QSE, sc me My, 566 on at spr- ptlrgS, ent’ s ys. 3: Co., men’s 'alued 1e late ycur Ruse. Kstie und Lillie McGeough. of Ops. utendod the Excursion to St. Ann... last week. We invxte the Citizens of Omemee and Emily to call when in Lindsay. Your: most retpectfufly, Pym Bros. Proprietors or The Daï¬y Home Ilia: Id: Patterson, and Mrs. John Culcnu. of Petorboro, are guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Cunning- !um. ‘ For $40 Cub, 3r $50 Credit. Lot 6, Rick I\'., 50 feet frcntage, North of King Street West Omemee. Good log Suiiding on the lot. The stable to rent and! sold. 0. BIGELO W, Lindaay.-2m A good «com! Imnd organ for 3336 cheap. AppIy to Sohn Rowland, Ome- Field and Garden Seeds, Paris Green, fllnmne tor Bardeen: Mixture. Or- nond Weleh. cur. George and $1 mcoe at... Pmrborough. “Telephone 146.â€"3m Mme JJ. Lemb and R. J. Peter- Ion took in the Exounion to St. Anne: De Beuupret. Quebec, last week. Dr. Hounds. experienced and auc- Iuece‘lnl Denna, of Lindsay, will be It the memercial House 0p Post Ofï¬ce, 0mmâ€. on Tuesday. Aug. 7. He will have 3.. and best pain nbmnders. Call in the tonnoon if possible and secure :3 uppolntmom. Henry T. Everett, Watchnaker. of Pemboro, will be at the Bradbur: House Omemee on the ï¬rst Tuesday in every month Bring your wntchee and clocks and have them cieaned and to- mind in ï¬rst-class style. LINDSAY BICYCLE AND GENERAL REPAIR WORKS. All kinds 9! Turning. Womtzmz. Forg- ing, Brazing, Soldering. Cemem'mg. and \‘ulcnniztngd‘n Iron. steeL Brass. Composâ€" allot- Wood and Rubber. Bicycle repairing In uh Its brunt-hes. Tire Vulcanizing a. tape‘ ciu . U W. WEBSTER. Min hone Johnston. of Bethany, is visiting at. the home of her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mn. Jamieson. “‘AKTEDoA suitable residence in t“ we village of Omemee. Apply to W. LMcQuade. A witty judge out In Topeka the othet day was delivering an address on flaw Mina C. Blgylockmf Toronto, isspend- In: hor vacation at the home of her Tb. Mino- Annia and Ethel Towne- Ond, of Town» Juncï¬on, were visiting “not: friend Min J "dine. lust weak. and lawyers. He mush-med the hw'a «191338 as follows. " “I were to give you cm «Ange, " he «aid, “ would aim;- ly In: ‘3 give you the â€range." but shank! 'he "an action be Intrnsted to a. lawyZ-er to put in wrm‘ng he’d sdopl Unis ftm' I 3 ere‘by 5.4:"? gum! and c m- rev to y.“ 3!: my énte er. right, tixle and attvnnï¬ax (al' and in said urzmge, mun-the: u 3!. its :"nd, akin jmre, pulp a d ,i -,wlal! rglxx, and advantage thanâ€; wthuU pone: so bite, suck, or otherwise eat. the same or give away ‘ith or “khan. the rind, skin, juic». pulp or pumsuvihing therein below or in guy other deed or deed's instru- ments of any ndture 07 kind whatsoev- or to the cunt"; m guy wzse notwula- standing.†Mn. Ida Host! lay. of Lindsay. is via- his; It the home of Mr. and 3111.1“. Andrus , Ling St. Miss May Needinam visited friends i n Gunmen last. wook.â€"-Mi11brook lic- porter. Mrs. T. R min: .11 presented the Mir:- or with a. buketo‘f choke harvest ap- ples last week FU RU XL LI N F. Ifyou don’t. know what it is ask {01' Dr. Guy’s Remedy for Bella. A posic the and mass!“ cure {or Bails, Pim- plu mo Bad mood. 25¢. per box. PERKINS DRUG STORE, LINDSAY. Tho Holy Communion will boadminlster‘ «Mn Chnat Church on Sunday next. alter the morning service. Mr. I. Whitesmith, watchmaker. was kept busy during his visit. to Omemee but week. He always gives good aatir (action. Mr. Whiteamith will visit Omomoo main early in Sept.emler,and “nyone reqmnng anything in his line, mch an tannin to watches. clocks, pins, brooches, spectacles, etc., or anyone chairing to purchase new ones will do ‘94!" loses Mr. Whitesmith during his men nait. Satisfaction guaranteed or flu charge. What could be more fair ? Mm Eva. guano! Lindsay. is visiung at the home 0: Mnud M rs. Angu- Syer. At. the residence at ï¬lo bride’s mother. In the Town-hip 0! 0px 3 pleastnt. event. took plnee on Tucsdny evening,July 3131,. when M u um. Magee wna married to Mr. \Vm fleece-non. Miss Lucy Mdieough was bridemid am) Mr. Thomas M agee, brothur «(the bride. best. man. Rev. E. A. Langleidz, I. damning. PILESvPlLESâ€"PILES. Itching rims instantly relieved and positively cured. Perrln’s All Healing Ointment aliays all iritation and heals every kind of sore from acommon pim- ple to the most malignant selcer. Uld sores, Barber's Itch, Salt Rheum, Ecze- ma. Ring Wow: and all skin diseases A Speciï¬c for Pin Worms 25¢. per box YERRIN’S DRUG STORE, LINDSAY. four Thousand Letters from Ontarl. People Cured of Kidney Troub- 1.: During Last 8 lonths by Dr. Pitchers Backaehe Kidney Tablets. The Â¥_i}‘r0r from now to Jan. 181:, 1901, (1:6 hé’v‘v Suï¬Ã©Ã©fiberS) for oniy 5o dentsf S‘ubscï¬be now 3“ geï¬a'm Four thousand letters that tell of cum made by Dr. Pi‘cher’s Bachache Kidney Tablet: ofâ€"Backacho, pain in the buck, dml heavy headaches tired dizzy feehng. faint spells. irregular heart beats, restless sleepless night, lagged out. run dbwn, and innable ur- inuy veaknm, compelling frequent :uention during day and night. Four thonund letters of praise for the great Kidney Medicine. These are all ï¬nger posts pointing to the kidneys an the fountain head of the trouble. Very 03cm a few doses of Dr. Pitcher’s Backacha Tablets. 3 trial outage. removes every moo: LOCI I.- LIGON xc PITCHER’S FOUR THOUSAND. 5 “711113!“ St. N. nerkuble cure of Mr. William Boyd, a mOSt honored resi- dent of Wolfe Island, 0 n t. M r. Boyd '5 health had suf- fe r e d 1 r o m frailty, which led to an acute attack of rheuâ€" matism. Throughout the autumn and winter of 1897 he suffered most distressingly from rheumatic pains. His constitution became so weakened and the affected purts so painful tl it he was rendercu perfectly heinzcss His appcziz became imp;.ired and Sleep tor- $00k him. [‘0 move uraidzd “as an impossibility and the help ofau‘ attendant was constantly necass- ary. A friend whom the rat- ment had beneï¬ted advised Mr. Boyd to give Dr. Hall's Rheuma- tic Cure a trial and the advice was ' acted upon and to Mr. Boyd-'5 gren‘ snrzxrise and guy, a cure “as efl'ected after all othezjreatments had failed. "I used the contents pf live bottlvs,_†lie \‘g'itcs, "and the; pains lgjt me entirely. I am, now enjéying the Vely best of health." Dr. Hall’s Rheumatic Cure is put 1min 50 cent bottle-s. containmzjxu days’ treamxcql. For guide by all drug 1518 @1115! dealers. m medmme. The BLHal Medxcme Cowling- non. Ont. Letters From Sergt. J. M. McCrea. HAD HIS WRIST ENJURED. They Shook The Ground. DEAR MOTHERâ€"I have written You every opportunity since leav- ing Bleemfoutein. I\‘o news has reached the R. C. R. since that time. We have had hard work and plent} m ï¬ghting smce same time. I havbeu very sore wrist and mill not “me much. Hcpe war u'illvbc over very soon now. The battle of the Rand which elated night before last was a hot one. R.L‘,.i{. had 7 wounded. The Garden Hit'iil..nu:rs made two splendid {nurses and their 1055 \ms (was: . l he Bee rs had splen- did shelter imhmd rocks. It was amongst these racks I saw the ï¬ist Lit ad ofthe enemy. This is 7 l' v:ni: 51': um Iohanmsburg, and hear that Ixoberts has taken it Hopinu that you are all well and tha t I soon hear from home. An incident that attracted mnre iinn passing interest was the re- nuk‘ble cure of Mr, \Ui"i°m RS a. 4 p. m \Ve were con grutuated through our ofï¬cers {or the walk done by the Hamilton torus. b} Loxd Roberts He re- "rcttud we couId not be present to enter Johannesburg, the surren- Jcrof which he expected thxsl morning. He also regretted “e 1: rd not our prOper rations and we were pleased to hear that he had I dcspatchcd a train load for us. Corn meal. meat, tea “and coma, ï¬llsour bxll of {are for the pnsent Spnngs, June 19, 1900 Dem MOTHER Ilnst wrote 301: on the last da3 of \lay {tom Flor- i ta. Mm] matters have not been verv satisfactory since ue left 5 oemtontem. [be-hen: a lot of incoming mz-ail has been captured and there haxe not been many-op- portunities for posting. From a 1 xorida “e moved outsMe Iohan- 225:;wsjnrnv luclnéif THE NATIVES’ DANCE. n sburg which only a few had the chanc: 01 s:c1ng,l om there we moved to Pxetm 1a. \\ e were in reserve at the bombardment ofthe forts. The Boers 511d away in the n!ght and British marched in in the morn- ing. The ri. (‘-. It. march-(l throuzh therny on th readinbrentdnyu. l smv Lard Koberu atuudinciu mumm- mwu tu from. or 001:: l'uuls residence. 1!. is very unprotontlous a «I plain barrlngthe Hons From Pretoria. we went to Irene than M Elnndafonteln the: Into. This \sucnnl minim: place. B-shlo Lt. C. 8. there are 6:) Lovh’a Horne and a sec:- Iun ornoyul Hurnoérmlory here. “nun“... “1..“ '- ‘\‘K Ul “"4‘“ A‘lllr'v -â€".---~v., ,, There were someBoe-rn sniping when we came here but. now all is quiet. A good many banalng ln arms, one from Lalngs Nek coma In last. night. and says 50 more would come In only they are straw or being sent :0 St. Helena. Th1: ls I very good place plemy or fut-l and wat» r. The men are quurt- cred in the round house and omens in col:- tages. IL I: reported that. Capt. Blanchard was killed and (tart. Mnedonald captured when our mail w-s lost. I wish the neces- :ity nfwrlting was over. 1 hope we are not kopt In South A rrlcu much lnngef {or ll. would be runmng lu o the nastyfall weather bm‘nrv we get home. I huvo no) much tlme m \vrlte anyway. I SO m to have mud shout all I huw to say. My wrist I! nearly Well and I feel ï¬rst rate: Remember me to all. Mails Were Captured. t 1 Bench: vise 50 cents per bottle. Long standing caeesof kidney trouble that deï¬ed other preparations, .yieid to this moJicine. People who considered their cases hopeless, now ezuoy health. Why. Because Dr Pitcher produced these Tablets expressly for kidney and Blad- der trouble. T1 ey contain ingredients not known to any other. They can where others hsve failed. Reummlver you can test this great discovery free. Enclose two cont. stamp to The Pitoh~ er Tablet (‘0., Toronto; and you will re- ceive trial package free. Sunday. DHR (‘mn‘onmâ€"I saw‘a great dance this Foridu, May 313, 1900. joaN. JOHN. .‘hrnoongivon by tho nstlvu. You would have an oyod u very much I no sure. They mm on on or mum-y. but. were not. very well or wumly clad. There were hot: sud WU" 0r 'u’lfll’ VI“. JMVI‘ "V'V v-V'V -- eui. hnd in own 0: chairs and such innny instrument; Drums and. or barrels and cylinder): plums mad. or boxu with pieces 0! wood â€run: over the top; these they play with a. pair or slicks, and were is quite a vsrioty a! lone- ln them. Tho dancers hul sh laid: and axon which they flourished. The orchoutn had dancers kept good um. and when the would jump and lamp they would Ihl. othe ground. It. was the moat. nvagv exhibition 1 ever saw. I an enclos- inxnuunp {or you. Hope I will be home bupro a grout while to tell you All you wish LU LUV". Your Uncle. JOHN. Bpflnga. June 28th. 1900. Dun ELLArYesxerdny I got. yours or AvrilStb.slso Montreal Star. Formannuh Tim“ and 0mm Pnoknt mulled no. This Is the ï¬rst budget. since April :1». sad you may be sure they were more than venom-n. I had the naming onhc Watchmon-Wardar and Evening Post. {tom Mr. Mathews. Rape we [at our mull regular now. thn we came her. we camped In the opon. then movedlnto the round honu,nnd now occu- r} tho ï¬lming. Hoteg, sand the Pout. Ofï¬ce _.-._n-_ _I.-. nâ€"ll â€"‘ to know: Juutrlunn-u-v- v- v..- .-.._,V_V_ _- all over, in bonpltflmrul. camp and dot-Ala. 0n Thur-day than was a Very large {one o! mounted uoo;:a,:rtlllery and the 2131. Royal Infantry all under hm Hnmllton. used South. in one of my former letters mon- tinned Norman Wilson; hell um ou the Houpltal Corps and look! well. They can bun tho Cub-m Wonder. Mn." close. at, 4.30. I am tnkln: qm change of advising you or I vuv â€yl uu. , V, V , Hotel. Th 5 In I can mlnlus In. and we are doing gurluon duly. Baal e the 3.0. R. now there In only one soctlon of Royal Horse Artillery hero. Untpouln. pslrols nnd guardlmako mo dune: pretty heavy to 450. whxch In about. the number that. are born The remainder of t_ho regiment l- â€ï¬ltered . ~~___ A“; AAA-ll- {1%. B. ALLAN We are prepared to make a liberal offer to a good man to sell our goodsâ€"either all the time or during spare moments. If desirable will arrange for selling. delivering and collecting- or in any way pre- ferred by applicant. We have best facilities in Canada and our stock is choice and guaranteed to please. Prices right, terms liberal. \Ve also handle ‘the best makes of Sprayers, large and small, which adds to your income largely. Established 40 years. Address quickly, THE THUMASW. '30me SUN 60., mm STAR NURSERIES. TORON TO, ONT- WWW ! {R B AhhAN8zCO. --..~ “m ‘7 A“ M?“ YT‘I‘.‘ 'I‘Y YE CT DEVI IP17 The ul- Jul-V 5asagaï¬'sa“5.311571EEKN ï¬L 53351110“ is; 111E315 Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, Plas’ ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for Windsor Salt, “ Daily Cheese Butter " Brands. Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. Best qualities Hard and Soft Coal, Cordwood and Millwood. Call and get our prices and examine goods... T ELEPHONEsâ€"Agent’s Oï¬ice, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78. Agent, DIRECTLYOPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings MAN WANTED. JOHN. . M. BAKER ° ' Lindsay. Saturday night about 9.30 o'clock Mr. 600' tau-,0†onno moat DI'OIPOIfouu runners: - or (:nvnn. living sbom live miles from MHL brook, accidently ion hillile. While uk mg me hid. on a cuh‘ the knife flipped and cuonn artery in his leg. which cuusud death 5 in ton minutes. Mr. Fair is me second son I or Will Fair retired xarmer. MUibl‘OOk. Ho leaves a. wire and {our small chiidrou. I The new St. James' Church in Emily : will be Opened tor Divine service â€IV.“ on Sunday, Sept. 2. The Rev. Prof. W. ‘ Cluk. D LIL of Trinity Collvgo, Toron- to has promised to be apecml Preacher on that occasion. Jordan Broa.,City Florists, wholesale and retail dealers in Cut Flowers, Flor- al Designs. Funeral Wreaths. Plants. Wedding and Table Decorations. Green Home, Argyle Street. Retail Branch, 438 George St. Peterboro.-~8m It manly used monthly by over omucues. sue.efl'ectual. Lsdies 35k out t 101' Gook‘l Cotton Root Cou- râ€"L e no 0 er, u 311 Mlxmres. pm: and amnion: are dangerous. Price. No. 1. 81 get her No. l. 10 degrees stronger.†per box. 0. 1 or §, nailed on receipe 0! price and m 8-oen: than? ‘11:. Cook Company Windm. 0m. 5‘ 0!. 1 end I .01de recommended»: .11 responsible Dramas m cm No. l and No. 213 sold In Omen-nee by R. J. MULLIGAN, DRUGUIST. .Oook’o Cotton Root Compound MM 801111111101 Lat 13 and West quarter‘uf'hot 14, Can. 1211111111111) Gavan. Farm for Sale. Containing 150 Acres. Good brick house. two barns 30x50 with stone foundation under one. good horse stable to hold )4 home with hay and straw house in commotion 60:30. Good orchard with all kinds of fruit all in thrlv‘mg order, pears, plums and cherries, etc. 120 acres plough land, 10 acres bush, well watered on every part. of farm, well fenced. Convenient to school and church and good roads to Peterbom, 10 miles. no hills to climb. Extra dwelling and stable wllh acre of land fenced off on South West corner of {arm used for lured man. This farm is rented at presentlime lor :350 per year. Possession next fall to plow. -20-lf. Graduate Ontario Veterinary College, Toronto, trexts all diseases of domesti- cated animals. Special attention to equine dentistry. Charges moderate‘ OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, KING STREET. OMEHEE, ONT. NflTIEE ! I! When coming to Town fetch your Scrap Iron, Metal, Steel, Old Rub- bers, Copper, Brass, Bones, W001 Pickings, c., to The undersignnd ofl’ers for sale the GED. SIEVENS. MARK STREET, ASHBURNHAM We Handle over 100 Cars Stuff Yearly. TURNIP SEED. Jumbo, Skirving, Bangholm, Hartly Bronze Turnip Grey Stone, Kangaroo Appiy to Yellow Aberdeen. Steele, Briggs SeedCo’s Selected Purple Top, and Rennie’s Prize. Buckwheat, Hungarian Seed,German and Rus- sian Millett. and get the highest Jusenh T. Beatty. Dr. W. T. Rodgers, IRWIN’S William-st, : Lindsay. CASH PRICE. PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. Branifuri Pumping Windmills. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. Deep Wells a Specialty. W. H. IRWIN, ROBT. MILLS. r‘irst Door South of Mann- der’s Hotel, Charlotte Street, Peterboro. MAN UFACTU RISK OF AGENT FOR THE Pump Works, Omemee Manager. The Peoples Gmeé‘t‘r} @Is full up with all kinds of W. BRADBURN. THE PETER HAMILTON Headquarters at Kennedy‘ . Nichols’ Planing Mill, Omemee. Where we invite yourinspection of Implements, and take your order for the different lines of Machiner; of this old and Reliable Firm, including Binders, latest improved (Bonnie) Seed Drills. Cultivators, I’loxis, Harrows, c. jHAMBURG, , BERLIN, ; ST PETERSBURG L MILIAN, I YOKAHAMA ; MADRAS, SYDNEY, 7 7‘ “hen )ou are dealing with a local ï¬rm saves you all annoyance of delay in getting repairs attended to when needed perhaps in tlzé busiest part of the season. prerience has proved this Fixm éaï¬ cope with any outside ï¬rm for durability and perfection in every may in tllcll‘ respective lines. - . We are in full swing manufacturing all kmds Doors, Sash, Mouldings, c. Custom Sawmg done this Spring on the shortest not_iCc. .1 Best Grade, 12¢. per lb. Subject to Advance. I Farmers will do well to see us before purchasing Binder Twizie. D.W. KARN, CO’S PIANOS: AND: ORGANS Have a world “ide reputation a life time experience coupled “i- h ample ï¬nances places them on the most fan orable basis to do busi ness. SOme of the foreign ofï¬ces include} HAMBURG, - - GERMANY.- BERLIN, GERMANY. ST. PETERSBURG - RUSSIA. MILIAN, - _ - ITALY YOKAHAMA A - A . JAPAN. MADRAS, - INDIA. SYDNEY. - AUSTRALIA. AGENT, will coutain more stock than ever at prices cheap as the cheabeï¬. N. B. A 7 years’ guarantee with each instrument. Patronizc a hOme agent and avoid all reerets and dissatisfaction. Pure Paris Green. Pure Cream Tartar. Pure Baking Soda. * Pure Drugs and Medicines New Ysars’ Manufacturing 00., Peterboro. Pure Spices. _ Pure Gold Watches Pure Gold Rings. Pure Goal 011. Pure Soap. 'lv'oéeither wi'th Oï¬icgï¬suin all the Leading Cities in the Donï¬ï¬ibn. Confectionery, Biscuits, Fruits. Almonds, Oranges, Lemons Raisms, c. - Call and See Our Display. Binder Twine Cheap. KENNEDY NICHOLS. OUR LU MBER YARDS AT OUR FACTORY OM EMEE. REM EMBER BANDIES, .“Thornfdn, .‘Mulligan’S, “ OMEMEE. at