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Omemee Mirror (1894), 12 Sep 1901, p. 2

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a Vuu‘dwvv â€"- vv-Jv nuvu- a. WM. COLY I N’S PHEBBURUUE‘H . “PM”! Wnrks 1?} a. Ifim, {IRON AND WOOD PUMPS; Hoop Wells 1 WU. "I'M " Heal,” for 1897, is by all odds glue he» in the market. Its first coat is «at Juw, when you remember that it )3 serial; A High Grader, and the annual cost far maintenance and repairs is low- ar still. I have handled those mills fol" ‘nlx rears und have never yet made a m on account. of defect In material in: poor workmanship. ' Send [or 98:1:me my other lines. WAURII'NG uran- ES, etc. pUMPs OF ALL ‘ KINDS. A638? For: ma Bantfnrfl Pumping Windmills; 'Buring the past. winter I was success- I’nl It} securing a great quantity of un- mually line pump timber. This will be ‘9‘ benefit to all my customers, and will ‘UOI‘VO to maintain the high standard of quality that my goods imvo enjoyed in the past. A Pumas far Em service First Door South of Maya: der’ 3 Hotel. William st,: Lindsay. Wm Stock of Pipes IRWIN’S G. WALTER GREEN. ‘35:. Pipes . for 15 cent: 35 and.4oc.Pipes . for 25 “ 35c Pipes {0: IO “ ‘10:: Pipes for 5 “ «com cob: 2 for 5 “ Tobaccos always fresh at ‘Bmimn. sonouou a, ”nanny, Dr. W. T. Rodgers, Graduate Ontario Veterixmry Conego, 'L'oronto, treat. nil diseases of domesti- hum! animals. Speck! attention to :quine dentistry. Charges moderate. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE. The undmugnod la prepared to loan money on fint-clm hum property In large amounts at 4} per cont. Small amounts u nllghtly mere-used rates 0! Entered. Terms of ro-payment to suit ”borrower. McSweyn Weldon, Being Lo: 13, Con. 15, Emily. containing :25 oer-9.1:: good III}. or cultlvauon On 7.3m promises than I. a good large frame honscflthi cellos-.0130 a large barn 5-: x60 with st.’ afouloauon. Tho {am Is 3.er amused? 3 acres good pasture land. 3m» re is also on the pnmheahgovdorchnrd 1)! mm try-0:, uuch as apples. pears, plums, v.9. Slzuated aboum P1 union south east. of ‘Wmnmev. on [be main road to Poterboro. It {a wnhomndonbt one orthu best farms in ..hc t‘oumy. For mm»: mnlculuru and lrrms apply tn J. 3. BLACKWELL, In Omem every Monday. 173. B.â€"Hcvo seven! diam: who desire tool‘s: coca {arm property at a bargain. A- y Ton-arm Paloma. KING serum OMEKEE. 3'» (.9: ‘he momma. Erin»: Ami aabioftcflnn gnamnteed in every Cut in Cigars KING STREET. Om f‘Steel Windmills Peterboro, Ontario. ; PER CENT. WUFACTURER 0F Soldmd waded b Only 1}- Pump Works, . Rodgers, ”s, all enacts or “P299 TELEPHOS E 92. Mangger, 6 for 25 7 for 25 6 for 25 z for 25 7 for 25 gfor to for 25 OMEMEE P. 0\ cents H I am not 56'"? for what I' have done? Why should 1 be? I hafire beenfiimply an agent in the ac- I had pragtised frequently in wrapping my handkerchlef about my right hand so that the weapon was concealed in the palm. while its protruding muzzle might be taken to be my thumb. After studying the matter over I decided that I would attempt to kill the President while he was in Buffalo. Therefore I came to the Pan~American Exposition, and (or the last three days I have planned carefully my attack upon 11in}. With the 32-calibre revolver My plans were all carefufly laid. Ihad failsd on other occasions, but when I heard that President McKinley would have a public re- ception I knew that fortune had thrown my opportunity in my The Attempted but Frustrate Assassination of the Presi- dent,, on Friday _ Last At ‘Panâ€"Ameiican Exposition Buffa PRESIDENT MCKINLEY SHGT l'did my duty. lam sorry that Mr. McKinley has sufi‘cred. I intended to kill him, and I regret that I did not succeed. I will not say whether anyone had'the knowledge of my plans. This much the authorities of this country must know :â€"â€"I am not alone in this work. I am only One of the great body of Anarch- ists bound together under solemn oath to accomplish a work and to bring about the results that sure- ly must come. The attempt upon the hfe of the Presxdont ol the Umted States struck this land with consternatlon. We are profound- ly grateful that them 15 a fair prospect of his recovery. W’c devoutly hope that his life will be spared. It will be a great loss to the civilized world for such a man as McKinley to fall in the prime of manhood, and acme of his us'e- fulness. ' I hope no one Will mistake my positiOn I am not a commOn assassin. PessonallyJ had little to gain as a result of this act. The shot that I fired was for the benefit of all mankind. I intended to kill the President of the United States. Against Mr. McKinley as a man I could have no feeling. I have been told that he is a good man. I did not wish to inflict suffiering upon his family, but in acoompMshing my purpose Icould not consxder them. I say again that I did not assassinate the man. I intended to kill the Pres- ident, because} believed it would have a good’ effect upon the country and upon all mankind. We ave profoundly sorry to be assured that this dastardly and infamous. act was perpetrated under the inspiration of an organ: izcd confederacy. \Ve had hoped that it would turn out to be the foolhardiness of an idiot, or the wickedimbecili‘y oia crank. It is appalling to think that the United States is not free enough for these murderous conspirators against all organized authority. The desperate character of a feder- ation that could plan their villainy against the country that has received them into its life, and thrown around them the aegis of its protection, is alarmingly signi- ficant. \Vhen such villainy can be deliberately planned, n ot merely a g a i n s t Governments which are monarcbial and oppres- sive. but against those in which the highest freedom m ay be enjoyed. not merely against tyr- ants and vampires, but against men who represent the noblest principles of righteousness, and are themselves distinguished {or their virtuous living and high ideals, it is time the whole civiliz- ed world shculd awake to its enormity. I All] an Alone; 1 Bill My Duty. CONFESSION BY CZOLG OSZ. 1am an Anarchist. I do not believe in the American form of g0vernment. My faith in this Government was destroyed by Emma. Goldman,whom I heard deliver lectures in New York a few years ago, and with whom I have since been in correspondence. I believe that any man who actepts the Presidency is a foe to the common people. He represents only the class of oppressors. It Is to be hoped that the United States will learn b: this occur- rence that the liberty of the individual does not mean the toleration of the meanest and basest criminals; and that she will adopt measures that shall be efi'ective in utterly crushing them out of her life. The land of the free should be made as uncom fert- able 3 place for conspirators of this calibre to flourish asthe most despotic countries of the old world. ishiném of a work which I an individual. The high." punish. men: In case ntrecotery oftlue victim, cnn only be ten years imprisonment. Rev Dr Talmage him bermne a convert to Lynch-kw. and. consulering the cir- cumstances in this case. one caneo‘ wander at it. and the enoner those An- arrhlnteareflone away with.tlne better, whether by lynching, hanging. or burn. hm. It metrics not. as long zu- they are wiped eff Hm Moe of the Barth. One should think that hereafter the United States will adopt stricter meal- nres regarding Anarchists. Hitherto America has been looked upon as the Assyium and don pins: ground of bad eiements ot‘any Country. And thus it is that the Anarchists have dared to be quite public with their propaganda. Unfortunately the laws of the country do not provide tor the punishment of theedvorates oiAnarehy in spreading their murderous doctrines. But it is hoped that from this forth the United States wili change this tolerant attitude end adopt. the measures of the other powers lostemp out this evil. The at- tempt to assassinate en European Ruler is hightrenson and punishable by death no matter whether the attempt is fatal ct not. in U. 8. however it is not even an oii'ence against the Government and “0 PniY “.9 treated as a crime against Canadian Nurse. Brzocxvxru: Yovnc; LADY \VMT- ING ON MCKINLEY.‘ Brockville, Ont., Sept. 8.5The attempted assassination of Presi- dent McKinley at Buffalo has more than passingmterest in Brockville as Miss Maud Mohan, the nurse in charge of the President, is a Brockyille young lady. M: s s Mohan only left here Friday at noon,aftcr spending a three weeks’ holiday with her mother, Mrs. R. Mohan. On reachi n g Buffalo Friday night a carrlaqe was in waiting to convey her to the Milburn residence, to w h ic h President McKinley had been removed. Seeks-Refuge in Montreal. Mantreal, Sept. 8....Advices received from New York at a late hour to-nig‘zht state that Emma Goldman, the notorious Anarch- ist, is on her way to Montreal. if not already here. She is coming to Montreal, it is stated, to evade arrest for alleged complicity in tne shooting of President McKin- ley. 'V hope will succeed. Of course, I know that, as it is now constitut- ed, the Government possesses the power to punish. and I know that the great majority ars still too ignorant to appreciate that I have struck a blow for liberty. I shall be denounced, and I Will be punished, but I will take my punishment, no matter in what form it, may come, liken man. 'Asks Prayers of Cath lies. Halifax. N. 8., Sept. 8.â€"Arch- bishop O'Brien today asked pray - (rs of Catholics thiougliout the Diocese of Halifax for the tem- poral and spiritual \\ clfare of President McKinley and for his recovery He attnbutedthe crime of his attempted assassination to the growing infidelity ofthe wox 1d to the lack of parental control over children, and to the increas- ing power and recklessness of human life of great industrial communities. FROM KING AND KAISER. Personal Messages of Sympathy Addressed to McKinley. Buffalo, Sep. 8. â€"â€"Thc following are copies of personal messages, receixed from King dexard and Emperor \Villiam: \VILLIAM R. I. Hamilton, Sept. 8. -â€"In nearly every church in the city to-day prayers Were offered up for the speedy recovery 01 President Mc- Kinley. Bishop Dumoulin in- structed the clergy of the Angli- can churches not to forget the President in the prayers of the Church. Many of the clergy chose as subjects oftheirdiscours- es the assassimtion ofthe Presi- dent. Presndent United States. Buffali). America: Am horrified beyond words at that dastardly attempt on your life. My best and warmest ' good wishes and most earnest hOpes {or your recovery. ED‘VARD R. Koanigsberg, Sept. 6. President of the United States, Buffalo, America :â€" Deeply distressed by the news of the dastardly attempt upon your life: I express to you how I and the whole of the German people feel for you, and for the anguish through which your coun- try has to pass. May the Lord grant you a sure and speedy re- covery. Kiel, Sopt. 7, There has been a good deal of comment at the retueal of the Ecumenicle Methodist Conference to listen to letters from the Arch- bishop of Canterbury and the Bishop of London welcoming the gathering and expressingthe hope that the Methodists will yet be reunited with their parent Church. After all there is really vexv little the matter. The communications were not fOrma'lly received for the reason that they Were not address. 3 ed to the conference, but to the} editor of ‘a (religious newspapem Obviously, therefore, they were not intended by the writers to be read to the conference, but for publication. The mistake was in attempting to present the letters to the conference; Had this been allowed it would have called for a The late Mr. Shogh was one of our fast. disappearing plo‘naor residents; and saw many change: and improvements. He kne'w the mount town of Peterboro,‘ when H was practically a pan of the unbroken mldernesv; almost entirely‘ uninhabited. lie “us of the ~ class of; sturdy settler's "u hose works," llko‘ those of the just. "do lollow theun,”and ; for the comforts and advantages of our ‘ advuued civilization, we who now en- joy them. are very largely lndobtad.-- Peterborough Examiner, of Thursday, September 3,1901. am on w Kin deem! Mr. Sherln was born in theCounty of Cnvun, November 2Gih, 1920, and come to (humds with his parents at the efie of two years. This would make him a resident of Canada for nearly eighty years. The family first settled in the township of Emily. Mr. Sherin passed the whole of his life in that township. tut twenty-one years ago he retired from farming, which was his occupation and removed to l'eteriioro, “here he lived till his death. M r. Sher-in was the eldest of his father’s family. lie took no prominent part in public life, being content to live up to the duties of his privute station, which he did in a man- nor to “in and retain universal esteem and respect foru harm! of nearly as many )cars of adult life us are vouch- soied to the average mortal. Eleven years ago his wife passed away. All of the children their union was blessed with. survive. These were twelve in number, eight sons and fonrduughters. All oithe latter surrounded the bedside at the lust illness, and also several of the sonsâ€"Henry. oi New York; Fred- erick, of Niugnru Fullr; and John, 0! Emily. The names or the children oi deceased the, Mrs. J McDonald, Gnlt; Mrs Dawson Kennedy. Otonabee; Mr. Samuel Sheri", Chicago; Messrs Henry Clarence and George, of New York; Mr. John Shorin, who resides on the home. stead, Emily; Mr. Abraham Sherin. South Dakota; Mr. heac Sherin, o! \i‘innobago.1tlinxi., U. 8.; Mrs. J. H. Davis. who resided At home with her late father. Mr. Sheri'n leit behihd him a brother. Mr. Samuel Sherin.o! Lake- fleid. and a sister, Miss Robecco Sherln of Omomee. v It a Unuhe their on the exam-3- H moat hllfitiul have um seems a‘! peOpIe w" respect :1 The Tor the past. an! uf {urn far as final large defiox the prom plenty of in that the poi proaressin a moat lrat ah needed, or H exhibit nguil Mr. and Mrs. W. turned after spendl‘ Pomypool, Bowma agum Falls and Du Cague have made a at home. They retun‘ day. The Misses Aggi‘ The human I finished harvest? Mn. Wm. Jackson and her two daughters are visiting' friends in this vicinity. Mr. W. 80319 has more?! 10 his home in Patel-hero. We wish every success. The Late Horn-y Shorln An om Resi- ' dent Passes Away. On Sunday morning. Henry Sl.erin,n well-known citizen u! the county, rau- od away st Ma rnldenre In Smith 1‘onashlp cloaetothotown limits. The decanted gentleman has been In lll‘ health for flue past ten years, and ad- vanced years and disease combining bronghl his days to a close at the ripe age ofSI 3 sum. Ora OBITUARY. ’vislt hurl- new Mm (4) The courts have decided that re- fusing m‘wspapen or petlodicals from the postofllco. ol’ temovmg and leaving them uncalled for while unpaid. ll Frimda {aclo evidence of Intention! ran . @111 you; pnbactlpzion paid? (2) ”any person orders‘his paper dlsé coulinued. he must pay up all arrears. or the ublisher may continue to send it untirpayment is made, and then col- lec‘ the whole amount, whether the parry taken-from the office or_not. _ ' (8) In sultsfor subscriptions;themit may be mutilated in the place Where the paper In pnbllahed. although the subscrlher may reside hundreds at mile: away. - (I) Any person who takes a paper regularly from the post office. whether In his ow n name or another's or‘ whether he has Bnbucflbed or nol,is responsible for payment. The Law Regarding Subscriptions. reply, and it is not customary forl a dignified body to s e n d a I). answer to a document not address ‘ ed to it. The incident is regret- table. chiefly because it may be misunderstood. We may be sure that neither the writers of the' letters nor the conference intend ed anv disrespect tor each other. The Bidding. Mr. Flizgomld led off with an ofl‘or o! 8 B-«lc. M r. Whinon raised :08 7-8c, My Fianna called8 la-lec, Mt. Whmon jumvod tn 90, Mr. Flavelle to 9' 1.16:, and Mr. Fuzgcram called 9 l-Sc. This was not benerod, and Star, Dunsford, Mnrlposa and Bobeayqeon were named und accepted the nfl'er. 'Pot51508 boxes. For 5 term of yenra, 50 Acres North west quarter of Lot 13, in the 3rd 090. of Emily. about 2 miles from ()momee and 8 mile. from reterboro. Rent very reasonable. Or I! desired the above may be purchued n! a. low price by any one m I an! o! a small farm. For further particulars upply to Victoria County Cheese Beard. Victor“. County ( heal. Bund met in tho market room un- morning at no o'clock, Pro-Idem Tho- Robofllon in . the chair. It was 1 buum-u nation, the mm] diacnsalnn on alllod snl-jortc being dluponud n uh. The buy on wm \leun. Flaw-one. W lumen and Fl‘lfleh' 81d. N7. Fluvelle offered 9:2, {or the second solecnon, but there was no :nken. He then raised to 9 l-Sc, and cleared the board with the ”(caption m chrneville and Palestine, concerning which tumor- les there Is always a hitch over the cost ofInIpectlou they being isolated from .otnerr Red Rock, Omamee. Fen'elon Falls. and North Verulam will pay freight. m Lindsay. The next sale will be hold on the sec- ond day of the Central Fair -S°pl 27. â€"Lindsa,\- Post, of Monday. Supt. 9th. Th'c Factories Ropmonlod. The following [acumen bmmlod «the number 0! boxes placed nppoflto: Star 88 Lornerllle 25 L'amoron....................... 98 Dnnshud......... ..... ........12‘8 Maripnsa...... ..... ............112 Junét\'ille...... ..... ....”u... 6‘ Omemve...................... .137 Fenelon Falls.......... ........ 112 North Verulam 133 NorthOps...................... 80 Pine Grove..................... 65 Reaboro.............. ........ ...)34 Bobcnyceon ..... ...180 Maple Leaf . ..... ..120 Palestine 55 Bed Rock......................l48 MRS. W. T. MITCHELL? 2031' 3022, ONT. Farm to Let cams-as; The one of these comfortable, 1i; ressy suits; 1i ht, dark and medium grounds, checks, d faint plaids. The proper dress for country, seashore , outing and general comfort. Our prlces now are : Rs we have said before, and repeat for your benefit,--1fy 011 a. boy in need of clothin you cap make moneyeasx by ing here for his outfit. e can mg a boy out for so llttle ,ey that you’ll feel tempted to offer us a. dollar or two more I we ask. [n Men’s Youthe’ and Boys’ Furnishings our values are derful. That’s because the buylng for half-a-dczen stores one all at the same time. ' 6 best kinds, fast colors worth double, as they ERGI Big Clothier, LINDSAY 8; IAIDLAND. We are showing $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and Up. PRICES TO CLEAR. We Peoples Gnoeeny TELEPHONESâ€"Agent’s Office; Agent. Is the Place to Buy Lumber ter Paris Charcoal. Also Headq Cheese Butter " Brands. Always on hand..‘~PerfeCtly Hard and Soft‘Coal, COfdwood and M‘illg’ood. ............... Call and get ouxj p The Rathbun 00’ s . [3’15qu up ’with all kinAdsvgi The New Display of 'Jewellry and Silverware, Gold and Filled Gold Spectacles. (not found ones), fit any sight as well as those that you pay big prices for in the Cities. Beautiful Toilet Articles and Soaps, Oil Cake, Dyes, Fancy Goods, at ' This is a good goods. W. BRADBURN u ‘nnan \J uuc: Lisle and Caswi-m'mere Socks. A few beautiful Underskirts, and about 2 dozen Gentlemen’s Balbnggan, COtton WWI-BREE We cleared-oy‘t the following lines of samples: Ladies’ Hose in Silk, Lisle, and finest quahties of Cotton, and fancy colors. Ladies' Vests, short and long sleeve, in Silk, qualities of Cotton. 3 Balbriggan : THAVELLERS’ SAMPLES. Un SaleTuâ€"[lay at Wholesale “Cost. Sash, Doors, onfectionery, Biscuits, Fruits, Almonds, Oranges, Lemons Raisms, c. Call and See >lors. all W001, at $6.90 and $7.50, they are the perfectlon of fit. CANDIES some wonderful values in OMEMEE. Call and See Our Display. OUGH, :these comfortable light and ium grounds, checks, stripes for country, seashore. yacht- Our prices now are: Opportunity to Chg}; bargains i' suy Lumber, L311] 8: Shingles. Cement, P13" 1131:0 Headquarters for Windsor Salt, to Daily Blinds. and Mouldings a .77 B ; Tovm Ofiice, 77; Mill 093cc 78 a‘nd Sillg‘querslmts, also Cotton m3 i. Balbriggan and finest Carriage Dusters. in fine quality in black III IIIIIUUII III II ‘ 77 Kent St 7777037 Polished nut-um! wood casfi,‘ metal, or marbleâ€"you select I auit your taste. _ ‘ 8 Day Clocks, reliable, on 32.50. Our prices are the lowest ft fine goods. The regular Jeweler Store. In die line of Clocks there is 1 wide range for your selection 1»ch .- Email docks’that are pretty a: reliable; they make tasteful 0U! meats and keep :00] time. too. fun. in 3 sweet girl In tho choir. Who» to!" rot. holt and hole. Tall it cocci-cl such I. Might, It won. clout ou‘ of Might. “J they “and 3.0:: «yin the a; Unique [3 Whoa s '0. an can-I tor hub: 0! having poor judgment. M: In! maul: dem luck to the the It to at“ hot to mmy Linn. ' I. '. Young. 1“ Hum hunt. hum. ”I.“ m: bl... Guiana repair! Ital-c a coochlly. run met of such may. on nu. l'rieu rouousble. A. [or matron! Blvd... A call 15 m l upootmlly sollclwduzn If you tequin anything in speck“ oyoglm c. CI." and have your e‘ toned {M fittiflactmu guxrante P [I (1).“). {humid uni Optrci Lindsayâ€"‘1’. A can't buy 433' I: when hen-1 l‘ Imus ‘0 rest wd hii I it!- gets u dost-w lmle odd jun around 1"st tun moi surfing in businosi the “me time; one using all the mo‘ he talks in living me", somem oven oxttaugmzfly; the other im‘ ‘4: all the surplus cash that he (:1 hi. hands on in advertising. W is the man? The man u (m ulcer: hu eras-d3 flock ng to his shop, an tho public begins to run so win it 1 “mutton: shot-r fotce « ( hum. first shopkeepn will In the meant be sitting uuthought of and unc: tunâ€"lino. Chauncey .\l. Depew. fi‘Mf. L‘Vhitosujth, \"x‘chma Jeuelor. (‘.. « (Manna; wigl be m Minor 051cc. Omemeo, on Thur: ind Friday, See; t. 26“. and 27th will 1mm 1”! stock of due class m sprung: :1 Special prices, {u‘sly \\ :1 ted. Thane are the lust unineprizu A urge numbet from here will In the cheap trip vi: the G. T. I Bugs-.1: -_” m! return to-morrow, Fr: Sept. :3, good to temrn Monday, lflh. This uill be I. splendid ch hp with the Pan-America: Exposi “ thkoll for round lugs only $2.30. wt” I'om - 'Wu f. MCCARW! Cull only. Drs. Wightman 85 Se Dentists of Peterboro, Omemee ever y Ihursc Office two Doors eas! '1‘. Ivory Sons’ Gen 31:. Issue Mahardson, of Mill! slapped from Omemee station on any n car load of boss to l’etorbo: 1“ Wednesday 3 cu load 0! cm the Toronto market. Mr Rich: up the hump: prices (or hogs, av V" â€" o., :nd “to itrge number he out: real: is as evidence 0! Mai II will my son tom “r Rlclm info" dilpodn‘o! your stock .â€" The Ssivnuon Army cm cal {50 Mums! Em: Thsnksgivl: «'3! from Suttdny. Sept flat 1: duy Sap!» we. ludulvo. 1M < I- chug. o the Iced corps solic gm public I» take of mo bountifu up of 50h! tad m. In kind at u n uunkoolotmg to God. A: rccelvod will be turned Into 3: count to union the numerous i lent Institutions 13 we“ as to a III! to extend the ex angelica] this uncouth! orgamuuon. I canon“! Mod (In! the Ar bocomo t vory necasfluy recogn gunman III “as u (u out} 0th In when It owns. Their I non“ m Maud cookout! Winn tn Pourbom try 0. R. in: am .1.“ Winery.va mm m. '“Ilh‘zukog n 8! ever had. All work warts F *' Hm-sWu-u no sawmill“! mm 7MN0._1.81 asks a moat

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