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Omemee Mirror (1894), 29 Aug 1895, p. 2

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Work Guaranteed Prices ..5~“\.S 10W x As the: For Neat Albums Ioc.,regular 2 5c.; China Cups and Saucers, 9c., regular 20c. Clocks 90c., regular $I-25 ; Dolls IC., 2c, 3c., 5c., 10c., 23c., 49c. up; Pocket Books from so. up; Mouth Organs, in every key, from 5c. up; Violins from $1.75; Ban- jos, Mandolins, c. Hughan Co. H endquarters for Xmas.and VVed- ding Presents. Celluloid AlbumsJewol Cases. etc. Our dis- play or To ‘8 and oils ls simply tnlry lznl {or the nu cones. Bring them along and let them see. Note a. few orour prices : vzvuuu every day during the next three weeks. You will be wise to come early and make your selections before the great rush of the last week. For Special Bar- gains examine our Gold \Vatches, of your time is Five Minutes wanted by Hughan Co., at 52 Kent St., Lindsay, to show you the best se- lection of Novelties fox: Xmas. Pre- sents ever shown in Lindsay. will visit our store CPOWd every day during the next three weeks. You will be wise to camp Parlv and mabn "m... 41‘!- When our contemporary, the Globe. undertakes to make the. amende honor- able it does not stop half way. Having found that its question “ Has the NJ). made you rich ?” was beginning to rankle and induce inflammation in the minds of its readers, it promptly had the paragraph killed. In yester- day’s issue it adds to this act of re- paration a. very full and handsome apology. A gentleman can do no more. Good, reliable men can WA find permanent em- ployment for Maple Grove Nurseries of Waterloo, N. Y. Good SALARY and expenses paid weekly. Liberal inducements to be- ginners. Outfit free. Previous experi- ence not required. Established over 20years. All goods first-class. Write at once for terms. Address. J. W. HACKAY, Gen. Manager, St. Thomas, nut “" A ,, ,,,,,., - -v-.. .Vw. “a vllvool ncucauuuucu- lion, and the tables are supplied with the has: of everything in season. The bar is stocked with tha choicest brands of fin. liq- uors. wlnes and cigars. Good stabllng and catch! hustlers. '1‘. E. JENNINGS. Propriltor. Licensed Auctioneer for the County i‘ of Victoria. F Sales amended to in all parts or the Count? q at. very reasonable rates. From long exper - " once in this line otbuslness, the undersigned {echo warranted In guamnteeingsntlshcuon, and farmers would do we)! to give him a a". Apply at. the other. in the Cardwell House, v Umemee.0m.. T. 3. JENNINGS n V"- -m, "w v-V v. V.\PV“DV wul he spared tbviimlte this h3use one of the best. $1.003 day houses in the Midland District. The dining room {gcelves thestyigtes]. atten- vh‘- A-.. .L- A,l OMEMEE. ONTARIO. The undersigned. having purchtaed the above popular hotel. and made great im~ provemcnts in the interior, besides thor- oughly renovating the rooms, respectfully asks a. liberal patronage of the travelling public. The house is fitted with electric bells and the best nmrle rooms or any hotel in the district. which 3 vex good accommodation to oommerclnimen. No trouble or exgebseyrill On- nun-n4! 0A _.-_A .L:, g PETERBOROUGH. Branch officeâ€"Cor. Murray and Bethune St: Lumber. Shingles. Sash. Doors, Blinds, Win. flow and Door Fri-mew News! floats, Stair Rails. Masters. Mom-idea ax. Scranton Coal in Egg. Stove and Nut. Sizes Briar Hill for Grates; Stunning tad Steaming Coal; also Coke and Lehigh Lumn (or Foundries. 2‘:)â€"- 1y C. E. HUBBS. Agent The Rathbun Company Millbrook omee, over new first. once. omemee once. over Bradburn’s Grocery. OMEMEE EVERY MONDAY. ' EDITORIAL NOTES. Barrister, Soticitor, Notary Public. ac, , _ . no”, t. m M, Mondays ram did no damage to The Cardwell House. BANKER!!! BROKER, 9| Kent, LINDSAY. Money to Loan on Mortgage at lowest. latex or interest. Approved Indorsed Notes discounted for any term notexccedixm 1: months. OHEMBE. ONTARIO. Gmduatoor the Oat. Veterinary Ooflege. I Registered Member of the Ontario Veterin- Amisuan. 81h. nlzhrgr gay. prpmppy gttgndad to. Office hoax: 9 3-m- to ‘ gun. [1.le OF ADVERTISING: Oflke : Mace. King in. Guam 0"" man-Wmhjnlm “mandamus-111m .3. Mumwm‘ Ono-all minute-u. Wat‘s-Own“ “0W“ m, “thaw-d“ mo- ans-n. “WHO-lbw! WOODS PHOSPHODIII’R ”unvâ€" vâ€" -_v‘â€"w.. ‘l wv vuul‘v v kuuu- (IE-sciatica. Protes‘ional and Business Cards $5.00. uh. nl-zhror day, prompfly :ttaendad tn. OFFICE : Next door to mum's Grocery. q 9533‘ Adwrtisemm‘s‘iQEFS; 81m. lnqerthn mph QIIhuM‘-4- MILLBBOOK. : : : ONTARIO. T. Walden, V. 8.. SOLD BY ALL Dauocxsrs. J. H. Sootheran, T. E. Jenmngs, Robert Ruddy. DE STISI'. 33¢:th 2-8t after years hav elapsed. What is wanted isé. rem dy that will prevent this recurrence,“ and until Dr. Mar- agliamo proves his treatment to be thoroughly eflicientin this respect, an considexed as complefiely cured; brie- cause the disease may break out afresh Yet another cure for consumption is announced. This time it is a Genese professor, Dr. Maraghano, who thinks he has mastered the terrible disease, and his method of treatment is by in- troducing serum, drawn from “dogs' donkeys, or horses," into the patients system. If the disease )3 taken at an early stage, he says, brilliant successes may be obtained, and he points out that of the S3consumptlve people whom he has treated,“ derived real benefit But there is a difference between a‘ real benefit” and complete recovery. This on Maragliano seems ready to acknowledge, for on the point whether his results can be regarded as “verit- able cures” he is uncertain. A tuber- eulous patient, he says, can never be aunt n. In an In wmu :mat DIOWB 110‘ body any good has been demonstrated by the stimulus that has been supplied tocertam branches of manufacture in' Japan by Lthe recent war. The very playthingsin Japan have now a war-‘ like character. The Japan Mail says that even the game of chess is transâ€" l formed, the figures being painted clay 'images representing Japanese and Chinese soldiers of various ranks. A long line of mechanical toys, either of tin or wood, by turning a crank or by simple clockwork, are made to show Chinese cambatants in a large variety of unenviable positions, sometimes pur- sued by Japanese troopers, who make terrific sweeps with sword or lance in a- stately see-saw; or prisoners caught by their queues, and trying to avoid the rising and falling blades. Clay figures representing Chinamen pleading {or mercy are used as paper weights or deskornaments. m As expected, the majority of 800 in Westmoreland is represented as a. Tory defeat. If the Conservatives could have a. disaster of this kind in every consti' tuency they could accept the reverse with equanimity, and the entire country could consider itself safe. TH Mr. Holmes will hear of the destruc- tion of his Chicago castle “ith feelings of pleasure rather than regret, as it will prevent the finding of any more of his victims there. It is not improbable, however, that another castle exists somewhere in which the remains of a: few dozen more unfortunates have been ‘ secreted. Tarte is said, in a. Westmoroland de- apatch to one of the Liberal papers, " to have handled the boodlers without giovea.” This must be a. typographical error. The r and the a in the word “,boodlers” no doubt slipped in by ac- cident. That it is an ill wind :that blows mind towards. his discove-ry ** aThe charred bones of a boy have been discovered in a. house at In'ington, a suburb of Indianapolis, once occupied by H. H. Holmes. It is believed the remains are those of little Howard Pitezel. "Has Tar-if Reform hurt American industries?” â€"â€"Toronto Globe. “Wellto putitm figures, we should say about $1 000 WOOOGJO"-Cbicago Inter-Ocean. 'I'l'l' Hr. Israel Tarts has been sent to Westmoreland, N. 3., to assist in win‘ ning the county over to the side of purity in politics and honesty in gov' ernment. crops in Manitoba. OMEMEE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 29. , .._ ~.<v~-v\mwn- ulal, Iv 23cm. each subsequent insertion. rates {or longer periods. 1.0m] Notices acts. t nne first 11 Sets. each subsequent insertion. Transient advert‘lsemenm 10c perilne first imam-lion, 5c. per line each subsequent laser- 0 n i 8111ch Coinmn Subscription, $1.00 a Year. - a- my... “mu-um “I Law In- new at the Vi iage 5}- Omemee and sur- mnndin: district. A“ kinds of job printing done in the job moms st the very lowest living ptioes arm: nmmanddespatch. OMEHEE, ONTARIO, IS PUBLISH- Every Thursday Morning NORRIS The Umemee Minn: THE OMEMEE MIRROR. AT (IE 0“ RI.” SHEET EAST, IN THE CHAS. W. RICHARDS, Publisher and Proprietor. fl? -- Q ~- ~..~..o. w» . r, ofuobflshed in the inâ€" Omemee and sur- first Insertion, 15 oo {o no 2’: no :5 on IS no lo 00 10 oo 8 oo may ncl uuu. Special Mr. John McCanrell, jr., left hugs mother to Peterboro Where she took the train for Norwood to visit her daughter, Mrs. Mc- Greggor. k Bethe] congregatioh was favour- ejzd on‘Sunday evening last w1th a Mrs. A. Braden, of Bobcaygeon, daughter of Charles F airbairn, M. P., is visiting this week among her friends and relatives in Emily. ‘II 11 --- Mrs. John Bryne, of ‘ is visiting her sisters, Mrs D. Tully’s. Special to the anon. [5 on F. W. HODSON, Superintendent of Farmers’ Insti- tutes and Secretary of Associa- tions. All interested parties Jare invited to attend these meetings, whether members of an Association or not. p. m., the members ofthis Associa- tion. At 2 3o p.m., the members of this Association, will convene to consider the Report of the Officers and Directors 0 i said constitution and by-laws; and to re-consider their action at the last meeting in appomtingr delegates to meet the Honorable Minister of Agriculture to consider the Record question. The Minister informs me, that but two delegates are required from each Association. At ourlast meet- ing we elected seven; therefore, a new election must be held. SWINE BREEDERS CONVENE. On Tuesday, Sept. Ioth, at 7 p. m., the Officers and Directors of the Dominion Swine Breeders’ Association will convene to to consider a similar report ; ‘ and at 8 p.m., the members of this ‘ Association will convene to re-elect a Record Committee to meet the Minister as in the case of the Do- minion Sheep Breeders' Associa- tion ; and to consider the report of the Officers and Directors regard- ing the revision of the constitution and by-laws. CATTLE BREEDERS CONVENE. Wednesday, Sept. 11th, at 7p m. the members of the Dominion Cat- tle Breeders’ Assocxation will con- vene to consider the report of the Committee appointed to draft a new constitution and by-laws. Ail' During the second week of the Show, the following meetings will be held in the aforesaid Tent: SHEEP BREEDERS CONVENE. On Tuesday, Sept. 10th, at I p. m., the Officers and Directors of the Dominion Sheep Breeders’ Association will convene to con- sider the Report of the Committee appointed at the last meeting of the Associations to consolidate the by-laws and re-draw the constitu- tion of each Association. As 2.30 I will be in attendance in afore- said Tent from 8 a.m., to 4 p.m., each day of the Show, and will be pleased to meet Institute Officers and Members, also Members of other kindred Assocxations, to dis- cuss with them the best means to advance the work of the Farmers’ Institute in their respective Dis- tricts. You are respectfully invited to call on me ; I desire your hearty and active co-operation in advanc- ing this important work. Officers and Members of all Far- mers’ Institutes, of Live Stock, Dairy, Poultry, Fruit Growers’, and kindred Associations, are cor- dially invited to make this Tent their headquarters during the time of the Exhibtion. One or more of the staff of the Ontario Agricultural College thl be present bduring the greater part of the time. Mr. J. w. Wheaten; 81X; Sec- ond week of the Show. I will occupy from September 2nd to 14th, inclusive, a large tent situated East of the Cattle Ring, and just between and in front of the Horse and Cattle Sheds. I have made arrangements with Mr. 1-1.]. Hill, Directoroffhe To- ronto Industrial Exhibition, to temporarily move my office from the College building to the Fair Grounds, Toronto. To Editor Afirror: DEAR SIR,â€" _____ -v v- Lnuuu. U1 2" I" ’ is he also nameless? My letter was perhaps sarcastic, but I con- sidered no language too strong to use in condemninga man guiltyof such an offence as that of Mr. Sherwood. His letter was untrue and so is his last. Thanking you, Mr. Ed., for space, I remain, Yours truly, ‘ YOUNG CANADA. -c_-__.. “unfil- use their proper name, and not write anonymously. Well, if he were an old journalist, his state- ment should be of value, but why not practice what he preaches? Why does he not come out like a man ans] Sign his proper name, or To the Editor of the Mirror. DEAR Sm : In your last issue Iobserve an article from “ An Old Journalist,” in which he apparently hurls a dart at me, or better he digs a pit for me to fall into, but has fallen there- in himself. If he had written di- rectly to me, it would have been excusable, but he did not do such. He believes people should always n..- LL-:_ u Fowler’s Corners. Byyne, _0_f Chicago, COMMUNICATION. O.A.C., GUELPH, ONT., Aug. 23rd, 1895. . w. and ' Imyfself am cousin to my own ‘ sister, she having espoused my husband’s first cousxn, and am second cousin to my nephews-â€" ,hler sonsâ€"London Tit-Bits. Another strange relationship is that lof a lady who is mother-in- law to her two sisters in a some- what similar fashion to the above, they; having married stepsons. 'I' , l At the year’s end there was an additlon to the family. Of course the mother came to be with her daughter on this interesting occa- sion, and, being a handsome, well preserved woman, the Colonel’s eldest son became much attached to her, and before long led her to, the hymenial altar. Thus the daughter became mother-in-law to her own mother. ' At a ball given by the officers of his regiment he met a beautiful young girl, with whom he fell des- perately in love, and, to make a long etory short, they were soon marned. A friend of mine, a colonel in the army, had been a widower for SOme years, and resided with his sons and daughters in Plymouth; It IS rarely that a daughter be- comes her mother’ s mother-in- law, yet this curious coincidence does occasionaliy happen. Strange Relationships in Marriage Excepting goldenrod, milkweed and ragweed, all the rest of our weeds have been imported. These foreign are the most trouble- some and persistent. If it were some one’s duty to keep them from the highways these pests would not travel so fast. The Virginia creeper is an ex- cellent vine for covering fences and outbuildings. The plants should be cut down to the ground when planted, that the young shoots may cling as they grow. In the fall the foliage becomes a brilliant red and yellow. we sow 19- bushels an acxe and get from ten to t“ enty run ‘ Every pound_ should bringdforty. It therefore follows that much of our seed wheat is wasted when Experiments show that a grain of wheat reproducgs t_orty- bfold. to have cash for his purchases throughout the year, thereby get- ting the benefit of cash prices. This is one great factor of dairy- ,,_ __'_‘~â€" “anal-h yllv ‘VLIILLL. Though the price of dairy pro- ducts is low, it is paid twelve timesa year,_en§1bling the farmer Well cured corn fodder is more fully digested than timothy hay, and 15 nutritious and palatable. It is roasted, however, if left in the fields to be exposed to 'rains, winds and frosts during the winter. Amongst the varieties of pears the Lawrence holds a high place. It is not so subject to blight as some kinds and is late, giving a crop after the bulk of the pears have been marketed. S. G. Parkin superintended put- ting in the plant and we feel we must congratulate them on their grand success. They are all good hearted aimable fellows and we hope that they will meet with success wherever they are called to show their handiwork. we understand from the company that they have a plant to put in at Brighton similar to this one, and we think that the Omemeeites should find no difficulty in getting electric light there. Canada. Messrs. Howard and Alf Parkins did all the wiring of the lamps, “hile Messrs. Fred and Our electric light plant made its first run on Monday night. The first electric light scene in Millbrook was switched on by Master \Villfam Parkin, the two year old son of the genial pro- prietor ot the plant, Mr. S. G. Parkin. The light was of the first water and the bright light shines in the windows like small chunks of sunlight, altogether the light is really beautiful and the plant and the arrangements re- flect a great deal of credit on the installers. The way the work was done from the first showed that everyone concerned knew their part of the work and as a result we have the finest little plant ofits size to be found in Mr. Herbert Armstrong has left for an extended tour on his Wheel going as far as Toronto by the road, and then taking the boat to Queenstown. and proceeding from there to Buffalo. The run is a large one and we wish him success. Mr. Arthur Parkin, of Lindsay, was visiting with his brother, Mr. Howard Parkin and returned home Tuesday. Special to the Mirror : A number of our young farmers left last week for Manitoba to help take off the Ialge harvest. All our campers have returned from the lake and seem to have spent an enjoyable time. duet from Miss Annie Faux and Miss Ida Switzer. The selection was well rendered and as it was the first time for them to sing to- gether we hepe it will not be the last. We noticed among the con- gregation on Sunday evening, one of Omemee’s citizens, Mr. john Williams. Facts for Farmers. MILLBROOK. "Monsoon” Ted: put up by the Ira-flan Tea. were as a sample of the best qualities of Indian ea. Therdore they use the grate“ are in the selection of the Tea. and its blend. that is why they put it up themeelveu and ad] it only in the original ranges, thereby securing its purity and excdlcnce. utupin X1b.,xlb.nd 51b. packagesud never hid in bulk. ALL GOOD GROCERS KEEP IT. Ifyourgrocer does not keep it. tell him towritc to STEEL, H-AYTER «I. 00“ Tn: nuns? Tn In 7H: Won: 25 Cents 25 END OF THE YEAR WOMENINDOUBT _’I‘O_ NEW SUBSCRIBERS A fine fresh stock, just arrived, ‘of the Choicest Brands of Pastry ‘Flour, consisting of the Queen’s, People's Mixed, Standard and other well selected Brands. Also a choice line of meals, comprising Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal, Rolled Wheat, Wheatlets, Cracked I'll'heat, Graham Flour. and Corn Meals. These brands are all man- ufacturcd by the VICTORIA ROLLER MILLS. A call is solicited. T WALDON.l UMEMEE MiRRUH W331 End Flour and Feed Store HNE PASTRY FLUUH Leaves Charlotte. N. Y tern week days 10 p.m.. 5.15 u.m.. Port’Hopc 6.34! a.m.. except Sutur- duy, when Steamer leaves at 4.25 p.m., ur- rh'c-s at. Port I! npo lo 1). In. An extra trip is made Monday from Charâ€" lotte, (Port of Rm'hcster) at 8:30 mm. For further particulars apply to: J.\s. EVANS, or Harbor Muster. "Thâ€"n: or Roches- arrives at. Cobourg at CAPT. J ARRELL, on Steamer. Commencing April 2911). Leaves Port Hope 11.1.3 u.m.. (:ubuurg 11.55 :t.m.. arrives at, Chm-lotto (Port, 01' Rochester) 4.15 p.m.. ex- cept Monday. when Stvnmcr loaves M2 p.m., arrives at (‘hurlottm N. \’.,’7.30 p.m. SAILING NORTH. METH KING m rrs army: roam. Lake Untarw anti Bay of Quinta STEAMBOAT co., LTD. STEâ€"I‘lâ€"IVIER :90 (HF U1... 0L. 5.25.â€" 1"... MI... loan DEALER IN Lumber, Shingles, Lath, and Building Material of all kinds. Also agent for all kinds of Farm Implements. Ofifice and Yard : The late Cop- ]in Laidlcy's Old Stand, Stur- geon St., OMEMEE, - ONTARIO. oooooooooo W fl KENNEDY Cali on me and] will 250.. for the Mirror to Jan. lst, ’96, to new subscribers. Lighted by Electricity. Heated by "unsung .HHHN Hm Gluum aIEOHfi'." Madhouflos A keen razor and a clean towel for every cus- tomer and ;â€" If you'should want an easy shave, As good as barber ever rave, Just cull. and at my par or find A rnzor’s edge to suit. your mind; I’ll cut and dress your hair with taste, To sult the contour ofyourmce. My room is neat my towels clean, Scissors sharp and razors keen. And everything] think you’ll find Tosuit Uh: £3.ch :1an please the mind; And all matarlvnml skillcnn do, ll‘you will cull I’ll do l‘ox‘you. I‘ll shuveyou all, tl10_\'x)llngtlm gay, I’ll xhaw- you all for rcmly pay; Shaving I do at any Lime, A ml for shuvl m; I get a dlmc; But do not mean u (lime in trust, Fo r than would make a barber "bust." _ JAGIU’ nunomnl STOCK, such as Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs and Ornamentals. Ladies make this business a success. Easy work, pleasant, light and profitable. OUTFIT FREE. Apply at once, with references/ and secure choice of territory. F. N. MAY COMPANY, Nurserymen and Seedsmen, Rochester, N.Y. WANTED. A PERFECT TEA 13 Front Street East. Term Pipes, Tobaccos am; Cigars, of the Best Brands, 11:- Stock. .II. GILDERSLEEVE, General Manager. Kingston To correct 1m lurity and wonky-u. hoop the organs n healthy condition. The Wu": no "urn Savers" to young wolmm. Nd mmful development, provide pun- leu. regulurrfloda. Ask for The Damn bnnd. All rugglm sun than: at“ per box. No both "mod, {or woman known. SHOULD TAKE 'PENanovAL wnrsns To correct imcuhritv sum Ital-m..- â€"'l'ILL THEâ€" S. 1’ nurse) and T Loxo, Agents, Port Hope. SAILING SOUTK. â€"AT TH Eâ€" V. COLYIN’S THE I sell our Choice and Hardy NURSERY as Fruit ’l‘reeg, Roses, a! {If a barber "bust." guarantee satisfaction. 699d reli§_l:';le_men,to Steam. ‘MY MOTTO : Prompt Delivery of all goods. Small profits and quick returns. Call and see prices and goods. Ihave Bakers’ King, made from - itoba Wheat. Royal, Best Family Flour Superior, at $2.55 ner h- Wheat, Pease, Oats} Bran, Shorts, Chop, am always fresh and good. Alsike, Red Clover, Timothy Seed WANTED AT M. T. BEATTYS Floru ,Fe ed ndSe edsmr SEEDS SEEDS 130, 132 134 SIMCOE STREET Many lines are being pruned down in price every day. Every dollar has a purchasing power of two at our store. Look around and get samples, take a note of the w1dth then come and compare with our goodsâ€"and you will buy here. Of course you could not expect :1 store that has to give a year’s credit and pay for all bad debts to sell the same quality as cheap as a direct importing house that sells for SPOT CASH. ..‘v “I." “D, "U! It! '200, sale priorév 15b.- _ 200 yds fine white Swiss spot Muslin worth 25c, sale price, 18c. ,V- __...~ .nu. u VA 1250. 200 yds fin‘e lov_ely7White Lawns 200 yds fine White Lawns, Worth 1501 sale price 100. 150 yds finer White Lawns, worth 18c. 101A - _,_. v"... ,vw ... gunrunweu DIaCR Hose, worth 20c, sale price 125. 10 doz Parasds, Worth $1.00, sale price 750. 5 doz Parasols,worth 31:30, sale price $1.00. 100 (102 Lace Mitts were 40c, Sale price 0K1. ,-- â€"<--~vl\ pucnulch, sale price 50c. 1000 yds Dress Linings, sale price 50. 500 yds Surah Silk, other store-s cheap 500, our sale price 35c. 300 yds Kai Kai Silks, Sold evnry where at 45c, our sale pnce 300. These Goods are lovely washing silks, quite new. ‘100 yds Black Dress Silks, worth $1.35, sale price $1.00. Hosiery, Gloves, Laces and Parasols. 200 3338 heavy Lace, our J-.. "vuv, uuvc, Uur original price 2M to 250, sale price 100. 200 yds heavy Lace, our uriginal price 300 to 35c, sale price 15c. 10 dnz only teft. nf guaranteed Black '1 7 ‘7 - ‘ “‘ ’ Dress Goods and Silks. Another big cut in the 40c and 500.. lmes. 25 pieces ofAl] Wool goods, were 40c to 500, sale price 254:. 100 yda. more of 65c Black Cashmere, no In “u: n:\ :n- HALL, EILEHHIST BITS Till OUR BUYER leaves for Europe. In the meantime the money must be piled up. We are wide enough awake to know that GEN- UINE BARGAINS such as we have been giving and of which we are NOT AFRAID TO QUOTE PRICES will always draw a crowd to McLaughlin’s Flour ONLY : TWO : WEEKS Mnslins, Underwear and Corsets. 3 and garden seeds. also Land Plaster. HALL, GILCHRIST CO’S If we or The People’s Popular Cash Store, mam origmal price , made from all Man- $2.55 per hundred :, worth sale price 25;" “my-“ 100 Poles, complete, wore 25c. price 750. vaow'. 200 j'dg Brussels Carpets, were $1.25 ule _.A_ n! A , _.._ r-.." Vuvn‘ 'price 250. 100 Window 8! ades complete, an}- __:Aâ€" 0' 100 remnants of Carpet- at clearing prices. 100 yds Revarsxlule yard-wide Carpet, worth 40c, sale price 250. 100 yds Tapestry Carpets, worth 40c. sale price 25c. 100 ydgs Wnol Carpets, were $1.00, “lo -_.-- h', v-.â€"-~ -qulu', “(KC $1.00, reduced {0 501‘. 100 Black Sailors, were 25c, reduced to 150. 25 Black and White Leghorn flats, “are 50c, reduced to 25c. 10 Hats, nitely trimmed, were $1.50, re duced to $1.00. Mantles, Jackets and Capes. HALF PRICE has caused a boom in this department. Carpets, Curtains and Window Shades. ‘20 Ladies’ Walking Straw Hats 750, reduced to 350. 20 Ladies’ Walking Straw Hats. A‘ an , Toronto. ', PETERBORO. ', sale price Hats, “ ere Eye, 9 iI-C r, were , "é YO ‘id Port Hone; r- Eliiéirg. 7V iBellevil'lo and all point»~ can south. .........9.00 2412' From Torontoflrlllia Uxbridge. Lindsay 4: :11 points noyg rand From Pflerborouzh. ' To Torun 3““me Port Hope l'xbridgv. "Cobourg'. Beilevillo :1“ nouns and I.“ mints east A- west ........ Business is commencing to 0m- bnsiness men are kept q and we may soon expect beue And a full line of Fresh Groceries ‘well known low COMPA ARBIVALk. CLOSURE OF From Toronto. Y'x- bridle. Lindsa and 311 point.~ nor dand The township and village meet. next Monday and Tu ‘pectively. The many fneuds ofO. G. W will be pleased to learn that h to be around again after h illness. . N. B.-â€"-All outs ing accounts mu: settled at once. Dl’. Thompson has been app iuer of Marriage Licenses for X, «of Victoria. pro tem.â€"â€"i-3m. Go to Hlnnlmthmn‘s. when m L1 pure drugs. Try the {mom I'owdux Ink. A call sulici:ed.â€"2:-lr. The Peberboro’ S. A. band wi concert at. Mount Pleasant this MBPHEES The preserving s is now here and W the goods you w Strictly CashorPr OKEMEE. THURSDAY. ACGL'S‘ Ifyou wan! a first-ohms pump 0: Mruon, give the Minimum Pump cal . or wriu m G. W. G rem-n. Mllltv an! you will bane : Xllel‘Cb)‘.â€"~'§U-Rl We expected to have had :1 of the successful candidates march! certificates for this iss they were not handed to us, nuvoxdably laid over till 1 O’HAU Wu it Wwill gay youuto throng this storet Wying out your m e are not. lookiz profits we simply to turn our stool gold. You bays 1‘ gain save at 1eas1 10 to 50 per ce‘ dealing with u GROCERI] SUGABS ~ SUGABS -S' Selfsealers Seifseaiers Se} '7 purchaser. Come with your Cash and get goo YOUR OWN PRI We have still a shalves taken up Ready Made 010‘ For good and sufi reasons, we will these oods at a fice. e want the and will make the 1 to suit, so don’t hes Belrthls In mind If you I‘OQHIN‘ in Inches. ducks. jowollry, sxlvvr {or weudim: pronoun. an to W. F. Lindsay. He will please you. l‘nc Atmâ€"Siâ€"am Rev. J. Cooper Robinson, n‘ {tom Japan, will pleach in Lhri on Sunday, Sept. lst, at 10.30 a. will be the only opportunity 0 (be reverend gentleman as h W'hen you visit Lindsay on" 3'. (1 115 Kem-sL. next door 10 (am Choice Fruits in $68M)“. Oum‘emi‘ Cronin. Cool Drink»: and Lunch hour- 1 soon to leturn to the work Ofl'ertory in aid of mission. Hettger‘s Fancy Goods Smm‘ Lindsayjs noted for the last ““1 for rel‘ ability to supply your want Goods. all kinds 0. paucrns. (‘icui and Wall Paper a Specialty. l’mu| Jadze for yourself. Agent Smy 'orks. Toronto. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thorley, late r+ England, took charge of th meeting of the Salvation Arul‘ And age prepare ofi‘er prlces te suit place on Monday evening, : some beautiful stcteopticaxy connection. Among those whi more comment than others w ‘ Slums of England, " “ Jack Le and“ The Young Man’s Firs Ruin.” 'lhes were fully lectd m present wen delighted1 enninxa’. entertainment. 1 40 Per Cent Wholesale Pri We have decid< clear out our Stock of Boots within the next 60 Dan BOOTS 818E From Pgerborough THE OMEMEE MIR :..:.;....:6.13p.m. Li... “.8539. m A nmvxn. MAL LACONI‘ ... .11. To Pomrh I": Hopu‘. l Cabourg. 1 and all poi andeas:..... To form brieze. Lin‘ all points I west. ...... . To Pew Millbmok.‘ Cobourg. I mud all poi! armrest"...

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