’WEEKS 3e meantime the money ke to know that GEN- ving and of which we are ulwavs draw a crowd to V Walking Straw Bats, won :dnced to 35¢. r Walking Straw Rats, were reduced to 50¢. Sailors. were 2.51:, reduced to :of goods that we mean esitating to quote prices >ack up the advertisement t AFRAID TO QUOTE y houses in Canada. I0 white Swiss Spot Muslin, 5012,3310 price 20:. I0 white pSwias spot Mullin, 33c, sale price 22c. '10! ofwlfito Pianos at Clear- Bug Finish Seed Store 5 BUY YOUR warden Seeds. ROVOI'MbIO yard-wide Car-pot, s 40c, sale price 25c. Tapestry Carpets, worth 40c. price 25c. V001 Carpets, were $1.00, Ialo ow Shades complete: were 35c, trim 351: ,complete,werc 25c, sale price TTY’S lash Store, price every day. Every ' store. Look around and come and compare with se \ou could not expect a. v for all bad debts to sell ting house that sells fat flour and feed, ï¬eld Land Plaster. icely trimm'ed, were $1.50, ro- to $1.00. nd White Leghorn Batu, won 1'rom all Man- ants of Cnrpats a: clearing .1: Delivery of proï¬ts and illinery Department. ;’ Vests will clear at St. .T 82; C08 FEED gsoels Carpets, were $1.25 sa‘o :3, Jackets and Capes. 'RICE has caused a boom in Lment. mums and Wind" Shades. lies’ Corsets, vm “c. u]. 'heat, Barle , Rye, of all kin s, and ,d goods. tr hundred. ', PETERBORO. .TTY. ‘ EDS SELLING OUT 0 O S T 111 this line we offer bar- gainsfor every one. Just think of BOY’S Straw Hats that were 750. go- ing at 25c. Men’s Hats that were $2.50 oing for $1.00. This stoc has to go re ardless of cost. Nowis e'time forstraw ' hats of every d escription Afl‘ COST. ’Worth of Boots 82: Shoes :still to go at INVOICE PRICES, bought before therecentgreata'dvance in leather. .Don’t miss this opportunity. Every pair must be sold. This stock is fully :kep‘u up in all leading lines at .A few real bargams still left. No ropm to quote prices. Trials“ stock must CLOSE PRICES. 221ls. lest gran. sugar, $1.00 281ls. soul bright yellow 1.00 ï¬lls missus - 25 The salewill continue as long as the goods last. TERMS, CASH DryGoods Crockery Glassware COMPANY. ARRIVAL 8c CLOSURE 0F MAILS From Peteï¬borongh. ï¬lllbrook, Poniiope Cobourg. Bc‘uevme and all points east. 3; comb. . . ........900 km- From Toronto.Ux- Midge. Lindsa and st} ‘poims nor Land Mom Peterborouch sud Port Hop‘ezï¬-l- - U XWU‘C‘ .11 points Vest..- . .. .. nocxn LACONIC Old newspapers for sale at this ofï¬ce. Hly sold in Cobourg. last week, at. 1393mm. Go to nginbothsm’s, when In Lindsay. for pure drugs. Try the Insect Powder for Ani- mus. A can solicited.â€"27-1sr. GuyaComave on hand a large quantity otcoalwhich theyareselllng cheap. Apply to F. E. Hatch. Omemee. 2m. From Toronboprllna ï¬sh-“9:9. Lindsay ‘5. , ,‘L A- ......... .. ......8.13@.m. “I would send you a. kiss, papa,†‘wrote little Lucy, who wee awey on a ‘Yllit. “ but i have been eating onions.†A non: service is to be held at Leban- on next Sunday afternoon. Rev. Mr. Hill in to give an address on “ Bliï¬d 3’5†Ityou went. the best Lehlgh coal cheap you Ihonld not. forget. that. Guy .4: Co. are the men to fur-chase it. from. F. E. Hatch is their 05‘ sing manager in Omemee. from whom :11 infomzton can be obtalned.â€"‘!f t! Note the adv. In this issue re ï¬rst ponting oftho township of Emily Yoters’ List. Why cannot more interest be shown in improving-our beautiful river ? Can not some schemo be be advanced to hop tho weeds out of the channels? Fond on Mary-st, Omemee, this “90“. 8pc¢ket book, containing a ring Sudamall amount of money. Owner can have same by calling at this ofï¬ce Ind paying for this advertisement. -31 1a.. 5:--.1. will not long be enjoyed_ f$500.‘00 and paying for this advertisement. -31 i The bicycle will not long be enjoyed only by the favored few. It is uni thet' next year the but wheel may be bonghtfor $39. It will cost only $30 to menufectnre them. Menitou Increase team last week in denfeating Winnipeg’s but team. This gives Msuitou the championship of the province. This victory has been won only after some years of herd ï¬ghting. Omemee have was successful OMEMEE. THURSDAY. JULY 25. young men who would be second cc enture. non. ifthey would only make a v â€VA-v -- vâ€"v‘ , The services in the Methodist church last Sunday were very interesting. Rev. N. Hill, the pastor, preached especially to the children in the morning and not- Withltanding the rain, the children were out in 13:28 numbers. The Rev. gentle- man took as his enbject the life ofChrist and presented it in such a way as to hold the close attention of the little flock. Such services cannot fail to do much good. In the evening Mr. Hill preached to aJarge congregation. taking for his «man Sn]. II.-3. “Christ Compared to THE OMEMEE MIRROR. good. In the evening Mr to a. large congregation, subject 801. II. -3, “Chris the Apple Tree†GROCERIE S ARRIVAL. 8.53 mm. To Peterbsro. East, P’t Hope, Peterbom' Cobourg. Eelleville, and all points south and east. . .,_ 10.4.5:an. To Toronto. Orillln. Uxbridge, Lindsay a: all points north and west. . . .. . . .-.~‘.’o nan To Toronto. Ux- bridge. Lindsay and all points north and west. . ..... . . â€5.13 pan. To Peterbormmh. Millbrook, Port, Hope Cobourg. Belleville. and all {)olnts north and west.... . . .753u.m. CLOSURE. J. H. Wilson is expected to go on his wedding tripthis week. We wish you every happiness, Jack. Dr. .‘eelands, Dentist. Lindsay, extracts teeth free when artiï¬cial ones are inserted by the use oreithcr the Hypmlcrmic Needle Ltheul Chlorvdc or Gas V'ltalized A1r.27-6m. Several persons have gone down the river to camp out for a few days. It is indeed delighttul to get away to such a beautiful spot during this warm speld. When you are going to get manned, don’t forget to procure your marriage license. C. Hughan in Lindsay will-issue one for you for $2.00. Be sure and pro- cure it. in ample time, so as to avoid no delay.â€"46-tf. 'J hose who tried the entrance examin- tion, are no doubt anxious to know the result, but asyet the anon cannot en- lighten you any, as we have not received the names of the successful candidates. t ose ‘\»vho intended. The Women's \‘S urior Band,of Toronto, were present am the music dispensed by them was indeed delightful. H.H. Holmes has no 128 than eight murders charged against him. What villans therein this beautiful world. Bear this in mand if you require anything In watches, clocKsJewellx-y. silverware: etc» {or wedding presents. go to w. F. ManytY. Lindsay. He will please you. Prices moder- ate.â€"33- 3m We are informed that on Sunday evening All-Jag. Lowery, of Millbrook' pal-took of salmon and took ill and des- pite the aid of {our medical men, he died on Monday morning. Nanâ€"Kitty, I don't hear you talk about your handsome employer any more. Kittyâ€"Nofldon’t like him so well. The fact is, he hurt my feelings dreadfully. He told no he was mar- tied. Several fatal cases of diphtheria are reported at. Millbrook. We notlced by the Reporter that Mrs. Jas. Cochrane had lost. a. little girl, and later reports l'eaches this place that Mr. Raper had The combined stocks or J. Dobson and A. Dormm, recently purchased by Graham 6; (30., Grocers, etc.. contains bargnlns. You should take advantage of them when visit- mg Lindsay. Kent. St" opp. Benson House. 33 The S. A. Musical Festival on Friday «\vening last was indeed agrand treat to The monthly busi es: and missionary meeting of the Woman’s Auxilliary will be held at. Mrs. Curry’s this (Thursday) evening at 7 o'clock, instead of 3 p. m.’ as formerly. All members especially asked to be present. a child die of the same dread disease, and still further repnrts say that Mr. John Clark’s child is afflicted with it. Several heads of fall wheat were laid on our table a couple of weeks ago by Thomas Stephenson, and by an over- sight, we failed to make a. note of it. The above grain is a. sample from one hundred acres of the same kind, and it. Is indeed beautifully developed, and if all Mr. Stephenson’s grain turn: out as well as his wheat, he will have no cause to complain. A dangerous pratice in that of amok- ing in bed. One night last week a gent in a hotel laid his cigar upon a. cane seated chair and dropped oï¬â€˜ asleep. The cane caught fire and in due time a hole was burned large enough to a‘llow a. burning lamp to drop through. The oil added to the flame, and had not a guest in the next room discovered the accident at once the consequence might have been serious indeed.â€"Colborne Express. Robert Chambers, marble cutter of Lindsay, has just imported from the old country two imposing Scotch granite monuments in the rough state, one standing about 10 ft. high and the other a little “less. When the sculpturing designs are worked out with the skill and originality for‘which Mr. Chambers is noted the monuments will be «equal to any to be seen in the Midland dis- trict. The shafts Will grace the Kin- mount cemetery, being: intended for the graves of the late William Dunbar and Cottingham, whose sad deaths by drowning a year ago last Winter in Ganhon’s Narrows, below Bobcaygeon. while returning after night from the I'eterboro races, will be remembered by our readers. ‘ It may not be generally known that ‘ H. R. H., the Arch Duke Albrecht of Bohemia, and suite, passed through our fair village on Wednesday en route for Tonnahauser. His Royal Highness is at present on a hunting tour through Ontario, travail-inc; in cog. Hischarger, which is in care of Barnabbns But-tone, excxted the highest admiration among those who had the pleasure of an inter- view. In speaking of the tour with the party, Herr But-tonne says His High- ness expressed himself as greatly pleas- ed with our country. Especially men- tioning the noticeable evidences of cul- ture and reï¬nement among the farmers. features which are greatly lacking in his own country. He says that this country 13 admirably adapted for rear- ing cavalry horses. On Friday last the junior base ball club of Peterboro came to town and played a. friendly game with the junior nine of this place. In the ï¬rst part of the game the Peterboro boys seemed to have it all their own way, caused, no] doubt, by the inability of the local club to hit the curves given by Pitcher Connere. Howeverin the latter part of the game the home nine were getting acquainted with the pitcher, and then it seemed as though Omemee was going to have the best at it, but the ehange took place too late to make very much dlflerence. Nine innings were. :played, resulting in a. victory for the‘ former nine by a. score of 12 to 6. The following are the players and. the posi- tione they held: rmmnono. Posrrrox. oumm‘ J. Connors ........ pitcher.....s. Johnston 0. Graham. ....catcher.......E. Roland E. Johnston. . . .Iet bale. . . ..J. Graham J. Sheridan. . . .2nd base. . .. .L. Fowler W. Parnell... ...Srd bash. ...J. English L. McWilliams short stop- . .A. Parsons T. Arsinal ...... .R. ï¬eld ...... W.-Lamb G. Hounsoll ..... L. ï¬eld.. ...... L. Lamb R. Sanders. . . ...C. ï¬eld . ..... F. Adams Both-nines playeda. good game and either of the teams could quite easily “do up †Mount Pleasant seniors, with all their pomposity about playing base ball. The Rev J. 11. Tanner returned from his visit to Boston, on Saturday evening and conducted his usual services on Sunday. On Tuesday evening of this week the Rev. gentlemen gave a. partial report of the Christian Endeavor Con_ vention that was held in the above city, he ï¬nding that the compieto report would be too lengthy for one evening and the request‘of a number of citizen; he will continue his interesting remarks about the Convention on Tuesday even- ing next in the Presbyterian church, You Would almost think Mr. Tanner either had a. phonograph with him or else that he took it down by the short- hand process, so complete is his report» but we understand that he had neither of the foregoing methods at hand. You will miss a treat 1! you do not attend next Tuesday. In referring to the death of Dr. Coch- rane, the Uolbcrne express says: “ On Friday last a. message was received here from Keewatin, Algoma, announcing the sudden death of Dr. Charles E. Cochrane. Deceased Was the fourth son ofthe late Mr. William Cochrane. of Cramahe,snd was in the prime of life, only 85 years ofage. He was edu- cated at our high school, and soon qualiï¬ed for the practice of his chosen profession in the usual way. He ï¬rst opened an ofï¬ce in Brighton, and after a. few years removed to Omemee, where his wife and two children reside. He intended immediately to remove them to the place where he was so unexpect’ edly stricken down by death. His mother and members of the family, but especially his young wife and children, share the deepest sympathy of the community in their great aï¬lictinn. The remains arrived here late Monday night and were conveyed to the home- stead, the funeral taking place with Masonic honors to Sales: cemetery on Tuesday afternoon.†‘ Special to the M mason. John Cook, a former teacher in Rea- boro, now principal ofthe graded public school It Auburn, Out... is visiting old friends in this vicinity at present, the guest of Mr. James Greer, our esteemed Post Master. While Mr. Cook taught - uuu ---_._ - - in this plaiée he made many warm friends who sire all please}! to meet him. LllVAluu u “v w.- "n A party from here is Spendmg a. pleasant. outing: on Pigeon River, camp- ing, ï¬shing and berry picking. They are Messrs.Jas_ Greer. W. Cunningham, W. Corneil. Thos. Calvert. We believe that Mrs. W. Cunningham and Mrs. W. Corneil have also accompanied the party. ,__._.â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"- There will be a song service in the Methodist. chumh, Omemee, on Sunday evening next. The following is the programme :â€" gpening Hymn . . . . . . ..- . . . 97 ‘10-; v- Chanting the Lord’s Prayer . . . ...Choir. Scripture Reading . . . . . .... . .. Anthem, “011, Praise the Lord. Choir. Responaixe Reading . ... .. .Psalm 46. Young Ladies Quartette. Hymn ..... . ........ . ..... ... ..777. Reapousive Reading†Psalm 108. |;___L,._- A! I‘Lpuâ€" Pivot-3...?“ . . . . Addrels... ...... “ Lov Hymn ..... ........ Collection.......... NEWTON HILL, Pastor. The will no doubt be a. large congre- gation present, as these song services have been very interesting in the past, and doubtless the one on Sunday oven- ing next will come up to any previous one. Dueâ€"tunâ€... . . In answer to the spleen of the Mt. Pleasant base ball enthusiast, contain- ed in several neighbouring papers, I would like to make plain, a. few Iacts and at. the same time give vent to Some of my insigniï¬cant ideas upon this very unimportant matter, which seemingly soragitates our eoutixern bore. -L _... J»... To the Horned Toad of Mt. Pleasant. blv wB-vâ€"vvâ€" . __ . You state in the Lindsay Post under date of July 12th, that the Omemco B. B. team agreed to play you a. game of ball at. the Foresters’ pic-nic on Thurs- du: lasg. . - 1 ,, ,AA,1,...LI. __ Special to the MIRROR. “w lllll Now I am informed upon good author- ity that one of your players came here and made arrangements for that game. with ac1tizen, wlic, although being an old base bull players and not a member nor player with our junior nine of school children which your full grown, old experienced senior player, carefully selected from a vast territory lying to to our south, bad, in their own miuds, the grand and glorious honor of defeat- ing on May_24th, by a. small score. â€Al’â€" "dlvlw nu... --..- -_ V Our children here also sav that it zges somewhat against the grain when | you have two or three hired players in anticipation of a. great victory over opponentswbo do not show up be they . ever so insigniï¬cant. ‘ .1,77‘ nub v" -~-_J ___,, Please allow me to inform you, Mr. Scribe, that. the proceedings of M ay 24th last were conducted entirely by the Brass Band and not by the junior nine as you should know perfectly well, if you are capable of knowing anything at all, so you have no right to throw petty grievances at. the feet of this much des- pised organization of small boys. ,_ .L-A. -kAub .4“: HM!) nf IDCU Vliu“""'""’ -,, , ' 1‘he boys say that about the time of the disappearance or the Mt. Pleasant. B. B. boy: a rather strange coincident happened, being the disappearance of their base bal}. _ ' 1' IL_.._ ALL. bucu uunv v... .- Of course I do not infer from this that the Mt. Pleasam boys mesmerized the ball at. all but perhaps it was nearly as great. a. bellous astheir worthy scribe and getting windy started to puï¬â€˜ and blow until in blew itself down some- where in the Vlcinity ofâ€"well some- where this qide ofCavar‘wille. , L‘, _L :L va- uv .-.-.a..._-,,, , You say that you were almost charged an admittance to the grounds and al- loyed to go gupperless. . n -J “-1. 2...-.. )_.. HAM“ Iuwuu uu 5v n..r,.v..-.._. 1 supposeifit had not been for some tecnical point in'our British law or some loop hole in the rules governing entrance to base ball grounds and dining halls which your cunning,crafty, far~seemg correspondent detected you would have undoubtedly starved to death in the very midst of a. civilized and prosperous people. Boys ever stick to tihis yourpokgle szfviour and deliverer. , :LL|_ :. in-.. .. wig-1;!- eEEiBiBbhél scribble is like u. chew of tobacco. It is abominably dis- gugting and makes me sick. j:_l:‘_n ‘A nnu-an b uâ€"v- "O -___ I would very much dislike to cause the death of any human being, so If thisvsticks over tightly in your throat either swallow it or spitit out. Apparently you are an adept at scrib- bling rot and Will undoubtedly greatly appreciate this. ~ Now Mr. Mt. Pleasant would you like to draw in your crumpled horns or will we be forced to chop them off. Thanking you Mr. Editor. I remain, your: c. A Connnscnxmxc Foon And one who has played base ball. Song Sevice. REABORO. . . . . . .................. 777. ending ........ Psalm 108. . ......Membera of Choir. ........ “ Loving Voices...†on .o-.oo....o.u-uo. ....399. THE anon invites all its readers to contribute to this column sllitems of personal nature, such as the arrival and departure of guests, the movements of well-known people, busmessomen, etc. All that is required is-to send :u postal card to Tm: anon and give particulars and we will do the rest. Monday. E. Scarlett let; Tuesday for Toronto on a. business trip. George Lamb is visiting his Port Hope friends at present. :Rev. John Gal-butt has been visiting his Belleville friends‘this week. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Graham, of Mill~ brook, were in town on Tuesday. Mrs. J. Mitchell, of Woodstock, is at present Visiting friends in Cavan. John Mills, of Lindsay, was visiting with his mother in town this week. Miss G. Endivcott, of Omemeo, is visit- ing friends in the village.â€"Lakelield News. John Eakins, of Millbrook, made a bminess trip to Omemee on Tuesday. Miss Curry, of Omemee, is visiting at Rev. G. L. Thompson’s.â€"Stirling Nowa- Argus. Mrs. A. E. Byers and Miss E. Byers are visiting their Bailieboro friends at present. The Misses Pratt, of Peterboro,were visiï¬ng with Thos. Fee, of Emily, the past week. Miss Tens. Magee, of Omemee, is visiting her sister, Mrs. T. Z. Webster..â€" Lakefleld News. Thomas Robinson and Miss Bertha. Robinson spent Sunday with their uncle, H. Nugont. Miss Hattie Cameron, of Port Hope, is waiting friendsin town. She in tho guest of Mrs. Lamb. A person lays: “ If Mr. Hatch only concluded to paint. the roof of his feed store, the job will be complete.†Mrs. Cordelia. Richards, of Millbrook, in visiting her daughter. Mrs. G. W. McKim at present. Jas. A. Norris, who has been visiting relatives and friends in town the past few weeks, returned to Toronto on Mon. day. Mrs. Dornan leaves to-day to make an extended visit with friends in Toron to. We joinin wishing her a pleasant time. Eli Rutherford, W_ Lamb W. J. Eng- lish, John Malloch and Miss Ethel Mal. loch want. on the excursion to Orillia. on Saturday. Mrs. Norris, Jan. A. Norris, Miss Ethel Norris and Dr. Beatty, were to Bobcaygeon via. Peterboro and Che- mong, on Saturday. Mrs. Wm. Scarlett, of Listowel who has been visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. 1?. Scarlett, drove to Plainville to visit friends on Tuesday. Mlu Gertie Clunau, 0! Lindsay, who has been visiting with Mrs. P. Callaghan and Miss Adams of Emily township, returned home on Tuesday last. Mrs. W. J. Donnell, of Peterboro, and two sum, Ira and Vernon, are at pre- sent visiting friends in Cavan, being the guests of Mrs. Alex. Jones. George Ccrk, principal of the public school, Waterloo, and brother-in-Iaw of Hen-v Nugent, Emily township, came from that town on his bicyle on Fri- day. John Boyd, ofCavan, win in town on Jnlm English, who has been rnsticat- ing at Bracebridge and other towns in the north country, returned home yes- terday, having enjoyed his trip im- mensely. Dr. J. D. Cottingham, of Kinmount, but formerly practising hip profession ofdentistry 1n Port. Perry, spent a. few days visiting :riends here this week. He gave the anon a friendly cull. Among those from this place who took in the S. A. excursion from Lindsay to Bobcaygoon, on Monday were: Capt. Jones,M.J. WUso‘n, Mr. and Mrs. Mc- Brien and Mr. and Mrs. Sanderson. Thou. Rice, Miss Agnes Rice, John J. Williams and sisters, the Mines Mary and Bella. Williams were visiting their cousin, Mrs. Nicholson, near Rice‘ Lake forafew day: the past week. Whale away they visited Jubilee Point and other places. Miss M. Pei-due, of the Millinery De- partment of '1‘. Ivory Sons. has gone ona few weeks’ visit to her home at Orangevillo. Miss Per-due has given the beat of satisfaction in furnishing the ladies of this locality with the now- est styles in millinery and her many friends will be pleasod to learn she will return early in Septem ber. 1 In In u an. In"; v-uv... u ---.~. .. u... -- ...... at :1. great i'eduction in price from Guy 00.. through their manager. F. E. Hatch, Omemee. 27M. Dr. Thompson has been appointed i8- suer of Marriage Licenses for the County of Victoria. pro tem.â€"4-3m. An unbroken record of successes in the past is the best possible guarantee that the Toronto Industrial Exhibition of 1895, which opens on the 2nd of Sep- tember, will be a. display of unrivalled attractiveness. Many improvements in the buildings and grounds" have been 3 made to further the convenience of ex- hibitors and the public, and with the return of an era. of prosperity the enter- rise of the management will doubtless be rewarded by a thorough appreciation of the inducements ofl‘ered. The volume of exhibits this season will be larger and more diversiï¬ed than ever before, and special attractions of a brilliant and exciting character will be present, including the novel military spectacle "The Relief of Locknow,†with gorgeous Oriental accessories and pyrotechnic effects on a scale ofgrandeur ,and variety hitherto unequalled. The system of cheap railway fares and special excursions from far and near enables'all to visit the fair at trifling- cost and everyone should take advant- age of the opportunity, as it embodies all that is best worth seeing and know- ing mechanical progress and scientiï¬c invention. All entries close on the 10th of August. ' Putin nsupnlf qtcoakwhilq It. {at} be had r1 ,__ PERSONAL. Toronto Industrial Fair. Crops Promise to be Bountiful This Year. Ottawa, Tuly 4.â€"Professor Sounders, director of the Experimental farm, says that from returns he has receu ed from the branch farms in the various provinces, the crops all over Canada promise, on the whole, to be bountiful again this year.‘ The crops in ’Quebec‘ will be very goOd. In the eastern part of Ontario Will be very satiifactoryh though in western parts‘the drought has done damage. In Manitoba the pros- pects were never better. The growth there has been very rapid. In British Columbia the crops promise to be above the average; and there Will likely be a. Splendid yield of fruit. We presume that some people think we newspaper men are persistent dune, Let a farmer place himself in a similar business position and see if he Would do the same. Suppose he raises a crop, of 4,000 bushels of wheat, and his neigh- bor Would come to buy a bushel and the price was only the email sum of two-dollars or .less and the neighbor says: “I will pay you the sum in a few days.†As the farmer don‘t want to besmall iu the matter he says "all right.†Others come in the same mun, untixlsthe whole of the 4,000 bushels are. gone out to four thousand different- persons, and not one of the purchasers concern himself about it, for it is a; small account he owes the farmer, and, ‘ of course, that‘could not help him any. He does not realize that the farmer has frittered away his crop of wheat in little dibbles and that he is fesrfully embarrassed in his business because his debtors treat it as a little matter. But if they all would pay him promptly (which they could do as well as not) it would be a very large amount indeed to the farmer, and would enable him to carry on his business withoutdiï¬iculty. J. D. Thornton is prepared to negotiate loans on good real estate, in loaning companies or private parties; agent for the best insurance companies. A num- ber of good farms to rent. Call early. Omemee every Monday, and at Cox 6:, ngvis’ omce, l’eterboro’, every Saturday. â€" ~3m Barnum Bailey’s Greatest Show on earth will be in Toronto on Monday. July 29th. Ifyou visit it this will be 9. grand opportunity {or you to call on me at my store at 87 King-at. East Toronto ‘ and have your-eyesight tested. Do not‘ let jewelers mislead you by tolling you they can test your eyesight. They only PRETEND to test your eyesight. The eyesight is too delicate an organ to be ex- perlmented with by “jewelers.†Jack at all trades, good at none.†If I cannot convince you that jewelers cannot teat your eyesight properly, and you are in danger in patronizing them, I will make you a presentol‘a pair of spectacles, all free ofcost to you. Monday July 29th. I can be soon personally at my ofï¬ce. Yours Truly, Prof. Chamberlain, “EYE SPECIALIS 87 Kiooâ€"St., East, Toronto, Boo. WANTED Grove Nurseriegof Waterloo, N. Y. Good SALARY and expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to be- ginners. Outï¬t free. Previous experi- ence not required. Established over 20 years. All goods ï¬rst-class. Write at once for terms. Address. J. W. MACKAY, Gen. Manager, St. Thomas, Ont. 32-8“. Notice 01“ First Posting of the Voters’ List, 1895. MUNICIPALITY OF THE TOWNSHIP OF EMILY, COUNTY OF VIC- TORIA, PROVINCE OF ONTARIO. NOTICE is hereby given that I have trans- mitted or delivered to the persons men- tioned in sections 5 and 6 or the Voter-5' List Act. the copies 11H uired by said sections to be so transmitted or olivered or the list made ursuant to said Act, or all persons appear- ng by the last revised Assessment Roll of the mid municipality to be entitled to vote in the said municipality at Elections for mom- bcrs otthe Legislative Assembly and at Mu- nicipal Elections, and that said list. was ï¬rst gosted up at my nii'ice, in (imemce. on the 6th day ofJuly. 1895, and remains there for ins ection. Electors are called upon to ex- nm ne the mid 1ist,and,it any omissions or othor errors are found therein, to take im- mediatefroceedlngs to have the said errors correct: according to law. Dated at ()memee, this 26th day orJuly, 1895. AUCTION SALE OF YKLUKBLE Put Yourselves in Our Place. IN THE TOWNSHIP OF OPS IN THE Wednesday, Aug. 14th, 1895, at 11 o’clock in the foronoon,“ BRADBURN'S HOTEL, â€"-'â€"I.\' THE-â€" by virtue of‘powers of sale contained in o certain mortgage which will be pro- duced at tho Sale, the following pro- F°IEY ,,. L41: -r 1-1. ..... ALA 1nâ€. I The West half of lot one In the 10th concession of the Township of Ops, in the County of Victoria, containing 100 acres more or less, save and except 10 acres extending from the South bound- ary Northward hnlf way across the said lot one in a. line parallel to the Western boundary of that portion of said lot late- 13/ _in possession of James Pogue and i'ife. .. Efï¬e following improvements are said to be on the premises : 1.‘ ' All Lil-6565 having erected thereon a. lo: dwellmg, and two log barns. There is a. goodprchgud on the greperty. N fï¬kï¬S‘I-Ilréiï¬reé cent. 61' His pï¬rchane money to be aid down on the dtV of sale. For ba. ance terms will be nude known at the sale. "fdi’i‘ï¬r'tiiéi Barticulnrl apply to JONES, MACKENZIE 6: LEONARD, Solicitors, Toronto Street, Toronto. Or to G. A. BALFOUR, Omemee, Ont. 31-5t FARM PROPERTY There will be offered for 3110 on County of Victoria. Village of Omemeez Good, reliable men can ï¬nd permanent em- ploynlent for Maple R. J. GRAN DY, Township Clerk: 31-5t La If youhave time come in and' have your Timepiece put in ï¬rst-class order by Hotson, the Scientiï¬c ‘Watchmaker, late of Toronto. Old Watches and Clocks made new Eng- ilsh leavers skillfully repaired. _ If other Watchmakers have failed to give you sat- isfaction. you can get it. from Hotson, who holds the vezy best recommendations from res; onsible persons. THE EITY PLANINI} MILLS I'IVILNHSSEI SI HWIL LEMON SI HWIL LLON SLIV’AX HNIL The People’s Grocery, . . New Post Ofï¬ce Block, ' ., . . Omemee, Ontario, The Central Canada Loan and Savings 60. D I R E C '1‘ 0 R B 8 President, GEORGE A. COIL Esq... Toronto. Vice-President : J. R. DUNDAS, Eso., (or Messrs. D. Gunn, Flax-elie 4: Co.), Toronto “ RICHARD HALL, Esq..(ot Messrs. Hall, Gilchrist 5 Co.). Peterborough. Robert Ja‘m‘ay, Es ., (Director Imperial Bank Toronto; Edmund S. Vinden, 12qu Port Hope; F. C. Taylor. 5 .. Lindsay; D. W. Dumb e. Esq.. (Barrister, eta). Peter-borough; Hen . le Fovre. Esq.. akeneld; Wm.C‘luxton, Esq., l‘eterborough; James Stevenson. an.. . f. P., Pcterborough. ' Manager, F. G. Cox; Secretary, E. R. Wood ; Inspector, A. A. Cox. SOLICITORS: Messrs. Dumble 6: Johnston, Peterborough; Messrs. Edgar Malone, Toronto. BANKER! 1x CANADA : The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The Bank of râ€"Zoronto. The Ontario Bank. BANKERS IN GREAT erux: British Linen Company Bank, Glasgow. The Bank of Scotland, London. Cmsr Aonxrs xx Gnu-r BRITAIN: Messrs. Finlayson 6: Auld, Writers, 213 West George Street, Glasgow. Avmrons: Wm. Manson, Esq., Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce, Peterâ€" borough. Henry M. Pellatt, ESq., Member Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto. I. o n N s 3 Money is obtainable from the Company on approved Real Estate Security at current rates of interest. . The mortgage may be repaid by monthly or yearly instalments, or otherwise, as may be agreed upon, the interest ceasing at once on all amounts paid on ac- count of the sum borrowed. Patronize a Home Loan Company and save expense and delay, and where you can depend on being treated on the most liberal terms, after 11 years satiso factory experience of unabated progress. For further information apply to CHIEF OFFICES: 26 king St. East, Torehto, 437 George Street, Peterberongh. I HAVE IN STOCK "this week a full line of Extra Value in†T~eas fnom 25c. up. To'hand this week a consignment of the?“ celebrated Indian Moonsoon and Hurma Teas, in packages, 3 30c. 40 and 50¢. per 1b. fl , - I. 1 n 1 L ______ L!...J'I va. .1... â€"-_.. J--, My stock of «benera‘l .Groceries. is complete with everything fresh and good, and at prices to smt the times. PETERBOROUGH, ONT. O:- at the Petal-borough omoe. MESS Photo Studio You can get the ï¬nest Photos on earth at the above Studio. MILLBROOK. cannot be excelled, and : Our Finish ‘: is all that could be desired in a. high grade Photograph. We make of Photography Outdoor Groups, Live Stock, Pic-Nic Parties, etc. Is the Place to Buy Fresh Family Groceries. TEAS TEAS TEAS are reasonable, and we will go to any part of the country, on receipt of a. post card to the above address. We have a splendid View of the 2%!qu Orangemens Procession at Millbrook, sizeSx 10, which “e will send to any address on receipt of 35c. stamps orsilxer, a sample ofwhich can be seen at the Human. oflice. Call w hen in town. F. J. CARLESS, 3:315:10 HOHHIW Hamawo 'aamnam (m HHTIEIMCH‘ ‘MOSCLOH " TERMS CASH. ’SEOIHd .LNEILSIS NOD lS'EIAAO'I Cocoa 'Wine - 75c. Fowler’s Ext. Strawberry 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactated Food - 20c. Nestles' Milk Food, 40c. Splrits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede me. At Higinbotham’s Dru 5; Store, LINDSAY. Stand on Your Head AND READ THIS UUH PRHIES TEAVS AND COFEEES A SPECIALTY. E W . Bradburn. _ . ' - KING STREET, - is the best. that is made, and : Our Terms : Am 0: s: moqqzleu .xuoK o; no.( lap: I A Specialty DGNELL, : PROPRIETOR Our Work PHOTOGRAPHER. i ON THE DICKSON RACE, Reputation : : OF ONTARIO, LIMITED. J. D. THORNTON, Omemee. The Redmond Homestead, cor. Church and Sturgeon Sta. Omemee. For terms. etc., appl to W. J. Redmond, Jr., 27? Abbey st. Cleve and. 0hlo.â€"14-4 Bear in mind that T. E. Jennings, of the Omemee House, is a licensed .auc- tioneer and will attend to any sales entrusted to him, he guarantees satis- faction. 30-1 For Twenty Five Years WATCHES 8r. CLOCKS R. J. Mulligg Machine Oil, ............... 25c. gal Best American Coal Oil, 25c. gel 5 Boxes Axle Grease, ............ 25c Higinbotham's \Vhlte Pine...15c Fans...‘ ........................ 2 for 5s A lot of New and Stylish Jewelry which I must sell without . ~ regard to cost. R J Mulligan ' fuecOOKs BESTAERJEND Wall Paper Cheap. LARGEST SALE IN CANADA. For Sale Cheap. .........2 for 5s.