I85 rnt wing m"; m wztf sale CI , ï¬eld «fl St. of BOOTS MEWS 40 Per Cent Below Wholesale Price. We have decided to clear out our entire Stock of Boots 8; Shoes Within the next And are prepared to offer prices te suit every purchaser. ‘ Come with your ready Cash and get goods at YOUR OWN PRICES. We have still a few shelves taken up with Ready Made Clothing. For good and sufï¬cient reasons, we Will offer these code at a sacri- ï¬ce. 9 want the cash, and will make the prices to suit, so don’t hesitate, it will pay you to look through this store before laying out your. money. e are not looking fér proï¬ts we simply want to turn our stock into gold. You have it and can save at least from 10 to 50 per cent by dealing with us. GROCERIES ‘The preservin season is now heqe an we have the-gabds you want. 7SUGABS - SUGARS «SUGARS 'Selfseaiers Selfseaiars Selfagalaz-s And a full line of Choice Fresh Groceries at our well known low prices. COMPANY. Strictly Gashoerduce ARRIVAL. Chung hr" From Patel-borough, I To Toronto, 01-min. ‘ TMlllbrook, Port HOpe 3 berldgc, Lludsny .g “‘Cobourg. Belleville I all poims north and 1am! all points east. 4: ‘ west. .8320 3.111 *south...........9.00:Lm-l To Peterboro. East _ 1 kâ€! Hope. Petel-boro’ From Toronto,Ux !Cobourg. Belleville, bridge. andsa and 1 and all points south $113,301?“ 11.0.â€lnnd: and east. ..... lo.45a.m. .......... ll. atm.;bv1‘-g 123°?“ UK; ; r ge. u say am From Pctcrborough ; all points north and “3“ Port. Hope -------- Ewest. .. . . .543 p.m. ..............-,.6.!3p.m.1 E To Peter-borough. From Toronto.0rlllla l Millbrook. Port Hope Uxbridge. Lindsay 1 Cobourg. Bellevllle. all points north and l and all points north .mn. ,__ $339.11). 1 and west....-. . . â€Bum. MBPHEBSUN ARRIVAL 85 CLOSURE 0F MAILS N B ---All outstand- ing accounts mus» be settled at once. From Pctcrborough and Port. Hope ........ 6.!3 pan. From Toronto.0rmia Uxbridge. Lindsay fall points north and vest..........8.53x>.m. ‘OMEMEE. THURSDAY. wean..." Where’er on earth‘ Your dwelling place, If you would win SucceGS’s raceâ€" Miss Roland is s but. her many friends wi] pleased to] improved in health. Advertise. till conï¬ned to her 1 be earn that. she is somewhat. ',_L...‘I 2n Dr. Thompson has been appointed is- lner of Marriage Licenses for the County of Victoria pro termâ€"+3111. The citizens of Millbrook expect to have their town lighted by electricity by the ï¬rst of September next. Omeniee why allow our sister town to outdo us this way ? J. H. Lennon, opposite Ilenson House, Kent-st. Lindsay, is prepared to offer visi- torsto Lindsay bargams unhen rd of in New : Second hand Fnrnhurc. besides many otter lines in House Furnishings. 344m: Husbandâ€"I’m sorry that burglar got your watch last night, my dear; but 'there’a one thing to be thankful for. Wifeâ€"What’s that? Husbandâ€"He did- n’t wake the baby. "THE oï¬EMEE MERE}: The numerous friends of F. Hatch will be pleased to learn that his daughter, Mrs. T. A. Guy, is recovering from the accident that befall her some time ago, «caused by the running away of a horse. J.Dorgan,Lindsay,begs leave to invite his Emily friends to can and see him at. the Mc- anter House, where he is better prepared to give accommodations and convenience .., 4..--.. uoumnf‘ Good stables and. :lieds, “next. uus mun-N u.._., -___ . - thuowu living prices. William- Lb] If at. the foot 1nd want t? “59â€"? If top of heap You would Rep-1 'Adi'énise I Advertise! AUGUST 15. CLOSURE. :ONZC Go to Higinbotham’ s when in Lindsnv for pure drug Try the Insect, Powder for Ani~ mars. Acall soli.ited.â€". ’7-13. Herâ€"I’ve a. good mind to kiss V’Du Sheâ€"You’d better mind what. you’re about. The numerous friends of Mr. ‘A. Wil- son, an. will regret. to learn of his ser- ious illness. Me.- Mrs.Hushmoreâ€"â€"You’ll have to settle up or leave- Summer Boarderâ€"Thanks, awfully. The last place I was at they made me do both. \Vhen you visit Lindsay call atG. H. Fox’s, 115 Kent-9L, next, door to Post, 0mm for Chnice Fruitsin Season, Cont‘ectionory. Ice Cream, (:00: Drinks and Luncheon at. all hours 35-3m. Bear this in mmd if you require anything in watches. clncKsJewcllry. SIIVUT‘HH‘E. Me" for we‘idinr, presents. 20 to \V. F. )XcL‘any. 1.indsa__y._ He will please you. Prices moder- Nellâ€"Why did you marry tlmtdrxed- up old milllonaire? I wouldn’t. have him with all his money. Belleâ€"But he said he weuld die for me. \V. \Vebster, Lindsay’s General Mnchlmst. Gnnzmd Look Smith. Bicycles repaired on shortest notice. Repairs kept, on hand. Re- memberthe address, 23 North “hm-St... Op- posite J05 Keitbs. 35 am Friendâ€"If you can’t live happily with your husband, why ‘don’t you get a di- vorce from him '3 Unhappy Wifeâ€"I am afraid I couldn’t. get anyone else. \V. \Vhite. Kent-st" Lindsay and dealers in the ï¬nest Boots Rubbers. latest styles. Are W ers and Selling Wonders. Ca; yourscll. Murders have been uncomxormmy numerous in Canada. of late. But it maybe observed that a. large prepor- tion of them were not committed bv Canadians. is- The combined stocks or J. Dnbson and A. Dot-nan. recently purchased by Graham gt: Grocers, eta. contains bargains. You H ".1". \Jvn'flnge of them when visit U0., \1l'uucx:., cu... “7.- __7 , ' . should take .nl 'zmtage of them when my lug Lindsay. Kent St.., opp. Benson House. Dr. Thompson will occupy the Meth- odist pulpit next Sunday morning, and Dr. Totten, of Lindsay, in the evening, whose address will be especially direct- ed to young men. Hottger’s Fancy Goods Store, Kent-st., Lindsay.“ noxed for the last twenty years {of rel. abilit y to supply your wants in Fancy Goods, an kinds 0: atterns. Cleaning Dying and Repairing of G owing. Please call and 35-3111. judge {or yourself. .r “,1, - A welcome meeting will be held in the Salvation Army Barracks this (Thurs- day) evening, when Lnsign Maltby, D. 0., will appear here 10: the ï¬rst time. Everybody welcome. When you are going to get man-led, don‘t. forget to procure your marriage license. (3. Hughan in Lindsay willissue one for you for $2.00. Be sure and proâ€" cure it. in ample time, so as to avoid no (Elanâ€"4641'. Rev. C. M. Carew, oi Reaboro, on Sun- ‘ day evening last, preached an eloquent and impressive sermon to a. very large congregation in the. Omemee Methodist Church, from the 2nd chapter of the Ephesians and the 10th verse, dividing his discourse into three parts, and fully illustrating his reumrks. Mr. Curew’s sermons are always full of earnestness and his delivery is good. James Smlthd: 00.. 15 Kent-sh, Lindsay, are specially prepared to meet the wants of â€menus and citizens of Victoria County. as Steam and Hot Water Fitters. Sanitary Plumoers, Tin and Iron \Verkcrs, Rooting of all Kinds. House Drainage a. Specialty. Mu- chine ullof all Kinds, Brass Goods, Pumps, etc. Acall Solicited. 35-37:). The Omemee Citizens‘ Dana auu um Reaboro Brass Band attended the funer- al of the late R. D. Thexton which tool; place in Lindsay on Monday, the Citi- zens’ Band in the above town having been engaged by the Omngemen to play at the celebration of the twelfth of Aug- ust. The playing by the visiting bands was highly Spoken of by many musx- cians, who were there on the above oc- casion. A lamentable drowning accident oc- curred near the brewery wharf, Lind- say, about 5.30 o’clock Saturday even- l ing last. Mr. R. D. ’l‘hexton, the person drowned, left his shop about 4 o’clock with Bert Smyth to measure a scow- load of hardwood lying near his Wood- yard, when the accident happened,that caused Lindsay to lose an enterprising citizen, and one who has done much to develop the town and provide employ- ment for the laboring classes. John Harrison Harvey, who conduct- : ed agrocery store at Young-street and Erskine-avenue, Eglinton, was found lying on his bed in a dying condition Sunday afternoon Dr. Richardson was called, but could not save the man’s life, death ensued Soon after his discoxerV. Coroner Aikins issued a. warrant for an inquest, which was concluded at Brun- skill's Hotel last evening. The evidence showed that the deceased had been in the habit of taking laudanum to induce sleep, and that he purchased aquantity of it at Cook’s drug store Wednesday eveninw. The jury returned a verdict that deceased came to his death from an overdose of landanum, but by whom administered the evidence did not dis- close. A rider was attached recom- mending more stringent laws regulating the sale of opium and its preparations. The heartlessness of some people is amazing. An old woman named Mrs. Mary Magill, of Millbrook, aged eig‘n ty- four years who was sent to the connty gaol to be cared for and supported, died from natural causes on Wednesday gill's Hotel last evening. 'l‘he evnzence howed that the deceased had been in me habit of taking laudanum to induce lcep, and that he purchased a quantity f it at Cook’s drug store Wednesday venin'v. The jury returned a verdict hat deceased came to his death from .n overdose of landanum, but by whom Ldministered the evidence did not dis- :lose. A rider was attached recom- nending more stringent laws regulating :he sale of opium and its preparations. The heartlessness of some people is amazing. An old Woman named Mrs. Mary Magill, of Millbrook, aged eigh ty- four years who was sent to the county Robert Bloxom, Eli Dancy, James Henderson and Josiah Rutherford left Tuesday morning for Carnian, South West of Winnipeg, where they expect to put in a few months harvesting. Messrs. Wm. Bennett, John Bennett and W. J. Lamb drove to Fenelon Falls on Thursday last with the monument, of which there was mention made in last weeks’ MIRROR, and placed it in the cemetery there. Mrs. J. O'Neil, Mr. and Mrs. D. Cor- neill, Mr. and Mrs. Juan Glenuey, Matt. Wilson, Roht. Jones and Geo. Glen‘ney attended the Salvation Army excursion from Poternoro’ to Bobcaygeon and gaOI to be cared for and supported, died Fenelon Falls on Tuesday. from natural causes on Wednesday Walter H. Coomhe and Chas. Henry morning. Her two married daughters Duncan, of Millhrook, came to town on who live near Millbrook, and who, we their bikes Thursday evening last in are informed are m affluent circumâ€" one hour and a half and returned home stances, were communicated with by the following morning in one hour and the gaol authorities, but retused to aquarter. Considering the several hills claim the remains 0f their mother, they had to climb, the above is excel- which were therelore handed over to lent time for amateur riders. Come the Inspector of Anatomy for desectinn again boys, you will be welcome. purposes at some medical school, Coroner McNicholl empanelled a jury MARRIED. and held an inquest, which returned At the Methodist Parsonage, Sidney, on the verdict usual in sucn cases. The gifd‘tigsfiglyé:Xliiglg.el4£;h in?â€h by Gthe - , ' 1 , l x. t. - (“heartless conduct of the unnatural. butt, of Omemee, to “‘5; OHEV Sam :1â€) daughters, Wh‘) tor the sake Of a few ter and child of the ol'liciatin:1 dollars allowed the remains of their clergyman, the Rev. G. Robinsoi mother to be devoted to such apurpose. The MIRROR 501113 With â€19 man) on soronngn nonnonnon- mirth;:1i‘3..ht.‘ii’t:a;: Fortunately there are not many such " heartless specimens of humanity out- happiness. aide of the lower regions.-Cobourg BORN. side of the T Sentinel-Star. J. Dennis, Llndsay, next. door w umsm. a Hotel, Lindsay-st. manufactures the 1st. Prlze Dominion Pump and. has the only thorough Wrought Iron Pump on the mar- ket. Farmers, or Emily. and citizens of Omemee wlll please call and sec 135%] work guaranteed . . nt-st., Lindsay, manufactures ne ï¬nest. Boots and shoes and. styles. Arc \Vorkim: \Vond- Wonders. Can and judge for 364m: f you reqmro anything H ..A....-u\ nu .nn been uncomfortably Citizens’ Band and the Lindsay, next. door to Dorgan’s lsay-st. manufactures the 1st. lnion Pump and has the only 'rought Iron Pump on the mar- .m, M Emily. and citizens _o_{ fl-Gcncml anhlnist. THE BE sun. Tma MIRROR invites all its readers to contribute to this column all items of personal nature, such as the arrival and departure of guests, the movements of wellcknown people, busmesa men, etc. All that is required is to send a. postal card to Tin-23113201: and give particulars and we will do the rest. Alfred Orr was a visitor to tuc Queen City this week. W. E. Holden made Peterboro’ friends ‘ a. visit yesterday. Mrs. Sam Grandy is {risitin Canning- ton friends at present. John J. Williams was in Lindsay vis- iting friends this week. Mrs. (Rem) Newton Hill has gone to Newtonville on a. visit. Samuel Keown, of Fenelon Falls, is visiting friends in town. \V. McCrea and G. \V. I'Iotson \‘iSlted Toronto friends this week. Dr. F. W. Ivory was in Lindsay on Monday calling on triends. Matt. W1liiamson, of Lindsav, paid his Omemee friends a. visit on Sunday. O.U.“1111amson.md wife have been visiting relatives at Warsaw this week. Miss Bella. Williams accompanied Miss Florence Little to Lindsay 01181111- day. Miss Lillie Bradley, Visiting: her relatiws town. Mise Booth, of Millbrook, has been visiting at the home of Mrs. Curry in to .111 C. M. C. \Villiamscn and sister, Miss Rose W illiamson. 11 ere in Petcrborongh yesterday. Robt. Ruddy, Barrister, of Milibrook, was 111 town Tuesday calling on his ac- quaintances. - .- :- William Humphrey and wife, of Dunsfm-d, made a. short visit withChas. Corneil last week. J. J. Morgan. who has 13an visiting friends in Chicago the past few weeks, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. A. Orr have been taking an < Lake, are home again. Dr. and Mrs. Tegert, of Wnterl'ord, are visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. F. E. Hatch, in town. Mrs. Wm. Lowcs, of Frank Hill, made her Lindsay friends a visit the past week, the guest of Mrs. J. Mills. Mac McKinuon, who has been em- ployed by Wm. Colvin the past few months, has returned to Bethany. Lue Best, Alex. Evans and Albert Best went to Lindsay on Monday, to celebrate the twelfth of August. Miss Ethel Thompson, who has been spending a. few weeks visiting her Cavanville friends, returned home on Monday. Mrs. Kerr, who has been friends in Lindsay, the pa turned to her home in Em day East. Miss Cottingham, of Lindsay, was ing her friends in town the past visit While here she was the guest. Of week. Mrs. Parsons. Rev. Newton Hill, Master Egle Hill, and Messrs. John McCormack, W. J. English and Geo. English are camping at Ball Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Thompson and daughter, Miss Annie, spent a few days visiting at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Thompson in town. Thompson in town. Miss Rehil], of Peterboro’, who has been visiting at the home of her aunt, Mrs. T. J. Parsons, in town, returned to her home on Tuesday. Miss Annie Thompson, who has been 1 visiting friends at Cavanviile, has re- turned home, she was accompanied by Miss Birdie Staples, of Toronto. Mrs. C. H. Jones,of Lindsay,returned home on Sunday much improved in health, affter making an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. Chas. Corneii. Mrs. J. J. Lamb, George Lamb and Miss Jessie Lamb have returned from Rochester, where they had‘ been visit- ‘ ing their friends the past few weeks. ‘12,- Mrs. C. H. Jones, home on Sunday health, a‘fter makix with her sister, Mr u E. unv- Miss Lillie Hard111g and Miss Alice Mc1{1111ev,0f Lindsay, who have been ï¬shing at the home of D. H. McKinley in town, returned to the above 1301111 on Monday. __ n 7 _‘~ At the Methodist Parsonage, Sidney, on Wednesday, Aug. 14th inst., by the bride’s father, the Rev. John Gar- butt, of Omemee, to the oniy daugh- ter and ch11d of the ofliciuting clergyman, the Rev. G. Robinson. The MIRROR joins with the many fnends of Mr. and Mrs. Gal-butt. in wishing them a. long life of wedded in Omemee, on Tuesday, Aug. 6th, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Beumlsh, a daughter. In Omemee, on Saturday, August 10:11, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Hatch, a. daughter. I}: Omemse, on Wednesday evening, Angust 14:1), 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. Ll‘. E. Jennings, a. daughter. PERSONAL. was a visitor to the Queen Bradley, of Millbrook, is relutiws and friends in Orr and famin, who an outing at Stoncy ms been visiting her , the past week, re- 8 in Emlly on Tues- Council met. Presex'lt, t] Deep-Reeve, and Counclllors Boate and Ford. 7, ,, An Home and row. The minutes of last councx and conï¬rmed.‘ ‘ On motion of Boutc, sec. by Ashmog‘c, n..,+ nu. {‘nllnu‘hlfl‘ accounts be Paldv 1 were read 77 Oh motion of Boatc, see. by that the 'followmg accgunts namely :â€" Arthur Franks, building: culvert 0n the East. Loop Line ......$ 6 00 David Fuwler, 19 loads of gravel 1 14 {\Iorgan O‘Neil, for gravel . .. 10 08 Mrs. Godfrey, for keeping Mary A _ m ‘ l .--...,. “v-_-i_,, _ Hanna one month Josiah Best, tor gravel George \an, contract let Isaac H. Fee, for work on â€"-C‘arried. v x...“ . .vu. On motion of Mchude, sec. by Ford, that John (‘orbett get. an order on the Treasurer for seven dollars,being a. bal- ance on an old contract let by D Scully, also six dollars for repairing four cul- verts.â€"-Curried. On motion of McQuade. sec. by Ford, that Ellen Mulcuhcy do get an order on the Treasurer for ï¬ve doliars for keep- hm David Mulcahey, an indigent per- 'Vlvu _.â€"_._-, On motion of McQuade. sec. that Ellen Mulcuhcy do get an the Treasurer for ï¬ve doliars ing David Mulcahey, an indi: sonsâ€"Curried. -* » ‘L .‘ On motion of Route, sec. by Ashmore. that C. W. Richards get an order on the Treasurer for thirty-one dollars and twenty cents for print‘ng.â€"-Currxed. K.“ I... [In-ulna SAID} vvuuu ;\u 2.. u- .7" On motion of Aslmmre, sec. by Boute, that the following bills be pand, viz:â€" Micbael l‘vlurtlm, for work on the road between 12th and 13th con ..... .. 370 Neil l-lorlihuy, for work on Lhe road between 12th and 13th con. ..... . 2-1 50 William llzm'koy, work on the Road between 12th and 13th con....... 7 70 Charlus Kerr, work on the road botweon 12m and 13th con... 7 50 Maurice Dorgzm, Work on the road bemveon 12le and 13le con... 8 00 Martin Dorgan, work on the road on the east quarter lino . . . . .. 2 00 Thomas H. Walker, 40 loads of nnn grmel Gouge Rutherford, for gravel.. Martin linrringtmx,forsta‘ute1a.- bcr mpc rformcq by Patrick aml 1m; hard \V‘ 31111.... ... . .. H M uthews to; 0nods to Bridget Council, an indigent person â€"1:.rried. On motion of Boatc, sec. by Ashmore, that the Reeve and Treasurer borrow three hundred dollars for township pur- poses.â€"-L‘arried. On motion of Ashmore, seconded by Boole, that this. council do now adjourn to meet on the ï¬rst Monday in Septem- ber next, at the hour of ten o’clock in the forenoon.â€"Lurried. Council met, members all present, the Been: in the chair; minutes of previous meeting were read and Conï¬rmed. On motion of Goodfellow, sec. by Nay- lor, that the folkmving accounts he paid, and that the Reeve xssue his cheque for the same : Wm. Adams, for 36 loads of gravel ‘ l ‘ r.“- nn . A Wm. Adams, for 36 loads of gravel at 450. per loud, $16.20 ; 4% days’ work, 502321 82 Robt. Wilson, 38 loads of gravel at 45c... ...... 17 10 Spencer Duucey, 2910:1(15 of gravel at 456...... ,13 05 Thos. Henderson, 436 feet at lï¬c. 6 54 Dr: Cornwall, fur (leuls......... . . . . 25 Dr. Cornwall, expenses to Lindsay re. Stephenson’s appeal . . . 1 00 County .1 udge, expenses re.Steph- enson’s appeal . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 50 Thomas Stewart, re. Stephenson’s appeal . . . . . . . . .. 6 00 George Lytle, for watching ï¬re, (Lamb’s) . . . . .. 1 50 â€"-Carried. On motion of Goodfellou’, sec. by English, that the account of Chas. W. Richards for yrintiug voters" lists for 1895, and adv. in Mirror, he paid, and that the Reeve issue his cheque on the Treasurer for the saunaâ€"Curried. On motion of English, sec. by Nuylor, that the Treasurer be instructed to fr).- wurd the amount of accounts passed by council this 0th day of August, 1895, to Judge Dean and Thomas Stewartâ€"Car- ried. - u ‘ A“- L“ Ennihh |"U H In“, yuu....vv LC H. Fee, for work Im Best’s Hill, Middle Road ............ rlcu. On motion of Naylor, sec. by English, that the Reeve be instructed to prepare a by-huv for the purpose of levying and collecting :1 Wm tax in the village of Omemee.â€"Carried. ‘,_ ._.... 1“. {Luv}- Umuumc.â€"\..u..w.. Un motion of Nnylor, sec. by Good? fellow, that we give notice that at the next regular meeting we will introduce a hy-lnw for the purpose of levying unn collecting: a poll t:tx.â€" Carried. On motion 0f Nuylor, sec. by English, that the chairman of the street and bridge committee interview the con- atable in regard to cutting weeds on streets and also with regard to horses and cattle unlawfully running and be- ing tied on streets.â€"Carried. m‘:u‘el...... . . . . Townshlp _.l .u... \ that. further corre>pondence on the sub- ject in question was unneccegsur)‘, and fully intended to cease writing but un- fortunately 1 am compelled to be;r space in your valuable paper once more, in order to upholcl my standard. In your issue of August. ï¬rst Mr. Sherwood make-s the statement that I wrote him :1. note in which 1 made an apology for my past actions. Betore ‘ proceeding further 1 state emphatically ‘thut itis a. most; infamous lie, and is characteristic of what he has been writ.- ing since he began. I never made an apology and never shall. It’s a. he, a whole lie and nothing but a lie. No , - .- ,7,I.L I 1....1 Inn» To the Editor. of the Mirror. DEAR Sm; -In m; last letter I stated A n. l ,Ll“ “'UULU Ht: duu “gnu..." n." ,, doubt, Mr. Sherwood thought 1 had left Omemee, and tha‘ f‘ tin consequence was at perfect lu’nuty to make any statements which pcrchauce dro pecl into his feeble mind. The people of Omemee and surrounding localities are too intelligent and too well acquainted with Mr. Sherwood to place much cred- ence in his statements, so his infamous letter has done me no injury. He inserts I made on open confession. Quite open indecd,-â€"â€"senthim a. sealed note (So he says) which was read pri- ‘ vately. Could you think of a. more secret way ? I cannot. What would Mr. S. call a secret confession? In his letter he Would lend you to believe I was on the verge of matrimony of which I have not the slightest intentions, be- ing alrewdy in wedlock, and says people . generally become mentally deranged on such occasions. One thing is certain, he lost his reasonâ€"if he everhad unjâ€" when he was contemplating marriage, and has never regained it since. A man, if I may be permitted to call him such, who is so mean and false as to be guilty of an oliencc like the above, is rancorous enough to write letters lor both sides, and forge my name to the weakest. All of your enemies and not a few of your friends join unanimously OMEMEE. Moxnn'. .1 av Conn Town A CORRECTION. 0)! mm, Council. sec. by Ashmore. AUG. 5. 1895. in 1894 the Reeve. 's Ashmore, AUG. 61‘“, 1895 $37 24 9‘ $~l COO ONIO 400 $86 17 100 l0 thc sub- in saying that the only common sense matter in your letters is copied from mine of the week previous. Your letters have dwindled away down to freezing point since I ceased writinrr. You had no dlflioulty in ï¬lling two or three columns then, but now you are obliged to quit with one short. empty paragraph, like your last. Try and think nfsnm‘ething yourself, or is your brain as void of sense or reason as your letters ? The public is inclined to believe it is. ' Mr. S. would almost ,scure you with those great Latin phrases. Some oi the High School boys must have. told him these, because he is not capable of writing Latin so properly. He thinks I have never studied Latin, I suppose. No nut much, but still enough to correct him. One day I called in his shop and on the blackboard were some Latin sentences. 1 read them and was greatly amused when I came to this one, which I’ll give Mr. S. credit of writing as be : intended I suppose he meant to write Latin for “ I am a scholar†but he chose another synonym and wrote “I am an ass.†If Mr. S. wishes to know the Latin for the above, I’ll send it to him, but will not write itin the MIRROR, as it is :1 Violation of the laws govern- ing good English, to use foreign words or phrases, in composition. “ ‘- n' , J ...l..\.«. qvnn no“ v. l;......,v~ Now Mr. Sherwood when you can write common sense I shall .be pleased to hear from you, for at present it afâ€"l fords me as much amusement to read your letters, as to read “ Punch †“Funny Folks †or any other paper whose comicalities amuse the people. My time is too precious to continue writingr against such “ twoddle†and as long as you act in a manly way I’ll not interfere. You are like a. little school boyâ€"yon must have the last word, and I’m content to permit you to have it. ’1 his is my last Mr. S. and I must here state, since you have been writing so long, that “empty vessels make the most noise.†Thanking you Mr. Editor. I remain, Special to the anon. ‘ Walter Greer is at present visiting his friend, J. Cook, of Cameron. Miss Graham, of Peterboro, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunningham this week. J. A. Brown is rejoycing these days,‘ on account of being the recipient of a bouncing baby boy. Robt. McMann, of Cold Springs, has returned home after a visit to his mother, Mrs. McMann, town: Miss Etta. Gray, of Lindsav, is spend- inga few days with friends in the vicin- ity at present, the guest of Jars. Greer town. Harry Rea has gone to Toronto to study drugs. Harry will be greatly missed here, as he was ageneml favorite among all who knew him. We wish him every success in his undertakinv. funk)“; an. n “v ....V.. ï¬n, him every successm his undertaking. Rev. N. Hill, of Omemee, preached an excellentsermoninthe Baptist Church last Sunday evening. The church was wel ï¬lled and everybody was delighted with the earnest words of the preacher. Early on Monday morning lust ï¬re hmkeoutin the out, buildings of J. W. Watson; thealurm was given and it, was not long before many willing hands were on the grounds, but dispite all their efforts to heat back the flames, it made a clean sweep of the burn, stable, driving shed and other small buildings. Mr. Watson had :L lot of hay. grain, and :machinery burned. Small insurance, 1 loss heavy. “ Greater and better than ever," " Ex- I ceiling all others,†am “ It draws like a i Magnet,†are terms very appropriately i applied to Toronto’s Great Industrial I Fair, the seventeenth of which will he held from the 2nd to the 14th ofSeptem-z her next, and the Directors announce their determination to make this year’s . Faireclipse all former ones. They have i issued :3. very neatly gotton up prize ‘ list, a copy ofwhioh can be procured by anyone who so desires, by dropping a post card to Mr. 11. J. Hill, the Manager, I, at Toronto. Already many applications i ‘ have been received from manufacturers " both in Canada and from abroad for space to exhibit their products, and i present indi -ations point to a greateri and grander Exhibition than any of the ‘. previous ones. Cheap excursions will, as usual, he run on all railroads, and this will undoubtedly ire the most popu- lar holiday out in the year. Numerous new and interesting: attractions will he provided. Almost everyone who claims to keep posted on the progress of our country goes to the Toronto Fair, which is generally admitted to be the best. on this continent. Canada’s Great Fair for 1895. Is a most excellent thing to have, but nature must sometime be assisted. When that time enmes, I am prepared to furnish the needed assistance, in the why of carefully and perfectly ï¬tted glasses. 1 have ï¬tted more spectacles than any man in Canada. I make a specialty of defective eyes others have failed to ben- eï¬t. That excellent, Farm situated six miles from 11m town m‘Llndsaymn the scum half of Lnt No. 2, in the 12th Concesslon of Emily, cumprisng 100 acres, {#3 of \chh is under , ,A. a .k,‘ -nmnmnm- being in good from ilm mwn m Auuuau; ...V _ , W of Lnt No. 2, in the 12th Concession of Emily, cumprisng 100 acres, 13 of which is under good cultivation the remainder being in good pastumge. On the premises is a splendid l frame house, good farmszmd stables and all out. buildings are in splendid condition. The owner will sell at M. bargain. For further particulars apply to 7 J08. )icCONNELL, OMEMEE, 1’. O ‘P. S.â€"Mr. McConnell will sell the above farm.m‘ the one he is living on, viz: Lot 16, (Jon. 6, Emily. 30-“ b ALESMEN WANTED Pushing, trustworthy men to representl usin the sale of our Choice Nursery Stock. Specialties controlled by us. lliglxest Salary 01' Commission paid weekly. Steady employment the year round. Outï¬t free; exclusive territory; experience not necessary; big pay as- sured workers; special inducements to beginners. Write at once for parti- culars to ALLEN NURSERY Co. nnnnnnnnnnn 20 Years GOGD EYE Farm For Sale. REABORO. ROCKESTER. “- Y- ETURUNTB, um: 9 Experience. Yours truly, YOUNG CANADA ,‘Emf. Chamberlain 87 King St, E, to have, but be assisted. am prepared stance, in the _ If other Watchmakers have failed to give you sat- Isfaction. you can get it from Hotsnn, who holds the very best. recommendat‘ons from res; onsxble persons. an- â€" â€"--v - TEAS H :1‘EAS TEAS i I HAVE IN STOCK this week a full line of Extra Value inl Teas from 25c. up. To hand this week a consignment of the‘l celebrated Indian Moonsoon and Hurma Teas, in' packages, at‘ 30c. 40 and 50c. per lb. My stock of General Groceries is complete with everything fresh and good, and at prices to suit the times. “ - â€"â€"----~ A Hï¬ï¬f‘i'l' A 1' ITIV If youhave time come in and have your Timapiece put in ï¬rst-class order by Hotson, the Scientiï¬c VVatchmakcr, late of Toronto. Old \Vatches and Clocks made new Eng- ilsh leavers skillfully repaired. THE W PMWE HEM i’IVILN’EISSH SI EINIJ. XENON SI ENLL LLON. SLIVAX Is the Placï¬eitro Buy Fresh Family Groceries. TEAS TEES TEAS I HAVE IN STOCK th:ls yeek a full line of Extra Value --_-: nnnnn 4- nf f {Ea Central Canada Loan and Savings 00. President, GEORGE A. COX, Esq,“ Toronto. Vice-President : J. R. DI’NDAS, Esm, (of Messrs. D. Gunn, Flavelle a Cod, Toronto “ RICHARD HALL, ESQ..(01 Messrs. Hall, Gilchrist 5: Con, Peterboroughr Robert Jafl‘ray, Esq" (Director Imperial Bank), Toronto ; Edmund S. Vinden. Esq.. Port Hope; F. ‘. Taylor. qu., Lindsay: D. W. Bumble. Esq.. (Barrister. etc.). Peterborough ; Henry J. le chre, Esq.. Lakeï¬eld; Wm. Clnxton, Esq., Peterborough; James Stevenson1 Esq. . M. l‘., Pctcrborough. Manager, F. G. Cox; Secretary, E. R. Wood ; InSpector, A. A. Cox. SOLICITORS; Messrs. Dumble Johnston, Peterborough; Messrs. Edgar Malone, Toronto. BANKERS 1x CANADA : The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The Bank of Iâ€"Eoronto. The Ontario Bank. BANKERS xx Ginsu Bmmxx: British Linen Company Bank, Glasgow. The l Bank of Scotland, London. . Crux-2r Aesxrs 1x Gram Bauxux: Messrs. Finlayson Auld, Writers, 213 ‘ West George Street, Glasgow. Atnr'ron's: Wm. Manson, Esq., Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce, Peterâ€" borough. Henry M. l’ellatt, ESq., Member Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto. L O A N S : , Money is obtainable from the Company on approved Real Estate Security at‘ ‘1 current rates of interest. . _ . i The mortgage may be repaid by monthly or yearly instalments, or othermse, , as may be agreed upon, the interest ceasing at once on all amounts paid on se- ‘ count of the sum borrowed. Patronize a Home Loan Company and save expense and delay, and where * you can depend on being treated on the most liberal terms, after 11 years satis- . s. ..__.. Mama...» nf unabated progress. For further information apply to CHIEF OFFICES 1 31;qu Km 0'; en sxoqugau 11105 01 no}: TERMS CASH. duâ€"câ€"uâ€"___,, 'EIDIddO 2103mm HEIWEINO 'HHXHWHDHLX (HIV HH’I’IEMHP ‘NIOS LOH ' bull-u u. vur .._.... Patronize a. Home Loan Company 211 you can depend on bemg treated on the factory expel-lance of unabated progress. étand on Your Head AND READ THIS 'SEIOIHCI (LNEILSIS NOD .LSEIAAO'I CARLESS’ Photo Studio MILLBROOK. You can get the ï¬nest Photos on at the above Studio. - : Our Reputation : 2 is allthat could be desired in a. high grade Photograph. We make Mouldings Casings B ASE of Photographv Outdoor Groups, Stock, Pic-Nic Parties, etc. R. DON ELL, : PROPRIETOR are reasonable, and we wil_1 go to any part of the country, on receipt of a post card to the above address. We have a. splendid View of the Orangemens Procession * -" ' -A., ..... ...:n Cocoa Wine - 7 5c. Fowler’s Ext. Strawberry 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactated Food - 20c. Nestles’ Milk Food, 40c. Sp1rits Turpentine, 500. gal. Turnip Seed, Svs ede me. At Higinbotham 5 Drug Store, BUR PRHZES : People’s Grocery, . New Post. Ofï¬ce Block, VD “-O â€" _â€" at Millbrook, size 8 x 10, which we will send to any address on receipt of 35c. stamps or silver, 2. sample of which can be seen at. the Mxmzon oï¬lcc. Call w hen in town. is the best that is made, and DOORS the Peterboroudh J. CARLESS - KING STREET, ' cannot be excelled, and A Specialty ONâ€" THE DICKSON RACE, Our Work Our Finish Our Terms PHOTOGRAPHER. 01“ um 'A'nb‘nv, â€".....-__. W ,7 26 King St. East, Toronto, 437 George Street, Peterborough.. D 1 R E c m o R s : President, GEORGE A. cox. Esau ONTARIO, LIMITED. ofï¬ce. earth And Building Material kinds kept in Stock. @Storm Sash, Porches, and Blinds made in the quickest pos- sible time. Live All kinds of lumber, cedar posts and cordwood wanted. Planing, Matching and Turning, all at Lowest Prices. Attention given to country dwel- lings, and estimates for building and repairs given. my); I 111111 111111 ‘. THORNTON, Omemee. 3W1]. The Redmond Homestead, (-or. Church and Sturgeon Sts†Omemee. For terms, etc., apply to \V. J. Redmond, Jr., 27? Abbey St. Cleveland. Oh io.â€"l~1-4 f Bear in mind that T. E. Jennings, of the Omemee House, is a. licensed anc- tinneer and will amend to any sales entrusted to him, he guammees satis- faction. 30-1 For Twenty Five Years R. J. Mulligan PURE DRUGS WATCHES CLOCKS Machine Oil, 25c. gal. Best American Coal Oil, 25c. gal. 5 Boxes Axle Grease, ............ 25c. Higinbotham’s thte Pine...15c. Fans ........................... 2 for so. A lot of New and Stylish jewelry, which I must sell without regard to cost. For Sale Cheap. Wall Paper Cheap. of all: