3‘WAKELSI - FOR D3 ’ For the production of this great paper an lmmeï¬se new electmtyping. photo-engraving and printing plant has been added .30. The Globe’s mechanical equipment. Th3 will make The Wuxzxï¬mnn unques- tionably the most desirable home paper in Canada. Amgegnenu have been made wherebyour readers can secure this superb Weekly and their org; Ice-l favorite paper at the specially favorable rate of " ~ â€A , Couri‘fney Bros AGENTS. , ....“OMEHEE P. 0. a. Exhlbltxon a.t_ Peterboro aneri ndsei'y Fairs , __ 7-- --.‘â€"J - 3 One year is not a very long time, and yet it is long enough to- make» a beginning. The ~Tafe, Sntisfaeto‘ry Store came“ into being oneyesr ago, and whatever else may be said ll cer- ~ minly has made veryvfa‘st Headwa’y'in the race of Mercantile Honors. NOW, we are not content ' to rest on our oars. ï¬nd let gnode'nough alone, but, we rn'nst keep Forging Steadily Ahead. ; Here are three GOOD REASON S why we are determined to do greet things this year : 7 . Fl RSTâ€"«Beause our stocks are much greater in Variety, Styie 'an'd' V’alnef, . SECON Dâ€"Becanse the people in and about Lindsay were never in a. better noiiiion to. , buy goods, than they are now. - : TH] RDâ€"Becanse in our way of thinking there is no standing still. :1! business is not ng ahead, "'3 going behind. just to CELEBRATE our BIRTHDAY we’ll sell brand new goods lifesaving of in third . to a half. Bring this list with you when you come to the store {or comparison with the goods: s ! onhty. We win make Raï¬ boom by giv Mega: Low Prices durmg the three days THE†WEEKLY- GLOBE ,1 A India: This week we ,5;in Saiisga'ctory Store .-Pag;_:]_l_lustrated Supplement tame "m ‘ ms mm Citizen who can should go‘ “16‘ An- obe held in LINDSAY. It promo in; feature 0. Th’c mew Gum: :01). added this fall will be an Canada’snrgat Jlluétmtged Weekly,‘ j . .. Pom us or ‘surnnxouut own: man . Jung’s; II u :n ail-mm ‘pu-u:.¢o»uguqcm’: . ~ \ull not)“ or check. E." of making-u ~ch’fld' -- " ream aroma mom. Tho tan. volume of smut . . “.10! Allolmrgvu'oach «tote with the 49 Inc!» _ ’ - - .eflimbt ; "((3314 t Ml! llroku ï¬ll; pair ‘ Thu ".f.; , Q 3,03! {your the cylinder has influx!“ nu. Mid-nu '8 «mi. n! 18 Inches. Envy pump to n fore. ~‘ Janna-p um! “a b. audio: tutoring lam, cub-W '5 .gtng baggie. And am hi in pup-cab. A um . M'unrmvtnco the n gt rimmed "at any tn m. but pump on «uh; For (anon (on van. 9. stock the-1.3wgvdltblo.‘ *r‘ ,.u_ U.\ SUPLRUALENDtknD PAPER. Buck "sPat entEc- centric Cham Llft Pump The "Safe, Satisfactory Store, 35c. NEW ZEBE'LINE SUITINGS 25‘»: A Store 7 Fï¬llf’off Bargains. continues to.cclebrate in Him; Birthday 2g enough to~- make†a beginning. The ‘, and whateycr else. may be said It cer- nntile Honou. NOW, we are‘ ndt‘ content '0 pins: kpo'p qugjng 5:3“!in Ahead. We will send Tm: Wznku Suï¬ from now to 1st January, 1905, in combination with '\~ {Dir 303‘s _market reports are worth mahy .times the'éub- - tscription price to you. 3'... Every _ Farmer in Canada x should realize the full value of the service Tm: SUN has ren- dered him in a public way. It was due to the action of TH: SUN in giving voice to the " '«opinfms c! the farmers that the .'::w relating to cattle guards, drainage across rail- ways, and farm ï¬res causedéï¬y railway locomotives has been The Omemee Jirror FOR I Mr. G. P Hart, of Carnanon, was n Rain 5 few days iast weak, and was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs. Wm. Eliiott. While here he purchased "several barrels of choice winter apples which he will sell to his numerous pat- ‘rons 'at right prices. Mrs. Hart and children accompamcd him home on Friday. ' ' Be sure and have your new fall suit â€made at Ivory’n. The Rev. J. H. Ten‘ey, Mcssï¬. C. F. Beat, 3. Jones and Herb. Copeland were duck shooting here last week and bad very good succes:u MISS jenmc McQuadc is visiting her sister, Mrs. McElwam thls'week. . A number from here :66]: in the homescekcrs’ excursion on Tuesday. among them being Messrs. Arthur, 1215 and Geo. Franks, 'co. Boatc, Mrs. W. Rum and Mrs. Sid‘Bailéy. - J. H. '1‘ eney, preached a very inicreatâ€" ing sermon to a large an attentivegath- cring. The oï¬'extory on ‘that occasion mounted to $79.?6' dNLY $1.80. The anniversary of St Jamu’ Church na'hctd 0n the-eighth 0'! Sept; and [as a grand success. Thc.Rcct9r.,Rcv, inv- i' Farming For Profit. 1Every Famier should keep these "three words constantly in mind aha ‘c‘onduct his farm on 'strict business principles. Guess work and haphazard methods are no longer used by successful and' upâ€"to-date far- mers. 3 By reading Tun WEEKLY Sun. the Famer‘s Business Paper, you will get the very latest and most accurate in- formation regarding your busi- But “my. ,Mr. Kehneiiy will keep a full line o~quldin€ Materials. Custom sawing Notice is hereby given {hit the part- nership of Kennedy 61 Bryson. lumber merchantsin Omemec. has been dis- solved by mutual cement. and further that all accounts du’e'the lat: ï¬rm must be paid to W. H. Kennedy, or at his' ‘otï¬ce, on or before Oc_t. :, 1903. The business will in future be carried on by W. H. Kennedy. Thanking bur friends for their liberal patrmiago’in the past. and soliciting a continuance of the same for the suc-‘ eeeding manager. ’ 1 KENNEDY BRYSON. The Mirror extends hearty hon- grafllaï¬qmq .to Dr, and Mrs. Keith. The guests from. a distance were Mr. and Mrs E'.. B. Horseman, of Hamilton: MissesM. 5. Keith and Bessie Murdock. of Toronto Miss joan Keith. of Lindsay y, Miss H. Coleridge. Ingersoll and Mr. 1. C. Rose Emboro. -1 The bridesmaid, M is Pearl, sis. ~ter of th .bridguwgre‘a gown of ‘ grey voi ovqgnttyhfl'aa. The {roomwas â€Wed by his broth- er. MLAIQX. 'exth‘, of " Lindsï¬y‘. The ccrexï¬bï¬i‘WM'performed by Rev; Mr. \Vatspn ‘of Thamesford. ; A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnited at “the home 0! the bride's mother. Mrs.~ MacDonnell, 'l'hamesford. Wednesday. Sept. 2 at 2.15, when Cora Ethel, second daughter of late john MacDon- nell, was united in marriage to J. iPatterson Ruth, M. D.. of Ome- ‘mee. . To the strains of the Men- jdelssohu wedding in. ch pla) ed by Miss Cora McCarthy. and pre~ coded by little Miss Helen Herse- man. of Hamilton, as flower girl.‘ the bride entere'd‘the room on the l arm of her brothertin-law, Dr. J‘. G. Coleridge. S‘ne‘was, *ln‘ pearl grey crepe dechene- over 'grey" ta- fl'ctaend carried a- large shower bouquet vof'bridal roses, .lillies of the yalley and maidenhair fern. Mrs. Jackson, of 'OmémEc; is visiting" with her daughter Mm] Stewart. Mr. J. Spcir is making impimjcmentc oahis blacksmith sho’p' arid 1M?."\\’.‘ 'chh has erected: new barn ‘which adds to the appearance of our village. Mrs. R. Lydc has Rimmed to Lindsay after spending a couple oi weeks with friends here. . ‘ ‘ Dixsclntinn of ï¬Partnerxkip. ‘ Frankliniiéini; .. Mr. and Mrs. T. Tibmésbh Spent a couple 0! days with" Carï¬righgfgignds. Miss M. Windrtm is visiting with ‘ . Minder) Ixicnds.‘ " ' ' be a great .one. In ‘prira'te life she was a thorOughly competent gmldme woma n; exhibiting: healthyraml beneï¬cial in- fluence on all. around her. She took pleasure in social life antl- Was a mem- ber of the l‘eterboro‘Gplf Club: Con- joined with general regret at Miss Faxrfs. deatli‘u general Iï¬mflthy wzth the be- reaved relatives.-â€"-l’_derboro Examiner of Thutsday. ’ ' The late Mm Fair has been a devot- ed member and worker of St. John's congregation for the-past , ten years; a valued teacher in the Sunday schbol; a member of the choir and ï¬reman r of the King's Daughters, with which work she was {articulariy idiataï¬ed. She was in many ways closely connected with the life of the church and herJoss will ; By Miss-Fair's deagb :he family suf- fers its third bereaverhenf since 1'9'00, the other members‘deceased being Mr. Robt. Fair's brother, George and his sister Annie. ' Sec Ivory's new fan jackets and rain She was the eldest daughtex of Wm. Fair, of Millbrook,~ in which town she lived until. on the death of Mrs. Robt. Fair'some years ago,.she goqk cha'rge of her brother's household and during her residence here had made 'many warm friends by'her genial disposition and engaging manner. 3 ' . ' The many friends of Miss Sarah Jane Fair will be pained tb hear of her de-. ; misc which occured 6h“ Friday at 5.15 pim; at the residence of her brother Mr. Robt. Fair, .1 oleickson street. The deceased lafly has yeah-{wining} for. about a year With chronic ailment. tb; obtain relief from which she spent the winter at Clifton Springs. N. Y. Un» fortunately. but little imprOVement ‘in her condition was afl’orded, and the re- sult was her death .on Friday. The Cobourg Sentinel Star says: â€" There is every prospect of a good hunt- ing season this fail One gentlemen who has occasnan to go up and down the lakes says that he has seen more than 20 deer in the woods where very few have been seen for some )ears. The woods are. said to be fairly alive with partridges. There is, therefore, a good chance ahead of. the man behind the gun in November. 1903. We regret jollearh that Mr. N. T. Harvey is laid up with Typhoid Fever. Mr. 61:39.11,"-~ Photographer’s nan visit. Mfl; Ila-2111 “ ‘ “'7' ’v- “V". mind me sketching Sh your ï¬eld?" Farmerâ€"~“ Lark no, mi~sic3 7 You keep the birds 08' the peas better'n 1' ordincry scare crow;“â€"Strax Stoï¬gs. .Miss Thornton. sts mï¬dson and Miss Cufry attcgnded’ thg: concert given by the Coldstgum Gwds’ Band. Fair Pamterâ€"“ HYMENEAL. OBITUARY. you don’t “Yoiir editorial upon ' the subject which I read the other day was most apropo and cannot fail to produce good results; It lies with the press of Can. ada to mould public opinion along the aesthetic as me" as on politicalane do- ‘ mestic linesâ€"Ottawa Free Press of Saturday. Mr. Sherwood rs a son of our highly esteemed citizens, Mr. and Mrs W. Sherwood. Mr. Sherwood is 1 considered to be one of the leading artists in Canada, and his many friends here will be pleased to learn that he is still keeping to the from m his profes- sion - ' “I know, however; that a very large number of cultured citizens .0! Tomato aye one with me on' the necessity of es~ ta-hiishing an International Society ‘of. Amio'oking to a heahhier and mate solid basis for our own as the result. “I have always advocated a national sptrit in art both m the press and upon the platform. This has had. I am sorry to say, a very unfortunate aï¬cct result. ing in a most appalling Rate of provm- cialtsm. The crrorl committed was in not having instituted an art associa- tion in the Capital rather than in the Provincial capital'of Toionto. " We are mistaking provincialism, for patriotism and are zealous in the carrying out of our-work. mluuuwtt . 1 -- i . . t ‘ - 3 - art feeling in our country. We spa]: of .. 53:1?3': “132:: iii'inblzfgdiE-ig? being EDRIiSh and yet “5 have little ;' Apply to the nearest Canadian Paczï¬c that is genuinely British m art. “ Our ' Agent for pamphlet. educational institutions are literally 7 Tickets are not good on “ Imperial closed to the most accomplished schol- Limited." , ars at Oxford or Cambridge; Pr'oviu- , L 'f’ "O‘HKN- cial enactments prevent any chance of Assuam General Passenger Agent. ‘ place being open to the reception in TORONTO Collegiate institutes of even a double M degree Mastcrof Oxford. Film ffll‘ Salt M In Rm w Art in Canada is really in a transition state and reflecting the work In some measure of the French schools. It is in the mccption that the utmost care should be taken, for we know how difï¬cult a thing it is to eradicate from the soil an I“ planted weed or even, an cdiable perennial : To Branden the Horizon-Art In Cantu: Now in n.‘ Transition State-Forecast u to Its Future. The importance of broadening the horizon of art as of literature cannot be too strongly emphasized" said Mr. W AQSherwood in an interview with the Free Press to-day “ particuiarly in a young and impressionable country like Canada." - Ir. Sherwood Favoi-s an Inter- nationnl Society. SOLID _'BASIS FUR ART. ii Extra Good Qt-J‘alitéy,~ Lidies' blk 5 Underskirts, for this Bale rmmeses w rne at; one That Never-D isappointsw W ANNIVERSARY SALE 800 Yds. 36inch Wrapperotte. New Patterns. - - 100 Ladies' Cloth Skirts, extra good materials, 6 styles; Worth $3. 00 8: $4. 00. .. 'SALEH?RICE $1.»- 36 in.Wra.ppere;tte 9 1-26 Saturday, -- Sept. 26 Monday, .V “‘. ‘ 28 Tuesday, ' " 29 Wednesday,†,.. 30 7 Days Supreme Bargain Giving. Sale Prices Positively Limited to 7 Sale Days ~ ., SALE PRICE 9 “1-20, $1 $1.25, for. 69¢. EachDay .a Unique Bargzï¬iï¬f A Sample Bargain List 2 . _ $4. 80 for $1 98. gt Dresg Gppds Specialfl' A Visit .to This Sale wm Make Dollars for You and surronnding country, and take'ord. ' em for OUR HARDY SPECIALTIES In Fruit. Trees, Small Fruits Ornamentals, Shrubs, Ros- es,V!nos,Seed Panamaâ€. Stock true to name and free from San : Jose Scale". ‘A permanent position for the right man on either salary or com- mission. . Stone 82. Wellington FONTHVLL NDRSERIES Over :00 Acres. TORONTO - - onnnm- Lot 10. Con. 3. Emllymne mile can of Omanâ€. The undersigned wxll rent or Sell his valuable farm, consisting of mo acres. 85 acres being cleared and in good state of cultiVation, the balanpe being in hardwood bush. There is" 'a good bricx dwelling \mh stone foundauon, also splendid outbuildings. Good or- chard, fl'owing well, etc. Terms lilicxal. Apply to ' ' ‘ ISAIAH THORNTON, ‘ ‘ Omemee P. 0. WInutpog.. Wuhan; .. Estevan .... Elgln.......... Arcola ...... loosomln . Wawnnesa linlota ...... s Muscat-m“ Gund View 1 Swan Riven A man to represent “Canaan’s mun-:31- Nunsrzmzs†in thetown of Will be run on SEPTEMBER 15th and zgth ; returning until NOVEM- BER 16 and 30 rcspcctivdy, 1903. IITUH' F‘RE- 'ro ONLY' 690 times. Read the advs in Mirror each wcct.’ An Ottawa man was burned while reading his newspaper. There is some “hot stuff†gcgting into the paprys these CANADIAN ï¬ll-71 Harvest Excursions OMEMEE Farm for Sale or to Hunt WANTED PACIFIC Rn! Dre'- Strathcona Regina â€condom 1"" hon Pr 4. ' TM"! Nara-ml Cal gury ONTARIO. .. SALE PRICE 33 1-2c. 1212: White Cotton 8 128 780 Yds Finest Quality English Bleached Cotton regular 12 1 2c. FOR 8 1-2c. $15. 00 for $8 90. ~10 Pcé. ‘Neyrmake' Dress 66633.; allcolo'ring‘s, worth 600. a 60m- Thursday, - Friday, . Saturday, : - $35 31» Per con Allowed on deposits May?2 be deposited or withdnwn my day In sum: of $1.00 and upwards. Hfld Ofï¬ce, - . 25c. Pipes . for 15 cent: 35 and 40c.P1pes, for 25 -“ 15c Pipes V for 1°. “H. 10c Pipes 4 _ for 5 u corneabs 3 for S A. .. .. TObSCCOS all‘vays fresh xix..- . « Victoria Loan and“ Saviygg Company Bankrupt Stock oIaPipe: Trilbys \Vinks Alabama: _ Scotch Ree] ANNCÂ¥I'N¢?!:M)III1.-Hcvng yum“ tho “rwhâ€. torn»! unbd on n.- hx tho but»... for ,.. M“ '0? teeny-(v x. 3).. ‘.___~ ' - ' ' a ct" min-nu: '1'. BRADY. Lindsay's Lama: Grocer. In» an , ban on. 01 the lumen and been nacho ha 31.. (' tram. ï¬urybhtng (nib and good. A a.“ -Alz_n. ~ A In Um zoo 6n! Mom n- ouh;monlh. N. it.â€" â€no unnl c ulna unto Kain to lmv gyod {am propeny‘u - bunk. - 27-h~ Banister ’P “mun TM under-mm“! itpu’nnd 3013;- f noueyogv tint-clan hm pro;-ottg_,'\n.n #1 lasagnuunnb at 4; your com - 8nd! 3 unwmul a! flight“ 3“"5.â€â€˜-t é, Mkfut ‘ Tum at "In ..._. f," I .4 . bérron'or. SALE PRICE 38,90 vâ€"uaA '- uu Nightly Nevin-3:13». é! . lyrmdurpunmh mu" : momma 6 for 25 cent; 7 for 25 u 6 {or 25 “ 7 for 25 “ 7 for 25 “ 3forxo “ ï¬fe!†“ -. "Own-inhuman; If you Wtowoocedm‘ Whiting, ac. Wc W ‘1. J) Slinso secured a good posinon as drug can of his brother-in m We wish Melville F“ Ugh class drawn 8“ Rica. ‘0‘ to Ivor)"; on! Am wall ï¬nish M; Superior to others 1 7°"! «dings, will not rub 9W5 Ahlnstm has Med â€dbl: proved itself GO to Ivory's for j. I). ! Mamba: and boot: k 1“ “Hand 1 large co‘ screen daug-ï¬ntï¬wd in 10-? prices Window scr “In“. the land you w- him“ W. U. Sï¬insox hi. to lay of work for mm m iony. lazdcd with ; 0'8 Outï¬t his large toes, zillion to a jdly, but mm this he Gmsh‘d his day s In adding at home found his full of bland. \S c hope 1+ kflmasaiu’ Th I"!!! Term Sunday for 6311:, where I» W senébd baker in Ingest mnéfmmria of t? Cumin. _ “’c wish him 5m Hard Co We. will no: be hcrc Edda] of each month as (a will continue his :isits 01;; day (If cad: mom!) only. loadofchbicgporkcrson whichheinidthcbigbat NOTICEâ€"Mr. 1. w. Mr. Maison: Germain - . i- --_. 10! hr in quiet: the Its-tidal; the in Qllgt. and control is a planet task at J The selectï¬on of jewelq meats a lace end We and our time :0 mac disposal. that you are meeting your require pleasing the recipien wedding presents. Our stock of relizbh an't be beat. The Popul Jewelry 3‘ 77 Ke‘nt-St LI? Choosing Weddi‘ MMCEAR Cherr Pector melt.» Ll“ The Mir wodt, which bums, Hum for Ivor