.â€" card. '1th their Ccspltu l) ll‘.l’)lc(l 1n . and ten of prime changed Messrs. lv. (lilies- L's‘ boartl~ hiccd ( p- and Mr. 'llllb was ‘t'tl R01 L’ ting. He :hur selec~ flue better .1: which weld Mom in de, :0] Ofï¬ce, cm. Saturday to sugar 4.63 5 per 100. Currants 3 its for 25c. 11;; syrup 4C OS of rice for r 2 51‘; reg 9c qt, white -c; cornmeal tar 1.00; 20 ; bar'l salt 6 bars 250. s and a good soft drinks biscuits for ,‘thing fresh. 811111. 0 WE. tore, ' O. a Ladirs' and Chtl- : we are N35 for the Iosiery, 1’s Un- 3 Hats ls, Silk r-to-put-on from 5128 1 trade on are % 1111111 {Hamilton’s CANADA: lmaohioerzy. “Wï¬y'†I reSpectfully call the attention of Partners to the fact that I have the AGENCY for the Peter Hannlton Partn Implements Machinery, and can furnish you, on short nottce, with any imple- ment or machine made by them. The STRENGTH of theHAMILTON IMPLEMENTS, combined “(nth EASE of Running, places them In the FORE- MOST RANK. Call on me and get quotationsnor drop me a card and Iwill call on you. Officeâ€"~0pp05lte \V. lusbers Blacksmith ShOp, 0n TUPPER ST., MILLBROOK. ROBT. NURSE. . .«I 1 SELL BEST MAKES of WA P S a so and BUGGIES. GUNS Act directly on the liver. 0 They cure constipation, . biltousness, sick-headache. Sold for 60 years. 'ib‘éï¬l‘irfi’i: Want your moustache or beard BUBKINGHAM’S DYE abuntifulhrowu orrlchblack? Use m cm» or manzmacocmunn. Mr (Eco. (ilcnuy was the'gugs: ofhfs parcnts Mr and Mrs I (ile1111v ovcr Sunday. ' Omemee and Vicinity. l LOCI-K la LRCONIC Mr. Gco. Carey returned home Mr '1‘ R Kennedy of Toronto, is the “0W ICilllll l8 Gallltll.‘ The story of a great deal of the un- happiness of women is a story of lost health. W o m e I! wonder how it is that little by little the form loses plumpness, the cheeks grow hollow ‘ and sallow, and they feel tired and worn - out all the time. In a large proportion of cases when women are weak. run-down and falling off in flesh and looks, the root of the trouble can be traced to womanly diseases which under- mine the general health. The proof of this is that women who have been cured of painful womanly diseases by the use 3- of Dr. Pierce‘s Favorite Prescription have recovered their general health, gained in flesh and in appearance. $500 Reward for Roman III. l Cannot be Cured. / We have them The proprietors and makers of Dr. Pierce's Favonte Prescription now feel fully war- ranted in offering to pay $500 in legal ‘ money of the United States for any case of Leucorrhea, Female Weakness, Pro- lapsus, or Falling of Womb, which they cannot cure. All they ask is a fair and reasonable trial of their means of cure. "I suffered for three years with ovarian trouble," writes Mrs. Ann Quinn (Treasurer Woman‘s Athletic Club), of 602 Sycamore St. Milwaukee. Wis. “The treatment I took did not do me a article ofgood, until a good neigh- . bur who )1: been using Dr. Pieree's Favorite same kllld: Presertpttou ndvtsed me to give it a trial. The next day tool: my ï¬rst dose. and it was my ï¬rst ster-rp toward recovery. In nine weeks I was a gl ereut woman: my flesh which had been nbby became ï¬rm. complexion clear and my thy grace shall strengthen his heart.†eyes bnght. It was simply an indication of the great change within from pain and suffering to 1 1’53““ XXI-â€â€˜â€œ 'l‘ll‘dllk 60d, my with and happiness†l God turns his f-tce towards me Dr. Pi ce’ l ' ' 1 ’ ‘ l l I ' er S P easant Pellets invtgorate thanks to thy merits, 0 Mary, always stomach,liv:rand bowels. ,. . ., -â€"â€"â€"-~-â€"-â€"._._..__________ ,, M ._..c,, m‘ 1 \1rg1u.’ “ 0 Lady, I have crted to thee day A Reply by the Rev E. A. l and night; thou hast had mercy upon ?; Q thy servant.†'l‘uvsday after a pleasant us“ With hts gm.“ of l1i~"p:lrents Mrand Mrs 'l'hos. Ft-nelou Falls fr1euds. Miss C. Carey is vismng her Peter boro friends. Mr. (I Nixon was in Pctcrboro Mon dry on business. Mr. I. S. Mdls of Uxbridge, was a ti~<Etor in town over Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. A. Parsonscl1ildren, of Toronto, were guests t the home of Mr. and Mrs. 'l‘. .l. Parsons, Monday. A large number of zlte Old Boys were in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Sparlirg of Toronto, were guests of the Rev. and Mrs. ]. H Locke over Sunday. Mr. (E. ('. R. McQuade, of Albert College; Belle-ville, was in town calling 011 friends this wccl'. Miss li (ilcnncv l'as secured a good Kennedy. _.\lrs White of Buffalo, is the guest of her parents Mr. and Mrs I (ileuucv. Mr. Watson Clarke has bad a number of pretty “ Souvemr " Badges of the Excursion to Olcott Beach printed. Don't fall to get one. Remember the Union Excursion of the Presbyterian - Metbod1st Churches of Omemee, to Olcott Beach, N Y. on \\'eduesday, Adar 10th: Return Fare from Omemee jct $1.30; children 6oc. Special truiu leaves (huetuec at 7.15 a n1. for Port Hope, where the large steamer. Argyle w1ll be m waituig. 'l‘be Millbrook Band will accompzuiy the cxcursiottists. 'l'hisis :1 splendid trip. \\'m. Cook, M. l‘. is spending a few losttiou as clerk in 'l' lintnn ‘0‘5 davs 111 the \‘illuu'c. store, Toronto. Mr I. Richardson S'tippcd a car load of bogs f1 cm Omemee jct. on I Tuesday. Mr, . ll. Harvey is visiting l l l ‘ Miss Lam-13c Brown 15 risitm' Blis‘~ Antuc Ivory. --. 01¢». The following is a copy of a telegram sent on the occasion of U LISLlalIgIXiC .\ll'S (‘0\\'lt‘)'. ill. Ol‘ the Victoria, County (Md Boys' lawn. Messrs. \Vm. and Bert Chum- Lcrs. and Mrs. S. Luidley. of Lindsay. attended the lllal‘l‘lugr: or is; .\':llie - bambers to Mr. 1 up; l.:t:tl which interesting event took piper: yesterday. Mr and Mrs “'hitcstde and children of 'l‘orouto, were guests at the home of Mrnud Mrs I (ilcnuey, Mt 11d.1y. Mr. W. Cook was a Vlnlt'lr in town la»: chli. Miss Spence, of Lindsay, was a gust at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. Earle last Week. Mr. R] Courtney has started to thresh. and he reports a good cr0p of down Seed. Success, Robt. Mr. Sam Brown is going to the West again. We Wish httn 21 safe journey. . Rey} j. M. \Vhitclaw was visit- ing friends in Quebec last week. Mr. Thos. C. Ivory was in Oak- wood. ll eduesday, on business. Work has just commenced on the side walks and will be pushed forward as rapidly as possible. 0.11e111ee is bound to keep abreast with the times. Mr H. Bcatty propr. of the (‘ommeral House, spent Saturday and Sunday with his brothers in 'l word. The work on our new school i; go- ing on mpIdly, and whcn completed Will be :1 model of neatness and a credit to lhc contractor and the thriving ltttlc t til ll. .ur Alf. Jones says uhccling aint what it is cracxed up to be. The Ops mud is bad to wheel on Alf would rather have a horse and buggy yet. Mr, W. E. Kclcher, of Mr B. I. Gongh’s staff, and wife, of Lindsay, are spending afew days with Mr and Mrs Bert Courtney, Lebanon. Mr Robt. Henderson is waiting Liud~ say friends. We regret to learn that Miss Maye MCCaffrcy lS ill, Mr \V A Sherwood, Artist, Toronto, spent Monday and Tuesday in Lind- say and Omemee. The Mirror’s phone No. is 19. Ring us up if you havea rush order. See opp051te page. Dental Notice. Owing to continued increase ance were heard by Mr 1‘. Kerr by her priests, is different to what she in my practice in Peterboro. and feeling that I am not giving the people of Omemee and vicinity the attention they deserve, I have decided to discontinue my visits there Iwill giVe special 1nduce- ments to tie peOple of Ometnee and Emily to come to my Peter~ bore ofï¬ce. Thanking you for past patronage. I remain, vours sin- Cerely, Dr Wighman, Dentist. ‘4~ no ! l .._â€"â€".... .__..,.__-_ _._.__---..- rc-uuion at Lindsay zmd Omcmce; New York, Aug. 1st, 1904. To \i'. A. Sherwood, President Victoria Old Boys, l.i111.ls.1)‘. Victoria Old lioys lxcrc regret they me not bouie (0-day. ‘.V. T. Robson, Pres. Canadian Club, New York. Mr Harry Ivory. of Toronto, was aguest at the home of Mr C. Ivory on Monday. Miss Maude and Mable Sherin of Winnipego City, L‘. S. A. are visiting in Omemce. Mr Milton Sbcriu spent Sunday in Petcrboro. Mr Haw-lock Fee attended the scrv1ces on Sunday of the Governor (lencral’s Foot Guards in Peterboro. 'l‘be Methodist and Presbyterian Church Sunday Schools held a Union picnic in Magcc’s grove on Friday which was largely attended. Every body present had a gtol clays outing. Messrs Percy and Charley Robmson of Toronto, were to town over Sunday. Miss Pearl Junkiu. of Fcuclou Falls is Visiting her aunt in Omemee. Remember the O. Y. B. No 55 meeting tonight August 4th. Mtss Edna Balfour, was 111 Lindsay, on Monday. Miss M. McCuffrc-y was in Lindsay, on Monday. Mr Chas. Ivory, 1s visiting Toronto, Rochestcrzind Philadelphia fl’lclld'w this Week. We regret to learn of Miss Mmme Henderson’s illness. She went to the Lmdsay Hospital on 'l‘uesday for treatment. Her many friends hope for a speedy recovery. Messrs. E H English and H Magee were in Peterboro 'l’uasdayon business. Miss Nellie McQuade is visiting her Sister Mrs F. C. Fielding at Coboconk. Miss Daisy Cornwall of Philadelphia Pa, is spending hcrvacatton with friends in Omemee and Emily. Miss 1.. Baskcy. of Tweed, ts making an extended vis1t to Omemee. Mr Leonard Sandy has returned to Buffalo. Mr Norm Holden had quite a thrilling experience in Omcruee last week and his cries for assxst- from the country, who rescued him from the pending danger that he was in. Mr Kerr should receive 'a medal for his prompt action. ‘ . Mr “1]. Lamb is home from Monteal. Messrs A. McCrea, 8. Roland. S. Mills, E Jameson, R. Adams, I Rich- ardson, E. English, and a large number of Others attended the celebration at Lindsay, Monday. “ Let the families of the nations 1 . adore thee, and act all the orders of an- Laufelll 111111 Roman Mission. Following is a sermon Preached at gels glortfy {hie}, . Q ~ ' Psalm Akk.~â€"‘ In thcc, lady, have "t‘ Lukes 0†June Will, "I WPIY ‘0 Itrustcd. Islmll not be confounded the sermons preached at the Roman foreve'; in thy grace uphold tuc.†Psalm XXXV.â€"â€"“ Incline the lace of thy Sou towards us; oblige him to have puy oh the sinners.†Psalm XLVIII. â€" " Hcre these things, all ye pcople, give car all ye who would eutcr into the kingdom of God.†“ Honor the Virgin Mary, and you will ï¬nd life and eternal salvation.†Psalm (XLâ€""O, my soul, bless the mother of jcsus Christ, and thou my inward parts, glorify her name. “Sins are remitted by her graCc, and sickness is healed by her mercy.†Psalm CIX.â€"â€"“'l‘l:e Lord said to our lady : My moth r, sit’tbou on my right hand." h'lissiou. In explanation we wish to state that there is no desire to have any misunderstanding Will] our fellow cuizens ofthe Roman Catholic faith. They and We Protestants have hitherto lived in peace and good Will, and We hope and pray it to continue so. But the issucis With the priests who, as agitators and With a desire to gain their own ends at all costs, have made the trouble. The Mission preachers, jes- uits or Rcdemptorists, were imported to Insult Protestauusm and to dcludc (it the end of the Mission those of the Protestants who \chu to hear them. The trouble began last October when one of the local priests (We understand 'l'l l . d . l ‘ - 1 v I ‘ \ ‘ 3 I ' he 1.»- a Jesuit) bcgau 111 lllt: most arm ‘0‘“ “ m arc acquatute ““1 the gum and shameful manner to prosc-ly- Psalms 0f D‘Md’ and the Word Of GOG tize a. Protestant at St. joswh’s Hospi- g:uct‘ally, cam‘ot â€"3" see that floun- tal, who called for help. Rcv. E A. venture has put the \1r51u Mary 111 int: Laugfeldt, who, after consulting with place 0f GOd' and made h†the pbyect the priest, had her at once remowd to Of those prayers and the suluect Of the Protestant Hospital. The attempt to prOSclytize in St. joseph’s Hospital was the more outragious sum:- it 1s :1 public institution supported by (lovem- mcut aid. "11.x: : II Tim. .4 .' 1-5. which it is it fearful impiety to offcr to any but Hint. latcd from the Italian, we read : _;HE PEOPLES’ has a full supply of everything in ‘ New Raisins, Currants, Peelâ€"8‘1 omnsisi Lemons, Cranberries, Malaga (lrapcs, c. Candies Confectionery ; .. .- .,___....._....4,....._ - M gin,†by St. Bonaventure, the following passages occur, among many of the Psalm I.â€"~â€IilesSc:(L_,lS the man that lovetlt thy name, Yuglu Mary; I GROCER Call and see our Display of 1111: 111111 Fine China Ware ' In LAMP GOODS We have a full line. SPECIAL VALUE in Fancy fl-IANGING LAMpsxw Fresh Groceries ARRIVING DAILY. A Full Line of Pure (lold, Chocolates, Jelly Powders, Prcpnrcd Mmco Meat, ‘anncd Fruits, and \'cgct:1blcs. usl ï¬lcelllnf. W BHADBURW many indulgcnccs as we cm IndulgcuCcs abridge the pains which we must Stiller in purgatory." I Will here mention some of the many iudulgettccs which you can ob- tam : First, he who hears mass gains an indulgcuct: of 2,800 years. Secondly, he who wears the scapular of Mount Carmel, observes chastity, abstams from meat on Wednesday, and recites every day the “Our Father," “Hail Mary,†and “ (ilory b: to the Father.†ctc., seven times, wtll be soon (lelthr~ cd from purgatory, as we read in the oliicc of the Blessed Virgin iu sorrow, of the Conception, and dc Merccdc. 'l‘lurdly, be who says the “Augclus llotnim†when the bell rings for it gains many indulgcnccs. Fourthly, that who say “ Blessed be the holyimmaculutcaud most pure conccptton of the Blessed Virgin Mary†gain an indulgence of 100 years. To them who say the “Hail, Holy Queen†is gained an indulgence of 40 days. For pronouncing the names of Icsus and Mary, 25 days. They who say ï¬ve Patch and Aves, in honor of the pas sxou of .lcsus Christ, and the dolours of the Virgin Mary gain an indulgence of 10,000 years. Again, listen to this frightful impietv Symour’s Mornings with the jcsuits,) P- 39° 3 “In order to increase among the faithful a devouon to jesus and Mary in the 111voklug their most holy names, in union together with thabof IOscpb, to recommend themselvcs to thcm in the last moments of life, on which eternity depends, Pius \"II., by the degree of the Sacred College of Iudul those praises which are addressed in gc11Ces, dated April 28, 1807, couced~ the Scriptures to Ahmghty (30d, and ed a perpetual indulgenCe: of 300 days for every time they recite dcvnutly, with a contrite heart, the three follow From the “ (llorics of Mary," traus- lug lelCUlflllOllS 3 “JESUS, .lOSUPh, and Mary, asstst me in my last agony. “ We read in the chronicles of St. jcsus, .losvph, and Mnry I hrcatlm out “I would be glad 1fI had not forccd Francis that brother Leo once saw in I my soul to you 111 pcaCc.†upon me the task of replying to the :1 vision two laddersâ€"one red, at the sumoutlmtwus preached lust Mon Instances might cnsily be multiplicd summit of which was jesus Christ; of the lucrative trafï¬c which the day in the Rom-.111 Catholic Church and the other White. at tlietop of which ' Church of Route pursues by means of here by the Mission Preacher to nou- presided His blessed mother. He ob~ Romauists. To be Stlcut after such served that many who endeavored to statements would mean assmit, and the ascend the ï¬rst ladder, aftcr mounting Protestant community is entulcd to a few steps fell down; and on trying have these arguments answered. It is again were equally uu~‘11cccssful. So a sorrowful task to point out the blots that they 11cvcr attained the summit. of any community which professes the But :1 voice having told them to nutke name ofjcsus Christ, and within which trial of the white ladder, they 50011 beyond question liavc dwelt and dWell gained the top, the lllesm-d Virgin many of H15 saints. Nothing can call havingr held forth her hands to save more for the utmost fairness and calm- them.†ness of spint than such a task when it , has to be done. But 1am sure we do l say that the Roman Cathohc church need a grave, reasoned, authentic ' docs not worship the Blessed Virgin! warning in regard to the Church of I will g1vc a f1w passages regarding Rome. 1 have. no quarrel With our auricular coufesstou, to show you to fellow-citizens of the Roman Catholic what abuses it leads. faith. 'l‘beyare not responsible for the On the subject of priestly absolutiou, teachings they reCeive from the agents the Council of Trout, Canon 6, do- of Rome, and. not hearing tle other crees as follows : side of the arguments they cannot “The Council further teaches that l l My dear brethren, yet thcpriestsl such doctrines, through the gross ig» noranCc in which she kccps her votm' ies and the bhutl superstitions shc fnsztcns upon them. Her Whole system is one of unmixed rebellion against God, and contemptuous deï¬ance of His wdl and word. As to the statement that the Church ol Rome was to day more glorious and more prosperous than cVer before, I bcg to differ. My brethren, I point you to France. which is emnuc1pating itself from the Roman supremacy. Par from leading its followers to Heaven, Rome is using them for poliucal ag- gression. Look at the nations, such as Spain, still under the yolk of the Pope of Rome, and how have they fallen from their greatness and power. No, the hull of the matter is that, especially in liuropc where the “Away from judge fairly on the merits of the case. priests who are living in mortal sin cX- Rome†movement is the strongest, 'l‘he Priests have good season to pro ercise the functtcn of forgiving 51113, as l hundreds of thousands are cntcriug thc hibit them to attend a Protestant ministers of Christ, by the power ofthe ; fold of the Protestant Church. Rome church, especially the Church of Eng- Holy Spirit, conferred Upon them m land They fear It because “the truth†Ol‘dlllflllOll ; and that lllOSe \\'ll() COH- will make the people free, and the re- tend that wicked priests have not this suit of the evangehcal doctrine is power hold very erroneous entimeuts." always “liberty from the tbarldom of In the catechism of the Councxl of Rome.†. 'l‘rent, p. 260, we read : ‘ I‘he ï¬rst I have to state is that I N In the minister of God who sits 111 doubt the truth of the object of the the tribunal of penance as h1s legiti- last serv1ce m the Roman Catholic mate judge, he ([liepemteut)venerates ChUl‘Cl‘ 115. being “ ‘0 _bring' about a I the form and person of our Lord Jesus more cordial relationsal between Ro- _ Chnst; for in the administration of Fm!) Ci'th‘lfllc andf ltott-lli0111atil(;atl;o~ . this, as in that of thcothcr sacraments, 1c. ‘7 inrgc rom “C P†P†“C l the priest represents the charactcr and pr1csts of the llomap Catholic church l discharges the functions of jesus here to provc 1t. \ou thl l'cl'llCllll)c‘" , Christ.†the saglmi-lldcnt t1lat] llappencd at S' ’ l)0cs, then, a priest, “living in mor- {31:233. 33:13:... “:1 a “'1‘; 3?: ' l ‘ ' . “1"“ character 0 esus Tirist, “ ‘ 10 11. England of “1â€?" years’ Standmgi l“ a no sin, ucithcr was gutlc found in H15 molment of bodily weakness submitted mouth," Who u was holy, Innocent, to )e made a member or the (jhurdl separated from stuners?†And llllS, 0f Route. 5“? stated to me "‘ the while the same priest “ltvmgm mortal l"cwnce of Wt‘lffsses that she FOUId sin,†a “ wicch priest†is usurpiug the not.ltelpherself,lsl1ebud to do “f I ofï¬ce and authority'of Cod Himself" 331.533.:2:3:.;:1‘:.§:n‘??:: , ‘ , ‘ ' â€5. - 11' int use can an 01' mauve c 'Agnm, u 1 be mâ€understundmn‘j's that leads to such abuses as auricular “I“ regard to the Roman («alhOllC confession, not to speak of ltS unscrip- Church. were â€the â€SUI: °f ignorance tuml cx15tcucc and the imuu rtztluu-s and prejudice. I am here .to state and viCes it leads to p . the“ the HS’IY B'llle has e‘ll‘flhtCWd Closely connected with “ auricular “1: mild: 1:5 kicmngstundtdoitnrifs are confession†is the doctnnc of “ :ndul- a so u e y at agoms 1': o t e oman ences.†Cathplic lchurch. [You mu“ remember, g An indulgence is thus explained by my ret ireu, tie Roman Catholic the Cbuu‘h of Rome: . church as she is professed, andTexalted u A releasing of sughdemporal puu- . . . , ishmeut as remainsï¬he; to those sms 1....d were". ., .. 1...... ‘ . .aeuce an con, u.†out to you, as {fully and charitably - 7.? ' - ‘ 'iï¬structtons of p0551ble, the doctrines of the Churc ». - 3 Church of “Hit the proleent 1 .I - ~ , .‘ . ;.-5: .. -.«,. . {of Rpm: as they are declared m h . a), on this sultng5§*‘h1'111g to your att1c.cs 3‘ " ,fn‘otice the followrtgevtmcts from some ‘ 'of her approved authorittcs : The mission preacher changes 51’ . testauts as misrepresenting-$99 Rorn'_ '- In “ Duff ’5 Catholic Library," part 9, Catholic church by Sayi ‘ at slfe'gt' teaches the worshlpu'hnd “ ' H the Blessed Virgin. 7. _ ~‘ In the “ Phillie!†of the: n " ‘ .at ~ ,;.1 out 1 of to day 18 the same as in the Middle Ages. Ifyou let her gain suprcmacv she will again revive the Inquxsition and the Sunthï¬eld ï¬res. Rome can- not change; for w1th an alteration of her unscriptural doctrines the whole fabric would fall to pieces. Protestants need to be on their guard. The cry of “ No Surrender" is needed [0-day more than ever. The tune has come that we must speak and explain to our people the true docâ€" trtne of justiï¬cation by faith through Christ alone. He, the bleSSed Saviour, is the true Church the Only Catholic Church, who oï¬'ers Himself to all, independent of . . . .\ _ _ _ a" external orgmnzatINL BY beltcvtug lu (linemen first Monday cuch inputh Héiy l 1111111111 11113; The paint that \vcars and looks best is 1111;» Shcrwin Williams. only ofabsolutcly pure-lend, zinc, color and pure llllhtcd oil» ,- thcrcforc it \v1ll always look btucr and “car longcr than any :ldullt‘rr'd paint mit- 111:1ch friends wbcrcvcr uscd “'1: kct-p cm} number listed» \cr can gcl jur-t the shade you want, 11nd you will multc no udslukc in usiu†S. \‘J. 1’. Wall finish, _lcll:tonc, ls'::l.~:(,~111111c:1111l Alubmuuc for Walls ud ccililT‘gs. WBRUSHES OF ALL KINDSF<>~ Boots and Shoes-~Stock Fully Assorted. CLOTHING--We have the largest and best stock ever carried by us in Omemee. â€DRY GOODSW l SILKS--Ask to be Shown Our Stock. no shoddy in it Icings We \vtll be pleased to Show you what we carry in this line. Special values in Lace furtams. l’rmts and (lotionsâ€"allbought before the rise in prices. Our stock is \‘cl'y complctc at prt'scnl 111 all 11111-s quality and prices on: right. Wm. Curry Co. OMEMEE KEEN B â€"- Don't forget the Sherwin-Williams l’-\lN'l‘S."§?â€"E CAREYS MAGNESIA FLEXIBLE Cement; Rooï¬ng. Guaranteed for 10 Years. - Those contemplating puttingr roofs 011 their buildings, the com- mg season, “'1†ï¬nd it to their advantage 10 call on me, sec samples and get prices beforc buying any Ullrtl' kind of toolmg. It Is w111d, dust, rain and ï¬re proof, and coxucs chcupcr than ï¬rst class shingles. Cement Rooï¬ng will last as lcug; as thc lx‘ocf Boards on which it is applied. Prices on application to L S. CLARRY, Agent, BOX 815, Millbrook The ¢£%EERSEEdS .1 cm Ruthie-Tarn g ,. 1? 00’s Emile ésasasesaég Is the Plum to Buy Lumber, Lalb Shingles, Ccmcut, Plas- ter Paris 1.\" Charcoal. Also Hcadquurtcrs {or \\ 111dsor Salt, “ Dairy Cheese Butter †Btauds. Sash, Door-s, Blinds and liloulclirzvs Always on hand. l’erfcclly Drivd and Scusoucd. lies. qualities Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood and l\l1ll\vood. ............... Cull and get our p1'1ccs and exauuue goods. E535} 1192 'l‘uLuruoktasâ€"Agent’s Ofï¬ce, 77 P ; 'l'own Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78 G. H. M. BAKER Ag: 3.11:. : : Lindsay T. BRADY, Lindsay's Leading irocer,l{e1u St , lllth‘ oucul tl elargeat Out in Cigars .uld best stocks in the (‘uuuty tut-house ‘ A Talus - 61..., \mGS 7 for 25 .. . . . Alabamus - 6 for 2" “ We Print Sale Bills gem}, Rec] 7 for 2; . R1ght---at:d Cheap. Up-to-dztte - 7 for 25 “ At the MIRROR Oï¬ice. 5})90111 3 form ‘ \Icncedora 6 for 25 “ Slllllil‘lll in the llll‘ru lllll 'BankmptSlocl of Pipes get its lieu 1f 81111111111 11,... - 1... .5 . «. .-, 1 21> 11- 2 .. and llllllhrul- i;."ii1,ii‘ "Ԡ12,: .3 .. _.__.-W-..A,_, hag, , 10C I’lpcs for 5 " l corn colts 2 for 5 “ Toliactos always fresh at WEI. COLYIN’S Tonscrial Parlors. IKING STREET. OMEMEE. 4; PER" C E NT. The understgue'l is prepared to lutu. moueyon ï¬rst-mass farm properly in large amounts at 4; per cent. Sum†amounts :th slightly increased rates of interest. .‘l‘erms of re payment to suit borrower. I. E. WELDON lurrister, Solicitor, 1:., Lindsay, Out. Dr. J. P. Keith. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Graduate of Toronto Univer- iu H1111 alone, by trusting Him to bc1 N li.-â€"-I|tt\'e several 1:11.411.» “'11†«Vleuire sity medical College, also ment- the Way, the Truth, and the Life, you become citizens of Heavuu and heirs of eternal salvation. 'l'hank (lod, the Gospel has made us free, and with the ltbcrty of Christ’s salvation offered to all, we do not need the path of the Roman Church nor its priesthood. Dear brethren, I point you to this Saviour Jesus Christ, mighty to save. Cling to Hun, and refuse to :11 can any other power in heaVen or on earth ex- alting itself above Him. You will understand the line of thought I had to adopt. Imustde fend sacred rtgh‘s and priveleges, and 111 the defence of the honor due to my (iod and Saviour, I submit to none but lum. In this I repeat Martin Luther‘s words: “Here I stand; I cannot do otherwise; God help me.’ Amen. (TENNIS-LITE: BULL: Barristers, .Soltcitors, N otarics, c., 1 34% Hunter Street, PETERBOROU GH, ONT. Housc, Outcmcc, every Tuesday. “- Mr. llull will be at the Bradburn ulg-tO-dawin Dentistry . l to buy good farm property at .1 bargain. ~27-lr ber of College of Physmians and -ï¬mï¬c .---~â€"1.â€"'â€"lSurgeons, of Ontario. ' Dr F A Walters Ofï¬ce : Opposite E. jatuicson’s _ I Blacksmith Shop, King t. \\ est. mums-'1‘, l.l.\*lJS.~lY. 1 _. Honor Graduate of Toronto Univera- ANNOUNI‘EM l-IN'l'.â€"~llu\'111r: purchased . ‘ , the Drug Business lotmoerl) curried on un- fly and ltoyal College of Dental eur- tlerlhc firm nttmeol ouMonua WALSH. I \vlll continue it upuer tlu- some name. It. 80‘15- will be my varo to malntnln 111131.121. top". All the latest. and improved branches ' 131111111 r" lulu: lu‘ld hytln- buslm-psxan- ,,.- [inhu- grimlsnud Fm accuracy in tho prepar- of dentistry succwsfully performed. aliouulIncdicincsaltd prescnitlonu. T1.» ‘ . y , . .1 Stock will be malmalnctlnta tlgh stand- bhfll‘lles modernle. 01‘ 1 I" I“ â€â€˜ U ardorexcel‘enre. Inviting a Nmtluuanco . ,, - ' . . or patronage, very res mm ’. mcxson (at-ego†3 Drug Store, corner lunt and DAVISlml\'.-3m. pee 5 Wllllulll streets. Billous? . . Dizz P Headache? Pain , -â€"-â€" back 0 your eyes? ' It’s your Dr. I-t‘vme, of‘the aboye firm, a liver! Use Mgflg"?flls. ï¬rst-class Honor Grad uatc ol the “Gem! laxativepï¬hr? DrS.Nee1ands Irvine, , Dentists, Lindsay. 3‘ University of'l‘oronlo, Metubcrof Sold or60 yeags. the Royal College of Dental Sur- geons, visits Omuucc 1st Tucs- duy of cvcry mouth. Want your moustache†heard a beautiful brown or rkhbbak? Use militant-nu III-81.00....†'- . Everything Gasado umustered for :ceth extraction. l It 15 undo. I 1 l l l l 1 l 1 ‘ 1 ‘ 1 1 f t i 1 i i ‘ table. . mm