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Omemee Mirror (1894), 2 Jul 1903, p. 4

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Dr. Williams’ Pink Pills Restore a. Young Lady to‘ Full Health and. Strength. \ Doctors and nurses recommend Dr. William’ Pink Pills because they have seen their wonderful power to make new, rich. red blood. and to cure all diseases due to poor blood or weak nerves. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are not a. common medicine. They do not purge and weaken. They contain no poisonous drugs. They are safe. sure, simple, stimu- lating and scientific. That. is why these pills should be taken by all who are weak, bloodless, nervoless and sickly. Here is a bit of very positive proof of the wonderful pow-l prom; or to conquer disease which Dr. were Williams' Pink Pills passcss: Miss, even Esther E. Lewis, Lynn, N. 3.. sayszl DO? IN “At the age of sixteen my healtvhi Sim failed me completely. At. that, time; his "< I- was attacked by la grippc, which} Suei‘t was folIOWed by measles, from the! 1085 a after efix-cts of which I was left in a! are if deplorable condition. I became vm-y! to rm pale, suflered from headaches. diztziJ to M: mass and want of appotitn. I tried! told 4 “3hr several medicines. but they did me? no good; on the contrary I was? at M" ' owing we‘akcr and fmully became! of tht so bad that I would take spells off were unconz-‘ciousnoss lusting from fiftonni I‘val' minutes to an hour at a tinw. and IE tm‘ had become so weak that I could f crave hanlly move about. At this stagv‘ You I was advised to try Dr. Williams" muwhil Pink Pills, and I have goml reasone ‘in‘q 10 blvss the (lay I began tlwir use. mull: I had only taken thvm a. fmv wmksi Frum when I began to recover and umlmh and 1 their continued use for some time Six t' longer I fully regained my former Sign good health. I will be glad if my‘ mun experience will he of benefit to 5mm" when other poor sufl'oz-nr." E "DD" -‘-1‘ , All; AL- Ih-inn ups“,- 1'" When buying the Pills soc that the £1411 name. “Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People.” is printed on thv wrapper around each box. Sold by all dvalvrs or sent by mai! at 50 cents a. box or six boxes for $2.50 by writing the Dr. \Viilia.n:s' Medi- cine Co., Brockvillc. Ont. “The passions“ elk-ct on the heal-:11 is not sufficiently regarded.” says a physician. "The passion which is best for the Ivultrh is avar- ice. It. keeps one cool, encourages regular and inxlustricmw habits. [cat's to abstenfiousncsfi, and makes against all excess. A3111 henu- the an'uricio'us. the mixers. live to a great age. The miscrs of history Were all noted for their longevity. Rage is w-ry bad for 0:16. 'l‘hc pus- sion causes an irrvgulax‘, intermit- tent beating of the heart, and the lnterm‘ittency in time may become tent bvuting of the heart, mm mm: lnter'mittency in time may become chrome. Hutu-d creates fi-Vur. 11' we hate we become thin. This hot passion oats us like a flame. Fvar is bad for the nerves, the Matt. and uwu Iv- -“V the brain, and therefore we should novm' permit ourselves to be afraid. But the strangest effects of all have been caused by the passion of grief. The medical books rvcond cases whom, coming suddenly in a. violent Shock. it has caused a. loss of blood from the lungs in ono person, par- glysis of the tongue in another, mid " failure of sight or tcurporary o blindness in a. third." “‘hen sales are large and incroas-f ing, when customers are satisfied to‘ the extent of continuing to buy the: same remedy. then it must be aid-1 mitted that. the remedy has real: merit. , Baby's Own Tablets occupy: this mwiahle. position. Mothers having once tried them seldom fail to duplicate the order -â€" no other; remedy for children can truly claim as much: Concerning the Tablets: Mr. C. W. Stradford. (general deal-Z er), North \Villiamsburg, ()nt.,' writes: “Baby's Own Tablets hm’ci a. large sale. and every purchaser is more than satisfied. We use them for 0111' baby and have fmmd them all that is claimed for them.” Baby's Own Tablets cure colic. indigestion, constipation, diarrhoea. simple fevers and all the minor ills of little ones. They make baby bright, active and happy and a. joy to the home. Sold by druggists or will be sent. by mnil at 25 Cents a box by writing the Dr. Williams' Medici-no Co., Brockvlllc, ()nt. In olden times when a jury in Eng- land remained impervious to the judge’s gentle mode of persuasion, fine and inwrisonuwnt were resorted to. The jury that wluittcd Sir Nicholas 'I‘hrockmorton was con- denmed Vto eight months’ imprison- mt, in addition to the payment of a. large sum of money. In the n-ig'n‘ of Queen Elizabeth, a. jury, having reduced 8. prisoner's alleged crime of Mr to that of nmnslaug‘hxter, was at once Sent to prison, and bound over in a. large sum to be of good behaviour. Penalties were likewise inflicted upon the innocent wife and children of the offending turymon. Even now it is beliuved by some legal authorities that a; judge has the right to inflict a. fine upon a. juryman refusing to‘ obey his di- rections. Such power is, however. rectians. Such power is, not exercised. except. in VLhc not exercised oméept in the case of I juror abscnting himself without a justifiable cause. HATE AND GET 'I‘JI‘IN SA’l‘lSI’IEDV MOTHERS GAOLIN'G THE JURY 6% mmmocfi " Faces." ”50%|"Pr‘3'wu- i I i i i i I I i i i i rv Siznilurly a. French soldim‘ txcats his "eagles ' with such promimd rc- sueft that he will rem-11in 111.0ti0n- less at the sal‘u-tc as long as thov‘ are in sight: 11.1111 when it is (basin-d to romove one of them lrom place to place. a thousand 111111011 111.011 are told 011‘ to act as omort \\- hon Bazaine s armv surrendered at Mott, the Germans. captun‘d Svii .Of tin-so curious stam-dmxl-‘s. {1.11111 U113 l were borne out of the fortress in! war of the co~1qua rod garrison, 11f- tor inning first been drain-d w1thi crap 0. 1‘ li!- ~c 1“1‘(‘(i(‘l ick Chm lrs and \021 Yoltko sat tlu-ir ("mung-1‘s i111- umbilo, v. alching their 180 (100 c.1115)- 1i\‘w«1 til" past. Amongst H111 \"zlSt 111ultit'mlo m-ro thwu murfimls of ":‘11111'14â€"1Ezramino himself. (3111111111011. 1111'! Lo Hoouf â€" 111111 110 fowvr 1111111 ‘six H.111: Rand 1.11.1-1‘ olii‘cu's . Yet no sign of urouaiilion din t'ln- two (101- ‘ “2'3.” (‘()Tl.lllilll.(l0"5\'()‘il"§'"~1ll\‘.:le ‘ when the first, of the eagles nix-in: E opposite vain-1‘11 Hwy were, hot-l1 the Prince and )fultko swiftly 1'11i12vd 1111 right hands to the 11:: 1l\\ of i‘thvir k"; \is .1. I\r\(‘v\Y“f"I‘1‘1 r 1:1'1\1..\!‘.!? PRESENT ARMS‘TD GARPET INANIMA'I‘E OBJECTS ENTITL- ED TO HONORS. Turkish Oficers Salute Mohamme-j dan’s Comâ€"Idol Gets 1 Salute. Martial “compliments," such as “salutes.” “present arms," and "guard turn out." are usually the perquisites of military or civil dig- nitaries. But not always. A bit of stuinod and tattered silk, if only it chance to represent cit‘hvr one of tghl: “Colo-rs" 01' {lugs of a battalion, is salutold by every otlijch and max-n in the British Army as promptly and rosywtl‘ully as if it. were the Commandcr-in-Chiof, or even King Edward in his own pro- per person. “ u ”-1 1:... 4.»...bn ar- -J kc: )t them thn-I‘c until tlu- Lwt of the .‘m‘-\Hm ’lml lulics had been borne slowly and sonmxlulh awn. likxssiu possk-sws an Run to \tn'ic h is a: “cumin a salute of wanQâ€"onc guns. All gumds tum out to it. “entries present mum to it. :mul a back-grwnm of wamzd; \v'hilc thv robes are oi mvtttl Work i-n relief, stll'tldml with jmvo‘xs. Tau- particu- lar icon in quot-Ition is known as 1110 Virgin of Vladimir. Its drapuries are of pure gold. and ammug its many precious stem-s is an «,-nwr-o.1d Mint is worth $100,000, To it. is attributed a grout victory of the Russia‘ss over the 'I‘artm’s. and to this circmnstan‘co it. owes Ms rank as a Majorâ€"General in l'hc Russian army Séavcoly loss olaho'uto am the Honors paid to tho icon of Our Lady of Kazan. which was upbome bv‘Corc the army when M‘uscovy was 1mm- m‘vd by the Poles. and on which thm‘o fvll a ray of sunlight. 1er Ixx‘vsam‘ 01' victory. At. (mo time all rw‘ruits from the Kazan district, won- “s-“m‘n in" before flh‘is picture- imugc. “which they uftonvurds DEVOU'I‘IX KISSED. Some muong them, hoonol‘, it is sum, kissed with such fervour tnhut quiw a nmnbcr of dimmmnis \Vurv bitten on'. When-fore the pious and picturvsque custom was dismou- tinned. ligyfit possesses a sacred carpet)! over \vhidh a guard is mounted re-i gulm‘ly. 'l‘he uliicer in charge sa-z lutes it. every morning with lowered} mvm'd. while the men present. arms, and the buglcr somi‘ds his instru- nmnt: and this corunmn'ial is re- ]watctl thrice a (layâ€"at. mveille, rah; treat, and tattoo. Once a. your,: too, it is brought, forth u‘rkl carried through the streets of Cairo in tri- umph, while the whole army, with the Kbudix'e at its head, parades bo- iore it. in review oudor. mm in rev- erential silence. It is supposed to b0 the identical square upon which sat the Prophet Mohmmuu‘d. when forced to take refuge from his ene- mies in the cave on Mount Thuur during his flight from Mean to Mch dina. Originally tht-rc was preserved; with the carpet the l’mprhx-t's snc«‘ red green silk standawd. But when? Selim I. conqllurod Egypt, this huts tor relic was carried away to Conâ€"‘ stantinoplc. where it now is, and where. to guard it, an entire bri- gade has been kept under arms night and day for nearly four hundred yvazrs. It is unfolded only in times of imminent national dangur or grave emergency; but once in three years it is paraded before the Sulâ€" tam, his army, and the people at large. On these occasions. how- ever, as Well as when resting in. its accustomed niche in the “Hall of the Noble Testaments." it. is envelop- ed in folur coverings of green talle- ta, over which again is an outer case of green clot: . It was last dis- played in the H‘ungaritm “far of 1595. When the Sultan Mohamzmcd III. confided it to the Custody of Mt an unexpected guest. “There's nothing in the Image to eat] " “There's something bettar far 1\ R1“.>SE‘F.("1‘1‘1L 110.“ \GF‘. than meet. " The guest endorsed Jim's View with vim When helped to “Force” by “ Sunny Jim." Dumps Amouber even more highly homo-mid M’assml‘ma'n relic is the comm of Mo- hammad, in the Hadgirn of Medina, to which every qfiicer in the 'lfurk- ish Anny is required to pay hlumblc obeisance at least onCc during {his career, pnosm‘ut'mg himself on the ammo floor, clothed in full regiumn- tals, that. all believers may behold and realize how even till-e Sultan's Army itSclf derives all power and authority from their proulmt. .ln l’eéu may be seen the unusual spe:tuclc of an orthodox British 'l‘on'rmy Atkins doing sentry-go over a h‘cuulwn Bumucse idolâ€"01', at all events, over Uhc pagoda whcrvin the image is onsha'mud. The khaki- gunndu‘d doity's mum: is Riuk-Kiuk (god m' gods), 0nd the natives af- fect to believe that he has bccn asleep for six thuwaurml‘yczu's, and that, when he wakes Lhc cxdd of the world will come. It. is with the View to deferring for as 10111.,r as possible such an un- desirable consummation that the idol is so carefully lookud alter. No l‘unlfull must sound near his abiding place, nor may any unsoun- ly :Ahuutixng or laughter l)€indulgml in in the nvighborhood. hJH-n Lho mute! the scntx‘y's rillc is swathcd in a sort of "slum" of chuumis-lcz- 1,}.01‘, i0 dvmlun the sound what" he brings it to the “-umlxsxl"; and ulâ€" lihougth on the amnivvrsuz‘y of the (loity's fuh'lqul u. SA LUTE OI“ FIFTY~0NE “CNS is rvligi‘ously amid nguiarly :in-d in his humor, thvy urn: let. 0-11" m, a disâ€" luncv 01‘ nouriy five. mih-s from the pug-(tau, no tinut; Uhe reports may not in any wise disturb him. it is, hou‘m’er, in British India, and (spot-iahly in the morv rev-nu“ tin-country districts, that the cusâ€" tom 01' paying: mm‘viial coniplimvnts to inanimate objerts most gvnci‘aily pi‘mai's. It (inn-s from ”It“ (1:152: 01‘ the old East, Imam Cmugmny, wiles," oflEch'S \vuia‘: alumni, exceeding- ly cui‘ofiui lo hum-or, :ao far as pos- :-¢ihlv, til”) rviigiuus prejudices nl‘ tlw mum-v.5. Thurs, in a village mar Aim'i'trur is an ordinary pelmlo. much as a. child might, pick up on a trout-h, over which a military gum-d ul‘ hon-0r has horn stulimu-d for at hunt. eighty y‘ax's past. 1: is known as "‘Japheth's Sigma" and itrmiition awe-M's that whom‘m‘ pus- SK'H‘L‘S it 11119 11111- 1111\1'11‘ of flinging? down 1'11111 1110111 hemcn 111 will. Not, 1111' from 11111111111111, 111111111. is, a Siti‘l‘cd stn'nc tiger, “11.115211 presence"| is 51111111081111 to protevt the. inhabit-'1 1111124 111' the 8111'101111111111,r 1'0111111‘1 31111" from 1111 sorts 111 '111111111‘1i1\s. Lo‘ng‘ 1'1 111's 111.10, whun Lord L‘11111ho1'111111‘c 1111s hvsioging the 1111110514 some of his soldiers m moved this 1:11 11.\1111 1111- 11110 [10111 its luck pom-51.111 11'1111 1'01!- 11d it 11111-111 the side ()1 the 111111111111i11 11110 11 “1<..,'11ud or r11\'i11e.’1hu 11:3:- gum 1111 natives came in 11 hodv to 1.1118 British camp to 1'11111111111111 um 13 11111111111111, and 110, 11111111 Sufi-1111111 1111111. comLoh-d with than 11111! (10111- 1011011 1111-111. A150 111-. 111111 1110 tig- 1-1' 1'1-st.01'1‘d. at 00111151110111.1111.- oxpcmdiâ€" turc 01' time and trouble. to its forâ€" 11101' position: after which 110 11:11:11 od 11 picked body of his troops 1.0- 1‘0'1'0 it. gave it a royal 81111110 with titruo 1111101: three, and 1111111 11 guard- 11111151- and placed 11 guard ovm' it to protch it against any similar in- dignity for the future. A'n‘d 1111-130 111111; guard-house stands to this pro- 843111; 11111111111111; and in front of it, day after day, 11 111'i1ish 1311111111 11111111118. 1111K! pI‘CSGXflS 111'11'11s' to 1.1113 (11.30110 tiger.â€"I’carson's Weekly. FORMER PRESIDENT OF BRICK- LAYER’S UNION USED ' DODD’S KIDNEY PILLS. GURED HIS Andrew McCormick, of Toronto, Tells of a. Cure for the Most Dreaded of 9.11 Diseases. Toronto, June 29 (Special).â€"]'n thvso days when the dreaded Bright's Disease seams to be selecting its vic- tims at will the report of an au- thenticated cure is received with ro- liox‘ by all classes of the community. And such a. report conms from Anâ€" drew McCormick, 01' 243 Spadina avenue, this city. That Mr. McCormick is wellâ€"known and highly respected. is evidenced by the fact that ho has held high of- fices in several fraternal societies, and was for several years President of tho Bricklayers' Union. Inter- viewed regarding the cure, Mr. Mc- Cormick says: “I suil‘orod' with an attack of Bright’s Disease and naturally was much troubled concerning it. I hoard of the wonderful cures effected by Dodd's Kidney Pills and concluded to try them. The result was so satâ€" isfactory that it gives me pleasure to recommend them." Make and keep the Kidneys sound by using Dodd's Kidney Pills and there can be no Bright’s Disease. Kept Well Supplied From All Parts‘of the World. The amount of food consumed in thc'lloyal household is truly pro- digious, and consequently the most spacious larders are necessary to contain it. As a. matter of fact, the larders, collars, and dairies cover an area of nearly a. quarter of an acre. At all the King's residences cx-‘ cept Buckingham Palace the bread is produced in the Royal bakeries, and‘ when the King and his suite are; staying at. Windsor an average of nearly two sacks of flour a day is converted into broad by the five bak- eries in the household. > There are six bakinga a. week, and as the loaves leave- the oven they are stor- (-d in the umderground pantrios. A great deal of cake and confection- ery is also made daily, but the King shows a. preference for a light seed- cake which is (lcsputchcd (every day from a. small shop in the High- lands. ~ THREE HUNDRED EM}! RS . It is somewhat. surprising to learn that approximately a ton of wheat is consumed every week at, Wind- sor, a good deal of which comes from. the King’s farm at Sandringâ€" ham. So varied is the meat supply that His Majesty could, if h; wish- ed, be served with almost every joint he desired at am'hour's notice, though ‘it is very rarely he selects anything not found in the menu which has been prepared in the kit- chen. 'nho mat, on arrival, is stor- ed in the‘iceâ€"houses, and cut up by the King's butchers, ' 7 'LL- Santlrinrgham also supplies 'the Royal dairies with a. large amount of butter and eggs,wfi1izh are des- patchod from the King’s Norfolk home daily. The butter is sent in quartcr~pound pats, STAMPED WITH THE CROWN. Eighteen gallons of new milk alone THE KING’S LARDER. BRIGHT’S BESEASE li‘kv u slm'xi'hlv thvm and (tom- hu had the tig- Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun. light Soap. g. It scientific princ‘pals count. for rm thing the pawn: infia'ed air 1nd truss shoal be u. I“ tree-M. 1r. hmdn L'nc par-La in was posilion than with fair plny they n um. heal. h. in mm. nml conn‘ormb.o to weur, and your confidence )sx‘cnlore‘d the manual. it. in adjuxwd. \‘uu can pwwurc “.0:ny irnm the lielu‘und Trum War. “0... Marvin. Specialists, 433 Spadum Avon throat). Writo nuw. 22â€"47 'thc are cbnsumvd at, Windsor awry (my, besides an cmml px'olml'tion of cream. A "mu. doll, m the ChL'OSP coma-s from S()X!ZU!.‘~'(‘ShiI(‘. A daily supply of fish is rvrvix'L-(ll all the yvur round, and twice :13 woek during the smwun smm' splen- (iitl salmon nn‘ SOUL [rum thv King's fishingsVu‘n tin: llvv. Scotland is al- so rnslmns'ihlo for Imi'rmulaxlv, which is novm' nmittod from King Ed- ward‘s iH‘l'llvigi‘ubL tablo. 'l‘he (,‘r'llau's urn 'apulilv of holding: 15,000 bottles of Willt‘, unh WM'O or- iginally built. by (ivorgv Ills ’l‘lxm'c are still svxm- imcomxmiwd lmltlus of wine of thv mum- vintu Hi- RS that, drink at the at. tho vlarisiuning of George l'\'.; imlm‘d, muvh m‘ the wim- is of gn-nt ago. having hwn purchusr-(l and laid dm‘m lny Queen Victoria. and tin: King 'is constant- ly adding: to the stock and kl-(‘ps a. taster always at work. l‘mminont in Han (ollz’u‘s. 100. are many houlns ()l' the (rimivvst. 'l’ukuy, from the \‘im'yr‘i‘ds «3f the limpm'or 0f Aus- tria. I‘m' that. monarch has m-wl' failvd to 801‘.er a mm- ai (.‘hristnms for [hp past thirty yours. India. conl‘rilmtos- its quote. to UK" Royal larder, for regular sum livs; of shim-s, (‘hutm-ys and other prvpum- lions are $0111? from (,‘ulcuttu, L0- gotlwr with native nu'diuls fm' which thv SO\'(‘1'1“{_‘:H has a grunt, 1H lions are scnt,‘ from (,‘ulcutm, L0- thC-r with native cm'diuls for which the SOervimx has a grunt 1H;â€" ing. ,ln furl, (in-r)" quarter of the umpire sends sunwt hing; tn the King’s larder â€" m‘on Multan, \s'ht‘ncc (mum at, in-tm'vuls Inn-3.10 quantities of sar- dines and picklml pill-bards. We ofier One Hundred l‘ollnrs Reward (or any cum of Untm‘rh that cannot. be cured by Hull‘s Catarrh Cure F. J. CHENEY «Q. Co., '1‘011”, U \‘.‘c. the umlcrsigvmd, have known I“. J. Cheney for the last. 15 years. and believe him pcrfu'tly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out. any obligutwns mama by thclr firm. hl-lh'l‘ . 'l‘Hlle. Wholesale Drugmsts. Toledo. 0. WALDlNU. KlNNAN 6" MARVIN, \thlcsuxc Druggiscs. Toledo. 0. Hull's Cutarrh Cure is taken inter- nally, acting directly upon the blood and muccus surluccs or the system.. 'l‘cxtlmonluls sent tree. l‘ru‘c 75¢. per bottle. Sold by all druggsts. Hull's Family l’ills are the be“. One of Them Had a Curious Ex- perience in Madagascar. I‘vl‘i9'4i(>xmx‘ics oflcn fund it, nocossury, if 1101. [.0 be nmslt-JS of mamy trukkrs, at. least to huVu smuu k'nowludgc of the practical details of daily life. An instance of this kind is given by Mr. Cousins in his "Mamiuguscur of 'l‘oâ€"d 11y. ' ' Soon after the dismrissul of Mr. Lyall, the British agmlt, the Queen begun to show uneasiness at the growing influence of foreign ideas, and wis-hud to gut rid of the. 1m}:- sionm‘ics. Messengers 01‘ the an-(‘n were sent to tell them that they had been a long time in the country, and it. was now time for them to think of returning to their own land. The missionaries. alwrmud at. this message, answered that they had on- ly begun to teach some of the. ele- ments of knowledge, and that very much lx-xxmincd to be imparted. They mentioned sundry branches of cdu~ cation, nnmu-g which were the Greek and Hebrew languages, which had been already partially taught, to some. The messengers returned to the Queen, and soon came back with this answer: “The Queen (1009 not. care much for Greek and 'Hobmw. Can you teach sonwthing more useful? Cun' you, for instance, teach how to; make soap?" ‘ This was an awkward question to address to theologians, but after a. moment's pause, Mr. Cmnoron said: “Give me a week to answer this question. " _ . .. u "L- \lwy.._. .7 n, At the end of the week the Queen's messengers again appeared. and Mr. Cameron was able to preâ€" sent to them a. bar of tolerwbly good white. soup, made entirely from mg.- toriuls found in the country. "Plus was an excellent answer; and the manufacture of soap was forthwith introdhxced, and is still continued to the present day, although no one would now venture to call the soap white. scientific vrigc‘pah pqunt to" npytping "Xs'a. result of thé making of this bar of soap the mission‘g‘aincd a. re- spite for five years. A Life Savedâ€"air. James Bryson Cameron, states: “I was confined to my bed with Inflammation of the lungs, and was given up by the physicians. A neigh- bor advised me to try Dr. Thomas’ Eclec- tric Oil, stating that, his wife had used it, for a. throat trouble with the best results. Acting on his advice. I rocured the medi- gilne, :m_d_les§ than a )m. ! botatle cured me; .,.....- ._u Vi... Tp vulc, uuu nu), nu... .. .-..__ , I certainly believe it, snvéd my life. Ii was with reluctance that. I consented to a. trial. :u I was reduced to such a. state that I doubted the power of any remedy A..\ A- “U. “M" nnnl‘ " to do me any The landlady did cry. “Madam, it is not pussame." The boarder made reply. “Oh, he is a born dcbatcr!" said 0110 friend to another the other day. “There is nothing he likes better than an argunmnt. He won’t even out anything that agrees with him." Do rift. delay in gaming relief for the lit tle £01 8. Mother Graves’ \Vorm Exterm inntor is 3. Elegant and sure cure.’ It you love your c ild yrhy do you let 1t: sumr when a remedy 15 so near at. hand .9 “See that young humor. Maggie? Ho made a fortune cultivating weeds.” “Surely not, dear! What kind of weeds were they?‘ ' "Widows’." ' Minard's Llniment Believes Neuratgia PRACTICAL MISSIONARIES. Mlnatd’s Linimeni evawwh‘ew "Pass me the butter, please, good How’ 5 Ti 1i U) I‘ In 1889 a. hunter in the northwest of New South Wales wounded o. kangaroo. The animal Went off through the mulga and the salt bush at a pace too fast for the hun- ter to follow, and soon was out of sight. The hu‘nter was a bushman, and did not. despair. He followed the blood trail, hopeful of a short search and a speedy bag. At one point of the pursuit it. may be that tho- trml grow faint, and necessitatâ€" ed a closer inswvction. Anyway, the hunter stoma-d and picked 'up a. piece of stone. This he examined. The rod spot was not on it. It was in it. It was not, blood that he smw. lt was opal. Sdch was the hqzimxing of the White Cliffs opul fields. KEEPING PACE. - Some men wait until some other n'vr-n'hmrt starts lwfo‘rv thoy g0 whoud. Smuwtinws they Map to woudm‘ what. to do, while the other n‘m‘uhant arts. "It a. man is a load- or in his activities, he will probab- ly he a lmuh-x' in prospwrity. The way (1) got on is to keep planning for prosperity. A. w." “till“! ”CK HOLMES. M. U. ‘ M13 quinurâ€"Sni'ry to disturb '3'011 :11 this hour, (121w (11' [11:1 We {can' t. imagine 1111.11 ails. the child. i l‘nctorâ€" Cold. pcilmps. Did you {have him ouL 10â€"day? ; 1-15 I’ondmuâ€"B'i ', 1:111 only to his Ceylon Tea Is the finest Tea the worm madness, am: is sold onEy in lead packets. ESEack, Mime: and Green. 2m ice. drinkers tr? “Sahda” chm “is FOLDING DIVINE (S. â€" No bolts m' mz-Ls to 1m:-;cruw. You na-n-ly w- lvusc a spring on H‘.“ ()utziidv Di- vider and unlumk the inside one to fold them, A ymmg‘ufiwr can (in i1. easily and properly. The Dividers am» "my rigid in their working p05- itimrh‘. :md n-nmin m. WhatoVL-r u'nglu thvy :n‘v fnldvu on-r Hw con- \'(~.\\'n‘ ('1‘.H\':XS. Sum:- of tln- imporlzmt features of the Mawwy-l'lurris Hinder arc: FLOATING literally flu stick or (‘Iml- vluvuim‘. no lmm‘hv'L SJNIJ'IJC K .\'()'l"]‘1“;H. -â€" (Tapnhl :1(ijm~:t.nn-nt to tszu up “mar. R’ICI‘IL. â€"- Suited for hand] "'Iill L â€"- Suited for handling (‘1 ups under all con-Eilimts of ww- 1hm' 03' land. It will pick up hung;- 1v-d "r laid grain and L1: it ”(NIH-V on tho table. H. a‘mo handlm lung or short grain “ith splx-n-jid sue: cue. ROLLER RICAIUN :S tiarullglxmxti to lighten the draft and mukx- Hat-i work (-35)” for 1h horses, 'J‘hn; boasts know when Hwy an- hiu‘hvd‘g to a D/Iassoy-Ihu'risâ€"i1, runs so cusi-E 1y. E Wife (looking up from paper)â€" “What was: ‘Hobson's choicu'?” Hus- bandâ€"“Mrs. llobson, ‘1 suppose." There are cases of c:,m<umpti0n so far ad ':mce(l that. Bicklo's AutiConsmnptive Syrup will not r-m-u, but none so had that it; will not give relief. For cuuzhs. colds and all affections of the throat. lungs and chest, in is a specific which has never beet. known to fail. It. promotes a free and easy expecmrnrion, thereby removing the phlegm, and gives the diseased parts a clmnce t6 heal. “Do you believe in heredity?" “Cerhxinly. I know a. barber who has three little shavers." 'mwin‘mihor's. Doctorâ€"Ah! (M‘cl‘ffld, that, St. Martin. Que., May 16, 1895. C. C. RICHARDS CO. Gentlemen. â€"Last November my child stuck a nail in his knee caus~ ing inflammation so sexerc that I I 2-»- A.â€" Til-..4 Mooneyâ€"“Brace up, mam! Truth, yez luk us if yvz didn't; hov a fri'nd in th' whole wur’ruld.” Hogan-â€" "0i hovn't." Mooneyâ€"“G'wan! If it isn't money yoz Want t' hurry, ()i'm as good a fri’nd as iver ycz had." “‘D .....__V was advised to take him to Mont- real and have the limb amputated to save his life. _---v A neighbor advised us to try MIN- ARD'S LINIMENT, which we did, and within three days my child was all right, and I feel so gratctul that I tend you this testimonial. that my experience may be of benefit to others. ‘ The Wabash ,will sell round trip tickets to Denver. Colorado Springs or Pueblo, COL, at. less than the one way fare. Tickets on sale July 6th, 7th and 8th, good to return any time before August 313%.. 1903. CHEAP EXCURSION TO DENVER. Passengers going via Detroit and over the great Wabash line. can go via Chicago and Omaha, return through Kansas City and St. Louis without extra. charge. This will give pasScngers the grand opportun- ity of seeing the World's Fair build- ings at St. Louis. All Wabash trains stop at the Fair grounds. For full particulars address J. A. Richardson. District Passwger Agent, northeast corner King and Yonzc streets. Toronto. Mrs. Larrnbeeâ€"“No, I never quar- rel with my husband. I can't get any satisfaction out of it." Mrs. Montmscâ€"“Why? Won't. he let you have the last word?" Mrs. Lurra- bocâ€"“Oh. it isn't, that. He. just sits there like a. dummy and never says a word. One might as well try to argue with a. post. It's awfully wearing, I assure you." You cannotbe happy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of Hollowny‘s Corn Cure. IL re- moves all kinds of cows without; pain. Failure with it is unknown. Madgvâ€"“Don't you think a girl should marry an economical man?" Dollyâ€"“I suppose so; but it's just awful, being engaged to one." ISSUE NO, Minatd’s Liniment [lures Dandruff. DESERT GE'MS flout. 'l'hn grain cannot, Choke in the ?\i:..'.«- yâ€"Hamis no nmttor lmw mmh it, is BIN DEV. TALK LOUIS GAGNIEI}: '1. â€" N0 bolts 'ou nu'n-Iy x‘v- ouuzidv Di- in:~‘i(in one to FOLKS, â€"'I"ho~y grain cnmmt razzzsn 3.. 5.2.: 5.. ABE..- 2. 2.52.4 1111 27â€"03 For the International Convention at Denver, July £1111 to 13th, the iOil‘Kia! ruutc 5» voted by the Trans- ipmtution Managers for 0111:1110 and 1 $161120 is via. the Chicago and 11‘ 111thW1-si.9r: and Union Pacific IRLiquys Special train of tourist 151112131111: ca 3 through to Denver. 1 111,1 111,5 on sale July IEXh. 7th and 113111. 111111111 limit. August Blst. 11003. \'1-1'y low mic-:4 from all sta- :1i.11‘.s in (‘1111a(!.1.‘1\'1ite for official "( hz‘is 111111 1. XidC'LI‘ 01 {011101, rates and lfull information to B. H. Bennett, 2 11£asL hing street. Toxonto. and a few friends to enjoy it, there is no GHMMSMHJ>Z Hvfilm.) <01! car/”<39 They Adm-His;- Themselves.â€"Immell izm‘lyt-hay wet: oii'ex‘cd to the pumic l’nrmelec‘s \‘cuemhic Pills becnm: pop 1113? because of the goml repurz they mnd' fur Ihcmsclves. ’l‘hzu. mrutaziuu has :ruwn, :Lml Hwy now 1am}; among 1'1th fil'sLmeIIiL-incs fur the in :uvtrwks of dys- pcp‘inund hi‘niuusnesu. complaint» of the iivm‘ and kidneys, rhcxzmutiam. chuz' and yzgneunvl the immanui-nblc cmnplicarious :0 which these :Lilnmr us give rise. .75.: :22, 3:“ 5.34.1. 3. 2:. 5:: AV OLD Asp \\'vx.z.v'l‘unm Rxxrbv. - 5m \V'nuicw‘n >00Lh.uz$yrup 1:25 Lanna-.1 for uver siny year: by millmlm of number» (or Lhclr cmzdwu whi e lethvnx, mu: perfect. :uucé. 1L wuLttce the child. «utter-s Lhc gum, n11 Ayn xii pain‘ currs win-l colic, um} unis: has: remedy (Jr {Human 1‘ nan-1:1: to thc Mme. Sold by dung-Ma in ever: my. of ma vmr d. 'l'ucutg-rivcoeuwalmulc. Ls Wu: H l-sc.L::'Il.bl€. He saw and Mk (or Mrs. \Viusmw'l Soon-1mg Syrup gnd uh no 0!.th kind” ‘ - * Food is the Heaviest Expense of': . the Household. i Though not gourmunds, we both; lilu- good things, and if not. {rt-tit: caters, we both have at fair appotitu: In the morning when “'0 risv, We tuko an early ln‘cukidst (loo; :uid‘ broad and butter). At noon. a horsl d'ovuvro, moat, vegetables. dusstirtp and com-o. At tin: o'clock, ton and cakes. At 8 o'clock. soup.1ish, moat, vcgt-talrlt-s, swoots and dessert. ‘1“00d is vory dour in Franco. first, ;on account of the great number oil imidillomon who inlcrvonu lsctWt-on the: lproduccr and purchaser, llt'Xl, l’e‘l lcauso certain ai'ticlcsâ€"coll‘i-o. sugar,l laterâ€"art: charged with very heavy} duties. Fix-ding is the hvavicst exâ€"' ponscof our household; it costs us1 iscvonty-two dollars a month. dividâ€"z led as follows: Baker and pastryl icook. eight dollars: various meats.l twenty dollars: fish, six (lollarszi groceries, twt-lvo dollars, fruit and' ch‘otablos, nine. dollars; milk and cream, six dollars; a quart barrel of Bordeaux wine (about seventy-live bottles), eight dollars: two or three bottles of liqueurs. thrcc dollars. To this may be added eight. dollars for the extra. cost of a dinner that I? give every month to some intimate‘ friends, says a. writer in the Archi-i toctural Record. On an average, lighting costs us four dollars a month, hosting (our ldollars, washing eight dollars. A ‘womun help comes for two hours every day to help the survunt and costs four dollars a month. We also pay one dollar :1 month to the floorâ€"polishor and two dollars to a circulating library. That makes in all an additional twonty dollars a. month. There remains then 53.60 per month. My wife takes thnty dollars for her personal expensesâ€" dressmaker, millinor, shoemaker, etc. I keep the same for my tailor, boot- nmker. shirtmaker, cigars. etc. With the $13.60 which remains I take my iwife to the theatre once a month. I occasionally take a carriage drive with her, or visit art exhibitions. and I present her. now and again, with flowers, a. piece of music, or some other trifling gift. We nrwm' 51-0 mm“- 1han 576 out of UN; parts of the moon. The mhcr ’4 parts are alxvuys invisibk». .4. In Nature‘s Storehouse There are Cure- â€"Medic:\1 experiments nave shown con elusively that. there are medicinal virtues in even (n'dixmry phnzs growing up around us which give them a Value that. cannot be câ€"ninmtcd. It is hold by some that, Nature prnvxales :L cure for every dis ease which :zglect and ignorance have visited upon man. H(m'e\'m',“1,llis may MM _‘4_ \ as“ V‘- |,,_.' it. , wyll kpmvn that. Pal-melee? chct: 31c PMs-z, dwznla-zl from rams :vnd In-I'IES, :m- n sm'vm-ixx remedv in curinw ,. . . - a all (.1 on]: rs of Illt‘(th.-‘LIOZI. HOME SWEET HOME; with delicious King Edward “ "saggy: “ Eagle ” “ Victoria “ Little Comet LIVING IN PARIS . OUR BRAKES. For Our ihly Years. 5.01.0 BY ALL DEALERS Painters’ Thoughts €100 acl'ns of ('inchona, mm the whole supply Think of every good point a perfect Paint Brush should have and you'll have a mind picture of FLEXlBLE amoLgp BRUSH The bridle ca.n be easily removed and replaced --is not affected by water, oil or paintâ€"works on a pivot and thus keeps the brigtles elastic. '15 cm vmr d. u Inblo. Sygup.‘ a" The Glasgow Echo tells of a know- 1r) ing young 111111 11110 cured hur hus- “lband of sun 111g out late at night. in 5‘11 ‘1111 original “ay Before going to ,,d 1111.11 she would place two easy chairs 3:; ;togethexbc1‘orc the sunny-1001.1. ‘ -> 1; grate and then hold a lighted match No a cigar until the room had a. faint odor of tobacco smoke. Al- :though her husband never said a [nerd to her about noticing any- 'thing. three "applications" micted :1 a complete dire. urn-urea â€".. .-â€"-_ l and blank-hes from lntssn, b'oad svnv'fn, curhs. splints. tin; tone. sweencw. cuties. sprains. sore tad swollen thTOlL. cougha, to. Save $50 by use of one betz’e. “’urran ed the most wonderful Blemisu Cure even known. ENGLISH SPAVEN LINEMEHT Rvmovos in)! hgrd. ”ft. or “glowed lumfi A, a u.-.“â€" Willie (scared)-â€"“Now we’ve milk. the cow, what'll we do? Pup'll be awful mad." Jimmy (equal to the occasion)â€"“Wc'll drive her down to the pond and fill her up with wa- ter." Boot.hâ€"â€""What docs ova moan?" Garrickâ€""It. is Latin for egg.” Boothâ€""Ah' Now I understand what, the paper meant when it spoko of thai shower of eggs I recehed as an ovation." lihby [mamas Potted Ham. Beef and Tongue 0x Tongue (Whole). Vea‘r Loaf Devued Ham. Brisket Beef Sliced Smoked Beef. Etc. All natural flavor foods -â€" palatnblc and wholesome. Your grocer should have them. FREEâ€"{pa booklet. “How to Make Good Thing; to Eat." bend the 2c stump! for Libby”: big Atlas of the World. Libby. bicNeill :5 Libby Miami's Liulment Ems Bums. etc. ORANGES We have Mexicans, California Navels, Valencias. and Sevilles. Carload every week. All the above :1 market prices. We can also handle your Butter, Eggs, Poultry, Maple Sympand other produce to advan- tage for you. I. mason countsuou 00.. Limited” _7 00'. Woo: norm 0:. 7030mm. OHITII 0AMEROI bol c. ton or I‘M/3n“ Cunda Lfo Build. ___> To )XY'O _ _ W'e 5c” the product in key-opening cans. 1 gm 3 key and you find the Inga! exactly LS It left us. We put them up n this \my. ) Flies Everywhere { w!!! clear your house 0! flies in u BANANAS- A M EA N WOMAN On the 1:43:39 Chicago. Illinois Wilson’s Fly Pads 1r foodâ€"in your bed: making life miscible. iv: {cw noun. LEMDNS To onbo. Wriu x”: 219: .dth HAVE THE ith 1::«2 1h on dism; as m r or his d Soon after daybreak the gig I look the road. Al was my stair and a small on my baxk; my other w IWocn us whenu: l the opvn hold out DOLh 0 face. IL ing xor‘.‘ 951-5 “‘4- regs: 113er g” tells 1m: a alon- xv.»- low-d ‘90 happens 1 ' mm ‘ ‘ A 11d A brother u VOL. X. N0. ‘26. shal eyes hope dom- lwr . l {0' Were pro: the “S w l‘ a!) m0} T111 ant Be sure I ut RN? “1' EI‘O “'33; dm mg a thx me M a _An n cnou ch 110â€"1 ho ment \V parish. Wit! lott's again. the moo {01' ”)8 then- fir scending: the 5““ nude-1‘ :3 all be wget gazed at n: in which I“ passm' lurf or gram: Whom 1 Wu pad stand I: )orc “'3qu post part Imu'nh‘d n wiid cattle. numerous. 1 hum incâ€"cm me a )ixz‘m these birds troakinc f" vagabonds little favor C HAPTER X X V. w‘i ldcr d “1 max padual ms: .way of 1 Slowly and Itn‘ugt :' realm :: Iollowi n which 3 happim from k‘ m, Wilh: Robinson. 0 sow‘ral years kidney u-oub) ease I an: m ‘11 the usua: 'fited degree finely inca >e back. bi) pd little 0| One door ”1d grew (3 relief as I floctors to "Finally it ma that. c wretch I will on: To; (I. 10 (caturc 0| on day Here I 3W3 .po

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