" Mat-r. â€Tenor, Notary Public MILLBKUOX. : : : QATAR] Nahum 08100. nver new Punt 0010!). XI one: to Luau. TELEPHONE 92. he}: at LINDSAY, in charge of ' Cut in Cigars R GVBOX 362. Th0 “ Ideal,†for 1897, Is by an odds use best in we market. Its ï¬rs‘ cost is W I-aw, when you-remember that. it Is dï¬Ã©ï¬‚y A High Grader, and the annual «t M maintenance and repairs ialow- Q. still. I have handled those miHa for at years and ham: never yet. made a. ï¬pah on mac-Jun; a? defect m mat-criai origmur aurkmanship Send fo-rpzurtn-pinrs Of my ntheriines. WAEHIKG Ai HEX ‘ Baring the past winter I was snccesal 70! in securing: a. great. quantity of un-‘ usually ï¬ne pump timber. This will he of Mneï¬t to all my customers, and will nerve to maintain the high standard of onality ï¬rst. my goods have enjoyed in 1110 past: ' ‘ ' S's-MUN GREEN. Pemee fee Eveev service - Judfsuï¬sfaouun guaranteed In every Dr. Neelands, ms: - musâ€, “£3me Commercial 11mm, â€Dï¬nnm Post 09560 Block, the ï¬at'lmfuy of every month. Admin. hind gstith grunt sncvess for over a,†Boamfl'nl tr“: and splendid a Crown and briJzo work inserted. Hat-‘1 omen nearly opposite Simp- Jam-i 93:0. RUST, Proprietor. Lindsay. nae; zg‘aa....fe 2; w mum sweet “wan-3;: m mutant wm take notice I shalt be glad to _' ï¬e lhomï¬mvin succeeded E. Duly, of the . .uy Housman hope to keep up the no! 9 House hm; alwaysxusza. m-d , imputation mm In the put. Call 3nd see us when In town 1 PETEHBUBUUGH P1111111 Wnrks «’8': Hotel. 433-1: 25c. Pipes - for 15 CI 35 andï¬ocfnpes for 25 15c Plpes for 10 me Pipes for 5 Corn Cobs 2 for 5 Tobaccos always fresh at oafliule oï¬ï¬‚'fla' alll 'IOuï¬â€˜m H‘uï¬aï¬oa maz H NV‘HOU .Eg m, Smbdimdnlfcflnlnriu VH- mcdh 931010an “mimic-rm! nun-m- w‘w-‘h vannaly Main-9| Anyone»: F1018]. CHANG‘Eâ€"Omemee and Emily citizens wm guke noncq I‘s't‘ml: be glad to -.A14 ..4- -1... Dr. F‘. A. Walters, DENTIST, LINDSAY. maruduato of Toronto Univers- Itrmxd. 110131 Conegc of Dental Sur- gens“. - . ,,__\ L_.‘.‘..Ln¢ '.,.._- A!) the Yates: and improved branches 9‘3 dinmury Gnu-awfully perfunned 633.105- moderate. 0 F F I C E over Ginm'y’s DrugSture, corner Kent and Wflliam streets. Trilbys Winks Alabamas Scotch Reel 13 pâ€"to-date $p=elal Vcncedora ‘32. H. FEE, Proprietor Bankrupt Stock of Pipes Eradburn “Way of ‘ The undersigned has a thor- mxgh bred Tamworth Boar, which he will keep f0: serwce on the prem isos', Lot II, Con. 5, Emil) , dur- im'r the ensuing season. gPerms $1.00 at time of service. Mr. D. A. Shaw, artist, will he at ms Netboro St ndlodnring the second and not male of each month to instruct. stu- dbuu-in the an of paiming m Oils and Wumnlors. Special attention given fostndentafrom a distance and For- uaibzwork. Studio 37 Water at. â€It.“ a. um: I 3.05 p. m. Eu. EA a. THROAT AND NOSE. PETERBOROUGH. Steel Widmi!!s 'fmnthsar for Service. Peter-bore, Ontario Dr. W, Remy, Robert Ruddy. â€1'. Papham Iaï¬alisagh, ‘George and Murray Streets. Orv-1c: HOURS: x Home, OMEMEE, third each mumhrâ€"ï¬-ly W H IRWIN PAINTING. Notary Public. . ON'I'A RIO. 6 for 7 for 6 for 7 for 7 for 3 for 6 for for for for for will he at his 15 Cents 6‘ (t 10 25 cents 7tOSD.:\ H ‘6 ‘( fl H 9-H :l) 'l‘helocul agency for Marti-2“ Sham Laundry Is at. the Mirror Ufllcc. Leave your parcels earth-£3 ' T homas Smith and \Villiam l\Iormson of Hamilton were killed ,by a Ham on the New Yoxk Can- I tral Railway near Rochester. I A passenger train and a gravel train collided on the T. H. 8: B ‘ near antfurd, and Engineer Gll mour ofthc passenger train “as kille Th“? "Mn Trad and Me u Rou- mzmian Jews, who arm pd at Lion- tFC‘Hl 0n th S S I‘qke Ckpm, plain, have bPen (lflfuiued on :00 uâ€"d because they h".d no means KW“. the Govcrnmcnt “:11 not allow the immigratmn of paupers. 1 Many reudents ofPretoria who 1 behaved crucll. to British subjects : before and dunng the war are be. - ing sent mto exile. i It is reported that the Empress . Frederick, Queen Victoria‘s eldest I daughter, M11 not survive many 1 months. Commandant Olivier claims he is not bound by Gzner ll Prinsl’ 0's offer of surrender, and has gone to the hills with 1.500 men, s y ing he will continue the war. Hot wofls 9r“ reported to have pneueri between E-npevOa‘ \‘CiPIi'nn Ki 3 Count Von Huelow with re- ference to Gvrmmy’s Chinese WMCV'. the Mims'er resen‘inxv Hi." Forest ï¬res in chxfourdland have wip! d out the town oFSopps Arm, \Vhite Buy, destroying 120 houses, a large sawmill and sever- al million fee' oflumbcr. Thomas VV00'1wort, aged six- teen. the only son of Mrs. \Vood- worth, of 7 Hamburg aver ue,wus drowned while bathing in Mimico Creek. Letters From Sergt. J. M. McCrea. Wearing the Clothing In- tended for the R.C.R. . Julv lsi. l900. DEA: Bungâ€"I wrote. you last Mondny,n Week ago 10-day. 1 received 3 letters thu llrst Ilnce i left Bloemfontein was expect ing more news to-day.but mall hes not nr- rived yet. The duties here are Very heavy on the men. On Monday morning at 7.30 there was some tiring at one or the out posts and th- alarm was sounded. The regiment fell in very quickly and the Coy’s marched ofl'to their diirerent posts. The Boar attnek did not amount to anything and at noon all but the out pout were dismissed for dinner. sinccthen everyone has to stand to arms from 5.30 n. in. until the cook home door sounds itâ€. One limo! Gordon Highland- era came here the night before last with an armoured train to reinforce us for the ex~ p :ctml nlim-k. Things having qui-~ted down and not so many 80 ~rs hovering about the Gordon Highlanders and train lert this morning. Un we train were 4 colt automat- in. 9.03 guns which nreaso rounds in. minute and two one pound Pom-Poms, beside these timra wm no; in-"h gun mounted on a flat car from which it is tired. There was noon- cort given by tne right half battalion Wed- nesday nigh t. There were some good song- Ve‘ry Well wrung. The Denthiess Army. Boys of the Old Brigade. Soldiers of the Queen C. There were also comic nong. recitations and lnst- umenial music. A rumor is current “vim-h I bone is true. that weieeve for the south :n it day or so and there is another which i a n more inclined to believe that W0 are to he Brigaded and leave {or Pretoria thence to Lyndenbuig, [wish we had suc- evaded in run-him: De Wet at Thnba. N Chu {or that would have put adiflerent lace on matters. “'8 hear very little ofwhnt is go In‘Ol’i but itlooks somethinglike what a. lintmloninn Fenian we captured from the iris-h iirigmle and when asked where the Boers would make a. stand. The answer was ‘nt the Maditeraninn I guess.’ It is dark now so with love to whmn due and kind remem- hranccs to all friends, I will close. The Rnss‘ans are reported to have trowel the Amur and capt- urn'! the Town Of Sakhalin. in Chinese territory. A report from Shanghai that L1 flu-u! Chang had committed sui- cide is discredited. Four missionaries reported to h;_.ve been murdered at Hankow. The pnhï¬c schoolhouse at Blen- heim, Ont., was destroyed byï¬re. During his recex‘t operations Gen. Hunter took 3.348 prisoners 3,046 horses and three guns. a justice of the Peace in Tennes- see. D ‘ Wow m "n are wearing our wooi- inn khaki.ex09piinz.im‘k°ts we wereissnod j at nature we crossed Van] River We live veryxw-H ham huv it comes high 28. formm 2 i ; zlmwd mbhit. 28. for 1 lb. lmhder in. m. n. pound fnr mwar. 1 to 25. forjnm. In lid for onndnnsmi Milk. 'l‘hnn wa can cnnk vorn q'arch. maizino rice. maniiemnni No. I had low“! rvm th - ï¬rst Limo itried in oo‘< rica i did not allow for expnna'on and it hogan to overflow and dry up. “’0 had not many «inho- an:i urn-r thvr woman ï¬liovi I was womieringwhnt to do. \Vell I was ommy and the rmo by NIH â€ms was prnity wall cooked so I wasmnuter 01' the situation. “'0 got plenty of fresh var-lame: in our «mp every dnv nnw. Thorn is a train land nt'suppllos lying on the siding int-r» r rzlbou! a WWW: waiting for a form that. has been ex Two men were killed and two f-ltallv wounded at the election 0! pay-ind format Yonqth M Hm“. 7! Wishâ€"tug} would arrive and let us go home. \\ n Sadier, an 01! sailor and -.ock hborer, was drowned m the Iarvis strcct slip. JOHN. ï¬rrlnï¬Ã©July 2nd, 1900. DEAR ELLA.â€"I wrote you {tonal-day and anal-“mas riocelved your: or ay 21“.. An- na’s or blny 20 and Flora’s or May l9th,~o an anothnrmuil lam-es this p. m. I thought, I wound let you know] hail rocalved your lot.- t--rs. “/9 are told thatn heavy mail will nr- MVP for “ï¬lo-night. [suppose it. will ï¬ll snmn oftlwmxps but. nnt. all because we know 0! lm \VM’s capturo oftixo truln with our mail mui winterolothlnz. On that, on- caaion wn ‘n-zt (lam. Blanchard killed and Pant. Alt-Donnell and a couple ofmon cupt- urml. Imn HOI‘YY the things sanl. ma, 4“... p'rinlly tha socks. did not r'mch me. yet since wh'lt Isl-mt. you Arrived safely. I dn not care so much. Anything you mix!“ semi would went out or likely get lost. I h'nwjnst two 'vrtioles now thatl had when I left Canada. that. little Purse or A my": and tho flatd class I got in Monti-03‘. Everythh-g is tznlngon an unualm couple of l’oer prlsnu- ~rs iaken I-ach (lay. Th9 next time I write. I will try to send you a copy of a. Brando l‘md vr whlr‘u sets forth the work done hythe '9th 'h-igmleofW‘xi'-h we are part. Reply- lm: to vmr' qutho-t Khaki ls lhe color and mny he in any kil‘ ’ orgoods. The ï¬rst. :4in- uhlu l: rrnnounccd an the Engllsh say our NW. 79nd the second key I ha 1 1 a v3 BE WET’S “TN NERW. News of the Week. mpuirs utta. Joux. 7' "-7-". I-‘rcd Pouch-"o, "Brno. \Vhlth’m. Arehorand w. Walsh and family loft. Eon- day for ‘wo )vr'~k’<f:\‘m p nn 0‘_npabu River. .JL , . Mv. Wm. ('aihcnrt, formerly of ih’s p'ace. but. now or Nouris. Man . returned ho'vw Monday.ai'tcr spend-n3 the past ï¬ve months In Eamon. inklngin th- great. Paris Mun-si- tion and visiting the diflorem cities ofinter~ mi. In it) : Britlxh isir‘s, viz: Glasgow,Eilin- burg. London. Liv-wool. Cork. Dublin and many other cities. Mr. (Tatlu'ari, reports sum in I axnositinl is worthy oi nitwmlanm , having 1 rge and creditable» exhibits.- from :;l= muntrlos, but wi‘l not. exceed the nxpoc- "minus m' H use vintm‘e iu'i-vr nil tinny hm"- marl zrhhni “,9me your hourvi his], which umi r 'm onnsuimadmu WH be low Lhnn vnu Lwivi'Md lip nlvo 519nm! ihizt Hm Briiixh :chI'wyaoiiing 11 m a great ex'en!‘ on :10- (umn- m‘ rhv- Hmnh van-tonns and pro-Boer im-lin ‘ which exists ilmru. We are called mmu to note the ions nrona ni‘nnr mmai, popular young man, ii) the pe r- snn 01 Mr. A. ('hamhcra; who left. Monday in: Honolulu going via. C. P. R. 1.0 Victoria, whnr‘c he will om bark 0n the "have Co’s up- mâ€"dnie Moumer for Limtdlsmnt port. Alilzo 1“).th resided in Oshawa during the past‘ few years. he will be greatly missed from his am home by his many fricnde. who. while renaming his departure. wish him “moon in his now field of labor. my. Annsé aim in" ’i'a'iu {-hld' ' REESE "in-13$ Toronto Tuesday to spend her vmuon. \nnnn Rmnhmf Peterborn. npnnt- Sunday With their aunt. Mrs. Wm. Turner. OB'TUARY-lt ls with deep regret wv are callnd upun to unuounae nu. death ot‘mw or ouro u. s1 and best. respected cltizunaJn the person orm rs. Donolly, whojolneu thegrout th20ng beyond the pearly gates on Sunday â€Vennâ€. at. the rlpa old age of 81. Tho. fun- rral on Tuesday t0 the Front. Church Ceme- zrry was laxgoly attended. SI" CINE LU lilk‘ \ .|'|~.|‘ Mrs Hewson. or Port Hope, came out Tueaday to amend 1b. funeral or Mr». Dou- n Hy. an old and esteemed rrlend. . O Mx‘. Charles MPthv-n. of Fraz- ervihc, spent bundm \\ nth hls cou- S n 314. L\ nu...)ng A“. .‘ViClecn “110 Las luh' .\ purchased the M'ss Birdin Reid, who has resided here during the pmt year. Den ’l‘uuduy fur her home In Dun-It, tnking with her xond ro- membmnces of our {air town. going itom l’eterbomugh, who \vn‘e most corriinllv received. Up m arrival at 1.31: ‘ï¬eld, they Vterc quickly ushered on board the Steamer Sun' e tm. \Ve llzin' every rensou to apprecntte the Cl forts of Mr. Clarke suoerintendenl torsecuring a craft with such get: i'dl mnpiovees as those found 0:; he Sunbeam. We trust to again have an Opportunity to enjoy a leiightful sail on this eXCelletlt â€Out. After the moorings had been lOOSCLl we glided out into the beautiful waters of Kutehawan ‘ ookzt Lake On reaching Yountr’s Pomt, haifau hour was given f)!‘ ‘, refreshments. Continuing our journey, we entered the well nam l ed waters ofClt'ar L'tke, where all on board were very mttch interest ed in the attisttc archtteature of the numerous cottages along the shore till McCrzicken’s Landing was reached, where we Were given an hour and a half for dinner. Th , p'ace is quite worthy of thr- tourist’s notice, bring the oh! haunisofthc Mississaugi InillJilS. A'large number took advantage of the canoes and spent the time tn ï¬shing, till the whistle called all aboard to extend the trip to Burielgh Failu.which we regret ended in n. delusion. for after another hour and half we found out-Selves ut Juniper island. about a halt mile from where we previously started. which gave rise to considerable comment by these bent on seeing the renowned falls. which are only surpassed by Niagara. Wile;r time had been giVen for ret‘rusmnuuts iht. gong ngalncnlh-d allabonrd for the home ward trip,whlch was enjoyed by all on at: uoun'. of the melodious selections given b) the band. and 51: glmr by a number at Indies both or which was highly appreciated. Up on returning to Young's Point nn hunrwus ‘ given t'oi- tenanll viewing the sights of this popular potnt,the sceneoi‘Chninpiniu's en; 1y ï¬sh stories. We again resume-d ourjour. uey. U poll our arrival nt Lakeflald we gtiVu tllrue hearty theers tor the captain and crew. and hidJlnguu revolr to heSunbemn. We nextfoundnurselvesiutcrustedin the i‘ameti'l‘rent Vail yUl‘lla‘, until the truth gnvethaa'gnnlot‘ uepnrfuro. On reaching [’0 erboroug..|w if untl that we had an t hour to tnke. lll t'ic sights of this business ‘ me.rt>polis and but adieu to the lair inllgs oft thu. town. “’euga‘n puru- ed our ‘jol1.‘,,,,y 1 01th: rcgu m- il'll n which and anotherlmti‘t hour'I rldululldh us satiety nt hom .-. wmi “right rwolleciions of tha day’s pleasant out ng. Among tha noticeable i‘catur.-s 01 Lbs xcnrsion “as the amiable nmnner in whit h the band added to the enjoyment of be day by well chosen selections whivh w s not omy H. cr- dtt to themsolws bu, to town. Noddy Hogan was tho star oi the prom tun, keeping all amused with his high Jigs and B.“ Nye Wittiuixms proving his super 0v- ability tor entering the Syc.utn '1’h.atre. N. Y. Special nt-eutmn must then be made of Messrs C. Fenan ‘ S h'mndynvho weretircp y :ltJiLlled to two 01 reterhoro's charming be.l¢s.lhllt imtlitnm h en for the ab]: meta. tnnca of the band striking up “ Happy to msei.,sorry to put †but what words can tle- t scribe the harmony when we mac-t again? ‘ Mr. L :vi Russell was also aonspienous in the large crowd. We must congratulate Mr. J. larshall torhis artistic tnsteln getting out the co 'ebrntion badeos to say nothing or the udmirmzunz > ht- twin suhj lot to luv the tnlr one wearing Old G cry so profusely that. all eyes were than before her smiling counten- ancc. who has lab I)" purchased the blacksmith shop at the above place is prPTU'Cti to do all kindsofwork in his profession an] guarantees satisfaction, having had laigc ex- perience at his tradu and vu: trust that the pubiic in his vicinity wxll gm: him a liberal} share: of their patronage knowing that they will be awarded with promptness and courtesy. \V'c noticed the familiar faces faces ofMessxs. I. Isbister and Fred Batman ofSouth \Ionaghan in tom) Sunday. Mrs. Lancashiae left Monday {or a fortnights visxt with friends in Colbornc. Miss Mamie Isbister of Centre~ ville who has been wsitmg her friends the Misses Irwins, return- ed homc Tuesday leaving a num- ber ohricnds to regret her depart- ure which she had by heramiablc dl. ycsit'on made. Mr. H. Cui‘rnthers our popular electrical cngimcr and lumber merchant accompanied by Mrs. Curruthers went up to Lindsay on a business Irip Tuesday Last Tuesday being appointed civic holiday the Methodist Sah- hath School held their annual ex- 0Ul‘5l0n, going this year to Stone)? Lake, the most picturesque lake of the Kawartlm group The at- ‘endzmce, however, was not so large as other years owing princi- Dally to the wet weather, hayin'zk ng, and the halvest coming in earlier [hm usual, making the Farmers in the country very busy, vet some 350 people took in this unsurpaSSed trip. Leaving on :hc roguln‘ morning train, and be ing joinet hv numerous others 41011;: the route, a large number '* L.Lb‘dUUl(. WW . 4mmmiwm-"VIW WFMWW Toronto’s Great Exhibition. The Prize List. fur 'l‘nrquto‘a great annual Exgwsitiou and Industrial Fair which tins year will b0 hold {ram Aug- ust 27th to Supt 8th. has just been pub lished. It shows some increase in the premiums and givus evidence uf the minutest. ureuuou to the promuliou of the best interests of thevountry. Mr- 11. J. Hill, the umuager and Secratary, has been In Europa. after some Special attractions and It is exmctod that he will be successful in seuurlug some few tures of the highest class that have never befure been seen in any city or town of America. , Prize Lists can be had by addressi-riz Mr. Hill at the oflico 82 Kingï¬t. East, Toronto. ' ' ' ' Names of candidates admitted with sclmnl at which prepared and marks obtained: Carey, Ethel ...... .Omemee..........762 lloulilmn, Marie ...... Emily 4.......76l l‘eeds, Frederick A..Ops 7...... ......737 Caldwell, W. ........Emlly 13... ...... 726 Nlclml's Bertha. ....0memee........676 Jackson, Euruest....Emily 10... ..664 U'Nelll, Morgan ..... Emily 5. ......658 Balfour, Caz-rim... ..Emlly ll.......658 Milaney, Mnguie E -Emily 4.... ..655 McCafl’rey, (‘lms.......0mrmee.... ..644 Hayes. Onmm. Emily 8. ".644 Gardiner, Ira... ...Emily 8.. ....602 Nuer-wéswrn Exhibition, Gooderilh September is and 19. East Dnrhu m an] (mum, Milibrook, October 4 and 5 Central Fxhibition, Pelrrborough, September 18 um! 20. East. York, Markham, 0.-!ober3 and 98 Ontarioand Durham, Whitby, Sep tember Hand 19 Industrial Exhibition, Toronto, Aug ‘27 in Sept. 8. q.) Central Canada, Ottawa, Seplemlcr 11 :n d :22 West Durham, Buwnuun'iilu,Septem- ber 17 and m Miss 19. Rowan, of Toronto, is here on a \‘lsil. Dr. F. W. hairy, nf Rnchoster, is via- iting his Ommm‘e friends. East. l’ezcrl-omugh, N..r\\or:d, Oct. 9 . :nd 10 Messrs, Ernest 'l‘!.ompson and Reg- lngld Proctor, of Toronto. were guests at the home of Mr. W. 8. Graham, Mt. Pleasant, the past few days. Mr. T. R Kennedy, of’l‘oronto, spent a few days ofthe pa’et week utthe home of his parevns Mr. and Mrs. '1‘. Kennedy Sturgeon St. Mrs T. R Kennedy and son Harold. are making an extended visit “3th friends in town. Mr. Burl. M â€Chen, nfRnchestor N. Y is visiting: his ()mempe friends Mersrs. Joe. '1‘. Beam; and Spencer Dummy took in the oxmrsinn under the mmpinug of the Employees of the Flnvelle Milling (‘0. on August 4th to Sturgvon Paint EEE EEEESE AND GET TRADE. Messrs U. ELShield and '1‘. Graham, the Misms Annie Shield and V. Graham hme returned to Mt. Pleasant after _sp.~ nding :1 \er_\ pleasant meek campiwr on the shore of Gull Lake. .iiss Margaret. Aâ€"‘ams has gone to Ruchc-s er on an extended visit. (Tobuurg (‘ent‘aL September 27 and Lindsay Central, September 20 and Omemea Entrance Exams. Dates of Eall Fairs. PERSONAL. .. 858 ...658 ..055 . .644 Barristers, Solicitors «Sac, Lindsay, Ont. In ()memee every Monday. N. B.-â€" Have hex-era! clients whn desire to lmv good farm property at. a bargain. â€"27-ly Dr. Arthur Day, DENTIS’I‘, LINDSAY. (Successor to the late Dr. Hart.) Member of Rum] (‘olleue of Dental Surgeons, and Toronto University. A 130 (irarln'xtr of American Dental College. ohm filial Worry: Excessive use om); bacon. Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt or prlcomno haeflalxï¬i. Omwiuplease. $101156th gunmen tree to any “llama Most mudern painlass dentistry prac- tised in most scientiï¬c manner. Charges moderate. OFFICEâ€"Ilan’s Old Stand, (over Armstrong’s Fur Store.)-â€"8â€"3m 'l‘he mulermgnell is prepared to loan money on ï¬rst-class farm property in large amounts at 4; per cent Small amounts at slightly Increased rates of interest. Terms of re-paymeut to suit borrower. Wood'u Phosphodlno ls sold In Omemeo by R. J. MULLIGAN, DRUGGIS’I‘. 1! men and women could have all their needs supplied as ugly as they can gm. nrsL-cluss lmundxy “m k dune hero; but. ll): no: pusslble. Wu have matured prices nu:- torlnlly lnllmvxng m.- pnro-hnso or new um- chlnnry. and you can Add to your lmpplnes: and our saturation any â€me by sendlng u. an extra bundle 0! Laundry work. Remember, we do not dry clothes by skenmâ€"lt’u hurtful to any labrlc. The pure air at heaven Is our agent. VICTUBIA STEAM LAUNDRY Sergt. Major Martin, Proprietor. OMEMEE :: AGENCY Mirror Ofï¬ce: LIFE WOULD BE HEAVENLY INDEED â€Call and get Price LlsLâ€"M A handsomely Bin-med wukly. Lauren cir. cut-flea at any Iotantflle Ill'nll. Terms. $3 3 par: tour moguls. 81. d by uLgnvlnga-g. in": tour months. “sold by .11 now-denial. an a as sum New mm animus-KKK Invention so probably mums. Commuxilou- none strict! common 'Hmdbookon Patent! um. free. Met: a nayh for “securing u. hunt. axon Mann a . receive Mm‘flthoutc Gill?†In th 0 Scientiï¬c Hmerican. TRADE MARK: 0:31ch Comments ac. Anyone sending n sketch und ducflgtlon any ggjggly noun!!! our oplmon me w other an A_ ._ __-..-‘u_ __.-_.-n_n- n-__.._x‘_ MoSweyn 8c Weldon, 4; PER CENT. m Mphleu tree to “Edam. The Wood Company W dict, Ont- IF YOU WANT TC PROSPER, KEEP ADVERTISING. Q Sold and Wmmmended by :11 dmggiata in Canal; 0n] reli- able medicine 61300:: . ‘Eï¬ mm cure Weakness. all eflecu of 14:90 Tell YOUE friends if ypu will that you really had it “ made *0 Omen" “my W111 believe it, and that it cost thirty dollars or so. They will believe that, too. Then turn the true light on. Tell them it is a ready-made suit, right out of our store, They will doubt you. Tell them.what you paid for itâ€"$5.00, $8.00 or $10.00 as the. case may be. Aga‘m they will doubt you for thev will not belleve such good lookmg and good ï¬tting clothing codld be had {ï¬adï¬-txmade. Neither can it be everywhereâ€"0r mostwhexes, but 1 s ere. Letllsf'ltYuu'E YOUR SUIT DREAMS CAN REALIZED HERE. [- WOod's I’hosphodino, 2 Suit of Clothes, and ten to one your friends will admiring- ly ask “ What tailor made it ? " Could you ask for more clothingvsatisfaction? Our Clothing is Best. yet Least in Price Tabla. _Comxnunlo_a- Lindsay’s Leading Clothier. .i’No. 1 William Street, Lindsay, Having purchased the business carried on. tor so many years by Messrs A. Mercer Co.. as High-Class Merchant Tailors andGentlcmen's Outï¬tters, we solicit a. continuanceof the valued patrona e ofthe numerous customers of the late jï¬rm, an of fashionable dressers generally. special Spring Openingâ€. We. respectfully inviteyou to our Flrst, qpr- ing Openlng ofImp‘orted Suitings, Overcoavtirgs. rouserings, Vestm s and Fine Gentlement’s Furnishings on Marc 1st and following days. The excellence of our stock 1;us’ciï¬es your most careful attention. H. E, Bradley Co, .355 Georgest, Peterboro, THE LATEST TN HATS. : Melleville CQ’S H. E. BRADLEY J EWELER, and Issuer of MARRIAGE LICENSE, Has removed to Handsc-m New Premises, at C. HUG-HAN, PETERBORO. ammszsasasz lst Door Northcf‘tbe V NEW ONTARIO BANK Successors to A. MERCER é CO George Street, 552E525? The. l’rvabyteria Manse on Sunni {as being overl-anled. Mr. \K :n‘ Q is lawman “the job, and under 8:16 “porcieion the Presbyterian! have :. manse that cnn vie u m. u of those of lager towns and cities.‘ congratulate onr Presbyterian {A on their enterprise. The Manse i‘ close proximity to the Church. Ilia Bitckuell. is a. guest a‘ the h of Mr. and mm. W. Bradburn. M133 8. Dewitt. of Bobcaygeon.‘ has been \‘iI-i‘xug at the home of "ism Us. and Maggie Scott, retsn in her home Saturday last. W T. Everett, Watcbmaker Pomboro. will be at the iradij Home Omemee on the ï¬rst Tuesdaj «cry month Bring: your watches deals and have them cleaned and pared in ï¬rst-class st: 1e. -24-sn :3 Wnflam :1 Mr. R. H‘ Stineon has started an manual threshing cam; sign. He be phased to ahead to me warns who lute threshing :odo, tud gq toes the b an of sstisfution. Bob I h 3:115: and canes out tn the law he agrees to do. We predict for Etimsun a good season's work- FL'RUNLLISF. Hyou don't know what it is ask Dr. Gray’s Remedy {er Bells. A r the and permanent Cure for Boiis, I3 plea and Bad Blood. 25c. per hux.‘ l'ElUil X's DRCG STORE, â€NUS WANTEDâ€"A suitable rvsidence the with.†of Omemee. Apply to I. Manule. 112“)st HH‘YVIJ“. AS}. GKXE‘ “EI’AEH RVWLKN. All kludï¬of'l'arnékg. mvz'wuume (n1. Brazing. Sum-1mg. Urine-nting. \‘ulumixixng.h| {rd-n. \‘wel. aunts. « 'mu hlun ALE-«1:404 RULEwr. Bï¬t‘yvlo rvpai in sf! 1“ branches. Tare \‘uic-umzh ï¬pcclulxy. Miss M. Perdue ls Visiting a: home of Mr and Mrs. Chas. Ivory. It. Wilfred Andrus. ha been v in; Lindsay friends the past week. Mr Barry KP", of London, is s inr a: the home of his uncle, Mr. id 831.. Mr. T. 1. “((‘ren, broth" of $1 Julm McCray um: tl.e('auudi1n 4 tingem in Souâ€: Afrwa, «'14 in I ï¬atnrdu} , a guest at! me Simpsan 11 0-1.9! 3dr. .\l. J. Wihnn, of Tacoma. I Sun-nu at :2 e home a! his mun.†A “Lynn. Mun. looks as lh czty iize agrres um: him. The Misses Annie and Mabel Th Ion luv. "turned from a plenum it to Brwebridge. Noun. “liter Brown and T. 1:. ' tut. t { Lindsny, were In town 'l'¢e: en busim’ss. Ht. Thou. English, who is home 1 Monk's“. on a visit. wheeled to 1‘ any Thursday. He made the re trip in forty minutes. A good second hand organ for cheap. Apply to John Itomlaud, The new St. James' Church in F will be opened lur Divine sen-ion \ on Suadty, Sept. 2. The Rev. Pro Clark, D (' r. of Trinity range, '1' to has promipcd 10 he speclui Pro on “In cecusiuu. We invite the Citizens of 0 and Emily to call when in L Yours most respectfully. Pym Proprietors of The Duly House. Dr. Ivory :nd Mr. Burt Mitchen turnad to Rochester yesterday. an plounnt visit with Omemee friem Fotflo Cuh, or $50 Credit, 1 Bl nck IV., 50 feet frontage, Nor King Strut West Omemee. Goo building on the lot. The stable u until sold. 0. BIGELO W, Lindsay Hes-n. Wm. Mills, of Quebec, Bobt Mills, of Peterborough, gave Mirror 1 friendly can Wednesda} Jordan Dr. s..(‘ity Fiarists, who] and feta“ denim-re in Cm Fluwers. all Designs. Funeral Wreaths, Pl Wedding m-J Table Decorauons. ( Ho. ee, Aux-1e Street. Retail Br: 436 George St. l'eterboro.- 3m 'l'ln Misses “angel and Mossie of Lindsay, are vuLtiug Omeme Emiiy friends. Field sud G eren Seeds, Paris G1 Blueuone for Burden): Mixture. moud Walsh. cor. George and Si: 61.3., Paterborongls. Telephone 146» Hr. E. Elsom is having as ï¬ne hum ended on King St, Mr. E h to be congratnlnwd on hlaouzer The Omen“ Band sand, now I erected. "1" till a long felt want, with we elm-sud position the numbers will occupy in future, music will sound much better. can to the Bad. Miss Semi-ice Bell. of Lindsay. itmg u the home of M r. and Mn Andrus. Min Wullesa 1nd Miss V. “'31 of Toronto. no guests at the hou‘ Dt. sud Mu. Rogers. “118. P. Hill! sud children a “in: Onkwood ltiondn. The Emily Tuwnship' (‘ouncl Moudny. and the Uuurunee Counc Tuesdny. A good deal of bushel "uni-acted In. both sessions. The “138' I Maggie and [d3 Sc. visiting Bethe! friends this week flute! Roi 1:. Henry Morris‘ Lindsay, was a visitor M the hm his uncle sad sum. 31!. and Mn D. Stimson last week. PILESâ€"PlLESâ€"PI LES. Itching Pi!†instantly relieve positively cund. Perri-1's All 5‘ Ointment allay: ull iritstion sud guy, kind of sore from aoomma ,3 to the most malignant “Ice; '33., Barber's Itch, Sm Rheum â€"8111: WOT!" anâ€. all skin di 1 Speciï¬c for PL; Worms 25c. [1 â€8818’s DRUG STORE, LIX The Mirror LOCAL; LACONIC (5‘. H'EBSTER. of Om in Lin