Ttilbys Winks - ., Alabama: Scotch Reel Up-to-date ‘ , Specnal } Venccdora YE. EAR, THROAT AND 308E. ‘1 Bl. YILLIII‘S OLD BTAID, in: T. Pauham McCullough, ‘ursu ocvvmxn 51' mt. KEMPT. \ PBTERBOROUGH. For" 28 - Years “MEMO. over new Post. can. “once 0 . our Mnrn’n Grocery. 0 BE EVERY MONDAY. W. Phonon Rotary Pubilc. 32., . v. ' ‘1 Monâ€- to Loan. 9-“ 25c. Pipes - for 15 C 45%er 40c“. Pipes for 25 ‘15c Pipes for 10 too Pipes for 5 Corn (Jobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at DtOHOJL; WM. COLY I N’S oflflsflflzo {Fungal or": oliOHau‘“ I‘d-unwinuopfl Baakrupt Stock of Pipes msgqorsssst’rkltnb 301‘“)! in réhy giVen that I have Matinee! o eiivored to the perm.†motioned In. Moms 5 mad 6 of the V0.89 L5“ Aci, the copies required by an! magma to be no transmitted ur «117W! tho tilt made pursuant to fluid Act. 0! airporsnrilappearing by the In: revlud Assessment Roll of the am manlcipality £0 be entitled to vote in the said munlchmmy at election: for â€when of the Legislative Assembly udmt‘flnniclpal Elections, and mu .4411!!!“ flrlt posted up at my of- Ice ln'tho Post Ofï¬ce Block, in me “flap of Omemee, on the 11th day “July, 1898, and remain. there far in- Opoction. Elecwrs are called upon ‘0 §xgmlno the and liars, and if any omis- tlonl or any other errors are found III-nun, to take immediate proceeding: We the said errors corrected ac-l \ Cowling to lur. } Mod st Omemoo this 1m. day of 3311,1898. chrcxnmrv 0F 1' a 1-: T0 w s. 0? max, COUNTY or VIC- TORIA, {gowns OF 05m mo. REMUV .\ L MTaymx-‘a 1'0 Mar out uranl Lind- I’. I: now dirochy n'rposl the honson 0)- Hr.- served in all styles gnu! at n: ur. varythlng elu up-Lo-dau Try Ir ISO. maul-’31:: Cut in Cigars Noticepf First Posting of'ihe Voters' List, 1898. HILLBROOX. : : : ONTARIO. LAIOIIT SALE ll‘ CANADA. Robert Ruddy. RICHARD J. GRA NDY, m and â€army Streets. rxcn I106“: ‘Wurks 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for Township Clerk. succeed- f un- ill be will I o! d in 7103p.m. 15 Cents 2 (6 1(5) “ 25 Cents H H 6‘ tl The Prime of Wales has fractured in- left knoocap. I Mr ‘harlea Boyce, editor of the cm. mamas“, died Mou- l J l l Tuesday, July 19, '98. The details ofthe Porto Rican ex- pedition have been perfected, and Gen. Miles has left Sibon- ey for \Vashington under or. ders. Miles in all probability will command the expedition. President McKinley has ordered that Commodore Watson's squadron for the invasion of the Spanish coast depart as soon as possible, and every effort is being made to com- plete the necessary prepara- tions. The Spanish in the surrendered district around Santiago have burned the lighthouses, spik- ed the cannon and exploded the powder magazines as a protest against Gen. T oral's capitulatlon â€"Globc~. France, Germany, Russia and' Austria form a concert ot‘ powers to settle terms of peace between Spain and the United States. In such a contingency complica ti o n s with England may ensue, and probably Japan. Uncle Sam will not likely be dictated to by the powers in this matter. “ Is it peace or is it war.†Ad- miral Dewey sends this mes- sage to the German Admiral, who objects to his vessels be- ing stopped. If they are at peace he demanded that the German warships here pursue a different course. If they are at war he wanted to know it, so he could govern himself accordingly. The German contention is that a ship should not be stopped after the ï¬rst time. Admiral Dewey replied that Manila is a block- aded port and that he would continue to have all ships communicated with when he desired, whether on the ï¬rst or the hundredth time of en- tering the bay. have arrived at Annapolis. The Spanish sailors have been landed at Portsmouth. Yellow fever in the American Army is causing apprehen- sion, 600 cases being report- ed; however, the cases are said to be of a mild type. There is great distress among the refugees and inhabitants of Santiago. Admiral Cervera and his ofï¬cers the transport of the Spanish trOOps back to Spain. The men will probably start on july 25. Neutral steamers will be employed by prefer- ence. The Americans have decided to ignore the Cubans, and San- tiago will be governed by an American military ofï¬cial. The Porto Rico campaign will now be pushed on actively, and Commodore Watson's ships will be hurried over to assail Spain. Spain continues calm, the feeling being that the terms granted General Toral were honor- able. The Government's pol- icy of repression seems for the moment to be succeeding. Senor Sagasta has declared that extra-ofï¬cial nego t i a t i o n s have been going on to ascer. tain the basis on which peace could be concluded. A de- nial of this statement comes from Washington. Arrangements are under way for The American flag was hoisted With impresswe Ceremomies over the municxpai buildings of Santiago at noon yester- day. The difficulty as to the retention of arms by the Spaniards was settled by leaving the decis- ion to the United States Gov- ernment, the American com- IniSSlOnefS rcpoxting in favor of the prOpOSaI. Mr. Alger declues tth he will refuse his consent. News of the Week. Tho W113 Summary. Monday, july I8, 1398. “a of the Rev. I School, Port runaway cab ch resulted in A Twelfth of July Episode. Between wand 11 o'clock on J uly 12th a tired stranger from Cavan township, overcome by an injiidlcious mixture of Orangeism and bad whiskey sir yed across the railw ay track near the station and sought repose in the tall grass of an iiiiireqiieiiteii lot. His loud snoring must have disclosed his whereabouts to a [seeing tramp, and the conse- quences were disastrous and embarras- singâ€"to the sleeper. When he awak- ened he. failed to recognize himself for a time, nor could he ï¬nd anything about his person to aid in the work of ideiitiflcatioii,becanse the rustler had swapped clothing with him, and left him looking a perfect scarecrow and liable to arrest as the tongheetr j lOoking hubo seen in Lindsay for some ‘ ‘ time. After making certain necessary changes in his ragged garb the Gavan man made his way tothestation, where his appearance created much merri- uient, and told his story to Station Agent Peter) and 'l‘mininaster Stephens. It so happened that the latter ha . seen the trump near the station and had warned him to leave the cunipaiiy's premises, but in the afternoon had again observed him passing north of the sin.- tion nrrayedin a. new suit of clothes, and mentally observing that some 591'- son had been over-charitable, he dl8- missed all tl onghtof the circumstance. “While the anite was fumbling in of his coat he found , which the tramp and was thus enabled 2r home on the evening TRAMP STOLE HIS CLOTHES " Here. however, the little hnard would soon have disappeared to mum the Turk’s appetite, which was Colossal. It kept hlmself and his friends eternal- ly poor. He ate 20 meals a day, and each was a royal barbecue. He drunk cofl'ee out of a soup tureen, grounds and all, Turkish style. He ate wlxh his ï¬ngers and worrled becwse he had not hands enough to keep pace “1th the knawlngs of hunger. He sailed sem-nd- class. It was characteristic of t he man who was a mieer for the beneï¬t. of hie repaclous appetite." " In fact the mammoth Turk was a unni-savan, and there was no use try- l g to nmke a straight wrestler of him. W. A. Brudy, his manager, lost on You- eonf‘u fn-uling where he stood to Mn if the I‘m-k kept himself within huunds. With the $8,000 and more which no un- der the waves, hugged mlserly to the last, Yonsoul might have started a cafe in his beloved city of Scutari and ï¬lled It with cronologged countrymen amok- lng narglllhs, » how he could have en- tertained with his wonderful exploit: in foreign parts. That goodly sum Would have been a fortune there. “ Alter that, America. H-‘ro he found diniculties. He found that wrestling “us clrcnnwrrihed h) .oulmi, and that if the wrentlers m: cred them so much the Wurse for the :u. He mu Rue-her a! Madison Square an den and Rneher tel! ofl'the pluuorm. Later at the Metropolitan opera. huuw the Turk lost his temper because he could not utlr Rneber from a" [cure and mu- discipflnod. Then he wet the spvctucn- Iar Spartan, Hewklidea, and alrangleu him Into inuenaflflllty. Then to the wvst he nent and lost to Lewm on u fnnl “ Yousouf then underkom: to become manor of Europe and Asia, wh'cb he did, throwing reprrsentutheu lroul countries all the way from Japan to Germany. " Under imperial patronage he made little touts into neighboring provinces, then further into Egypt,Algerla. u'aeece and the Ionian luluudu, always redun- ing with the green lmy of the \‘ll'lnl’. “ Yonsoul was a magniï¬cent animal of the eastern type, but he lacked the reserve and generalsnip of a true at].- late. When thingsdld not go his way he lost all control of himself a-zd be. came: wild beast. He- llxen 103: Ml games repeatedly on fouls. " The Turk was a native of 9c Hath, a grimy and fanatical town oppoflte Constantinople, and commanding mug- niï¬uent View of the city of Sultans. “ He began wrestling 3! an enru‘ age, and having won victories over men famed in the science throughout his native districts. Youuoul “an lI-u ored With a ' command ’ to appear bef we his king. “And yet, the ’I‘nrk “nanoverboaten. True, the Freuchmnn, Lamaire and the Jap, Madochi, as “on as the W Isc min Goliath, Lou is, got decisions over him. But all were on technicalities. “ An in all Oriental ï¬ghters, the brute forces dominated the intellect. You- Ionf was not uneducated nmn. His co- lussalutrength was his sole boast. 0f the science of wrestling. an it is known to the trained athletes oi the Muldoon Ind Rueber school, he was blissfuily ignorant. " In his lust great bout. wherein be staked his fortune nnd his life againat on unknown foe, the giant. of Sentari fought and lost. It in the end of a unique career. The Champion Wrestler of the Orient, who met Death In the Wreck of the Burgogne ctr Sa- ble Island. The New York Journal. In an article referring to the career and death of Yomouf, the Turkish wrestler. said : Ynnsuuf, the Terrible Turk. aster-3r of Pet: the Little Lake I)“ at ï¬shiu ‘51 J 5; in fact, anything you can’t get anywhere else just try R. J. Mulligan’s. f. any' watch repamng you may need. At R. J. Mulligan’s Drug Store, You can get any Bicycle Repairs or Bicycle Sundries you want cheaper SUME HIM] BARGAINS IN BEEYELES Agent, TELEPHONESâ€"Agent's ("fï¬ce Always on Is the Place to Buy Lumber, I ath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for Windsor Salt, “ Dairy Cheese 8.: Butter " Bxands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings East of Bridge : OMEMEE The 5, Iiélth.b‘l§l:flé‘E m . Co s K“ July 28,1898. McCormick’s Binders m“ Mower-s i I. Whitesmith, Omemee, Ont. LEFT YIOLINS, JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, One of these Celebrated Machines'was started W'ednesday, July 13th on the farm of COUNCILLOR I. H. FEE by G. \V. Mc- Kim. Agent, Omemee. Mr. Fee is highly pleased with his binder. It is very light of draft. easily n'anaged and says he considers it a superior machine the sheafcarrer beinga great advantage and would not be without it for a great deal more than it costs and would recommend intending purchasers to try a QIcCormick. All work that cannot be completed on above date, will be re- turned (prepaid) by express. Satisfaction guaranteed. ONE DAY ONLY this month. All those who have clocks, watches, brooches, c., to repair will do well to leave same at the above ofï¬ce on or before THU RSDAY, \Vatchmaker, jewellcr and Optician THE MIRROR OFFICE, hand. chï¬ctl} DIifd and Seasoned. Best qualities Hard and Soft Coal, Cordwood and Millwood. Call and get on prices and examine goods. than anywhere else you try. have made “arrangements with a Toronto ï¬rm to do .W. McKim . H. M. BAKER, ° ' Lindsay. , 77 B; Town Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78. , of Mamlla, will be at 5‘3 149 WE: @EPE Peterbum’s Departmental Stare. HIEHAHB HALL SUN, LIEUT. AMES, Our Cutter! Has had several years’ experience in Military V\ ork, and safely guarantee e\ ery thing Imported Direct, enabling us to supply the regu- lation goods lower than can be purchased elsewhere Military Ofï¬cers :'*e:,:1:,111ng 01119.18, will ï¬nd it to their advantage to give us a. call before 1:12 cing order: as we carry in stock a comp: 516 line of MILITARY CLOTHING BARGAIN DAYS. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS Manufacturing prices : \Vool takenm the fleece and manufactured as follows: carding and spinning 15c. perlb.; yd. wide flannell, and we furnish warp 25c. per yd. ; 10 lb. white Blankets $3.00 per pair. Fancy all wool flannel 25¢: per yd. Roll carding 5c. per lb. weav- mg Ioc. per yd. Wanted 100,000 doz Eggs 8:. 50,0001bs. Wool WONDERFUL BARGAINS IN GROCERIES. Department complete with all the latest styles in men's felt and fancy straw hats, shirts, collars and ties. this week held; anything ever heard tell of qualities. Specxal snaps in all the newest makes of fancy muslms, nbbons, and laces. Ladtes' shirt waists and wrappers, parasols, gloves. bosierv and COfsets. wonderlul values in the loot and shoe departmenf. Ladxes. ï¬ne button boots and Oxfords in all the newest and latest styles m blackand chocolate. .We wxll sell millinery and drsss goods 05;: Illnnl: Lula... __.,,.| - Department is well lcoked after. Perfect ï¬tting clothing. Men's youth's and bOy's suxts at about half the price you would pay a tailor {or making. We sell at Small Proï¬ts and depend on our Large Sales to make us the Money. \Ve know how and where to procure Bargains for the People. \\"e are always open to buy Bargains when they are of. fered, and in this way always have Bargains for our Customers. Our Business increases with its age, and every year adds thousands of dollars to our trade. Goods in the best markets at the very closest prices. Our Goods sell at sight, because the qualities and values are right. This week will be one of our best because ofthe many bargains on sale in every department. Very special values this week for Our methods of doing business are the best and most advanced. \Ve buy no old fashioned goods because they are cheap. We buy the REGULATION Gents’ Fannishing YERY LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE WOOL ! WOOL ! WOOL I Eggs and “001 taken as cash. ...... Buttex \\ 111 not be taken on Bargain Days . Ivory ' Sons, ChOTI-IING Special values in Teas, Sugars and Tobaccos. Great Bargains in all lines of crockery. Mufti Outï¬ts also Supplied by Us. 396 GEORGE STREET, OMEMEE BETHAN Y. 180-184 SIMCOE {T ONCE USED ALWAYS USE.) CORTICELLI SPOOL SILK Supplies 79L... 1 considenng style; and W8 C‘D Dr. F. W. Ivar-y, who has been spend- in: a few weeks with his father, Mr. T. IVv-ry, of the ï¬rm of T. Ivory 6; Sons, King FL, ()uwuzee, returr‘ed m R-Z‘lge tawn, F: idu, to resume hw dental prar- use. “'0 u ish Fred continued success. At the monthly meeting of Woman's Auxiliary nvx: ueek an ink-resting letter from Mr )Iatlxeson, missionary at Onion Luke. am] {he President’s an- nual address \xi 1 he read. Further no- tice of mee‘ing will be given on Sunday next. Mus Cnnohennur 19ft Monday on a well earmad hotiday trip. She has been head milliner fur Messrs '1‘. Ivory 6: Sons the past tum seasons andjï¬lled the poeitirm mus? o'edimbly. Her many ‘riun-F; r-- mi: wish her a pleasant Has been vis‘ting her friend, Miss Edith Maxom, ofthe south ward, fur the past Week, left this afammun on the Steam- er Come? for Janetville where she in- tends to spend a few xzee"s â€"Lmdsa_v Post. Major Mat-{m u ill 14) hereon Monday next. All pawn“: hm in; laundry par~ eels to sand 1n Martin‘s Stesm Laundry Lindsay, shouid leave them at this of. (ice before 10 a,m. Monday next. Such parcels will he returned the foliowing Saturday. We are phased to announce that Dr. Cameron is again able to attend to Ms :Iro'a sicnal dutms, having returned to Omemee Monday much imgmoved in heaith. Mrs. (famemn has aim return- ed. and their mm: y friends will welcome them back. TI: 0 \Iillhroo“ Sunday Schonl excur- l-iufl « in «W Mme on Aug 3rd to Belle- vine 'l I e {are from Omemee will be $1.00 '1 h: s w m be an excellent oppor- muity far our tow nspeopie to visi: Belleville at astH expense. m a B (‘nningham after spending a most pleasant time at the homes of Messrs. J. J. and \\‘m. Lamb, left for her home in Brandon, Mam, Saturday- Tlxa “is es Neme and Ettie Guy of (11:3 ham,\1av and Ethel Remâ€, and Master (‘sr‘ar Mc.\ee15, of Fe erboro are \ siti n v a' the home of Mr. and Mrs Mr. Jas. A, News bud»; mper for the ï¬rm of Messrs. (Ezrzsziv, Yawn: ('o., Biscuit Manufu :11;r¢rs,'l‘~-r~1.'.o, rc'um- 951m the City .‘hxzday tn rvsmue his duties, haying sgem a Couplv of weeks Vii-Kiting his Omomec ‘-ri'.!!«‘..~‘. 1.1;? Cox“- pany's appreciatiuh m' Mr. Xurris’ ser- vices is shown by :Ew imtgzh of time he has been in their enwioymcnz. Jim is very DOpular with his friends here. Mr. I Whitesmiliz. watchmaker, wil: be az the Mirroruï¬ice o.\' if m‘: 0513 this month, "12'. 'Hmraduy. July 28th. All those having vim-ks, “um-Les, 62c, to repair, \nu dd “en w leave them at this ofï¬ce befoze th- L‘SHI inst. All work that Cluuot, he done on that date, will be sent 1y express at expense of Mr. Whitesmith and with promptitude. Satisfaction guaranteed. See 8d\'- in ‘21 the: column. Mtss Mat-gar“: A Reeve Adams, “La months with Winn; ed to Omemee 2.:5 Miss Adams syn-ks Winnipeg and 1'5 G W. Radish last week. Miss BessieCameron of Port Hope, is \‘1isilng ill the homes of Messrs. J. J a! d W m. Lamb thzs week. Fervims in St. John's, St. Jamee' and Christ (‘hurches on Sunday ne- t at t‘ e usual hours. Hr. Perkins. of Wycliffe Collue. win take the services. Mr Wm. Fallis, ofFleetx‘ood has pur- \li a B (‘0:1ingham, a most pleasant time at Messrs. J. .7. and Wm. her home in Brandun. l LOSTâ€" Dem-mm {he fez-Mauve of M r. F. {ward Shaw, 1-1::ny and the village of Omemre on the 7th July. :1 (‘hild 8 \el- \et ( ape.1-m Mr “iii confer a favor by law in;- same at the Mirror Ofï¬ce. â€"3t To get 50m prescriptions scrum! 91v (med talc.» vhv- -m in anger; 5 Drug Store Lmdsay â€"' ".m. “ Romantic 01:. has viszted ya. Mr Wm. Fallis,ofFleetnood has pur- chased a wind milltrom Mr. G. Waiter Gre m of Peterbr-ro. He is well pleased with i'. Mr E Hm, son of Rev. Kenton Hill, of Bellewille, is visiting ()memee friends. Mr. 3'09. Ed ward came home Tuesday to see Ins mother. who. we regret to teem, has been ill for the past week. Mrs. (Dr?) Bradd. of Peterboro. was a guest at the home of her sister, Mrs. Master Willie Morrison, of Lindsay is visiting at the home of his "now, Mr W. D. Stimson, King St. Miss Annie Thompson, teacher a Kiumouut, (a spending her halidays with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Thomp. son. Mrs. J. Richards, of Millbrook, is vi hing at the home of her daughter, Mr G W. McKim, King St. M r. Lawrence Lamb left Manda} evening for Echo Bay, where he will assistant agent to Mr. J. Morrison. W wish Lugs success. Mzss Annie Stephenson, of Lindsa is Hpending her vacation at the home ‘ her parents, Reeve and Mrs. Stephe: mm, King St. M rs Isaac Fair, of Janetviile, is via ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1881: Thornton. Mr. H Heatty, of I’eterboro, spent few days of-the past week with Omen» friends. Dr Vincent (J. Cornwall was in Lin say Tm sday on a professional visit. See the Ray Jr. Camera. $250. '1â€! on date holder. 3: Gregory‘s Drug btore .lndsuy.â€"l3m Mrs, O. G‘ Williamson is visiting 1:1 sister, Mrs. W. J. Campbell, at Belh ville. II: 7. Mrs. Arthur McQuude has moved h r residence on ng St., West. Mr W. W. Jar-dine spent a few d1; of the past week with bus family iu U Q teen City. See Mr. McKim'a new adv. this .H’SODS LOCAL LACONIC â€"d‘.‘- A. Norris, Imuk {caper for Issrs. eriszie, Erma mufucturers, Torumo, rem City Monday to nisume wing spent a couple of m is Omemee Mazda. The C a! Omemee, who Mend, M iss Edith ward, for the past )on on the Steam- has. me Com- lr. Korris' set- ngth of time he ynwnt. Jim is imde here. hughter of :e past few mic, return- . Although mg term: or she prefers place she