd it to that advantage to call on m and get pnices bcfore buying any other kind of roohn; dust, min and ï¬re proof, and comes cheaper than ï¬rst Cement Rooï¬ng will last as long as the R00 which it is applied. flz‘iccs on application to Cemelmiï¬qqï¬ng. When in Town don't fail 10 vi.» stock and (fumpm‘c prlccs. You will :1‘ you want to buy or not. Mantles, Costumes, Separate Skirts, Shi rt~ ‘vVaists, Raincoats, Underskirts, Parasols, Children’s Wcar, Infant's Wear, Corsets, Gloves, Homery, Rlbbons, Neckwear, You will (ind m the following departments tl c it is possible for you to obtain :â€" THIS DIS'I'INC'I'IVE I"IC;\'I‘1 RE. â€V‘c‘h (ï¬lms L'fldh .3" I\1.;\13\‘\~ TL; M] .‘\l\ ( N1.“ thmughuut the More» mam] fu m :hL u'c ‘an "in: to Um: I cdks 11c satistaLu < n :11 patronag'v. FORMERLY WITH ROBT. FAIR CO the Cost of $557, nth-r It M1 1111“ 7: The minutes of the last neg-ting \vcrc run-J, (xi proved and sigmd ;\ cmmmmicmiun from W C Brent. rcsprcting Municipal chcnuzuswas MM and 1d: on :hc table. A rqmri was [)l'L‘hL‘litL‘d by the Clctk, and Swen-(my utilize jnim commium: m'(,':1\';u: and Millln‘uuk Councils, rc- spccting nL-CL-ssary repairs on Town Hall, winch was mad. thu t-xhnmfn nr Monduy, May 3011), meg. '1‘11c(,‘uum‘il mct at c o‘ckck this Guy ; msuzmt 10 adjournmcnt. Mcmlm‘s ail present. '1 Inc Reeve presumԠ'5 .uunjxi my L mm H‘uzw, 5:17 1;). “Hm-M, that 12‘" I» ... 25¢:an 1%.,†:' ’l‘()\\'11>‘1:§;>(,\{( Tzn'nn fur lhc \‘cill' as 1‘.<)\‘.‘rr\i5cd be :10 passed and I! (flak do (unify the same as bci passed. ~ (,‘zuriul. The (fuun than adi» urncd sir Mmul hy (Tnnn Kelly, sec by Cowl Staph-s, that the (.‘curt adjoum until the Waning. In the munng after the Council mcciing Llu: (‘ourt of Revision resumed busmcss again in accordance with at! Jonrxnzwm. Mun-d by Conn :ancs, see by Conn Krily, that the Assn-yer and (Ink M UL} (nu-red to make any nut- t-wn')’ (‘hnnggus 2n the rul!.~â€"('zn’zzud. 3.1mm} in: ('mm .u- \r-l‘ 1n (‘1 "'\ x 1cm In: anymvu‘cd I t“;.\':i!’_\'('h;1:1"u5 an the Mun-1'! ( (:‘m f! C"h:11|1(l£11"' 3L2). l()\\n.~1‘.-:;>u((.zn'm) I} as nowrm iScd be :10 n: , -V. ., ..., v---" 1111:1'111g 1,11‘11' '1'1011L-1 and Mr NChd a Moncrwf, UWUCI‘, Mon-d 11y (Io-1m 8113c1d, sec by ('(11111 51:111115, t1111111Lâ€"asscssmc11t be 1011111111c11. ~(a11iLd. 111C '\SSCSSO1 11.15 alioued 1)) the (‘ 01111 to make sL-n L- 1 L-cessm) changes 111 111L 1111. Mmcd 1w ((11:11 Kenn m-c 11v (7mm ....u..u‘._", ‘ ' . n - " 1 Mon-d by (,oun 1w“), SU- b) (119“ Shield, that the ass<:s.sn1c1.tbc com“ 1“ ml.» Carried. , RC (:L‘O 'l'rotlcr’s CCmplmN,)§§‘§-§ hC'H'l'n' l'\' \Ir 'l‘rnnp-r 'IHI] R‘r R H‘ 1 l Rc. S J Hunter’s complamt, after heurinw, ‘ Moi-d by Conn Kelly, SLC by C91!“ Staph-s, that the assessment 0f 5 J Hunter be z'cdut‘cd from $1200 {0 $1coo (2n the ‘50 acres complamcd about.-~~ ('urriud Re R hearing. gngng 1:111 11' 10 mm]; on grmhr; m: I;1111:.1“.. 11:11:â€, 11.1 110 1111>o.1 d \"1 111 Mc\l;1:1tc1 , :11 $3. 50 D13!“ (.3). (0111181111111'119111113111111111. :11‘:1.1d111 ' 7---‘ VV '>VV V 7- r The Clerk presented the {0110“an appeals, viz ;_ I u .1. Appellant. Respecting 37.1 _t d Whom. Complamc . . . . . . ml lht: members Imvtng duly militia)†suhscrthcd the rcquu'cd oath (1:06†the Clark, the Court was dcclfll‘v I for business. ‘ , ‘ . A x' \th I he Reeve prcsxdmg: WE] dâ€, 1: shtp (Jerk, Clerk of the stud CO“ - n ‘ e ’e, l’rcécni, Chas. MchII. Esq-l, 1:3 aVnd and (Touns. Kcliy. Staples, 5121 Shield. “I the Town Hall, Millbrook, a: 10.30 o‘dock :1. m. this day, pursuant to ppplic notxcc given, as a Cuuxt of IR» â€5‘0“, {01' hearing and determining “PPCHIS against the ass‘cssmcnl roll for the said 'l‘ownship of Cavan 101' the year 1904. 7 Council Chamber, Gavan, Monday, May 30th, 19°4' The members ofthc MunicnpalCmp- (1171 01 the curborutinn of the 'l‘ownbhll’ 91 Laval: met in the Council Chambcl‘: COURT OF REVISmN €152? A}! COUNCE r-M 893 GEO. ST, PETERBORO Guaranteed for 10 Years CAREYS uuncil Chamber, Czu'an, J :‘11‘1115110111vs com! 1mm, after Wrappers, Veilings. adj umcd sine dis 1 don't fail to Vita?! this NEW STORE, and inspect 0m- ICL‘S. You will always be welcome at this store Whether ‘5 t.“ ng Matter 1. Complaincd. C Assessed too high (1 ‘( C‘ ‘6 K‘ tc complamt, after (,1 MAGN E BIA FLEXIBLE awn {run the but mmkch'. OK 815, Millbrook {)l l. at th umcd U 1..-’n‘'or:g slmvcilntg MLCV; [1 ml $4, ï¬xing huh-s 321, (3:11:12ng for road through tmn $5 Ta» 1 11-1er (Inning: ram: 5 ( n (‘on 5. \\ of .‘u R . ....... ,' “C(T- “ m ‘H “ki: 50!). 132111;†(EL’IIH'F- cd. ml ( n Eih («.11 :mi ‘\i R (3.1m ‘ Wm l.’ mm: m' - 43."; t. z. :1: . n :c by and ‘ ‘ H Um: 9th mm. mpg» L}: 2, Imubcr w Wâ€? far dram ................ at m} 31:11: Fullâ€, flfsing er: on ()1!) :g 50 f (on, (’H’ 101 8 ............ : \"l|1 “â€3Ҡl>uul¢.\,o ... IM:I ‘ '49 :z roofs on their buildings, the com- vantage to call on me, see sampies other kind of roqhng. It is wind, $0 cheaper than ï¬rst class shingles. long as the Roof Boards on Cavun, ask your honorable bod): to constdcr the request asked by our Dc};- utation, ofa grant similar to that grant- ed by you to other Municipalities for the purpose of asst-ting in building a direct road on the 14th con of the 'l‘ownslnp of Gavan, to your town, and that a copy of this resolution be Sent to the Town Clerk.â€"â€"Camcd. JOHN J. FAIR, CHAS". MCNEII., Twp. Clark. Reeve. On motion the Rum: was authorized Ito Sign the follcwixtg urdcrs on the g 'l‘reasurcr:- iRobt Lyms, ()g‘tnzrg mml in wintcr, on can 5, \X' of M R $10 50 l) LArmatrueg shun-Hing may; $4, ï¬xing hulcs $1, (131113ng for road through turns $5 .. 10 no 3 . ‘ ‘ I‘ ' Jan 1‘. l'nms‘, (,pt'mm: macs (.n l . . , ‘ l CO" 5. \\ (:1 .‘u R . ....... 16 40 i“ m ‘u'l'ilkiz'son. limlxyr (it‘ilH'l- ; ("J (,n ï¬lth («.n and .‘xl ii .. I: 7: :ujo until 1030 odocl on Honda} 26:}: (1..) (:fjunc non. Cmm Shaw 3 hand Fallis, b; board fcnce. Mcmhcxs C ouncil; \Icnwu ; of (man he “wkâ€"hum: 5 00; Colin Iidiy 5.00; (,‘oun Shichi 1‘ m, opp iul 8 Wm Miiclt. 32m: 0:: can 8, 11-1 2 Mot-ed by Conn Kelly, 51:6 by'Coun Shaw, that Coun Shield be a commit- tee to look after Mr thtc’s rtquest.â€"â€" Carried. . Moved by Coun Staples, sec Ly Coun Shield, that the Cat-an Commit- me go on and act \wth the Millblock Comnmtce, according to report respec- ting necessary proposed rqzairs on Town Hall.» (famed. To the Mayor and Aldermen of the Town of I’ctcrhoro. Moved by (Ioun '1' A Kelly. sec hy CQUI‘I Robt Shaw, that WC, the Council ofthc Corporatkm of the 'l‘ownshlp of On motion, Mr White was heard, respecting nppointinga man to 100k after the: “est end oflhe road m win- tcr on 1211) Con, west of M R, and about pulling in :1 watering trough. (joun Kelly reported that nah put in a drain on 91h (rum, (,1 lutz:M.11i“;11lis rqmrul a lmlc 1 road on 61h cum, 0; 1) lo: " ,1 )1. I“ a job [0 Ala. \‘Cuison 012m in; (Huan- villc (lxccsc Fitment, ({ Immm in about 8 or 9 rods of I: la drain the south of Cavzm ‘ condition. H: “nu ms after it. V On motibn, Mr Lyni's was heard respecting opemng mad, 1:) winter, on 51h Con, west of Middle Road. Moved by (ï¬oun Shicld, see by (oun Kelly, that Coun Shield and the lxccvc be a committee to look mm Mr I’ oubaw’ 5 case. â€"â€"Cnrxx¢:d. .V.‘ ‘uu :11 d s’cxncc uhid) “in men: J ‘ ' ()n motum, Mr johuston was heard respecting help for joswh ioubaw, who was burnt out on lot 23, con 13. UAR) R] Ol .11 JOHN 1.1-AIR, 'I Chl‘. â€1‘ I BEST VALUES that 2212(‘(ms . . . . . . .th‘cilmg anew the Selections of 1n bridge (3 (.‘uIvc-rts cn M R. um'li adjourned “I C are conï¬dent TWP. ( .‘ 1c: 1: :o 43 their ()0 ()0 ()3 Mrs '1‘ A and Monday friends. Mr E C WM: Tuesday on bus Rev Bcauy (hand Grand wccx. yrs. 03d Rev C W J the Bulk-1 1’; Rev and M to Chiï¬whack in thcir new I: Mrs. G. I’ vaciy childu v Siting at th cnls, Mr. am Mr 1) I! ‘ehié ï¬ctd 1:15! w :3: a In! good poshi-Jn 'n \‘\. Alulhéan :ziu fcrcncc in i’c Miss l" B Petcrboro I: Miss Bwsi Petcrboro 'H Mr and My drcn. of '5' 4'; home of his p Engiish, Risa; Mr R !I(}:. [own Mondar DR mm; VISIT TO 0 BE TuL‘zcsD O’CONNELL 85 Mr. Mxllm Mrs '1. Brown ‘~ Pct-:rboro 0w: 5 Mrs (m \' .Mumgm: :11 Mr. Bu?! soft, KOO , sabphircs, aux (:fl'crings Unma- brcast pins, 1 olhcr arlzdu p ulzu'ly auxin-"Ex. ! .l’l’iCt'ï¬'K .tLC Acud -r‘.{§ that shine a; haw: [11cm in Barristers, Solicitors, v 134-; Hunzcr :2. PETERBCROUGI Call on call on You- These Dyes will (it 101:, Silk, jute or Mn one l)_::thâ€"-1hey are x} most improxcd Ike 1: T rv a mckagc. A}! c \lulliuan 5 Sole Ago: The STR IMPLEMENTS bf Runni: MOST RANK. F0 R .. I respectfully c: have the AGENCY Machinery. and can meat or machine m r. Bu†will be at 112' House, Omemcc, every Bun-g u Saar? brook, and W h Blacx 1 Orange TUPPE .-â€"I also swarm. of Cam at the home 01‘ r. and Mrs. \\'m EU rt: nu...“ II Clo-III me am \IE JHILL