@WU Gm mam 3E2 Wudfl gm . BE 0%. mcmï¬ E $ng amour doEEEEEO FE†w a, â€S â€E? BEï¬lï¬'ETY ;_T[-‘-he only person who handles this quality of coal in weEvenmoc‘r' that burns Scranton Coal are always appy t 3cause they always have a good ï¬re. $6. 00 per ton delivered, Cash, 01' 8 months time will he give en “y Ltazting that you want it This price is â€5.003136%“ fess than you can get the same quality jé'fCUaT for 1n Lindsay or Pete1boro.A11 my 011 stom- - / ers get the beneï¬t of a cash deal this year. delivaez: ed no W. If you can’t take in your coal now, order it at once, and; T will store it 1n my coal shed, and you can have it delivered any time Within two Months. ‘ Fldur, Feed and Seed Store. Cash for A‘syke 83ng Fall Wheat for Sale. $2.50 'l‘he press of Landau) is complaining of the persibtem hostility to England which is exhibited by the United States. According to the St James’ Gazette it is quite clear that no conces- Gazette it is quite clear that no conces- aims that can be made to the Republic, and no display of friendship for it, can disarm American disllke. Onr neigh- bors have an Man that all cunncvtinn lwtween an Amarlvun and a European State is unnatural. and in View of that notion it is necessanS: 1‘5) the (hm tie, m prepare fur some practical action. tt‘Sy. it: '(‘Hix‘irt m Vv ll"’/,t!~"'1' v, ;. mgton laid down the doctrineâ€"ax sort of extension of the Monroe principle-â€" that it had the right to exercise super. vision over British interests on this continent. It indeed went further, and hinted pretty broadly that Great Bri- tain, the Empire With which we in (fan- ada choose to cast our lot, ought to vn- cute this particular portion of the earth‘s surface. One cannot hut admire the moderation which Lord Salishury met these astounding propositions. The Behring Sea controversy opened with audacious claims to the ownership of a part of the ocean, and to the right to treat British vessels on that ocean as the Washington statesmen might think desirable or prndcnt. It is true that the Paris award knocked this protention endways; hot it lingers, and we 500 its effect in Secretary Sherman‘s remark- able note, in which he talked violently oflCngland's failure toenfon‘e l'nitod States claims, which the Paris tribun- ui hnd pronounced invalid. 'l‘ho last straw appears to have been the new turn that the Behring Sea qncstion has taken, and the obvious attempt to drag England into a contriiwcrsy with lint-'- It. seems probable that the theory of hnstnity has gained ground in England as a result of the Venezuelan and Beh- ring Seadisputesâ€"ur at least oftho tone in which these disputes have been cen- dncu‘d at the Washington and of the discussions. The othciztl despmches from the United States have, unhappi- 1y,notheonnmrkedhydiplmnutmmnr~ I."S\'. h“ '(‘H2z'ut In! \v' l""/.(!~“'1 \‘,' sin and Japan on that subject More the London pnpers, more particnInriy the St. Jnmes’ Gazette, discern unden- ces of a desire to avoid {rimnlahipâ€"u desire which was rendered apparent In a. few of the ()hsurvutiuns which {le from Senators and other public men during the consideration of the arbitra- ti :1 treaty. It is a question how fair the sentiment pervades the people of the United States. For our part weure dispwsed to believe that it nppertnins GOALS Oi wmm, :. ~,._......-..... -~M+,.~7 n g jewellery with me. Having received great benefit from Hm use of a pair of Spectacles purchased {rr-m Mr. I. \\ hitesmitlu, Jeweller, of Munilla, I have much pleasure in recommending: his Specta- cles to the public. I was greatly troubled with headache far over nine years before wearing spectacles purchased from him, but. the headache has since disappeared. (Signed) MRS. WM. SANDERSUNJ W. D. Stinson, Onlclncc. THIS IS TO (.‘ICR'I‘IFY that I am personally nequainted with the work dnm- by Mr. I. Whitesmith, Jeweler, of Man- llln, and can Iestify that it was done in u skilfnl and work- munlike manner, and can heartily recommend him to any one having work in his line. Are you troubled with headache? if so, call and have your eyes tested FREE. I will be at the Mirrwr Oll‘xce from Oct. 5th to 12th, 1897. Any watchea, (:lm‘kfl, ctc., left with Mr. Jns. '1‘ Bentty, Umemee, or at the ()mvmee Mirror Ofï¬ce, for repairs, ml] rm‘eive my prmnpl attention. All work guar- anteed. [will have a ï¬ne line of watches, Spectacles and OMEMEE, FAIR DAY, OCT’R 5th. It may interest you to know that. on Last Day 0: Fair you can get Bargains in all lines of Lamps, Lamp Goods, Cuttlcry, (Tow Ties, Axes, Axe Handles, Shoe Dressmgï¬â€˜ove Polish. Pipe Dressing. @ WHITESMITH, MANILLA, : ONTARIO STOVES, TIN, GRANITE 8: \VOODENW‘ARB, TO WHOM IT MAY CONVERlV: I): 0% A Few Prices for the Day Duly §o READ THE FOLLOWING: (Signed) JOII.\'1\.TIIO\IPSOH, M. D WILL BE AT Fenvlon Falls, Om, Sept. 8th, 1897. more to the politician than to the pub~ lie at large, During the Venezuelan controversy, and at the time when ur- bitration “as broached, we heard from the nan-political element, and its value: was distinctly friendly to the British nation. The thoughtful people treated anything of the nature of unfriendli- mass as a crime. They held that two great nations, both of the same origin, vonld not be, and (mghtnot tobe,otlnerâ€" “ise than mmt cordial. What is more, the responsible classes condemned the unfurtuuate hi1 gimme of the politi- vizms, whether «llplumutic or unnfllcial. Among broad-minded Americans there- fore reason asserts itself and rules when controversy is entered upon. But while the assumption that. there is national hostility is discounted by the utteranc- es of leading men in periods ofdlepnie, and while we may hope and believe that a! such times the sound sense of the best men ofthe “108 on buth sides may prevail, it cannot be denied that "vim! in“ full}, manure are wit nn an Omemee, Ont., Sep. 13th, 1897. While the United States has been building up its North- West wlth the as- sislnncc of England, the British agri- culturist has been languishing. While the L'ntted States has antagonized the ’vritiph producer 1% has produced and protittvd in manufacturing as well as in agriculture at. England’s ex pause. The country has grown largely because Eng- land has helped to make itureat. It is all \cry well to talk (if hostility or luck of friendship. But why not heap mu :5 o! tire on the United States ‘3 Why not get. down to business, adopt free trade to Imperial interests, and in the Spirit of flattering imitation apply to the limpire at large at measure of that pultcy which has given our neighbours St) excellent an 01 iniun (if themselves? -â€".\lzlil and limpiro. v-gmzi nu.» 1.;j‘.lllli -!: ._-.- Vi reach such a position in the near future. The fact is the people of the United States stand essentially (or business. They are strikingly similar to the Dutch, of whom it was said that they gave too much. We see their peeiiliar- ity in their treatment of all turifl'mnt- tors. They accept the freedom of the British market, which is essential to their very existence, and rule out by their legislation the products of Great Britain and of her possessions. They have absolute equality with British ships in the maritime trade, and pro- pose to tax and limit British Conunerce at their ports. They take everything finm England, and give nothing in re- “Ifâ€. Any Watches, ('locks, etc, left at the Mirrnr (Mire. fur repairs, will have my attention. Yourssincerel)‘, $131M FAIR WATCHMAKER. JEWELER, and OPTICXAN, iiï¬lhitesmith. OMEMEE Steve and Tin EMPORIUM 27.00 rest 32Ԡ15.00 reg 18.00 18.00 reg 21.00 reg ‘20 ((2 26¢. AT THE 611? Grand Millinery Opening Magniï¬centStnck of Ladxes’ M the latest and mom advanced Elegant. display of Black and 1 ever shown, Rich lynutit'ul 11‘ You will be delighted with our «11: very 1ateutstyles BVBT BIIUVV n, nu,“ .A .n. Men’s, Yonth’s and Boy" Boots «9. Shoes and Rubbers. BARGAIN DAYS, In Dress Trimmings, Hibbnuï¬, Silks and Satins we lead the trade. READY .‘vIA DE CLOTHING Men’s Hmts at3.-19, 4.79, 6.75, 8.79. Yuung Men’s Suits at 3.3!}, 4.9:"), 7.95. bug’s 3-piece Suits at 2.89, 3.49, 4 29. ’:n_\ ’5 :Z-pivce suits at 1.8.“, 2.12,, 2.49. Men’s Overcauxs 4.50, 5.50. f: 50. Young Men's ()vurcoats 4.25, 5.39, 6 25. “03’s ~' 2.99, 3.9:», 4.50 BOOTS A N I) SHOES From the J. 1) King (V). and other 20nd makers from the unurscsx to the ï¬nest. Men’ to hubs or (‘0 wress at 29,1 -5,1.50, 1.7.:- 3. 00. Bm's MS" 1.15 1501,89. \nnth’ 8 Al ;,,S‘.?1‘.’v. “ «um-n 8 button (.r huh :1! 3‘), 5'9, 1.50, 75,159,119, 2.75. 4 1: s Minus-1h»: 20C. 41m 1.8“ v.u cmxa rzusme for 25¢. 411m curranls for“ -Sx. Japan less, 15, mg 20. " 2:3 reg 35 Chewing zubuccn 450. per lb. (IHHA‘IS rack “Huh 7:3", aw! ! lb. Art - ' 1mm!» wwrzh 23c, all {or be 'flwr'd 1hr :50. 1-. v 9. tin. Fiï¬â€"H.529 SEEKâ€"SEE? SEEâ€"CBS? 5252525? EGGS Day Prices. Ta TAKEN Butter wiï¬ not he taken on Bargain Days. AS CASH. Bargain 'I'lzcsc z-uc I‘vorlv Sons, OMEMEE and BETHANY Thos. Armstrong Bro., Thu young: Indies and uwmlvmon nr Unw- "100qu Vicinity whvn you urn in Lindsay give nw in call. YOU will 11nd everything up- xo-dato,and our privas Io .nui! me time 3:11. 5 Dealers in Heavy and Shelf Hardware Make a Fporizmy of Mvn‘s Fm‘nhmugs, Unis ï¬nd (HUN. 5: 'uw Gnmls mud Furs. Mr. Gem-gr (iuin, 11w furmor PUNK'I‘ M the ansmflluusv.hm n-ntml 1hr nun-1 uwnml by Mr. J. Imm‘un. m-x! dnnr to the ('nmmvr- oin! Imusc, kept by Mr. .1. Dnrgnn. and in- tonds to k. 0;» u lil‘htvolnss mnxwrmwc house. 110 wlll 'ivc mwd Hm Meals 101‘ 150.. with \‘nnl, “(5)16 and mod room I‘rve. Times are hurd and we must (-1]! duwu expenses. A unud Lunl'h fur lkk‘.\\'ith 1m: :04; and cuï¬'ue. Don‘t forgm Hm mnm-. 111v ‘(ilnnd'rmnpt'r- :mco House." \\‘in km raud)’ for husim-s: on the 4m dav 01' Muv. (Hfl'fliGE (LUBEâ€"1912 Will Remove to Larger Premises 'l‘lwre having been :1 repcrt started to the offev! that the undersigned :ulnher- ated the milk which he sent to the Ren- born (,‘l:cesv Factory. he oti'ers the almve rowan! fur ininrnmtion that “ill load to (he yen-inn u'fm started the above 17.3. LS E and MA LH‘IUI'S report. In the last 1011 years there has never 119111121111 {1111111011111111ill1 1111) milk I have 191111! 1011111 aforesuih factory , 11111- 111.11 which 1111 three 1r111h1’rs send. 'lhe 1111\11r11n1e 11t111sp1‘111wrhas 1 isit- ed 1110 f111‘111r1 three ï¬rms this 80181111 .1111} has {11111111 eveuthing 1111181 18:115- factor) . lherv 111131101 er 119911 3111 one 111191i.'li1e milk I send to the 1111-10“ is far 111101 c the average. (Sim 11311) WILLIAM (‘ORN E! L. W1tness, J. A. Brown, (‘lmesemul $25. Bi} REWWRW Lindsay, THECQQKLS BESIFRIENâ€"D DUNN’S IKEANG ï¬GW 2:91; Sole Great Bargains in all lines of '3 :r'. {is for Hrm er‘n's “'0 (‘1’! SpW‘iul Burgm .5 mi rm ‘.:~r\. ‘2. [11 W 1 \LL I’m .58 GOODS w. H. FORTYE CQ’Y‘ (Successors to Fuirwomlm‘ .9 (‘cn LARGEST SALE IN CAIQKEA For 28 Years Ivcry Sons, 031M981 1332:3111 COME \VITH 1withourdismqu Fall and Winter Miih’nery. an the ' latest. styles at the most moderate prices. Ladles’ Mantles 91nd Furs. Our lined in these goods are of 105 m the market at the mos: popular prices advanced st)‘ 3 Gomis. The grandest range we hnve nck and Fancy Dres (In Ctlllllnt see elsewhere at such 10W prices euutiml goods y ‘ ' ()nr( Iotlnmg is equal to tailor made, m , A “u I‘lnohEnH. S 5 12:, 4.95, :95. :9, 3.49, 4 29. ,9 2.19, 2.49. $31!, F :30. 4.25, 5.39, 6 2.99, 3.99, 4 ’s Clothin‘.’ 392 GEORGE STREET s l!’ Ontario, lieaboro RO. this 9.1 [173.†the price. We lead the: trade in these lines, both in anâ€. and pruw. 10f $133.10 Dry Goods. m'“ saw you Int-ups uf mom-v :11 Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, Pamts. OHS, Glass, Etc. TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS, 10.12. Clnldren’s button or hats, sizes from 7 i, 75- i to 10 at 50, 69, 75, 1.00. Spec!al prices in all lines of rubbers. "549' (553155 FURNISHINGS We have the very latest in hats, shirts, I 1.2.5 ties, 6:0. ‘ ‘\19n’sl‘elt mus,44,69,39, 99. Silks Men 8 Shirts 20," .. , 39, 75. 8. Men’ 5 “00!on 1",15, IS, 25 Great Values in Staple Dry Goods. Table Linens 19, 25, 30, 39. over the Store. TUE CRO\VD TO ......... Misses buttun or balsa at 75, 89, 99, 1.50. Fine (jrvy Flannel 12§,15,19, 23. White BlankeXs 750.1.†pair. Ladieu’ won} “056» 10. )5. 20' 23 Ladies cashmere gloves 19, ‘23. 3o. URQL'ERIi-ZS “ -5 re: 35 Chewing tubucm 450. per lb. (1nd.†rav L \wrtlx 75¢, and 1 lb. Art I);LL.:H,: i’uvdc‘r Wurlhl MC, 1121 for 0c. When )‘(III are gn’mg to get married, don't ï¬ner to pnmnre your marriage license. (". Iinghan ix: I‘indmy Willis-no mw fpr _\'m‘. fur 52mm. P-e sure and pro-~ cure it in ample time, Sn as tn xvoid no 1 de:z13'.â€"1‘H-1f. Tho undersigned has {or “no a. limited numhvr n! l'hï¬it‘fl Young Fowl. from tho hen Fowl in ('rmndu. Trms. 82.00: Cook. $1.00. Orders hnnkm! mm {or Eggs for "an: flea-«m, $1.anr)3: Rom-n I‘uoku E (I .1. far 9. derru by mun promptly boogud WM. COLYIN’S Head Quarters for Brown Leghorn: Box 44. Tensor-13.1 Pam-long. KING STREET, OMEHII. Call on me and 1 will guarantee satisfaction. A keen razor-and a clean zuwel forever,- cube tnmerand :â€" 1! ymx shmzm yum an canyahave, A .~ pond ns barber ever ave. Jnnl on“. and 111 my par of and A ram) '9 edg» to suit your mind: I'll cm and drug your hair with tame, Tn mix the rontour ofyom- flee. 30 lbs sugar for 1.00. 411:5 raisins fur 33c. 4 It‘s new valcn‘ua misms for 25¢. 4 lbs currants for 250. Japan ten, 15, reg 20. \A ' CAVIATI. ‘ .7; nun: an“. :35» Duncan muons. ‘ comment» For information and tree Bmdbook mu w OMB“ .t 60.. 3a BROADWAY. Nl' You: Eldest bureau for securing patent; In All.“ very “Wm taken out. by m as brnught M {he pubnc branouce swan tree of cm. In 0 ‘4 Lame“ drenhtion of my scientiï¬c m h m form. k 3:913:3de gllusmteq: Kc 1mm man [ear man éhSJid Sguv:"i:!§‘é::»‘iz.w.§'oé‘k‘l’y‘§§.3)t Vear: $1.30 six months Adams ML‘XE k . Pcnusuxns. 301 Broadway. sow York cm. $timtiï¬i Sineï¬'tau My mom in neat my towels clean. Scissors sharp and razor: keon. And everything I think you'H mm To sum thu taste and please the mind; And 8“ mm art and 1-H†can do. â€you will call I'll do {or you. I'll shave you all. the young the gay. 1'“ «have you an for xendy pay; Shaving I don! any tzme. And for bhflViI‘L’ I get a dime: But do not mean u dime in trust, For that would make a barter “buck" Plpes.1‘obacco: and Gian. of tho But Brands. in Stock. J. S. RICHARDSON. Bethany. Ont-710. LADIES, don‘t liner: Openinz. '1 3nd two foliowlnt 80m. Cspt. Mitchel? the Ssh-“ion Art nu gone to (‘65 Creamer in !:e.' W Revs. T. Hsnni Roberts wit! visi: during the next I Minden, Stanlmp force and Gondeï¬ FOB Watc‘..e Silverware, Er ding rings, gm ! Jeweler, Lind: thereé-tf The annuak nae Missionary Snci‘ Conference \\ iZ' Street Mez‘mï¬g. on Tuesday. “ of next weék. the represemat‘ from here. Extra. value :21 5' '1‘. Ivory Sons. Min Sarah Eva: friends a. visit hat Special value in. Clothing. '1‘. Ivor} Mr. John \Vilzux visitor to Omemee The Misses 31:)" were visimrs to .13. We lead the an. Goods 6: Msnzies. Mu. S. Lamb 8. tr. visiting Peter We rem-It to 2 ‘ nose, of M: And the put. few day 1eam, as we go t (ion in somewu Mr. E. Lambert any Monday. Mr. Wesley 310 Friday and Saar Fair, which be 3 Mr. Jnhr. 51": Qorday 0’1?m~‘5r hie new carting has ï¬ned up in 3nd il now pm Npsiring 121 hi {Marble xiv-{ice ( onsmbie frvrn Tuesda} 0:; sfter the stray Grady fr: 516 harness from 1 Grady was 1‘. taken {"2 Ha piegied c'zi'tv Jelfl ofï¬andi Central Prison Emily Fall on Monday a: 4th and 5th. 1 p. S.-I haw ments with a To any watch repair! Slump in prices chance to secure your own price. can get PURE 1 at R. I. MULLI Large hi1 Emu) Fall held on Mn “h and 5: han- been this year W (a m pis. hem: a; Th3 Eu sewer w member ( year'énl’a us a1? do ' in: suoct’ par: of u. feature in Mr. Hunter focusaing ‘1’ as i!» arm-e worth the : trots med 3 has persun in trua 1mg poimed, 8 ofl'cuoive. 611 on H1. (Y \V at Edi C3118