:antime the money know that GEN- and of which We are 9 draw a Crowd to â€pets, \\ ere $1.25 3. BITS and 16m. it Plaster. Irpets, we Look around and and compare with I could not expect a. fllb d do ‘3 to sell :ousc that soils for 'é'sis 2-3:: Capes. has caused a been i A “ iss iiite Pique. at Clear. ‘es complete, her. 35¢ CVery day. Everv oronto. 'oods. (1 Store Y’S .2 to quote Prices the advertisement KID TO QUOTE am Eindow Shade-s. (ax-pets a: clean-it. 2 ’ETERBORO. Store, n in ( Iear a: 54:. Feianment. .rsots, were thy Seed ,undred. were 2 ‘ ah Man- ‘NCt re 250, rec Ltrlexs, north «3. ED CO’ (â€at uni-u Ede Caz-pm 1'8“ Te $2.0", sale ic, sale pr â€Pitt Muslin nada. heed to =15, \\ ere (Sac. sale are to Gite we And a full line of Choice Fresh Groceries at our well known low prices. 40 Per Cent Below Wholesale Price. We have decided to clear out our entire Stock of Boots Shoes Within the next And are prepared to offer prices_te suit every a purchaser. Come with your ready Cash and get goods at YOUR OWN PRICES. We have ‘ still a few shelves taken up with Ready Made Clothing. For good and sufï¬cient reasons, we will offer these oods at a sacri- ï¬ce. e want the cash, and Will make the prices to suit, so don’t hesitate. it will pay you to look through this store before laying out your‘Ihoney. We are not looking f6r proï¬ts we simply want to turn our stock into gold. You have it and can save at least from 10 to 50 per cent by dealing with us. GROCERIES The preserving season .s now here and we have Go to Higinbotham's, when in Lindsay, I‘m- rure drugs. Try the insect l‘nwdcr for Ani- mals. A call solicited.â€"‘::-l v. BOMB SHOES From Peterborough. )flllbrook, Port Hope Cobourg. Bellevme 3nd 311 points east. 5; oouth. . .........900 mm' From Toronto. Ux- bridge. Lindsa and .11 points nor land weatr ..........11. (am. From Peterhorough and PortHope........ 6.!3p.xn. From Torontoï¬rxllia Uxbrldge. Lindsay ct .11 points north and west..........s.539.m. the goods you want. SUGARS -- SUGARS «SUE-ABS Selkealers Selfsealars Selfseaiem ARRIVAL 85 CLOSURE 0F NAILS Strictly Gashermduee COMPANY. ingraccounts must be settled at once. A Chatham man had to pay $30 for selling liquor to a. man after being warned not to do so. All persons owing R. McNabb are re- quested to call on him and settle at once.â€"45-lt Mrs. John Rutherford, who lives a. fe w miles south of the village, is hung at the point of death with very slight hopes of her recovery. The melanchqu dais have come, LOCAL LACONIC A man who will borrow and not pay is too great a coward to steal. .- 'v _v._-.v_.- ,. When man beWai'ls his lot; The leaveswe know too well, will fall ; The price of coal will not. “Is that performer famlliar with your music? †she asked at the concert. "He must be,†replied the composer, who was writing; “ he takes such liber- ties with it.†J. bomn, Lindsay. begs leave to Invite his Emily friends to can and see him at the Mc- Water House. winere‘pe is better prepared _ -_a -nn vonlnnaa n «W. ..v...--, to give accommouzmons and conw in every respect. Good stables and an attentive hostler always on hand. Lindsay and Kentâ€"eta The Omemee Orchestra and other ex- cellent local talent have been secured and will take part in the Kleiser Enter- tainment on the evening of Nov. 1st. Further notice in another column and KLEISER. by bills. The Presbyterians of Mt. Pleasant are no wring for a. good time on Hallow- o’en, in the way of an entertainment. They have procured the services of Miss Lillie Jackson. Soprano, Silver and Gold Medalist. Among others who will take part from a. distance, are Miss Mabel Rowan, Piano Soloist; Mr. G. \V. McKim, Cornet Soloist; Rev. Messrs. Newton Hill, John M. Garbntt, John U. Tanner and others. THE OMEMEE MIRROR . At the E. L. of C. E. meeting in the Methodist Church next Friday evening, the subject, "The Descent of the Holy Ghost,†will be taken by Mrs. Cochrane. The report of the meeting of tha Wom- an’s :xissionary Society recently held at Oshawa, will be read by Mrs. D. Balfour, the delegate from this branch of the society. Also the address of Mrs. Car- nan, wife of the Presidont of the Gen- orai Conference, will be read by Mrs. 60 Days OMEMEE. THURSDAY. OCT. 17. ARRIVA L. ll uuu nun nu.- u- -.-. re he 15 better ’prepired :mons and convenience Good stablqs and lgheds, CLOSURE. To Torontn, ()rillin. Uxbridze. Lindsay a: all points north and \vest..........s.2n mm To Petcrhoro. East P’t Hope, l’ctorlmro' iCabourg. 'iellevmp, : and. all points south i and east ..... 10.5mm. To Toronto. 13::- bridge. Llndsny and all points north and lwest. ..... 5.13 p.m. To Peterborough. Millbronk, Port Hope Cobnnrg. Bellevllle. and all points north and west... .. .7..')30.m. outst andâ€" Comer Rev. John M. Gal-butt will take his usual services at. Bethel, Middle Road and Ops next Sunday. A: Bethe! his subject. will he “ Literature.†He will speak on the influe and religious press. The Port Hope Guide of Tuesday sans: "1\.ex\e11ton Hill, of Omemee, made the Guide a. call today on his 1141' to Cobo11r(;,t.o amend the meeting of the Missionarb Committee of the 1.13 of Quinte Conference. Uld horses are a drug on the market this fail I. The other day a good driving horse, sound in “ind and limbs, \\ as traded for a half \eur old calf and a. three months old pi". Both parties were well satisï¬ed with the “ swap.†“ Shall I sing smnetlnng, Mr. Van .razzm?†asked Miss Screech, as she s“ 1211;: around on the piano stool. “ Per haps \011 1 ad better not, †replied the young man, †I read ina newspaper that eur-yiercinw “as no longer st\ lisn.†'1‘. Ivory Sons millinery opening at both Omemee and Bethany was far in advance of previous years, and all who favoured their millinery rooms with their patronage were well pleased_ The Rev. X. Hill announced that his subject next Sunday morning would be “Charity,†and in the evening arr. Parsons is to give “ Temperance.†the evening a. 8020 in connection with service. A Brynâ€"Ila (dilatory in wooing)â€" Dear Miss Miss Lucy, what would you like to be? She (weary of waiting)â€"A cork. Flaâ€"Gracious! Wherefore? She â€"Because I have noticed that corks pop at. least. once. Mr. Ouimcnt has granted the sufl'er- ers i-endered homeless by the ï¬res in Chathum,X. u, the use of the pumié buildings. When winds do blow, predicting snow And an is sere and'Llrown; The festive tramp breaks summer camp And Ramblesack to town. Heâ€"Why does Miss Middleage per- sist in singing “ My Sweetheart}: the Man in the Moon â€? Sheâ€"Because he can’t come down and deny it. Mr. George Morrison has moved into his new residence on Main Street. It. in quitea neat building and the entire time of building did not exceed two months. Prof. Chamberlain, eye specialist, 87 Rina-3L, 15., l‘oronto, Ont., will be at A. Higinbotham’s drug store, Lindsay, Ont, Wednesday and Thursda),1\’ov. 20th and 2lst only. KLEISER. Partridge are more plentiful in the woods this fall than they have been for many years past, Our local sports- men make an occasional raid un them and Lenerally succeed in bagging a brave or so of this popular Wild game. There have been an unusual number of sheep and lambs purchased in this vicinity within tiie past two months. It is estimated that the buyers have re- ducedthe flocks in the Townships of Opsand Emily by at. least. 600 head this full. KLEISER. " I saw Mrs. K. going into an auction sale last. Monday. Isn’t her craze for bargains extraordinarv '3†“ Yes, in- deed. I belime she could die happy if she knew she would be laid out. on a bargain counter and be buried as arem- nanm Mrs. Sp"nCC has given up the central ollice of the Bell Telephone. It has been removed to Mr. T. A. McPlxerson’s store. Since the telephone has been with Mrs. Spence it has given entire satisfaction, and we are pleased to state that under the careful supervision of Mr. McPher- son, it will be carried on in the usual good form. ‘ See large bills announcing the anni- versary services to be held at Bethelon Sunday and Monday, Nov. 3 and 4 next. A grand time may be expected. Rev. C. L. Thompson is to preach on Sundgay, 3rd. Mr. Thompson has many wax-m friends in this Vicinity and he will no doubt. be greeted with large congrega- tions both morning and evening at. Bethel. The Weekly Mail and Empire and the Omemee Mirror for one year to new subscribers only $1.25. or the Weekly Mall and Empire, Farm and Fireside and the On omee Mirror for $1.60. Sub- scribe at once, and get three of the best weeklies published at little cost. If you want adaily we can supply the Toronto Daily News together with the Omomeo Mirror for only $1.75. Leave your sub- scriptions early. The ï¬rst Convention of all the Young Peoples’ Societies of the Methodist Church, in the Lindsay District will be held (D.V.) in the Omomee Methodist Church, on Tuesday, Nov. 5th. The programme, which is being prepared for it is a good one and will no doubt be very interesting. Programmes will be printed this week and can be procured from Rev. Newton Hill. Low: AT A Commas-Mrs McCueâ€" Biddy, shtop that kissin’ at the’ from. dure, an’ send Paddy Moiles off about his business. Biddy (innocently)â€"An’ did ye hear any kissin’. mother? Mrs. McCue I heard phwat sounded as much loike a kiss as wan pig’s.squeal ia liké another. “Paddy (gallahtly)â€" Sure, mum it wnz only me aspittin’ on me hands I.’ get ready fur me long “all: home. Alex Oliver, of Arizona, who has recently been visiting friends in the vicinity of Bobcaygeon, states that times are still dull in that part of the American Union. Seme'expert miners get good pay, but many have to work tor low wages. Any quantity of sheep can be bought at seventv ï¬ve cents a head while beef cattle also rule low in price, eight cents a pound is all that wool has brought for several years, notwithstanding the fact that high pro- tection was adopted in order that far- mers might be beneï¬ted. Mr. Oliver, though a born Canadian, has spent most of his time in the states, whither he returns. the influence of the secular Mr. Jas. Graham wxll please accept our thanks tor me very ï¬ne apples he left on our table this week. Be sure 0â€") hear Kleiser in Bradburn's Opera House, Friday, Nov. 1st. Prof. Chamberlain will be at nulli- gan’s drug store, Omemee, Ont... soon. Watch for date. Read my 50 page goo]: on the eye. All free by writing or it. “ One of the largest houses of the sea- son.â€â€" Kingston Daily News. Just as we go to press we are sorry to learn of the death of Mr. John Sheridan, one of the most highly esteemed citi- zens of this place. Last evening Mr. Sheridan seemed to he in good health, but was stricken down with a paralytic stroke this morning, from the effects of which he died about imou. The rein- tiyes of the deceased have the heartielt sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. Farm Stock and Implements:â€"T. A. Mitchell has been favored with in- structions from Mr. David Rowan, Lat 3, Con. 2, township 0! Emily, to sell by public action and without re- serve, on the premises, his farm stuck and implements, at. one o’clock Sharp, ()2) Wednesday, Oct. 30, 1895. For list of aniclep, terms, etc., see large bills. Mr. Wm. Fielding of Minden has been appointed Pohce Magistrate for the district. of Halibuton at. a. salarv of $8001»er}eur. He has hitherto ï¬lllcd the position of brown lands agent on that district, and that vacancy caused by Mr. Fielding’s promotion is now ï¬lled by the appointment. of Mr. W. Ilartlo, farmer, also of Mindun.â€"Globe. The proprietor of this journal )5 well acquainted with Mr. Fielding, and con- gratulates him on his success. The students of Toronto Universin delighted by Kleisor in David Copper- flod gut the Y. M. C. A. Hall. Acrowded house. Opera. House, Omemee, Nov. lst. ‘ The Y. P. C. E. Society of the Presby- terian church gme a. social entertain- ment on Wednesday evening at which the older members of the congregation were invited. After the regular order of exercises, which were made very in- teresting, there were refrechnents con- sisting of cakes and cofl'ee passed round. All had a. very enjoyable evening. In Omemee, on Wednesday,0ct.16th, 1895, to Mr. and Mrs. R.J. Mulligan, of a son. The pupils of Omemee High Selma] have secured the services of that renowned Elocutiouist and Im- personator. Grenville P. Klelser, to give a recital in the Opera. House, Ome- uiee,on Fridav evening, Nov. lst. The proceeds to be applied to the purchase of books for the library, See programs and photograwures. Read not-ices. a†u. ’l'a'lmaget "Sincerely trust that you mlrlr ï¬nd it. convenient to again favour “ A talented elocutionist."â€"-Victoria, (B. L.,) Province. “ He is a host in bimsclf.â€â€"Winni- peg Sugprday thht. Mr. Kleiser has engagements in all the lending cities and towns 0f Ontario and the Northern States during the coming season and it is an unexpected good fortune that enables the people of Umemee to hear his rendering of David Copperï¬eld. Halifax, N. 8., Oct. 14.â€"The steamer Barcelona, which arrived yesterday from St. Nlld., reports that at 6 p. m. on Friday, nineteen miles W. by N. of Cape Pine, she passed the brigantine Gertrude, of Halifax, lately abandoned. The foremast had fallen to the deck; the maimnast was standing. The steamer drew near the vessel, and lay aboutlor two hours. The sea was run- ning: too high to send a boat alongside. The Gertrude had left St. John’s on Thursday for Sydney, C. 3., in ballast. ‘l he Barcelona saw a fonrmasied steam- er moving away east, which had likely taken ofl‘the captain and crew of the brigantine. The Gertrude was owned in Halifax, and was insured here for $70,000. The new schooner Valeria, from Prince Edward Island for Halifax, or Boston, with produce, ran ashore on Friday night at Isaac’s Harbour, and likely went to pieces in the storm which has raged here for the last thirty- suc hours. The vessel and cargo were insured. The Valeria. was launched in June, 1895, at Liscomb. BETHEL ENTERTAINMENT Mr. H. D. Williamson, Mr. J. H. Carnegie. I.P.P. Mr. Morrison and Miss Jennie Evans Added Much to the Interest of the Programme. On Thursday evening of last week the members of L. O. L. No. 294, Bethel, held their annual entertainment, and it was a decided success, their ï¬ne hall, which was tastilv decorated for the occasion, was crowded to the doors. Mr. William Adams occupied the chair in his usual good form and gave a short address, af- ter which he presented the following presramme: Comic Song.... ......Mr. A. R. Benson Recitation ...... . . . .Miss Jennie Evans Cornet Solo... .. \lr. H. D. Williamson Comic Song. .. . .. . . . . .........Mr. Benson Address . . ..Mr. J. H. Carnegie, M.l’.P. Violin Solo...... ..... .Mr. Williamson Scotch Song ..... . . . .Mr, Morrison , iN'l‘ERMISSION. i Comic Song ......... . ......\Ir. benson ‘ Auto Harp Solo... . .. Mr. Williamson Comic Song: .. ....Mr. Benson Cornet Solo. . . . . . . Mr. Williamson Scotch Song . . . . .. . . . . . . Mr. Morrison Coffee Pot Solo...........\1r. Williamson 1 Comic Song.... Mr. Benson Mr. Benson was encored time and again, and responded each time. Mr. Williamson’s selections were much ap- reciated and loudly applauded. Miss “ vans excelled in her recitation. M'r. Carnegie gave a short address, princi- pallv upholding the Orangemen and their noble order. He said a man, to be a true Orangeman, must be true to him- self, to his country and to his God. In recalling the name of Prince William of Orange. he said he was a. patriot in the highest sense of the term. He said he honored Orangemen‘ because thev are true to the Crowu. He did not wish to take np any more time as he was sure the programme was quite long enough, and stated that he expected to speak at more length to the people in that neighborhood in the near future. He then thanked the audience tor their good attention. Mr. Morrison’s Scotch Songs elicited great applause. The Na- tional Anthem was sung and the crowd diaper-sod. well pleased with the high class entertainment. Mr. A. R. Benson, the Star of the Evening. High School Entertainment. Haliburton Magistrate. The Wrecks Reported. A GRAND SUCCESS. Sale Register. BORN. Mrs A. Magee and Mrs. '1‘. L. Web- ster, made their many friends in Ops and Manvera a. visit this week. Tm: anon invites all its readers to contribute to this column all items of personal nature, such as the arrival and departure of guests, the movements of well-known people, business men, etc. All that is required is to send a postal card to THE MIRROR and give particulars and we will do the rest. Joseph T. Beatty was among those who went on the excursion to Midland last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mazes, of Janet- ville, made a short. visit to his mother, Mrs. A. Magee. Mrs. Pattorson, of Uxbridge, and Mrs. W. Cox-nail, of Ops, are \‘ismng at, W. H. Kennodv’a. Delbert Adams and W. 11. Lamb are expected home from their tour through Manitoba next week. F. E. Hatch is at Oshawa visiting his friends. Dr. H. A. Turner, of Millbrook, was in town on Monday. John Boyd, ofCavan, made a business trip to Omemee on Monday. Joseph Boyd, of Gavan, made Ome- mee friends a visit yesterday. George Ruth is home on a visit from Irondale. Geo. looks hale and hearty. Miss Nellie Lamb Spent Saturday and Sunday viniting her friend, Mis- Hattie Cornell. . Wm. Mchckle, and wife, of Cleve- land;0hio, are visiting in Emily and O-emeo. Henry English, we are sorry t9 learn, is suffering fron- an attack of hemor- rhage of the lungs. Miss Flossie McPherson returned home on Monday, after having spent a few days visiting friends at. Midiand. J. J. Williams spent Sunday in Peter- Doro’ visiting friends. J. D. Thornton made a business visit through, Ops the past week. Miss Ethelh orris “as bridesmaid at the wedding of her 1nend,Miss blsie (‘ochrance to Mr. John Harcourt, both of Port Hope, yaesterda) Richard Bennett took in the excur- sion to Midland last week. Mrs. T. L. Webster and daughter, Margueritte, and Miss Eva Davis, of Lake-ï¬eld, are paying their many friends a short. visit. )II’S. Redmond leaves for Cleveland, Ohio, this morning where, she will reside in the future with her son. Mrs. Redmond will be missed by a. large cirt-le of friends, and we heartily join with them in wishing her God speed. If You Want a Snap Read the Folâ€" lowing. Have those tceeh extracted, if neces- sary, ana have a beautiiul so; inserted by IVORY. Dr. Thompson has been appointed is- suer of Marriage Lxcenses for the County of Victoria. pro tem.-â€"4-3m. Dr. Ivnrv extracts teeth 11 ithont pain, bv'l‘orpid119,the best local anaesthetic R110“ 11 to the profession. T. Ivorv Sons' (.mnd Millinmy Opening, \101xda\',’1‘ucmln\' and \\ cdncsdu), 7th SH] and (mi Oct. Laullcs all imited. \Ilss Per- dua, Mil-ï¬ner. Iryou want a. ï¬rst-mass pump or any des- cription, give the Millbrook Pump Works a call. or write to G. W. Green, Mlllbrook, Um, and you will beneï¬t. thereby.»â€"36-3m \thx \ou vlslt Ll Idsuyc can at G. H. Fox’ 5 115 Kcnt- st. .. next door to Post, (â€nice 10:: Choice Fruitsin Season. C(mfcctlonery, Ice Cream, Cool Drinks and Luncheon at all hours , 'H3m. \V.\Vhite Kent- st. ,Lindmy manutacturm and deulc: s In the ï¬nest Boots and Show and ltubbcls. latch-ts!) IL‘. Axe \Vorking \\ 0nd- ers and Selling Wonders. Cuh undjudge for yourscll. 3U-3m W. \Vebster. Lindsay's General Machinist, Gunand Lock Smith. Bicycles repaired on shortest notice. Repairs kept on hand. He- memberthe uddxcss, 2: Non); Wm.-SL 0p- posite Jos Keiths. 36 3m \thn going to Pctcrborough do not, forget to call at Henry Bros.’ store if you want to buy cheap Groceries. Wines, or Liquors. George-st... opposite the market. Cash paid for buttoncggs, .kc. 41-8m. J. H. Lennon, oppnsite Benson House. Kentâ€"st. Lindsay, ls prepared to ofl'er visi- torsto Lindsay bargmns unheard of in New and Second hand Furniture. besides many other Hues in House Furnishings. 31-3111 The combined stocks or J. Dobson and A. Dornun, recently purchased by Graham King (30., Grocers. etc., contains bargains. You should take advantage 01‘ them when visit,- ing Lindsay. Kent, St", Opp. Benson House. 3 G. Walter Green, or the Mlllbrool: i'ump Works, wishes to lnlorm his friends in Gavan, Emily, Ops, nud Umemee, that his Force and L 11 Pumps are unsurpassed for quality and cheapness, You will do well to call belore making your purclmses.â€"36â€"3m W. A. Gooderin, dealer in Wall Pa per, Picture Frames and Window Shades, MirrorPlates nud Artists’ Goods. Near Post Oflice, Lindsay. Work done in City Style at lowest rates. 39- Hettger’s Fancy Goods Store, Kent-st.. Lludsay.lsnoted for the last twenty years for reliability to supply your wants in Fancy Goods, all kinds Ol patterns, Cleaning Dying and Wall Paper 9. Specialty. Please call and judge for yourself. Agent Smyth's Dying Works. Toronto. 35-3111. James Smith 6: 00., 15 Kent-sh, Lindsay, are specially prepared to meet the wants of omemeo and cltlzens of Vlctorlu County. as Steam and Hot Water Fitters, sanitary Plumbers, 'l'ln and Iron Workers, Roofing: 0! all Klmls. Home Draln‘agen Specialty. Ma- chlne Ullol‘ all Kinds, Brass Goods, him as, etc. Acull Sollclted. 35-3m. THE HUFFMAN HOUBE. Corner Charlotte and Water-sun, Pcterboro. Thls new Hotel has been newly remodeled and renovated and is now one or the best furnished houses in Canada. Good stable accommodntton. 'l‘crmsreasonablc. 41-3m. When you want a. Refrigerator for your shop or private dwelling of the newest-descriptionand prices. Aways Lelow city manufacturers. Please call and examine for yourself. J. P. Ryloy Lindsay. 37-331. Round the neck or her husband as he was leaving for Lindsay, and begged and im- glared him to go to the Lin 3:val Woolen lllu and brln her some yarn. as ex- nelgh- bor, Mrs. Smlt . got, all her yarn there and it was the best, she had ever seen. He might. also buy some or thelr good huse tor Mary andJohnny and some nlce warm blankets for the cow WEATHER. Their Goodl are better and cheaper than they are even in To ro nto. . HORN BROS, Send us 25c.'for a trial trip to’ the MIRROR and you will be con- vinced that it is alive to all local happenings. Bear in mind that T. E. Jennings, of the Omemee House, is a licensed auc- tioneer and will attend to any sales entrusted to him, he guarantees satis- faction. 30-1 REFRIGERATORS. l WOMEN HUNG PERSONAL. Lindsay Woolen Mills. Vs hen vou are going to get married, don’t forget to procure your marriage license. C. Hug han inLindsay “illissue one for you for 3100.130 sure and proâ€" cure it in ample time, so as to avoid no delay. â€"46- tf. J. Dennis, Lindsay, nextdoor to Dorgan’s Hotel, Lindsay-st" manufactures 1th 1st Prize Dominion Pump and has the only thorough Wroughtlron Pump on the mar- ket Farmers, of Emily, and citizens of Ornamee will please call and see me. All work guaranteed. :53 3m. Good reliable men,to WANT sell our Choice and ' llzmly N U liS E RY STOCK, such as Fruit Trees, Roses, Shrubs and Ornamentals. Ladies make this business a success. Emu work, pleasant light, and proï¬table. OITTHT FREE. Apnly at once, with res Terences, and secure choice of territory. 1“. MAY COMPANY, Nurserymen and Seedamen, Rochester, NY. Has ï¬tted more Spectacles than any man in Canada. 'He makes a specialty of Defective Eyes others have failed to beneï¬t. “All seems infected that the infected spy,†says Pope in his Essay on Criticism. In other words, the world look; away to the man whose eyes are away. Why should this state of affairs be, when it is easily remedied? Come to PROF. CHAMBERLAIN, 87 King-3t. E., Tomato, mat. EYE SPE CIAL IST New Lumber Yard. .......... W. H KENNED? DEALEIR IN Lumber, Shingles, Lath, and Building Material of all kinds. Also agent for all kinds of Farm Implements. Ofï¬ce and Yard : The late Cop~ lin Laidley's Old Stand, Stur~ geon St., OMEMEE. - ONTARIO. Toxzsor-ial Parlors, KING STREET, MEMEE. A keen razor and a clean towel {or every cus- tomer and ;â€" I! you should vunt an easy shave, A 8 good as hurhcr ever gave. .1 List call. and at, my parlor ï¬nd A mum’s (edge to suit your l’llllld; I'll cut and dress your hair with taste, 'l‘o suit the contour ofyour face. My room is neat m y towvls (-lcuu, Scissors sharp and razors keen. And everything I think you'll ï¬nd Tosulnth emstc nmlplcnse themlud; And all that art and skill can do, It‘yuu will call I’ll do foryou. I'll shave you all, the young the gay, I’ll ~'h:1\'u you all for l(‘:1dy pay ; Shaving l (10:11 any time. And fur shaving I got, u. dime ; But do not mean :t dime in trust. For that would mu" 3 barker “bust.†Gallon me and 1 willgunranteo satisfaction. Pushing, trustworthy men to represent us in the sale of our Choice Nursery Stcck. Specialties controlled by us. Highest Salary or Commission pun! weekly. Steady employment the year round. Outï¬t free; exclusive territory; experience not necessary; big my :25- sured workers; special inducements to beginners. Write at once for parti- culars to ALLEN NURSERY Co. SALE SMEN WANTED HNE MSW FLEUR A ï¬ne fresh stock, just arrived, of the Choicest Brands of Pastry Flour, consisting of the Queen’s, People’s Mixed, Standard and other well selected Brands. Also a choice line of meals, comprising Rolled Oats, Standard Oat Meal, Rolled Wheat, U'heatlets, Cracked Wheat, Graham Flour. and Corn Meals. These brands are all man- ufactured by the VICTORIA ROLLER MILLS. A call is West End Flour and Feed tare. solicited. R. J. Mulligan PURE DRUGS WATCHES CLOCKS Machine Oil, ............... 25c. gal. Best American Coal Oil, 25c. gal. 5 Boxes Axle Grease, ............ 2 5c. Higinbotham’s Whlte Pine...150. Fans .......................... 2 for 5c. 3 %-gallon selfsealers at 25c. Also rubbers for selfsealers. A lot of New and Stylish Jewelry, which I must sell without regard to cost. 1H Mulligan 20 Years’ Experience. Plpes,’l‘obaccos and Cigars. of the Boat rands, in Szcck. BUY THE BEST. Wall Paper Gheap. T WALDON . COLYIN’S ROCHESTER. N. Y. -â€"AT THE-â€" Proprietor. Frames, Sash, Doors, Mauléings, Blinds, 850., 850. J. P9 RYLEEU Victoria Planing Mills LENDSAY. WISH iii [SE flan THE W PLANENE: DI R E C '1‘ O R S 3 President, GEORGE A. COX, Esq.. Toronto. Vice-President. : J. R. DUNDAS, Esq†(of Messrs. I). Gunn. Havellu (‘0.1, Toronto “ RICHARD HA LL. ES(:..(01 Messrs. Hall, Gilchrist A- (‘o.‘\, Pozorbomugh. Robert Jafl‘ray. Esq" (Director Imperial Bank). Toronto: Edmund :2. \‘lnd. :1. law. For; Hope; F. C. Taylor. rim" Lindsay: D. W. Bumble. EM)" (Barrister, mm. Prim-1 . u - Henry J. 1e Fovre, limp. Lukefleld; Wm. Cluxlon, Esq., l’cicrburuugh ; James Sicvenson. 12‘qu M. l'., Pcterborough. Manager, 1“. G. Cox; Secretary, E. 1. Wood ', Inspector, A. A. Cox. Soucxroas : Messrs. Dumble 4;: Johnston, l‘eterborough ; Messrs. Edgar 6c Malone, Toronto. Dumas 1x CANADA : The Canadian Bank of Commerce. The Bank of I-Ioronto. The Ontario Bank. BANKERS xx Gamr Bmmxx: British Linen Company Bank, Glasgow. The Bank of Scotland, London. Crmzr Aonx'rs 1x GREAT BRITAIN: Messrs. I-‘inlayson L": .‘lnld, Writers, 2l3 West George Street, Glasgow. Aumroas: Wm. Manson, Esq., Manager Canadian Bank of Commerce, l’eier- borough. Henry M. Pellatt, Esq., Member Toronto Stock Exchange, Toronto. 130 11 N S : Money is obtainable from the (‘ompany on approved Real Estate Security at :current rates of interest. The mortgage may be repaid by monthly or yearly instalments, or otherwise, as may be agreed upon, the interest ceasing at once on all amounts paid on ac- , count. of the sum borrowed. i l’atronize a Home Loan Company and save expense and delay, and where a you can depend on being treated on the mom liberal terms, after 11 years sati;- l factory experience of unabated progress. For further information apply to The Central Canada Dean and Swims 60 Or at the Peterborouzih Ofï¬ce. PETERBOROUGH, ONT The People’s Grocery, . . New Post Ofï¬ce Block, . . . Olnemee, Ontario, TEAS TEAS T222355 I HAVE IN STOCK this week a full line of Extra Value in Teas from 25c. up. To hand this week a consignment of the celebrated Indian Moonsoon and Kurma Teas, in packages, at 30c. _40 and 50c. per lb. Is the Place to Buy Fresh Family Groceries. i I GARLESS’ Photo Studio MILLBROOK. You on get the ï¬nest Photos on earth st the above Studio. .1 My stock of General Groceries is complete with cveryth fresh and good, and at prices to suit the times. ° : Our Reputation : : is all that could be desired in a high grade Photograph. We make of Photography Outdoor Groups. Live Stock, Pic-Nic Parties, etc. are reasonable, and we wiI} go to any part of the country, on recelpt of a post card to the above address. We have a. splendid View of the at Millbrook, size S x 10, which we will send to any address on receipt of 3.30. stamps: or silver, 9. sample ofwhich can be seen at the Mmrzon otlice. Ca‘ll when in tuwn. Orangemens Procession . R. DON ELL, : PROPRIETOR Cocoa Wine . 75c. Fowler’s Ext. Strawberry 2 5c. Hires Root Beer - 20c. Lactated Food - 20c. Nestles’ Milk Food, 40c. Splrits Turpentine, 50c. gal. Turnip Seed, Swede me. At Higinbotham's Drug Store, LINDSAY. BUR FREEES “7. Bra “ad 5311?:31.’ TERMS CASH. - . - . Mouldings is the best. that is made, and . J. CARLESS, TEAS AND COFFEES A SPECIALTY. Casings B ASE DOORS cannot be excelled, and - KING STREET, - A Specialty Our Terms Our Work Our Finish PHOTOGRAPHER. ON THE DICKSON RACE, . D. THORNTON, Omemee. And Building Material of a1 kinds kept in Stock. E" Storm Sash, Porches, and Blmds made 111 the quickest p0;- SIble tune. All kinds of lumber, cedar post“; and cordwood wanted. Attention given to country dwel- lmgs, and esumatcs for building and repairs glven. Planing, Matching and Turning. all at Lowest Prices. Balrthia in mmd if you rmm; in wau'hvs. (-lnckshinwvih _\'. 511V l‘orwemlin: prouan, gu in W. Lindsay. He will pkawyuu. 1’ ate.â€":" <2§m For Twenty i‘ ive Years Lake [$111311 STEAM NONE REM Commencing April 29m. Loaves Port 110 11.15 a.m.. Colman: 11.55 n.m.. arrives at hariogte(l’og‘trorl‘fpocrrrxgitfrn 4.15 p.m.. ex. A_..\__ .... av yua- 'quw \- v- v , cent. Monday, when Simmer leaves 512 b.m., arrives at. Charlotte, N. )2. 7.30 p.m, Leaves harlotte. N. Y.. (For: M Roches- ter) week am: )0 p.m.. arrives at Cobourg :u, 5.15 a.m.. Port Hope 6.3:) :x.m.. exm-p: Sutur- duy. when Six-amer leaves at 4.2:) p.m., ar- rives at Port Hopelo um. An extra tri ) is made Monday {90m Char- lotte. :l‘crl‘or {nchcsl-erm: 8:30 mm. For further particulars apply 10: JAS, links, or CAPT. J.unu:z,7.. Harbor Master. on Steamer. Wellington St.- 'Fâ€"HECGOKE 5531133st Lighted by Ek-ciriclty. Heated by Steam. Giciéi'gnu m CANADA. H. H. GILDERSLEEVE, General Manager. KEvzston SAIL IZQ'G N03 S. ermsox and T. Loss, Agents, Port. Hope. To WW1 {noxhlnflty vu- d ‘r. «Lung, kuovtlu organ H..I..u".. y \ .4-1‘21un. The ‘VILIL‘TIHH’I‘ "Luv .2. .2 . n y. mg «02:: on. aid 2n" 1" ‘ dwrl .qen'.‘ 1.3.0».- r4:- Ivchg uxnv lukf'n' 51 she wit. hand. All n n.- m: um: as: 7. box. â€mewm SHC ULD TAKE FEEIH’YF. mt 2275:2762 STEAIIIER L‘s-:3 mam" 00.. Prices 1m ï¬n a .L ("C u‘ty, 1mg