Miss Elsie Laidley IS visiting friends in Stirling. 77 Kent-$1., LINDSAY. We mute me Citizens of Omemee and Emily to can when in Lindsay. Your: most reSpec‘quy, Pym 81-03., Fropriezors of The 0315' House. ..!!s|".‘enl. “use has returned home after a very plonant outing in Lake- ï¬eld and Stone); Lake,nmong her nu m- orons friends. Mrs. Keel, and Miss E. Keel, of Tor- onto, were whiten at the home of Mrs. Roma, King 8%.. last week. The Misses Sarah E. Evans and Amv Parsons xemvned last week I r o m a. pleasant vistt with Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Fialdlng, of Cobocouk. Drs. Wightman Scott, Dentists of Peterboro, visit Smemee every Thursday. Ofï¬ce two Doors east of '1‘. Ivory Sons' Gene? Store. 30‘ xami X0. 213 sold in Omomeo by R J. JICLLIGAN. DRUGUIS‘I‘. Mina Horbert,of Toronto, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Cald- well, Omemoe. i-Iev. F. A. Laugh-Ht, was at. Dmmford n Friday but In attend the ('onaecnu- ma of St. Jnhn,s Church by the Lord “183“? Hf Diocese. Mn. M. A. Mi}!- ls visiting at the homo of her daughter, Mrs. John H Wilton, of North Ops 3h. Jae. Laidley. of Lindsay, 18 visit- ing at the home of hi: parents Mr. and Mrs. U. W Laidley. M r. J. H. Wilson, 0! North Ops, was in town Tuesday on business. Miss Emma Kingdom, of Pawn-hora, in visihug a: the home oan. T. Rob- inson‘ Henry T. Everett, Watchmaker, of Peterboro, will be at the Bradburn House Omomee on the ï¬rst Tnesduy in every month. Bring your watches and clocks and have them cleaned and re- paired in ï¬rst-class style. Mr. R. Ruddy. Barrla’er, c , Mill- brnok. was in toun on : professional vuit Friday. A Watch Worth Having. .' spawn}: Draggnta 11: Candi (Mot. Fiche r and Lieut. Lamb are 1139 new oflicen of the Salvation Army m Omemeo. Mrs. .303. Skinner and son, master Joseph, of Revdatnke, 3.. C.,are visit- ing at! the home of her parents, Major and Mrs. Eu I. “he Flnroncn Neelande, B. A ,dnngh- in of Dr Sealande, has returned from German-y, ufler an abeeme of over Hill-leer: months. While array she took II p.251: 2r: lnalu course at the Univers- ilp of Berlin, Germany. and resided mth the family of Professor Mendel, a wry eminent physician. who occupies n residence built by Fro .‘erick the Grant. 1:!!- bome is a resort {or mony of the moat learned :nd cultured‘people 0! Germany. 31‘“ Naelande visited Par in and London on lu-r return. Although muted kindly everywhere she thinks there in no plus like Canada. and par- t‘cnlsrly Sturgeon Point. She wlll re- sume her position. next week as teach- er of Modern Langn-ga-o in St. Margar- et'. College, Toronto. In successfully used monmy by over cannons. Sate.eflecml. Ladies 35k * ‘Myonrd stforuotflmmc» a. -ake no 0: er, as :11 Mxxtures. pm. and .eflons are dangerous. Price. No. 1. age: .- :‘o. 2, 10 degrees; stronger.†per box. 0. .3. nged on receips at price and two seen: :3. The Cool; Company Windsor, Ont. {â€5052 348. a gogd gnd recognmendcdby :13 Come and look at the as~ sortment, and learn how easy it :5 to own one of these time preces. "me ":epairing a 8113mm. A Shooting Match and Patriotic En~ tetuiumont ll being arranged for the mus-“In: and evening of Oct. 4th, next. Full puuculan later. A good second hand organ for sale cheap. Apply to John Rowland, Ome- M'zu Roe: Graham, of Duly rlmple. is v slung at the home or Mr. C. Caldwell. “is. B E Prathar Mrs B. H. Sandy an! ‘1'. C M. C. Wll.‘ mmson. of 8125210 are visiting “the home of Mr. and an, 2;. g. Williamson, W. EMCCARW. i . I, ,. @118 Mirror from now to Jan. lst, 1901, (to new Slibs‘érii‘b‘érs.) for 011137 50 Cents; ,‘__â€"\ “Aq- Time waits for no man, but we have the ï¬nest time keep- ers ever offered in this town for the man with the money. And for the man without the money we can make sat is- factoryarrangements, provid- ed he brings good references. LOCK b LKCONIC .Oook’s Cotton Root (Impound Mr. I. Wlnltesmltl1,\V'atclnmaker,Jew- eller and Opticxan. of Munilla, will be at the Mirror Ofï¬ce, ()memee, on September '21“, 22nd and 24“), 1900. He will have a. chance selection 0! Watcher. and Jewellery which will be sold cheap for cash. Orders will have his best. attention. Any work (he can- not do while here.) will be sent by ex- press at his expense. He will have a very ï¬ne line of Mainsprings- the best in the marketâ€"at special price, 'l‘ry ‘llem. Cull early. All work. guaranteed or money cheerfully refunded. Ho wxll be at Bethany on Tuesday, Sept. ï¬th. See bills. MrJ. E. \VeHnn, of )IcSweyn Wel- don, Barristers, Lindsay, made his reg:- ular wait to Omemee Monday. The Misses Ida Tracy and Pearl Par- ker. of Downeyvillo, visited Omemee on Monday. .‘liss Lilly henemnn, of Memphis, Tonnesee, is Spending her vacation among Peterlmro friends. The dedicatnry Services of St. James’ Church, Emiljs, on Sunday Sam. 2., were a gre a: ant-cvss. The services were of a special chnractsr, lessons, Psalms, prayors andï¬ermons all zpecially select- ed and prepared for the object. of the day ; the opening of the new Church. In the morning the Rev. \V. Mchnn‘ B. A., preached a very impressive ser- mon,and in the evening the sermon was preached by Rev Prof. Clark, D. M183 DH] and Misg O’Brien, of Peter- boro, are the guests of Miss U'Leary at Downeyvme. Dr. Hall‘s Rheumatic Care is put up in '50 cent bottles, containing ten days' treatment. l‘or sale by all druggista and dcaiers ix. ii‘JJiciue. The Dr. Hall Medicine 00., Kingston, Out. “an s x'xneumatic Cure, and the effect was magical. Ilis'pains left him after several doses had been taken, and now Mr. Tait says: “I would strongly urge anyone sufferingwith rheumatism to use Dr. “411‘s Rheumatic Cure, and I will guarantee the best re- suits." C. L.ï¬,of Trinity College. At both ser- vices the Church was tuned and many could not gain gdmigsiou. -‘- n. bun-u I-v The op'e'tï¬xâ€"J} iégtivities of the new St. James’ Church, Emily, were continued on Monday Sept. 3 Two large tents were put up on the grounds, where the Lancer: was held- The tea. was served in the old church. A large crowd began to gather about 4 p. m. and from 4.30 U“ 6 p. m., tea was served. The tables were prettily dec- orated, and the good things provided by maladies of the Congregation were excellent. About 540 persons partook of the tea. and the gathering of the penple in the tents {or the Concert must have numbered 700. ix Va Eran - ,fl..-†VV‘I Ont, was afflicted \vi rheumatism in Deccm He sufl’ercd excruciazh and for ten (145’s he to: bed of awony. He 1 l" Hall’s Rheumatic Cure‘ effect was magical, r The mush-a1 part. of the programme was supplied by ladies and gentlemen of Patel-borough. Very inspiring and interesting ad- desaoswere given by the Vonerabie Krc‘hdeacou Allen. Rev. Prof. Clark, Rev. Messrs. J. C. Davidson, G. Brown, and W. M. Kunnawin. The net. proceeds amounted to $160.00. BEYOND A DOUBT. THOUSANDS GIVE TESTIMONY. Letter upon leuer pours in from every point in Canada. testifying to the marv- elous power of Dr. Pitcher’s Backacim Kidney Tablets to cure kidney and bladder troubles both of the young, middie aged, and agwi, and such other troubles as ï¬nd their origin in a faulty kidney action, and they are many. Such a mass ut‘evi-lance puts Ha power to cure theseafflictious beymd a. doubt. and show: that: the Tablet is the right thing in the right place. This is what Mrs. J'. W. Hutchius, 82 Ponlnud St , Toronto, has to say,â€""I ‘ cannot say too much for Dr htcher’s ‘ Backache Kidney Tablets Before ul- ‘ ing them I had a. gnawing pain in me back all the time, and an acute inma- ness across the- ioins I had not so much aching in the head, as between my shoulders and in t1.e back of my neck. Since using the Tablets my back is as it used to be, and the Rheumatism in the shoulders has disappeared. Form- erly whs n I did a washingl was utter- ly tired out, not having abii of energy left; this mcrning I did my washing In two hours and I did not mind it. I have no hesitation in regommondmg Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kia‘ney Tablets for I never had anything to do me so much good." Any reader of this paper may test. the merits of Dr. Pitcher’s Backache Kidney Tablets he. by enclnsiug two cents postage for trial package to The Pitcher Tablet 00., Toronto, Ont. Reg- uiax- size 50 cont. per bottle. 3:35:33 Bay. You have come, and we cheer you proudly, Onr heroee back from the ï¬eld. Our men who have stood in the ï¬ring line. Our men who have braved a deadly cllme, Welcome ageln and again. The pines sang low on your native ' heights, And the corn-crown’d hills lay still. In the glittering gleam of that glad June day, In peace and plenty your homesieads lay. Welcome again and again. You saw them beyond the Dornkop grim, Set your lips with ï¬rmer will To spring through the burning ï¬ery belt. From that kopje’s crest and blackened veldt, ‘ WeICeme again and again. Back from a. dry and a barren land, A land where no water is." Where you Wounded, lay in the sands No, you have dame back to as men. Winners of riches you cannot sell, Teach us the lesson you’ ve lea-rut so we‘ll. Welcome nguin and again. that burned, Back to our rivers and lakes returned. Welcomed again and‘agaiu. Are you the boys that we sent away? Ye heroes brave, which God has Mesh, To return to your native soil, Whom lam-ole on xx ill ever rest, For the cunning foe, you had to {0!}. For great is the pride your country does From the heroism of the. gallant deeds, Which has wedged a wish in our Em- pire dear, By true patriots blood, whom valor leeds. You are welcomed l ack by thousands of tongues, To the land of the Beaver, the land of the free, Where the glorious ohl ilau: of Britain war :5, In triumph, trcedom and liberty. â€"-MRS. T. A. MILLICLnuP, Ottawa, in Orillia Packet. his not likely that any factory rc- presentatne In attendance at the reg- ular meetlng ofV ictoriu Count) Cheese board yesterday went there expecting to receive the phenomenal price paid at last board sale, but it. was plain to all observers that the salesmen had settled among themselves that. 10 1-20. would be the proper caper for the buy - era. The lutteriu. d u. diflerent \iew, however. V I C T O R I A CHEESE BOARD. President Thos. Robertson and the I other ofï¬cers were present. ’1 he buy | «rs were Messrs. Wh'mon, Fitzgerald I and Flavene. | The Uniuckv Reporters. Before bidding started Mr, \Vhitton, l buyer for Dealer Watkins, of Belleville, I called attention to several errors m the l newspaper reports oflnst board meet- I In“, instancing that Mr. Fitzgerald, l buyer for Iiodgson Bros., Montreal, had 1 been credited with a purchase made by ‘ Mr. Flavelle. Other small errors («3- I quently crept into the reports, and he Having purchased the business carried on for so many years by Messrs A. Mercer . 00., as High-Class Merchant Tailors andGentlemen’s Outï¬tters, we solicit a continuanceof the valued patrona e of the numerous customers of the late ï¬rm, an of fashionable dressers generally. Special Spring Opening. We respectfully invite you to our First spr- ing Opening of Imported Suitings, Overcoatings, Trouserings. Vestings and Fine Gentlement’s Furnishings on March 1st and following days. The excellence of our stock justiï¬es your most careful attention. H. E. Bradley '8: Co, 355 George-st, Peterhoro. PETERBGRO . E. BRADLEY 00., WELCOME. Successors to A. MERCER (53' C0. George Street, %%%€€£v%§ : The Emily Agricultural Society’s lFall Exhibition on Oct. 3 and 4, in l Omeulee,promises to outshine any of l its predecessors. Special attractions ‘are being arranged. Watch for bills I and prize lists which will be out in a Ifew days. Star............ ..................100 Cameron . . . . . .85 Dnnsford........................104 Mariposa ...... .u. ...... .... .. 85 bambruy 70 Janotville ..60 Omemee ................ ...150 Fenelon Falls .....87 North Vorulam 120 North Ops ..... .........65 Pine Grove ..... ......61 Reaboro.......... ..... ........90 Bobcaygeon . . . . . . . . . . .. . .136 Maple Leaf ..130 Palestine .. ....69 Red Rock...... ....150 Oakwood ...............60 Bidding Brisk to a Point. Mr. Whitton opened with a. bid of [09, Mr. Fitzgerald raised a sixteenth, My. \Vhition made his offer-10 1-80. and Mr. Flavelle, as at last board, again led the procession by calling 10 i-4c, After a. considerable wait ihis wasnot bettered and he called Cameron, Cambray, Pine Grove, Fenelon Falls and Palestine (the latter subject to Lindsay inspection). The two ï¬rst-named factories refused, leaving Mr. F. with a. total of 217 boxes. For the second selection Mr. Fitzger- ald called 10 l-4c., and Mr. \Vllltton made the same offer a. second later. As President Robertson thought the offers had been made simultaneously he urg- ed that the most satisfactory may to settle the difï¬culty Would be for one of the buyers to Increase llls bld, but his well-meant ad vice was not taken. Fin- ally the two buyers agreed to call fact- ory in turn, but after each had named ï¬ve factories without securing any tak- ers they decnded to abandon the plum hoped the reporters would be more careful lnâ€"t‘uture. The. same thing oc- _. curred in Petorborougb, Unmpbellford I and elsewhere, and was not intentional. I Factories Represented. : Buyer \Vlntton,â€""\\'ell, men, you may posstbly think that “e are ofl‘er- ing too low a. price. but if you had watched the papers you Wouldn't. hold that opinion. At Brockvxllo Saturday cheese sold for was than we offer, tak- the difference of freight into consider- erntion. anance markets only went 10 1-20., on Frlduy.†President Robertsonâ€"“Well I ex- pected that we would get. about 10 1-20 to-day." Mr. W. FlaveIIeâ€"“TbeEngliah mar- kvts will not respond to the high pric- es paid on this sxde, and the cable is nut at an enconmging.†Mr. l‘nzwerald then repeated his offer of 101- 4c. and called Star, Dunsford North Ops, Mariposa, and Oakwood; the three ï¬rst-named accepted. M r. Flavelle Look Cameron,0akwood North Verulum (subject to Lindsay in- spection) and Janetville, leaving Marx- posa the only factory unsold, but “0 understand Mr. Fitzgemld look the lot Later at 10 lulu. Mr. J. R. O’Neill. of Lindsay, was 111 town Monday on business. Mr Whitton mudelhe Some bid for Red Rock, Maple Leaf, Bobcuygaon, Reuboro and Omemce, all accepting. Total 656 boxes. The board then adjourned to meet again on Monday, Sept. mm. Emily Fail Exhibition. . ......61 ......90 .....136 .....l30 “100 EgLIFE WOULD BE L:HEAVENLYINDEED l I; man and woman could have all their I Hoods suppuud us 0:;eg as they can go: I Erik-(HMS Laundry wm‘kduuo here; but. IQ; um plmslblc. We have reduced rice: mn- ! tel‘iully lulluwmg the pun-hum 0 new Ina- . chlncry, and you Can add to your happines- nud our sutlsfuuon any Hme by sending u’u ‘ an extra bundle orLuundry work. Sergt. Major Martin, Proprietor. OMEMEE :: AGENCY, Remember. we do 1th dry clothes by steamâ€"Hm hurtful to any tubrlc. The pure air of heaven Is our agent. VICTORIA STEAM LAUNDRY â€Call and get, Priee Lianâ€"tr Graduate Ontmio Veterinary College, 'l‘oronto, treats all diseases of domesti- cated animals. Special attention to equine dentistry. Charges moderate. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. KING STREET, OMEMEE, UNI. When coming to Town fetch your Scrap Iron, Metal, Steel, 01d Rub- bers, Copper, Brass, Bones, Wool Pickings, c., to NHTIEE ! I l EEU. STEVENS. MAR-K STREET, ASHBURNHAM We Handle over 100: Cars Stuff Yearly. ! TURNIP SEED. Jumbo, Skirving, Bangholm, Hartly Bronze Turnip.I Grey Stone, Kangaroo, '. Anyone sending u “etch and deocflgtion may quick] ascertaln our opinion tree w other Ln Invent on In probably atentable. Communion- tlons Itrlctly conï¬dent a . Handbook on Potent: |ent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken t rough Munnua: Co. receive 'Ullb ll U00 vluwu- Ull‘t, nv- râ€"wvrâ€"V_. u81‘0“ Patents takent $1: Mum?" E "Co. receive medal Mateo, without. 0 n_nzo. In th e Agmdsomolf Illustrated weakly. Largest cir- culation of any scientiï¬c oumnl. Terms. :3 a your: four months. 81. 80 d by nleewndgneI-g. Me": four months. M. no la Dyan newauculern. UNN 60. 361mm New ngk Brunch omen. 6‘35 F St... Washington. D Yellow Aberdeen. Steele, Briggs Seed Co’s Selected Purple Top, and Rennie’s Prize. Buckwheat, Hungarian Seed, German and Rus- sian Millett. Jusenh T. Beatty; and get the highest William-st., : Lindsay Skiée'iiiï¬c flmerican, Dr. W. T. Rodgers, PUMPS OF ALL KINDS. CASH PRICE. Brantfurd Pumping Windmills. IRON AND WOOD PUMPS. Deep Wells :1 Specialty. W. H. IRWIN, First Door South of Maun- der‘s Hotel, Mirror Ofï¬ce: MANUFACTU RER OF AGENT FOR THE Pump Works, Omemee Manager. ED The Peoples Grvoeerry- -~ EW. BRADBURN. Is the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, P13: 5 ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headquarters for Windsor Salt, “ Dairy 1 Cheese Butter " Brands. 11-?15 full up with an kinds of Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and Seasoned. Best qualities Hard and Soft Coal, Cordwood and Millwood. Call and get our prices and examine goods. TELEPHONEsâ€"Agent’s Ofï¬ce, 77 B ; Town Ofï¬ce, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78. IE? Confectionery, Biscuits, Fruits, Almonds, Oranges, Lemons Raisms, 8m. - Call and See Our Display; THE PETER HAMILTON Headquarters at Kennedy Nichols’ Planing Mill; Omemee. Where we invite your inspection of Implements, and take your order for the different lines of Machinery of this old ani Reliable Firm, including Binders, latest improved (Bonnie) Seed Drills.Cultiutou, Plows, Harrows, c. when you are dealing with a local ï¬rm saves you all annoyanhe of delay in getting repairs attended to when needed perhaps in the busiest part of the season. Experience has proved this Firm can cope with any outside ï¬rm for durability and perfection in every wny in their respective lines. We are in full swing manufacturing all kmds Doors, Sash, Mouldings, c. Custom Sawmg done this Spring on the shortest notice. Best Grade, 120. per lb. Subject to Advance. Farmers will do well to see us before purchasing Binder Twine. . Gr. 13' M. BAKER, Agent, : : Lindsay. Pure Paris Green. Pure Cream Tartar. will contain more stock than ever at prices cheap as the cheapest. Pure Drugs and Medicines. Pure Baking Soda. Pure Spices. PureGold WatChes. Pure Gold Rings. Pure Coal Oil. Pure Soap. New Yflars’ Manufacturing 00., Peter-bore. Binder. Twine Cheap KENNEDY NICHOLS. Sash, Doors, Blinds and Mouldings OUR LUMBER YER D . J. Mulligan’s, OMEMEE. ,. REMEMBER EANDIES, OUR FACTORY at