This 1:0me - ‘ ' . ~ _ is ï¬tted up with the very best 'mprowgmoms. It has good accommodation In cont-cram! man with splendid sample "was. The *9 house lshmt ' in «way way a ï¬rstâ€"class hotel. The bar is mpplled with a select brand of wines. liquors and cigars. Tho dlnmg tables are unsurpassuL (Soon staining and atten- Llre hoxflers ln char-gr. Rates, $1.00 per day. FOR SALE AT MULLIGA’NS AIlModern Improvements. Electric Light- and Gas. Elertric Lens and Hot. ;\3r Heating. Simian! Room and Barber Shop in Connec- Qlun. Firstncluss Sample Rooms. Spycku Rates 10.0mm and TheabniculCom- North-west Corner .01 ‘Kent and York Greet-s. LINDSAy. snoneyto Loan. Money Invested. LINDSAY. oxmxmo. Fuss-Class in all its Appointments. nu: Gm? Comm C332 prcmptly cuna .319 an other: Cough}. Croup. acre treat. 8mm haopin Cough and sauna. For Consumption 11: no ti ' “uncured thousands and vii! cum: YOU manhunt. goflwmwmonaguar- __ AL- .A. Icaï¬ 9:39. For a. Lam? Baéi°c§r Cbéét? use samsmunom‘u PLASTERZSC. “if-we you Gama-h ? This remedy is guaran- t-n-«stocureyou. mazes. lnjcctortrea. Will‘be 3'. the Bradburn House. Omemce on the laymdary and 3rd Wednesday of wean-m» .Sewing Machine Needles on hand. Tangle Foot and Fly Pads, Pine MeflarSlfglflsaSpeaiam. A Good Pine Shingle for $1 per M. Manufacturers of and Dealers 1:: LUMBER, SHINGLES, LATH, LIME, aka. Dry Hard Wood Flooring Kept in Stock. Kennedy, Davis 81 Son, 42mm Lime the best in the Market. Ladies. Is the only perfectly » safe andrenable modicmo dis- mal. Beware of unpflncipled draws“ who ate! inferior medicines in place of this mm:- ‘COOI'I Cotton 300‘ ï¬omponnd. taka â€Matt. Mar wands centsjn postage 1n lettu- ad wowmsend. scaled, by mun. Founded particulars in plain envelope. to ladies only. 8 map-- Add“ The Cook Company, OFFICE : E. End Wellington St. Bridge, LINDSAY. OMEMEE. High Grade F l ours FOR Bakers’ and Family Use Flour and Feed Store All kinds of Meals- and Mill Feeds always on hand. Have Greatly Reduced Prices on Jewelry For 30 Days fanners! Mention. WALL PAPER COAL OIL Spices: for : Pickling. B. J. MULLIGAN’S. Sunps‘ on H (521132-35 3013'! and SCA‘S'I‘LING of an Lengths kL-pt constantly on hand. Estimates given on Bills of Material. Allan S. Macdonell, Higmbotham’s Drug Store, LIND SAY, O N T. Machine Oil PIETUHE WEE Steam : Baking .: Powder Corner Klng and Sturgeon Sts. T. WAL DON. BWSTER. SO ICITOR. C. Mills at Bobcaygeon. râ€" 7 ‘o managemm Sou) BY ALL DRUGGISTS. 1LO€SACATARRH Insect Powder, Pure Drugs. AH to Le had at HIGINBOTHAM’S DENTIST, MILLBROO‘K. Kept. Canemnny in Stoek. r. S. W. Clarke1 with every pound of GOOD. HEAVY J. MCA DAMS. Proprietor. ,: NEW :â€" La '1! House. REMEDY. . Proprietor. XS PU 51.1333!) Every Friday Morning The Umamee Minn; NORRIS BLOC .- wow-0.. A weekLv news apex, published tn the In- Lerest. or the V1 Inge m‘ Omemee and sur- rounding district. Allkinds of job printing Anne in the job rooms.“ the verv lowest living prices with neatnmsnnd desputoh. Subscription, $1.00 a Year. l < ‘ . n i “ 59 00 30 no 15 on 41 “ “ 2L» ()0 15 00 lo 00 1 Single Column 40 co 2.5 00 I5 00 .E “ ‘“ 25 no 15 oo 10 00 :1 “ “ 15 oo 10 no 8 00 Professional and Business Cards $5.00. Want Advertisements sects. ï¬rst insertion. 23cm. each subsequent. insertion. Special rates for longer period». Local Notices acts. a mac ï¬rst insertion, 3cts. each subsequent. insertion. Tmnslcnt Advertisements 10c. perlinc ï¬rst insertion, 5c. per [me each subsequent inscr- £10 1.1. THE EMILY FALL FAIR. One of the Most Successful Held in Many Years. The Emily Agricultural Society held their annual fall fair in Omemeo, on Monday and Tuesday, October lst and 2nd, when one of the bez-t fall shows which has been hell here for many years was given. On Monday, J. J. Turner arrived from Peterborough and erected tents for the members to show their exhibits in. A quantity of roots, grain, etc., Were brought in on the ï¬rst day, but the majority of the exhibits came in on the foreuoou of the second day. The weather was all that could have been desu'ed, and the town presen- ted alively appearance on Tuesday. Th e display of roots, grain and ve,embles was exceptionally ï¬ne and the improve- mentin these lines over tonne: years was very marked. THE EXHIBITS WERE SUPERIOR TO ANY IN FORMER YEARS. The Attendance Larger and The Special Attractions Better. The department alloted to ladies work wasoxte of the greatest. attractions of the fair and the work was all displayed in good style, which showed the artistic skill the ladies in Emily and Omemee have. In dairy products, several ï¬ne quali- ties of butter were shown, as well as some splendid cheese, shown by J, Brown. The fruit. display was fair. '1‘. H. Wilson, patent medicine vendor of Brooklin, Ont., oflered a Special prize for the largest. size hen eggs. The dis- play ofhen fruit was exceptionally large, the ï¬rst p: ize being given to E. C. Wil- liamson, and 2nd to_J. Deyell.‘ 777A u i; “um-vâ€"q n.-- .__,_. 7 The farmers in this township are not- ed for keeping some of the best horses in the country, and the entries in all the different classes were splendid, and every animal exhibited was one of which its owner might well feel proud. The prizes in this contest were hotly contested and it was hard work for the judges to tell where to place the red ticket. v-y “v... The cattle, sheep and swine entries were somewhat small and should have been larger for such a. township as Em- ily. The drawing match was the chief at- traction on the grounds, and some mag- niï¬cent teams were entered for this con- test. Four teams made entries: P ( alla- han’s team, drew 15 feet 1} inches; J as H Wilson’s team, 9 feet 8: inches; Geo Deyell’s team,»8 feet 5} inehes ; T Walk- er‘s team, 3 feet 9 inches. The load was 7,000 pounds and the sleighs 700 pounds more. The greatest interest “as mani- fested in this event, and the best of or- de_r_ prevailed: ‘ ‘ ,.I.. A..._ ...L.:;... Taking it. in all, the fair was a. great success, and agood dealof credit. should be given to the directors and ofï¬cers, especially their secretary-treasurer, O G Williamson, who was untiring in his efforts and woa'ked like a. hero through- out to make the fair :1 success. ()MEMEE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 12. 1894. “ï¬es; 13§"}i;7ér} lst Miss Jennie Ev- ans, 2nd Miss Pratt. Bicycle race, 15!: Isaac Graham, 2nd Geo. Grifï¬n. uv. The b "by show had only two entries, but still wiyth this the) udges had some hard w ofk which to decide on, but tin- ally awarded ï¬rst to Mrs '1‘ II \IcQuade, Mrs T H Fee securing sepqnd. .u.-., - -- _ 'v ...e. V" The contest for lady drivers brought out a. strong ï¬eld, and the ï¬nal contest. lay between Mrs Cunningham, Miss Pratt. and Mrs Isaac Fee, and the tickets so__p_laced. .- - .. - , ‘2‘ “-1. 1...]... Boys rac'eï¬ï¬vder 10, lst. Stanley Bradd, 2nd ’l‘hos McConngll, 3rd Hggry Kerr; Girl’s race, Hist Florence Glenny, 2nd Ella Fee, 9rd Lily @zthgx-sol]. ‘v a n I '1he following Sports were run otf as follow :â€" Boys race, under 15, 1st J Roland, 2nd L03 Lamb, 3rd \_Vilfrid_ Howden. vs qu Ladies foot race, 131: Mrs McNeely, 2nd Mrs W gunnipgham. _.-.. v . Q‘ luuu, u" ""0 uv cunnv ....V\..._.._._,, “H ,r Among the list of Special attractions was that of the prettiest girl on show grounds, umter 14, years, the prize was awarded to Miss Beatrice Hickson, h’ea- boro, and the prettiest. unmarried lady on show grounds, under 25 years, the prize was given to Miss Maye Laidley, daughter of T B Laidley, west Lf Ome- CLassBâ€"Acmuxnu HORSES. Span Agricultural Horses - Isl: Thos Graham. 2nd Henry Fowler. Mare and Foal â€" lst G McQuada, 2nd _J Deyel]. 2-year old Geiding or Fil’lyâ€"lst J Dev- a“, 2nd J as Kennedy. 1-year old Geld- ing or Iï¬'zllyâ€"ist Thomas Graham. ' CLASS Câ€"Gmmxca Hotsss. Span Carriage Horsesr-lst R Hamil- ton, 2nd W Lewes. angle Horse. 1n Harnessâ€"lat \V Cunningham, 2nd W B. Moore. Carriage mare and foalâ€"191; Henry Fowler, 2nd :R Boate. Two-year old Gelding or Fillyâ€"131; Henry Fee, 24 THE .OMEMEE MIRROR. w WWW. ' _ _ . The speedmg m the nng dxd not take place, owmg to some misunderstanding. A ‘ . ‘- . n , , 2 1 ' ,.AL_.\ "4......“ The following is a list. of the prize winners :â€" Team Draught Horsesâ€"let Samuel D3301], 2nd PJ Uallawhan. Marc and Foalâ€" m T B Laidle3°, " 2-year old, let T B Laidley, 2nd J Deyell. AT THE 011F133, K1 XG STREET EAST, RATES OF ADVERTISING: OMEMEE, QN'IARIO, Cmss Lâ€"anan'r HORSES. LAKE 6r. RICHARDS, ‘ PUBLISHERS lo 00 Joseph Brown. One-year old Gelding or Filly, 15!: .D Thornton. 72nd I W Wil- ’CLAss Dâ€"ngn‘m. Thoroughbred Cow, lst W McQuade, 2nd W McQuade. Milch Cow Grade, 181: '1‘ H Fee,2nd \V McQuade. Thor-o’- hred 2-year old Heifer, 1513C: M cQuude, 2-year old Heifer, Grade, lst. and 2nd. J Deyell. Thoroughbred 1-year old Heifer, lst W Mchude, 2m! G McQuade. One year old Heifer, Gm'le, lst and 2nd G McQuade. ’E‘horo’lgred liexfer Calf, 13L I’V-:l‘~_ yw kuv‘ ._v (x. )1cQuade,:nd \V \lcQuude. Heifer Calf, grude,1:t J Dey ell, 2nd E Pogue. Cuss Eâ€"SIIEEP, LEICESTER. Aged Lam, lst J Devel 1. 2nd James Kenbnedy. She u-hxw Ram, 1st James Kennedy. Ram Lamb, Istand 2nd Jas Kennedv. Aged Eues, lst J De\ell. Shearling Ewes’ 131: 1‘ II Fee 2nd J Deycll. gEne Lambs, 18:. J Dey en, 2nd 343- V Kenï¬edv. Aged Ram, lst '1‘ II Fee. Ram Lamb, lst '1‘ H Fee. Shearling Ewes, 181; ’1‘ H Fee. Shearling Ra111,lst. (i \[1:Q11ade, 211d J JLan-g. \ged Enes, lst and. 2114(1 McQuudc. CLASS F‘IMI'ROVED Yonxsmus wasu. Aged Boar, with Pedigreeâ€"lst '1‘ II Fee. Boar, under 6 months, pedigree, lst D II Dick. Aged Sow, lst E Fugue. Sow, under 6 months, 1st D II Dick. BERKSHIRE. A ged Boar, wiih pedigree, lst D Thorn- ton. 2nd I) H Dick. Boar, under 6 mos. with pedigree, lst W Elliott, 2nd '1‘ ll Fee. Aged Sow, lst. and :2nd D [I Dick, Sow, under 6 months, lst I) II Dick, 2nd ’1‘ ll McQuade. - POLAND CHINA. Boar, under 6 months, pedigree. Ist W Cunmngluun. Aged 50“", lst [W \Vllson. CLASS 0â€" Poum w. Pair Geese, 181: '1‘ Walker, 21 15va9.111. CL .\53 Ila-(1mm .xxp Sm; D. Full Wheat, lst G McQ'lude, 2nd R Boate. Spring When. (Colorado) lst John Fee, 2nd '1‘ II MtQuade.'1‘imo- thy Seed, lst John bee Barley, 6-rowed lst. R Patterson, 2nd G McQuude. 13M- Icy, 2-1'0M-d, lab '1‘ II Lee, 2nd 1‘ H Mc- Quade Oats. xhi‘f. lstU \IcQ made, 2nd John F.«e Odts b wk,l tl‘H 1McQuade Peas, small, lst '.§hos Gr.:,u.hun 2nd W. McQuade. Ry e, lstJ J B1; Lcknell, 2nd R. Boate. Cues Iâ€"Roers AND Onun Hosp CROPS. De The following is an extract of a letter which we received this week from one of the business men in Toronto, which we are doing business with, and is a con- stant reader of the Names. Let our citiaens take it home and see if they’ are giving us the support which should be meted out:â€" " I would take the opportunity of ex- pressing tbe hopethat you are receiving more 9: couragement from the people of Omemee,’ in your efforts to supply them with a. good local sheet. You certainly me entitled to all the encouragement and Supper-lithe villagers can give you, and if thevresidents are in any way anx- ious to keep up the local paper. in the town they will never be able to get a Lens} sheet than you are giving .them.’ To Our Residents. CO'I'S\\’OLDS. FIX E “'OOLS. 2nd M Mc- New and Stylish Furniture Now is the time to buy Sixteenth Century Oak Bedroom Suites, Elm Suites, Dining Room Suites. A Large Variety of Bed Springs, and Mattresses all at Lowest Prices ever Offered in Invest gatitgn : is : Respectfully : SOIicited. Old Stanï¬, :: Omeniee‘, It is disï¬nntly to ba burne 1n mind Hmtwo ‘ do mm. by inst-Hing lc1.t‘urs. convey any opinion l‘uvurMnc to their contents. Nu uuticc whatever wizl be taken of annoy mous lot ters, nm'czm we roturn those that are rt‘ acted. lwttm's should be writh'n un one side oflhu paper only, and all cum- municmiousmun-L boar Hu- sigmnuré of the writer. whh-h is mom-1y to war 'nnt us in pubduhing the s:unc,mxd not for pub- lic:ulnn.] DEAR Sms,â€"â€"I slmuld like to ask through your paper. for what reason the floor of the Mechanics Institute Read- ing Room has been Covered with saw dust. Aside from the air of untidines: it gives the place, it must be highly un- sanitary, harboring all manner of dust and dirt, not to mention expectoratior. Then it must he very unpleasmxt for the ladies to have the stnfl'sticking to their dresses every time they enter the room, as the stairs alsn are carpeted. Dire?- tors, please have the sawdust removed, and let us have, as we hm] in the past, a. clean bright remliug room. Em’roms Mumon : Special to the Mirror. \Ve rcvret tu learn .I: at 1). Store} is not improving \ur n mucn in his 111m 3‘. We care gnu! to learn that Geo. Boute \\ as able. to lame the lmS' uit- u on Satur- day last. W e see b\' the F0“ lcr's (‘ orners cor- respondent. that one 0! our _\ 01111;; homes of this place p 15508 through that village “eekb ' on son: e important business. [fluents be on the Icokout. One of‘ Our 3’0an Sons of I‘Ingland from the second line, after leaning lvis sweet, heart, at home on the thin], 3rd having supper there, mvt with rmhcr :1 hard time a: the gate hcfure l uwing. We noticed at, the Fair in Omemcn, one of the milk rigs from this place, [m3- sing up and down the streets. '1‘} ey must have been supplying the “ability of that city with the min: “hid; the missing link factorv should get. A \\'.\nr~'r.\'u.â€"'l‘he authorities at Mount Pleasant should see into it and have a railing erected along; the road by the. mill pond, for quite a serii us accident might have happened at that place, on Wednesday night. .-\s R. Uurdii er, the genial store-l.’eener of that village, was returning home from his \xeekly \‘lrit in this part,- accnlentullv went over the embankment into the pond, the night being so dark and stormy, that he was unable to lo we the road. After recov- ering himself somewhat, he tut his horse loose from the rig and started for the shore. After getting to term iirma, he weuded his way homev ard and spent a few sleepless hours at his home, wl en on the break of day, he w'th sou e friends returned to the pond to extract the buggy. Upon arriving they found the buggy was almost “out of sight.†only a. few inches of the top could be seen, nevertln-less they succeeded in bringing it to land, not much the worse for its night in the water. One of the boys from this part should take this as an advice and come around by the Mid- dle Road, 50 as to shun this dangerous place. W Speck}! to the anon Miss-.Nellie McLean is at present \ is- iting friends in the Queen (,ity. Miss Mark, of Petexboro’, \\ 1S \ is'tmg at the home of her brother Dr. Mark, on Sunday last. Mr. Prestbn and family and Messrs. Neshitt and Foliotte Spent Saturday and Sunday among Lindsay friends. . W. B. Hunter and dung; hter, Miss Lizzie, spent Saturday and Sunday last among friends in our villugt‘. R. IIetherington and family hme moved 1mm o'u‘r \111:1«,:e and] gone to re- side in Springville, Mr. 11.1ming pur- chased a place there. T. W. McLean, t acher of Cavanxille school, has‘resigned his position, having ‘ received anmre lucrative position as‘ teacher in the Institute for the Blind, at Brantfnrd. ‘Mr. McLeim’s 1N sition at (7ava‘nï¬lle has been ï¬lled by a. Mr. £1- Holt 0! Weste'rn' Ontario. A very pleasing event took place at the residence of Wm. Graham, Esquire, Emily, on Wednesday, Sept. 26th. It was the marriage of theirdaughter, Miss Jenny Graham to Mr. C. II. Shield, mer- chant of Nor-wood. The ceremony Was performed at 3.30 p. in. by the Rev. Mr. Kilgonr, Methodist Minister of this Clr. cnit in the presence of a large number of relatives of the contracting parttes. The bride was prettily attired in cream silk, tastily adorned with wedding veil and wreath. - Miss Victoria Graham, Sis- ter of the bride, was bridesmaid, and Miss Phyllias McKay of Hamilto *, and cousin of the b; idei was maid of honor, The groom. was.‘zibly sup: nrted by his cousin, Mr.‘ John M. Shield. of Dakota. After the ceremony the bridal 'party partook'ot.a rich wedding repast and the her» y corple left amid showers of rice and best wishes from their very many friends, by the (‘. P. R. evening train for their future home at Norwood. The presents were a very useful and valuable u..-.... Hm nnnefq frnun n lUcUI-w u v.‘ collec ion. Among the guests from a distance were. Miss Gould. of Toronto; Mr. McKay, M. P., Mrs. McKay, Miss Phyllias McKay and 311:.‘3131’8112111, of -- n.. 7‘. n7" ‘ I. II V Juuu .uv----_, Himil‘ton; John M. Shield, of Dakéta; C. Rutheribrd of Norwood ; Messrs. John and Jzimcs Graham, of Bethuby; Jnjm Graham and Mrs. .Staples,.of Cavanville, Mirrur Io Jan’y 18L ’96, my $1,. and others. CORRESPONDENCE. Orange Corne Mcunt Pleasant. JOHN MCCREA, Omemec, Oct. 9, 189-}. :\ Mum! er of the M. The Fall Showâ€"A Base Ball Match â€"-Other News. Spex-ial to the Mirror :â€" Mininmooii, Ocr. S.â€"Perhaps nothing ex'cept a general election or an Orange ce‘ebration will induce the people of this vicinity to anrn out in larger num- bers than to their annual fall show. It is a. dav when most of the farmers of East Durham, but more especnllly the township of Gavan quit work and go in for a genuine good day of it. It was no wonder then that the streets of our vil- lage were crowded on Frid y last with people who ind come to attend the anâ€" nual union exhibition of the East Dur- ham and (lawn Agricultural Societies. For years this exhibitton has been be- ‘ very attractive, but thisone is mlmitted by all to have excelled all previous ones. The grounds have lutelv been enlarged, new sheds erecteil, a line half mile tau-k ’has recently been put in goml shape, which tog ther with the many other iln provemeuts :Lvlds greatly to the enjoy~ l mentnml comfort ofthnse present. From early morning the people began to drive in town and from ten o’clock they began to make their way to the agricultural grounds, where the attractions of Course were. Here the grounds were thr. nzetl with men, women and children, who lwerc onj :_\'in-,; themselves lxk-leg n: the exhihits, riiliig on the merry-go-rmnnl, and w itching: the horse ranzes. The ex- hibits were goo-.1 and numerous. there being ï¬ve hundred mere entries made this year than last. The ruces,of course, were the most interesting part of the day’s programme and new keenly conâ€" tested for by both local and out side horsemen. '1‘. Dixnn Craig, M. R, and \V. A. Fal- lis, M. l’. i’., were on the grounds, as was also Cu]. MrLeun, the McCarthyite Candidate for the next Dominion elec- tim‘. One of the best games of ba e ball that has been played here this season t0( 1; place an Satnnluy between Bethany and our local team. The game was very ex- citing at tunes but Bethany Seemed to act rattled and played vcxy lmsel)‘ mak- ing mmy ov9rthrow3. The home team won by a. score of 20 to 7. Following are the teams :â€" M ILLRROOK. RUNS. (lathe-art, c f... . . . 2’, Ellnmmls, 2d b...‘.’ Dummy. was. [JleC, 0. . . . .....u.l Cairns, p . . . .1 llohinson, r f . . ..1 Brawn, c............l Fruncey, l f. . . ...1 Marven, Istb2 . . .1 Stacey, lst b . ..... 1 Needler, s s . ..... 3 Foster, 5 s........0 .lnckSon. l.‘ f. . . . . .1 Price, 3d 1, ...... ll Riley, 2d l). ..... l Burt,p....... ..‘2 llunsmun. 3d l)..3 McUill, l f........'_’ n Wood, ff........o At the pnlice court Tuesday evening John (,‘rukcr, of the Queen’s Hotel was ï¬ned one dollar and costs for 11552111 tirg a man named O’Mallev, \\ ho it appears “as not conducting himself properly around we house J51! Mr Crocker dealt him 11 sexere him» in the {30.8 Mu-ris- Irate Gillott held while tl1cpiz1i11tifl'11‘11s certainly :1 great nuisance around the house, still the defendant (011111 haxe found :1 more quiet \\ .1v 0! getting rid of him. 11.. Ruddy nupeared 101' the defen- dant, \\ nile 11. \l. W oud appeared for the plaintiff. The band gave a grand concert in the town hall on Fridzw evening, at \\ hix. ll Fax was the ct ief uttmcti m. 'lhey cleared seventy dollars. ME 53 M. Richards, who has been vis- ltfing her brother and sister in Omemce, returned Imme on Thursday. Wesley I‘ ry, Miss Eva. Frv and Miss L. Jen 1501] made their South Monwvlmn friends a visit on Sunda} . Miss Gertie Stimson, of Minden, is at present visiting her sister, Mrs. (3:00. 11. Small in town. We are very sorry to learn that our young friend, G one {oomLe is in u very low condition. We :mpe, houew r, that George may soon be able to be out ugmn. Mrs. G. W. McKimvand children, of Qmemeo, are making a. visit. to friends In town. ‘ Our local team are thinking of givmg Bethany another game of base ball un the latter’s grounds on Saturday. ' Large quantities of apples are being shipped from here. CIVIL ENGINEERS AND OxTZuuo LAND sunvxvons, G. W. RANNY, B . Can, Soc. C. E. W. L. lxxEs, U.L.S.,C.E. Toronto University Money 10 Loan on Mortwaw . . . . .. ol'xmercsth I d a ,e utlowabt mu» Approve n orsed Notes dis any term not exceeding mmomfgf‘wm“ for OMEMEE, ONTARIO. Graduate of the Ont. Veterinary College. Reglswrcd Member orthc Ontario Veterin- Assoe‘muou. ulls, night. or day, promptly attended to. UFFXCE : Next. door to Adam’s Grocery. BANKER. A: BROKER, 91 Kent, LINDSAY. 0 - 9â€" ~1y PETERBOROUGH. Branch ofï¬ceâ€"Cor. M urrqy and Bethune Sts. Lumber. shingles, Sash, BOOTS. Biinds', Win- (low and Door Frames; Ncwul Posts’ 5131 1‘ Rails, {alustcra Moulders cSzc. Serantm’l (30.311 in. Egg. Stove and Nut Sizes Juiur full 101' Grams; Smithing and smummg {Toal' 915:0 Coke and Lchigh Lmnpl‘orboun Hes. The Rathbun Company NEWS FROM MILLBROOK. 372i \VATER ST., PETERBORO', ONT. T. Walden, V:S., Ranny 86 Innes, J. H. Sootheran, " “ ‘1'.“ . 0‘!“- ~~.1 Ontario 0.13. HUBBS, Agen't 20 Proï¬ts gone. Read this advertise- ment through and it will in- terest you in the prices of DRY GOODS: Victoria Lawns, 5c a yd Check Muslins, 4c a. yd Art Muslins, - 5c a yd French Chambrays, 10c French Chambrays,10c a yd. a yd. Empress Challies, 530 yd Heavy Cotton Ticking, jColored Muslins, 5c a yd 100 a yd. Check Shirtings. 8c a yd Fine Prints, - 50 a ydlDble- -fold Fancy Dress 5 Pieces Grey Flannel,i Goods, 15¢ a yd. 100. a yd. Linen Towelling. 5c ayd Cream Table Linen, 25c Bleached Table Linen, a yd. l 80c a yd Fine Emb1o1der1es, 80 a Silk Taï¬eta Glov es 15c yd ! a. pair. Ladies’ Ribbed -Under- Grey Blankets, $2 apair Vests, 500 a doz. Huck Towels, 100 a. pair 20° SEE OUR ALL WOOL DELAINES, BEST QUALITY, ALL R E D U C E D . Remnants of Dress Goods at Remnants of all Wool Delaines Remnants of Prints - Please come in the forenoon, when you have a better opportunity of seeing the Goods. .. Ladies’ Fast B‘ack Cotton Hose 15¢. per pair, worth 25c. Ladies’ Fast Black Silk T affeta Gloves 15c. per pair, worth 25c. Ladies’ Fast Tan Cotton Hose 15c. per pair, worth 25c. Colored French Lawns Izéc†worth 25c. per yard. French Chambrays at IOC. per yard, worth 25c. per 3d THOS. KELLY, PETERBOR ughammzbmau uflflflrflalflflhd‘adbflï¬dï¬d a Ladies’ Night Gowns worth $1. 50,0 ., c>75c. ELadies’ White Skirts 300., worth 450. [3‘ Ladies’ Corset Covers 121C. worth 200. 1 4 “1 Ladies’ Night Gowns at 400., worth 75. I 365 GEORGE ST. 365 â€'0 oï¬â€™ all - - CREAM, BLACK, COLORED WHITE 865 GEORGE STREET, For Remnants of Elk Cashmere For Remnants all Wool Tweeds For Remnants of Colored Silks Fancy Dress Goods, 5c ayd. Che’ck' Flannelettes, 5c a. pair. Grey Blankets, $2 a. pair Men’s Shirts, Unlaund- ried, 45c each. LACES. Hall Pm: mm TO B PRO! .‘(ILLBKU‘M nixed. leaw-x nixed. am \‘I's Inmvu. an CLOSUR? Pewrborough. TI. 1 From â€IMO!!! Part Hop»: 1 xl,_ Bent-v illv a '1 I" Cohan n: :3: All points 1: as: ww: ‘ .....9.00:Lm -r., '1'an 1'13: inland Division, Gran ---_.. V .u 90“)â€; nor Inn pron PetPrbOrough and P0“ HOW." :. ‘ Toronm. 0r}! ". Uxbfldgc, Limb: all-.3011!“ north .8. .‘,;) .n. (JOCKL LAC ‘1 Grain is coming in 51, Fall “eatheris in gr: For Shelf H aniu a “:re Ten Cents “$1126: 13.“ gemainderof the year. T! e weather communes â€negating at: skunk; For Paints, 0115, «.2, 2: Calls: ouroï¬ice arid 2v. fol-1.11 the leadin ' $11,155 Thalimwm an 1 the ol'gtnofthe Pa: mu - ,. yea. only $1.95. 1»; Before purchasing ya at Parsons’.-il-3u:. The party Vt 310 You in front of 0:1: 0:72 ave further trouble, turn it. All repair Wï¬rk ix: ellen' line xx .. by Harry Kendall, 3.‘ Hamilton Godfrey n; “ Lindsay, v. here he a weaker reside. The Salvation Army work in our to“ :1 my ï¬lling up with cowl 5,- Those tho wish in s witches. specialty- )lnmon will get 1:19 1.1;; til the ï¬rst of Jana-.2- The council have 'zu road on Genrge Sir->6: which improves this 9 my much. The dh ESL)“: x: -: October" -, only a- dilp use of :‘n: the docket, mm Tpromo. Y‘x- nae! Lmdsa and The 3161110335! frlé on neighborha-mi 3'- chnrch by rep [3‘ ting the inneri-rr. First imp -r ' ‘- Japamat PJTSJ ‘. --'* Fan-maxi. Plum 3' Dr. Sedan-1:. T'c'lf 23:": free whom 9 use 91‘ ei meal Chiurv ‘ When wishinw yo ï¬ne style, leave 1' .1: 1 m agency for 13.9 laundry is locate-‘1 :11 105. ’1‘. Be- ttv is E; builttttheG. 'L‘ 1L5: Will be completed in im putting 1:: 3. " the winter's use. 5 ..; Send your \" -2.:c :epairs to Burn K Good work at 10“ gr 0.: Tues lay, ï¬st-2'2 station sad the vii... bathe whip was 1' 211'. . have the same a: z:.i property and pa)?†' THE OMEMEE Shiloh's Cure :5 s It cureslncipiexzt « '. best Cough (are. ‘. 25133.. '560‘5†.lu-kâ€" by B. J. Mulli :3! The festival on M tuber 22nd in the 1’1 will be carried out i: prising, not only re; ceilent addresses 3 gram of music. It youwan' :0 hr.) ““ Tommn “'ecki.‘ Mn 3 Warmers hum ~ “Rmsmt‘m shun}: onevho quh 1-» ;-.:: “this clan“ at? “1“ Wat‘y Ia“ for {91‘0“ inaction. I‘m-my “' anions. Addrv» T1!“ Our Collector {"7 Gudmer, is out on 1 looting taxes. The ' fumnï¬mm uO mag 7 F,» a :35 new awn-A This is the 5333.)] the coal and woo-1 s “9101' timer use. \V “I the me using 1 850". the time win Skinned and peale W. D. Stinson is bci Lochâ€"On Tuesdd My) on the slmx '1‘ the grounds and 1214 Gold Ring, set. in 14‘ Iith the initials, U ï¬nder will be remil‘ tin Human Orncu‘ ARRIVAL. Daniel Ritz, Pro; ofthc Hamburgxh ".1 was suffering : liver trouble, I in Shiloh's Vitalizer an heartily recur R. J. Mulligan. The basement ‘ Church, Ouxemee, tied up in the n; 'm manner. 2 F @749: @253?! 5:.» 3.5!. TRAINS GOING E Cindi.» cn'. S K 6.13 9.111 at Monday e lies of the festival in ti} 11 this year Iâ€! I] Coho: and 2 brM