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Omemee Mirror (1894), 28 Sep 1899, p. 3

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.‘.1.-. \K . u. Luke, of Oshawa. General Age-n! for tin Massey Harris Co's. was in tail: Thursday on business. Mr. '1' A. McCrea has been appointed local agent for tlw those firm. Dr Neelauds. Dentist Lindsay will be :1 the Commercial House op Post Office. Omemoe, on Tum-day, Oct. 3rd. He will j luvs gas 3nd best. pain obtunders. Call ‘ in the fonnoan if possible and secure ‘- appointment. 31:. E. Bowa, C. D. (3., Lmdaar. um] Mt. Saunders, Inspector Western Loan Co , Toronto were in town on business the past week amd gave Mirror a. friend- iy cull. Esq. which sand , event. took place on 'rbuuday last. Deceased lady wan highly respected by all her acquaint- alum. She was born in the Township dkluaily,;nd haglixjed most of her likinOmemeo. A husband. one son, ‘ taro daughters, three brothers and :4 two meters are left. to mourn her loss. The bereaved family have the heurttelt sympathy of the entire community. A Mr. 0. G. Williamson amended :he I 'eterbom Central fair yesterday. Mean. '1‘. Ivor} 5: Son' 5 Millinery 0’30!)ng 1stth Fridn} Saturday. 33 4,» “127.. ("renofl’urtlinpe wuss. visi- s' ('n. euzeeum past week. 2.! ‘1 vi: attended the Petorboro 7:“ r } rem-hm} . Mensa J n. Thornton and David “Minus weae in Peterburo yesterday on business The load agency for Martin’s Steam Laundry H at the Mirror Ufllce. Leave ymlr pun-eels earlv.â€"-43 Maswr John Mills attended the Lind- any Cent-33 Fair on Friday. The Ladies Aid of the Presbyterian: f'hnrch intend sgrving lunch, in the \2:’-[- npposa'w Et§glish’s Bycycle Emp- orium, on Thursday the lust. d 1}- nf the (sir. Lunch scrvedjrom [1 o’clock a. 01. Admission 15 cents. Xe is with regret we tre called upon to chronicle the death of Mary Jane RimJnloved wits of Hart Williams, Rev E A Langfehlt is away or. an un- porum, minim: this week. The be~l wishes of 3 Innate! {fiends go with him. Fun reportof the._plcaa,lnx .emnun our next lune. ‘ Hats and Caps, Latest Styles, Close Cut Prices LXNDSAY BICYCLE AND GENERAL REPAIR WORKS. Allxlndo ot Turning. Screw-cutting. Farg- g. Brutus, Soldering. Cementlng. and ulanlzin , In lron.steel. Brass. Com pou- nlon, W and Rubber. Bicycle re airing In .11 Hs‘brancheo. 1119 Vulcan sing a The services 0! the Methodist. Church will be held on Sunday next in the Pveobyterian Church at 10.30 and 6.36. The Rev. Janos Uncut-lane of Lindsay wm punch naming and evening. The n-openinz unions of the Methodist Chink will uh. place on Sunday, Oct. 8th Further notice next week. Spacing. General Dry Goods, Tully Assorted. Special Value In All Lines. L- i: «one of Mr.John Bennett,0me- 3‘96. van the scene of a very happy m: . rut Tneedu evening, when Mr. 135'. (i Iorden. of Peurbero, end Miss Mahood. degghter of Robert. Mshood. Esq.. of the Township of Em- !ly, were married. The bride was ably luieud by her sister. M is: Tillie Ma- hood, while Mr. Joesph II. Newman porformed a like service for the groom. R». W. M. Kunnuwin,-BL A., perform- ed mo cermony. The happy couple lelt on the evening truin for Poterboro, when they will tonide in future. The Mirror unites with their many friends :1: withing them prosperity and hap- pinch. ,ressed. Shingle of all classes from .1th and fresh Liin: always in stock. r Pipe, all sizes, and the Celeb: 60 cents per M. up. Best pine Also Field Tile, Glazed Sew- ated Queenston Cement at $1.20 to 1.30 per bbl. Clean Hardwood Charcoal, by the car or bushel. Grate, igg, Stove and Nut, Fresh Mined Cotil, coming direct from Mines, weekly. Blacksmith coal a specialty. all and get our prices, or Write for quotations before buying, “ \Ve Will Suit You." R. Bryans 00., Lindsay. it‘fiee ‘13:! yard No. 9 Victoria Avenue. Phone No. 50. n..u. on C..l.. .A;; I) , v . ‘ ' ” _' a: and yard No. 9 Victorza Avenue. Phone next to Sflvcster Bros. 5*. S. at“ an} a our $3.03 and S 4.03 pine sheeting LOCA L. LACON 1C SPECIAL SALE c . Bryans Co. W. WEBSTER, .14 EN D SAY. @xfi 5 William St. N. Christ Church was arrayed in the splendor of all the good and beautiful of nature last Sunday for the Harvest Festival. Considering the unfavorable weather there were good congregations present at both services. Inspiring ser- mons were preached by the Rev. G. A. Hi: and the services throughout were very impressive. The decorations were magnificent. 'l‘he profusion of flowers ot'all kinds. products of the field, garden and orchard were used to enchance the ‘ beauty of the scene. The communion i table and chancel were also beautifully decorated. Wreaths and i'estoons of ripened grain adorned with bright flow- ers were seen everywhere. At the cor- ners of the building cornstalks and sheaves of grain were piled up. The base oi each window was a small gar- den in itself, piles of vegetables of all kinds nestling on beds or green. At the entrance of the Church the ripened sheaves were heaped up. The whole scene was beautiful and nothing too complimentary can be said of the ener- gy, skill and tasre of the ladies who ar- ranged the decorations. In the morn- ing the Rev. G. A. Rix preached fro'n Deut. l6 : lCâ€"li’. He pomted out the duties of christians in the way of thanksgiving and praise to God. Re- ferring to the Jewish Feast of Weeks he pointed out the magnificent tributes which the Jews paid to their God for blessings received. Comparing chris- tian people with the Jews it wss only too true that christlsns had not realized the privilege and duty of giving to God in the some sense as the Jews had. and modern religion fell far short of the primitive religion, as enjoined by Christ. In the evening the Reverend gentleman drew beautiful lessons of praise from the " Te Den in.” Both eer- mons were very insfructive and impres- sive and will not fail to lead people toa better realization of their duties to God. The «lacerations will, remain for another Sunday. ‘ - V !J. EAfiAMs, One. of the greatest events of the ant- mun season is the :mnouncéd enlarge- ment of that truly great neWSpaper the Family Herald and Weekly Star, of )luuheal. The enlargement makes the Family Herald 21 paper equal toa. book of 38-! pages each week, making 52 such bOnks in the year. The Funnlv Herald and \\ eek ly Star is simph carrying everything befnre it, the circulanlon jumping by leaps and bounds. Its cir- culation is without. deuht most marvel- lous, and as far as we can see, every ame says it. deserves It. . So many cures have been effected by the use of Dr. Hall’s Rheumatlc Cure that it’s the town‘s talk. If you are a sufferer from that horrible malady, go to your drug store and get a. bottle. Mr. “Ian. Tait, farmer, Collins’ Bay, Ont., was afflicted with Sciatic Rheumatism for twelve months. One bottle of Dr. Hall‘s Rheumatic Cure cured him comple-toly. This preparation is taken intemany. 50 cents a bottle, containing ten days’ treatment. For sale at all drug stores. Owing to the uncertainty of He weather Rev. Mr. Langfeldt announced last. Sunday that the planned garden party would not. take place. It Is In- Lended to have a. large congregational gathering in the near future. Henry T. Everett, Watchmaker, of l’eterburo, win he at the ’yrzulbtu-n liu.,se Umemee an the first Tuesday in every munth Bring: your “niches and clocks and have them cleaned and re. :na.red in wiimt-clussst} 1e. 3 Boxes, 25 0138. J. E. ADAM’S, Omemee. The Misses Mabel Mills Elia Fee and Lila. Parsons were visiturs to Liudsuy Friday. matoes 3 cans 25c. Salmon 100. Lunch Tongue 800. Boned Chicken 250. “ Turkey 25c. FRUITS-Oran ges, Lem- CANNED GOODS : Blue Berries 150, Lombard Plums 15c. Peas, Corn, and To- matoes 3 cans Salmon Lunch Tongue Boned Chicken Smoked Hams. Breakfast Bacon Smoked Spiced Rolls and Bologna Sausage. ons Bananas. Strawberries, To-day, FRESH GROCERIES, AT RIGHT PRICES. The Town‘s Talk. Lumber.â€"â€"Iy FURS 1 By appointment of the General 38-] sembly lust Sabbath was set apart as “Children’s Day" thronghouttne Pres- . l byterian Church of Canada. TIM-{regu-l Iar Divine service in the Omeuiee I Church was Withdrawn and achildren’a l service substituted. The Sabbath School i chihlren assembled in the front seatsq Dr. Cameron. superintendent of the] Sunday School, presided. After devo-l tiomil exercises the chairman, in a fewi well-chosen words, showed the import- ' ance of Such a service which has now I come to be an annual observance. M r. 3 W. W. Jardlne, B. A., was then called 1 on for an address. His Subject was “God I with us,” and to show that the hi- vine blessing had visited upon the Church he made apecial reference to the progress of Presbyterianism in (‘annda during the past twenty-fiie years,or since the union‘in 1875. The . following: Comparative statement speaks for itself: .1. ~.....-â€"-u. Communicants 88,228 Entire Cnnrributions.... ....$982,672 00 Foreign Missionaries.. ........ . 11 S. S. Scholars .... .... . ....... .. 79,204 1899. Communicantsh... 212,026 Entire Contributions ...... $2,511,175.14 Foreign Missionaries ...... 106 S. S. Scholars 160,105 The speaker concluded his interest- ing address py making an earnest ap- peal to all to be earnest Crristian En- deavor-era and thus hasten the coming of the Kingdom of God on earth, An event of unusual interest took place at the residence of J. Beatty. Esq on Wednesday evening, 20th inst.. at 580 p. m., viz: the marriage of his youngest daughter, Miss Olive Beirel, to the Rev. 0. M. Carew. the pOpular Pastor of the Baptist Church in the town of Campbelllord. The Rev. C. L. ’lhompson. a personal friend of Mr. Carew, officiated, assisted by the Rev. E. Roberts. The bride was tastefully attired in a rich white Organdie dress over white silk and trimmed witha very beautiful antique pattem ofohnice point lace. Without a s; ecnfic descrip- tion of the many unique presents, we would, however, mention a very chaste silver tea tray by the members of the Methodist Church Choir in memory of their association with her as Organist for the past four years. A telegram of congratulation was received during the evening from Mr. Carew’s congregation and others from private members of his church and citizens of Campbeilford. After an incomparable repast and pleas- ant hour of conversation and music. The Rev. C. M. and Mrs. Carew left on the evening train for Rochester and other points in New York via. Port Hope. The Rev. Mr. Ilughson, B. 1)., Pastor ofthe Baptist Church, Lindsay, was expected as a guest, but owing to an acoldent, was unavoidably absent. The Mirror extend hearty congratula- tions to Mr. and Mrs. Carew and wish- es them along life of happiness and prosperity. The Rev. W. M. Kannnwln in a brief address ontllned the Million Dollar Century Fund Scheme. At the close of the nineteenth century a contribution of one million dollars is asked for In order that all departments of the church’s work may be expanded and placed on a firm foundation. Children's Day In Omemee Presby- terian Church. The singing of the familiar hymn. ‘ Bringing in the Sheaves” and the pronouncing nfthe benediction brought to a close a very interesting and profit- able service. WEor Wedding Presents, Watches. Clocks, Silverware. Beautiful N e w gqods, lowest grices, at \V. F. McCarty's, The undersigned has avnlunble 10 acre lot to lease for a term ox‘yearx. being Lot? Con H.0ps. About 1 acre in good pasture iand, balance under good cultivation. For terms and full particulars apply to MRS. GEORGE B. THORNTON, Lindéuy.â€"-5-tf. The undermgned is prepared to lonn money on first-class farm property in large amounts at 4Q per cent. Small amounts at slightly Increased rates of Interest. Terms of re-payment to suit borrower. 10 Acre Lotto Rent. I. E. Weldon, Barrister, Solicitor, c., Lindsay, Ont. In Omemee every Monday. N. B.â€"Huve several clients who desire to buy good farm property at a bargain. â€"27-ly The Emily Agricultural Society’s Full Exhibition will he held in Omemee on Wednesday and Thursday, Oct.4th and 5th, and promises to be far ahead of any other that has taken place here. The Splendld list of Officers and Direc- tors. whose names appear hi the Prize Lists, beSpeak for the Fair :1. grand success. The attractions will be great. er and all who attend the Emily Exhi- bltion “1899 will be well pleased. See large bills and prize lists for full par- ticulurs. W. F. Mc(‘zuty,the Jeweller. Lindsay, fur Watches, ('locks, Jewellery, Silva:- ware, Spectacles. Immest prives for line quality goods.â€"5-tf Service In Christ. Church next Sun- day “Ill be at 10.30 a. In. Mr. W. H \ ance. of Lindsay, will officiate. ‘ Mr. Sam. English, formerly of Ome- mee, but now proprietor of the Victoria hotel in Keen, was in town Saturday calling on friends. Be sure and attend the Emily Exhi- bition on Oct. 4 and 5. Rev. E A. Langfeldt preached Har- vest Festival sermons in St. John’s Church, Peterboro, and Trinity Church, Cavan, last. week. 4: PER CE NT. Omemee P. 0. The Mirror to “f: Jan lst, 1900, as a special induce- ment to get new ““““““““ Subscribers, for :cxu:°:;\0nly 25C. ””””” 11111 5 dc: “'hich make Plymouth Twine indispens~ g able for the Government Farm Service â€"â€"great- est strength, perfect evenness, extreme length, ' freedom from tangles, purityâ€"are absolute- ly necessary also to the Twine that wxll do ‘ perfect work in every harvest field. The Sc-lec- tion of Plymouth for Government servxce was ; not made haphazard, but, after the most care- 7 ful practical test had thoroughly demonstrated , it to be the BEST. Plymouth has qualities peculiar to itSelf, which cause it to work per- : fectly where other brands fail. Prudent People Prefer Plymouth ‘1 THOSE flUALITIES - - A charming story by the author of "David liarum ” has reached us this week. An unusual subject for romance the hero, a Bank Teller, mm in lote with the daughter of one of the direct- ors, and the plot deals with the difficul- ties and complications which ensue in an interesting and admirable manner. The story is published by The Poole Printing (‘ompany,Limited, Toronto. and is for sale by all nemsdeaiers, at the low price of 15 cents, or will be sent pnstpaid by the publishers on receipt of price. Or fromn ow to J an. 1, 1901, for only $1.00. oar- If your dealer does not handle our Twino, writ: Plymouth 31n- Twino Agency. 54 Bay Street. Toronto. THE TELLER. 374 \VATER ST., PETE BOROUGH. For rates and fill] information apply to J. D. THORNTON, Local Agent, at Ome- mee. or to Rates are low, terms liberal, security ample, Cash surrender value, paid up Insur- ance, Loan value, or extended Insurance, guaranteed after three years, and are all en- dorsed on the Policy by the NORTHERN LIFE, is unequalled by any other Life Insurance Policy in the \Vorld. The latest methods and most profitable plans of Life and Endowment Policcs issued. THE GUARANTEED CASH SUR- RENDER AND LOAN POLICY, issued HON. DAVID MILLS, Q. C., Minister of justice, President. Head Office, London, Ont. The Northern Life Assurance Company Of Canada. Authorized Capital ......... $1,000,000.00 Subscribed Capital ...... 858,350.00 Paid-up Capital ............ 206,725.00 SURPLUS for Security of Policy Holders..... 857,376.43 G. H. HUWSUN, General Agent, JO HN M I LNE, Manager. Dr. Arthur Day, DENTIST, LINDSAY. (Successor to llle late Dr. Hart.) Member of Royal (‘ollege of Dental Surgeons, and 'l‘oranto University. Also Graduate of American Dental College. Most modern painless dentistry prac- tised in most scientific manner. Charges moderate. OFFICEâ€"Hart’s 01d Stand, (over Armstrong’s Fur Stare.)â€"8-3m This Trade Mark is on every Tag. Sac that you get it IT PAYS TO BUY m: BEST. Watch this space for next week’s announcement W. BRADBURER Have returned from the market with a New Stock and at Prices to suit the Customer. The goods are very stylish in Clocks, Watches, J ewe ellery, Fancy Combs for Ladies’ Hairdressing; New and Stylish Purses, Fancy Writing Paper and Envelopes. Prayer Books and Hymnals. A New Assortment of Musical Instruments. A fresh stock of Timothy Seed, Mangle Turnip, 8m. New Stock of patent medicine at out prices. We intend closing our store earlier in the evening. Please call and examine our new goods. BARGAINS 111 Lfiumm In order to make room for anath- er I r» of Goods, I will Offer Special The Peoples Gfloeerty LINDSAY, R. J. Mulligan, DRUGGIST, OMEMEE $1.00 Boot.- Men’s Blucher Cut $1.20. Men’s Oil Grain $1.50. Boy’s Boots 65, 75, 85, $1.00. Boy’s Chocolate $51.25. Boys Dongolas $51.15. Ladies’ Oxfords 75, 85. 1.00, 1.25 “ Southern Tie 1.65, reg $2 names uxxoras 75, (55. 1.00, 1.25. “ Southern Tie 1.65, reg $2. Men's Bunkim 90c., good as any A NE“! STORE, ‘ A NEw-STOCK, NEW PRICES. Look at a Few of 011 Prices. Robinson Ewant. S A L E Still Continues. Dealer in Good Bicycles. 74 Kent St., for the next 10 Days. OMEMEE. 2 Doors West Campbell’sGrocery ONTARIO.

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