)memee, and others.-tt }: Best Work blacksmith building and ‘t VCI)’ reason- Dington :s 812125 was. w Prepnetor I Hotel, opp. nd solizits a. bd Millbrook. ’a House cold far the fastest the only kind -)0ur wheels. in 20 minutts 'D a better job way. the ney ‘nntry, and to s for wheel and machine. and : them set any ECIALTIES Rmall Fruits. 'lle, Roses. 05, c. md free from n, and pames ‘LLBBUUK scaring the is and best 0‘ Wheels. come. you nd CVcr)’ jot~ e to please .11: requested : “Canada‘s m the towns permanent :an on either xission. rill LRCOK 00k. rctical horse careful at- BROOK. Nurserias.†Gods ONTARIO. USE 'l'he Prize List for the Canadian National Exhibition, Toronto, Oiit.. which this year will be held from Aug. 29th to Sept. 9th, both days inclusive, has come to hand. Every class has been thoroughly revised and in many .cases added to. The preiiiiunis 'to be distributed amount, including inedals, plate and specials, to upwards of $40 000 in value, of which $35,000 is in cash. Field Marshal Lord RobertS, \ ..C, is expected to oï¬ï¬ciate at the opening ceremonies on 'l‘uesda}, Aug. 29 and to be a constant viSitor duriiiag the ï¬rst week. The famous hand of the Irish (.uards, considered the ï¬nest military musical organization in the United Kingdom, and the f.“ orite household band of His Majesti the King. will giie two concerts on the grounds daily. Pictures and art trem- ures loaned by the Kiiig( \bbe)’ s great (oronation picture being included) the Corporation of the (Iity of London, the Republic of France, South Ken- sington Museum, Right Hon. Lord Strathcona and I.ieut.-Goveriior of Ontario, Hon Mortimer Ciarke, Wlll contribute to the most migmï¬ceiit and most historic display of art ever made on this continent. Entries clo~e Aug. 15th. Copies of the prize lists and entry blanks can be had on applica tion to] O. Orr. Secretary and Man- ager, Canadian National Exhibition. City Hall, Toronto- PHONE 19, Millbrook, when you want a job done on short notice, and see how promptly you will have your order ï¬lled. and done RIGHT, too. PRICES VERY REASONABLE. You: patronage respectfully solicited. C. W. RICHARDS, Publisher. Head Oï¬ice, Millbrook. . Drawer 20. The Mirror Goes Direct to the Homes flu; we Advertiser Wants to Reach. OUR jOB DEPARTM EN'I‘ has cva-y Requisile for First-Class Printing. Among those who attended the Pic- nic from a distance u'crc Mr. and Mrs. Calvert of Realwro, Mr. and Miss Paton, Miss I Hartley and Mr. B Vcals of Salem, Miss Jones of Leban on, Mr. and Miss Reid of Ops, and Mr. and Mrs. Jones of Bethany. and others. Mr. M and Miss C. 1’ch wcrc ViSIIOfS to Franklin last week. A quiet Wedding tom; place last M'cck, the contractmg panics bcing Mr. G. Ioues of thxs plum: and Miss 0. belong of Bethany. RIIRROR. In spite of cloudy Weather On Sat- iurdav our Sunday School Pic nie, which was held in Mr. Kcrr’s woods, was a g rand success. Spccial to [11: Mirror Umrch next Sunday chmng. Mr. \Vcs!ey Morgan left last week for a tnp to Euwpe. “’6 wish him a pleasant and safe trip Mr. Fred. Rowan, 0f Knox College, Toronto, will preach in th: Mcthodxst Church next Sunday awning. Colond Deacon of Lindsay. has re- signed his position as chicf magistrate for Victoria County. Miss E Brown has returned home after a pleasant visit with Midland and Victoria Harbor fricnds. Prof. and Mrs. G. W. Mulligan, of Pctcrboro, were chsts of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Mulligan, last week. Congratulations to Mr. David Gra- hamâ€"its a boy. The New Confectionery Rooms corner Charlotte and George sts, PeterbOro, (Carson’s old stand), retail and wholesale. The most le-to-date place for confectionery, temperance drinks. c. A call is respectfully solicited. Mr. Harry Fcir will preach in the Presbyterian Church next Sunday. Toronto Exhibition Prize List. Miss Lena FergusOn was a wsitor m town last “'cck. Rev. J H Locke: and family are pre- paring to move this Week. They haw: won many friends since commg to ()mcmee, who willjoin the Mirror in wishing them continued succuss aud happmcss in lhcir new ï¬eld of labor. Mr. and Mrs. John C Eaton, of To- rgnto, luv: bcen visitmg their Omemec fncnds. School Inspector Knight, of Lindsay, was here on an ofï¬cml vxsit last week. Mr. W Kennedy and his mother were visnors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Courtncy, last weak. Rcv. Edward Rowland preached eloquent sermons in the Methodist Church here, on Sunday lune nth. to large congregations. 'l he Mirror_and Weekly Sun, " Can- ad ’5 Great Home and Farm Journal," both papers to Jan. rst,1906, only 50c. Dom fail to take advantage of this offer LOCAL LRCONIC Mr. Herbert (.7. Blackwvll. Lindsaj- Ste, town, left for England on Monday. ~Watchman Warder. The Millbrook and ()memee " VEGETABLE lelLIAN ALLS Hair Renewer Why not stop this fallln of your hair? At this rate you will soon be without any hair' us: remember that Hall’s Hair Renewer stops falling hairw Omemee and Vicinity. Why not stop this fallin of your hair? At this rate you will soon be without any hair' ust remember that Hall’s Hair Renewer atop: falling hair, and makes hair grow. “mama“- , 04.5. -~â€" The Mirror and Familyj‘lHerald and‘WeekIy Star to J ahuary. lst, 1906, for 700, Premium Picture induafé FRANKLIN Milan on cums, coughs and sore throat is unequalled by anything I ever used. Nervxline is both powerful, plea-am. and reliable.†Euery mother should use Nerviline. Price 250 Rickerby Bros, successors to Mr. Allan, ofthe C. P. R. Hotel, Peterboro, unites your patronage. First class accommodation. No better place in town. $1 a day. The Farmer’s Sun and Mirror to Jan. 1813, 1906, for 500. Nothing Loosens up Colds 0n the chest and relieves that tight. feeling and hard cough like Nerviline. writes E. P. Rennhail “[Sutton "1 never use any other remedy than Ner- vfline and ï¬nd it. serves- as a general househohl liniment bust of all. Child- ren’s acids and inflamm‘umry pains are quickly cured by Seu-iline, and its Qne Cause cfAnamia [3 well knmxn to be c mstlputiou which can be moided IfDr.Hz1mil:nn’u Pills of Mandrake and Butternut are used occasionally. Uneqnuiled for the ntomach,1iver zmï¬ bowels Use only Dr. Hamiltun's Pins ; price 25c The marvellous decrease of 40 per cent. in three years in the death-rate in Ontario from consumption proves that the ï¬ght against this dread disease is no losing one. The Muskoka Free Hospital for Consumptives, for which this appeal is made, without any endowment keeps an open door to all who are poor and sick, as long as a vacant bed remains. N early 400 patients haie been cared for in this Hospital since it was opened less than three years ago. This has only been possible because of the continuous stream of gifts that have come to us from every part of Canada. Remember, too, these were patients that other hospitals as a rule refuse. Each patient, cared for in our Consump- tive Homes, removes a. source of danger, so that. the life of every citizen in Canada. is more secure. in heI-piug to rescue a number great; enough to constitute a. large prosperous village, the giving back to home and friends a regiment of workers, surely will arouse interest in this work of mercy. Almost. every trade and profession has sent its representative, and of every ageâ€" from the young schoolboy 'of 12 to the widowed mother of 60. We again come to you with our story of trouble, but a. story of surprising and en- couraging results. No apology is necessary ; the great work of the National Sanitarium Association, carried on at the Muskoka Cottage Sana- torium and Free Hospital for Consump- tives, is now well known. The lirge number of lives saved, of those whoa. few years ago were supposed to be “under sentence of death,†gives a. right to your sympathy. Rich Color and Soft Skin. May be imlmted, but beauty is more ‘than skin deep,â€"ii. is laidJen in m. blood. Eliminateihe poisonous pro. ducts of indigestion by Ferroznne and complexion rapidly improves Increase the red Colorlng matter in the blood give it. more nutrition and more red cellsdo this and cosmetics wmxt be needud. Give uponamellcs. they wither ioo quickly. Use Ferrozone and have your complexion ï¬rmly established. There isn’t a case of blotched skin. poor complexion or lack oi cn‘or that cun’tlze quickly remedied by lei-ro- zone. Try it. Price 50c. The 1,500 patients cared for in these two Homes plead for your help. Dun Faxes», SEA‘ON c r chn PROMISE -â€"" At present the promise of a great vxeld In every line is abundant. Fruit trees are in beautiful bloom, grass is grou- ing very fast, although the season has not been favorable for hav to stool out. ‘ People will have morehay this summer than they had snow last winter. The ï¬eld crops are groning green and strong inclndlng weeds and tlustles, which, are a Special feature of some people’s farming. The cattle on a thousand hills are waxing fat on the rich grae, and ll'this plenlilnl pastur- age fails to lo“ er the price of meat enme of us “1†have to eat our luxuri- ous rnnshroome as aside dish to mud- eat and other kinds of CALâ€"Oshzuve.1 Vindicator. $26,000 was received last year by the I The ( alarrhal germ excites inflam- mation. offensive secretions are thrown 08' aad puss Into the circulation, con- lttminating the river of life and Nuns “rs ck the whole body. Every (Jatarrh \‘lvtlm should nee fragrant :hoaling Catarrhozone. the surest cure for every type of eatarrh )et discovered. Ca- tarrhozone can't fail to cure berause its vapor kills the germs and removes the muse of the trouble. Then it soothes and heals, stops the cough and reiievm the stuffed up condition of lhe‘ nose and throat Tens of thousands have been cured by (Tuturrhozone which Is guaranteed. Use only (‘amrrh- ozone. Complete outï¬t $1.00; trlal size 250. Why Catarrh PoisonS'the System. AN OPEN LETTER FROM MR. W. J. GAGE. 2 For Price of E. T030516, Cum, Dec. 1, 1904. lVill you not. join in this great life-saving work 2 Your dollar will bring gladness. Fifty dollars will keep a sick one for two months; may save a. life. Three hundred dollars will endow a bed for a. year. Yours sincerely The pitiful part of it all is in knowing ho“? many more lives could have been saved if the needful money had been forthcom‘ ing to provide additional beds. You have the joy of knowing that your dollar has helped in this merciful work. The ofï¬cial Report of the Secretary of the Provincial Board of Health tells a surprising storyâ€"a story of a. winning ï¬ght, showing that. from 1897 up to 1900 there was a. steady increase in the death-rate from Tuberculosis. ‘ From 1900 there has been a. large de- crease each year, reducing the death- rabe from 3,484 to 2, 72 in three years, or over 40 per cent. This is all the more remarkable In View of the incxease in population. W'hy should consumption not be stamped out. if the needful money and help be forth- coming ? $50,000 should be given this year if the Board is to provide for the increased ac- commodation and maintenance of those pleading for admission. \V’here will your money do so much good in bringing health to the sick and protect:- ing the lives of those in your home? Trustees of the Free HOSpitnl for Con- sumptives through contributions and be- quests. If you have lei: boned eggs in (Le water a little tno lung break the mp uf me shell at once by putting it. will aspuou. This Isle but Sum. of the heat, and the hardening process is S'npped Immediately. When lighting a gas stove it will often give 5 slighl explosion and light Wrong. thus causing no heat. Turn tho gas 011' very quickly, and on again. It will then light. properly Mlhuut any further trouble. A good china cemext Is made by mixing “ ith astrong 501::t'cn of gum aribec and “Mar enough plaster of parls to make a thick paste. This should be applied to the broken edges with a camel's hair brush. \ ineg tr should not be mm m a stone jar, as the acid ma) "tree: the glazing and the vinegar be rendered mmhoiu- smne. Glass jars use the best vinegar receptmlvs Freshen the house by putting a fen (110‘s of oil of lavender in an urua. mental boa] Then half ï¬'l it with hot mater. This win give a delightful nuslmrss to the ahuospl.ore. To keep down the coal bills use up the -‘ slack" which accumulates in every huusehold, and at the same time utilize quantities of waste paper: Pm the matter into a pail of inner, let it steep a iiltie, then Squeeze into how hmis. Place these on a clear, low ï¬rv of Cinders (or coke will answer) 0n the balls throw coal dust, mixed with Cinders. Leave the fire untouched fur hours. When poked it lights up into a. warm, glowing ï¬re. This is asliieudfd way a lien aï¬ro is reguired to be kept in all night. (Signed) " H. A. Thurston." The secret 0! growing strong is solved bv Ferrozone. It supplies actual nnur ishment. It braces you up quick, supplies new enemy, brings back the snap and ï¬re of youth. 'l'ry Fen-ozone, 50¢. per bnx, or six for $1 50, at all dealers In medicine, or l’ulsou Co . Hartfurd, Conn. U,S 1L, and Kingston. Ont. After reading the following letter frum Mr. H. A.Thurston, of 228 Ver- mont Street east, Indianapolis, “11]., no one “ill ever doubt. the meritof Ferrozme. F’ERROZONE Dying of Weaknessâ€"given u!) by Doctors as an Incurable and Hopeless Wreck! Said “Good-Bye†To His Family “ After three days it gave me an appetite. I gained wrength and be- came cheerful. Under Ferroznne I Improved sleadily. 1am “en 10: day. I weigh ï¬fteen pounds heavier than ever before, and feel like anew man. "Then I heard of the wonderful Ferrozone. "My friends said I was wasting away with some slow disease, and I bid them goodobye. "Ductors gave me all kinds of medicine, but none of them brought me strength. "I was no longer able to eat. "My blood was thin. My cheeks were white and hollow. A year ago I took the grippe. l was as weak as a chlld. SAVED HIS LIFE! LITT L E H Id] J'S. Special Aï¬cniion (liven to Omcmcc and Emily Visitors. Opp. P. 0. Hunter St, PETERBORO. mom-2 44 Leading Oqc Dollar :1 Day House. Good Smbling. Altentix‘c Hustler. Nutionul Sanitariiun Association, To; ronto, or Mr. W. J. Ga go, Chairman 0! the Executive Committee. TorontoJ [Note.â€"Rcadors-â€"and may their num- ber be mtnyâ€"who desire to assist in this worth work may send their ifts to Sir WmL . Meredith, Kt... Vice; residegt. ego the mother died of consumption. Since that time it has been my painful duty to bury two of the sons with the lame disease.‘ Now Annie, aged about seventeen, and a boy of fourteen, are all that remain of the family.‘ The poor girl has been in Muskoka, boarding at u private house, waiting to be admitted. She returned home last week, and within twenty-four hours of her return her father dropped dead in. his buggy while driving in to Norwood. The case is surely one that must appeal to tho sym- pathies of everyone, and yet, I fear, only one of the many that are constantly coming under your notice." AGENTS \VAN'I'ISI). Any man out ()fcmploymcnt or with idle time on his hands can make money representing Canada's Nunonnl Nur- series, whlch pay cash wcckly, furnish the handwmest samples {rt-c, and offer the greatest selection of hardy acahm- mated stock. Season nmv commenc- ing. ertc: l<‘dn_\‘.-â€"‘(7:\I'I'I‘j\l. NUR- SERY COMPANY. Ottawa. Ont. A m can. , The following letter, addressed to GM Secretary of the National Sanitarium Association, Toronto, from the Rectory, Norwood, Ont, and signed by Rev. J. McKee McLennan, a well-known Angli- can minister of the province, needs no comment of ours. It mods: "I desire to secure the admission into the Free Hospital for Consumptives at Graven- hurst of a, young woman, a. member of my perish. The case is a. very sad one» end if help can at once be given, a. pro- mising Life con be soved. 'J hroe year- Office 2nd Door West of Com- mercial House, Omemee. Dccring Hay Tcddcr. (Tossitt IIzly Loader, Deering Light Draft Machinery, c. Your orders will have my best uttmtnon. Farm Implements, c. McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points Cream Separators, Deering Wagons, Sleighs, 850. TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS ac. Anyone sending a sketch and deacrigtion may quickly ascertain our opinion tree It ether an invention is probn y atentabie. Communicn- lions ntrictlyconnd t al. Handbook on Patents lent free. Oldest ngm for securing patents. Patents taken t . h Mann 5; Co. receive apeg‘alnotiu, witi'iout. Grit-go. in tho A hmdaomcIy Illustrated weekly. Largest, cir- culation of any scientiï¬c ournnl. Terms. $3 a lent: tour yogthl. 8. 50 d by aleewsdpgdm-f. y:enr four months. 8. Sold byan newsdeulcm MUN" Co. 363?"ng New _Yark DEERING HAWESTING: MACHINERY MUNHUE HUUSE Post Ofï¬ce B OF THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES. OUR STOCK OF Groceries, Fruits o. W ill Convince A TRIAL OF OUR Scientific Jamaican. masks binseféas F a. Wuhnhix'oh'. 15.22: WK. 1. MUNROIC, Proprietor THE " ‘ PEOPLE’S GROCERY. \\'as never before: so complete or choice as at present. amQUADE TEAS ELMRADBURN. AGENT FOR E3? Crockery and Glassware E‘Our Mottoâ€"Best Goods and Hamilton’s. Cockshut Repairs T. J. Parsnnx. are exceedingly beautiful, and the Large Stock we carry in our new slum rooms, makes the choosing yery casy. We carry a very coxnplete stock We have wall papers at any price \‘0u desire. and the quality of the papers cannot be surpassed in this or any other County. Paints, Kalsomine, e., in Stock. GROCERIES, \Vorkmanship at lowest prices Lawn mowers, shovels, hoes, picks, rakes ,scythes, snaths, Nails, L02 ks, hinges, glass, oils. turpentine, putty, lace- leather, machine oil, carpet felt, tar, pitch, cement, plas~ ter Paris, muralo,jellstone, alabastine, calcimo, whiting, tar paper, burlding paper, Carey’s rooï¬ng, Patterson's rooï¬ng, waggons, buggies, Sleighs, wheelbarrows. Gur- ney Foundry Co’s STOVI‘LS, and leN" S, stove pipes, elbows, tinuare, graniteuare. Fleury’ s plows, grinders and repairs. Everything in HARDWARE Wall PHDBI‘S OMEMEE. OMEMEFJ'} Dr. Irvine, of the above ï¬rm, a V ï¬rst-daSS Honor Graduate of the Univeasity of’l‘oronto, Member of the Royal CoHege of Dental Sur- geons. visits Omcmee Ist Tues- day of every month. Every’hiny;r up-to-date in Dentistry. Gas ad- ;minis-tered for teeth extraction. Dr. F. A. Walters, DRN'I‘IS’I‘, LINDSAY. Hono‘r Graduate of ’l‘nronto Univera- ity and Royal College 0! Dental Sur- genus. All the latest and hnnrm'ed branches '5! dentistry successfully uwrl‘nrmed. Charges mmlerafe, O l" l" I (3 E over {-iregnry’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Drs. Neelands Irvine. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY is a gem and a treasure to the recipient. And it “'1“ be all that it seems if purchased at our store. We have a notably ï¬ne asmrtmenl ofrings, pins, brooches, neckLwes chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewdr) hexe now. Prices cut 1-3 01: more. Ever) article fi'liy Wax-ranted. \VATCHES, CLOCKS, _IE\V- ELRY, SILVERWAKB, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. For further particulars and sample c0pins of papers, Write Mailed to any address 1n Canada or U. S. for 12 months {or $1.75, THE MIRROR AND HYOURTg Wedding Pasent Try the Best ! SHERWIN- WILLIAMS - PAINTS. W. EMCEAHTY’S. The Paint That Stands the Test WEEKLY MAIL H THE MIRROR, Dentists, Lindsay. The Popular Jewelry Store, OMEMEE Trillws Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up.lo.dnte Specml chccdora ltrmm ‘ng- Phase send contributions to J. “on Robertson.Chairman, or to Douglas David- son. Sec. -Trca.s.. of The Haapiul for Sick Children. College Street, Toronto. of what. can be done for club-foot. childrén. There were 14 like cases last. year and hun- 25c. Pipes - 35 and 400.1’1pcs 15c Pipes 10c Pipes corn cobs Al." I330 .annflmï¬m. 03:..- uIï¬Ogfl‘A u‘uhcl‘opfl. WM. COLYIN’S Cut in Cigars BenkruptStcckof Pipes Everybody's dol- lar may be the Friend in Need to Somebody’s child. Let. the money of the strong be mercy to the weak. The Ho~pital pms om dixi- . dends of health and happiness to suï¬'ur- ' ing childhood on i ‘ cx'ery dollar that is ' paid by the friends of little children. Every dollar may be the translator of your kind thoughts into the Hospital kind deeds. Since its founda- tion the Hospital has treated 10p 371 children â€"-nbout~ 7,500 of these wcro unable to pay and were treated free. " coon nu. moron." The Hos pitnl for Sick Children, Collm street,'1‘oronto, app 08.15 to the father’s and mother: of Ontmo for funds to Luann-Lin tho thouund sick children tint it Duran-s within in walls every ygr. * For it Cares for Every Sick Child In Ontario whose Parent: Cannot Afl’ord to Pay For Treatment. Advertisements such as lost. strayed. wanted. om, will tn- itmefltd three News for $1,0an itisfltkau 549 cums. web sulmeqm-nt insm‘liuntï¬m-nm. Bi runs, l)uatlw,aud Mat'rtngra are tuner“ free. Advertisements u-m be continued and vhurgt-d to r umtt torhiddon. (‘hï¬hgflh of advertisements are be be In the: 0mm: not later than Monday. St? BS! '1“ ("HUN RATES Terms. $1.5mer5-car, or supper year .I paid in advance. ('. W. HICHA libs. Edflor and l’uoflshaf THE HOSPITAL FOR ‘7 '.SICK CHILDREN Legal â€(Hh‘t‘h‘ Seem: per (km nmt inser- tion. '2 m-nxu per Rnn cat-h n-utw-quwm In- wruuuâ€"Nommricl measurement. X'.’ lam-- to tho im-h. Profess‘onal (farms, one inch and unda-t, $th'r year. 53 lor MK mouths. $1 Mr on. month. Will You Help It? ADVERTISING RATES: l y r. 6 mo. 3 mo. 1 mo. I wk. Column $50 $25 $5 $6 82 it 'olumu 2-3 15 8 3 l 3 Column [5 8 5 2 60¢. Is puanhed every Thursday Morning at. In (Juice, King Street. Minot-00k. Millbrook and Omemee "sun's 1mm: 3m" Pipes - for 15 c nd 400.1’Ipcs for 25 Pipes for 10 Pipes for 5 : cobs 2 {or 5 Tolvaccos always fresh at Q~MIRROR Ins the sun. privi- leges u the child living in Toronto sad is treated free. The Hospital bud last year in its beds and cots 761 pabients. '267 of £1150 war. from 196 plwen out.- side of Toronto. The cost. is 98 cents per patient. per dny, and there were 129 sick little ones ; day in the Hospital. The Hospital is not I. local institution-- but. Provincial. The sick child from my place in Ontario who can't. “ford to pay If you know of any sick child in your neighborhood who is sick or crip- pled or has club feet send the pur- ent's name to flu: Hospital. See the example 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 [or 7 {or 3 for 6 for 25 cents 25 ‘4 25 ‘l 25 ‘ 25 “ IO ‘ 25 (l 15 cent: 2 6‘ ,3 ..