[1, When seeing thg ‘5 25¢. per 3d Bashmere >1 Tweeds ured Silks 1b 25c. 75. PI‘IBE ï¬ves, 15c .ITY, ALL yd. 5cayd Linen. .2 a. pair 'nlaundâ€" '- ,5c yd 5cayd Scayd ‘tes, 5c 'tise- 1n- Dress L, 50 Six hundred and ï¬fty-two lambs were shipped from Campbellford in No days last week. They were for New York When wanting an excellent photo, try II. J. Byers in Peterboro’. His photos are surpassing all others. When wishing your laundry done in ï¬ne style, leave it at the anon Ofï¬ce. The agency for the Peterboro’ Steam Laundry is located at. this ofï¬ce. The village of Miilbrook has struck the rate at twenty-six mills this year, and has decided to maintain or increase it next time by utilizing electric light. We are all of us more or less echces' repeating involuntarily, the virtues, the defects, the movement and the charac- ter: of those among whom we live.â€" Joubert. Shiloh’s Care is sold on a guarantee. It cures Inci ient Consumption. It is the best Cough ‘ure. Only one cent a. dose - A. An ,4 L-Ln.‘ infl Electric light can be had in Omemee cheaper than any other village, and is much cheaper and less dangerous than coal oil. Dr. Neelands, Dentist. Lindsay. extracts teeth free when artiï¬cial ones are inserted by the use or either the H podermic Needle Ethcal cnlorvde or Gas V talized Alr.27-6m. A number of wedding take place in town in the Sure sign of a hard cold w tang Herald. Chief Justice Meredith will, in an brobability, preside at the “ trials with- outjury â€in Peterboro’ next week, as he is taking Chief Justice Galt’s work in many instances. ‘ If you have the good impulse :3 pay your subscription i , the Max:021, act upon it before it. leaves you. Rev. Mr. Bethune, who is to preach on Sunday, the 2131;, morning and evening, is considered one of the ablest yreachers of the Presbyterian Church. Tbere seems to have been such a. gen- eral complaint against the price of bread in Omemee recently, that the town bak- First importation of tea, direct from Japan, at Parsons’.â€"-41 Rev. Mr. Bethune, who is to preach on The American hay crop is estimated to be 5,000,000 tons less than in 1893. Take that shabby suit of clothes to Parker’s Dye Works in Peterboro’ and have it. cleaned and dyed. They will make it. look like new and it will do you another winter. Call at our ofï¬ce and get clubbing rates form the leading dailies and weekles in Canada. The Human and the Faarzner’s Sun, the organ of the Patron’s of Industry, for one year, only $1325. £0 can out», auu v. by R. J. Mulligan. éï¬'haive droppedâ€"We price down to nine cents. Owing to the scarcity of school teach- ers in Manitoba many country schools are closed down. We might ship up a few carloads of pedagogues from Ontario and still have plenty left. It will pay to make deep furrows in the wheat ï¬eld with the plow, if the land is somewhat flat, in order to drain 06 the surplus water and avoid liability of the plants being thrown up by the Some men never learn the difl‘erence between education and conceit. For Shelf Hardware try Pars ms.-u Now is the time to clean up 3 our back yards prior to a. long hard winter. w‘mating potatoes, turnips, etc., it is: stated Shit by holding up i218 head and, breaking‘d eggin its mouth, relief is W imkï¬qtaly accordinï¬ to one 3 wire}!!! Erie! .6 exwrimeut: - Knowledge and timber shouldn’t be much used until they areseasoned. Putting-upstove time is here and many a sore ï¬nger along with it. Watch for Hagan 6: C ’ o. . nextissue. sadv, In our For Paints, Oils, c., go to Parsons -41 orinia has spent about $100 000. ‘ building this year. ' m A man who is true to 1' ' friend to everybody. umself ‘8 a Ten Cents will get the \I - '. IRRO remamderof the year. R for the â€flu“: â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" all points nor km west. . ... ... . ........JL fan-m. FromPeta-bomuh andPortHo pen ..... 6.13p.m. From Torontopruua Uxbridge. Lindsay all points no onh and Sï¬ipan. From Pvlcrborou‘h, Mulbwok. Port no llevugg Cobomg. Bo: tad ill points east mutt: . . - pun-.9.†Ln. from Toronto,Ux- 5nd“. Llndsa .‘lld tram‘ Mixed, leaves ........ Mixed. arrives...... ARRIVAL CLOSURE OF MAILS min-e55 .......... "u ...... 8 Lap-3L TRAISS T0 J ’30! xlmnoox BY BMHANY Iï¬iéd Express Ildland Division, Grand Trunk R’y UMEMEE. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 19. 1594. How does Frank like jumping 011‘ the LOCAL “CON 16 Time. tide and an heitess wait tor no THE OMEMEE MIRROR. manna“. 0'3“! STATIOI. 'rmuxs 006m wear. TBAIXS 00130 EAST- Ed E1136 53; same. Sold animal becomes choked weddings reported to n in the near tuture. (1 cold winter.--Pene- To Toronto, Orlllia. Uxbrlqige, Lindsay .g all pouns north and west..........8.20 a.m To Peterboro, East. Iâ€: Hope, Peterboro’ Cobourg. Bellevllle, and all points south and east. .. ..lo.45u.xn. To Toronto, 1).:- bridge. Lindsay and all points north and west..........5.l3p.m. To Petal-borough. Millbrook, Port Hope Cobourg. Bellevme. and all polnts north andwest.... .. .‘530.m. CLOSURE. The work that Parker’s Dye Works is execuiing in Peterboro’, is astonishing. They have done some excellent work for people around Omemee this fall, and everyone has been pleased. We will Show you samples of their work if you call at the Humor: ofï¬ce. Daniel Ritz, Propnetnr and Publisher ofthe Hamburg,0nt., Independentsays : "I was sufï¬x-inn- from dxspepsia and liver trouble I 6took a few bottles of Shilohs \itzllizer and it cured me. 1 can heartlly recommend it.†Sold by R. J. Mulligan. Send your name and address on a pos tal card to Tm: WEEKLY News, Kingston, Ont., and you will receive I‘m; szasrox WEEKLY News until Dec. Ist next. free of charge. The paper will not be sent after December ls: unless you pay for it in advance.â€"42-4t A kiss is like a bath, That you take from the river; {on can take and take and take, And take ’em on forever, And still there’s just as manv As if you hadn’t. never The ofï¬cers and non-commissioned ofï¬cers of No. 5 Co.’y, Omemee, have in contemplation a. shooting match in the near future, to wind up with an attrac- t‘ve military entertmnmenzin the even- ing. Look out. for announcemems. Took a. one. The festival on Monday evening will be one carried out in all respects, com- prising not. only refreshments but ex- cellent addresses and a splendid proâ€"- gram of vocal and Instrumental music. voc ll solos. duetts,qua.rletts and chorus- es, now being carefully pre; ared, England has the lowest crop of apples she has harvested in twenty year‘s and in consequence the fruit is selling from four to ï¬ve dollars a. barrel in London- The business nf exporting Canadian ap- ples to the English market ought to boom this year. It you want to buy or sell a. farm. am“. In the Toronto Weekly Mail. That. paper reaches 10‘1m1‘arm2rs homes every Week and your :Ldvcrtismcnt should maet. um eye of some on»! who w mts to purchase. Advertismencs of this class are inserted in the Toronto Weekly Mail for Five Cents a. word for each 'mwrtion. Twenty Cents :1 word for live in- sarl‘lons. Address The Mail.Tomuto. Cunad \. Our band was out Saturday night and rendered some excellent music. They seem to improve every night they come out. Only a few more Saturdays before they will be unable to plav. If the weather Saturday night is favorable, the band will be out. Cuttings of cur-rants and gooseberries may be taken and set this month. Make them of liberal length, six or eight inches, and stick them into the Soil so that only the bud shows. If the earth is a. little moist, nearly all will live. The work on the new steps leading into the Methodist Church, has been completed. The work was excellently executed by Wm. Mulligan, and pre- sents a much better appearance than formerly. They received a coat of pamt yesterday and the work shows up well. ‘ An exchange says that all sensible farmers are marketing their grain, as there is little or no probabillty of the prlces being any better than they are at present. The grain movement in On- tario has never been as slow and unsatâ€" isfactory as this season. Prices are the lowest on record for wheat. A writer on the (Milk). Packet says :â€" “The grave and head stone of the noted Capt. Handcock, whose remains is in Christ Churchyard, Omemee, should be repaired.†Here is a chance for our military enthusiasts. J. D. Thornton will be in Cox 5: Davis’ ofï¬ce, Peterboro’, every Saturday for the purpnse of transacting: ï¬re and life in- surance, negotiating loans, c. All busi- n’lss treated strictly conï¬dentml and p:omptly.â€"46â€"1 Lord Aberdeen is prompting educa- tion along new lines. The offer he made at Brandon to give a medal to the boy or girl whose politeness, open~hearted- ness, and consideratien ior othei-s are most marked isau‘nfque. The cultivation An exchange says, with the -settle- ment of tue tariff, thmgs are again be- ginning .o boom in the United States. Two Chicago mothers have introduced Aléo to risé, May make a. man both healthy and wise, But if wealth He’d gain the prize, He mustn’t forget to advertise. Beehives should be kept in a dry place and where the temperature will be even. Cold does not kill bees as quickly as will dampness. They create a large prOportion of animal heat in the hive, and should not be in a location that is too warm. of such qualities is worthy the \ery highest. patronage in the land. six infants, three apiece, into the world, and a man in Missouri has been: made the happy father of four at one blow. Tariff reform evidently meets the re. quiwmenté of the intifag 244%?398: Captain Sweeney, U. S. A. ,San Diegot Cal. ,sayzs “Shiloh’ s Catarrh Remedy is the ï¬rst medicine I have e\ er found that. would do me any g.ood †Price 50 cents. Sold by R. J. ï¬lulligan. Eel-1y to bed, " Yes, mv daughter married an artist,†said the old lady. “ You don’t say : Have you any of his work in the house ?" “ Lands, no. He’s got a. shop of his own_ Tonsoriul artist, you know.†~ Indianap- olis Journal. Thos. Shannon, formerly tenant farm. at in this Township, is now plowing on his newly purchased farm from the Eng- lish Estate, and is welcomed back in our midst, together with his family. The place to buy your wall paper is at Parsons’.â€"-41 The new stor ', “ Under the Cloud,†which will be found on the last page of the anon, is a true story of human life, and is a very thrillin‘: tale. Readers Will ï¬nd it very interesting. Rev. Robt. Johnston, whose popular- ity is too well known here to need any further comment, will preach in the Presbyterian Church next. Sabbath af- ternoon at 3 o’clock. Just imagine, you can get the Toronto Evening News and the Omemee Mnmon for one year for $1.50. This is the most astonishing ofl'er ever made by any paper. They tell ofa small boy in this p‘ace who crawled under the bed when his mother wanted him, so she left him there until his father returned in the evening. When the father came he was told of the case. He started to crawl un. der the bed to bring forth his disobedi- en’o son, but was nearly paralyzed when the little fellow screamed out, “Hello. papa, is she after you, too ?â€â€"Ex. At the recent Iowa State Fair. In a. com petitive test, a Holstein cow yielded 133.86 pounds of milk in three days, or 44.62 poun-ls per dm’ (equal to about 23 quarts) as wel. as produced over two pounds of butter per day. This test was public, and was made for the benefit of those interested among the visitors. The yield, however, is not extmo: din- ary for the breed. The Downeyville cheese maker and owner of the stock and plant there, is anxious to locate in or near Omemee, and the encouragement, asked by him, is very trivial in comparison to his offer. Let a few of our enterprising farmers take up the matter at once, and consider the enterprise, why it should not pay as well here as at places of much less im- portance throughout the Dominion, be- yond count. Farmers and others uninsured should be governed to do So, as the number of ï¬res occurring through lightning and other unavoidable causes, has been large this season. Mr. Johns and T. Morrisey having had two very narrow escapes lately, but have since become insured. Only for kind neighbors Mr. Johns would have been burned out. The season is new here when you are desirous of having your clothes look well, and as it is has been a hard season, you are unable to buy a new suit for the winter, and therefore bring in your clothes and have them cleaned and col- ored by the Parker’s Steam Dye Works of Peterborough. They will make the clothes look like new and will save you about $16.00. The agency for the works is at the anon Olï¬ce. Corresspondence from Omemee to tl-e Orillia Packet has the following item :â€" “This village ought to have an Histori- cal Society, and that without more delay. The few remaining pioneers should be " interviewed †and their recollections recorded, as well as documents and other things having; historical value col- lected and preserved. L.\DIES.-If you have a nice dress, but which has become Boiled or a little fad- ed send it to Parker’s Dye Works and have it colored and you will be astou- ished at the improved appearance. It will be like a. newdress, and no one will know but that it is. The agency is at. the MIRROR ofï¬ce where goods may be left. It is a fact to be lamented that we are largely forgetting the true object in as- sembling ourselves together. We too often attend divine worship for the pur- pose of hearing what is to be said and hope that it will be said in a. new, inter~ esting and perhaps startling way. In fact we go to listen to a. man, when our greatest object ought to be, to go there, make our wants known unto God, con- fess our sins to Him, thank Him for all His goodness, 3mg praise-3 to H18 Name and listen to the reading of His inepired word. The habit some people unconsciously fall into, of repeating a l ttle thing said about his neighhor, and adding just a little to make it smoother}, is indeed a very bad habit as it often leads to mak- ing up a. story just for gossip sake with- out foundation. Persons having this awful mania should try to overcome it before they become involved in a. slan- der suit It should be remembered that persons repeating a story are as account- able‘for its results as though they were its author. The third page of the Toronto Daily Mail is noted for “ Want†advertise- ments. If you want a situation, a me- chanic, a business, machinery, lodging, if you have lost or found anything. f you want to ï¬nd out where anyone is, advertise in the Toronto Daily Mail and read the advertisements on the third page of that paper. The charge is two cents a. word each insertion, or ten cents a word for six insertions. Address the Mail. Toronto. Canada. The Herald has the following “old story re-told †z-«One day, not long since, a citizen of our town went out hunting. During the day a. rain storm came on, and in order to avoid getting wet he crawled into a hollow log. As the rain came down the log began to swell, until the hunter could get neither way. He supposed his end had come, and thought of all the wrongs he had done, but when he recalled to mind that his subscrib- tion to the Herald had not been paid, he felt so small that he crawled out of the log Without the slightest difï¬culty, Tm: MIRROR has made arrangements with the Toronto Daily News, (Indepen- dent) and are able to make the follow- ing unprecedented offer to our subscrib- ers. The price for both papers for one year will be $1.50 payable in advance. This practically means one of the best Weeklys in the County and the best Daily in the Province regularly every day of their publication. What about re-organizing our Fire 00., now that we have Capt. J. Evans, who has always shown himself interested in this respect, with his large experience as a manufacturer and machinist on ï¬re engines. No town possesses better op- portunities, and has had more warnings. In time of peace is the time to prepare for war, should be Omemee’s motto at present. We will give to all new subscribers before J an. let, Tm: OMEMEE Mumon and Ladies Journal for $1.00 up to Jan. 151:, 1896. This is an extraordinary offer, as you get the twu papers for the price of one, with the remainder of this year thrown in. When you are going to get married, don’t forget to procure your marriage license. C. Hugan in Lindsay will issue one for you for $52.00. Be sure and pro- cure it in ample time, so as to avoid no delas’.â€"46-tf. The time for returning the Dominion V oters’ List expired on Mondav. A large number of new names were added in this place, there being oxer thirty- eight. Lnnservative names alone. In Ottawa the Conservatives were success- ful in getting three times as many names as the Reformers, and there has been big gains all over the country. In West Hastings the Conservatives added 223 names and the Reformers 6-1. In East Hastings the Conservatives added 530, the Patrons 20, and the Reformers 15. This is the way the Uxbridge Journal man puts itzâ€"The editor of this great paper is away on a. wheeling tour. We don’t know when he will be back, but we are equal to any emergency. We can write a poem, discuss the turiï¬â€˜, um. pire a ball game, report a wedding, saw wood, beat a. lawyer, describe a ï¬re so that the readers will shed their wraps, make a dollar do the work of t ‘n, _shine While R. C. Strickland, of Lakeï¬eld' was out partridge shooting recently, on a. large wooded island in Stony Lake, he discovered two skeletons offull grown persons, about one and a hulffeet under ground. The lower side of each of the skulls was smashed in. Mrï¬trickland is inclmed to think that they are the re- mains of some of the Jesuit Fathers who had followed up the Trent waters years ago and were tomahawked by the savâ€" ages. at a Soiree, address a horticultural Soci- ety, measure calico, abuse the liquor habit, test whiskey, subscribe to charity, no without meals, attack N. P., defend the Government, sneer at snobbery, wear diamonds, invent advertisements, overlook scandal, praise babies, delight pumpkin raisers, minister to the afflict- ed, heal the disgruntled, tight to a ï¬nish, set type, mould opinion, sweep the ofï¬ce) praise the widows, run for olï¬ce, speak at prayer meetings, and stand in with everybody and everything. If you don’t see what you want ask for it. A pretty wedding took place in the Presbyterian Church on Wednesday af- ternoon 01 this week, when Mr. J. H. Hurly, of Rochester, N.Y., led to the al- tar Miss Mary Fowler of the same city, but who has been residing in this local‘ ity for the past few months. The pulpit and the altar of the church were decor- ated with ferns. '1 he ceremony took place at 3.30 and was performed by the Rev. John Ewing. The bride \‘38 M- tired in a. beautiful white silk, trimmed with cream lace, and wore a “1'th 9f flowers from which hung the bridalvexl. She was assiSted by her sister, MISS Sarah Fowler, of Rochester, Who was dressed in a beautiful dress of white muslin, trimmed with cream silk rib- bon. Mr. C. M. (Jarew, of this place, supported the groom. After enjoying a “reddin dinner, prepared by the bride's water, he. J. R. Mitchell, the happy _ r__l 3,..- â€IBM-"ll, L'Llu- u. -u -.-.--.,,_V' _ 7 v couple left on the evening Lmin amidst showers of rice, for Rochester, Where they will hereafter reside. Mr. Hurley is an ofï¬cer in the State Industrial School in that City. The bride is a niece of_ Mrs. J. R. (Iarew, who lives a few miles East of Omemee. The presents received were both Costly and beautiful, and showed the high esteem in Which the bride is held by her relatives in tliis locality. The Muuzon joins in Msjvmg them aprosperous and successful Jx-ur- ney through life, An October Wedding. WWW ,.,..m._ ..,,. , Allow us to inform llle Times that Omemee, being such :1 prosperous little town, that street laborers are hard to be found, and the council has to pitch in, and do the street gradmg themselves. Mr. H. Byers, of Lockport N. Y.. has purchased Mr. G. J. Early’s photograph gallery at 374;: George Street, Peterboro’, and those who wish atrue photo should not fail to give him a. call. Mr. Byers is a thorough Competent man, having had an extensive experience in the largest cities of Canada. and the United States. In Toronto he served in the capacity of ï¬nisher for four or ï¬ve of the best gal- leries in the city. This alone should be sullleieut proof of his alvility. Those WHO call will ï¬nd Mr. Byers a very obllging gentleman and they may rest assured that t my will receive ï¬rst class work. The work which he is already turning out is the ï¬nest we have seen for some time.â€"~42-2 lhere must he a dearth of laborers in Omemee \\ hen the Council has to do sneer, gradmg. â€"1’eterboro Times. ,- AI .1. As announced in last week’s anon General Booth held a meeting In Lind- say on Wednesday evening. It was one of the largest religious gatherings which has ever taken place in that town, there being between three and four thousan d 1 L,13-A-.. 1.- LL‘ .__-..A nun-.5 .4-â€" .. peop e in the rink to listen to the great leader and founder of one of the fore- most religious societies at the present day. The reception that he received at the station on his arrival on the six train was something Lindsay never in its historv saw before, and to one on board the train as it pulled into the station, it was one of the prettiest sights the eye could behold, as the banners and flags waving by the breeze, bands playing and shouts of rejoicirg to the General, was indeed a renmrkable wel- come. Judge Dean read an address of welcome to the General for the town of Lindsay, after which the distinguished visitor spoke at some length. At the conctusion of the addresses, the proces- Ision was formed and marched up Wil- ? liam to Kent, down Kent and thence to l the residence of Judge Dean, whereupon l the General remained for lunch and was 3then escorted to the Rink where the igreat mass inceting was held. Large : numbers were in attendance from this i part and all were delighted at the masâ€" Eterly and interesting remarks with l which the General made. He spoke for lover one hour and a half and in that ‘time he received the closest hearing possible by the large audience. The council have been grading the mad on George Street, south of King, which improves thfs part of the street very 1m1ch.-â€"Omemee MIRROR. nu\.A_:.A sahctum. Sometime ago we asked those who had been taking the MIRROR to either “ whack up " or return the property. So far most of our delinquents have failed to do either. We have now come to the conclusion that they are all satisï¬ed with the property they have got and by the powers of all that is good they will have to pay for it. Our ï¬ghting editor has purchased a new pair of cow hide foot gear, an old musket and a. bull dog, and will go on the war path next week, soit‘ you owe ye editor anything you had betqer have the spondnlix ready or take to the bush. We want the money that is due as and we are going to have it or have the scalps of a. few of the Spal- peens who are trymg to get out of pay- ing their honest debts, to adorn our General Booth in Lindsay. Hard on the Council. PHOTOGRAPHY. Take Warnmg. The only safe rule to follow is to buy from a reliable company whose ramm- txon is at stake, and who manufacture the goods themselves and tllerefore know just what they contain. Before you Purchase. Not only do we make the best, but can afford to Be}! at wholesale prices, Hcsiery, Knitted Goods, Blanket s, Shirtings and Woollens 0‘ every description. Roll Car-ding and Custom Weaving Done on Shortest Notice. OWIXG to the very keen competition in trade, deception is Iwractxeed in every line of business. Fraud is, however, hard to detect, especially in. Woollen Goods. The most competent A WORD TO THE WISE. Lindsay Woollen Mills, : North William Street. Our Teas are all New and Fresh, and will be fougd A I. Try our 250. Tea., it is Extra Value. FOR THE WARM W EATHER, we keep all kinds of Canned Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, c., Fresh and Good, and we guaran- tee every can. 40 Dozen Fresh Salmon to arrive this week. A full line of Christie, Brown’s Biswits always in Stock. In CANDIES and CON- FECTIONERY we have everything. P ETERB OROUGH, TERMS “is“ W. BRADBURH OUR MOTTO: Fresh Goods. THE EETY PLANH‘JG MILLS TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. NEW 3081‘ OFFICE BLOCK, OMEMEE. Has on hand a. full stock of all kinds of FRESH : FAMILY : GROCERIES TEAS ! TEAS ! TEAS ! ICE-CREAM! ICE-CREAM! ICEâ€"CREAM! Peoples’ Groggry HORN BROS», Proprietors. J udges May be Deceived. Look Before You Leap. D5NELL, : PROPRIETOR. Examine Our Stock ON THE. DICKSON RACE, THE