tact, addressed to h rNational Sanitarin. no, from the kooky, ‘lnd signed by 30v. 3. L. a. well-known Angli- tlxu province. nood- no m a House cold by fat the fasltst nd the only kind but! your “heels. 'res in 20 minutes i do a bettcr jot old way. or scaring the ole-s, and best 05 bed Wheels. one wheel and his machine. and ve them set any mmpï¬m a: Gun.- r'omfn mambo: cl m is a. very sad 03% once be given spro- b savod.’1hroe you, 50d of I consumption. Ins been my psinlul of the son: with the I Annie, aged shout 3y of fourteen, 3:. ti! and may their nun- csiro to sub: in :53. In! their gifts to Sit ! practical horse .1: it caxeful at- Very Best Work era! blacksmith ugc buildmg and ‘, at very reason- Iood. Ting-7:“. in u: appeal to the tyn- aad yet, I far, only ha: are constantly any come. you 15, and every job I‘E JEWELRY. ILLBROOK. ’ family. The poo: ,skoka, bonding at. ing to be admitted. a.“ week, and vithin of her return In: in_his‘_bnggy whip nade to ptease »u are requested riaL 3 Association, To; Gage, Chaim cl Rm. Toma“! 00K. uge Licenses, gan, and mpanies COLD Salter Week. Goods RCCK ney The “hole neighborhood mourns :he death of a quiet christxan woman, whose Kmdly disposition and guilcless .charity won the hearts of all, and for Mr. Bradburn and the remaining rcla stivcs much sympathy 15 felt by a Vcn mdc Circle 01 fricnds. Among those from a distangce were : Mr. Dickson Icwett and Muss Ethel Jcmrtt of Canmngton, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Jewett of Pctcrboro, and Mr. Edward Blacxwdl of Chance, On! , a brother of the departed. With perfect conhdence in the Redeemer’s ï¬nished work, she passed peacefully away on the beautiful dawn .ofa perfect summer day, just as the birds were tuning their voices for their morning songs. When God’s time came she was ready to go, receiving from her Pastor’s hand the pledgcs of her Saviour’s dying love. Falling quietly asleep on earth she has awak- ened in the caln. and peace of the Paradise of God, and though hu friends mourn her early departure, yet they can bless and praise God for such a peaceful end, when, “ Like such a tide, as movmg, seems asleep, Too full for sound or foam, Did that which drew from out the boundless deep, Return again home.†The funeral, which took place on Sunday afternoon, at 2.30 o’clock, was Very largely attended. The service was conducted by the Rector of Christ Church, the Rev. J. H. 'l‘eney, and beautifully impressive did that servrce seem. Two hymns, “ Thy will be done ’ and “Why should I fear the darkest hour,†favorites of the departed were sung with much feeling during the course of the service. The casket was completely cowred with floral tributes, After the service at the house, the body was conveyed to its last resting place in Emily Cemetery, followed by a long cortegc of s'ympathizing friends. _-__, sent by loving friends, noticable among which Were two baiutiful CtOSs- es, the emb!em of salvation, and of which the departed was very fond. Though Mrs. Bradburn had been in failing health for a number of years, yet qu imagined thc end to be so near. QExcursionists will be taken on at King St. Crossxng, Omemee, next Tuesday. Aug. Ist. A stop will also be made at said crossing on return mp. We hope to have a large number from Omcmce on this popular trip. The news of the death of the late Mrs. William Bradburn, which sad event took place on Friday morning last, came quite unexpectedly to her large circle of friends. Minan] Mrs. Iohn Leith. of Millbrook, Miss Maria jones. of Pcterboro, Miss Ola joncs, of Manvers, Mr. Frederick Wager, of Cameron, Mr. Edward and Miss Lizzie Lcthangue, Mrs. Mitchell, of Ayr, Mr. and Mrs. Brien and family of Bobcaygeon. were all guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Stinson, rccamly. After the wedding dinner had been served, the happy couple took their deparlure by the even- in: train for Toronto, and the steamer " Hamilton"to Montreal, where they intend to reside. Best Wishes ofa host of friends follow them. Dr. Thompson, of Toronto, will open Dental Rooms, two doors East of '1'. Ivory Son's Store, Omcmec, on Aug. 15. Omcmcc will ban: a rcs‘ xdcnt Delmst in future. The entire house was prettily decorated with palms and other flowers. About ï¬ftv guests were present. The bride was the recipient of a large number of handsome and costly gifts, showing the high esteem m which she is held. As the wedding party entered the parlor, the wedding March was played by Miss Macpherson, organist of the Omemee Method- ist Church, who also rendered very acceptably many beautiful selections after the ceremony. Rev. Mr. McCullough, Pastor of the Methodist Church, conducted the marriage ceremouy in his own able and pleasing manner. The g§oom W‘as supported by Mnjames McCaffrey, brather of the bride. The bridesmaid wore a costume of pale blue snlk voxle over blue taï¬eta sxik, and earned a boquet of whxte and pink carnations. The bride. who was assisted by her sister, Miss Ada, was attired in a beautiful costume of white Silk. prettily trimmed with knife pleated chiffon, and ribbon over white taffeta silk. A large bouquet of cream roses, carried by the bride, and a beautiful wreath of lilies of the valley in her hair. enhanced greatly the beauty of the costume. On Wednesday, July 19th, at the home of Mr. and M rs. Charles McCaffrey, ‘ Grape Vine Cottagc’, Colborne-st., Omemee, a very in- teresting event took place, when their eldest daughter. Miss Ella J, was united in marriage to Mr. Clarence W. Fatt, of Montreal. PRETTY JULY \VEDDING. Umemee and Vicinity. 36.7-, Want your moustache or beard IWMMnchblack? u OBI l‘UARY. Moved by (Joan. J Cnnrtney, sec by Cuuu. W Couinglmm, That orders be Carried 24 50 Moved by Conn J Courtney, see by Conn W Cotungham. That By-law No 332 for the purpose authorizing the Raeve and Treasurer to borrow the sum 0! Tweivo hundred dollars from the limit of Toronto for {our months, at six per cent per ammm. be now in- troduced and read a ï¬rst time. Carried. Moved by Conn. Wm.Comngham, sec bv Conn James Courtney, That orders be iuuad on the Treasurer for payment of the following accounts viz: Sawyer_ Massey Co.. for repairsrfur grader as per account.. ....... s 8 50 Mrs. J Low as, maintanance of BriJget (‘nnnell up to 6th Inst. 14 00 J Connors, maintenance MB Carried. - 73 38 Moved by Conn. Jamaa Courtney.eec by Conn. Isaac H Fee, That the sum of Twelve hundred dollars to meet the current expenditure of the Municipal- Ity be borrowed from the Bank of To- ronto tor four months, at the rme of six per cent per annum, and that the Clerk do now prepa e t! a necessary Bylaw for this purpose. Carried. on «in con line near In line 1 A \Iilloy, for gnuel used on Loop Line ............. R Winn Jr . for grawl used on Davls' Division. . ....... (‘ ('orneil gruelling on \\ hrdy A Spence 2 13333 nork on 7le con llne...... ...... A Spence graxel as per account R\ Vilson gruelling on w Mine T H Fee [unveiling an In line... I’ Callaghan far 150 ft of cedar ‘l â€â€5†A.“ I», O O Cfl gags 8% T G McConnell, for gravel used Carried. 00 00 Moved by Conn. Wm. Harlihey, sec by Coun. Isaac H Fee. That orders be issued on the Treasurer for payment or the fallen ing accounts, that is to say : $ cts. vert on middle' line I...“ J O’Neil.for cutting brush on 14th con line....... ...... J Martha for cuming brush on 13th con line†P \1illoy.{ur (‘ultmg brush on 14th con Imo. ... .. M Flynn, for work performed on middle line ...... W H Lehane,for gravel used on 10th con line ............ .. 8 50 (I Millage, gravuling on u hdry 10 00 ’l‘ Harlihev. for repairing cul- Cnrried. 341 00 Moved by (Bonn. Wm. Harlihey. see by Conn. James Cnurtney, l‘lmt orders be Issued on the Treasurer as {0110“3 : s cts crrte plpPS as poraccount 12 00 M Wi‘eun. bonus on 32 rods of wire fence as per Bylaw. 6 40 RJ Courtney. on account 0! grader wom................. 256 (90 R Poast, for gravel including right of way ...... 3 20 E Shernlan, for gravel including right ofway...... 5 30 q line "nd con llna...... 1560 J WiddiS, druwmg culu-rt pipe 2 (N) T W Brveu, " °' 1 50 W luylor 61 (30., for mane con- h: cmvcâ€"rt on 3rd Eun'n'no..u 7 00 G Brown, grading on w boundry 10 00 G Elliott, for L'ruvel used on e couline.............. 1100 F Magee, gravelling on e q [me 11 ()0 D A Finiey. gravemAng c“. pgxtting Moved by Conn. Isaac 1] Fee, sec. by Coun. W m. Cottinglmm, ’l‘hut onlers be issued on the Treasurer as follows. that is {0 8213‘ :â€" A Fanckner, gravelling on ?nd From Messrs. Stewart U’Connor. Lindsay, in re forced road tluough property of l’zunck Duffy and gravel pit. From Messrs. Baker «k Bryans. Lind. say, enclosing an account amounting $1.92 for plank furnished to.) F Ken. nedy for municipal purposes, From County Clerk, advising are- qnlred County Levy for 1905 as follons: For General County Rate....$2590 00 House of Refuge Debenture rate 374 00 “ “ Maintenance rate 296 00 From James F. Kennedy. acknow- ledging receipt of notice in re removal of brick and stone from the public high- way, and stating that the sauna had been piaced there under instructions received by his boys. from one Mr. Thomas. Fro-n Sir Willlam .\lulock,chairman of select Com.on Telephone Systeml, requeetlnguetatemeut as to how {at the present system is satisfying the public requirements in this locality. From the Sawyer 45; Massey (‘0, Hamilton,enclosing account amount- ing to $8.50, for Blade bit and bolts for road- vrader. Council for two weexs......... 2 90 The following communications were received, perused and fyled. that Is to say .â€" The minutes of last session were read. approved and on motion con- ï¬rmed. for Culvert on 9th can lme ()memee, July 4th, l905. Council met at 10 o’clock a.m., pur- suant to adjournment. Present all the members. The Reeve In the Chair. Millbrook, adults 85c.; Bcthany, “ 8°C.; Omcmce. “ 6 5c. ; The Millbrook Mrthodi‘t Sundax School 1.in1 run their A;1111u1] Eucursxon to Chemong Park on Tuesday, August 1st, by Sl’ECI \I l‘.R~\I:\' leavuw Millln'ook at 7 30 a. m., [1) old road; Bethany 7. 45 , and Omemec at 8.05 â€11: steamer, ‘ Esturion.’ “1†leave Lindsay at 8.80 a. m., and will call at Stutgeon Point and Bobcaygcon gomg and coming. TICKETS : Emily Cnuncil Proceedings. Vegetable, liver pills. That is what‘thcyv are. They cure constipation, biliousness, sick-headache. {3%.} 2:92;: EXCURSION. children 05 I»? 8000 U fl 54 50 S cts. 450 300 45C- 4°C. 4.- JDC‘ He was a welcome vlsiwr in the homes where sufl'erlng called him, old and young came to look upon him as a personal friend, and every Teacher felt Bare of his ready sympathy and fair judgement, deeply regretlrng when his increaglng dunes and failing health No man in the Counties ot Halibur- ton and Victoria. was better known or more nnivereallv respected than the late Dr Curry. Coming into Hallbnr- ton County in the year 1869, when the country was very sparcely settled and many of the roads were merely ‘blazed' paths through dense forests. he had a full share of the trials and hardship. of the early settlers among whom for many years he wasthe only Physician, this together with the fact that for about seventeen years he was Inspec- tor ot Public Schools, brought him in contact with nearly every resident in the County. Co , four instruments having been in- stalled hy them in private houses, the charge therefor as this Council under- stands being twenty-ï¬ve dollars each, with the addition at the usual charge for long distance messaues, \\ hich charges are In the opinion otthis Coun- cil too excesstve to encmirage the uni- versal use or instalmentotinstruments in the turm houses of the Munlctpality. and that any plan whereby the said rates might be reduced and brought within the means of the farming community would be promp t l y endorsed by this Council, belteving that universal use of the Telephone system by the sald fanning communlty would follow. Carried. Charlas 1]. Curry, B. A., M. D turned. 34 42 Moved by Conn. I H Fee, sec by t‘onn. W Herlihey. ’lhat Bv-law No. 332 he now rend a. second and a. third time and ï¬nally passed, and that the Reeve and Clerk do sign and afï¬x the Corporate seal thereto. ( arrted. Moved by Conn J Courtney, sec by Conn W Herlihey, That In reply totlue communication re Telephone servtve the Clerk bound :8 hereby Instructed to inform the Select (‘mnmlttee on Telephone systems, Ottawa, that the only service in operation in tlus Mun- icipality is that of the Bell Telephone Carried. ‘ed on 1311. can “He .......... 5 00 W J W hite,gra\'ening on w bdry 1‘2 00 on Ht]: can line...... A Ellintt, gravel as per ar-munt l’ Middiamn, for Work perturm- ed on 1311: can Ilne...... Moved by 0mm. J Courtney, sec by (‘mm. W Harlihev, That orders be is- sued on the Treasurer as follows, that is to say ;- Baker Bryans, plank for cul- vert on 14th (‘on 1 as per acct J 'l‘ Kmmedy, repairing culvert (‘a rried. «u: 1 T Moore, gravelling on 7th con 1 6 00 J Luwes, for budding culvert on 7th con line ............ 8 (‘0 J Irwln, gravelllng on a loop! 9 50 .1 Bradley, graveliing one hdry 9 25 A Rnllar. gravel as per account 23 70 J '1‘ Swilzer, lmnna on 26 rods of wire fence as per [Iv-law. .. 5 1’0 “' Rnlsler, gravel as per acct.. 3 00 M O'Donnell, gravel as per acct 46 50‘ M '1‘ Carroll, gnwelling on e q Ime G Franks, gruelling on loop line R Henderson. gravellirg on east quarter line ......... . . .. R McElwmn, gravellmu on 6th conHine ...... ..............,. (1‘ Lewes, gravqlling un 3th con 1 L McAnlifl'e, for gruelling on 7th con â€113...... ...... W Barrett, gravemng on e luiry J Travis gravelling on e bdrv 7‘. BORN ‘DECEMBER 22, 1843, I'IEI) JULY 6, 1905. the following “nut 18 to any Issued on the Treasurer Dr. PierCc’s §i£a§5flt Pgllets are the desirable laxative for delicate: women. ravuxuc rrescnpuon" makes weak women strong, Sick women well, Accept no substitute for the m‘cdicine whiclgworks wonders forrwmk women. ,°_“_.___J. uuay urc ululus on the womanly system and the other symptoms will disappear. This can be done easily and intelligently. So sure of it is the World’s Dispensary Medical Asso- ciation, the proprietors of Dr. Piercc’s Fa- vorite Prescription, that they offer $500 reward for women who cannot be cured of leucorrhca. female weakness, prolapsus, or falling of the womb. All they aak is a fair Ind reasonable trial of their means of cure. â€Your “Favorite I’rescription' cured me of ulceration and inflammation. from which I suf- fered for many years." writes Mrs. Delphin Whenton. President Santa Barbara Lawn Ten- nis Club. Arlington Hotel. Santa Barbara. Calif. "Health was completely broken down when I began its use and l was in dreadful pain most of the time. but ten bottles cured me." “Favorite Prescription " makes weak Woman‘s sphere in this 20th century is not limited any more than is man‘s. She can occupy almost any business position or profession. and yet the popular view of womanhood is that she best ï¬ts the posi- tion of wife and mother and head of the household. Every girl should know her heart and also know that her womanly system is equal to the strain of marriage. If a girl is nervous and irritable ten chances to one it is due to some trouble peculiar to womanhood. Cupid has no place in a girl’s heart if she is nervous and irritable, feels dragged down, worn out for no reason that she can think of. The weak back, dizzy spells and black circles about the eyes are only symp- toms. Go to_ the source of the trouble and Cupid has no pl she is nervous and down, worn out for think of. The wea] HOW TO WIN A HUSBAND. Treasurer for payment of road and bridge accounts, bf_the troufbié, gird the drains jibe other s cm l (10 14 50 20 On 12 (i0 9 (m 6 00 19‘2 ll (‘0 21 ()0 “€20 14 00 S cm. 15 ()0 Gold Settles in the Back. II. hits people in a tender Spot and makes it mighty hard to brace up. Nervlline will take that kink out of your spinal column in short order; it soothes. that's why relief comes so soon. Nervillne penetrates, that's why it cures. Five times stronger than or- dinary remedies Nervillne can't [ail to cure lame back. lumbago. sciatica and neuralgia. Nervilineia king over all muscular pain, has ,no equal and coats 25¢. per bottle. Deceased's mother. one brother and three sisters reside in Omemee, and they. together \\ ith other relatives will have the heartfelt sympathy of their numerous friends. R. J. McLaughlin, Lindsay, Dr. and Mrs. Giles. Messrs. Spurr, Gorrla, Pruat and Lucas, Uuliburton, Dr. and Mrs. White, and M r. 11. Graham. Kimnoum, Messrs. C. W. Croft, R. H. Baker and J S. III“. of Ingoldaby, and Messrs. (‘. Thompson and G. W. James, Locth. mompson and Li. W. James Locth. Dr. (‘urry leaves a. “Now, one son and six daughters m uonrn nkind husband and devoted parephâ€" Miuden Echo. Relatives present from a distance were Mr. \V. 8. Curry, (3011,) Toronto. Mr. W. H. Curry, Miss Curry and Mrs. N. 1’. Clarke, Omen:ee; Rev. J. H Shepherd and Mrs. Shepherd, Goldwat- er; Mr. F. R. Curry. Mrs. F. R. (‘urry and Miss Laura Curry. of Brockville. Among outside friends present we no- ticed Rev G. I. B. Johnston, Scarbnro. The Full Bearers were Messrs. J. II Delamere, (‘onmy Clerk; W. Hartle: Reeve of Luttorwnrth ; Jas Mortimer, Reeve of Anson liindon; James Hamilton, Reeve of Snowdon ; Thomas Stimson. Mill Owner; and H. E. 'l‘. Soward, Merchant. w eunesauy morning the 6th instant. The Funeral was very largely at- tended hy 80rr0\\ing relatives and friends, taking place from St. Paul's (Jhurch, on Friday inst, where all had the opportunity ol viewmg the re~ mains. Many beautiful flowers and floral designs were sent in by friends and Public Bodies, including a lovelv wreath from the County Council, and a line floral design from the Oddleflows. who attended in a body During the interval between Dr. (‘urry’s death 3nd funeral. Flags floated at half west from the County and School Bulldiugs,us well as from the flagstnfl‘s of many private citizens, and while the funeral cortege was passing through Mindeu Village. every business place was clos- ed out of respect to the deceased. As a Lust resort on the advice. of his Physician, Dr. Graham. of Fenelon Falls, he was taken to Lindsay Haem- tal the Saturday preceding death. but in spite of medical skill and kind nursing he hecume weaker and was with difï¬culty brought home where he sank peacefully tn rert at 3 o’clock on Wednesday morning the 6th instant. Oï¬ice 2nd Door West of Com- ! mercial House, Omemee. In Municipal and (‘ounty affairs, as Reeve and Warden he held a promin- ent pvsitlon being ever desirous at promoting the public Interest Indepen- dent of sectionullsm, and In Church matters his ofï¬cial assistance and ready Lelp could always be depended on, but It was In the hnmo clrcte and among his personal friends that the gel-ulna. qunlltles of his nature shone most brilliantly. forced him to resign the Inspectorahip. Deering Hay Tedder, Cossitt Machinery, c. Your 0rd Farm Implements, c. McLaughlin Carriages, Flows and all kinds Plow Points, Cream Separators, Deering Wagons, Sleighs, c. DEERNNG HARVESTING: MACHINERY OUR STOCK OF Ggoeeries, Fruits o Post Ofï¬ce Block. A TRIAL OF OUR \Vas never before: so complete or choice as at present PEOPLE’S GROCERY. THEIR SUPERIOR QUALITIES. ', Cossitt Hay Loader, Deering Light Draft Your orders will have my best attentxon. g‘xGENT FOR Toronto, Grains. Orchardlstsâ€"in examimng Trees for insects, Gardmersâ€"in examining Plants for insects, 'I‘uchers and Scholars in studying Botany and Everybody in a hundred different ways. Stone Wellington. START NOW at the bestselling season, and handle our NEW SPE- CIALTIES on Liberal Terms. Write for particulars, and send 25c. for our handsome Aluminum Pocket Microscope, (a little gem) useful to Farmersâ€"â€"in examining Seeds and and surrounding country, which will be reserved for the right man. W BHADBURN At once for “Canada’s Greatest Nurseries†for the town of Local Agent Wanted Being the East Half of Lot 20, 9th Con. oi Manvers. containing 100 acres about 70 of which are cleared. The land IS in good condition There is a good residence, also outbuildings on the premises. Splendid water supply. For further particulars apply to Hats, Feathers, Ribbons, B a by Bonnets, V e i 1- ings, 850., 3’1). S.â€"This opening {or in fact anything and exerything appertaining to Milliner). The Stock IS very complete and up-to-date. For further information, terms, c., apply to The undersigned offers for Sale her complete stock of MILLINERY, Miss S. Macduna A1 a Bargain! Farm for Sale or to Rent. FOR SALE! BETHAN Y. MILLBROOK. I). H. DICK, Omemee, P.O. Fonthill Nurseries, (over 800 acres) consisting of OMEMEE. , for 500, Premium Picture includedâ€.- is an excellent 3 Milliner. Ontario. Dr. Irvine, of the aboye ï¬rm, a ï¬rst-class Honor Graduate of the University of Toronto, Member of the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, visits Omemee Ist Tues- day of every month. Everything up-to-date in Dentistry. Gas ad- ministered for teeth extraction. Dr's. Neelands 85 Irvine. All the latest and improved branches 6! denustry successfuily performed. plunges modera‘e. 0 F F I C E over Gregory’s Drug Store, corner Kent and William streets. Dr. F. A. Walters, DENTIST, LINDSAY. flgpoi- Graduate of Toronto Univers- ity and Royal College of Dental Sur- geons. 77 Kent-St LINDSAY WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEVV- ELRY, SILVERVVARE, CUT GLASS, NOVELTIES, c., c. The Pepular Jewelry Store, is a gem and a. treasure to the recipient. And it will be all that it seems if purchased at our store. We have a notably ï¬ne assortment of rings, pins, brooches, necklaces chains, charms, etc Exquisite designs in beautiful workmanship. Rare bargains in jewelry here now. Prices cut 1-3 or more. Every article fully Warranted. Mailed to any address in Canada or U. S. {or 12 months for $1.75, For further particulars and sample copies of papers, write THE MIRROR AND Wed‘tï¬ï¬gmsent W. f.McCAHTY’S. WEEKLY MAIL HMPIRE Try the Best ! SHERWIN- WILLIAMS PAINTS The Paint That Stands the Test THE MIRROR. Dentists, Lindsay. OMEMEE iflxaao .nflfluma' all!!! oIEOuI‘m iï¬Ol‘Gn-v 25c. Pipes . 35 and 40c Pipes 15c Pipes Ioc Pipes corn cobs Trilbys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel Up-to-date Specxal Vcncedora Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Geo. English, Omemee. Havmg one of these Tire Set- ters in practical operation, your patronage is solicited. All work thoroughly warranted. It Sets them Cold. 1: does the work in a few minutes time. It keeps the Dish of wheels just right. It does the work perfectly. It is a wonderful improvement over the old method. No more guess work. but tires are reset accurately and quickly, without any chance of giving too much dish to the wheel, or in any Way injuring it. Cut in Cigars Ho I Everybody Tire Setting Machine. Any man out of employment or with idle time on his hands can make money representing Canada’s National Nur- series, which pay cash weekly, furnish the handsomest samples free, and ofl'er the greatest selection of hardy acclim- mated stock. Season now commenc- ing. Write todayâ€"CAPITAL NUR- SERY COMPANY. Ottawa. Ont. AGENTS WANTED. Advertisements such as lost. strayed, wanted etc., will be inserted three times {or $1,0ne use: Lion 50 cents, each subsequent lnlertirm 25 cents. f Births, Deaths, and Marriages are inserted rec. Advertisements will be continued and rharged {or until forbidden. Changes of advertisements are to be in the omce not later than Monday. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Terms. $1.50 per year. or $1.00 per year .t paid in advance. C. W. RICHARDS, Editor and Publisher you: four moï¬ths. “- So'ldibywilwl néIHE'e-ilwenj MUNN 00.3mm» New Ygrk Branch 0500. (:25 F St. Washington. D. . A handsomely illnstnted weekly. Lam-t ctr. culnuun of any scien‘ungjquï¬ng: Temp. ’3 3 _____ a-.._ _ __-‘_ _ - Legal notices scents per line um Inner- lIon. 2 cums per Hue each subsequent In- aertlouâ€"Nonpa'rlol measuremcnt. 12 fluo- to the inch. Anyone sending n sketch and «sedation may quickly mm our opinion free It ether n Invention 1: probably arable. Commuan nous strictly conud Hudbook on Pm lent. (roe. Oldest {or wearing :5. Patents taken ml: Mupn A: meet" .._--1-: “-11-- _1‘L , A. rroxesmouul cards. one Inch and under. $5per year. $3 for six months, $1 {or one month. (‘u Is publluhed every Thursday Mormng a! m omco. King street. Millbrook. Millbrook and Omemee “7110 has a Buggy or Vehicle of any kind, get your tires reset on 3 Henderson mlaluotkqwiho ur. chm-mm». """ Scientiï¬c Hmerican. Pipes - {or 15 cents nd 40c.PIpes for 25 “ Pipes for 10 “ Pipes for 5 “ 1 cobs 2 for 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at \MIRROR . COLYIN’S 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 {or 7 for 3 for 6 {or ts can 25 25 25 25 25 IO 25 H u u