The New Confectionery Rooms comer Charlotte and George sis, Peterboro, (Carson‘s old stand), retail and wholesale. The most upâ€"toâ€"date place for coufectionery, temperance driy’ks. c. A call is respectfully ï¬Olisited. Tonsilltls Is Going Around And everybody is wondering what to do. Here is a Simple cure. Use :1 gargle of Nerviline and water as re commendsd in the directions, and rub your throat and chest vigorously with Nerviline This has been tested and ptoved successful a thousand times. Newilinc is a speciï¬c for tonsilitis and in tact we know of ixolhing half so good for breaking up colis. curing light chest and all muscular pains. Try a bottle of Nen'ilinc; price 25c. â€CANADA†Will he pnntcd on a good quality of paper such as wxll admit of the best illustrations bclng run 11ml will have special stories and :mlclcs duzlmg with all lb: warts am ' door Canadmn c articlcs ‘ b “f, Bowlll P115 is the attractive name of a new magazme winch makes iis appearance in the Canadian ï¬eld. “ OUTDOOR The Mirror Goes Direct to the Homes ‘that the ~\dvcrtiscr Wants to Reach. OUR JOB DEPA'RI Ml". NI has cry Requisitc for First C115: Printin". Omcmee football (,lub defcatcd on Monday c-vcning by :1_sccr_c of Mr Whitehead and Mr I“ Bent gave a pic-nic at Green’s landing for a few of their friends. They report a good time. 'fo rclievc constipated headache just‘try Dr. Hamilton’s Pills of Man- drake and Butt‘ rnut. Wonderfully prompt, and never cause griping pains. For headache and biliousness USC only Dr. Hannlton’s Pins. Price 25c. Mrs. R. J. Patterson and daugh- ter were guests at the home of her brothzt-in law, Mr. J. Hales, at Millbrook, last Week. Them. studies in English Literature. 51 a Yaw. Send me. for Sample Copy. CORRECT ENGLISH, Evanston, Ill. P. Rclum game' on' Monday junc ;. at Ida garden party. 'When All Others Fail ’U'I‘DOOR C;\N;\1);\." F. Brown, of Emily, was 00k, Tuesday, on busi- . of Abbreviations. aglish for the Business Man. Id Words: How to Write ECul'ough of Fcnclon 15 1nd Mrs I Fee. vory was m Pcterboro on Adams of Oxbow, is ncmee and Emily friends ;em was attending thc Methodist Confcrcnce , 45th Bat , are pre- (m Iune 27th. ‘choql. .mt not [0 Say. ‘ riting and Punctu- ‘CONSC lcmlty. Frilï¬Ã©ï¬oirémy hair. Ifnot, wet, and have all the dark, rich color your hair. â€"WMRfP‘ Half in jest, hall in earnest, a Frenchman will say “ Clierchez Ia lemme†when the motive ol‘n crime committed by an adult person puzzles the authorities. To this saying some of our detectives would now add ano ther, pointing to the instigation of crime in boys and girls. They would say “ Find the book,†or more likely, “ Find the books,†for nearly all young persons convicted of acts of ViolonCe are found to be voracious readers of Vhe lowest class" of fiction. 'l‘heir craving for this stuff, like any other craving, grows on what it feeds upon, and it undermines the intellectual and the moral powers as the cigarette habit undermines the bodily and the mental health of the child. read, and he would give them free range to their literary'tastes. 0t text hooks they would haVe no lack, for, as fast as multitudes of diseased minds can disburden themselves of their wretched dreams to the typewriter, stories of horror and brutality flow from the printing presses. In the vicrous characters which the writers of these stories present as herOes and heroines boys and girls ï¬nd models for personal imitation, and in the per Verted morals practised by the char- acters they find their standard of con- duct. Is it any wonder that a neg- lected child of tr.elve or thirteen. whose power to read is thus applied only as an instrument of Vice, should becmne morally deranged? 'l‘o pos tulate that a child is neglected is, in most c;;s.-.<, to imply a susCeptibility in it to bad influenCes. No child will be left to its own devices, or to succumb to a vicious invironment if it has good parents. If the parents of a neglected child are alive there is usually some thing wrong with them, so that in ad- dition to the unwholesome social atmosphere in which its lot is cast, it has the disadvantage cf inherited ten- deices towards wrong doin". At all events, a neglected child has nothing but its own natural sense of right to save it from wickedness. 'l‘hat natural sense, weak or strong, is left for its education wholly to chance And the chan cc that good exunples will prevail against the bad is unfortunately not grcat in thc habitat of 'thc neglected child. liven for the most forsaken child. it is trUc, there is always the school. In this city it is free to all â€"â€" in fzict,.all children are obliged to at- tend it a minimum number of days cwry year during what is known as the school pcriod of their livus. But thc school Lannot, as no“ constituted, be thu moral asylum for thtsc: little one; that it ought to btt. Om: thing it docs If old Fagan were to open a school lor crime in Toronto, he would surely nowadays teach his Artful Dodgers to â€"it tcuchc: lhcm :0 mad. How much better would many ofthcm be without that knowlcdgc? Illitcmcy would place ihcm out of the reach of the dc- prmrcrs who wntc and purvcy [11: live- m non-ls which are ‘hc mental hf children of the Josic Carr Make a Law Prohibiting Sale of Perniclous Literature Says The Mall and Empire. “ I am well Eo-day, Ferrozone cured me completely. I can jump and run hke I did forty years ago " N o matter how long you have sufl- cred Ferrozone will bring you prompt relief. It will increase your strength, renew your vitality, drive out every trace of rheumatic pain. Never known to fail; 50c. per box, or 6 for $2.50, aflt all medxcine dealers, or Polson (30., Hartford, Conn, U.S.A.. and Kingston, Ont. H all/(mm ' '4 @W W 3 4w was“ $111in Herald and Weekly Star to January lst, 1906, for 700, Premium Picture‘ included. I. EGETABLE SICILIAN Werrozom' "‘7 “ “ Then came a qmck change. “Ferrozone gave me comfort at once, eased the pain and took the stiffness out o{_my muscles. air Renew *hne punishable by ~~1 liquor to any x Aycars. his name. It would buy nnillnmiualed sets of half a doz standard authors. There's more literature. It would pay for any number of magazines by the year. It would buy your shoes. It would buy a dining-room table: a rug. It would buy two or three commntntlou ticketa to New York. It will buv your wll'ea new hatâ€"a good one. It Will buy your husband a. new overcoat Those are practicul things. It will take you to the theater more than mice a month, singly, or seven and shall times in harness. It will buy menty boxes of candy. It will pay a week's board for you in the summer. There’s pleasure. There is no liuxlt to the things that $15 will do.xorovided the the footlngs do not exceed it.†A Seed Gro“ ers“l*‘ield Meeting will held at 2 p.1n. on Wednesday, june 2151. at Henry Laidley's farm, half mile North of village. The speakers will be Messrs. An- thony Forster, of Locust Hill, and L. H. Newman, of the Seed Branch, Dept. of Agriculture, Ottawa. Mr. Forster has given closa attention to the growing’ of pure seeds for the past twenty-ï¬ve years, and is Well qualiï¬ed to ad- dress meetings of farmers upon this subject. Mr. NeWman lius charge of Seed improvement work in the l’rovmcc of Ontario, and will be m a position to give most valuable advice and assistance. Harry Clarke of I’ctcrboro spent a few days in town last wax-k. Try to Prevent Lung Trouble It’s the dried sputum flaming around in he mr that gets into your lungs and causes consumption. A sure prchn- talivc is fragrant healing Catarrhozonc, “hiclt is 1nl..1lcd right into the lungs kllls u cry!D crm, heals the sore mem- lmmcs and cures thoroughly every type of czttarrlx, bronchitis, asthma and lung trouble. “ I caught a severe cold which dcvclnpcd into C? tarrh and ï¬nally settled on nu lungs writcs Mr. That ï¬ve cents a duy will probably be a. bone of contention between the economists and those of us who are not economlele. and indeed there ap- pears to be something in the matter, judging from the followlng by Benedict ,Bnehellor in the “ New Idea Woman’s Magazine" for July :"One glass of soda per dayâ€"delectable stuff, too, we must assumeâ€"would cost $15 per year, pro- vnled the consumer observed the Bah- bath. What will $15 per year do? Well, nxnong other things, it would (at least in my town)send three and three‘ quarter children away for two weeks each to some Fresh-Air farm. It would pay the schooling for one year of a native Armenian misslonary student. There’s charity for you. It would buy nsecond hand typewriter There’s literature of your own making. It would buy an illuminated set of the works of almost any well known author, living or dead, that you may Mr (I I“ Bent was :1 visitor to (‘nv- anvil]: on Tuesday. , A Dead Tired Feeling. And utter wwnncss arc: due to the Mood being “'cakcncd through faulty acï¬on of the kidneys and Iiwr. his a surplus ot'cncrgy, lot.» of red vital- ' 1' blood )‘uu need and it can be m:- 1 (lmckly by using Fairozonc, the strengthening tunic madc. «111315 Fcrrmnnef’ writus s of \\'cstpm't. “ Last and depressed, had 111 strcngth. 1"cr- me to good ‘ " l’ricc 50c. A. Nurlhup of Redford. (juturrhozone rclxevcd quickly and curcd Inc. I rcconnncnd Calan‘lmzonc highly. Two months treatment $; trial size 19, Millbrook, when you job done on short notice, and e how promptly you will have your order ï¬lled, and done RIGHT, too. PIC-NIC â€"A grand pic nic, will be held in Mr. \Valter Magee’s grove, on Friday, June 9, 1905, commencing‘at 2 p. m. A A} ï¬rst-class platform will be provided tor ‘tripping the light lantastic,’ also excellent music. A good program of sports Wlll also be an attraction. A delightful time anticipated. Gents bring yourladies and ladies bring your baskets. Everybody come, and help to make it a rousing success. Cox'nmittee â€"Sam Fry; Herman Kenney, lefred Jackson a n d Wilfred Howden. A GLASS 0F SODA PER DAY. my Lyla Parsons I as: week. 3 lowing letter, addressed to the etary of the National Saniteriun Association, Toronto, from the Rectory, Norwood, Ont, and signed by Rev. J'. McKee McLennnn, a. well-known Angli- : run minister of the province, needs no comment of ours. It reeds: “I desire Parsonm to secure the admission into the Free Hospital for Consumptivee at Graven- nen you | burst of a. young women, 9. member of .ice, and my parish. The case is every eedone. ve your and if help can at once be given, a. pro- 1‘ misino' life can be saved. I‘hree you-e ’ too. ego the mother died of consumption. . . Since that time it has been my painful 31C nlc, duty to bury two of the sons with the \Valter same disease.‘ Now Annie, aged about seventeen, and a boy of fourteen, are all June 9» that remain of the family; The poor m. A girl has been in Muskoka, carding eta vill be private house, waiting to be edmitted. I- h She returned home last week, and Within [e . W t twenty-four hours of her return her JSIC. A father dropped deed in his buggy while 71“ also driving into Nerwood. Th5 one i. ‘liUhtf l surel-y one that must appeal to the sym- b _ u pathies of everyone, and yet, I fear, only bring one of the many that are constantly n gr vnnr coming under your notice.†- that the Ld OUR STOCK OF Groceries, Fruits 0e Farm Implements, 8:0. McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points, _‘ Cream Separators, Deering Wagons, Sleighs, c. P035; We Ei E E RENG MWESTENQ : MACHINERY. Oï¬ice 2nd Door West of Com- mercial House, Omemee. f AGEN'I‘S WANI'I‘ZI‘. Any man out of employuwnt or with idle time on his hands can make money representing Canada’s Nazwml Nur- scxics, winch pay cash weekly, furnish the hamlsomun suznplus ï¬re, and ochr the greatest sclccxiim of hurdv acdxm- mated stock. Season :‘(r\3'.,"0:‘.‘.:, "‘7C- ing. Write todayâ€"4IAI’I'I‘AL NUR- SERY COMPANY. Ottawa. Ont. D; >11n«Y Hu Tiedgcr, Cossitt Hay [Header Deering Liuht Draft Muc‘mnex}, c.You1 o1dc1s 11111 have my best attcnnon. A TRKAL OF OUR Leading One Dollar :1 Day House. 'Good Stabling. Aug-min: Hustler. MUNHBE HQUSE Opp. P o. HuntelS PEPPPPPPP. Special Attention Given to Omemce and Emily Visitors. PHONE 44. .................... WK. ]. MUNROE, Proprietor. Wludha uuuv. .7 v â€"â€" _- V_- . [New â€"I‘.ca.den-â€"o.nd may their num- ber b0 manyâ€"who deaire to assist 111 this “or-1.11 wmk may send their ifts to Sir W “1‘31 Moredityh Kt... Vice: psident, "-3â€"... r--- ....7,, Il'vttional Sanitarihin Associtcion, To; ronto, or Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of tho Executive Committee, TorontoJ THE e PEOPLE’S GROCERY. “‘45 never before so complete or choice as at present. ’ 35†. I ' I ‘5’; C 2")sz in Qonvinee OF THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES. “f? Tamas: MARKS DESIGNS Cowman-11's ac. rtch and descrlguon may mon free w ether w table. Commmflca- ndbook on Patents cum": patents. 1 5:. Co. receive 50 YEARS' EXPERiENCE CASE. TEAS @EkuWï¬BAWURN. AGENT FOR ran. 'L'est clr- us s.$‘3 a lets. 'ojrk are exceedingly beautiful, and the Large Stock we carry m our new store rooms, makes the choosing yery easy. We have “all papers at any price \ou dcsi1e, and the quality of the papers cannot be surpassad in this or any other County. \Ve carry a very complete stock W Crockery and Glassware. Hamilton’s. Cockshut Repairs E’Our Mottoâ€"Best Goods and Paints, Kalsomine, 850., in Stock. Lawn mowers, shovels, hoes, picks, rakes, scythes, smiths, Nails, Locks, hinges, glass, oils, turpentine, putty, lace- leather, machine oil, carpet felt, tar, pitch. cement, plas- ter Paris, muralo,jellstone, alabastine, calcimo, whiting, tal' paper, building paper, Carey’s rooï¬ng, Patterson’s rooï¬ng, waggons, buggies, Sleighs, wheelbarrows. Gur- ney Foundry Co’s STOVES, and RANGES, stove pipes, elbows, tinware, granitewarc. Fleury’s plows, grinders and repairs. Everything in HARDYYARE GROCERIES, Workmanship at lowest prices. OMEMEE. Wm Curry 84: Co OMEMEE THE MIRROR AND Try the Best 1 , SHERWIN- ‘ WILLIAMS PAINTS. Mailed to any address m Canada or U. S. for I: months {or $1.75, For further particulars and sample COpics 0! papers, write is a gem and a treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. \Ve have a notably ï¬ne assortment ofrings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc. Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices out 1-3 or more. Every article fully warranted. WATCHES, CLOCKS, _[E\V- ELRY, SILVER\VARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY Dr. F. A. Walters, DE‘anr, LINDSAY. Hono-r Graduate of Toronto Univers- ---r I}: and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. .. The Paint That Stands the Test. .. Ail the latest and Improved branches 5f dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. O F F I C E over Gl'egory’ a Drug Store, corner Kent and W illiam streets. Drs. Neelands Irvine, Dr. Irvine, of the above ï¬rm, a ï¬rst-class Honor Graduate of the University ofToronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, visits Omemee Ist Tues- day of every month. Everything up-to-date in Dentistry. Gas ad- ministered for teeth extraction. Wedding Present WEEKLY MAIL EFï¬PIBE W. EMCEARW’S. THE MIRROR, The Popular Jewelry Store, Dentists, Lindsays. WYOURH Millbrook and Omemee Is published every Thursday Morning u H. omce. King Street, Mlllbrook. Advertisi-meutx much as lost. strayed. wuntcd. elm, will be inserted three times {or $1,0ne insutiun 50 cents. each subsequent inu-rtiun 2’) conts. Births, Deaths, and Marriages are Inner“ “‘69. Advertisement: will be continued and (-hargod tm- until iorbidden. Changes 01' ndvertisemeinlsruo to be ‘1. gal “min-s Scents per line ï¬rst inner- tion. 2 cents per Hm: em'h subsoqneul. In- ucruunâ€"Nonpmivl measurem¢ut. 12 flue: tn the int-l1. SU my .‘R1 I’TION RATES Tormu. $1.50 per year. or $X.00per yes: .1 paid in advance. C. W. RICHARDS. Will You Help It} THE HOSPITAL FOR :1 #gSICK CHILDREN For it Cares for Every Sick Child in Ontario whose Parent. Cannot Afl‘ord to Pay For Treatment. The Hospital for Sick Children, Collogo street, Toronto, appeals to tho hthcn. and mothers of Ontario for funds to umintain the thousand sick children thst ix. nurool within in: walls every yer. Since its founda- Lion the Hospital has treated 10,371 children â€"â€" a b o u t- 7,500 of these were unable to pay and were treated free. Every dollar may be the translator of your kind thoughts into the Hospital kind decds. Everybod "s (301- ‘ W In;- may bi the _‘4‘ Friend in Need to 3‘35“}; Some-body's child. . Let the money of the strong be mercv to the weak. The Hospital pays out éivi- "â€"W'“ ' ’ ' dends of health and . happiness to suffer- : I ing childhood on - ‘ ' every dollar that in I paid by the (dead: of little children. Trilbys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-date SpeCIal Vcncedora gen. Sec Exit-3.1., of The Hospii'al for Sick Children. College Street. Toronto. " coon nn'. Doc-ran." ‘ U I feet send the par- ! ! ont‘s name to the i _V__.__~ " Hospital. “sun's mun-1x0" See the gnaw). of wlmL can be done for club-foot children. There were H like cues last. year sad hun- dreds in 28 years. Pleue send contributions to J. 30- Robertson. Chairmantqr :9_D09gl§|_ Dayd- Cut in Cigars. 25c. Pipes - 35 and 40c.PIpcs 15c Pipes xoc Pipes com cobs BankruptStock of Pipes HOrIOUn’n Mv’luozr main. mï¬lflflï¬. OIIWII’. WM. COLYI N’s kMIRI-EOR Fipcs - for 15 cents nd 40c.Plpcs for 25 / Pipes for 10 “ ‘ Pipes for 5 “ [cobs 2 for 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at Edi tor and Publisher 'Tbe Hospital a. m l local institutionâ€" The cost is 95 cont- pcr pntjent pet day. and there vet. 120 sick little ones 3 city in the Hoopital. If you know of any sick child in your neighborhood who is sick or crip- 6 for 7 for 6 {or 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for or In: clib send the puf- 5 cents 2 25 u 25 ‘ 25 a 25 . IO 25