‘ Fain-WE :1 jam. so Aer“ Norm qu manor of Lot â€Jun the 3rd Con. of ï¬nal}. about 2 muo- from Unname- nnd 8 uilu (tom Powwow. Rem var) nut-undo. Or it duiwd me alums an; be ymtclmud u at law who h, an; «mu an want u! 3 until farm. Fur (unto: gmrzit'nlnrl upply tn {Rex arm woon PUMPS ' M m n W. mm mm Wilhilll yunps OF ALL KINDS. 5. WALTER GREEN. l. 9. BOX an IBWIN’S I; H, IRWIN. 11:. "Haul," for 3997, is by all odd. pm but in “no market. In ï¬rst coat in pot lav. vbcn you member that it I. Mod! A High ï¬nder. and the ununfl pa“ hr nuiuhnum and 70min blow. or all. I M10 bandit-l flame mills f0? ‘3 you. and Ian nut 30: made I ~08: on mat of dot“! in mthrhl ‘0’ not workman-Mp I!“ In: Immanu- of my on." linen, yumsu Ai 1:23 1" 8, ac. “ll-[Ibo mums: I I’ll unecon- III h; soc-ring a great quantity 0! un- Iolly Inc pump-timber. This will he :bmllt ta III! my cantomon. um will .0"- to mnmtalu the high standard 0! «slit: than my goals haw. oujnyod in I» put Pun: for mi service A“ “iota-non guanutood in way mznsunoucu . Ml] Warts (Sr-dun. 0:“qu Veterinary (fullego, Totonm, mus 3|! diam: of dome-ti- ‘Quod urinals. Special ntteution to ï¬guil. donuury. Charges modonte. OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, an aunt. cm on. {ftï¬lbys “I. CO‘LY IN’S The nmlonlgnod ls prelim-ed to losn none, on ï¬nkclm farm propofly In lam amounts st 4} gar com. Smull amounts 1! ollghuy Increased rates 0! interest. Terms of ro-psymom to lult botrowon McSweyn 86 Weldon. written, Solicitors am. Lindsay. Out. In Omen-ea nary Monday. I. E-llavo lovers] client. who doc!" “Ru! good {nun property M. b Mum. Cut in Cigars Buhuptsmck at Pipes ‘In M. 0“-..“ gjjnq ioc.P|pes 15: Pipe! :00 Pipe: first Door South of Mann- dct's Hotel, Steel Windmills i333. W. T. HITCHELL. Dr. W. T. Rodgers, Pat‘erboro, ‘ Ontario. Farm to Let "mmCTU BER OF Pixies ‘ for 5. mob. gfoï¬ 5 -. Tobacco: always fresh at. : PER CENT. ,-st, : Lindsay. Pump Works, FOR 2031' 3022, on. 'l he Convention than adj ourncd twicksoq' 5 Hall where a public “ eating was held and addressd bv essrs. Carnegie. Hovle, Fox. Lithgow. FaIrbaiI-n. and others. ' The meeting closed with cheers 19»; 3‘3?“de MI". (:‘arnegie, TELEPHOIE 92. 2 for to {or 25 6 for 25 7 for 25 Mb: 25 7 for 25 7 for 25 3 {or no for 15 cent: 2 u lg n cents u O. 'The work of organization was then proceeded wi I h w h e n convenors of organization meetings in the vatious Munici. pï¬htics to otganize wor k’i n g «luminous in every Polling Divi'sion in the Riding were ap- pointed. Mr. Carnegie addressed the Convention thanking the delegat- es for their continued support and approvaliof his past services as their representative, he hoped to have the opportunitv of serving them more effectively in the future. At the close of his remarks Mr. Carnegie was a gain warmly appiauded. Mr. Cassidy of Fenelon sec. the nomination and. no other nomina- tion having been made the Chair- man called for a standing Vote. when every Delegate in the hall rose to his {rt in support of Mr Carnegie whom th e y m o s t .enthusiastically’ applauded. As soon as the enthusiasm h a d subsided and the Chairman could be heard, he congratulated the Conventionm their choice and, the unaminity With which it had been made which he said was a happy augury of their success in the coming Election. Carnegie Esq., be the nomineeot’ this Convention to contest East Victoria in the next Provincial Election. Hall. Commencing at 2 p. m., and there was no time to waste now as the important matter of nominatinga Candidate to con- test the Riding in the Conserva- tive interest and the thorough reorganization of every Polling Division in the Riding won-id then be proceeded with, he Wished to state that in the northern part of the Ridingthe feeling was unani- mously in favor of Mr. Carnegie M. P. R. as the conservative Candidate in the approaching Provincml Election, the President elect then took his seat and c died for the nominations ofCandiJates. Mr.]. R. Eiskine Reeve of Dysatt,etc., moved that J. H. Mr. Delamere was very heartily applauded on taking the chair, and in a few words thanked the convention for the conï¬dencethey had shown In him by electing him to the important position of Pres. of the AssociatiOn. Work he said was more essential than talk in the bustness then before them. they would have some goo d speoches delivered in Dickson’s The C onServatchs of the East Riding of Victoria met in jordan’s Hail, Fenelon Falls. on Wednes- day last for the Election of Oï¬ic- ers and the no nmation o: a Can- didnte to contest the Riding in the Conservatne interest in the approaching Proxincia! Election. The chairman, who had declin- cd the honors of ofï¬ce, then in a neat littlc speech, gracefully de- livered. called upon "the President elect to take the chair. The Unanlmc us Choice of the Con- ve tlon Held at Fenelon Falls on Wednesday. Sept. 11. 'l‘he attendance was very large notwithstanding the unfavorable state of the Weather, among those present we noticed Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M. P. P., Indian Point, Mr. Hoyle, M. P. P., Cannington, Mr. S. J. Fox, M.P. P., Lindsay, Mr. Charles Fairbairn. ex~M. P.. Bobcaygeon. Mr. J. D. Naylor. F enclon, Mr.W. McArthur, Reeve of Fenolon ‘al‘ls. Mr. Ershine, Reeve of Dysart, Dr. J. 5 Cam- eron. Omemu. James Lithgow, Esq.. Bobcaygeon, G. Bemnster. Esq.. Haliburton. Messrs. T. H. and \V. R. McQuade, I. H. and T. H. Fee, “1’. C. and J. T. Swit- zer. Fred and Walter Magee, Ed. Jimieson. of Emily and Omemee, W. Jordan, Esq. Fenelon Falls. G. LLvtle, Esq.. of the Watchman Warder, Lindsay. Mr. Delamere of the Minden Echo, R. Mason, V. 8., Thos. Leary, Esq., Moores Pat‘s, R.'H. Baker, Esq., Ingolds- by. and many other prominent citizens and enthusiastic ‘Conser- ‘vative workers. The President, Mr. H. J. Lytle, not being present, the Vice- Pres- ident, Mr. James Lithgow, took the chair. 'lhe chairman, after briefly eyplaining the objects of the meeting and reading a letter lrorn Mi. L3 tle. the President explaining the reason of his ab- s:nce, as Well as tendering his resignation, also a letter of regret from Col. Sam Hughes. M.P., he then called upon the Secretary to road the minutes, after which the :l-ction of oï¬â€˜icers was proceeded w;th. IOSUllillg as follows :â€"Hon. Pres.. Dr. Vincent C. Cornwall. Omeinee, Hon. Vice Pres., ]. D. Naylor. Fenelon Falls, President, lolm H. Dalznm're, Minden. xst Vice Pres., Dr. Cameron, Ome- mee, 2nd Vice Pres., D. Galloway, Glenarm. Sec. Treasurer, R. M. Mason V. 5., Fenelon Falls. A committee cmnpn.sihg,. the ofï¬cers (éfthe association and Mr. \Vm. M'cAnhnr was appointed to dmft a new Constitution and Rules for the AssOciatioa. MR. CARNEGIE, M.P.P.. Thomas Brady. Kent 8‘ . Lindnav, keeps In stock a large and fresh mock "(vagaries at ptlcea as low m- tlno low. Jordan' a Iwomng “do. You behold the Union 09le into wMeh your tram will undo. Then you'll not: us. Buporlnlondom. God the Father. God ills Son. . Wm: hearty. joyoul pundit. "Wont; Tho following luau from the plum ofpootry on “Life's Rummy to lion ou' tn a lavorlto of deceased . Ad ypu roll across the mum-panning "e Mn 03 to mourn MI loss: a mumor, Mn Jun. Balfour, 0! Carbon); Man . two brothers, Menu. \\ . 11.. show 'mentioned, and ho. ho", Toronto, one sister. Mn. Fred Mott-M13, 0! Poker. barn, nu nncle Al r. 'I" â€my, 5! , an um" M n. D. McKinley, o! Omemoo. The boleuved tektites In" the heart- felt sympathy of their man! friends In their and affliction. pilgrim, welcome home." (Puberty, Mun, papers pious copy.) The news of the «loath of M r. Goorgo W. ivory, holowd sun of the late Mr. .lmmm ivory, w inch Ind event took plat-oat tho home of his brother. Mr. W. H. ‘h'ory, Agent lot the i‘. i’. it; at Mountain ï¬rms, on “'odmniln, Sept lith, wu rowlveil nith doep want by the N sldents o! Omomoo Ind vlc‘uiiy, where docoaaed was well and favorably known, having been born in Omemee, and when ho residéd for a number of your: Docoaned was Commercial Oporo nior for tho Walton: Union Telegraph Co,. of New: Yerk City. and had the [ reputation olhelng one oi the but open * More in America. He was highly el- teemed in: all who knew him. "is re- mains were brought by train to Ome- meo from Mountain Grove on Thursday and plat-ad lo the home of Mr. 1‘. [wry Sn. uncle of deceit-ed. from where the» {ulnoral tool: plnco on Friday morning to the Emily Cemetery. and WM 1i.- tended by many aorrowlug iriomio and 1 relating, Rev. iv. Brown conducted the funeralserrico. The Emily Agrlculturulsorlety'o Fall Exhlbltlon will be hold in tho Driving Park. Omemeo. on Tuesday Ind Wod- neaday. Oct. 1 4: 2, 190]. Good pr‘zvn fur special at!rac|lons,unoh an Speeding in the. Men‘s and “up". Foot Races. Lady Driver. (Single lluruo m Human) c.,c. Open to the World. Admis- lxon. Adults; 25c., lluildren under us years. 15¢. The grouudl will be open to vlaltbn on Wed neada'y, Oct. 2nd tron 1 o'clock p. m. The Ounomoo Cltluu'l Band will eullvcn mo prncoo‘lingswllh clnolco selections of mualc. Reduced {are on G ’l‘. R., lrom Llndny. Petu- boro. Milllnrook and all Intermediate nations For Prize Lin: and other in- formation upply to'l'. ll Fee, President. or to O. G. Williamson.Socreury,0mo- was 1’ 0. \Vhile they Were discussing the South Atrican war at the Ecumen- icle Methodist Council, Rev. Hoss, of Nashville. Tenn., said that it would he lmpertinent torthe gath- ering to tender advice to Great Britain. fl‘hereisagbod rieal of hoss sense in that remark, The time for advxce expired nearlytwo years ago. . Give us a in" when 1:- ton n.-8m. The Post says the mother ofthe boy referred to in the said article appeared in Court on being-sub- poenaed to do so. The Post's in- formant must have a had memory, as the wornan in question did not appear in Court. The Post knows very well that the Conservatives ofthis riding do not require to stoop to any “ pernicious" meth- ods to win elections. They win them on their merits. The Post has a sore head ever since “ Hon- est George" received his “ knock out blow." If the Government does not propose to treat the Roval visitOrs with greater liberahty than it has extended tothe Canadian \olun- tcers the entire party wit] do well to bring their dinner pails wrth them. and Mr. Whitney, leader of If Majesty's Loyal ngositiOn, i the Ontario Legishture. The Canadian Post. ofLindsa)‘ in an article, under the above heading, which appeared in its columns of Sept. 6, tries to black- en the Conservatiye‘ Party and the Emily Township Council, but the Editor of that paper need n0t think for a moment that his editorial will carry any weight with sensible people. In the ï¬rst place that journal leaves itself open to libel when it says that the Councd ofthe TOWnship ot Emily, acting under the instructions ot the Mail and Empire, appointed a Tory of the old school. The members of the Emily Council are n e1 -not mice; they do not make laws or break them by in- structions from the Mail and Em pire, the Globe, or any other pa- per. The people of Emily pride themselves in having a Councrl, the members of which are above reproach. It would knock one cold to read the Post's Editorial. Imagine the Post saying that it sincerely hopes that the Severe talking to.gi\'en by the ludge to the Assessor,who according to the Post's yarn. violated the law, wil. have the effect of stopping in this county this pernicious method of trying to win elections. Death of Ir. 6. W. Ivory. Stulflng the Voter's Lists." 6% if 3%: Willthose to whom we sent accounts to last week please call and settle this week, as we re- quire the same to meet our own delinquencies, Advertise in the Mirror. “Won. )0. him [0 'long he: do chai- gans. A mu who. ain't got eddloation â€ouch to XIV-var up MI trucks no but“ vdan (in in better out do vuy dun In “Iâ€- Atlanta Coutitutton. “I want: yo'.†said a rum! darky to Indian. “tu- pm 30' name tcr dis porn- “on." Odwh.‘ M," “Ono «on: m u gwlno up to: M Icahn.†. ‘- “flo “elude has. cud he!†“Dat'l that.†“En be m ’an hatch him?" Mrs; Hutâ€"That’s wry into. Bï¬t I so: gong admirably without shunâ€"Boston Mrs. Fryeâ€"Folks are saying that you don't get along well with your neighbors. Impatient Husband (tired of holding his chin tumâ€"It's taking younn awfully long time to ï¬x this necktie, mum. Patient Wifoâ€" You never used to com- plain about thu iongth 0! time it took me to smooth out your necktius before we were nun-110d, Gcoxge. â€"-Chicngo Tribune Some wool sorter: in a Vermont woolen mill the other day found a long. stronge- iy braided whiplash in wool that bed come from Africa. Among other thing: Iometimca found in wool are pockctkniws. wboie suit: of clothing, money of different denominations, shears. pieces or iron and stone. the latter evidently being placed in the suck to deceive the buyer or to Weight Some years ago a quantity of big stones was found tied within the fleeces, increas- ing the green weight by baitâ€"Sew York Tribune. . Noni-"Alma SQUARI. June 10. Is): 1. Hugh Worthington. give sud bequeath ï¬e II, dear Ella Price. who is my adopted child. .11 I do or may pout-u. real and personal. to be It her solo and entire disposal. and 1 do up point Williun Kent._ Esq.. of London Wall my respected Mead. wi'th the said Eliza Price tc execute this my last will and testament. , 111:0" Wou’ruluo’ron. In 3 memorandum lnclosed in an accom- panying box and addressed to his wife the reverend manor says, “I do know you will perfect yourself In shorthand for my lake."â€"Straud Mngozlnm Than (‘hrlst wowv forth "ll glory, and His disclp ea Would bolxete on Him. The )llrrorjulnsln the man) we!- come wlohel tlmt are tendered tn Hu- Boynl Highness the Duke of Cornwall Ind York and [Ill lllustrloul Consort May N10 (‘anadlnn tom be a very luppy one {or our Royal guests. and mu they realise how uuly loyal un- Canadian: are In their beloved Km. and Queen, gm! their topresenta iveu the Duke u d Dm. lu- 133 o! Uurnwull ui 6 Y ulk. so.» Omar WHI- lon ll the rhyming wlll: I. John of Gaunt. Do givu'nnd grant Unto Roger Burgoyne And the heir 0! his lot. All Sutton and Potton Until the world's rotten. Then nppoan to bolt: the vast collection only one lustnncorot n will in shorthand. It in that of the Rev. Hugh \Vonhlngton of Highbury l’lnco! lalingtou. On being him the so-cullm more an Hm Savio hoped fl: former pa could not bye. Thus them the gr underlie“: _. Into wine. 1 0d four leuo Firstly ‘o lo and human f0! Secondly to Ion with Chrilt. Thirdly to 01m questioningâ€. Fourtbly to 1 mm. mnléflbod '1: NW: on . lust char frldt calu in: In of all 1 that n an! C‘Y.‘ â€V â€carved No Sympathy. Keeplnx the Place. Wool Findl- No! an: 5‘“ (4) The courts have decided that re- fusing nswspapen or perimlio als from the pout ofï¬ce, or removmg and leaving: them uncalled fur nhile unpaid ls primaï¬facle endenc’e or intentional fraud.†(3) In mm lurmbncriplluna them“ may be mutilated in the place “hem the paper in published. although the whacrll'er may reside hundreds of miles a)» 113'. (2) "any person orders his paper dis- continued. he must pay up all arrears, or the publisher may continue to send It until payment. is made, and thence!- lect the whole amount, whether the papery taken from the olflce or not. (I) Any person \\ ho mkea a paper regularly from the post m’l'ce. whether in his own name or another a or whether he has Subscribed or not, is responsible for payment. The Law Regarding Subscriptions. O,MEME E. All kinds u! Pressvd Lumber, Sash, Doors, Blinds, Moulding c A150 Lam Slninglm, 0 At Rock Bottom Prices for Cash. A can In most rzoapoctfully 80.1mm. I wish to Inform the (-Inzons oi Ome- mee and snrronn-llng cunnlry that I will keep cunsmmly «I: hand, :1 huge mpph of ROUGH LUMBER, 013 you unlucription paid 2' The Portraits 0! Wlth Biographical Sketches. In General Charles H. Grcsvenor. [ember of centre“ for nearly 20 yeun. Contam- twenty [our large Photo-tum ure Etching: {mm the pnlmlngu ludorum: by the {unalllou and near roluflvae o! the I'm-menu. l'rluledtm heavy plâ€. paper, embmm-d. .\ wry lnrgc- book ; lltlc page do- «gucd I»: Tummy. lllogrnpblvtl Iknrhn printed lu largwmpon typo lu urn colon. The grantee! workm the 2m. Century. F0 hcautlml that “man l’rmldcnt Ah-Rlnle) saw II. he uulmcrIM-d immediately. Ono «gums uelllngï¬mcoptun In small lerrllory In l'umsylvunlu. A mllllnncnpleu will be nuldqulcx. Fununou wlll bu made mm In- uuxurul ymlr.‘ llluh clnu Imm or woman ufmmd snclulnlnncllng can make a “I“. {urlune In lhln Ion-nary. Tertnory in not" rapidly. Prone» running any and night to tlll onion. \\'mm-d.~--Htu|n Manngot to look alter corroxpomh'lwt- and agents. Addie“ tu-duy A handwmely Illustrated weakly. 1. arm". cir- culation of any Iclonunc numnl. Terms. 83 I your: four months. a. 80 d by m new-dealers. MUN" 00. 3538mm New York Anyone lending I sketch and deter! “on may qnlckl ascertain our oplnloa m. w ether an Invent. n In probnbly mums. Communica- uom urictlyconnden Handbook on P-tenu Icflt‘frog. 9Igost ggewjoLucunpgnpnwmq. " l'hiéuiii iik'éh' iï¬ï¬ï¬gï¬ â€˜Mh‘xii'lETK-mvï¬l'n me)“ you“. without clique. in tho LumhflrYarfl. J. J. NICHOLS Sciéiitiï¬Ã© 'ï¬iiiéï¬can. 'liriibin 6im7el THE CONTINENTAL PRESS. Ccrcornn Building. Washington. D. C. The Big Clothier, LINDSAY IAIDLAND-. Men’s Summer Suits AT PRICES TO CLEAR. E E Every man should own one of: these comfortable, light and .re‘ssy suits; light, dark and medlum grounds, checks, stripes 1nd faint plaids. The proper dress for conntry, seashore, yacht- hg, outing and general comfort. Our prices now are ; NEW! L In Men’s Youths’ and Boys’ Furnishings our values are onderful. That’s because the buylng for half-a-dczen stores done all at the same time. B. J. GOUGH, As we have said before, and repeat for your beneï¬t,--ifyou we a boy in need of clothin you can make money easy by gmmghere for his outï¬t. 6 can rig a. boy out for so little Oney that ]you’ll feel tempted to offer us a dollar or two more an we as . ' 'amr y L. the best kinds. fast colors all wool, at $6.90 and $7.60, worth double, as they are the perfectlon of ï¬t. ERGE SUITS Washliin'oï¬'. 15. CI Our Presidents We areNShowing some wonderful values in $3.50, $4.50, $5.00 and Up. ‘ {The Peoples Gnoeeny Always on hand. Perfectly Dried and ‘ Hard and Soft Coal. Cordwood Call and get our pnces and c: TELEPHONEsâ€"Ageht’s Oflice, 77 B , va G H M. BAKER Agent _ i _2 Lindsay [s the Place to Buy Lumber, Lath Shingles ter Pans Charcoal. Also Headquarters for V8 inds Cheese Butter " Brands. The ‘ Rathbun' Co’s This is a goods. ucuucmcn s Dawngggm. Cotton and Silk Undershnrts, Lisle and Cashmere Socks. A few beautiful Underskirts, also Cotton and about 2 dozen Carriage Dnsh-ls. Gentlemen’s Balbnggan. Cotton LaGICS' nose In 511k, Lisle, and {most quahties of Conan, in black and fancy colors. Ladies’ Vests, short and long sleeve, in Silk, Balbriggan and ï¬hcst qualities of Cotton. Ladics' Hose in Silk, Lisle ones), ï¬t any sight as well as those that you pay big prices for in the Cities. Beautiful Toilet Articles and Soaps, Oil Cake, Dyes, Fancy Goods, at W. BRADBURN 3’ Confectionery, Biscuits, Fruits, Almonds, Oranges, Lcnmns Rmsms, c. Elsfull up with all kinds of ’fln Sale To-flay at Wholesale ‘Cnst. TRAVELLEHS’ SAMPLES. Sash, Call and See . J. Mulligan’s, OMEMEE. We CANDIES good opportunity to obtain bargains i WWW cleared out the following lines of samples: Doors; Blinds and Mouldings OMENIEE. Call and See Our Display. Emma's mar-531;; my Lumber, Lath Shingles, Cement, Plas- ï¬lso Headquarters for \K'indsor Salt, “ l)ail)’ Dried and Seasoned. Be: al. Cordwood and ‘Millwood. ' pnces and examine goods. ‘ 3 77 B ; Tow}: Ofï¬ce, '77: Mi 3, 77; Mill Ofï¬ce 78 jarriage Dustu s, Bysz qualities in ï¬ne quality . no. 0.. cc. '0'... ‘r We. the members of the [and (col ue mum“: say 1 without I.- llil :: sun [was truly are “at you no slu-ux in hand rich moot heartily tn maul: your unuting efl'uru and gum oil the Work to lure been m to d-v. Your exsmgde h: the ( be I. help to no In the tuturo, “In. “ten: together u ill ever I: one of us a. happy. happy ‘ with much love uh] every :4 use ask you to accept this mu melubnnce fr 0 m the men‘ Christ Church Mission Band. o-aid «ï¬lter $1M fork and the To 0C3 Btu-TED I’mzumsn M "you rc-qmre mythingiul oyo‘lma Aw. Cs“ and have 1 Outed (roe. mamas. gm P. II 0010. Dwain-t and Lindst.â€"t{. Mr. 1. E Weidau.ofï¬'.c$1tc dun 81"“er c. Lludaur. m. Umemw «Moo our U: Gnmry, every Monday. ï¬rflr. !. ‘3' hitcsauiu. Wu Jeweler c. ,uf Hamlin; I'l“ I Mirmr Ulï¬ea. Omemee, nu ‘ um! l-‘rlday. Squaw: and 1 will have a big ltoek «If ï¬ne cl: "mm-I s! «poem when; {u ‘13 led Tum m the lo ‘31 num- Drs. Wi ghtman . Dentists of Peterbon Omemee every "hu Ofï¬ce two Doors e: '1‘. Ivory Sons’ Gt Store. A number a! the member! Nisslofl Band of ('hrist ('lnm It the Rector; to say good-bye Pregnant. They pn rented L‘ â€I. Ch“. “r†(if Enoi‘)’. W; by . co“ on Mondxy In! and lujnn-d. We hope Nut um medial mondauoo he will ooror. ANNOUNCE.“ENT.â€"llavmg I the â€rug lhulueu (armament-H1 “the am nan-:01 .umush .9 I I'll! continue It. under Hm same will be my are m malnutu the 1: Mon to long held hy uw bulhm “hm-ad [or accuracy m 1: W0. 0! modlcimu and pro-on H I cat will be mun-alum m n 1a Cl}! otcxedlonee. Inviting 3 mg A: me home of Mn.Cuny. c In“, 3 “rows“ to: wan tender! Womnu'a Auxillsry M Mn. 1‘ Ilonaty Pmldent o! tho Soci‘ Very enjovnble evening will b unbound Ivy moist-go numb: m only draw back to It: 910: that it wan to u: good bu. 1%.“!!pr with W minced by oven-one. Dana ‘00 Mel membership, Mn. 1‘ has by [at out and] help, h In; muons-I snd com-(nay love and «team 0! out] In the Busch. It tl hoped u. hum the Auxiliary any 0! II. plenum of having the! who: among“ thou u u 3“ hour and soon. Sign“. Sara Adumn, Fthe Genie Grands. and Jessie I... Omen-0e. Sept. 7th, 1901. bu ova! Ind. All uork It: Cull only; The nanny friend! o! If. 1. win he plea d to learn and I sided In ruuutu in Omomee opened p I net lumber In: urn-para! nu {uruifln the gene} with. ail kinda of rough lulu llduflvmtud In fact unflhm Imp: In a ant-clan lumber 1 nolicita a share of your patron u-lv. in annual comma. Dry Goods. An Emergency leetin members of Christ Chu be held In the baseman Presbyterian Church. day, 19th. at 8 p. m. 77 Kent-St, Ll a (if-31' imimmmgéw pd... k“ 3‘3o10ms stronger.†I o! guidance!» of price a “ll-“'- It. 0.03 Company I a. .lgndaooldud recon: PolisheJ natural wood m:tal, or maxbkâ€"you auit your taste. 8 DJ" Clocks, relia‘ $2.50: Our prices are the 10 ï¬ne goods. The Popular Jeweler Small cl acksrthat are reliable; they nuke tast‘ meats and keep gooJ ti‘ In the line of Clocks t wiJc range for your sele< Unique Blocks w. F. MBEA LOC‘L MleRoot no 952:. n .1131]? 'mpeciiully.