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Omemee Mirror (1894), 29 Jun 1905, p. 2

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MissS. Macdona ’ )L’NE AGA'rt-zâ€" Peace. Healzh, W e.al:h Who comes with summer to this earth And owes to junc her hour of high, With ring of Agate on her hand, Can health. wealth and long life mainland _ 2.517331); the Jeweller. Them. Studies in English Literature. 51 a Var. Send me. for Sample Copy, CORRECT ENGLISH, Pupil. . - how to Increase One’s Vocabulary. The Art of Convasation. Shuuld aiid Would. How to use them. Pronounciations. (Century Dictionary. Correct English in the Home. Correct English in the School. “hit to Say and What not to Say._ Course in Letter Writing and Punctu- ation. Alphabetic list of Abbreviations. Business English for the Business Man. Compound Words: How to Write BETHAN Y. Course in English for the beginner. Course in English for the Advanced Correct English How to Use It. ,A Monthiy Magazme Devoted to the Use: of English. Josephme 'l'urck Baker, Editor. Partial Contents for this ‘ Month: Q‘INTERESTINC Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, B a by Bonnets, V e i 1- rings, 850., in fact. anything and everything ‘ ’ appertaining to Milliner). The Stock is ten; complete and up-to-date. For further information, terms, c., apply to MILLINERY, The undersigned offers for Sale her complete st0ck of A1 a Bargain! Be sure and see Port Hope, July 151 and 3rd. 1-. ( “0'” ‘ ”5: to UIUCI photos (A the (5mm, mkcn 3; \Ir, Ulcnr. They axe O.l\ K ' Dbn’t forget to \‘ist Clarke’s studio and gel photos taken to rcmcmbcr the Client. Clarke is at Mullbrook every Wad- ncsday afternoon. ’ Savicc was held in S’.. Thomas Church 31430 p.n‘.. when an ableand appropr'a'c address was given by thc Rev. A T. Fidkr of (folbnme. Ad journmcm was t'mn madc to ‘Shcnlcy’, h‘n‘ -"9~'""_§rx‘.(:c of the Rev. Wm. Carl an t with the: I. a wry Pk“ The mum strvic: and garden party of the W‘oman’s Auxxliary of the Parish of (lav-an wcne held on chnc» day, June 215:. The weathcr was most favomblc, and members of the orgmintiun \s'crc present from all the congregations of (he: Pansh. Wrigh‘. A!” '~ whcre 13:1 was prm-ldcd, an \ wuh th'f Leeumpannncnt of 'J'rnnis a ‘3‘? P‘Cas' u evening was spent. lhe “gem?" of the A. Y. P. A. 33-“: \‘mu..b-~f .. 5‘ :tnncc in waiung u!» n the Rue“) who numbered about eyghty-fiV‘C. FUR SALE ! Don’t forge WOMAN'S A 'JXI LIA RY CLARKE, the Photographer. consisting of E’IXSTR L'C'l‘l YE. mm -._LA Ill. ()l the We will sell .Thursday afterrccn any pair of Men’s andLadies’ $5 00 Boots at $3.00. Come Early and Avoid the Rush. sale 'p'riée _ 7- _. r- , 770..-..- Vâ€" J" â€".u~. -.vv sale price . 240 pairs Ladies’ Cl'oice Dongola Kid Laced Boots, medium extensmn, Goodyear welted ‘soles, sizes 2 1-2 to 7, made to sell at $3. sale price 60 pairs Woman’s Strap Slippers, regular $1.50. sale prxce 74 pairs Girls' Spring Heel Boots, made by W' A. Marsh,$2, sale price 74:13airs’Mun's Fancy House Slippers, noon-o 00.0.0000... reéular $1 50. 300 pairs’ Men's Dongola Kid and Box Calf Laced Boots. heavy Extension, Goodyear welted and McKay sewn soles, regular price‘ $3 and 2.50, Wednesday 75 Pairs Men's Box Calf Bals., regular $2 50 and 2.00 If the men can’t come, they must send the women, for it will never do to let a. chance like this slip by. The ladies will be generously en- tertiained, as the special tor them belbw sug- gee s, Opp. Dominion Hotel, Millbrook. The Dauglas Shea Store ,Fetmtnw. Those ‘flirho want anything In nursery st'ock, such as apple, plum and pear trees, or small fruit, call and leave your order. Prices 10w. Seed pomtoes. Order now. \ Call and get a box of Pratt’s gall cure for horses. None better. To those who intend to build wire fences, I wish to inform you that I am better prepared than ever to supply your wants, both in quality and prices. I have the agency of five ol the best Steel Wire Fence Companies in Ontario. Before buying your fence call and get prices and see samples. My Hinge Fence has no equal. The Portable Hog Pen is what every taruier wants. It is so easy put up and taken down. Steel Posts can be had on short notice. Fancy lawn fences and farm gates of the newest designs. Agent for the M agnét Cream Separatorâ€"none better. Try one. The best hay car on the market The onlv tripple power car made. One horse does the same work as two when the tripple car is used. Call and sec model _before buying. Pratt's Food always on hunch. This IS the time of year to feed it to your horses, cows, calves, sheep, hogs, turkeys, hens, chickens. The Best egg pro lucer on the market to-day. Handsome monuments can be had from Mr. John Bennett, Omemee. Orders for monuments or inscriptions left at the Mirror office will receive his prompt and best attention. Miss Maud Hunter 15 vxsitn." “ith friends 111 town. Toronto or :my other of the large cities or toxxns will not give 301: such bargains as can be had during the big clearing sale of Beautiful Millinery to be held at Miss Macdonald' s, Bcthany, dur- ing the first two weeks of july. \Ir. James McQuadc and sister, .\Irs. \IcElwain, of Emily y, attended tha funeral of the late \Irs. Chrixtic. Mrs W. S. Graham, of Mt. Pleasant 1:5 been visiting friends in Hamilton. Miss Luella. Thexlon is home from Albert College, Belleville, for the summer vacation. Mr. Robert Duffin, County Sec’y, and Sec'y of the Com. for Bellcville’s Cclcbration on July 12th, was in town on 'l‘ucsday, and gave the Mirror 21 call. Mr. Duffin's wife is a cousin of Mr. j. McBride. Mr. \Vilmot. of Port Hope, tele- phoned the Mirror yesterday and ask- cd us to announce that a specml tram will leave Port Hope for Milllnook at L-lcvcn o’clock on Saturday night, july lst. The sports that day ml] be very attractive there. Big purses are offered for horse races. Mr. F. A. Clarke, the photographer of Port Hope. was in town yesterday and reported business good. MANNS‘ (Peterborongh Bread) fresh at John Mcliride‘s Grocery every Monday. Wednesday, Fri- day and Saturday. sts S. Macdonald. who has bean very successful since com- mencing a Millinrry business at Bethanv, is now offering her en- tire stock of stylish hats, c., {or sxle. See advertismeut. Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Newman, of Mt. Howl), Were visitors in town last week. HDominion Day falling on Saturday next, the Merchants of Millbrook have decided to keep their stores open that day, and ubserve Monday, july 3rd, as a hofiday. Miss Myra Brereton. Bethany, was the guest of the Misses Thex- ton last Saturday. Strawberry Festival at Christ ( hurch, Bailieboro, under the auspices of the ‘Daughters of the King.’ on the Church grounds, on Friday, June 30, 1905. Tea will be saved from 5 to 8.30 p.m. An excellent program of musTc, and the amusing piay, ' Old Maid's tianvcntion} wili be presented by the ‘Daughters of the King’ CA St. John's Chapter, Ida, assisted by Mr. L. H. Winslow. Admission 25c.. children 15c. Eruwflml Tu‘TheDuurs! In his Oflice every W'ednc-sday and Saturday evenings. a... toot-opo-lo’oonloonanuo 05. PAYNE, A grand union picnic of the Mt. Pleasant l’rcsbvterian and Methodist Sabbath Schools. will be held in Mr William Sliicld's beautilul grove on Dominion Dav. Agood program ul sports will be puton. See bills. On the eve Of her departure Miss Olga Brand was presented with a very handsome clock, the donors being the members of her classes in the public school here We understand the pres entatxon was ascompanied by a eulo- grstic address. Miss Brand has won many warm friends since coming here, who will be sorry to learn of her de- parture, but will join in wishing her continued success. Dr. W. E. 'l‘illcy. of Bowmanville, IS here this wcek conducting examin- ations m our schools. Miss Macdonald invites all the Ladies to call during the next two weeks and see her beautiful display ofall the latest designs in Millincry which will be sold at sacrifice prices. Her steak was never before so complete or pretty. Something to please everyone. It will pay those at a distance to come to Bethany during special clearing sale. Mr. Robt Fair, ofthe Golden IJOD. l’ctcrboro, was in town on Tuesday visiting his father. Mr. W. S. Graham and daughter Miss (haham, of Mt. Pleasant, attend- ed the International S. S. Convention in Toronto. Miss S. Macdonald,of Bethany, will hold a big clearing sale for the next two weeks, of the latest in everything appertaining .to Millinery, at sacrifice prices to clear. The stock is all new. and \ou will save money by buying 'duringthis big sale. You can't get such values elsenhere. flair Vigor Weak Hair 8! .00 n homo. All drums“. Aye. I'S not be pleased? '-Ayer’s Hair Vigor makes beautiful heads of hair, that’s the whole story. Sold for 60 years. Do you like your thin, rough, short hair? 0! course you don’t. Do you like thick, heavy, smooch hair? Of course you do. Then why " I hve med Ayer’l nu: “for for . long time. It is. indeed. n Wondnr ul but tonic. restoring health to the but Ind «zip. and. n tho lune time. provln n nplemfld droulu ." Du. J. \V. rum. mam. In '1‘. for J. c. A"! (30.. anell. Mun. :25 I75 1 ~50 75 The Mirror joms in tendering ht arty congratulagions. Mr. Henry Elliott. blCavan, was groomsman. The happy 'couple lef on the evening train for their home i ‘the West, followed by thebest wxshes ofa host of friends. The bride, who was one of the most highly respected ladies of Cavnn, was the recipient ol'a large number of handsome presents, among them being a lovely Bell Piano, purchased from Mr. H Armstrong, Mxllbrook. ‘ The bnde and bridesmaid, sts Matie Berry, looked charming In their beautiful costumes. ' The home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, Cavan, was theseene ofa pleasing event on Tuesday last. when their daughter, Miss Rosalind, was united in marriage to Mr. Thomas Edward Helm. of Delpraine, Man., the. interesting ceremony being per- formed by ‘Rev. James McIntosh, former pastor at Cen‘trevrlle, in the presence of a large number 'of invited guests, among whom Were noticed quxtea number from MIHbl‘OOk and l’eterboro. On Sunday evening he;- remains were interred in St. Paul’s Ceme- tery. She leaves behind herlthree, sons and two daught‘grs. The youngest son, W allbjrv,‘ jivesqinV-the North West. and'the second son, Edward. West of.here, and the oldest son, W1lliam,.and~ Mrs.~J. C1a‘rke,}r. and M.iss.:.Maggie, in‘ Millbrook. -- , - The deceased was a devoted wife and lovmg mother, who al- ways had the welfare of her chil- dren at heart and never thought any sacrifice too great to make on their behalf, and being of a kind and cheerful disposition she won for herself many friends, who we are sure will join us in tendering sympathy to her relatives in their sad bereavement. There were several handsome floral tributes. showing the respect in which the deceased was held. " We regret to notice the death of Mrs. A. Christie, reiict of the late Andrew Christie, who passed away to her eternal rest last Sat. urday, at the residence of her son, Mr. Ed. Christie, west of here about two miles. ‘ A PRETTY JUNE WEDDING. The funeral yesterday was largely attended, the Services being conducted by Rev. G. R. Clare. The bereaved husband and family have the heartfelt sympathy of many friends m their affiicnon. Mrs. McMahon was a member of the Methodist Church” and was be- loved by all her acquaintances. Her kindly disposition and true christian spirit has been productive of much good, and those who knew her best can only retain most pleasing memor- ies of her beautiful life. lhcy “ere blessed w1th a large fam- ily of five sons and six daughters, but only six sunch their mother, viz: Messrs. John, an enginccr, Lindsay; Robert at home, Thomas at BridUc- north , Mrs] McBinney of S) racuse, Mrs. 105 Lannin of iRochesIc-r, and Miss Elizabeth of \\ mmpeg. -- -- DeceaSed was born in the County of Fermanagh. near l)rum,"Ir.eland, and came with her parents to Canada when about three years old, satling m Hope, where she resided untri 1856. She was united m marriage to Mr. McMahon on May 9th, 1853. They came to Millbrook on April 2!, 185;, and have resided here since, wnb efxcqnion of about two years a! Brunswnck. Once more we are called upon to chronicle 1he death of another of our most highly respected citizens In the person of Mrs. Joshua McMahon. which sad event took place on Mon- day last, at~the age of 7'4. Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Eifkms and Dr. Ciarkc attended the wedding of Miss Mira Rosalind Berry m Cavan last Tuesday. Our boys m Militarfi} array left on Tuesday for Camp, and we join in wishing them a pleasant and profitable outing. DEATH OF MRS. J. MCMAHON. guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Allen. ...., -.»- The band concert on Friday even- ing was much appreciated. Another good prpgram [on Friday. tc-mqrmw evening. .’ . , Wkemember the Grand Union Pic-nic in Mr. Wm. Shield’s grove, just a short distance East of Mount Pleasant, on Saturday afternoon next. Programâ€"Foot Ball Matches between Omemce, Cavanvrlle, Ida, and local Clubs. Also a Iédies' Basket Ball Match, besides other events, such as foot races, e. A cordial invitation to all. A good time anticipated. See bills. -- ' " Mr. Fred Mi‘dd Was'in town over Sumay. Mr. and Mrs J. T. C. Lang. of Pctcrboro, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Berry, Cavan, on 'l‘ucsdny. Ladies, now is the time to get new hats, bonnets, c.. at bargain prices. Big clearing sale during the first two weeks of July, at Miss Macdonald's, Bethany. Lieut Wilhams. of Port Hope. was :1 guest at the home of Cap: and Mrs Leach on Saturday. Miss Jessne Allen is home from Toronto for the holidays. Hurrah for Omcmec on Iuly Izth. Miss Gladys Mnlloy, of Preston Hill. is a guest of the Misses Mam and Maud l’i(:.kup' l Miss Belva Martino!“ Boston is CENTREVILLE. ‘â€"rj;~ 5M flecMLuq Jtewq-td 3 Total for All Purposes ...... $835 89 flaw‘aw .- H. V. MOUNTEER, Superintendent. ‘ D. R. CLARE, Supply. Connectidnal Funds, Circuit Incidentals .. Sunday. Schools ..... Epworth League. . . . Trustee Boards ..... Other Purposes ..... Ministerial Support. . Total . . . ov- Contingent . . . . .. .' . . .' General Conference" . '. . . Union Church Relief . . S, Aid and Extensidn Susténfation . . . . . . . . . . Temperance , ......... General Epworth League . 190445 Total for Ministerial Purposes Mission'ary” SuperannuatiOn Edu'cétional Total 4. ........... $436 82 Circuit. Connections] Ffi'nds: ‘ Fallis Linc ...... .. Zipn Linc . . . . . ’. Carmel. ./ ...\. . % Financial Mn. BLACK. Whlte and I went out tor trout about ‘_ a week ago, _ White’s catch wasn't very heavy ; Mine was great, you know. One I hookedâ€"a flue two pounderâ€" nearly got away , Here’s a picture of the beauty, taken yesterday. Whlte was pretty sore, I reckon. at my streak of luck : Said I wes the lucklest fisher he had ever struck. Guess I'll go again next week it I can spare the time; Last week’s trlp was elegantâ€"the weather was sublime. Mn. W art's. Black and I went out for trout, about a week ago. ‘ I was lucky trom the start; Black didn't stand a show. Sixteen speckled beautiesâ€"Sixteen! Isn't that a few? Poor old Black. he trumped all day and only landed two. Here's a picture of a. corker. two pounds flat he Weighedâ€" Thought that I would loose .him, thoughâ€"u rattling fight hemade Black and I went out for trout about a week ago. I was lucky from the. jump; Black didn't stand a show. THE URCIHN ’l‘wo swell guys came out for trout about a week ago, All delr tackle it was great, and gee, day had tle dough! See dis paper dollar? _ Well, de'm tellers gave me two Jes' for giviu’ dem some trout I caught in Mason's slough. One of dem was mighty fresh; he ' called me “ltttle brat," Jes’ de same, I got bus dough. so let it 'go at dat. Two swell guys came out for trout about a week ago, All deir tackle it was great, and gee. a dey had de dough! , Statement “ Gavan South Dr Pierce' 3 Pleasant Pellets should be used with "bamrite Premription" who- eve: a laxative is required. - So uniformly nuccusful but Dr. Picrce’l Favorite Prescription prove" in all form: of Female Weakness, Prolapsx’.'or Fat-ling of Womb. and Lcucorthga. that! after curing Elbe worst cases of then distresxing 'an‘d cbilitating ailments, Dr. Pierce now {cc-la fully warranted in offering to pay $500 in cash {or any case of these discs“. which he cannot cure. . It is much easier {or a woman to confide in the average man than in the average woman. She knows that the man will re- spect her confidence: and keep them to himself. He is strong, has more experience of the world and can help the woman who needs advice. There is- every reason why women should not trust their delicate constitutions in the hands of unskilled persons. It requires a thorough medical education to appreciate and understand the womanly organism. When a woman has ills and pains that she cannot bear â€"when life seems dark for every woman, she ,. should confide her troubles to I physician of standing in the community, or one who has a national reputation. Cer- tainly it would not be the part of wisdom to confide in an ignorant person without medical education simply because she was a wonmn. There is every reason why she should write to some great specialist, one who has made the diseases of women I specialty for a third of a century, like Dr. R. V. Pierce, founder of the Invalids’ Hotel and Surgical Institute. of Buffalo, N. Y. All his correspondence is held sacredly con- fidential. and he gives his advice free and without charge. l] ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, $176 89 SUMMARY: FRED BROWN. erence’. '. . . , _. . . h Relief xtension . . . . . . ............. )rth League” FISH STORIES. 1:;.....$1.5i 5° ‘ . '3‘. "'. [44:33 . - .- f. {35 '09 345325 54 oo 17 oo 133 5° 42 so . 410 00 .$176 89 4.2 '21 28 35' 2.3 so 40 gJewiggn’s Old Stand. w. T. MCBRIDE? Your patronage respectfully solicited. FIRST-GLASS OUTFITS .é 7"" REASONABLE BATES THE "CITY LIVERY. M 1:13 no 0K. WA share of your patronage is re- spectfully solicned. ALL KINDS OF TEMPERANCE DRINKS, HOT 8: COLD. OYSTERS ALWAYS ON HAND 1N SEASON. UNDER Nl' OPEN FOR BUSINESS East End Restaurant Millbrook, Ontaio. REMEMBER- THE PLACE Call and See Our Stock. No Trouble to Show Goods Agent for the ‘ Leading Piano, Organ, and . Sewing l‘v’i'achine Cempanies FOR UP-TO-DA'J'E jEWELRY Issuer of Marriage Lia-macs, MILLBROOK. The Big FIRST-CLASS BREAD ANI) FANCY BAKING. Try The LUNCHES AT ALL HOURS For the next few weeks we will BIGSUPPLYHUUSE Our Teas are the best that money STOCK NEW AN!) FRESH Sell Brncnrles Very Chm J. STEELE'S, OPPOSITE TOWN HALL. MILLBROOK. Millbrook’s EW MANACEM EN'I'. Whether you buy or not. Then1. 25 Cts. a pound up. can buy 26f D. Milligen, A specxal effort is made to please every customer. and you are rcqumtcd to call and give me a trial. Yours for business, I niaake‘a specialty of practical horsc shoeing and always giv: it careful at- tcnhon. No matter how many come. you will not be kept Waiting, and every jot positively guaranteed. I also offer you the Very Best Work in all branches in general blavksmith ing. waggon and carriage building and repairing, painting, c , at very reason- able prices. Just bring along one wheel and watch me set it with this machine. and you will never again have 1h: m set any other way. I can set a Sct of tires in 20 minutes With this machine and do a bmcr jut~ than any man can the old way. No more burning or scaring the rims, or boring nefi' holes, and best of all, No More Overdiahcd \thcls. I have recently put m a House- cold Tire Setter, which IS by far the fastest and best ever made, and the only kind that cannot possibly hurt your wheels; A GOOD COLD Tll'fl Sfllffll' Geo. Moore 15 now Proprxetor of the Grand Union Hotel, opp, Market, Lindsay, and soli:ité a call fxcm all his old Millbrook. Bethany. Franklin, Omcmce, and Reaboro friends and othersâ€"t1 Toronto, Stone Wellington, “rite {01 pa Iiculars and send 25C. for our handsome Aluminum Iockct Microscope, (.1 littlc gem) useful to Farmerswin examinin" Seeds and b Irains. Orchardistsâ€"in e‘mmimng Trees for insmts, Cardmcisâ€"in examining Plants for insects, Tlac .ers and Scholars in studxing Botan) and Eserybody m a hundred difi'crcm ways. and surrounding country, which win be reserved for thc right man. SIAR'I‘ NO“ at the best 581“." sewson, and handle our NE“ Sl’L ( I \l 111 S on liberal 'Ierms. Local Agent Wanted At once for “(‘anaua’s ‘;Rt(ll€5£ Nur'suics” for the to“ n of LIILLBROOK. I’onthill Nurscrirs, (over 800 acres) MII LEECCK Ontario. o Yu-x‘sz‘s ! H \‘x'i‘isrm am! “(:3 Maitland 1mm in town last \Vcc'x'. tiliss \I: .ggie Adams was a v tor to Link say [has “eel. Mr. Chules MCC. :Ifilev w: vi 4 .or to L indsav last week. 1 Miss Maud Mc(,o:m-:I!s nune fric-nds will bc glad to learn film is u mirrored is: hahh. Rev. 3. II 'l'cucy and Mcs~r<. 1 (‘arnwa'tl and F. Bent wen.- in Tom £2.le wcck. ‘ To Get Braclng Health ,_ Goodâ€"Sleen Well â€"Enjo Llfe, Use M r. Hawlodi Fm spent Found ()ukwond. LOTS OF VIGOR, NERVE, VITALI Mtss LaU"a McElwain, of H burg, Pa., is vusiting her Ind m Omemee and mely. 1 Major \V.J Neil and bridc v v1sj'tors to Omemee last m They wiil reside in Tox‘d w: ere fizu have a fine prop: The Mirrorjoins 1n tendering l “’s‘u-s to Mr. and Mrs. Nciil. The preparations for feeding muhnudcs cn 12th Iulx arc vcr. Icnsixc and elaborate. 5111:1041 91875 “i“ 13v: 50.11 \d. Every Woman will reauze in I’eabody's case symptoms lroxu n she has suffered herself. AMONG HER TROUBLE-ZS WEE Mi», (lcxtrm‘u; Grand}- was a ofhcr anus" at Oakwmul on S When 1 u re: d the following can ience of Mrs N E Peabndy, of '1‘ ton, you will realize u hat euord benefit Sick people get from Ferrel His: 01m: \lcQuace \isitcd Imulsm friends last meek. FERROZON Mrs. D. Adams, “ho wa bad!) hurtm the lunn:'1\xa\ a dent. is improving. sts 1 Adams returned home to Ome on Monday "’LlfldSfl‘ \\ atchx: The New Confectionerv Ron corner Charlotte and George Peterboro, (Carson's old Sta retail and wholesale. The H up-m-date place for confectiOn temperance drinks. c. A ca respectfully solxcitcd. Headaches. Weariness‘ Nervousncss, Weakness, Palpitatiou, Loss of FIG Dzzzr Spells, Poor 3pr H ER STATE.“ ES 1' . '- I was stricken with new us ease of the heart and mum-ch. V14 headaches nm :e life a torture. 1 so nervous and ueak I could seal walk. W ork was impossible. 11 not on: or digest, Ilu'lhlng. \l completely wrecked, Fen“: me real me. To-day I am vigorous and SI and well.’ ‘ Mr. John McSwevn has appointed Police Magistra: Victoria County. and other friends here. all h pleased to see him looking and hearty, and to learn 0‘ continued success in UndeS domain. Thousands of men a: (I «owe: nnoble to do work remitting pun body and mind Let :11 '11: take 1‘ zone. It remotes the energy 0! 3 gives back vim! stamina. cues: oen'e lotce. No n O .icine on contain. such concentrated no: meat. Price 50c pet box. or six; fur $2.50. at ail dealers in nu-mcil Poison Co . Hartford. Conn . C and Kingston, Ont. Mr. \Vm. Laidley, of Chi Ill , has been vxsiting his ”m: 'l‘hc Mirror and Weekly Sun, “ ada’s Great Home and Farm Jou: both papers to Jan. 15:, 1906, 50c. Dom fail to lake advanta; this (flat. WEAVERâ€"DOKXELLY. A quiet modding (ca-k place; parwnuge of George at. Med church yesterday ‘ailernonn, Ii H Weaver, non of MLT W of Gavan township, «u mm? mxrriuge by Rev Dr. Cunt-era, ‘4 May Domaelly.daughu-.rof Mr ( Dou-uelly,the bride Ins suite wary unveiling chum-e H: In“ Wenwr who were Imam :11“: up me” n mdence in :0 .Man; frxwd-Iilllkl Umemee and Vicinit menu. timeout“: E? U510»: Excunsnoxm 01m mce \oung Peoples Sod (husxain Endcator and )1le l’rcabxt rian Sundm School, lm ranged “z '11) “in: (LT R. and >14 Estunan {01 “ha: promises m U must dchhIful trip of the Scum! Thursday luly zoth lo 1. End] regular monun'r 1min 11';an Steamer to lenclon 1 .JH Rose \ and Sturgeon Point. I'arch ()mcmce for round trip, adults ‘ children 40c. Sec posters. A TRUE NERVE TOXIC. The Mirro Weariuess‘ Weak uesa‘ Loss of FIG Poor .5pr

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