Upply of fan F to be advanced. "rm: twain-y : Hand {or are: much»... and . maintainer knew-0. Invit [Hu’t‘mgz 3!†$4.09. FNt'EM [1112‘ ‘Buniness fury; [m meme.- bl 0" “MW It and" I «are 2') mum] Ice] 16 rerylhlng fresh and Ned. 5sz Stock of Pipes . WELDON ll“8.321111. RAD Ken stoc Mean and sings Company P5252375c525a5-a5m\ 1% ppointsw a 81H Gen Allowed on deposits asited or withdrawn sums of $1.00 and Jam 5 Law NT. MUN GER. M - $300,000.00. ice 50. each, PER CENT. e ï¬rs; Mun very re: in Cigars S L L- 111 Fully Ne (Orton Towels . L orders. “9 ‘79-’33 «digits arm pruanv a Zfor 5 always fresh at Y. Lindsay' s ‘ I. was one“: "9" is â€pug! In.» sum unmhnain this Mg!» rom- 11 I») :m- ’Illsinens tor ro- ‘r m'cnrury m the pn- r- um}! prv-fcnpllmm. ï¬- 7â€". e mama. It tor, Jun. I Paid on De. bentures. pro - A W"? at a bargain. ru-uu hrvnerly caFrh-d on I 01:310.?!) .g w,“ flu Ibn same mu... Parlorg, '- ONE-mun. mdsay's Leading has one u: the lnrgo-ot the tummy to choose "7" 1068. ’iHng a 03:;an ‘peczmuy, D10] 7 for 25 6 for 25 7 for 25 7 for 25 3 for 10 6 for 2; for 15 cents for 25 ‘6 for 10 u for 5 “ 9111“!) month. -" bade-1r. indsay, Pu re» and on an. 1‘ LS". stand; 93’!!!" alid return - bv specia-I ftmin.» Return fare $1.30: children half fare. See large bills for full particulars. .. This will, be the best excursion of the season. - ,. met: 3 cthédist Church will be run on “(Cdnesday’ Aug. 5, 1903, (Omemee’s CIVEC Holiday), to Masmsauga Park, bclow Bellcvillc. Excursionists Ieave Ofr‘lemee by special 7.30 a. m._ train The rain storm on Tuesday night was a very heavy one. The lightning flashes ve y viv1d and the rain fell in torrents. and the farmers report that much gr: m was dashed to the ground; so that the ï¬elds looked as if they had been rolled. However it is thought that most of it will likely rise again. Mr. N. '1". Harvey made a flying “Sit to Peterboro yesterday. Miss .‘ulaye Clancy, of Peterhoro, isa €U€St 02‘ Miss Sara Lamb, Cedarville Mr. E. H. English was in Peterboro Monday on busine‘s. Dr. Keith is now occupying his new residence in the west end and expects to move his ofï¬ce there also at the end of tlze present week. A grand union cxéursion between the lellwook Methodist Sunday School and {h}: Iipworth League of the Ome- Mr. G. A. Non-is was m Pcturboro, Thursday, on business. “1111““ H01. 1) .U .11.!†\ uThese I)\es “iii dye \‘v 001, Cot- I ton, Silk, jute or ‘shxed (iuods in one bathâ€"they are the latest and I most improwd Dy. 1;) the “orl d! In :1 packs}: ’9. All color at R. J. \Iullivan’ s, Soie Agent â€"â€"â€"ry. RCV i. H. Tare} has gone to Min- nissing to conduct the funeral services of the0 late J. Adams, Esq. ., one of his old parishioners. our iver'! Ayer’s Pills are iver pins. They cure consti- paflon, headache, dyspepsia. 25c. All druggiau. Does your head ache? Pain back of your eyes? Bad taste_in you; mqutg?‘ It’s “(:1st EaurLIx/yry, of‘ Tax-onto, and . " - n..1c Lodge; Washmgtnn, are guests at thchomc of Mrs. C. Ivory. 3° 313. â€pang-aw, on R sasxsaam’s 013.3% 6 Vw: your mausmche or heard 3 MIX turn: or n-ï¬ .. 9 lack? Then we Mr. and Mrs. Will'am McCa of Bethany, Wcre guests at thc ho Mrs. T. A. McPhc:so.1, Thursday Mrs. .x H. Taolc was a vxsizor Beaverton friends, last week. REXALL‘ZEEZT'DYES Messrs W. M. C. McMahon, of Rea- boro, and S B. Blrk. of I in Jsay, were guests at the Bradburn House, Ia st week. Miss Daisy Cornwall left on Monday for Philadelphia, Pa, whergshe has an execllent posi- tiondfhead nurse in the City Hospital. Her numerous friends here will ju'n in wishing her svery success. If your 6.111 t cannot st: ply you. send us one do and we wil express you 3 bottle. Be sure and ive the name or you: neg-gs: exprmo . Address. Ayer’s Hair Vigor in advance will prevent the splizting. If the Splitting has began, It will stop it. Constipation ' - U is a pleasant task at McCarty’s The selection ofjewelry and cum. ments 15 large and Well chosen. and our time so much at your disposal, that you are certain of meeting your requirements of pleasingr the recipient of your weddmg presents. Our stock of reliable watches can’t be beat. W.F.McEAHlY’S. The Popular Jewehy Stare, 77 Kent St LINDSAY ghoqsing'WeddingGms LOCK L 31.90le mes: ex res: ofï¬ce. Ad J. C. AY CO., Iowell, LRCONXC ask at McCarty’s. yfjewelry and orna- and Well chosen. so much at your you are certain of requirements of recipient of your m McCartney, at thc home or Thursday. with Just to hand a large consignment of screendoors, ï¬ntshed in oak, at very low prices. \Vindo’w screens, some- thing new, the kind you want at popu- lar prices. \V. D. Stimson. Mrs. G. B. Thornton, of Peterboxo, I IS visiting hgr Omemee friends. It is to be an effort will be put forth to haw: the planing factory rebuilt, ‘or to ï¬ll the vacancy caused by the ï¬re, with something as advantageous to the town as the factory was. . Civic Holiday next Wednesday in Omemee and Millbrook. Take in the excursion to Massasauga Park, below Belleville. Mr. T. C. Ivory was a wsitor to Pctcrboro on Thursday. Miss M. Keith, of Richmond Hill, is visiting her brother, Dr. Keith. Pure gloss white for interior work, which leaves a porcelain ï¬nish, the ï¬n- est white enamel for all kinds of in- terior decoration. Scarlet enamel, gold enamel, etc. A full and complete assortment of paint and varnish brush- es, warranted to give satisfaction or money refunded. W. D. Stinson. Miss Ilcin and Mabtcr Willie McKim are visiting thcir OmcmL-c friends. Miss Lena Hayes is visiting fricn ds at Bobcaygcon. Mr. Roncigk, Bandmaster 45th Batt~ ahon Band, Lindsay, has opened up an up-to-datc Music Store, next to Coad’s Dr 3 Store. Sheet music and all kinds kn:.trun1cnts. Cull solicitedâ€" 13-3111 Th: Misses Laura Ivory, Annie Hodge and Muriel Ivory were visitors to Pcterboro, Monday. Mr. 1). H. McKinley, who has been baking in Pcterboro, “was home over Sunday. Mr. E. Walsh, of'I‘oronio, is visitmg his Omemee friends, this week. Mr. Fred Metcalfc, of Peterboro, was a visitor to Omemec over Sunday. chk. Bmder Twine for saie cheap, at \V. H. Kennedy’s, Omcmce. Miss Evdinc Ivory, spcnt Monday with Peterbom friends. We have not advanced the pnce of our tobacaoe, amber smukinz tobacco, Bobs, ("urrency and Fair Play chewing tobaccos are the Same sm- and price to the consumer as formerly. “'e have also eirendvd the time for the redemp Hon ofShcwsiwe hugs to January [st 190-1. '1'†'3 EMPIRE TOBACL‘O ()0, Limited. Mr. T. 1). Bell, of Barrie, paid Ome- mee a ï¬sh tlns week, the gust of the Rev. J. H. and Mrs. 'l‘cney, at the Rectory. Mr‘ Bell has charge of the Parish of (A‘annington and Beaverton, where his alnlity will doubtless bt: rcwgnized and appreciated. Prur. .1. H. lh- Sllnurg, 01!â€:le and velv- x-mlml v)..- hpvmnilst. [rum HUI'II‘HIHJ', wlll V151! HIrH-wu- lllrco Hun-s n “r. and may no ('(Illsll‘t' «l at Hm Drmlhnrn Hume Purim-11. Wan-n "H'l‘ilh‘m All cnnunltatums {1'50 01 chums. 'l‘lumvlmvlng weak 0r lgnpenucl. oys-s shoulc' not fall to consult hlm. Miss Iiertic Lamb has returned from a pleasant visit with Baillie- bora friends. Miss \Iuricl Ivorv, of 'I vis: ting her Omcmce fricn (Is In: 311d \{75. A. .'\. Bz'fltI‘ onto, me LgUCStS of .\I s. No Sin-ct. Ofï¬ce two Dears east of T. ivory Sons’ General Store. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur ( reig famil), Master Douulas am and little )[xss Pawns, of Rner, Manitoba, are at the t’wgucsts of the Rector a lcnev. Dr. Pierce’s Medic papcr covers, is sent J of 3x one-cent stam} pense of customs and Address Dr. R. V. Pier!“ Ave. Memphis, Tenn. : with dcï¬cate health for three 3' L‘ctors‘ prescriptions and patent mrdidncs until I lost coup-.20 amt thcurht I would never regain my health; but a cw doses of your ‘Favoxite I‘rcsc:ip.‘3;n' 2 .adc m;- change my mind. Coum sec 8 dccidcd change from the ï¬rst. so I kept on taking it fo:_l.h;cc months faithfully and am now in perk-ct health? cur-s. trying -ayrr months’ use of the medici stored her to perfect health. . 'erce’s Favorite Presc ' 1' rity, dries wen] [ti-1);!In ‘-‘~‘ ' - Mabd Wright, of Pcterboro, is Mr. and Mrs. Wm. COIvin, this Dental Notice s l'aukms, of Cypress ha,arc at the Rectory, the Rector and Mrs. >ms and mailiï¬g'orz'l} V. Pierce, Buffalo, N.Y ,7 _‘.. uvnza ux scrip?) m' made m;- change Cc a dacidcd change from )1 on taking it for_th.-cc 'and am now in perfect Medlcal Advlser in sent fan-e on receipt Stamps ‘0 pay ex- t: friends, this week A. Benny, of Tor- of Toronto, is Norris, King: medicine and Dalton Prescription weakéniné- ‘n and u]. bran and The induction.will likely take place about the cad of August. Mr. VVhitelaw ranks as a preacher much above the average, and no doubt will prove an acceptable pastor. The Mirror’will be glad to welcome him and his family to our village. The vote resulted very largelv in favor of Rev. Mr Whitelaw, of Quebec, and consequently a un- animous call was extended to that gentleman. On Sunday last a vote was tak- en in all the Presbyterian church- es of this charge, for the purpose of selecting a Minister to ï¬ll the place of Rev. \V. M. Karmawin, Mr. J. J. lamb of Omemee has been the guest of his brothers for the past fortnight. He, is delighted with our districtâ€"Moose Jaw Times of July 16. Mr. Vincent Hall, of Lindsay is visit- ing his Omemee friends this week. T h e Presbyterian Churches Choose a Pastor. Mrs. W. H. Parker and chil- dsen have been visitingr at Mrs. Henry Magi“, the past few weeks. Mnjos. T. and Miss Beatty were visitors to Bobcaygeon, last w: ck. Miss Bertie Magillhas returned from a pleasant visit with Orillia friends. Mr. Wm. jard Coboconk friends. Mrs. I. Anderson and Miss Helen, left yesterday for their home in St._]ohn’s Nfld.. after a most pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. T. A. McPherson, ng St. Mrs: \\ m. Burns and son Gcortrc of Rochester, are vis: ting friends m Ome- mee this week. Mrs. Bums isa sister of Mrs. James Graham Vlctoria St. Miss Blanche Adams, of Toronto is spendinghcr holidays under the paren- tal roof. ‘ Miss Flore-nee Iones, of Rcaboro, was a sisitm at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1’ch hat “eek. Rev. Mr. Barrett, of Newcastle, is guest at the home of Rev. and Mrs. ' Brown thxs week. This year the Assessor raised the assessment of the Stephenson mill property from $4,100 to $5,000. Agatnst this valuation Mr. Thos. C. Stephenson appealed to the Court of Revision. This Court, having conï¬rm- ed the assessment, Mr. Stephenson car- ried his appeal to the County Judge, who, after hearing the evidence, on 'l‘uesday, reduced the amount to the old ï¬gure of $4,100. Mr. 'l'hos. C. "tephenson pleaded his own case, while the Council was represented by Barrister T. Stewart, of Lindsay. Mr. Billy Burton havmg accepted a position as painter for the G. 'I‘. R., has resigned his situation as clerk for the Commercial Hotel, and gone to Lindsay Mr. John O’Neil has taken his place and is already becoming pop< ular With the boys. Company has one of the best represent tatives they could possibly obtain, he being very courteous, and of a com- manding appearance. We wish him a and the Co., every success. After the trial at the Court .of Re- vmon, Judge Dean was detained in the village till the 8.30 train going east, staying at the Commercial Hon-l. While here, he met some friends to whom he related many entertaining and interesting incidents in h?s ‘arly career as a lawyer. The judge has an extensive knowledge of men and affairs and i.» a most entertaining talker. Mr. Harry Graham, ofthe Watchman- ‘~'i';:rder Staff, Lindsay, is visiting his 1 Omemeeand Emily-friends. l Commercial Hotel, Omemec, on Tues- day, August 4th. See new card in an- : other column. Mr. N. 1’. Crafts, soliciting for the Pcterboro l’ork Packing Co, Limited, was in town on 'l‘hursday, and, we un- derstand, induced several to take, shar- es in the stock of the above (70., which will no doubt be a great boon to the farmus of this community, as a ready market will b: opened up for all kinds ‘ of farm produce. Some of the leading men of l’uterboz'o County are the Pro- visional Directors. In Mr. Crafts the at an increased salar). ' This well for the ability of Mr. Har thewputution he has came commg among us. DENTALâ€"Dr. Irvine of Neelands Irvine, l')cntists, Lmdsay, m†be at the NOVICEâ€"Mr. J. W. Green, Pho- tographer, will not be here on the 3d Friday of each month as formerly; [git will continue his visits on the ï¬rst 151- day of each month only. We are pleased to learn that Mr. W. B Harvey, Science Master in the Omeâ€" ‘ mee High School, has been rte-engaged (It an increased innru 'Hm. "my... Prof. J. H. DcSil‘ocrg, Scientiï¬c Op tical Specialist, of Kingston, will be at the Bradburn House; Omemee, on Wednesday, July 29th, until Friday. July gist. At A. Leach’s Drug Store, Millbrook, on Saturday, Aug. Ist, till Tuesday, Aug. 4th. We hear complaints about weeds on the streets. We feel satisï¬ed that the Council will get a man to cut them as- soon as possible. Flynn ' Co., sucéessorsi at the “â€â€˜Clunan House, Hunter St.,1’eter- boro, solicits your patronage. Good stable and yard room accommodation Ierms reasonable. â€"-.3m. Mrs. ".lhos Ixobinson, of Toronto, is visiting her Omcmee and Pcterboro fliends. Miss Marla Jones, of Pcterbbro, was a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. WXD. Stinéon,.last week. Jardine is visiting lary. This speaks of Mr. Harvey, and has earned since Oï¬ce and Ware Room in the Omemee Foundry Block. Massey-Harris BINDERS, M o W E R s RAdamsg Agent THE BEST It sets them cold. It (ices the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the dish of wheelsjust right. It does the work perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work. but tires are reset accurately and quickly. Without any chance of givingr too much dish to the wheel, or in any way injuring it. Having one of these Tire Setters in practical operation, the patronage ofthe public is solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. ‘ultivators, Reapers, Rakes, blows, c., 'in fact any implement a man requires We have also a good stock of Buggies, Wagons, c. Everybody who has a Buggy or V ehiclc of any kind, get you: tires reset on one of HendersOn’s The best Paint on earth is the Sherwinâ€"Willi have used it say so. ’1 hose who have not used it convinCed that what we say about it is true. PM more surface and lasts longer than any other Paint stock for house cleaning. e (‘13,: Manufactured by the Standard Tire Setter Co., Kcokuk, WBRAJBURN. Fresll Grocer 18 in Faney Dinner Setts, Tea Setts and Chamber Setts, in all shades Cups Saucers, Plates, Bowls, Pitchers, and everything in the Crockery Line. Call and see Our stock. :I Remember the . STOCK NOTE- Messrs. Palmer Bros. have a EXCUI‘S 1 0 n t O thoro'bred Tamworth Boar, “Wu, eMaSSaSSaga Pt Ham RUNS,†for service on then- ' premises, Lot 6, Con. 6, Emil . y. :1 on Aug- 5th. Terms $1 at time of service. J m ,' Fare $130 Faun III 3313 II I.nReIII I Children 650. _‘ «Law I THE PEOPLES’ GRGCERY 1 Dr. Irvine, ofthe aboye ï¬rm, a first- class Honor Graduate of the Universit5 ofToronto, Memberof the Rom] College of Dental Sun, goons, visit-s Omemee Ist Tues-9 day of exer5 month. ch15th1'nu: up- -to- date 1n Dentistxy Gas ad-: ministered for teeth extraction. P‘â€" GEO. ENGLISH, OMEMEE Call and See Our Display Drs. Neelands Irvine, Dentists, Lindsay. Dominion Carriage Works Tire Setting Machines. . Fence Wire, January 1511, 1904:, for 750., CAR LOAD ilS OME opened up a large consignment of new and MPLEMENTS MADE : : ARE THE W A RRIVING DAILY and Builder's Supplics just to hand. OMEMEE, Sherwin â€"Williams. Those who Being Lot 9, Con. 2, Emily, .3 mile; south east of Omemce, con- sisting of 100 acres of plowed land, balance 50 acres in grazing land and bush. On the premises there are: a [food stone lmncn 100 acres of plowed xce 5o acresin grazing >ush. On the premises a good stone house, 5 with stone founda- ood stables. There is In: ge orchard. For I'H‘C ann1n ‘n t it should. and be Tills better, covers It. Everything in Iowa . COUTSC Spend your vacation at the Peterboro Busmcss College, which continues in session durmg the summer months. Is allowed Teachers and students dur- ing Julv and ugust. Wm. PRINGLE, Principal IMPRGVE YQUR EDUCATION. "THE CANADIAN EMPIRE†Ofï¬cé, King St., opposite foun- dry, Omemee. Graduate of‘Toronlo Univer- sity medical College, also mem- ber of College of Physmians and Surgeons, of Ontario. Special attention paid to diseases of head; and lungs. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Sa Cled Rt\1‘l.g(ll()l11)u"fls Vcl') pletty and a “mat now} \Iirror Ofï¬ceâ€"2 [or 250., or Regular pnce 25:2. each. } wants them. A SPECIAL DISCOUNT, two Premium Pictures included N 0 school Oppusilc Post Ofï¬ce. Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. Bes‘ qualities - Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and Mlllwood. . Call and got our prices and examme goods. TELEPHONESâ€"Agcnt's Ofï¬ce, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78 Agent, Always on hand ls the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, ter Paris 6'; Charcoal. Also Headquarters for Windsor halt, “ Cheese 8: Butter †Brands. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings 00’s W. D. STIN SON. The ï¬ve-cent pa‘ ary occaszon. The contains a. sunnlv f ,.‘ 01 glch a mom thoropg all 0. “ri'u for p: iticuldrs a supply for a' yéaf BAKER [5“ E . -cent packet 1_s enough for mL- 1" lbb‘UUN‘l', I Mailed to any address in Canida 1d Students durâ€" l or U. S. for :2 months for $1.75, I For further particulars and more thorough I sample COples Of papcljs, Write A“ , 5, of Egypt, éltyâ€"at the r 15¢. each. EVcry body K813 1s enough for an ordin- family bottle, sixty cents in A "-A“ THE MIRROR AND DENTIST, LIVINA Y Honor Graduate of 'I‘uronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. All the latest and improved branches of dentistry successfully performed. Charges moderate. O F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent Ind William streets. Legal notices Scents per line ï¬rst inser- tion. 2 cents per Hne each subsequent in- eruonâ€"Nonpariol measuremdnt, I2 Ila-en 0 we inch. Advertisements such as lost. strayed. wanted. ew., will Inserted threo time- for, $1,0ne inset Lion cents. each subsequent inflation 2.5 cents. I m rths, Deaths, and Marriages are inserted rec. Advoriinemems will be continued And vlmrgnd for unui forbidden. Chanz‘es or adverthcmcms are to be In the (mice not. later than Monday. SUBSCRIPTION ZATES Terms. $1.50 per year. or $.00 per year If paid in advance. C. W. RICHARDS, Editor and Publisher. rrmesmonal wads. one Inch and undu. $5 per year. 38 for six months, 3: for on. month. A DV ERTISI NG RATES: lyr. amo. 3am. 1 mo. l'l. Column $50 25 15 $6 82 ivnlmnn 2": $15 3 8 3 1 Column 15 8 5 2 â€a. Professional (Brag. one Inch and undet. Q: naâ€" "A-.. {he flmemee Minm Is pub! lthd every Thurs-day Morning I! 1:: (mice, King Strecz,0memu. WEEKLY MAIL “MIKE Dr. F. A. Walters